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Husband's sister: such a difficult family relationship. Love with wife's sister T wife's sister

It happened when we celebrated my wife's birthday, says Pavel. - The date was significant, I even drew a large poster “45 - woman berry again!”. The company gathered a lot, the fun lasted for two days. Maybe we would have walked further, if not for this stupid incident.

Many guests did not go home and stayed at our dacha. Our house is large, and there was enough space, when someone got tired of the fun, they themselves wandered around the rooms and went to bed. So did I. I felt that I had no more strength, and went into my room with my wife. He came, undressed and darted into bed, had not yet had time to get settled properly, the door opens, his wife comes in, undresses and lies down next to him. I reached out to cuddle her. At that moment, the door opened again, and my wife entered again, only, as it turned out later, she was real, and how she screamed. And then her sister (who was lying next to me, and I mistook her for my wife) also jumped up and started yelling. In a word, Sveta and her sister shouted for a long time, beat me, and only after the husband of Svetka's sister came running, the situation cleared up. It turned out that my sister's husband had arranged with his wife to collapse into this room, not suspecting that I had already gone to bed there. Svetka's sister did just that, and the wife, seeing how first I and then her sister went to the same room, suspected us of treason.


The situation was complicated by the fact that the wife felt her sister as a rival. There is often rivalry between siblings, so such a “betrayal” is more difficult to forgive. Now you should be the most attentive husband: let your wife understand that she is the most beautiful and desirable for you and wins a lot compared to her sister. Time is on your side. Two months is still too short a time for jealousy to subside.

My wife and I have been together for twenty years, we have two children, common friends and, as I thought, common interests, - says Viktor Pavlovich. - But recently I realized that I don’t know anything about Nina. The wife began to change about a year ago, when her sister brought her some book. Nina read it and for a long time walked around on her own. There was serenity and serenity in her. Later, Nina told me that she began to study positive thinking, that that book helped her understand and realize a lot, and now she wants to study such literature, wants to go to some seminars and suggested that I do the same. I didn't really understand any of her explanations. He joked that somehow I would definitely read her books.

In just six months, Nina acquired not only a lot of new books and new friends - even her appearance became completely different. His eyes sparkled, as in the period of our love. Then I suspected that Nina had taken a lover. I understand that I was very wrong then, I began to behave like a tyrant, forbade her to meet new acquaintances, did not let like-minded people to meetings, shouted that she had fallen into a sect, and even burned all these books indicatively. Fool, I thought that I would achieve something by such behavior. I was afraid to lose her, and she moved away more and more.

I didn't scare my wife. On the contrary, Nina looked at me with pity and tried to explain that love should not put pressure on people, that a person cannot be someone's property ... My wife explained a lot to me. I began to understand her, but outwardly resisted and remained rude and cruel. What have I achieved? She filed for divorce. She says she loves me but doesn't want to live under my pressure. To my statements that she was not at the age to change her life, Nina replied: “You yourself want to live in a muddy consciousness and you are pulling me into your swamp.”

It turns out that for twenty years everything suited her, and suddenly some new beliefs, a bunch of always smiling people replaced her family. Does this mean that learning some new way of thinking is more precious to her than I am?


Apparently, it seemed to you that your wife was happy all these years. And in the meantime, you treated her like property, burned her books, etc. Discord was brewing in the family, and the wife tried to eliminate it by reading books and communicating with “positive” people. But you didn't go to her. Your wife did not put forward any unnatural demands, she only wanted you not to put pressure on her and respect her. True, she should have raised this issue 20 years ago, when you were just starting to live together.

Get off your son!

A few years ago, Valentina Ivanovna dissuaded her son from marrying. And he turned out to be single. Now the old woman feels that she will not wait for her grandchildren.

My aunt raised her son in the same way, and now my cousin, at forty, is not only single, he has also become unsociable. I think this is a disease of a whole generation, and one can only hope that the next generation will not be with the same broken psyche.

Yulia Romanovna Sizova. Moscow.

Get off your son! Give him a breath of freedom and the opportunity to live at least part of his life without your supervision.

Tatyana Proshina. Kupavna.

Look for love even in a public toilet

Ekaterina Petrovna could not find her love for a long time. But one day I went to a neighbor and saw Him. As a result, he is tormented by doubts and remorse.

What difference does it make where you found your loved one? Yes, even in a public toilet, as long as you feel good together.

Zhanna Bryantseva. Moscow.

And what did you want the neighbor to thank you for taking her man away from her? Maybe he will run away from you to another neighbor, for example, from the top floor.

Svetlana Kuznetsova.

If you are hooked by these stories or there is a situation that you want to discuss with the readers of our newspaper, write. We are waiting for your letters (preferably with a photo) by mail marked: "Moscow issue", to the "Keyhole". Or to an email address: [email protected]. Or calls by phone 8-926-225-97-84.

The wedding leads not only to the creation of a new “cell of society”, but also to the acquisition of numerous relatives, in which one can sometimes get confused. If the bride before marriage lived in a huge family, then you need to learn a few new concepts in order to understand which of her many relatives is being discussed. For example, who is the wife's sister to the newly-made husband? What is the name of this new family bond? The wife's sister has a very affectionate name - "sister-in-law."

What does sister-in-law mean

The word has existed in the Russian language since ancient times. It says that a woman is her own, that is, she should be looked at as a close person, and not as a possible object of harassment. Most likely, the concept is connected with the fact that in Russian childbirth a man had to take care not only of his wife and children, but also of all relatives (both his own and from his wife), who have no other male support in life. Therefore, the wife's own sister, unmarried or widowed, after the death of her own father, passed into the sister's clan and enjoyed the patronage of the head of the clan until marriage. She is “her own”, that is, native, even though she was not a relative of a man by blood.

Features of the position of sister-in-law in Muslim families

Among Muslims, where one can have many wives, the sister of the wife cannot be considered as another bride. This is denoted by the concept of "not mahram", that is, a strange woman. She can't show a man who lives with her sister her face, stay face-to-face with him. But she will not be able to marry him, as this is forbidden by the Koran. That is, the rights of a sister-in-law in Muslim families are twofold. On the one hand, on the other hand, they are not quite their own for the head of the family.

Relationship Dangers

For people who truly love each other, there is no reason to worry that someone else might interfere in their family. But it was not in vain that wise ancestors gave such clear family definitions, which were originally intended to set up a man so that he would not look at his sister-in-law as a woman. The wife's sister usually spends a lot of time with her relatives, her age is approximately the same as that of her husband, which can lead to not quite related feelings. Therefore, a certain moderation and tact in behavior is required from each participant in such relationships.

Tip: It is best for a young husband to immediately begin to treat all members of his wife's family as his relatives. This also applies to young sisters. To do this, you need to arrange joint holidays or trips so that people get to know each other better, overcome the dangerous psychological threshold when “interest” arises. When the wife's sister is perceived as her own sister, she wants to help, but not as an interesting attractive woman, but as a relative.

If your sister-in-law is married

The wife's sister is the sister-in-law for the young spouse. And her husband is called a very voluminous word - "in-law." It is somehow closer to men. It also comes from the word “one’s own”, therefore it immediately gives rise to trust in the brain of a strong half of humanity. Brothers-in-law usually become friends, sometimes partners. Male relationships built on the relationship of wives are very strong, of course, if women are wise enough to appreciate and support them. Children of brothers-in-law are nephews.

Knowledge and understanding is now becoming popular and even fashionable. This is very good, in the sense that large friendly families make each of their members happier, give a sense of confidence and protection!

Once a woman approached, suspecting that her husband was experiencing sexual attraction and erotic desires not only for her, but also for her younger sister, who was 22 at that time.

And because sex with the wife's sister happens more often than we think, I'll tell you what can actually happen here. Can a husband dream of making love to his own other half's own sister?

The answer is yes, of course! Sex with the wife's younger sister is a common male fantasy. You can, of course, sleep with the older one, but still, men are more likely to prefer the younger one, if there is one.

And what? If everyone lives in the same apartment, then the man sees another young woman all the time. Sometimes not quite dressed, sometimes slightly drunk. And it happens that they are alone in the apartment. Everything can happen here.

Think for yourself: the wife's sleeping sister can open up in a dream. And can walk in a transparent nightgown around the house. Not even with the aim of seducing her sister's husband, but because she was so used to it. There is nothing sexual about it for her.

And if there is... Women love to be noticed. Most girls are pleased to be desired and to catch the eyes of men they like.

Yes, and a man feels quite free with his wife's sister, without unnecessary ceremonies. Yes, and in small apartments and in small kitchens there is bodily contact. All this can provoke a case of sex or even an affair with the wife's sister.

Well, it seems that everything is clear with men. There is an affordable, young body nearby, and, of course, few men will refuse to take advantage of this. Moreover, interest is mixed in here - but how is she in sex? Does the wife's sister behave in bed in the same way or in some other way?

But what about the younger and older sisters themselves? How do they feel about intimate relationships with someone else's husband?

Relations between sisters are very often very competitive, and a sister can seduce her own sister's husband with great pleasure. Or not strongly mind if he shows his sympathy for her.

In our country, of course, this can cause misunderstanding and protest, but this happens. And, one must think, not so rare. Sisters often give themselves to the husbands of their married sisters. Still often they dream of having sex with a man whom they constantly see and who is not badly treated.

But even if a man didn’t have sex with his wife’s sister, then he certainly has erotic fantasies about this.

If you listened to men's fantasy stories on this subject, you would be convinced that the desire to sleep with the wife's sister is a fairly common male dream. A man can look for legal reasons for bodily contact: offer if the girl is in pain. Or he may offer to watch a video together, knowing that there are explicit scenes and so on.

Of course, there are very faithful men who will not even look in the direction of another woman, but, let's be honest, there are not so many such men.

Sexual attraction to one's own wife's older or younger sister is a controversial issue. What is the root of this desire? Does the husband just want to have sex with another woman, or is there something else?

Still, the wife's sister is not just another woman. A man is very turned on by the fact that they are sisters and that he slept with both of them. And if he didn’t sleep, then he fantasized how it would be.

Even more men would like to sleep with two of them at the same time. I often heard such sex fantasies from clients:

In my fantasies, I have already fucked my wife's sister more than once in everything and in all corners of the apartment. In reality, this was not the case, but as soon as I see her in panties coming out of the bath ... Then I imagine how I pull these panties off her and ... But I began to have sex with my wife more often, because the appearance of her sister in our house gave me just a powerful surge of testosterone!

My fetish is my wife's sleeping sister. She is so cute and funny when she sleeps. I get wildly excited when I see her sleeping. She has a walk-through room, and on the way to the kitchen or to the bathroom, you always walk past her bed. And often you think that there is under the covers. I really want her. But it's embarrassing in front of his wife. A couple of times imperceptibly masturbated, looking at her sleeping. And in sex with my wife, I often imagine her sister.

One day my wife's sister came to visit us in upset feelings. There was only me. Complained about the ex, sobbed on my shoulder. And then she kissed her on the lips. I couldn't help it. I understood that it was wrong, but she clung to me so, and I had a dick on her that I immediately fucked her. I don't know what to do now.

I found my wife's sister naked in the kitchen at night. She stood by the refrigerator and ate something. Nude, slender, with strong breasts. She smiled, closed the refrigerator, and went to her room, but passing by, she smiled and stroked my penis. I can't get her out of my head now.

And so on. I have included these stories from sexological practice so that you understand that this may sound surprising to you, but sexologists know that this happens often.

Of the psychological aspects, the desire for total possession of a wife is also added here. A man is pleased that he not only had sex with his wife as soon as possible, but even possessed her own sister.

Yes, for some reason, sisters are much more desirable than some kind of cousins.

A man probably would not refuse a cousin, but it's almost like just a fantasy of having sex with another woman. Here, for a man, the value of the fact that this is a sister is already reduced.

Of course, we don’t hear sex stories and stories of this kind often, because. few people want to take it outside the family, but such cases do happen.

That is why, if possible, it would be better for a young family to live separately from other relatives.

However, it is also not very recommended to invite unmarried girlfriends to visit often, drink with them at home, and leave them at home for the night.

And then, in the absence of a sister, sex with a friend of his wife will do.

God forbid, all this will pass you by, but it is better to have this information in order to understand what to fear. Well, with all psychological and sexological questions, please contact us! I will be glad to be of service to you!

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Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup coach. I am often asked what to do if I slept with my wife's sister, is this normal? That is why I decided to write an article on this topic. Here I will try to rely on the opinions of professional psychologists, and the experience of experienced pick-up artists.

Causes of the problem

The relationship between you and your wife's sister, first of all, should be considered from the point of view of sexual desire. In fact, this very sexual attraction is sometimes so strong that it can overshadow even the warmest feelings, including love for your wife. And all this is nature, which conceived us so that we would like to mix and multiply.

This is necessary in order for natural selection to take place, people to find the best partners for themselves and give birth to the best of their own kind. But, of course, for your wife, such an excuse will not work. You just have to understand that there is nothing unnatural about being sexually attracted to her sister. But each case has its own nuances.

If the sexual attraction to your sister is so strong that you still want to take the risk, you should clarify something for yourself. First of all, remember that not only your relationship with your wife is at stake, but also your family. As I said, no such excuses will help you here. Women by nature are very, and betrayal is extremely rare. Therefore, you need to decide whether this sex is so important to you.

If you just want to have fun, it's much easier to find yourself a younger and prettier girlfriend on the side, especially one with whom sex is possible without commitment. In most cases, this is much safer. The vast majority of men either cheat on their girlfriends and wives, or would not refuse to cheat if it does not threaten them.
Moreover, if you are not yet particularly versed in female psychology, then it will not be easy to drag your missus' sister into bed. And if she still doesn’t hint at it to you, then, most likely, such an attempt will turn into serious troubles. I'm not talking about the fact that for many people this act will look immoral.

In order to understand how to divorce your wife's sister for sex, you need to delve into female psychology and understand why men are so attracted to the sisters of their wives.

The first reason I have already pointed out to you is lust, that is, sexual attraction to another woman, as well as the search for diversity in your sex life. And often sisters are also to blame for this, who, even imperceptibly for themselves, get too close to their sister's husband. Therefore, a man's sexual desire can only increase day by day. What do I mean by excessive convergence.

In fact, for many, the wife's husband is no longer an outsider, but a relative. And so much the worse for you if the sisters have a good relationship, and they see each other often. All this sooner or later can even lead to falling in love, including mutual. Yes, and themselves, as if related relations, you are already to a certain extent liberated.

A much less common reason you might want your wife's sister is love. Men are really capable of falling out of love with one girl over time, and falling in love with another. And this is the most serious outcome of events that can lead to the collapse of the family. Remember that such a relationship will destroy not only your family, but also the relationship between sisters. And often it all starts with such an innocent "kindred" rapprochement between you.

What can this lead to?

Even if you just want to satisfy your sexual desire, like her, such relationships are the most dangerous, because the threat of exposure will persist throughout your life together. Can you trust your wife's sister completely? Unlikely. Women are very emotional beings. And yet - envious among them are very common. And one day they just might quarrel, and then one of them will blurt out too much. Do you need it?

Moreover, do not forget about such a thing as blackmail by the wife's sister? What are you willing to do for the sake of continuing a normal relationship after you have satisfied your needs? ..

But if that doesn't scare you, you must know how to tell your wife's sister about your "feelings"? Naturally, this is a very dangerous step. And the slightest mistake can get you sideways. Therefore, it is better to study the psychology of your sister first, and in general this is a subtle game in which you need to emerge victorious. So, in no case should you go into battle with an open visor. That is, directly tell her about your feelings or desires. First you need, in general, to go from afar, and communicate on neutral topics, gradually studying your “enemy”, and understanding her true desires and intentions. Ask her leading questions.

If you find out that she treats you positively in principle, you need to understand how nice you are to her. Do her careful, pay attention, but in no case give gifts. Otherwise, she can generally tell her sister about everything. Gifts should be saved for the last stage, when you sort things out. You should approach him only if you make sure that she has a positive attitude towards your courtship.

At this last stage, much needs to be determined. It is best to purchase for him a good, expensive gift that she would like to have. She needs to give it when you are alone along with a postcard of neutral content. Be sure to tell her not to tell her sister about this - let it be your little secret
If she's not completely dumb, there are two scenarios. One gift was not accepted, which means you were in a hurry, or you just misunderstood everything. If she took everything, then she would certainly promise to keep everything a secret.

The next stage begins with the fact that you find out if the sister kept her word. And if the wife really didn’t find out anything, you can say that you have been given the green light. Ask her out.


Further, several options are possible. So, if your sister does not give you a wife, then either:
  • she is tormented by moral principles, but this can be overcome with time;
  • she doesn't have that strong attraction to you, which is harder. In this case, you can simply forget everything, if you try. We can say that she gives you one chance to improve, and you must use it;
  • Well, the last option, when you succeeded. But you shouldn't be too happy either. No one knows how she will behave in the future. Good luck!..
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

I'm talking about the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and what are you talking about? Text in the studio, pliz.)

SpoilerTarget"> Article 131 of the Consultant

Article 131. Rape

(as amended by Federal Law No. 215-FZ of July 27, 2009)

1. Rape, that is, sexual intercourse with the use of violence or with the threat of its use against the victim or other persons, or by taking advantage of the helpless state of the victim, -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to six years.
2. Rape:
a) committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior agreement or an organized group;
b) combined with the threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm, as well as committed with particular cruelty towards the victim or other persons;
c) resulting in infection of the victim with a venereal disease, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of four to ten years, with or without restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years.

3. Rape:
a) a minor;
b) negligently entailing the infliction of grave harm to the health of the victim, infection of her with HIV infection, or other grave consequences, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of eight to fifteen years, with or without deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to twenty years, and with restraint of liberty for a term up to two years.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 377-FZ of December 27, 2009)

4. Rape:
a) negligently caused the death of the victim;
b) a victim who has not reached the age of fourteen, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of twelve to twenty years, with or without deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to twenty years, and with restriction of liberty for a term up to two years.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 377-FZ of December 27, 2009)

5. An act, provided for by paragraph "b" of part four of this article, committed by a person who has a previous conviction for a previously committed crime against the sexual integrity of a minor, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of fifteen to twenty years, with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to twenty years, or life imprisonment.
(Part 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 14-FZ of February 29, 2012)
Note. The crimes provided for in paragraph "b" of part four of this Article, as well as paragraph "b" of part four of Article 132 of this Code, also include acts that fall under the signs of crimes provided for in parts three - five of Article 134 and parts two - four of Article 135 of this of the Code, committed against a person under the age of twelve, since such a person, due to his age, is in a helpless state, that is, he cannot understand the nature and significance of the actions performed with him.
(Note introduced by Federal Law No. 14-FZ of February 29, 2012)