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Degtyar liquid soap against acne. Degtyar soap from acne, property and application, homemade recipe

Does the arable soap from acne help? User feedback tested this product indicate that this is an effective tool of getting rid of acne and various skin inflammation. True, there were quite a few consumers who discovered several negative side effects in his action. Let's try to figure out, harmful or useful for our health this cosmetic product. In order to answer this issueYou need to refer to the information about the composition of the product, learn how to use it, and view user reviews about it.


What is the tar soap? Its properties determine the ingredients included in its composition. It consists of an ordinary soap, and 10% in it - birch tar.

The latter is made from Berrés by pyrolysis in special pots-retorts. ABOUT useful properties Inquity people knew for a long time. He was widely used in medicine and cosmetology, as well as in horticulture. It was used to impregnating wood and leather, for lubrication of various parts. Foreigners called birch to tar not otherwise as "Russian oil". It is this product of a dry distillation of wood gives the arable soap a specific smell that many find unpleasant, and dark brown color.

Beneficial features

Birch tar is a natural antiseptic. It removes various skin inflammation, contributes to the rapid healing of small wound and abrasion, kills pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the spread of infection.

With acne, glands and eels better than expensive cosmetics Alicate soap will help to cope. The benefit here, it is manifested not only in the fact that it suppresses the infection, but also in the fact that it is well drying the fatty skin, eliminating it from the problem of blocking the pores standing through the pores of the Salom. Moreover, this product can be applied to therapeutic purposes, for example, to facilitate the symptoms of psoriasis. It is known that many users make a foam with a foam of a fabric soap for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases. Some women use a fabric soap as a hygienic agent for intimate hygiene. There is a lot of positive feedback that it is beautifully fighting with female infections.

Several secrets from consumers

One of the main mines of the product is an unpleasant smell. After washing, he keeps long - just a few minutes. But if you can wash your head with a ternary soap, then the smell of hair for a long time will not be the best. Solve this problem will help a drop of any essential oil With a pleasant aroma or a little favorite perfume. To do this, when you wash, you only need to drop a little means on the palm and wash your head as usual.

A liquid ternary soap appeared on sale. It has a pleasant consistency and light unobtrusive fragrance. But many consumers who told the remedy note that it can cause even stronger skin inflammation due to the content of strong surfactants. Therefore, the advice here is only one: trust the old proven solid target soap to get rid of acne.

In order to get rid of acne, it is not necessary to wash in the evening with soap all face. Some users advise to scrape a small means and apply to the inflamed skin area. In the morning, as they say, a trace will not remain from the gun.

At the time of use, the aqueous soap is better to abandon the use of scrubics and peels. This may be injured by sensitive skin dried by this means.

For hair

Many users use this product not only for washing the body, but also heads. What is the purpose of the tar soap in this case? It is well drying the fatty scalp, eliminates dandruff, strengthens the roots of the hair. To do this, you only need to open the soap lump under the jet of warm water and rinse the head of the resulting foam several times.

True, some consumers warn that owners are too thin hair It is necessary to be very careful and not to get involved in water treatments with a ternary soap. After all, it is very dry skin and hair. After washing, it is advisable to put on the curls of the hair balm or smoothing the mask so that they are better combed and remained soft and obedient.

For face

How to use a ternary soap to get rid of acne and inflammation? Many consumers for these purposes make a face mask. To do this, it is necessary to stop the soap in the hands under the jet of water and put the foam on the skin for 5-10 minutes. Full course is 2-3 weeks.

Doing often it should not be, as you can cut the skin. It will be enough will be once every 2-3 days. And it is for oily skin. For dry skin, 2-3-fold applications per month for removing various inflammation and irritation. After the procedure, it is necessary to smear the face with any nutritious or moisturizing cream. You can not use the mask. Most consumers are simply washed with tar soap. Do it constantly not recommended even people with very bold leatherth. It is better to conduct such procedures with courses in 2 weeks.

For the prevention of ARVI

We already know that the aquary soap from acne helps very quickly. Consumer reviews say that this is an inexpensive agent effectively fights with eels and mercant skin infections. It is known that some users used a tar soap in order to protect their body from the penetration of influenza viruses and ARVI. For this, as they claim, it is necessary to simply wash the little finger and wipe the nasal passages to them. The advisers warn that this procedure is not pleasant. After it begins enhanced tearing and sneezing. But no infection spreading the air-droplet is not threatened with you.

From wounds and oxadin

Many consumers agree that the rapidly tar soap helps to get rid of acne. Is it possible to use it as an antiseptic to remove inflammation in the wound? Does it contribute to healing? Or because of his drying effect, the wound will not be able to delay for a long time? It turns out that this product is quite suitable for washing small abrasions and microtrams. Soap has antibacterial and antiseptic effect. In addition, it contributes to the acceleration of the skin regeneration process. True, its use does not exempt from the use of various therapeutic agents necessary for wound healing.

How to make a depleted soap

The use of this product is unusually wide. Many users are interested in the question of how at home to prepare a ternary soap with their own hands.

It turns out that everything is very simple here. For this you need:

  1. Take a piece of ordinary baby soap and grate it on a large grater.
  2. Put the resulting mass into a saucepan and put it on a water bath. Add to chips 1 tablespoon of boiled water and interfere until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Take 1 teaspoon of birch tar and put in soapy mass. Mix everything thoroughly and remove from the fire.
  4. Give a lot to cool a little. Then pour it on the molds. Hardware soap must at room temperature for several days. Some users advise add a little honey or peach and almond oil to the mass.

Where can one buy

Many may have a question about how to purchase a tar soap. Properties are unique. Each can take advantage of this natural antiseptic. This product can be purchased in the usual store. household chemicals. One of the most inexpensive options - Degtyar soap from the factory "Nevskaya Cosmetics".

Many consumers completely trust the quality of this brand. There are more expensive options, for example, a ternary soap handmade. Different oils are often added to this product (rapeseed, coconut, olive, soybean, castor, fragrances, vegetable extracts, in order to give it caring and deodorizing properties. But it is precisely this, according to many users, reduces the value of such soap. After all, an increase in the number of incoming ingredients can provoke skin irritation.

Product price

Another important question that worries many consumers is the cost of such a product as a tar soap. Its price depends, first of all, from the brand of the manufacturer. For example, the cost of the product from the Neva Cosmetics factory is about 20 rubles per piece. This is the most fiscal option. Degtyar soap "Birch grove" from the manufacturer "Miko" costs about 150 rubles per piece weighing 75 grams. There is a similar product in the line of goods of the cosmetic brand "Grandma Agafya". It is called "black soap for a bath." In addition, in addition to the tar, includes extracts 37 medical herbs, Altai mountain wax and other components. The cost of such a product is 140-170 rubles. Liquid Degtyar Soap "Tana" from the company "Twins TEK" costs 130 rubles. The price of such a handmade product can reach 200-300 rubles per piece weighing 75 grams.

Alternative to the medium

Many will agree with the fact that there is a very effectively tar soap against acne. User feedback, however, suggest that not everyone is suitable. Sometimes it may be necessary to solve skin problems with skin. It is known that the birch tar is part of many modern ointments and drugs, such as the ointment of Vishnevsky, an anthrasulfonic ointment, locastor, tar water and others. All these medicines are essentially anticipating and wound-healing means.

Positive reviews

Many people who have skin problems for her treatment prefer to use a terrible soap instead of modern expensive drugs. His benefit is obvious. Birch to tar, which is included in its composition, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. There is a lot of positive feedback that this product, despite its low cost, is quite effective in combating acne and acne. Some users use soap not only for washing, but also for washing the head.

In their opinion, it decides at once several problems with hair: dandruff, their excessive fatness, loss. The main thing is that you need to pay attention to, consumers are warned, this is the use of the product with courses, and not constantly. After all, if you use such a soap daily, it can provoke the appearance of problems with skin and hair.

Negative comments

Not all users are confident that the targeted facial soap is useful. This product is strongly dried. The majority of consumers who used them are drawn to this. Hair after washing them becomes tough and naughty. So that this does not happen, you need to rinse them after the procedure with warm water, acidified by vinegar. It is possible to use and air conditioning or a rinse air conditioning. The second minus of the goods, according to displeased customers, is an unpleasant smell. If after washing the face, it quickly disappears, then after the procedure, the head washing the head holds a long time. Enontend users solve this problem in two ways: used instead of soap tar water having a light fragrance, and foam droplets of essential oil. Some buyers in their comments shall be seen one more secret about how to avoid unpleasant odor After using the product. After washing, they pour their favorite shower gel on top of the sponge and end it water treatments. After that, as a rule, the "loop" of an unpleasant amber does not appear. The third disadvantage that can be read in user feedback concerns the small efficiency of the product against acne. People write that this soap absolutely did not help them solve skin defects. It is possible that this happened because the appearance of acne was caused by health problems, such as a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and a hormonal failure. In such cases, you should not hope for a miracle. You need to solve the problem from the inside. To do this, go through the necessary examination and seek help from a qualified specialist.

We found out that very many users helps to get rid of a ternary soap from acne. Their reviews say that this simple and cheap product is effectively fighting with various skin rashes, irritation and inflammation. However, not everyone suits its application.

In case of salted skinYou can calmly wash it out twice a day, here the Degtyar soap will not harm. After washed with soap, we must rinse the foam with ordinary cold water.

If you have acne and acne problemsThe effect will notice quickly - acne will disappear, small wounds will drag on, and the foci of inflammation will become almost imperceptible. To achieve self-mitigation after the use of soap, professional cosmetologists recommend using nutrient or moisturizing creams.

The price of ordinary tar soap on average is 20-25 rubles. Handmade product or special types of tar can cost from 200 rubles and more expensive.


Alicate soap from acne can also be used when dealing with naughty hair, under a number of skin diseases, such as eczema, dermatomycosis, piederma. The tool copes well in cases where the person has breakdowns from a long period of course - you just need to rinse them several times, and they will quickly heal.

The tool, which includes tar, effectively in burns or frostbite. In addition to all of the above, they can cure various infections that have fallen into an open wound or get rid of cracks on the heel.

Degtyar soap perfectly suitable for hair care

As part of only the tenth part belongs to the purified mouth, however, the remaining substances are also completely natural. So when using hair care products, be calm and confident in his harmlessness. Soap will only improve their condition.

Wash your head with the use of tar can as much as the soul wishes. But keep in mind that soap itself should not contact the hair directly. It is recommended to apply only a foam that you can get a whipping piece of soap in your hands, or use the gauze bag.

You can apply both skin and thrust ends. Foam must be launched by massaging movements in the roots of the hair, after which it is not waste about ten minutes. Then you can wash off with ordinary warm water.

Degtyar soap also applied from lice

  • To start, wet the head and abundantly wrap it.
  • Do not wash off the foam for about 7 minutes.
  • After that, you can wash your head with warm water from the crane.
  • At the end, carefully spread the hair with a special comb with very little cloths.

To fully get rid of lice, you will need to spend several such procedures. They can also be carried out in order to prevent this disease.

Composition: water, sodium laureetsulfate, cocamidopropylbetain, coconut diethanolamide, Peg-7 glyceryl Kokoat, aromatic composition, tar birch, lemon acid, imidozolinyl urea, propylene glycol, diazolidine urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, aloe vera gel, D-panthenol, Valeroby extract, Valerian extract, sage extract, corn extract, lime oil.

A spoon of tar can spoil the barrel of honey. But by this, by the tar, who entered all the useful substances of the birch crust, can cure many diseases. Thanks to mine healing properties Delet for a long time is used in the treatment of skin diseases.
Birch Dellow produce from Berestov - a thin upper layer of birch bark. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pain relief properties, reduces redness, has a resolution effect.

Dermatologists of the beginning of the XX century. They knew well about the beneficial properties of the Degtyar drugs, and skillfully used them for treatment, seeking wonderful results.

Therapeutic effect of tar is amazing. With it, it is possible to treat psoriasis, folliculites, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo and a large number of other diseases. In addition, it is successfully used in cosmetology for the treatment of dry skin, dandruff, acne, and so on.

The Ukrainian Golden Farm company decided to revive the ancient traditions of using birch tar and embody the age-old knowledge in our natural preparations.

Problem skin is often a sign of internal diseases. However, it is necessary to influence the problem comprehensively. If there are allergic manifestations on your skin, wounds appear on the hairproof and skin peeling occurs, then it needs a special medical care.

Degtyar soap effectively fights dermatitis of various character, prevents skin peeling, heals the rings and cracks of the skin, prevents the formation of crusts.

One of the main therapeutic components in the soap is birch delet. Medical properties Birch tar make it a means of essential when combating various skin diseases. If you want to get rid of skin peeling, psoriasis, dermatitis, reduce irritation and inflammation, then liquid tar soap will help you with it. Soap consists of fully natural components, does not harm the environment. Alicate soap is recommended to use twice a day, before the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Degtyar soap - Means number 1 in the fight against skin dermatitis. Degtyar soap removes such symptoms as itching, burning, redness of the skin. Degtyar soap is good to use with delay and eczema, as well as with psoriasis.

The main natural component of the Degtyar soap is the birch tar. Birch Dellow has long been considered a healing agent that saved skin diseases. Delet get not only from birch, but also from juniper, pine and beech. All of them are similar in their pharmacological means and are used in medicine on a par with Berezov, Dehtem.

The composition of the birch tar includes substances such as Phenols, Betulin, Terbene, Cresol, Goveolas and Xylene. The Betulin substance is up to 40% of birch bark depending on the type of wood, age, places and conditions in which the tree grows. Birch delet has an associated, hepatoprotective effect, antioxidant and many other useful properties.

From the most long-old time, it was considered a medicine from a hundred illnesses.

The effect of birch tar is extremely extensive.

1. The Degty-based drugs effectively act on various eczematous skin lesions, recovery occurs much faster.

2. Delet - Universal Safe Medicinal Cord, it is widely used both in folk and official medicine.

3. In some cases, it is possible to cure skin diseases with local use of drugs with tar. You can make tariffs. However, such treatment must be carried out in a complex with other activities, taking into account the overall condition of the patients.

4. Degtyar applications are not only struggling with skin diseases, but also improve sleep, normalize the overall condition of the body.

5. In the liquid targeted soap from Golden-Farm contains extracts of valerian, vanity, cornflowers - soap has a soothing effect, cleans, drying the skin, disinfects and kills microclast cells (if any).

Degtyar soap can be used with the scalp, dandruff, Seborrey dermatitium. Alicate soap helps and with eczema, mocking lisha, psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis with the help of tariffs is extremely effective if it is systematically conducted.

It is possible to apply a ternary soap in both the aim of treating skin diseases and for their prevention. It is possible to use a liquid targeted soap every day, regardless of the type of skin and its condition.

Birch Delet is, perhaps, one of the most ancient means for the treatment of skin diseases. The composition of liquid ternary soap includes birch tar. To combat skin diseases, such as deprived, dermatitis, demodecosis, seryborre, dandruff, itching, various peelings and inflammation, as well as to improve the condition of the skin as a whole, you can use a liquid tar soap. Degtyar soap not only treats skin diseases, but is an excellent preventive tool from their occurrence. Next soap can be treated even psoriasis. With regular use of soap, psoriasis plaques decrease, the transshipment disappears, the skin of the skin decreases.

Degtyar liquid soap It is convenient to take with you on the road or on vacation. The dispenser will allow economically to spend soap, and convenient packaging will allow soap to transport without problems.

Skin dermatitis can cause itching, redness, burning and other symptoms. At the same time provoke leather dermatitis can a variety of factors. Treatment of dermatitis - an unpleasant procedure, especially if at hand there are no means for removing itching or burning.

Degtyar liquid soap is a natural tool to treat skin dermatitis. In addition, the Degtyar liquid soap is actively used for prevention of psoriasis and seborrhea. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair that will definitely become soft and silky.

If you do not apply a fabric soap - you have lost a lot! Degtyar soap is rightly considered one of the most effective tools From skin problems due to the strongest antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and drying properties.

The simple composition makes soap harmlessly, and if you know how to apply it correctly, the results will form all. About how to squeeze all 100% of the facilities from the Degtyar Soap and this article is written.

The beneficial properties of the tar soap, or why it helps from acne

The Degtyar Soap has the simplest composition: 10% of birch concert, the remaining 90% is a simple test soap, but precisely because of its composition it is practical harmless: there are no toxic effects on the body (as it happens with many means), no side effects ( In addition to those who have allergies to composite soaps).

The two main minuses of the Degtyar soap are a sharp smell and addictive skin (with time weakens the effect, so you need to pause, but about it below).

How to properly use a tar soap as an acne tore, or the most affordable instruction on use

There are three main ways of applying tar soaps: washouts (for the face and during demodecosis, and some and from black points are getting rid of), washing of body soap and point applying.

And if everything is clear and simple with washness and washing of the body, then the point use deserves more detailed consideration.

The point use of the Degtyar Soap is justified with particularly stagnant and problematic acne, furunculaes, scars and spots that may not be held months, or even years.

Square a small amount of soap, soften the soap with the tips of the fingers and apply for a pimple or other "joy of life" for 5-10 minutes. This method of application has been attense more intense effect than simple washing.

By the way, be sure to read the application for use. Maybe he will come to you even better than soap!

You can use the aqueous soap in no more than one or twice a day. Because of the sharp smell, we use soap so: in the morning immediately after waking up, so that the soap will destroy, and in the evening - preferably 30-40 minutes before sleep.

The Degtyar Soap is suitable for all skin types, but to exclude the risk of overpowering the skin, still need to give some recommendations on the frequency of its use depending on the type of skin.

  • Normal skin - one time per day can be enough.
  • Dry leather - Wash the soap maximum 4 times a week, so as not to overcover the face. I don't recommend using a dry skin of industrial production, and use home analogue to eliminate the ability to cut the skin (we will talk more about this below).
  • Bold skin type - to reduce skin oily, it is necessary to wash 2 times a day.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not wash too often, otherwise the skin can begin to peel. And if the soap is dried heavily, after use, use a moisturizing cream.

The minimum term of use for the face is a week, and if you use a fabric soap to get rid of acne and acne on the back or all over the body - one and a half weeks.

After about 6-8 days, most people notice the first positive results. Degtyar soap is not recommended to use more than 2-4 weeks.

Terms depend on the individual reaction to soap and the number of races on the face. After a month of use, soap should be paused so that the skin is overwhelmed from it.

Mini-FAQ, or most popular questions

Is it true that liquid arable soap also copes with acne, as well as solid?

According to the properties and composition, the liquid ternary soap does not differ from its solid analog, but it is much more convenient to use it.

Liquid tar soap also works well against acne and other problems, like his plump "prototype", so there are absolutely no reasons for excitement. The main advantage of liquid soap is its practicality.

Are there any contraindications for the use of the Degtyar soap?

Because of the natural composition, the tar soap almost does not possess side effects. But there is one but. Degtyar soap is contraindicated to people who have allergies to composite soaps.

Why does the Degtyar soap do not help me get rid of acne?

There may be several reasons: either soap for you does not work, or you apply it too a short timeOr your lifestyle overlaps the healing effect. Yes, soap shows excellent results, but I did not say that this is a panacea.

And if you want to get rid of acne truly forever, you can not do without adjusting nutrition and lifestyle. As for the soap itself, most likely you use it an insufficient amount of time and should wait a bit.

What is better when dealing with acne: a tar or economic soap?

On the experience of many people, it is checked that a depleted soap is more effectively fighting with acne and rashes than the economic.

By the way, if you can not endure the smell of ate soap, you can replace it with economic.

Where you can buy and cost

The average price of a lump-alend soap from acne is 20-50 rubles or 10-15 hryvnias (for Ukraine). Liquid fabric soap can be bought for 50-80 rubles or 25-35 hryvnia.

Degtyar soap can be bought almost in any economic store, pharmacy or an Internet pharmacy. You can also find this miracle in almost every cosmetic department.

In what cases is justified by the use of the Degtyar Soap of Home Processing

There is a difference between the arable soap of industrial production and homemade soap prepared at home.

Due to the high level of pH, an aqueous soap of industrial production can hardly dry the skin of the face. And it is in order to eliminate the risk of overpowering the face, the owners of dry skin type are strongly recommended to apply only household soaps.

How to properly weld the aqueous soap? Cooking homemade soaps, although it requires the cost of effort and time, but it turns out very cheaply for money, and you will receive non-strong peeling, natural and effective acne remedy. So, we turn to the recipe.

  • To prepare homely tar soap, we need to buy a birch tar and ordinary soap. Soap should be with the lack of or the minimum number of fonders and chemical additives.
  • Distribute soap on an ordinary grater.
  • Cooking soap you need in a water bath. To do this, take the stainless vessel (best in the pot), pour water and put on fire. From the top of the ass. Put a container with soap.
  • Melt soap on a water bath. When the soap is mocked and become like a thick glue, add a table spoon-one-water and a half, and 2 spoons of birch tar. The practice has been proven that these ingredients are enough about 3 soap brus.
  • Wait until the mixture turns into a homogeneous consistency, then prevent well and remove from the fire to cooled soap.
  • Wait 8-10 minutes and spill by moldsAnd if there are no molds, any capacity is suitable, the main thing is that soap can be conveniently stored.
  • After the soap is spilled, leave it to harden on 6-8 days. It is better to leave in the open space because of a strong smell - the balcony is quite suitable. Just do not make the neighbors suffer. 🙂

Such soap never never overwhelms your skin. Degtyar homemade soap is significantly softer and tenderly for skin than its industrial analog.

Today, natural popularity is acquired. cosmetic formulationswhich are able to eliminate the aesthetic defects and not harm in this gentle skin. Alicate face soap belongs precisely to this product group, and even cosmetologists recommend it as a solution to a variety of surface problems. This product can be purchased in finished video Or create yourself. Cooked from natural ingredients, it can replace a whole arsenal of professional products used to care for problem skin.

Properties of tar soap, testimony and contraindications

Degtyar soap is recommended for use in the presence of not only aesthetic defects, but also the functional problems of the skin of the face. Dermatologists advise to apply the drug with a leaning to the formation of boils, manifestations of psoriasis, pyodermia, dermatomycosis. Soap foam can be used as first aid with frostbite or burns on the skin of the face. She not only disinfect the wreck, but also accelerates her healing without the formation of a scar.

You should not count on an instant result: only with regular use, you can get a noticeable improvement in skin quality. The indisputable advantage of the composition is the fact that it is suitable for the care of the epidermis of any type. Many believe that the composition with such a sharp, even annoying, the smell can not be used by the owners of dry or sensitive skin. In fact, the tool is universally and acts rather gently.

The only contraindication to the use of the product is allergic to the components of the soap (in particular, on the birch delet). Given the fact that the composition is natural and does not contain dyes, fragrances and preservatives, the negative reaction is manifested extremely rarely. Holders of very thin skin with increased sensitivity and reactivity should take care of the use of soap. After each session, it is necessary to apply a softening and moisturizing cream to the processed areas, which will help prevent skin drying and tightening.

Degtyar soap, as a means of combating eels

First of all, the soap with birch tar is used to combat such unpleasant and common states like angry rash and single acne. Due to the composition, the product can be used at any age. It is not worth a hurry with the acquisition of expensive cosmetics, stuffed with chemicals, to get rid of teenagers - first it is worth trying precisely soap.

To cure acne rash or prevent its distribution, you need to follow several rules.

  1. In the morning and in the evening you need to thoroughly wash your hands with a ternary soap. Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face are often associated with a violation of the basic rules of personal hygiene. People constantly (specifically or unconsciously) touches their face. Microbes from fingers fall into the pores, and the formation of a gun begins. In case of intolerance, the smell of the tar can only be limited to the evening antibacterial handling of hands. By the morning the smell will deteriorate, and the effect will persist.
  2. Daily Dual Frame Wheel Washing Soap Foam will ensure degreasing, disinfection and fast recovery skin cover. If the skin is not prone to fatty and the problem is the appearance of single acne, it can be limited to local processing of the affected area. It is necessary to consider that it is forbidden to apply soap directly on the skin - a layer of thick foam is superimposed on a wet face, which is then treated with tissues. To avoid the feelings of the skin of the skin, you need to handle the face nutrient cream Immediately after the cleansing session.
  3. A good tool to fight pronounced and chronic acne can be soap degtyar masks. They are used according to testimony, at least once a week, within three months.
  4. On solitary just appeared acne can be applied soap foam with cotton wand And leave all night. By morning, education will dry up, signs of inflammation will disappear, healing will pass faster.
  5. If an ate soap treat the zone above the upper lip before carrying out the removal of unwanted hairs, it will become an excellent prevention of inflammation and acne.

It is worth considering that if after the treatment of acne with the help of a birch tar, the problem did not pass, it is necessary to contact a specialist. Such resistance to the natural antiseptic may indicate a serious disease. When using soap as an anti-inflammatory agent for erochs and comedones, it is allowed (squeezing cones), but only subject to all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Application of the Degtyar Soap as a means of daily hygiene

Soap with birch tar can be an excellent tool for daily care. The rules for its use depends on the type of epidermis.

  • Owner fatty, problem and combined skin Must use the product twice a day - in the morning and evening. It is necessary to apply a thick foam on a wet face and massage problem areas for at least 20 seconds. This should follow the contrast washness and applying a very light moisturizing cream. Once a week it is recommended to replace the wash treatment of ice cube with lemon juice.
  • With the skin of a normal type, soap cleaning can be carried out once a day (before bedtime) or a day with the obligatory subsequent application of the night cream. This approach will prevent the development of inflammatory processes and slow down the aging processes.
  • The owner of dry and sensitive skin should not apply the soap composition more often than once a week. A very liquid foam is applied to the face pre-purified with profile agents, which areas are processed, inclined to the appearance of inflammation and dry acne. All manipulation continues only a few seconds, then soap is thoroughly washed off. If you leave foam flakes on your face, there will be a feeling of strut. After removing the composition, the skin must be well moistened.

If precautions do not help and begins to disturb the increased dryness of the skin, you can try the homemade product, which will be created taking into account the features of the epidermis.

Homemade Degtyar face care masks

Masks for the face of the Degtyar Soap provide not only the therapeutic, but also the cosmetology effect. With pronounced problems, it is worth trying the following mixtures options.

Degtyar mask to increase skin tone

  • A small piece of the Degtyar soap rubs on the grater. A small amount of water is slowly poured into the resulting product, simultaneously with this mass is whipped into a thick foam. Owner dry, sensitive or normal skin Must additionally add a tablespoon of oily cream or home sour cream. With a bold skin, you can enter a protein of one egg. Finished foam apply on face, neck, zone neckline, back side Hands. You need to wait until the mixture gets up, and apply another layer of the means. After that, it is necessary to wait for the sensation of severe skin tightening. Then the product is washed off warm, then cool water. A simple and accessible recipe will help get rid of non-welltic folds, increase the elasticity of fabrics.

Mask against inflammatory processes of any type

  • A small piece of the Degtyar soap rubs on the grater, divorced by a chamomile or a speckled decoction and is whipped into a thick foam. The tool is applied to the skin of the face without affecting gentle skin around the mouth and eye. Next, a gauze napkin is taken with slots for eyes and mouth, wetted in the remaining foam and superimposed on the face. If the epidermis is prone to increased sensitivity or dryness gauze napkin It can be moistened only in a pure herbal brave. After a quarter of an hour, everyone is removed, the face is thoroughly cooled with cool water and cause moisturizing cream (regardless of the type of skin).

Mask with birch tar against black dots

  • Degtyar soap rolls on the grater, mixed with a little food Soda, watered with water and is whipped into a thick foam. The finished composition is applied to the problem areas with soft massaging movements. The appearance of weak discharge is considered the norm. The composition can be left for a couple of minutes for easy drying. Then the fingertips are wetted in cool water, and another session of light massage is performed. The tool is washed off warm, then almost cold water.

Even a simple application of soap foam on a face for a few minutes is already considered effective mask. Such a product can be used as a means to combat eel and demodecosis.

Precautions and nuances on the use of tar soap

Introducing the arable soap into the arsenal of cosmetology products, it is worth considering some specific points on the use of ingredient and simple precautions.

  1. If the smell of soap causes unpleasant sensations, you should not ignore it. You can combine the procedure for cleansing the skin with aromatherapy, then the procedure will not be so repulsive. In the extreme case, you can use a nasal clip or flavored corks for nasal passages. If, in the process of operation, the means begin to get away their eyes, it is better to refuse the ingredient at all.
  2. If there is no negative reaction to the down, but soap dries too much skin, you can use homemade products or tar water (2 tbsp. L. The tar is diluted in 0.5 liters of water).
  3. You can not allow the means to mucous!
  4. It is impossible to combine the use of alkaline soap with acid ingredients (for example, citrus juice).

Stored ready product In a hermetic soap or a special container. The smell of the product applies very intensively, which can cause the creation of not the most pleasant atmosphere in the bathroom.

How to cook a high-quality fabric soap with your own hands?

Experts recommend creating a ternary soap with their own hands. This allows you to control the list of ingredients used, change the recipe depending on individual features Fabrics and always use a fresh product.

To prepare soap, you will need several components.

  • A pair of tablespoons of base oil. It is selected based on the skin type and existing problems.
  • Tablespoon of birch tar. You can purchase a pharmacy or a specialized store.
  • 100 g of soap. It is best to use a children's - it is the most soft and not so much dried the skin. It is worth considering that the liquid soap is not suitable here.
  • Three tablespoons of boiled water.

The soap process is very simple. The baby soap bar is rubbed on the grater, poured with water and put on a water bath. The mixture melts and is thoroughly mixed. When the composition becomes homogeneous, the base oil is added, everything is mixed again, removed from the fire and cool slightly. The last thing is introduced to targeted. The product is mixed again, bottled according to the forms and is removed for 2-3 days until it is frozen.

Degtyar soap has been still one of the most efficient products to help preserve youth and purity of the skin of the face. The low cost of the means and its availability allow the epidermis regular and full care.

In secret

  • You missed the meeting of classmates, as you are afraid to hear what they have come ...
  • And even less often catch the admiring looks of men ...
  • Admitted skin care products do not refresh the face as before ...
  • And the reflection in the mirror is still a cup of age ...
  • You think that look older than your years ...
  • Or just want to "make" youth for many years ...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and ready to use for this any opportunity ...

Yesterday no one had a chance to return youth without plastic surgeryBut today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how I managed to stop old age and return youth