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Codes for the anniversary of the library. Theatrical scenario of the library's anniversary opening

Scenario for the anniversary of Lipovskoy rural library

I Introduction.

Today our library celebrates its anniversary. She is exactly 60 years old. Is this a long term or a short one? It depends. The library has changed radically in 60 years. Today the library has modern technology that helps us in obtaining information.

What is a library?
Anyone will probably answer you:
We go here like a pharmacy
Heal our souls with you.
If you feel bad,
Then the book will come to the rescue,
And make you forget all the bad
The happy world will take you away.
So to be friends with the book, of course,
I advise you always,
And a medicine for the pain of the heart
There will be a book for you for years!

Primitive communal system.
(Scene. A cave. Stones near it. People in skins have come. They are carving drawings on the stones).

There lived a primitive man
In the bosom of unspoiled nature
He didn't know any libraries
And he had never read a book before.
And the world around him knew by touch,
He was not tempted by anything.
On the rocks he drew pictures,
He lived peacefully with nature.
Those drawings speak volumes
Us, reflecting the primitive life of running.
On them we see: for many years in a row
The human ancestor walked towards perfection.

Time of writing.
(A monk sits at the back of the stage. He is writing a book. A candle in a candlestick is burning on the table).

Centuries have passed, life has changed around.
An urgent need arose for the letter.
Here is a wish a friend writes to a friend,
And the news is flying around the city.
A monk is sitting and he is writing a book.
The lines are laid down in even rows.
About the unusual life of those times
Those books have been around for years.
Here is the monastery. They keep books here.
Not at all the same as in the modern age.
So unusual to look at
They lie in the silence of the libraries.
Those books were not available to everyone
They were very expensive.
The poor man could not read them,
The rich only used them.

The participants of the first two scenes with books come out and read 4 lines of verse, and the last 4 lines are read all together.

3. The modern world.
The 21st century has come.
Science, technology, discovery too.
Introduce yourself a man
Now he cannot live without books.
They contain knowledge, wisdom, secrets of the age,
Let the winds of change blow in the world
May the library live forever
And oblivion and decay will not touch the books.
Let the fashion for computers now,
And now the Internet has become available,
But books in the life of each of us
Will leave a mark for many, many years.
And, therefore, the library will live,
Overcoming lack of money, adversity,
And serve your visitors
Magazines and books for years.

III. Main part.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are gathering friends for a visit - all those who will celebrate our anniversary! Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! We are very glad to see you today, November 12, 2010, in our small but cozy hall on this solemn day - the day of the 60th anniversary of the Lipovskoy rural library.

There is a town unusual in the world
He will open the doors for adults and children.
Every single person here
They know that this is the Lipovo library

Here a wonderful world is open to us.
Any tastes will satisfy:
Prose, poetry, classics genre,
And a modern love story.

You stay for a minute, my friend- There is a good light in the city. (Revised poems by Rimma Neverova, Togliatti poet)

And today we want to arrange a holiday for you - readers, our guests and all residents of our village. Because all of you, each of your visits, also leave within the walls of the library a part of your soul, your love, a part of your life.

A song is played to the tune "If there was no winter" performed by the teachers.

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Rustling pages of books
Sad and cheerful.
Library lights
Are glowing everywhere
Come to us man
Come to us man
Join the miracle.

La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la,
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Life itself confirms
Arguing with the darkness:
Doesn't happen from the mind
No grief.
Our run is faster and faster
More and more difficult tasks.
Come to us man
Come to us man
To get richer.

La-la, la-la ...
To get richer.

We will help to take the height,
Find the way in the fog.
We are at the pilot's post,
In the ocean of books.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Do not forget about it.
Come to us man
Come to us man
Behind the magic light.

La-la, la-la ...
Behind the magic light

The anniversary celebration is actually not as simple as it sounds. It reminds of the "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers: I always want everyone to feel good and no one left offended. After each anniversary celebration, the library begins a new life. Each anniversary year is always a step towards the beginning of something new.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the Russian Geographical Society, Batischev D.D. Deputy Head of the Russian Geographical Society Matveeva E. Yu.

It's November outside, it's cloudy and uncomfortable, but despite the bad weather, we gathered in this room to celebrate the library's anniversary. She is exactly 60 years old. Is this a long term or a short one? It depends. The library has changed radically in 60 years. Today the library has modern technology that helps us in obtaining information.

A poem is read against the background of a slide show about the library.

Today it is recognized by everyone and we have known for 60 years - In the municipal bibliosystem

Anniversary of the Kashira city children's library, branch No. 4 "Library - Museum of Dolls"

Social and creative project for grade 4 students

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, classroom teacher of the 4th grade, educator of the GPA, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention a project of social and creative orientation to prepare for the regional event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Kashira City Children's Library, Branch No. The material will be of interest to teachers - organizers, music workers, class teachers; children 10 - 12 years old.
Purpose: participation in a district event, congratulations on the anniversary; PowerPoint Presentation Creation - A report of the collaboration between class and library.
- to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of the anniversary;
- expanding creative boundaries;
- to include children in conscious creative activity;
- collect the necessary materials: photos and files for the presentation design;
- write a textual accompaniment, arrange a presentation;

Relevance of the project:
On April 29, in the Kashira City Children's Library, branch No. 4 "Library Museum of Dolls", a holiday "Happy Jubilee, Children's Library!" Took place, dedicated to the 85th anniversary.
The library was founded in 1931. Over the years of its existence, the library workers have raised more than one generation of young readers. Even today it keeps up with the times and remains a favorite place of leisure and communication for children.
The children's library is a storehouse of wisdom, its employees do colossal work every day to educate the younger generation. The guys in our class are active readers, take part in all All-Russian and regional actions related to literature and with various types of creativity, they gladly respond to participation in thematic quizzes, theatrical performances. And, of course, we could not help but congratulate our friends and mentors on a significant date - on the 85th anniversary of their bright creative path !!!
Project preparation plan and implementation timeline:
Stage 1 - statement of the problem - announcement of the upcoming anniversary of the children's library - 03/01/2016.
Stage 2- distribution into groups, choice of creative activity, work planning - 03/10/2016. - 03/19/2016
Stage 3 - work in micro-groups: selection of photo and video material, selection of musical material, selection and processing of congratulations texts - 03/20/2016 - 03/31/2016.
Stage 4- viewing the preliminary results of the creative activities of groups, analysis, selection of the best ones to participate in the district event, preparation for the anniversary:
- rehearsals of concert numbers
- learning poems;
- release of a festive wall newspaper;
- making a souvenir with your own hands "Wise Owl"
- presentation creation - 04/01/2016 - 28.04.2016
Stage 5 - participation in the anniversary evening, demonstration of the work done - 04/29/2016
6 stage - summing up, self-assessment of activities - 04/05/2016.
Design products:
1. Festive wall newspaper "Happy birthday, library"
Volumetric panel from video discs "Wise Owl"

2. Literary and musical composition "Happy Anniversary, Kashira!"

3. PowerPoint presentation
1 slide - Kashira city children's library - branch number 4
"Library - Museum of Puppets" - 85 years

2 slide- The library is not only a mysterious magical and mysterious world of books, but also people who open this world to us - readers.

3 slide - Sorcerers, magicians, sorceresses,
Coloring beauties and wizards.

4 slide - The joy of meeting, miracle, success -
This is our library!
We are looking forward to meeting them,
We will be taught everything they can.

5 slide - Our children have matured in a year,
We did not spare smiles for them.
And the guys tried very hard
So that we smile for them.
We wish you do not grow old,
Only with us they grew up a little.

6 slide - No one sat still -
We were preparing for the anniversary together!
We tried 100% - as taught !!
We gave you a piece of our soul !!!

7 slide - You from us as a gift SOVA
- a symbol of wisdom and goodness!

The library staff thanked for the congratulations and awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks to teachers and educators, teachers of the children's art school,

the most active young readers.

Together with multi-colored balloons, each took with him a particle of human warmth.

We will come again and again to a cozy, light house, where they keep the age-old wisdom of books, where talented people work TEMPLE, called library!

Presentation on the topic: Anniversary of the Kashira City Children's Library

Pros of working in a library

There are several reasons to visit the nearest library as soon as possible. First, there is the possibility that not all books or periodicals were scanned and posted online. Secondly, work with books is a search, research. Thus, everything you find will be somewhat more valuable than if you found it on the Internet, because it will be better remembered, you will delve into the essence of what you write about. In addition, it is quite interesting if you have a lot of free time, and it develops useful skills. Another plus is that many more or less modern libraries have computers with network or wireless access, so the old-fashioned argument is swept aside.

The library is also a place where you can really devote yourself only to work. Imagine that you are sitting at your laptop at home preparing for an important report. You are distracted by annoying advertisements, a new message looms, or someone calls for help every minute or pester you with questions. This is not in the library. Peace, silence, muted phone, only rustling books or whispering. Are you considered an eccentric because of being lost in the library? But in vain. They are still popular among the reading population. Here you can meet people who may be researching the same problems as you - and these are new ideas, mutual assistance in work. So it makes sense to visit this institution! Moreover, a lot of interesting things are happening here.

Library holidays

Librarian is an interesting and even noble profession: a real feat is to devote oneself to the cause for such a salary. Be that as it may, being a book keeper is quite difficult and painstaking.

Librarian and Libraries Day was created in order to draw attention to the problem of the declining popularity of libraries and the work of their workers. It is celebrated on May 27. This is a reason to look into the book storage, because events and interesting exhibitions are held. What can you think of about this? It depends on what the library is. For example, a small village may host a small concert with the participation of regular readers. A reputable institution, on the other hand, can afford a larger event, for example, a lottery among active visitors.

On this day, you can put the librarian in the spotlight and dedicate the holiday to his work. If it's a small group, throw a theme party. “Yes, we have such a themed party at work every day,” you say. This is where stereotypes come to the rescue. There are two ways: either exaggerate them, or "break the pattern". If you decide to go first, then find somewhere a lamp with a lampshade, a round table, wrap yourself in shawls, put on glasses and drink tea with the whole team (the table, you understand, should be quite modest: tea, coffee, sweets or cookies). For entertainment - charades, riddles, intellectual games. You can give everyone an assignment in advance: come up with a story from the "stormy" library youth (do not limit yourself in choosing an era). The second way: to show that representatives of such a profession as a librarian can have fun, and how! Therefore, as a team, go to a concert, a club, an extreme amusement park. For visitors, you can arrange an exhibition, combined with a mini-presentation of employee talents. The more unusual the feature, the more interesting it is. The holidays don't end there.

Celebration Ideas: Anniversary and More

For example, World Book and Copyright Day falls on the twenty-third of April. On this day, of course, thematic exhibitions in libraries will be ideal. It is also appropriate to work with children: they can be asked to tell about their favorite books, writers, to draw the heroes of the works. For some, this may be the reason for a writing debut. Therefore, there is a lot of material for decorating a festive wall newspaper. You can also carry out field work, for example, in schools. Usually they arrange quizzes, tell interesting facts and teach how to handle a book. In preparation for the event, you can take to the streets, asking adult passers-by tricky questions from the field of literature.

And, of course, each library has its own personal holiday - an anniversary. How to mark it? You can use the same ideas as for any library holiday. But it is customary for us to celebrate anniversaries on a grand scale. Scenario developments will be presented below.

Library anniversary: \u200b\u200bscript. mission Possible

First, understand what kind of holiday you need. It depends on the contingent and the date. If the figure is solid enough, then the library's anniversary should be the same. The script can be built on the history of the institution. If it is a gala evening, look for photographs that show the life of the library at different times. You can make a slide show from them. Probably every library has such an album, like a book of complaints and suggestions. There are no negative reviews there, but for sure there are wishes written by the grandparents of today's readers, their notes, children's drawings. This can be the basis for an evening of memories.

If you have a large enough amount of money, hire an agency to develop a short film about book storage. If your own straight arms allow - please! This material can be shown at the beginning of the gala evening. Then announce the history of the library. Starting from the year of foundation and naming the subsequent anniversary years (or those when something significant happened in the library and the world), you briefly tell what time people experienced, and at the end - what happened to the library. Perhaps there was nothing special. Beat that too in celebration of the library's anniversary. Build a scenario on the fact that she is indestructible, she is the guarantor of knowledge, wisdom and stability. So the story has been told, what's next?

Then give the floor to the guests of honor (they will be discussed below). Then you can hold a solemn rewarding of employees, the same guests and readers. If the chosen format allows, be sure to use amateur performances: skits, songs, dances, performances by children's ensembles, presentations of the art of folk artists. Don't let everything go by itself: alternate long speeches of invitees with numbers. This way the audience will not lose interest in what is happening. Devote the next block to the present of the library: present your achievements. Most libraries have circles and all kinds of associations. Give the floor to their members. In the final part, you can look into the future: talk about plans or innovations. To end the holiday with a book distribution is a great idea.

Young book depository

If the library is relatively young, then in the presentation film, focus on the present. Make changes to the annals as well. Let the history of the library be compared with the life of a person. If long evenings with speeches and performances are not to your liking, then transfer the anniversary of the library to the virtual space or supplement the complex of possible events in this way. On the website or in groups on social networks, announce, for example, a flash mob. This can be a photo with your favorite book, in the library, and so on. The best photos should be noted with book gifts, of course. If you want to celebrate the anniversary of the library on a larger scale, break the script for the whole week. During this time, host library anniversary events and book and photo exhibitions. Give each day a separate topic. It can be the history of the library, and the stories of readers, and facts about books, about reading generations, about talents, about circles, about plans ...

Rural library - a hotbed of culture

If there are no cultural centers and major events in your village, then the anniversary of the library is the best time to remember its services to the village. Write the script for the anniversary of the rural library under the slogan "So many years for the center of culture." Then you can proceed as in the paragraph above. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of this institution in rural areas. Perhaps a magnificent celebration will not be entirely appropriate, but it is still worth talking about the achievements. Organize an amateur performance or concert. Since rural institutions often receive little funding from the budget, the library anniversary is an excellent reason to find sponsors. Moreover, they can help not only with money: books, materials, repairs and so on. When composing a scenario for the anniversary of a rural library, you can focus on the progressiveness of this institution, on the popularity of reading.

Book holiday for children

Here you can give a flight of imagination and write a fabulous script. The anniversary of the children's library is always celebrated quite widely, since children read a lot and often go to the library. Option one: a journey into the depths of the centuries. In the script, start from the idea of \u200b\u200btelling about the history of the library in general. Where were the first, how they looked, what has survived to our times. And so travel from antiquity to our time. And only approaching the present, start talking about the hero of the occasion. You can ask children in advance how they see the library of the future. The script for celebrating the anniversary of the library for children should be as interactive as possible: use video and music, computer games. As many children's performances and games as possible is what you need. You can arrange a holiday with your favorite book characters.

Events for the anniversary of the library

Congratulations on the anniversary of the library can be done not only in the form of a concert. It can be both pranks and quests. By the way, treat the latter with attention. Hide clue notes in a specific area. Organize an action: every home has unnecessary books, so let them be useful in the library! You can also arrange an exhibition.

Why organize an exhibition?

If the exhibitions on duty in libraries do not cause much attention, then the anniversary ones should fix it. Every librarian is a creative person, so special attention should be paid to design. Let it be books on a specific topic. Catchy headline stand. The graphic design should match the theme. Arrange the books not randomly, but so that the composition is respected. Pay close attention to illustrations. What other exhibitions to hold? This is the work of townspeople or fellow villagers, and what is associated with various clubs and circles. By the way, you can invite to meetings with writers - then make the topic appropriate. Try to cooperate with some publishing house and exhibit his books.

How to congratulate the hero of the day?

Congratulations on the library's anniversary are kind words, full of hope and confidence that it is needed and will be needed for another hundred years. What does the library want? Guests of honor often present something truly necessary. So, you can congratulate the library in different ways ... With books. New books are always held in high esteem. Ideas. Help in organizing events, especially material assistance, is welcome. Improvement in condition. Of course, this is not a renovation and not a new building, but still. But by far the best gift for the library every day is people's love for the book.

"Non-childish" anniversary of the children's library.
Each library has its own personal celebration - anniversary. This is our latent desire to add a touch of beauty and fairy tales to the gray everyday life. In 2017, the children's library-branch No. 2 in Mogilev celebrated a significant anniversary - 50 years from the date of opening. The history of the library goes back to the sixties of the twentieth century. This is an inseparable chain of destinies of more than one generation of people who stood at the origins and who continue the chronicle today. 50 years is a whole life, it is a story of interesting memories, overcomes, successes.

The program of the festive week included a lot of interesting and entertaining events: literary quests, a clown-Party, a meeting with a writer, a dance and music lounge worked, promotions, interactive online games, and contests were held. The following columns were opened on the library's website: “Library in faces”, “25 interesting facts about libraries”, the photo gallery “Travel in a time machine”, etc. invite adult readers of the children's library.
Who among us, as a child, did not freeze with delight and awe, following Alice and the White Rabbit down the Rabbit Hole on a magical adventure in Wonderland? We all would once gladly agree to make a personal acquaintance with the Cheshire Cat or have a crazy tea party in the company of the Hatter or the Queen of Hearts!
Thanks to this, Alice's story served as a separate idea for the scenario of the anniversary event. Having started organizing a festive fantasy in the style of "Alice in Wonderland", we have carefully worked on an unusual concept of the event: from the design of the library premises to the scenario of the anniversary celebration.

The library itself was decorated in the style of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". The image of Alice was organically woven into the concept of the event and the interior of the library. A pleasant surprise for the guests was the opportunity to meet with beautiful life-size posters and posters of L. Carroll's heroes, which perfectly complemented the process of translating the unreal into reality! The unusual design of the decoration gave the guests the feeling of a fairytale journey.

The process of turning the unreal into the real was perfectly complemented by: retro - exhibition “Books - peers of the library. 1967 "and the workplace of the librarian 1967.

In the form of frames from the film, the "Festive Photo Chronicle" was framed. The guests were especially attracted by the creative press wall in the form of a flower arrangement with a thematic insert "Nam-50" and the festive arch decorated at the entrance to the library. today.
According to the scenario of the anniversary holiday on the screen, Alice is chasing the White Rabbit and sees him disappear into the rabbit hole. Then, unexpectedly, Alice falls there herself, flies down a strange, fairytale tunnel and lands ... for the library anniversaries. Here the host is waiting for her, with whom she will have a holiday. As befits in Wonderland, there were many surprises, pleasant bonuses and gifts for the guests of the event!
The scenario of the event provided for ceremonial awards of the library staff with symbolic medals and the presentation of diplomas in several nominations. The ceremony was held in the following nominations: "Discoverer", "Continuer", "Mental Manager", "Library Angel", "Detachment Singer", "Daily Positive", "Still Ahead", "MegaMind".

The fancy-dress scene is a theatrical congratulation from the state educational institution "Mogilev Children's Art School No. 6", where the Gods of Ancient Greece gathered on Olympus to resolve the issue of opening a children's library-branch No. 2.

It became a truly festive anniversary thanks to the beautiful music. The guests especially remembered the performances of teachers and students of state educational institutions "Mogilev Children's Art School No. 5", "Mogilev Children's Art School No. 1".

The kind words of our esteemed colleagues and readers addressed to the library staff are the main reward for the work of a librarian.

On November 25, 2016, the Central Inter-Settlement Library of the village of Taiturka celebrated its 70th anniversary. Many guests gathered on this solemn day within the walls of the library. The Mayor of Usolsky District Vitaly Matyukha, Head of the Department of Culture and Youth Policy Irina Zhuravskaya, head of the Taitursky District Yevgeny Artyomov came to congratulate the birthday girl.

In Russia, it has long been believed that a house without books, as without windows, is dark. We love the book, appreciate the book, give it due praise, and the library is the temple of the book. And it is impossible without the keepers of this temple - librarians. But the library jubilee is a general holiday, it is a holiday for the entire team and those who come to the library for books, for advice, for communication. A library without readers will turn into a simple storage of books. Therefore, the friendly staff of the Central Intersettlement Library arranged a holiday, first of all, for its readers, loyal friends and veterans of librarianship. After all, they all leave within the walls of the library a part of their life, a part of the warmth of their hearts, with each arrival.

As it should be, in the solemn part of the anniversary evening, words about the Book, the library and the Librarians were heard. Natalya Akimova, director of the Central Intersettlement Library, opened the festive meeting. Natalya Andreevna cordially congratulated her team on the holiday and thanked everyone who came to share this joyful event with the library staff.

Among the honored guests at the jubilee were the Mayor of the Usolsk region Vitaly Matyukha, the head of the Department of Culture and Youth Policy Irina Zhuravskaya, the head of the Taitursky District Yevgeny Artyomov.

In the life of the library, as in the life of a person, there are small and large events, dates.The 70-year life of the Taitur Regional Library is rich in events. But the library invariably did the main thing: it introduced people to knowledge, taught them to think, read, dream, and became the center of communication and information. The history of the library is inextricably linked with the history of the native village, with the history of the country.

On October 26, 1936, a resolution was adopted to close the Peter and Paul Church in the village of Taiturka, and transfer it for cultural needs. For a long time, the building housed a village council and a club. In din 1946, the first library in the village was opened in a church building. Innokenty Gritskikh became the first librarian. Subsequently, Innokenty Mikhailovich moved on to work as an engineer in the rafting office. After him, Nadezhda Stepanovna Grats worked in the library, and then Lydia Arsentievna Khomyakova.

In September 1956, Olga Leontyevna Zikratskaya, the first person with a special education, came to work at the library. She graduated from the Kansk Library College. Olga Leontievna has worked in the library for 38 years, giving her strength, energy, her love to books and people.

In December 1973, the Usolsk regional executive committee and the regional department of culture made a decision to open a second regional library in the village of Taiturka. The first regional library was in Telma.

One part of the church building was occupied by the district children's library, the other part by the district adult library. We worked together, went to the fields with events, performed at campaign sites, in a club, a school.

In 1978, the Centralized Library System began to be created. Olga Zikratskaya - the director of the library had to completely prepare all the documents for centralization. New departments were formed: processing department, service department, methodological department. In 1991 the library received a separate building.

The years passed. People were changing. Each person who worked within its walls left a piece of his soul here. Librarian is a special profession. She needs to be loved. This is exactly what the former employees of the library spoke about at the anniversary of the native library. Over the years, Nadezhda Petrovna Silina, Svetlana Stepanovna Dzhemalinskaya, Valentina Nikolaevna Khoroshikh, Valentina Osipovna Klysh, who at first was the head of the children's library, were the director of the Central Regional Hospital. Irina Evgenievna Sobolevskaya worked as a methodologist at the Central Regional Hospital for almost twenty years. Lyubov Alekseevna Malysheva and Lyudmila Ivanovna Tolmacheva, Nadezhda Petrovna Silina, who is still the methodologist of the Central Intersettlement Library, have given many years of their work experience to the library.

For 70 years of its existence, the library has something to be proud of! She brings significant moments to the treasury of the cultural life of our area. It is here that creative exhibitions are presented, fascinating contests are organized, master classes and family holidays are held in various actions. From year to year, the Central District Library tirelessly demonstrates what friendly reading families live in the village of Taiturka, how rich the village and Usolsky district are in talents.

Today the library has a rich book fund, wide information resources, cozy rooms. It has everything you need for friendly, creative and educational meetings of children and adults.

The library carefully stores materials related to its history. The exhibitions feature unique testimonies of the past. They show how rich and unique experience has been accumulated here, how much has been done.In the reading room, the history of the library was presented in the photo chronicle "Library: People ... Years ... Events ..." and the virtual exhibition "The 70 Years Path". These two exhibitions aroused keen interest not only among veterans of librarianship, but also among all visitors - guests of the festival.

Now, as before, librarians serve the book with faith and truth. For all workers, she is a job, a spiritual need, and the best friend. Thanks to the work of humble workers, the library has become a center of cultural leisure of the population. Librarians are of great help in the mysterious conversation between the reader and the book, because it is they with great love that they keep each one, be it a huge volume or a small brochure. It is their modest work in the library that a huge book wealth has been preserved, which is passed on from generation to generation of readers. They decorated the book and reading rooms brightly and colorfully, with love. An exhibition of beautiful books "BOOK - sympathy ”, which the library has the right to be proud of, the exhibition“ Literary names of the new century ”,“ Thumbing through decrepit pages ”and“ Autograph for memory ”- books with autographs of the authors.

Today the library has modern technology that helps in obtaining information. Relatively recently, in 2014, an official website appeared in the district library, on which more and more regular users are, there is an electronic catalog, there is a page on social networks.

The library carries out various inquiries, assists students in completing reports, abstracts, presentations, selects various literature at the request of the region, works in close contact with public organizations, educational and cultural institutions, and the village administration. Amateur associations have always worked well in the district library, where everything is conducive to pleasant communication. This is a club for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle "We are together" and a club for spiritual and aesthetic education among the population "Slovotsvet".On the territory of the library there are circles "Knizhkina Hospital" and "School of Computer Literacy". Children are happy to attend various master classes and the Pages of Goodness and Joy video hosting, which has been running for several years.

The audience saw a lot of interesting things from the life of the library on the screen during the evening, a lot of gratitude was expressed by the director of the regional library, Natalya Akimova, to colleagues, veterans of librarianship, readers and loyal friends. In the nomination "Good Friends of the Library" the Council of Veterans and the Council of Women of Taiturka village were awarded. The Lisov family was especially noted. Tatiana Borisovna and Alexander Semyonovich fruitfully cooperate with the library in the field of local history.

The "Talented Pen" nomination includes the poets of the Slovotsvet club Tatyana Golubtsova and Nadezhda Ruchina. Poems by Nadezhda Nikolaevna and Tatyana Vladimirovna are kind and light. Poetry for these women is a kind of outlet where there is an opportunity to remain oneself. For the anniversary of the library, Nadezhda Ruchina wrote a poem, which she read for everyone.

But the main thing for the library is the opportunity to give readers the joy of communicating with the kindest, eternal, sublime - a book. Librarians treat their readers with respect, love and gratitude, therefore, the best of them were identified in honor of the holiday. In the category "Reader with experience" were presented those who have been visiting the library for a long time and with pleasure. These are Tamara Krylova, Galina Tsitsilina and Albina Terina. In the nomination "Reading with the whole family" were presented erudite and curious people - Natalya Klimova, her daughter Galina and granddaughter Valentina. The nomination "Lady of a Women's Novel" was intended for Zoya Bykova, "Eternal Classics" - for Lyubov Shishkina, and "Mister Fantasy" - for Viktor Topolsky. « The most active reader "was a representative of the younger generation, a student of the agricultural and industrial technical school Vladislav Frolov.

The library is engaged in publishing activities: it issues booklets and information flyers, publishes articles in the media, and prints collections.

This year, in honor of the anniversary, a video collection of poems by poets of the Usolsk region "With love every line ..." was prepared. During the year, the material on the works of the poets of the Usolsky region was collected and processed. 8 settlements, 20 readers took part in the video collection. A fragment of the film was presented to the audience.

Congratulations, flowers and gifts accompanied the holiday. And a truly beautiful and festive evening becomes, of course, thanks to the music. There were musical gifts from the Taiturka Children's Art School performed by Elena Sokolova, from Elena Akudovich and Nina Baturina. Kind words spoken to the library staff are the main reward for the work of a librarian.

We thank everyone for the warm congratulations and hope to see you at the next anniversary. We thank everyone for their collaboration and cooperation. We express our deep gratitude to the caring sponsors who have shown their participation in the preparation of our wonderful anniversary. This is Stepan Buyakov, Nikolay Stepanov, Andrey Afanasyev, Veronica Domnina, Olga Ivanova. Thank you for your willingness to do good.

A wonderful person, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev once said that the main thing is “… to keep the memory of others. Leave a good memory of yourself ... ".The anniversary celebration is actually not as simple as it seems. It makes you take stock of the past years, outline plans for the future, and adjust the benchmarks. After each anniversary celebration, the library begins a new life, because each anniversary year is always a step towards the beginning of something new.

21 century. An abundance of computers, e-books. All this is good. But no technique can replace the living energy that comes from a volume of poetry or prose. The chronicle of the library continues, the doors of the Central Intersettlement Library of the Usolsky District of the village of Taiturka are cordially open to their visitors.