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Valentine's Day a short description of the holiday. Who is Saint Valentine? Origin and history of Valentine's Day

Some people love this holiday more than the New Year, others ignore it on principle. But everyone knows about Valentine's Day. Lovely valentines, tokens of attention, flowers and sweets - we prepare all this with trepidation for our loved ones. But not everyone knows where it came from; some are not even aware of the existence of alternative versions.

The Origin of Valentine's Day - Basic Version

One of the most popular versions of the history of the origin of Valentine's Day is considered to be the secret wedding of lovers by a priest. The Roman Emperor Claudius II lived around the third century BC and was known as an ardent opponent of marriage unions. The fact is that he perceived marriage and family as an obstacle to his plans to conquer new lands; the legionnaires had to be free.

But, despite this ban, Valentine continued to marry all lovers. For such disobedience, he was thrown into prison and later sentenced to death. It turned out that the jailer's daughter and Valentin met and fell in love. While in the cell, he communicated with his passion through notes. And the very last one, just before his execution, he signed “from Valentin”. This version of where Valentine's Day originated is still considered the most plausible. But there are several alternative options.

The Origins of Valentine's Day - Alternative Versions

According to another version, Valentin, already familiar to us, fell in love with the daughter of the prison warden. Her name was Julia and the girl was blind. On the last day before his execution, Valentin wrote her a letter and put yellow saffron in it. After the girl received the note and took saffron from the envelope, she was healed.

Moreover, several saints were known under the name “Valentine”. One of them was executed in 269, it was a Roman priest. Also famous in his time, Valentin was the bishop of Interamna. This man is known for his healing abilities, but he was executed because he converted the son of the mayor to Christianity.

There is a legend according to which the history of Valentine's Day goes back much deeper and begins all the way back to pagan times. According to this version, this day was originally the holiday of Lupercalia. A day of frank eroticism and abundance, which was dedicated to the patron god of the herds of Faun in Ancient Rome. On this day, it was customary to write notes and put them in a small container. The girls wrote the notes, and the boys took them out: whose note the young man took out, he was supposed to court that girl that day.

How do you spend Valentine's Day?

A small heart-shaped card is rightfully considered an obligatory attribute of this holiday. It is believed that the Duke of Orleans sent the first Valentine's card to his wife while in captivity. Out of melancholy, he began to write messages to his beloved wife, filled with love and confessions.

Today, such postcards have long been sold in every bookstore. There are small and cute ones, and there are huge ones with texts and beautiful poems. The day of love would be incomplete without flowers and sweets. Today it is customary to give roses and chocolate. This is a traditional symbol for lovers.

As for the traditions of celebration, there are many scenarios here. Of course, the most suitable among them consists of flowers, romantic dinner and walks under the stars, it will always be relevant. But many entertainment venues offer excellent options for young people. For example, on this day many clubs organize themed parties. City authorities sometimes prepare a surprise for their residents and set up a stage on the main street of the city. And many couples try to set their wedding day on this date.

Lovers celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. How did this holiday come about? Who is Saint Valentine? Why does everyone give Valentine's cards on this day? We will tell you about the origin of the holiday, what myths and legends are associated with this day.

Valentine's Day origins of the holiday: Legends and myths

The Catholic Church venerates three martyred saints named Valentine, but there is almost no reliable information about their lives. It is only known that Valentine of Rome was a priest and suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century AD. e. Another Valentine was the bishop of Interamna (now the city of Terni, Italy). He was executed for his faith on February 14, 270 and buried near Rome. The saint is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox. All we know about the third Valentine is that he died in Carthage.

More detailed information about the holy martyrs appeared already in the era of the Mature Middle Ages (in the 11th-14th centuries). But at first they also lacked any romantic overtones. It is likely that the legends are talking about another saint or even different ascetics with the name Valentin.

Valentine's Day origins of the holiday: “The Golden Legend”

According to legend, the Roman Emperor Claudius II could not recruit enough soldiers into his army. Then he decided that it was the wives who did not let their husbands go to war, and forbade young men to marry.

Saint Valentine was a healer and preacher of Christianity. He not only prayed for the sick, but also secretly married lovers, despite the prohibition of King Claudius. One day a prison guard turned to him for help. He asked to heal his daughter Julia from blindness. The priest prescribed eye ointment for the girl and told her to come back later.

However, rumors about secret weddings reached the emperor, and Saint Valentine was imprisoned. Knowing that he would soon be executed, Valentin wrote a suicide note to blind Julia with a declaration of love and gave it to her through her father.

Valentin was executed on the same day, February 14. When the girl opened the note, inside it was saffron and the signature “Your Valentine.” Julia took the saffron in her hands, and her vision was miraculously restored.

Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, Valentin of Interamna was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th Valentine's Day.

This story can be called fiction, if only because in the time of St. Valentine (in the 3rd century) there was no special church wedding ceremony for marriage. In addition, the Christian religion in pagan Rome was despised and persecuted, and it is unlikely that Emperor Claudius attached great importance to this rite.

Valentine's Day Origins: Pagan Roots

According to another version, the church needed Valentine's Day to supplant the pagan holiday. The Romans believed that the founders of their city - the brothers Romulus and Remus - were fed by a she-wolf with her milk. In honor of this animal, “lupercalia” was celebrated (from lupus - wolf). A goat (the food of wolves) and a dog (the animal most hated by the wolf) were sacrificed. Then the slaughtered animals were skinned and their skins were cut into narrow belts. Two naked young men took these belts and began a ritual run, during which they lashed everyone they came across with the belts. Women and girls deliberately exposed various parts of their bodies to blows, as it was believed that this would help them become pregnant and give birth easily.

The sacred belts were called “februa”, from this word came the name of the month, in the middle of which Lupercalia was celebrated - “february” (February).

Valentine's Day origins of the holiday: Traditions

Valentine's Day only began to gain widespread popularity in the 19th century in Great Britain. Later, the holiday began to be celebrated in the USA. On this day, young people were supposed to pull notes from the bowl with the names of girls they knew. The resulting couples were “Valentines” for a year and accepted each other’s attentions and courtship.

In the middle of the 19th century, businessmen began promoting the holiday. On February 14, lovers arrange for each other romantic dates, they are buying heart-shaped cards - “Valentines” - and other cute gifts: Plush Toys, perfumes, bouquets of flowers, sweets, etc.

IN different countries Ah, we have developed our own traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day. So, in Japan it is customary to give chocolate. On this day, a Japanese woman can, without hesitation, confess her love to a man.

In England, on February 14, girls told fortunes about their betrothed. There was such a belief: if you see a robin on this day, it means your husband will be a sailor, a sparrow - you will marry a poor man, a goldfinch you meet foretells a rich husband.

At the beginning of the 19th century in America, it was customary for brides to give marzipan - a rather expensive delicacy for those times. Nowadays women are given chocolate, sweets and red and caramel white flowers, symbolizing love and purity.

The French give their chosen ones jewelry and jewelry.

Many people believe that if you propose on February 14 or get married on this day, the marriage will be happy and strong.

At the same time, Saint Valentine himself and the religious origins of the holiday are remembered extremely rarely.

Valentine's Day origins of the holiday: Orthodox and Catholics

Saint Valentine is revered by both the Catholic and Orthodox churches. In the Catholic liturgical calendar, February 14 celebrates the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Hieromartyr Valentin remained on the lists of the church, but only as a locally revered saint, since historical information about his deeds is extremely scarce. Thus, this holiday is not obligatory for either Catholics or Orthodox Christians.

Valentine's Day came to Russia relatively recently. It began to gain popularity only in the early 1990s.

On January 15, 2003, the Bishop of the Italian city of Terni, Vincenzo Paglia, donated to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy particles of the relics of the Hieromartyr Valentine, which have since been kept in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

In the Orthodox Church they have own days commemoration of the two martyrs Valentine. Valentine the Roman, a presbyter, is venerated on July 19, and the Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, on August 12.

IN Orthodox tradition Since ancient times, Saints Peter and Fevronia have been considered patrons of family and marriage. In 2008, the Federation Council of Russia approved the initiative to establish on the day of their memory (July 8 of the new style, which corresponds to June 25 of the old style) the “Day of Married Love and Family Happiness.”

Based on materials from

February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. We tell you where the holiday came from and what you need to do on this day.

1 Where did Valentine's Day come from?

The “culprit” of the holiday is considered to be the Christian priest Valentine, who lived around 269. At this time, Claudius II ruled the Roman Empire. The emperor believed that marriages were evil because a married legionnaire thought about the family, not the empire. By special decree, Claudius forbade legionnaires from getting married. But Valentin began to marry them secretly. The emperor, having learned about this, ordered the execution of the “violator.”

Later, as a Christian martyr, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th Valentine's Day. Since 1969, a reform was carried out in the liturgy, and Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church along with other Roman saints, information about whose lives is contradictory and unreliable.

Legend has it that Valentine himself was in love with the jailer’s daughter. The day before the execution, the priest wrote a farewell letter to the girl, where he told about his love, and signed it “Your Valentine.” This is probably where the custom began to write love notes - “Valentines” - on Valentine’s Day. The girl read the letter after he was executed.

The creation of the first “Valentine” is also attributed to the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He sat in prison and, struggling with boredom, composed love letters to his own wife. “Valentines” reached their greatest popularity already in the 18th century, when they took on the form beautiful cards in the shape of a heart.

3 Who to congratulate on Valentine's Day

Despite the fact that this is a Valentine's Day, Lately There is a fashion to congratulate everyone for whom you have different kinds of love - friends, girlfriends, colleagues, parents. However, initially this day was intended specifically for lovers, so first of all, only life partners should be congratulated.

On Valentine's Day 2018, don't forget to congratulate Valentines and Valentines. After all, on February 14 they will celebrate their name day.

4 Where and how is Valentine's Day celebrated?

In Europe (Great Britain, Denmark, France), Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 12th century. In Russia and the CIS countries, the holiday began to be celebrated in the early 1990s, when European culture began to penetrate the country.

The day of February 14 in England and Scotland was accompanied by a peculiar custom. On the eve of the holiday, young people gathered and put tickets with the names of young girls written on them in the ballot box. Then everyone took out one ticket. The girl whose name went to the young man became his “Valentina” for the coming year. This meant that a relationship arose between the young people for a year, similar to those that, according to descriptions of medieval romances, arose between a knight and his “lady of the heart.”

5 Are there any holidays in the world similar to Valentine's Day?

Russia. The ancient Russian holiday of all lovers is celebrated on June 8 - Peter and Fevronia Day. Murom prince Peter and the daughter of a commoner Fevronia went through all the trials of life to their happiness. At the end of their lives, Peter and Fevronia went to a monastery and died on the same day.

China. The Qixijie Festival is celebrated in August. It is based on a beautiful legend about the heavenly Weaver, who wove clouds and a simple earthly Shepherd. Heavenly forces were against their love, and when the Shepherd flew to heaven for his beloved, they were forever separated by a river, since then they meet only once a year on a bridge over this river. Qixie is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

India. Gangaur is celebrated at the end of March - beginning of April. It begins the day after the festival of colors, Holi, and lasts for 18 days. This is a story about the love of the god Shiva and his chosen bride Parvati, who took a vow to marry only Shiva and strictly observed it until the wedding. Women these days offer prayers for a successful marriage.

Israel. Tu B'Av is celebrated in July and August. It is believed that at this time, the 15th of Av, the unification of the people began: the elders of the 12 tribes of the clan of Jacob, each of which had previously lived separately, agreed to allow mixed marriages. On this day, the grape harvest began, and the girls in the vineyards were looking for grooms.

Ireland. Beltane is celebrated here on May 1st. This is a pagan holiday, so the program includes bonfires and jumping over them, night festivities in the forests and hills, decorating trees in the forest, drinking wine and, as a result, the search for love. The holiday has been celebrated since the early Middle Ages in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is based on the legend of the love of the gods, in whose honor bonfires are lit.

Spain. Sant Jordi is celebrated on April 23rd by the Catalans. It is simultaneously Book Day, Rose Day and Valentine's Day. Giving books on this day was invented in the 20th century, since it was on this day that William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes died. In Barcelona, ​​roses and books are sold on every corner, and couples walk around with these items.

Date in 2019: .

If there were no Valentine's Day, it would have been worth inventing. Millions loving people On February 14, people from different countries bring pieces of their hearts to their loved ones in the form of congratulations and gifts. How is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world?

The eternal love story dates back to pagan times. Over its centuries-old history, it has acquired many wonderful legends and beautiful fables.

And as long as loving hearts continue to beat, Valentine’s Day will continue to exist and gain new fans.

The prototype of Valentine's Day was an erotic festival held in Ancient Rome. Lupercalium - that's what it was called unusual holiday, whose goal was to increase the birth rate. As usual, during any celebration, the Romans glorified the gods. And at the erotic festival the honor fell to Juno. The goddess patronized all women, and, of course, family life and motherhood.

During the holiday, girls who were not yet lucky enough to find a mate wrote their name on parchment. All the notes were collected in one huge basket. It was the guys' turn to tease fate. They blindly selected a note. Only a lucky chance could unite loving hearts; everyone else had to live for the next year with the chosen one whom fate had given him. This festival took place on February 14th.

And literally the next day the second stage of unusual fun took place. Young people of unearthly beauty had the honor of running through the streets of the city in the nude. In their hands were belts, with which the young men tried to whip the ladies and young ladies who got in their way. And if anyone thinks that the Romans resisted, they are greatly mistaken. The girls gladly exposed their soft spots, not forgetting to take off their clothes.

Similar holidays took place not only in Rome, but among almost all people who worshiped various gods. The meaning of such holidays was not so much the canonization of high relationships, but rather the continuation of the family line and the veneration of one’s deities.

Valentine's Day: history of the holiday

When Christianity came to Rome, the priests began to replace pagan holidays. Getting ordinary people to celebrate new and unfamiliar holidays is not easy, but changing the name or meaning of a centuries-old native holiday is quite simple. It was this idea that the church took advantage of.

Pagan celebrations and festivals were replaced by a new Valentine's Day. The Catholic Church proclaimed Valentine's Day. And Valentine himself is canonized as the patron saint of all lovers. This happened in 496.

Why did such an honor go to this particular saint? What actions made him famous during his lifetime? There are different legends about Valentine, but they are all related to love stories.

One of the legends tells about Valentine’s extraordinary healing abilities, for which he was imprisoned. However, grateful people gave the healer notes with requests and thanks, even to prison. The security guard who came across such a note did not make a fuss, but brought his blind daughter to Valentin. He was able to restore the girl’s sight, and the flame of love flared up between the young people. But the outcome of the story is sad. The guy was executed, and before his death he sent it to his beloved with words of love, which he signed: “Your Valentine”

Another sad legend tells about Valentine as a fearless priest of ancient Roman times. Julius Claudius II, who ruled at that time, issued an order prohibiting legionnaires from starting families, so that the army would become stronger and more numerous. But he could not stop the soldiers from falling in love.

Under pain of execution, all the clergy refused to unite loving hearts. Only Valentin, who continued to conduct wedding ceremonies for the soldiers, decided on such a feat. For this he was sentenced to death. Already in the cell he saw beautiful girl and fell in love with her. It was the daughter of a security guard, who also liked the guy. But they were never lucky enough to open up to each other. She read the note that Valentin gave to his beloved only on the night of February 14, but in the morning the guy was executed without allowing him to speak with his beloved.

History of Valentines

The tradition of giving notes to loved ones appeared in the 15th century. Before this, lovers exchanged signs of their feelings in other ways. They sang more often, played musical instruments, danced and expressed feelings in words or poetry.

The most famous Valentine's card is considered to be a note from the Duke of Orleans to his wife. He wrote to her from the dungeons of prison, and the note itself in the shape of a heart is still kept in the museum.

Since the 18th century, postcards and notes in the shape of hearts have become especially popular. They are given as signs of special attention. Young ladies and young men decorate cards with lace and write love messages on them. Antique hearts look simply gorgeous, they cannot be compared even with modern ones printed in a printing house. But if you wish, you can still make magnificent crafts with your own hands in the form of hearts, valentines or postcards.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated?

The holiday of St. Valentine has long lost its religious background, and ancient customs are completely forgotten. Over its 16-century history, it has acquired many new shades, and every nation has embellished Valentine's Day with its own customs and rituals. And let some skeptics treat the supposedly alien Catholic holiday with contempt. On February 14, lovers from many countries continue to enjoy this unusual, sweet holiday and send signals of their love. After all, for true love there are no state borders or religious prohibitions.

And yet, each country has its own traditions and rituals associated with the celebration of Valentine's Day in February.

France. The French love spectacular actions. They came up with the idea of ​​giving jewelry for Valentine's Day. And also messages in verse. Love quatrains in French are akin to music. It is impossible to remain indifferent after declaring your love in the language of love.

The holiday came to America only in 1777 and immediately became a favorite. Practical Americans came up with the idea of ​​giving heart-shaped candies and sweets on Valentine's Day.

Italy. Italians are no strangers to passionate feelings that quickly flare up into real flames. Lovers congratulate each other on February with cakes, sweets and pastries.

Finland. It’s an honor for hot Finnish guys to congratulate the young ladies on Valentine’s Day. After all, in the country the holiday is practically equivalent to March 8th.

Japan. Men are luckier in this country. Here it is customary to congratulate representatives of the stronger sex with appropriate gifts. Women will receive return gifts exactly a month later on March 14 on White Chocolate Day.

Poland. It is in Poland that the relics of St. Valentine are located. The holy miraculous image is also located here. It is to him that pilgrims go with requests and for blessings. And, the most interesting thing is that the saint does not leave a single request unattended - he works miracles even centuries after his execution.

Russia. Valentine's Day came to us in the 90s, like many other Western celebrations. There is an opinion that a Catholic holiday cannot become native to Orthodox Christians. But is it possible to force lovers not to exchange with gentle words, gifts and valentines. Valentine's Day in Russia quickly found millions of fans. And every year, with joy and tenderness in our hearts, we try to congratulate not only our loved ones, but also all the people dear to our hearts.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you today. And I wish from the bottom of my heart to fall in love forever. Love that is faithful, devoted and without looking back. So that the feelings are mutual with understanding, patience and devotion. I wish you earthly love, but a little sublime, simple, but endless, dear, but incredibly sweet.

I remember the warmth of your hands,

And I look into the depths of your eyes.

And let my tender words sound.

On Valentine's Day there will be no refusal.

Happy Valentine's Day

I congratulate you today.

And strong, deep feelings

I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

And let there be hundreds of sincere confessions.

Secret expectations will not be deceived.

Larisa, February 9, 2017.

Probably you won’t find a more beautiful and happy holiday than Valentine's Day. It is on February 14 that boys and girls, women and men make their first decisions about each other. On this day they make marriage proposals or simply delight their soulmate pleasant little things. For example, such as romantic souvenirs and valentine cards. Also perfect for this case Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers.

The whole world has been celebrating this day for the 17th century. This all started story from the small brave act of the Christian priest Valentin. Around 270, after the decree of Claudius II, the ruler of the Roman Empire, banning family ties, he secretly continued to marry lovers. He made many couples happy, cementing their marriage.

Upon learning of this, the emperor ordered the execution of the priest. This story became even more tragic because of Valentin’s unrequited love. His chosen one, the daughter of a jailer, learned about his feelings only after his death, having received a letter of confession.

In 496, Valentine was canonized as a martyr who died for his faith. Since then, many countries around the world have begun to celebrate this day. And the valentine became its integral symbol and attribute.

Briefly about the traditions of Valentine's Day.

IN different states formed their own traditions associated with this celebration. For example, in Japan he cannot do without sweets, the French give each other jewelry. In Denmark, dried arrangements of white flowers are popular, and the British use fortune telling on this day. For example, a girl gets up before sunrise, looks out the window and believes that the first man she sees is her betrothed.

On this day, I would like to wish that there will always be a person nearby who loves, protects, appreciates you and pleasantly surprises you every day. Congratulations to you, dear readers, on this wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Love sincerely and be always loved!

Tender and touching for you, friends!