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Housing and Communal Services Workers' Day: all the most interesting things about the holiday. Day of Workers of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services in Russia Day of Workers of Public Utilities When

It is impossible to imagine modern life without housing and communal services enterprises and the sphere of personal services to the population. Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day - professional holiday a huge number of people who make our lives more enjoyable day and night. It is now impossible to imagine our lives without janitors, landscapers, cleaners, mechanics, plumbers, repairmen and many other workers in the housing and communal services sector.

IN Russian Federation The celebration of Housing and Public Utilities Worker Day began with the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days,” which officially fixed the current date of celebration, but the holiday itself has existed in the USSR since 1966 year and was celebrated on the 4th Sunday of July. What happened next is reminiscent of the story of the Old New Year - workers in the listed areas of activity began to celebrate both holidays. This is also facilitated by the fact that the old Day of Workers of Consumer Services, Trade and Housing and Communal Services falls on a day off.

Then, according to Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days” Trade Workers Day was moved to the third Sunday in March. And officially it is on this day that the holiday is celebrated.

Working in the consumer market and services requires a lot of knowledge, responsibility, dedication, patience and the ability to work with people. Today, trade and consumer service workers make a huge contribution to the development of the economy of our country, expanding the range of services and improving their quality. Their professionalism, quality of services provided, warmth and goodwill largely determine people’s mood, well-being and living conditions.

In 1917 - 1921, the first decrees and resolutions of the USSR government were adopted, aimed at developing household services, which include services that create coziness and convenience in our lives. Among them, for example, public service centers, studios, factories, workshops, salons provide services for apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, laundry and dry cleaning, custom tailoring and shoe and clothing repair. In addition, this also includes services for the prevention and repair of cars, repair of household machines and appliances, television and radio equipment, musical instruments, as well as hairdressing services.

Housing and communal services are a special sector of the economy on which the standard of living and well-being of the majority of the Russian population depends. Warm and dry apartments, clean and bright entrances, working elevators, landscaped courtyards and playgrounds in them - all this creates in residents a special mood and a sense of pride in their entrance, house, neighborhood, city...

New housing laws of the Russian Federation have granted the rights and responsibilities for managing apartment buildings to the owners of premises, so the circle of people for whom housing and communal services have become a daily concern and responsibility has expanded significantly. Today these include:

  • specialists from service organizations;
  • specialists from management organizations;
  • utility specialists;
  • boards of HOAs and housing cooperatives;
  • active owners who take part in the management of their homes.

IN Housing and Communal Services Workers Day a public tribute of respect and recognition is given to the people whose efforts and professionalism have kept our homes in their original condition appearance, comfort and safety, and residents receive quality housing and utilities.

On Housing and Communal Services Worker Day, you can and should congratulate specialists, management and service organizations, the boards of homeowners associations and housing cooperatives - everyone who services your home, as well as active owners. To do this, you can do this in advance:

  • send a thank you note to the local newspaper,
  • send gratitude to local authorities.

The day before it would be useful:

  • just call
  • send a telegram or fax,
  • hang congratulations in the entrance or in the yard,
  • go to the office of your management company and say sincere words of gratitude.

Congratulations to public service workers

Congratulations on Life Day,
Our shoemakers and tailors!
Your help is not forgotten,
Who's in the repair shops?
Glues, repairs, cuts, shaves,
Washes, irons and cuts -
You know how to do good
You take care of your customers!
We thank you for this
The happiness of such necessary work.
We wish you happiness, light
And good health for years to come!

Today our congratulations to household workers
And a sea of ​​bouquets beautiful flowers,
Today you have confessions and revelations,
I am ready to say thank you for your work!
In communication they are pleasant, self-possessed, patient,
Thorough and very professional at the same time.
You live, dear ones, richly and happily,
And we will definitely come to you again!

Requires a lot of costs
Life and way of life,
But I'm glad to be well-groomed
Both the professor and the soldier,

Both the teacher and the surgeon -
All service bureaus need it!
And we want to congratulate
Those who are needed by everyone

So that a warm gaze greets us,
So that without nerves, unnecessary torment
I was glad to help
Best friend- service bureau!

Congratulations to housing and communal services workers

You don’t only pick up trash during cleanup days
And work without laziness and arrogance,
We would like to congratulate all employees on the holiday today
Housing and communal services!
To all those who fix our taps, who change light bulbs,
Who removes ice blocks,
We sincerely wish you health and personal happiness
And we say a huge thank you!

Accept my sincere congratulations Happy professional holiday! In the modern conditions of reforming the housing and communal services system, we are entrusted with a huge responsibility in solving a whole range of problems that have accumulated over the years. The significance of our work cannot be overestimated. This is heat, light and water for thousands of homes and hundreds of enterprises in the region. Creation and support of normal comfortable conditions in schools, kindergartens and hospitals, improvement of streets and capital repair work - all year round All these concerns fall on the shoulders of utility workers.

Today, housing and communal services and consumer services workers face serious challenges. Among them are attracting investment in the modernization of engineering infrastructure, developing a competitive environment in the housing service market, and introducing resource-saving technologies. In a market environment, consumers rightly demand an appropriate level of service for their money. The quality of services is influenced by the management system, personnel qualifications, and government tariff policy. Therefore, today, more than ever, we need flexibility, dynamism, constant updating of work methods, improvement of economic relations, optimization of the administrative and economic structure.

On the day of your professional holiday, I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, family well-being and success in your work!

Congratulations on Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day in verse

Who through the rods with a stick
Does it drive leaves in the morning?
Who flies faster than a jackdaw?
To stop pipe leaks?

Grabs a trash can
And has already disappeared into the distance,
No matter how Goethe and Heine
Couldn't you even in life?

Here's Byron with a urinal:
He's comical and ridiculous!
No, not for nothing, oh, not for nothing
Are you drinking your heavy bread!!!

We could probably live without pilots,
Flying like birds - what nonsense?!
But what to do without plumbers?
Ordinary plumbers? Without them we are nowhere!

Other professions can produce romantics
Pompous and lofty words,
But without the familiar ordinary workers
There will be no melodies or poems.

Let's thank them with warm words,
For creating convenience and coziness,
So they can be proud
For your simple but much needed work!

Not because the kitchen faucet was leaking,
The plumber came to the saleswoman,
Not because the head is shaggy,
They called a hairdresser friend,
Not because the traffic jams blew out,
The electrician came running with a huge package,
And not for washing and ironing,
The receptionist came from the laundry,
And baked pancakes and sweet buns...
And the janitor in a clean apron brought
Wine and corkscrew. Glasses clinked
And the general celebration of life began!

Congratulations to trade workers

Be able to sell anything
Be able to calculate your income -
The meaning of a merchant's life today,
It has been like this for a hundred thousand centuries.
And this is his loyalty to the goal
We are delighted.
We wanted to congratulate you today
Traders and sellers!

What can I say about trading?
We feel very bad without her!
Where can we buy food?
How to live without shops!?
Where to buy new things,
For an apartment environment!
Where can we dress the kids?
Something to look out for for yourself!
All our trade workers,
He can make a great offer!
That's why we wish him
It's wonderful to live in the world!

Congratulations on the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers by phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio greeting on the Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the greeting by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Dear workers of trade, consumer services and housing and communal services, industry veterans! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!
Comfort in homes and institutions, life support and improvement of our cities and towns, and ultimately the health, well-being and mood of the country's residents largely depend on your competence, professionalism and responsibility.
Attention and goodwill towards people, a conscientious attitude towards your duties - these are the qualities that are necessary in your work.
We wish you well-being and prosperity. May your work always be respected and in demand, and may your work bring satisfaction and become a source of positive emotions. Good luck to you in all your endeavors, health, happiness and goodness!


A selection of the most important documents upon request Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Regulatory acts: Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2016 N 1138
(as amended on 12/01/2018)
"On comprehensive lists of procedures in the field of construction of water supply and sanitation facilities and rules for maintaining registers of descriptions of procedures"
(together with the “Rules for amending the comprehensive list of procedures in the field of construction of linear water supply and sanitation facilities and an exhaustive list of procedures in the field of construction of water supply and sanitation facilities, with the exception of linear facilities”, “Rules for maintaining registers of descriptions of procedures specified in the exhaustive list of procedures in the field of construction of linear water supply and sanitation facilities and an exhaustive list of procedures in the field of construction of water supply and sanitation facilities, with the exception of linear facilities") 8. The information provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules, in relation to the procedures included in section II of the corresponding list of procedures and provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts, is posted by the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on their official websites in the information telecommunication network "Internet" no later than 5 working days from the date the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation made changes to the registers of descriptions of procedures.

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2014 N 403
(as amended on 04/21/2018)
"On an exhaustive list of procedures in the field of housing construction"
(together with the “Rules for amending the comprehensive list of procedures in the field of housing construction”, “Rules for maintaining a register of descriptions of procedures specified in the comprehensive list of procedures in the field of housing construction”) 5(1). The information provided for in paragraph 3 of these Rules, in relation to the procedures included in Section II of the list of procedures and provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts, is posted by the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on their official websites in the information and telecommunications network " Internet" no later than 5 working days from the date the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation made changes to the register of descriptions of procedures.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
It just so happens that in the first quarter of the next financial year, the accounting department employees of management companies and homeowners associations have several reasons to please themselves and their colleagues. The first reason is Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in March. The second reason is the submission of annual reports, on the basis of which the results of the company’s work are summed up. If they are not bad, why not reward the staff, including the accounting department, with a bonus?

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
- Resolution of the AS ZSO dated November 18, 2015 N F04-26866/2015 in case N A03-4042/2015: bonuses to employees for the New Year and for the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers are not related to labor or civil law relations of the parties, they are conditioned by the occurrence of certain events ( holidays), paid to all employees without exception and do not depend on the results of their work;

Russia congratulates all workers in the service sector, housing and communal services and trade for many years at the same time, 3 Sunday in March. The holiday was considered unofficial until 1988, when in November the President of the USSR issued a decree introducing a new solemn date - the Day of Consumer Services Workers. Such a holiday is extremely important, because it expresses respect for all people working in the field of consumer services, trade and housing and communal services. Like all holidays, it has quite interesting story education, which remains unknown to most modern people.

The history of the holiday

Although the status official holiday acquired only in 1988, people of the corresponding profession noted it much earlier. For the first time such specialists were congratulated back in the days Soviet Union(1966) on the fourth Sunday of July. A little later, the government reconsidered the relevance of the chosen date and moved the holiday to March, but the specialists accepting congratulations decided to celebrate both holidays. It is noteworthy that even today many organizations and regional institutions celebrate their professional holiday in July.
When the USSR collapsed, many countries abandoned the celebration of this date or moved it to another date. However, there are still countries, including Russia, that continue to celebrate a similar professional day in March.
Until 1917, the development of household services was rather sluggish, until the government adopted a number of important reforms relating to this area. From that moment on, there was a significant breakthrough in the system of household services, which has not lost momentum to this day.

Features of consumer services and housing and communal services

Household services include all services and services that provide them, helping to increase comfort and convenience Everyday life of people. The personal services system includes many workshops, spas, fitness centers, repair companies, furniture manufacturers, and so on. When listing popular enterprises that provide household services to the population, one cannot help but recall gyms, cleaning services, photo studios and other well-known establishments.

People working in the public service sector must have certain qualities such as patience, education, responsibility as well as experience. Another requirement for all service employees is communication skills and the ability to work with people. Many people are surprised by the ability of service workers to remain calm in conflict situations, and also smile sincerely at every client. However, trade workers were in demand back in ancient times, when such a well-thought-out and proven system did not exist. However, at that time the service sector was in little demand, since there was little equipment and conditions to provide them.

History of the consumer services sector in Russia

Since ancient times, public service and trade have been indispensable indicators of comfort. Ancient Rome became famous for its multiple covered markets, similar to the hypermarkets that exist today. Also in Rome, one of the first workshops opened, providing a fairly wide range of services to the population. At the same time, people involved in the design and construction of special water supply systems (aqueducts) were respected no less than musicians and painters.

In Russia before the revolution, much attention was also paid to the service sector. Statistics show that in the twentieth century, more than 50 provinces of the country provided work in the service sector to more than 20% of the total adult population. Such specialists were highly respected, and the profession itself was considered promising and highly paid.

Development of housing and communal services

Housing and communal services is a whole complex of various subgroups that provide people with the widest possible range of different housing and communal services. During the USSR, the government was engaged not only in the active development of trade and the sphere of consumer services, but also in the housing and communal services industry. This is confirmed by the resolution (1917), which turned out to be the first of its kind, and specifically related to the housing and communal services sector. However, a number of reforms adopted in the 90s of the last century and relating to the country’s economy significantly reduced the amount of financial influence on housing and communal services funds. Because of this, modern funds in this area have deteriorated significantly. Recent data confirms that wear and tear has reached 60% of the total and most of these assets are operating at capacity.

The current state of consumer services and housing and communal services

Housing and communal services are currently in a deplorable state due to significant wear and tear of equipment. To correct the situation, a significant amount of money needs to be allocated to such an industry, but sponsors are in no hurry to make such investments. Unlike Soviet times, almost all non-productive and production services provided in Russia require payment. However, people hope that the situation will be corrected as soon as possible and that the authorities will draw attention to the need to finance housing and communal services and organizations that provide services to the population. At this time, all workers in this field, who put in a lot of work and endurance, accept congratulations from colleagues and relatives on the third Sunday in March.

Housing and communal services workers maintain cleanliness and comfort for the entire population. Their work provides comfortable living conditions and is a sign of public peace. In order to demonstrate the importance of the contribution to society, a professional holiday was established in honor of workers providing domestic services.


The holiday was celebrated for the first time in 1966. It was combined with Trade Workers' Day until 1988. And on November 1, 1988, it was established by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a separate holiday. The system of providing household services itself began to operate after the October Revolution.

After the collapse of the USSR, this holiday continues to be celebrated not only here, but also in some CIS countries.

Today, utility workers ensure uninterrupted operation and availability of water, light, heat and gas in homes. Since the times of the USSR, the attitude towards the structures has not been the best due to the fact that the work does not require a highly professional education. Nevertheless, the importance of services is obvious, because not a single home can do without housing and communal services. Cleaning streets and roads is also their responsibility. Employees of the consumer services sector provide assistance in repairing electrical appliances, cars, apartments, and can put personal and household items in order.


On this day are held special events, where the most active employees are encouraged with awards, bonuses, certificates of honor, and letters of gratitude. Friends and relatives arrange a festive banquet and present gifts. The media prepare stories and materials about the importance of the profession.

The high-quality work of employees of the municipal and household services sector has a positive impact on the development of the country’s economy. Order, comfortable living conditions and work process allow you to focus on more global results, without being distracted by everyday problems.

Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers- the holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in March

The holiday Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Public Utilities Workers in the Soviet Union has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July since 1966.
Later, according to Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorial Days,” Trade Workers’ Day was moved to the third Sunday in March. And officially it is on this day that the holiday should be celebrated.
However, to this day, not only individual trade organizations, but even some regional government structures continue to celebrate the holiday “the old fashioned way” on the fourth Sunday of July.
Thus, it can be stated that in Russia, in fact, there are two “Trade Day” holidays - one in March, the other in July.

On the third Sunday of March, the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers is celebrated. It has been celebrated since 1988.

Household services include all services that create coziness and convenience in our lives: service houses, studios, factories, workshops, apartment renovation salons, furniture manufacturing and repair, laundry and dry cleaning, shoe and clothing repair, car maintenance and repair, household machines and appliances, television and radio equipment, musical instruments, etc. Add to this the rental of cultural and sports items and household items, cleaning of apartments, performing various errands, photography and hairdressing services, all this in the sphere of conducting the household services we need. Therefore, this holiday has many admirers.

To say that we owe a lot to these people is to say nothing. Although we scold them at every step, we cannot do without them.
The housing and communal services sector is currently receiving a lot of attention. Special laws have been adopted, huge funds have been allocated to ensure that people live well and housing and communal services are provided with high quality. But until this happens, we have to live as we lived before.
The only area that has received enormous development is the sphere of trade. Now you can buy everything and for any money. Retail chains and complexes are located almost everywhere. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge.