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Day of the Russian National Guard Troops. What you need to know about the day of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to celebrate the holiday When is the holiday of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today, March 27, is the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Russian Federation– troops that ensure the internal security of the state, stand in defense of its constitutional system, in defense of the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens granted by the fundamental law of the country. The Internal Troops are an integral part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to maintaining law and order and ensuring public safety, the tasks of military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also include tasks of protecting important state facilities (VGO), including military-industrial enterprises and energy facilities. Soldiers of the internal troops take part in counter-terrorism operations, escort special cargo, and assist the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation in protecting the state border.

In order to preserve and develop the historical traditions of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the establishment of the flag of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” and approved the Regulations on the flag of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a description and drawing of the flag of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On this day, all military personnel and veterans of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are congratulated by the First Deputy Minister - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Army General Viktor Zolotov:

Dear comrades, fighting friends!
The High Command, the Military Council, the Veterans Council warmly and heartily congratulate personnel and veterans of law enforcement forces with professional holiday.

For more than two centuries, internal troops have been and remain an important component of the Russian law enforcement system. There are many examples in our country that testify to the courage, heroism, and courage of the soldiers of the internal troops.

Back in the summer of 1812, the battalions of the internal guard were among the first to engage in battle with the vanguard of Napoleonic army. Defending the interests and territorial integrity of the Fatherland, our ancestors selflessly fought in the Crimea and the Caucasus, and did not spare themselves on the fields of the First World War.
The soldiers and commanders of the NKVD troops covered themselves with unfading glory, defending Kyiv and Leningrad, Odessa and Sevastopol, Moscow and Stalingrad, fighting on the Kursk Bulge. It is impossible to overestimate their services in the fight against the nationalist underground in the Baltic states and Western Ukraine in the early post-war years.

Today we proudly recall the courage and nobility of those who eliminated the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, rescued victims of the earthquake in Armenia and floods in Krymsk, extinguished forest fires in the central regions of Russia, and passed through many hot spots Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

Continuing the glorious martial traditions their predecessors, a generation of soldiers and officers of the internal troops fulfill their military duty with honor, evidence of which is the numerous state and departmental awards that many of our colleagues have received.
Today, military personnel of the internal troops are at the forefront of the fight against international terrorism, persistently mastering the weapons and military equipment entrusted to them, improving their military skills at training grounds and in classrooms, performing combat service to protect important government facilities, and ensuring public order on the streets of Russian cities.

Dear comrades, I congratulate all the personnel, our respected veterans, on the 205th anniversary of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I express my heartfelt wishes for good health, family happiness, prosperity, peace, goodness to you, your family and friends. I wish you success in your hard work for the sake of the prosperity of our Fatherland!

The date for celebrating Internal Troops Day was not chosen by chance. It was on this day 205 years ago, by decree of Alexander I, that regular provincial companies were redeployed to the centers of the then Russian provinces with the simultaneous formation of military battalions of the internal guard, which was mentioned in his congratulations by the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Viktor Zolotov. At the same time (in March 1811) a document appeared that was a list of tasks for the new military formations. This is the “Regulation on Internal Guard”. It stated that the internal guard is obliged to assist government officials in the execution of legislation and sentences of the judiciary. The tasks of the internal guard also included law enforcement tasks of the following nature: the capture or liquidation of dangerous criminals, “dispersing illegal gatherings,” maintaining order in trading areas (markets, fairgrounds, etc.). Representatives of the internal guard were responsible for escorting criminals to the places where they were serving their sentences and protecting government funds (including transporting the treasury). Representatives of the military structure were also involved in helping to extinguish fires.

The first head of the internal guard was Adjutant General Evgraf Fedotovich Komarovsky.

From the notes of Count E.F. Komarovsky:
Barclay de Tolly wanted me to bear the rank of general on duty with him for the internal guard, but the sovereign did not agree to this, saying: “Count Komarovsky is my adjutant general, and I want him to be between me and you.

The statement of Emperor Alexander I actually gave the internal guard a certain independence and emphasized its importance.

Of course, today's internal troops have seriously transformed. Their tasks have undergone significant changes compared to what they were two centuries ago. However, what remains unchanged in the troops is the presence of heroic figures. And when Army General Viktor Zolotov spoke about the numerous awards deserved by the servicemen of the internal troops, he was, of course, talking about the officer of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who has become a real symbol of courage of our days. This is a native of the Kazakh SSR, Colonel of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation Serik Gazisovich Sultangabiev, a participant in both Chechen wars, who in December 2015 in the Kremlin received from the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation for protecting a sergeant of military unit No. 3275 from grenade fragments. the city of Lesnoy.

Serik Sultangabiev was the commander of a separate regiment for the protection of important government facilities and special cargo. While practicing grenade throwing skills in September 2014, a serviceman of the regiment, junior sergeant named Telenin, dropped an RGD-5 grenade, having previously managed to pull the pin. Colonel Sultangabiev literally pushed the junior sergeant away, covering him with himself. Having received numerous shrapnel wounds, Serik Sultangabiev was taken to a military hospital. His treatment lasted for several months and continues today. Last December, the award found a hero.

In addition to the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, Colonel Sultangabiev was awarded the religious award of the Muslims of the Russian Federation "Order of Al-Fakhr" for his feat, as well as the medal of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation "Hurry to do good" - for the courage shown in defending the human right to life.

Soldiers of the internal troops today defend the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, fulfilling their assigned tasks.

“Military Review” congratulates all military personnel and veterans of the Air Force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (USSR) on the holiday!

The Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are military formations that provide internal protection to the state and its citizens. The internal troops are given global tasks to maintain constitutional order, public security, and the territorial defense of the Russian Federation. Internal special forces work closely with border services and take the most Active participation in countering terrorism, they take upon themselves to ensure order in a state of emergency. Therefore, we can safely say that the personnel of the internal troops are at combat posts not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.

History of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Until the beginning of the 19th century, such a military structure as internal troops did not exist in Russia. Only on March 27, 1811, Emperor Alexander I signed a decree on the creation of the “Internal Guard Detachment,” which was ordered to provide assistance in the implementation of court decisions, capture criminals and deserters, and track goods and cargo illegally imported into Russian territory. By the end of the 19th century, internal guard brigades were already in almost all district cities and provinces of the country.

In the USSR, the history of internal troops dates back to 1919, when the so-called VOKhR troops were formed, which were subordinate to the Cheka. A little later, the internal troops were restructured, divided into several units and renamed first to the GPU and then to the NKVD.

History and traditions of the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is traditionally celebrated on March 27, in honor of the decree of Emperor Alexander I on the formation of the first detachment of internal guards. The order establishing the holiday was signed on March 19, 1996 by the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin.

The holiday has many glorious traditions. On this day, personnel and veterans are congratulated, particularly distinguished military personnel are awarded orders, valuable gifts, they are given thanks and military ranks are awarded. On a holiday there must be special events, including at the highest government level.

Russia's internal troops continue to improve. Today it is a powerful formation that ensures public order and internal security of the country. Therefore, on their professional holiday, we wish the military personnel health, personal well-being and success in difficult and dangerous work for the benefit of our Motherland.

Those defending our Motherland on the front line include not only the Special Forces and Aerospace Forces, but also the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are no breaks or pauses in their struggle for the security of the country. Even in times that are officially considered peaceful. These troops are served by people of a high level of courage, constantly risking their health and lives. So they fully deserved their professional holiday.


In its current status, the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation has been celebrated since March 1996. It was in this month, on the 19th, that Boris Yeltsin signed the corresponding decree. However, the history of this holiday is much older, like the internal troops themselves. Initially, the maintenance of order in Rus' was carried out by the princely squads, then by the royal archers. Since the time of Peter the Great - garrison troops. And only on March 27 (the date of the holiday) Emperor Alexander the First created the Internal Guard, which was specifically entrusted with maintaining order in the country.

Since then, the BB has been reformed and renamed several times. After the revolution of 1917, then called the guard convoy, the VV once again underwent reorganization and reorganization. And already in the post-war period, by the beginning of the 60s, they received their current name. According to veterans, the Internal Troops began to celebrate, albeit unofficially, their own holiday around the mid-60s of the last century. First, privately, and then the leadership of the Internal Troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs themselves, under whose subordination the structure came, took into account the emerging trend and began to use the holiday to hold various events.


Traditionally, the leadership of the ministry and the command of the Internal Troops congratulate their subordinates on their professional holidays. On this day usually:

  • regular and extraordinary ranks are assigned to military personnel;
  • government and departmental awards, bonuses and valuable gifts are presented;
  • cultural events are also held;
  • Concert groups perform in units and divisions.

Since in the Russian Federation Internal Troops Day is not a working day for military personnel and employees of this structure, events dedicated to this date are held quite widely. The celebration, as in most paramilitary organizations, is held both at the official level and in private.

The Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a professional holiday of military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Established by Presidential Decree No. 394 of March 19, 1996, the holiday is celebrated on March 27 annually. The Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have been the legal successor of units for maintaining state order since the 4th century. At first this role was played by the “streltsy”, then by the “tenants”, then by the garrison battalions, and later by the internal guard battalions.

The holiday “Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” is traditionally celebrated by all workers and employees of the internal troops. In fact, it is nothing more than a tribute to all those who preserve the constitutional order and integrity of the country, maintaining public order, protecting the peaceful life and tranquility of citizens; those who stand in the way of violators without fear, reliably ensuring the protection of especially important government facilities and transport hubs.

Today the internal troops
We will shout to the country: “Glory!”
You are all specialists, as if selected,
You are the pride of the entire great power.

We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Good luck in your difficult task,
Fire always burns in hearts
And may your body be healthy.

Congratulations on the Ministry of Internal Affairs Troops Day, hurray!
I wish you better health, goodness,
As usual, only carry out your duty with honor,
Meeting good luck on a glorious path!

Let the service go smoothly and steadily,
And at home, comfort and tranquility awaits.
Let everyone respect and give support,
And now let there be fireworks in your honor!

To all those who serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
In the internal troops,
We wish you to forget about the pain,
Resentment, grief, fear,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Their holiday is now,
We want to keep the enthusiasm
And have some courage!

Happy Internal Troops Day to you,
The Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates the holiday.
Let things go with Hurray!
And may your health grow stronger.

Let's get a new title soon
Stars will appear on your shoulder straps.
Let life become brighter, more fun,
Let everything be as you say.

On the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, congratulations!
You have intelligence and strength and endurance.
In addition, I wish you well and success,
May your achievements be countless.

May everyday life always be successful,
And the holidays bring joy and joy.
I also wish you - from the heart, of course,
May your plans all come true!

A short

The country needs order, that’s why they serve
Strong guys in the internal troops.
And on holidays and on weekdays we will be protected,
And we will never know fear in life.

You are calm, my comrade,
You can rest at night,
In the morning - go to work,
Walk with the kids during the day.

After all, always, throughout Russia
These fighters are on their guard,
Not simple guards -
Well done ministries.

They take care of it, it’s sacred
For me and for you,
Unique guys
Three times “HURRAY!”

And on the 27th,
We say thank you
For peace and order.
We always keep them.

Happy Internal Troops Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Today I congratulate you all,
Health, courage and strength,
I wish you success in your work.

Let danger pass you by
And the title is steadily growing,
Love and care of loved ones
May he always protect you.

Russia has peace on your shoulders,
And the service is difficult and dangerous at times.
The stars are shining on your shoulder straps,
The Russians are standing behind you.

I wish you peaceful skies and happiness,
May trouble and bad weather not touch you,
Let relatives wait both night and day,
Let all failures turn out to be a dream!

Sometimes it's hard -
Not about this now...
Behind a series of everyday life -
This day is just for you!
Constantly taking risks
How else?
The troops are clearly like this -
Not a step away from service!
When to congratulate
...and this day has come...
Risk requires reward.
Good luck! Fine?

Congratulations: 56 in verse, 16 in prose.

The Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia is a significant date for the whole country, because the army is one of the most important and important parts of the state security system. This holiday in all its glory is celebrated in March, on the 27th.

What date is celebrated?

The Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 2014 is celebrated on March 27, and this is every year. The day of celebration was determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 19, 1996 No. 394 “On the establishment of the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” This holiday makes people remember who they should be grateful to for their freedom and peaceful life.

Who's celebrating

Military personnel receive congratulations on the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from everyone, and first of all from government leaders and high ranks. The Day of the Military Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is not officially established as a day off, however, in honor of it, ceremonial presentations of awards are held to distinguished military personnel in service or in battle. On this day, state awards, memorable gifts, military titles, commendations and commands are presented. Everyone wishes the military personnel success in their difficult and dangerous work, health, peace and prosperity.

A little about the profession

What are troops and why does the country need them? Currently, troops perform one of the important roles; they protect the country from attacks from other enemy states. They are concerned about the protection and peaceful prosperity of our state, for which they deserve special gratitude from the civilian population. Thanks to them, the population can live in peace and not be afraid that enemies may attack tomorrow, and there will be no one to protect civilians.

Today, explosives are one of the important parts of security, which is the power component of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Modern internal troops have the latest weapons, military equipment and reconnaissance equipment, which makes their professionalism, combat readiness and mobility higher than ever. On olympic games last year, internal troops provided security for everyone participating in the Olympics. In fulfilling their duty, the military showed the following qualities: efficiency, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, discipline, consciousness and professionalism, as well as high restraint and morality, honesty and civic maturity.

Background of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating Internal Troops Day originated in 1996 on March 19th. It was established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The decree on this holiday was signed by the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin. The decree was called “Establishment of the Day of Internal Troops of the Russian Federation.” Since then, this holiday began to be celebrated by all Russian troops. After all, before its celebration began in the 19th century, special security services were formed in Russia to carry out certain protective operations. After, exactly on the day significant date all Russian troops, the so-called internal guard of Russia was created, in honor of this they decided to celebrate the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on March 27. No one else, but they stand guard day and night, protecting the freedom and rights of citizens. Russia's internal troops are troops that fight for the country, they participate in a war where there are no pauses or breaks.