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Mother's Day is celebrated. Mother's Day in Russia - the history and features of the holiday

Mothers Day - international holiday in which mothers are honored. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women. Concerts are timed to coincide with this holiday, matinees are held in schools and kindergartens, social events and flash mobs are organized.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on last sunday november. In 2020, it falls on November 29 and is celebrated at the official level for the 23rd time.

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Holiday symbol

AT Russian Federation The symbol of the holiday is a teddy bear and a forget-me-not. This flower was not chosen by chance. According to popular belief, he has magic power to return the memory of people who have forgotten about their relatives and friends. In many mythologies, it symbolizes memory and devotion.

history of the holiday

Mother's Day in Russia at the official level was fixed by the Decree of the President of Russia B. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120. The initiative to establish the holiday was put forward by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. Aparina. She was a member of the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The purpose of the holiday was to strengthen family foundations and emphasize the importance of the role of mother in human life.

For the first time, the holiday was held on October 30, 1988 at school No. 228 in Baku. Its author was the teacher of Russian language and literature E. Huseynova. The event received wide coverage in newspapers and magazines, meeting with universal support and approval. Scenarios were published in the press, justifying the need to honor mothers. Secondary educational institutions supported the Baku tradition. A few years later, it grew into a national one.

Holiday traditions

Mother's Day in Russia is not celebrated very widely. On this holiday, children congratulate their mothers, give them gifts made by themselves: drawings, applications, crafts. Social actions are taking place, the most popular of which is "Mom, I love you." Flyers are distributed and greeting cards near metro stations public transport and shopping centers. Public organizations hold public lectures on the topic of motherhood. The main goal of social activity is a caring and careful attitude to the mother, dissemination family values and traditions.

Radio and television broadcast programs about family and relationships. The first persons of the state congratulate mothers. In their speeches, they emphasize the role of women in procreation and human development.

In many regions, this holiday is timed to present mothers with medals, orders, certificates, cash prizes for the worthy upbringing of children.

Task for the day

Call mom. Tell her some tender and touching words. Such a sign of attention will not leave her indifferent.

What to give for mother's day

Cosmetics. Favorite perfume, skin care set or bath products - pleasant and useful gift for woman. If it is difficult to make a choice, you can present a gift certificate from the store, in which she can choose a gift for herself.

Kitchen gadgets. Moms love to delight their children and family members with delicious surprises. For lovers of spending time with culinary creations, you can give a kitchen gadget - a mixer, a blender, a slow cooker, a toaster, a double boiler, a juicer.

Family photo album. Collect children's pictures, print photos from electronic media, which are constantly out of reach. Take a funny selfie the day before or arrange a family photo session. Such a gift will become a memorable thing for mom, which she will be happy to pick up.

Indoor plant. Unlike a bouquet of cut flowers, a houseplant in a pot will delight mom's eyes for a long time. A blooming orchid, violet or azalea will create a festive mood and bring coziness to the house.


“Mommy, I congratulate you on your “professional” holiday, because being a mother is the most responsible and difficult job. Thank you for the warm hands and sleepless nights. I wish not to disturb my nerve cells in vain, because everything is always fine with me. May your health be excellent, and your heart filled with peace and love!

“From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate all mothers on the holiday! Being a mother is not a simple, delicate, very responsible matter! You are growing the future and therefore we wish you immense patience, boundless love and courage!”

“The first word of every child is Mom. When we are scared, we want to go to our mother. When we feel bad, we remember our mother. I'm not strong in religions, but I firmly believe in one thing. I believe in my mother, she will never betray me, and I will never betray her. Let's raise a glass to the closest person."


Mom's portrait
Children are given drawing supplies: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper. Using their imagination, the children should draw a portrait of their mother. Finished works exhibited in front of mothers, where each must guess the work of their child.

Mom's hands
For the competition, mothers sit in a row, and their children are blindfolded. Each child in turn must feel the hands of all mothers and guess theirs.

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with thematic tasks in advance. For example: feed porridge, check the diary, braid pigtails, put a thermometer. Children in pairs with their mothers must choose a card and demonstrate the intended action. However, in this task, the participants switch roles. The child must demonstrate a formidable parent, and the mother must reincarnate as a capricious baby.

  • In the United States and Australia, the carnation is the symbol of Mother's Day. This flower is pinned to clothes. The color of the carnation has a symbolic meaning. Those who want to commemorate a dead mother wear a white flower.
  • In Russia, Mother's Day ranks fourth in the year in terms of flower sales.
  • Around $14 billion is spent annually on Mother's Day gifts around the world.
  • In Canada, on Mother's Day, children bring breakfast to their mothers in bed, and in the UK they prepare fruit salad.
  • In the history of mankind, the Russian peasant woman became the mother of many children. For 27 years, she gave birth to 69 children.

About mom

In the life of every person, a mother plays a key role. This is a person who gives life, accompanies in childhood and throughout adulthood. She is an example of femininity, self-sacrifice, tenderness, selflessness, kindness and care. The birth and upbringing of a child brings happiness to women, places a burden of responsibility on their shoulders. The love and support of the mother gives the child protection and a sense of self-confidence. Even as adults, daughters and sons share their innermost secrets, sorrows and joys with them, come for advice in difficult times. Throughout life, the parental home remains the most beloved, warm and cozy place on earth, where mother's affectionate eyes are always met, and the smells of hot baking come from the kitchen. This holiday is a great occasion to once again say about your love, to express the glory of gratitude and tenderness to the person who gave life.

This holiday in other countries

Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in Ukraine, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Estonia, Malta, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil.

In the UK, Mother's Day falls on the first Sunday in March. In Spain, Portugal and Lithuania - on the first Sunday of May. In Kazakhstan - on the third Sunday of September. In Kyrgyzstan - on the third Sunday of May.

In some countries, Mother's Day has a fixed date:

  • Egypt - 21 March.
  • Belarus - 14 October.
  • Georgia - March 3.
  • Armenia - 7 April.
  • Greece - 9 May.
  • Philippines - 10 May.
  • Poland - 26 May.

There is probably no country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated annually at the end of November. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 120 of January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to maternal labor, their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children and "in order to increase the social significance of motherhood."

Every year, Mother's Day is becoming more and more popular in Russian society. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous. Various events dedicated to this Day are held especially beautifully and unforgettably in preschool and educational institutions where children give their mothers not only good words and smiles, but also many handmade gifts and specially prepared concert numbers.

When is Mother's Day in 2018 in Russia, what date

Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In 2018, the holiday falls on November 25 and is celebrated at the official level for the 21st time. It is celebrated by all mothers and pregnant women.

Holiday traditions

The symbols of the holiday are a teddy bear and a forget-me-not flower.

Mother's Day in Russia is not widely celebrated. On this holiday, children congratulate their mothers, give them gifts made by themselves: drawings, applications, crafts. Social actions are taking place, the most popular of which is “Mom, I love you”. Distribution of leaflets and greeting cards is carried out near metro stations, public transport stops and shopping centers. Public organizations hold public lectures on the topic of motherhood. The main goal of social activity is a caring and careful attitude to the mother, the spread of family values ​​and traditions.

Radio and television broadcast programs about family and relationships. The first persons of the state congratulate mothers. In their speeches, they emphasize the role of women in procreation and human development.

History of Mother's Day in Russia

In the Russian Federation, this sincere, unique holiday has been celebrated since 1998. It was then that a decree was issued that established this holiday in Russia. The purpose of creating this holiday was to increase the social significance of motherhood.

Also on this day, all people can pay tribute to their mothers. Everyone should thank their mother for those selfless sacrifices that all our own mothers make for the good of their children, for their happiness.

Becoming a mother, every woman reveals herself with better side. Her whole life changes. All best qualities, kindness and tenderness, affection and love, are fully revealed in her. A child is the dearest person on earth for every mother.

And for children, mother is the closest, dearest person who will never betray, never leave, will always love and protect from troubles. At any moment, mom will always help. Mom is the most best person on the ground.

When is the holiday celebrated abroad?

It should be noted that Mother's Day exists not only in the Russian Federation. It is also celebrated in: America, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Belgium, Israel, in the republics of the former USSR, etc. But the date of the holiday in different countries is different:

USA, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Finland celebrate it on the 2nd Sunday of May.

France - the last Sunday in May.

England - the first Saturday in March.

Holland - the first Sunday in May.

It is believed that the holiday originated in other countries thanks to America. Today this holiday is known in 115 countries.

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a touching day
Beautiful, very bright holiday:
Russian day of all mothers.
All mothers for children are a support and mentor.

We want everyone to be happy
Captured a stream of happy thoughts,
Reliable and faithful shoulder
Moved through life with love!

My beloved mother,
Happy Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you!
I want to kiss you and hug you
And wish you all the best, my dear.
So that you always remain so beautiful,
Always be happy and smile.

Mom is the closest and dearest person. It plays a vital role in a child's life. The main one is the birth itself. Knowing about the upcoming torment, women decide to take this step consciously. To honor mothers, a holiday was established dedicated to all women who have a child, and to those who are just carrying a baby. In the Russian Federation, it is officially celebrated every last Sunday in November.

history of the holiday

The history of the national mother's day is short. The holiday was established in 1998 on January 30. Boris Yeltsin's decree number 120 served as a help. The initiator of introducing this date into the calendar of significant events in the Russian Federation was A. Aparina, a State Duma deputy. She was an activist and was in a service dealing with women, families and the younger generation.

In the Russian Federation, the first holiday dedicated to mothers was arranged by a teacher teaching Russian language and literature. Baku resident E. Huseynova, who works at the local school No. 288, organized an event for students and parents. The events of October 30, 1988 went down in history. They were covered by the media and received public approval and support. Later, such events, which do not yet have an official status, have become traditional for many educational institutions.

Each of us owes our birth to our mother. When we were born, mother, stepping over her own fear and pain, smiled at us and extended her affectionate and gentle hands. She did not sleep at night, giving all her strength and time to her beloved kids. Having matured, with the warmest feelings we remember mother's lullabies, her touches and hugs. All people, regardless of financial situation and social status in life, love their mother. We must remember Mother's Day, do not regret warm words and attention.

Date of Mother's Day in Russia

This holiday is considered international. It is celebrated by all mothers and pregnant women. Everyone who has already given birth to a child and who is waiting for it in the near future. This holiday is completely different from International Women's Day. Its main difference is that you need to congratulate those who have children or will be very soon. AT different countries female representatives accept congratulations in different days. In most cases, the holiday falls on the second Sunday in May. In Russia, they also love and wait for Mother's Day, the date for it is completely different. It is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of November. On this cold autumn day, all sons and daughters thank the most beloved women in the world who gave them life - children congratulate their mothers.

How did Mother's Day appear in Russia?

The holiday was established in 1998. The corresponding decree was issued on January 30 by President Boris Yeltsin, who was at the head of the country in those years. The main initiator of the creation of the holiday was the deputy Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina. She was supported by the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. Mother's Day was created to maintain the traditions of caring and respect for mother, as she is the most important person in the world for us. The state recognized the invaluable role of the mother in the life of every citizen of the Russian Federation.

But in fact, another person can be considered the author of the creation of the holiday. It was a teacher of Russian language and literature from Baku. Elmira Javadovna organized and celebrated Mother's Day with her students at the end of October 1988. After holding the event, the teacher decided that this holiday should be celebrated annually. This was reported in the local press. And the scenario of the holiday, which was prepared by the teacher, was published in the magazine. Elmira Huseynova was supported by colleagues, Mother's Day began to be celebrated in many schools of the country. He became very popular. Many have forgotten about the first initiator of the creation of Mother's Day. But Elmira Huseynova was mentioned in newspapers before the official recognition of the holiday.

What is the purpose of Mother's Day?

The main idea of ​​the holiday is to revive and strengthen the centuries-old traditions of caring and reverent attitude towards women, family foundations, to remind about the special significance of matter for each person. The purpose of its creation was to pay attention to their mothers, to listen to their problems. Once a year, you can find time to talk heart to heart with your mother, find out what worries and worries her. We must remember that mother needs to be taken care of.

During the nine months of pregnancy, women go through many difficulties in order to have a long-awaited child. The most difficult thing in life is to give birth and raise a worthy person. Caring for a child is the main goal of any woman's life. This is one of the eternal holidays that firmly binds mother and child. On such a day, mommy should definitely give all her love and affection. Care and attention on this day slightly compensates for everything that mom has invested in us.

This holiday is also widespread internationally. European and American countries celebrate it on the second Sunday in May.

How to congratulate on Mother's Day?

Not everyone remembers Mother's Day, when it is customary to celebrate it - they forget, since there is no specific date for the celebration. Don't forget that this is the last Sunday in November. it special holiday, Mother's Day, when you need to congratulate the dearest person on Earth, express gratitude, pick up words of gratitude. On this day, all women should feel love and sincere feelings their children. Let you not have an expensive gift, give mommy a little attention, sit with her together. This will be the best present for the holiday.

Promotions and events for Mother's Day

Russia does not forget about this holiday. All-Russian social actions are held annually throughout the country for this date under the slogan "Mom, I love you!" AT last week November, before the holiday, hand out free postcards. Each person will be able to give it to his mother on this holiday. It can be sent by mail or given to the most expensive woman in person. The main symbol of the action is the forget-me-not flower. He was not chosen by chance. There are many legends that this delicate blue flower can remind of relatives and friends to those who have forgotten about them.

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in kindergartens and schools. Children prepare for this day in advance. They learn poems, songs to congratulate the women closest to them.

It is celebrated every year almost all over the world. Its history is very old and comes from the ancient Greek cult of a woman-mother. The modern celebration of such a day is organized to emphasize the importance of mother as the most important person for every child. After all, each of us remains a beloved child for his mother for life.

This holiday should not be confused with. As a rule, on International Women's Day, we congratulate absolutely all ladies, including even little girls who are future women. On Mother's Day, only accomplished mothers, grandmothers and pregnant women accept congratulations. Do not forget to please your beloved mothers by congratulating them and giving them symbolic gifts. And now let's find out exactly when this day is celebrated.

What date is Mother's Day celebrated in Russia?

As for Russia, this holiday is always celebrated here on the last Sunday of November. But, since this day always falls on different numbers of November, it is impossible to clearly say what date Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. The honoring of mothers was approved at the state level in 1998 at the initiative of Alevtina Aparina, a State Duma deputy. But few people know that long before the recognition of such a holiday, it was regularly held in schools in Baku and Stavropol. The initiator of this good tradition was the Russian language teacher Elmira Huseynova, who sought to instill in her students a respectful attitude towards mothers.

However, there are countries where a specific day is set aside for the celebration of All Mothers' Day. In Belarus, for example, it is October 14th. In Armenia, events to honor mothers are held on April 7, and March 3 is the holiday of mothers in Georgia. Greece celebrates the holiday on May 9, and, for example, Poland - on May 26. Interestingly, in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan this holiday takes place simultaneously with International Women's Day, in March.

What date is Mother's Day celebrated in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, mothers are congratulated every year on the second Sunday of May. Thus, it is also not possible to name a specific number of the holiday. Together with Ukraine in May, many more countries celebrate Mother's Day: the USA and Mexico, Australia and India, Denmark and Finland, Malta and Estonia, Turkey and Germany, Italy and Belgium, Japan and other states.

Mother's Day celebrations around the world

Mother's Day is very popular in the United States, where it is celebrated along with Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day. These days, families unite, sons and daughters congratulate their mothers and give them their attention, whatever their relationship may be.

An interesting tradition There is in Australia - when Mother's Day is celebrated, Australians pin carnation flowers to their clothes. If the carnation is red, it means that the person’s mother is alive and well, but white carnations are worn on clothes in memory of the mother, who is no longer alive.

The celebration of Mother's Day in Austria is very reminiscent of March 8 in our country: matinees are held in schools, children learn poetry and make crafts, give mothers bunches of spring flowers.

In Italy, sweets are a traditional present given by children to their mothers.

But in Canada there is a custom to cook breakfast for mom and bring him to bed, giving flowers and small symbolic gifts. Also, mothers and grandmothers are released on this day from the traditional duty of washing dishes - this is done with pleasure by children and grandchildren.

In our time, the commercial side of the holiday begins to play an increasingly significant role. Trade supermarkets offer all sorts of promotions and discounts for Mother's Day, and many are in a hurry to buy one of the traditional gifts for their mother. But it should be remembered that the most important gift for any mother is the love, attention and sincere care of her children - this is the true meaning of this good holiday!