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The business to which I want to devote my life (Essay on a free topic). Essay on the topic: The business to which I want to devote my life Reflections on the topic

Life is complex and mysterious. She hides our future, our profession from us, but for each of us there comes a moment when we must choose: who do we want to become? Where should I go to study next?

I have always thought that my profession should make people and me happy. I was attracted to professions related to raising children. I dreamed of becoming a teacher, maybe an educator in kindergarten, maybe somewhere else, but I wanted to work with the kids. And so it happened. She devoted five years to working as a teacher. primary classes, and now I’ve been working as a teacher for four years. And I understand that this is mine! Why?

Yes. Partly because education is a constant search, romance, there is no peace or stagnation. The work of a teacher knows no repetitions. Children are so different and somehow the same: they have blue or brown, but always sly, lively eyes, upturned noses, golden fluffy hairs... And their characters?! Calm and restless, restless and serious, thoughtful and inquisitive “whys”...

And everyone needs their own approach, their own key. Only then will the soul of this little man open to you, a trusting, open look will appear. And the baby will initiate you into the most intimate secrets.

A teacher is trusted with 25 lives. And to win the love of all these kids and the respect of their parents, education, even a higher one, is not enough. You must be a highly moral person both at work and at home. Rudeness and lies, arrogance, and arrogance are not compatible with the title of educator. You can work with children only with warmth, a sincere soul, without falsehood. Only then will the impact on the child be significant.

I often ask myself the question: why are adults indifferent and cruel?

The baby got his feet wet and fell into the mud. The mother shouts at him, hits him, swears... But the child cannot understand what they want from him. His cardboard dam burst, and he boldly rushed into the puddle to save little men made of plasticine and matches. Maybe you shouldn’t shout at him, but praise him, but after listening to the story of why he got wet, advise him to be more careful.

Now I’ll touch on the versatility of my profession.

Being a teacher is a calling. A calling to want and be able to live childhood again with every child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and learn with him, to be invisible when the child is busy with his business, and irreplaceable when he needs help and support.

Being a teacher is a responsibility. The life and soul of a child is in our hands. Our duty is to do everything to make his childhood meaningful and joyful, because sometimes a person’s whole life depends on how his childhood goes. After all, a teacher builds the foundation of a person’s moral character, and it is known that a strong, beautiful building will stand on a strong foundation all his life.

Being a teacher is a joy. It is joyful to realize the uniqueness of each child, to see how the baby grows, how every year he can understand and do more and more, to feel his affection and trust and to give him his love unselfishly.

This is what, in my opinion, a real educator should be like - a sculptor of the soul and appearance of a little person.

To meet modern requirements, the teacher must constantly engage in self-education, enrich his knowledge and skills. The teacher must constantly be aware of the life of society, be erudite, be able to express a professionally reasoned opinion, and conduct qualified pedagogical conversations with the parents of his students.

It is for such a high appointment and position in our society as an educator that I love my job, to which I have dedicated my life.

Answers (2)

    1. Life is complex and mysterious. She hides our future, our profession from us, but for each of us there comes a moment when we need to make our choice: who do we want to become? Where should I go to study next? You can become a grain grower, agronomist, economist, builder or driver, or you can become a doctor. But whatever profession I choose, I know that it should please people and me, and benefit society. This is why I want to devote my life to raising children. After all, education is a constant search, it is the absence of peace. In my opinion, the teaching profession is the noblest among all others also because it is the most ancient. Man, before becoming the world's first cattle breeder, hunter and grain grower, was already a teacher, educator of the next generations. Perhaps the first teacher was not so much a teacher of the children as an inquisitive and patient educator. Education and education are inseparable concepts that, like the waters of many streams, merge into one river. The work of a teacher is complex and difficult. Of course, it’s easier to just be a teacher. It is more difficult to be a real teacher, a friend of the students. I think that a real teacher is a person who not only has deep knowledge, but also knows how to communicate with children, raises them to be honest, hard-working, and kind. To do this you need to open up completely. Become a student at heart, live a student’s life, children’s interests and experiences, while remaining human at the same time. And this is associated with many difficulties and inconveniences: you need to come to school earlier, spend more time than you would like, spend time among the students and not in the teacher’s room, go to the student’s home on time and behave there in such a way that the visit does not cause even greater harm, and helped to reach the “lost” soul of the student. Most teachers do just that. And although it is troublesome and painful, they cannot do otherwise, they cannot be different. Because they are teachers, educators, mentors by vocation. This is the meaning of their life, the joy and beauty of their work. This is why I want to become a teacher. I hope I can find mutual language with students, if I respect them, listen to their opinions, I will always try to understand my students. And if I manage to raise them to be brave, honest and proud, caring towards their parents and people around them, able to be useful to their class and city, then I have found my calling. I often think about my future: what will it be like? What profession should I choose? What business should you dedicate yourself to? Young man When entering life, there are many interesting and unusual things around you. I want to comprehend everything, learn about everything. There are many professions. Considering my abilities and hobbies, marketing and management in the field of trade are most close to me. I read a lot about this. Translated from English, marketing is A complex approach to the management of production and sales of products, focused on taking into account market requirements and actively influencing consumer demand in order to expand sales of manufactured goods, and management is a set of modern principles, methods, means and forms of production and sales management in order to increase their efficiency and increase profitability . This leads to the profession of manager - a hired professional manager of an enterprise. I like to communicate with people. Since childhood, I was very shy, little talkative, but over time I gained confidence, became more open and courageous. I realized that I need to know a lot and improve my knowledge. To obtain Good work Deep and versatile knowledge and knowledge of foreign languages ​​are required. After completing his studies at high school I would like to go to study at an institute, after which I could become not just a salesman, but a sales manager. I would like to become a real specialist, and for this I realized that I need to take my studies and work seriously and responsibly. For example like this

    Life is complex and mysterious. She hides our future, our profession from us, but for each of us there comes a moment when we need to make our choice: who do we want to become? Where should I go to study next?

    You can become a grain grower, agronomist, economist, builder or driver, or you can become a doctor. But whatever profession I choose, I know that it should please people and me, and benefit society.

    This is why I want to devote my life to raising children. After all, education is a constant search, it is the absence of peace.

    In my opinion, the teaching profession is the noblest among all others also because it is the most ancient. Man, before becoming the world's first cattle breeder, hunter and grain grower, was already a teacher, educator of the next generations. Perhaps the first teacher was not so much a teacher of the children as an inquisitive and patient educator. Education and education are inseparable concepts that, like the waters of many streams, merge into one river.

    The work of a teacher is complex and difficult. Of course, it’s easier to just be a teacher. It is more difficult to be a real teacher, a friend of the students. I think that a real teacher is a person who not only has deep knowledge, but also knows how to communicate with children, raises them to be honest, hard-working, and kind.

    To do this you need to open up completely. Become a student at heart, live a student’s life, children’s interests and experiences, while remaining human at the same time. And this is associated with many difficulties and inconveniences: you need to come to school earlier, spend more time than you would like, spend time among the students and not in the teacher’s room, go to the student’s home on time and behave there in such a way that the visit does not cause even greater harm, and helped to reach the “lost” soul of the student.

    Most teachers do just that. And although it is troublesome and painful, they cannot do otherwise, they cannot be different. Because they are teachers, educators, mentors by vocation. This is the meaning of their life, the joy and beauty of their work.

    This is why I want to become a teacher. I hope that I can find a common language with my students if I respect them, listen to their opinions, and always try to understand my students. And if I manage to raise them to be brave, honest and proud, caring towards their parents and people around them, able to be useful to their class and city, then I have found my calling.

    I often think about my future: what will it be like? What profession should I choose? What business should you dedicate yourself to?

    A young man entering life is surrounded by many interesting and unusual things. I want to comprehend everything, learn about everything.

    There are many professions. Considering my abilities and hobbies, marketing and management in the field of trade are most close to me. I read a lot about this. Translated from English, marketing is an integrated approach to managing the production and sales of products, focused on taking into account market requirements and actively influencing consumer demand in order to expand sales of manufactured goods, and management is a set of modern principles, methods, means and forms of production management and sales in order to improve their efficiency and increase profitability. This leads to the profession of manager - a hired professional manager of an enterprise.

    I like to communicate with people. Since childhood, I was very shy, little talkative, but over time I gained confidence, became more open and courageous. I realized that I need to know a lot and improve my knowledge. To get a good job you need deep and versatile knowledge and knowledge of foreign languages.

    After completing my studies in high school, I would like to go to study at an institute, after which I could become not just a salesman, but a sales manager. I would like to become a real specialist, and for this I realized that I need to take my studies and work seriously and responsibly.

Do you remember: there was a Sea of ​​colors and sounds around?

From my mother’s warm hands, the Teacher took your hand...

A. Dementyev

Life is complex and mysterious. She hides our future, our profession from us, but for each of us there comes a moment when we need to make our choice: who do we want to become? Where should I go to study next?

You can become a grain grower, agronomist, economist, builder or driver, or you can become a doctor. But whatever profession I choose, I know that it should please people and me, and benefit society.

This is why I want to devote my life to raising children. After all, education is a constant search, it is the absence of peace.

In my opinion, the teaching profession is the noblest among all others also because it is the most ancient. Man, before becoming the world's first cattle breeder, hunter and grain grower, was already a teacher, educator of the next generations. Perhaps the first teacher was not so much a teacher of the children as an inquisitive and patient educator. Education and upbringing are inseparable concepts that, like the waters of many streams, merge into one river.

The work of a teacher is complex and difficult. Of course, it’s easier to just be a teacher. It is more difficult to be a real teacher, a friend of the students. I think that a real teacher is a person who not only has deep knowledge, but also knows how to communicate with children, raises them to be honest, hard-working, and kind.

To do this you need to open up completely. Become a student at heart, live a student’s life, children’s interests and experiences, while remaining human at the same time. And this is associated with many difficulties and inconveniences: you need to come to school earlier, spend more time than you would like, spend time among the students and not in the teacher’s room, go to the student’s home on time and behave there in such a way that the visit does not cause even greater harm, and helped to reach the “lost” soul of the student.

Most teachers do just that. And although it is troublesome and painful, they cannot do otherwise, they cannot be different. Because they are teachers, educators, mentors by vocation. This is the meaning of their life, the joy and beauty of their work.

This is why I want to become a teacher. I hope that I can find a common language with my students if I respect them, listen to their opinions, and always try to understand my students. And if I manage to raise them to be brave, honest and proud, caring towards their parents and people around them, able to be useful to their class and city, then I have found my calling.

You can devote your life to your family, or you can devote your life to work. Here, everyone decides for themselves. Everyone chooses their own path, but not everyone chooses the right one. The right path for many people is the one that brings good income and fame, success among those around them. Unfortunately, now when choosing a profession, people first of all pay not to their desires, but to the opinions of others: “what will they say?”

After all, if you become a simple janitor, then it’s a disgrace to the family, although you’re so smart and good child growing up, they don't care at all that you like it, because you will be considered

a stupid person who doesn't know his own worth. But maybe the stupid ones are not those who choose what they like, but those who condemn them? We make a choice every minute, every hour, every day, there is always a choice, but it depends only on us what the outcome will be. Main choice It begins among teenagers, some in grade 9, and others in 11. Where to go and what to connect your life with? Our choice is most influenced by the school, or more precisely by the teacher. This is our second family, which either believes in us, or kills hope in itself and the parents in the child. The same thing happened in Anna Gavalda’s work “35 kilos of hope.” The teachers were killing him from the inside, not

noticing nothing, yes, of course everyone wants the child to grow up smart and every teacher demands what he considers necessary to know, it doesn’t matter whether you, the person who will be tinkering with biology, will need it or not. You just have to know her. Almost no teacher even tried to understand Gregoire; the teacher can be justified, but cannot be forgiven. The teacher's job is to help the child open up, which is what his beloved teacher Marie did. This is a man who understood perfectly well that studying was clearly not for this smart boy. Who also loves to do handicrafts and was constantly making something, and also gave him the book “1000 things for skillful hands” and begged him to read it. She understood his calling from the very first time they met. “This boy has a head like a sieve, golden hands and a huge heart.” 2 people, just 2 people, who believed in this boy. No matter how painful it was to realize that it was not his parents... It was the teacher and his grandfather. Grandfather Lyon, who was an excellent student, he understood the child who hated school and studied with only bad grades. He believed in his grandson, at least someone believed in him. That the world did not end with knowledge of mathematics or French, his views went beyond these boundaries. Everyone, absolutely everyone, except these two people thought he was stupid, but why didn’t anyone ask the question: “how can a stupid person fix a lawn mower, an iron, and so on.” Why didn't his parents support him? And all because they gave up on their child, that is, on his path and success in life. Gregoire would have given up on himself if it weren’t for his grandfather’s words: “I’ll tell you what, my friend: it’s much easier to be unhappy than to be happy, and I don’t like, you hear, I don’t like people who are looking for easy ways. I can't stand whiners! Be happy, damn it! Do something to be happy!” After all, it was these words that, it seems to me, hurt him; the most offensive thing was when a person who believed in him was disappointed in him, although everyone around him gave up. His only support was crumbling before his eyes. Then he did it. He took matters into his own hands. He, damn it, for his own sake, for his grandfather’s sake, wanted to prove that he could go to a place where he would be understood, and not where he would have to defend himself, becoming a laughing stock. To become happy, a 13-year-old boy, wanted to become simply happy. And he did it, despite the fact that with the help of his grandfather, he did it for his sake. He began to change for his sake. He proved to everyone that a boy who could not look at the rope climbed onto it, although they simply believed in him, how little is needed for happiness? Everyone needs support, no matter what kind of person they are. What if there was no grandfather? What would he do? He barely graduated, would have gone to study wherever his parents pushed him, and for another 5 years he would have woken up with a heaviness in his stomach, again Wednesday, again the doctor. But I respect him for the fact that he did not succumb to this influence, he did not lose his “I”. If Anna Gavalda wanted to write a sequel to this book, I am sure that the work would begin with the lines: “In France, a new invention was created that will help change the world, and its creator is Gregoire.” You need to dedicate your life not to a prestigious profession, not to the continuation of family work, but to what you like. And to do this you just need to believe in yourself. You can spend hours weaving bracelets, creating jewelry with your own hands, but not understand mathematics. You must understand what you need from this life, what you want. After all, when you realize this, you will find your meaning in life, you will find your ember that will light up in your hands. You found. Myself.

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Do you remember: there was a Sea of ​​colors and sounds around?

From my mother’s warm hands, the Teacher took your hand...

A. Dementyev

Life is complex and mysterious. She hides our future, our profession from us, but for each of us there comes a moment when we need to make our choice: who do we want to become? Where should I go to study next?

You can become a grain grower, agronomist, economist, builder or driver, or you can become a doctor. But whatever profession I choose, I know that it should please people and me, bring

Benefit to society.

This is why I want to devote my life to raising children. After all, education is a constant search, it is the absence of peace.

In my opinion, the teaching profession is the noblest among all others also because it is the most ancient. Man, before becoming the world's first cattle breeder, hunter and grain grower, was already a teacher, educator of the next generations. Perhaps the first teacher was not so much a teacher of the children as an inquisitive and patient educator.

Education and upbringing are inseparable concepts that, like the waters of many streams, merge into one river.

And the work of a teacher is not easy. Of course, it’s easier to just be a teacher. It is more difficult to be a real teacher, a friend of the students.

I think that a real teacher is a person who not only has deep knowledge, but also knows how to communicate with children, raises them to be honest, hard-working, and kind.

To do this you need to open up completely. Become a student at heart, live a student’s life, children’s interests and experiences, while remaining human at the same time. And this is associated with many difficulties and inconveniences: you need to come to school earlier, spend more time than you would like, spend time among the students and not in the teacher’s room, go to the student’s home on time and behave there in such a way that the visit does not cause even greater harm, and helped to reach the “lost” soul of the student.

Most teachers do just that. And although it is troublesome and painful, they cannot do otherwise, they cannot be different. Because they are teachers, educators, mentors by vocation.

This is the meaning of their life, the joy and beauty of their work.

This is why I want to become a teacher. I hope that I can find a common language with my students if I respect them, listen to their opinions, and always try to understand my students. And if I manage to raise them to be brave, honest and proud, caring towards their parents and people around them, able to be useful to their class and city, then I have found my calling.


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- the cause to which I want to devote my life essay

– The cause to which I want to devote my life

– Essay The cause to which I want to devote my life

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  29. Objectives: expand students’ understanding of the role of books in human life, instill reading culture skills, cultivate a caring attitude towards books, stimulate self-education in schoolchildren. Progress of preparation: 1. Distribute tasks among students: - create posters with sayings of great people and proverbs, sayings about books and reading. (see: A Word about the Book. M., 1969; Gold Placers. M., 1966; […]...
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  31. The basis of the plot of the Christmas tale is the miracle of the festive night, when the spiritual rebirth of a person begins, who has forgotten that he was created in the image and likeness of God. The door knocker turns into the face of Jacob Marley, who died on Christmas Eve seven years ago, the tiles of the Dutch oven, on which scenes of Holy Scripture are depicted, suddenly obscure the face of the deceased, the spirit of Marley himself […]...
  32. When imagining my future place of work, I think first of all that it should bring me pleasure, since we spend most of our time at work; so that the goals of the activity are close and understandable to me; so that I can apply there the knowledge that I have and which I will be interested in receiving in higher education educational institution. More […]...
  33. Of course, every person in his life has more than once wondered what the connection is between two seemingly completely different concepts, between “want” and “need”? After all, you must agree at first glance these are completely different words that have not only different meaning, but people also have different understandings. Everyone comes across these words almost every day, so [...]
  34. Mikhail Lermontov, whose literary gift manifested itself at a fairly early age, was already a mature poet by the age of 18. During this period, he did not plan to devote his life to creativity, expecting to make a brilliant scientific career. However, fate decreed otherwise, and he was expelled from Moscow University. A gloomy 18-year-old boy with a rich imagination, which at some point [...]
  35. Good Deed Maxim Gorky's story “Childhood,” written in 1913, is autobiographical. In it, the author talks about his difficult childhood, which tempered his iron character. It was thanks to the hardships and losses that he faced that the author, and therefore his literary hero, grew up to be a worthy person. It’s strange, but it was in Grandfather’s house that Alyosha Peshkov learned compassion, [...]
  36. Who would I like to become and why? I dream of becoming a welder. This is a very interesting job that people need. If you walk along the streets of the city, you can see at a construction site that here and there a blue star-light flashes and goes out. Having met her in the yard, we immediately turn away: it’s too bright, it’s painful to look at. My uncle Kolya is a welder. […]...
  37. There are many things in life that give you pleasure. Outdoor recreation, cycling, computer games. However, you can’t always do what you love as much as you want. Every member of society has certain responsibilities that everyone must fulfill. Regardless of your own desire. Everyone: children, teenagers, adults and old people do what severe necessity dictates to them. […]...
  38. In the 90s of the 19th century, a turning point occurred in Chekhov’s work, associated with a change in public life. The themes of his works become more serious. Continuing the line of critical realism of Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov opposes the rotten “sludge of terrifying little things” that disfigure life. The themes of his stories become deeper and more complex, and the characters become more complex. Chekhov is interested not only in the environment that sucks […]...
  39. Essay “Why I want to serve in the FSB of Russia” I want to work in the FSB of Russia because I want to do real work in the future. I don’t want to be sour all my life and “sit my pants” at work, up to my ears in little things. But working in the FSB is real and serious work, sometimes even with a degree of risk. […]...
  40. (ESSAY-REFLECTION ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE) Life and death are the beginning and end of human existence. Over the course of hoary antiquity, the peoples of the world retain the idea that death is a metamorphosis. Our distant ancestors did not believe in the natural inevitability of death. They compared death to life. Or rather, death seemed to them as a kind of border, beyond which a new one began [...]