Health Pregnancy beauty

Health day of the year scenario. Health Day

Olga Popova

World health day celebrated annually on April 7 in honor of the Founding Day of the World Health Organization (WHO). Every year the date is dedicated to global problems facing the health of the planet and is held under different mottos.

World health day designed to popularize healthy lifestyle, promote the development of medical institutions in different countries peace.

As noted by the International health day?

IN day On this holiday, conferences, seminars, educational lectures are held for a wide range of the population, preventive examinations, sports competitions, including short and long distance races; Thematic screenings of feature films and documentaries are organized.

In World Day events health Employees of medical institutions, activists of public and charitable organizations, and athletes take part.

Doctors and volunteers are engaged preventive work aimed at combating many diseases.

Our preschool educational institution does not remain aloof from such an action, it has become a tradition for us to hold « Health Day» annually. Teachers, parents, and students of preschool educational institutions take part in this event with pleasure.

Parents share their experiences on strengthening children's health, replenishing "Piggy bank health» their family "Recipes and secrets health improvement» .

Each group kindergarten took part in a newspaper competition "We growing healthy» .

Were prepared didactic materials in valeology. Valeology conversations, classes, and physical education activities were held.

To the guys of the group "Sunflowers" Aibolit came to visit, who revealed many secrets for the children and prepared fruits and aromatic herbal tea for a treat.

The older guys shared their knowledge with Rasteryakha - Zamarakha and helped her collect secrets health into Professor Chistyulkin's chest.

Andreika-Neboleyka organized sports competitions with children from preparatory groups.

Publications on the topic:

Report about the Day open doors 04/18/2017 In our garden, it has become a tradition from year to year in April to invite parents, mothers and fathers, grandmothers, etc.

Guys, I told you about what holiday our country celebrates on May 9th. This is Victory Day, victory in the Great Patriotic War. I'll tell you.

Our Health Day. Since 1950, April 7 has become firmly established in our lives as Health Day. Of course, you need to think about more than just health.

Progress of the competition Good afternoon! I sincerely welcome everyone and congratulate those who came to the starting line today. Today we celebrate youth and health.

Report on events held within the framework of the month of military-patriotic education from January 23, 2017 to February 23, 2017 The preschool educational institution organized an exhibition of children's drawings “Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 through the eyes of children" at MBOU Secondary School No. 15, performed by students.

Action plan for military-patriotic education of children in the second junior group for 01/23/2017–23/02. 2017 Date, name, type of event 1) 23.01. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”. To give the idea that a man is a protector.


  • create conditions for physical development students,
  • develop skills in effectively using knowledge about preserving and promoting health,
  • cultivate love for the small Motherland.


  • promote the development of active leisure time for students,
  • to form a positive attitude towards sports and physical activity as the basis for becoming healthy lifestyle,
  • develop students’ skills in safe behavior during a camping trip,
  • develop ecological culture students through mastering the basic rules of behavior in nature,
  • improve the culture of communication and social activity of each student,
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism.


So that the songs can be sung louder,
To make life more interesting
You need to be brave, healthy -
These truths are not new!

Just remember athletes -
Every day is yours without fail
You start with charging,
Don't play with naps!

That's the secret of health!
Hello everyone, friends, physical education!
And now I ask all students to take an oath:

To be faithful to the sport forever (we all swear)
Maintain health from youth.
Don't cry and don't be sad!
Don't offend your opponents!
Love competitions.
Try to be the first in games!

Leading: let's start the competition (by station)

Relay No. 1: “Ravine”

You need to overcome an imaginary ravine on a log (long jump rope), run to a landmark and return back. Time is recorded to complete the task. A penalty point is awarded if a step is taken not along the rope, but by.

Relay No. 2 “Swamp”

Two boards (or rolled up newspapers). Place a board in front of you and step on it, then a second one, etc.

Relay No. 3 “Jumpers”

Jumping through a hoop to a landmark, running back

Relay No. 4 “Sharp Shooter”

From a distance of 3 meters, hit the bucket with a plastic bottle cap. Each hit is a point.

Relay No. 5 “Snake”

Tie several jump ropes (longer ones). The team stands in a column, one at a time, with their hands on the shoulders of the person standing in front. At the signal, walk between the ropes without releasing your hands.

Relay race No. 6 “Ambulance”

It is necessary to “bandage” the arm (grade 5) or ankle joint (grades 8-9) with a roll of toilet paper, avoiding breakage. The result is measured by the judges - whose ribbon is longer is the winner (and don’t forget to sign the ribbon).

Station “Riddles”.

Host: and now we are going on a journey through our body. Do you need to guess which parts of the body we are talking about?

1. He is always at work when we talk, and rests when we are silent. (language)

2. Brother and brother live across the road, but cannot see each other (eyes).

3. Between two lights, I am alone in the middle (nose).

4. We are attached to bones, we need to move together (muscles).

5. Two airy pink petals perform a slightly important job - they help us breathe (lungs).

6. I cover the body from above, protect and breathe, release sweat outward, control the temperature (skin).

7. He remembers everything. Watching, listening, speaking, seeing helps, the work of the whole organism is controlled (by the brain).

8. Water runs along the river, it is very red, boats run along it, they carry oxygen and food, they protect from germs and help in any way they can (blood).

Leading: Who agrees that we need health, clap your hands together

There are many centenarians in our country, whose age exceeds one hundred years. Centenarians believe that there are secrets to longevity. This:

Tempered body

Good character,

Proper nutrition and rest regime,

Daily physical labor.

Now let's complete the task. Write words to characterize healthy person. Each correct answer is worth one point. Don't forget to sign the card.

Leading. I invite all classes, together with the class teachers, to form a circle and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. I give commands on the whistle - you carry them out. Be careful.

We go to the right, speed up our pace even faster, and run in a circle.

Let's go left, accelerate, let's run.

They stopped, looked at each other, smiled.

Now show me how friendly you are: everyone come to the center of your circle and hug.

Well done!!!

Raise your hands up, applause.


Autumn is a glorious time!
Run, jump, kids!
On the river and on the site
Let the physical education sound - hurray!

Assignments for grades 8-9.

Relay No. 1 “Spiders”

Boys in a squat, support from behind, move to a landmark, run back.

Girls in a squat, hands on knees.

Relay No. 2 “Destroyed Bridge”

At the signal, the first participant runs to the mark, stands sideways to the team - standing position, then the second, etc. The last participant, having completed the task, shouts “march”, the team runs to the starting position.

Relay race No. 3 “Swamp” with 2 planks

Relay No. 4 “Chain on a log”

A long rope - a log, hands on the belt of the person in front, penalty point - if you let go of your hands, you step off the log.

Relay No. 5 “Club of Friendship” 10 people or an even number

The team is standing in a crowd. At the signal, the first captain offers his right hand to anyone in the crowd and takes his left hand. Second right hand takes the third by the left hand, etc. until the moment when the last one remains, who was taken by the left hand. He extends his right hand to the captain - the circle is closed - a tangled ball. Now, without letting go of your hands, you need to untangle the tangle and line up in a regular circle (it’s logical to appoint the class teacher as captain). Do everything silently, you can only gesture.

Task No. 6. “Forest Pharmacy”.

Guess the name of the herb from the card, briefly describe what or why it is for.

Task No. 7 “Theory”.

  1. Name the mascot of the Sochi Olympic Games (leopard, polar bear, bunny).
  2. Name the mascot of the Paralympic Games in Sochi (ray, snowflake).
  3. What is the motto of the Olympic Games (faster, higher, stronger).

What is the motto of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi (hot, winter, yours).

8-9 grade

Ingenuity task 8 “Guess it.”

  1. A river in the Volgograd region, named after the clubfooted owner of the forest (Medveditsa)
  2. The farm named after him (Bears)
  3. A farm in the Volgograd region with a bird name (Eagles)
  4. A farm in the Volgograd region, named after the inhabitant of the rivers (Rakovka). Hint: When they are boiled, they turn red.
  5. A farmstead named after a wild relative of the pig (Sekachi)
  6. A farmstead in the Volgograd region that says it has no name. (Unnamed).
  7. A city in the Volgograd region that has both women's and male name(Serafimovich).

Summarizing. Rewarding.

PREPARED BY PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER GALKINA NONA VITALIEVNA Scenario of the sports festival “Health Day” Goals and objectives: Involving children in systematic physical education and sports. Organization of leisure time for students. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy from any diseases. Consolidating and improving the skills and abilities students acquired in the classroom. Assistance in the formation of vital physical qualities. Formation of physical beauty, strength, agility. Progress of the event. The hall is decorated with posters, slogans and newspapers dedicated to healthy lifestyle. Music is playing. Teams come out Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today, April 7, people all over the planet celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong! . Presenter 2: . Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing a person has. “Health must be protected, taken care of with early years. Guys in sports uniform come out. 1 athlete: To maintain health, to strengthen your body, My whole family knows there must be a daily routine. 2nd athlete: Guys, you should know. Everyone needs to sleep longer. Well, don’t be lazy in the morning – get ready to exercise! 3rd athlete: Brush your teeth, wash your face, and smile more often, toughen up, and then you won’t be afraid of the blues. 4th athlete: Eat vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products. healthy food, Full of vitamins! 5th athlete: Go out for a walk, breathe in the fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather! 6th athlete:

Here is some good advice for you, Secrets are hidden in them. To maintain your health, learn to appreciate it! Presenter 1: Guys! Everyone has heard that to be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. After all, you need to start your morning with exercise. What is charging for? The physical education teacher commands: “Get ready to exercise!” presenters with all students, perform a set of morning exercises. Presenter 1: Well done, guys! I see that many of you know how to do physical exercises. Presenter 2: We welcome everyone who found time and came to school for the health holiday! We will be healthy, we will be friends with exercise, We need sports and physical education like we need air! demonstration performance by Daria Kadachegova Presenter 1: And now we continue the health day. And it doesn’t matter who the winner is today. The main thing is that we all feel the holiday atmosphere. An atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let friendship unite you! Presenter 2: allow me to present the most honest and fair and the jury _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Presenter 1: Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake. Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win the battle. Presenter 2: And so, let me introduce you to the teams. Team (name, motto) Presenter 1: And now, before the start of the competition, I ask you to take an oath. To be faithful to the sport forever: We swear! Maintain health from youth: We swear! Don't cry and don't be sad: We swear! Do not offend your opponents: We swear! Love competitions: We swear! Try to be the first in games: We swear!

physical education teacher: Attention! Attention! On April 7, a sports train departs for students of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School” No. 3 on a trip around the country of health. Hurry to the train without delay, take your knowledge and skills with you! The competition takes place at 6 stations 1. Station: “Daily routine”. Teams are given random cards with daily routine items. (Wake up, dinner, free time, breakfast, exercises, Homework, walk, school, sleep, lunch.) Teams must line up in the correct order. 2. Station “Good habit”. In front of each team, on the opposite side, there are pieces of paper and pens on a chair. You need to run to the chair, write on pieces of paper useful tips for other teams that help strengthen and maintain health 3. Station "Aibolit" Educational game "Is it true?" When answering YES, children raise their hands up and clap their hands; when answering NO, they stomp their feet and turn their heads. Questions for teams. Is it true... 1. What is the heart on the right side of the body? 2. If you need to call the police, will we dial 01? 3. What if you eat a dirty apple and wash it down with a glass of water, nothing bad will happen? The apple in your tummy will wash itself! 4. What is 36.6 normal human body temperature? 5. Why do onions make your eyes cry? 6. What color is blood blue? 7. What ambulance called by number 03? 8. Should you brush your teeth only in the morning? 9. That a cold occurs due to hypothermia of the body? 10. What are the benefits of using a computer for long periods of time?

11. That vitamins from the pharmacy are completely harmless and can be eaten in any quantity? 12. That smoking is very dangerous, and that it is harmful for children to be near a smoker when he smokes? 13. Should you wash your hands before every meal? 14. Is nibbling carrots and crackers very beneficial for children’s teeth? 4. Station “Sportivnaya”. 1 relay race “Towing”. At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue completing the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster. 2nd relay race “Tunnel”, at the signal, all the guys take a standing position while lying down, pretending to be a “tunnel”; the last participant begins to crawl through the “tunnel” and becomes the first link of the “tunnel”, etc., until the last participant crosses the line on the opposite side of the hall. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster. 5. “Strongman” station  2 boys from each team are invited to do pull-ups on a high bar. 2 girls from each team are invited to do push-ups a number of times   Tug of war as a team. 1 presenter: While the jury is summing up the results, guess the riddles about what are the friends of health. 1. Two sisters are green in the summer, By autumn one turns red, The other turns black (currants) 2. It is rich in carotene and is useful for children. We can’t drag it from the ground again by its green tail (carrot) 3. Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch. Adults and little children love me (apple).

4. If you throw it into a river, it won’t drown, If you hit it against a wall, it won’t groan, If you throw it in winter, it will start flying upward (ball) 5. Wooden horses gallop in the snow, They won’t fall into the snow (skis) 6. This horse doesn’t eat oats, Instead legs 2 wheels. Sit on horseback and rush on it. Only it’s better to steer (the bicycle). 7. Bone back, stiff bristles He is friends with mint paste, Serves us diligently (toothbrush) 2nd presenter: now let’s play with me This game tests attention. Listen to the questions. If the answer is negative, then everyone is silent, and if it is positive, they answer in unison with the phrase: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Who walks to school in a cheerful band every day? This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Does anyone know that the color red means: no move. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Which of you kids walks around dirty to the ears? Who likes to help mom and scatter trash around the house? Who takes care of clothes and puts them under the bed? Who goes to bed early with dirty shoes on the bed? Who among you doesn’t walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Which one of you, walking home, kicked the ball along the pavement? Who likes to answer in class and receive applause? This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Presenter1:

Children really need sports! We are strong friends with sports! Sport is a helper, sport is health, Sport is a game, we shout – physical education... hurray! (all together) Determining the winners of the competition, rewarding: The winners are determined based on the best results and are awarded with medals and diplomas. Presenter 2: Congratulations!!! Friends! Despite the results of today's competition, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood! Presenter 1: Our sports festival is over, today we have become even stronger, more resilient and brave. Presenter 2 We wish you to have a “Health Day” every day: both at school and at home. Grow up strong, healthy and agile. To the sounds of a sports march, competition participants and fans leave the hall.

Scenario of the school-wide sports festival “Health and Sports Day”

This development will be useful for both physical education teachers and teachers additional education. The events of this sports festival cover almost all participants educational process: preparation, direct participation in competitions, fans, refereeing, Team work teachers and students. Summing up helps to identify the best athletes of the school.


on holding a school-wide sports festival "Health and Sports Day"

1. Goal and objectives.

1.1. Health Day is held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle among students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1", developing interest in physical culture and sports.

1.2. Tasks:

Involving students in classes various types sports;

Identifying the best athletes of the school, inviting them to participate in school and city sports competitions;

Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the performance of schoolchildren, the productivity of their learning.

2. Time and place of the event.

2.1. Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in gyms.

2.2. During Health Day, students are exempt from classes.

2.3. 10.00 - 15.00

3. Management of organization and implementation.

3.1. General guidance on preparing and holding Health Day rests with physical education teachers, class teachers, and the deputy director for educational work:

The program and form of the Health Day is developed by the physical education teacher together with the deputy director for educational work;

Physical education teachers participate in preparing class teams to participate in sports competitions as part of the Health Day program;

The Deputy Director for Educational Work is responsible for preparing prizes for the winning teams, students who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places;

Class teachers bring the Health Day program to the attention of students.

3.2. Direct supervision of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges, which includes teachers of physical education and additional education.

3.4. Responsibility for the life and health of students rests with: class teachers, the person responsible for health and safety, physical education teachers, deputy teachers. director of VR, medical worker.

3.5. The general management and conduct of competitions by type is carried out by the chief judge and the chief secretary of the Health and Sports Day. Judges for each event are appointed from physical education teachers.

4. Participants.

4.1. All students in grades 1 to 11 of the school are invited to participate in events within the framework of the Health Day program.

4.2. Students who do not have medical contraindications at the time of the health day take part in sports competitions.

4.3. Released students are present at all Health Day events and act as spectators, fans, and assistant class teachers to maintain discipline and order.

5. Program.



General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

teams 1-4

Friendly mini-football match.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

6. The procedure for determining the winners.

6.1. The winning teams among grades 1-4 are determined by the highest number of points scored in relay races

6.2. Teams participating in friendly matches in futsal, volleyball, and basketball are determined based on the results of friendly matches. The winning team is the winner; the loser is the winner.

7. Rewarding participants.

7.1. . The winning teams are awarded Diplomas of the 1st degree and are the winner of the Health Day; Losing teams are awarded Diplomas for participation and are winners of Health Day.

7.2. Responsibility for rewarding competition participants and encouraging class teachers should be assigned to the deputy director for educational work.

SCENARIO of the school-wide sports festival “Health and Sports Day”

Target: promotion of a healthy lifestyle among students of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1", development of interest in physical culture and sports.


1. Involving students in various sports;

2. Identification of the best athletes of the school, involving them in participation in school and city sports days;

3. Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

4. Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the performance of schoolchildren, and the productivity of their education.

Venue: Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in gyms.

Time: 10.00 - 15.00




General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Opening of Health Day. Raising the flag and listening to the Russian Anthem.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Greeting of Health Day participants by representatives of the Gymnasium administration.

school director, additional education teachers

Conducting relay races in the gym.

teams 1-4

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly mini-football match.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly volleyball match.

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly basketball match.

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

General formation after the competition.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Summing up the Health Day.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Closing of the Health Day. Lowering the flag. Listening to the Russian Anthem.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Accommodation of participants

Participating teams enter the venues (two gyms) in accordance with the competition schedule. In their free time from games they are in the stands. Guests and spectators are in the stands.


Before the start of the holiday, sports songs are played and the teams line up in the corridor. Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Today we are holding a school-wide Health and Sports Day. A sports march sounds, the teams come out and line up in front of the stands (facing the audience).

1 student.

Children came to the playground

They walk briskly, with a firm step.

We open the solemn holiday,

Alignment with the Russian flag.

The honorary right to bring the flag is given to one of the school's best athletes.

Introducing the flag.

The Russian anthem plays

2 student.

How many athletes are there in this gym?

The game will break out here.

Dexterity, endurance and courage

It's high time to show it.

Presenter: Gymnasium, stand at attention! Teams get ready for roll call.

Roll call: the leader calls the team, the participants shout the name of their team in unison.

Leading: The gymnasium is ready for the “Health and Sports Day” holiday.

Gives the floor to the director of the gymnasium L.N. Krylova.



3 student.

Everyone will try very hard,

They will play sports.

Yes, guys? But first,

Speaking without further ado,

One desire is not enough

Everyone should be healthy.

Host: where is our doctor?

A student appears in a doctor's costume

3 student.

Doctor, all these guys

Candidates for champions.

I ask you to answer:

Is everyone ready or not?


Yes, yes, yes, let's check now

I ask everyone to stand up straight

And execute the commands:

Everybody breathe deeper, deeper,

Inhale and exhale on command.

Don't breathe, don't breathe,

It's okay, rest.

Raise your hands together

Rock it, Wave it,

Shake it, twist it,

Perfect! Lower it!

Bend over, straighten up,

Turn right, turn left

And smile at each other!

Yes, I'm pleased with the inspection

None of the guys are sick.

Everyone is cheerful and healthy,

Ready for the competition!

Leading: Thank you Doctor! Like any sporting competition, our festival has a panel of judges

Represents the judges. The team proposes to disperse, according to the competition schedule in the gyms, the remaining participants take their places in the stands.


They walked for a long time at a skating pace

The three of us, one after another,

It was very difficult for them to climb the climb.

Suddenly with a sharp movement

Grab your rifle and shoot!

They hit targets accurately, -

One, two, four, five.

And they rushed downhill.

What is this? ... (biathlon)

1. Biathlon relay race. The teams start at the same time on the command “March!” Each participant has plastic skis on their feet. Each participant runs around the landmarks towards their target. Throws a small ball at a target. He comes back and passes the baton. Each hit on the target is an additional point for the team. The judge records the time for the last participant.

2 student.

2. Relay “Ring Throw”. The teams start at the same time on the command “March!” Team members run to the modules, jump over, then climb over obstacles, crawl into a tunnel, and perform a ring throw. They return in a straight line and pass the baton. The judge records the time for the last participant. Each hit on the ring throw is an additional point for the team.

Fan Contest “Answer Correctly”

1. Tell me, where and when were the last Winter Olympic Games held? (From February 13, 2010 to March 1 - in Vancouver, Canada).

2. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games (Leopard, Polar bear, Bunny).

3. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Games (Luchik and Snowflake).

4. Name winter views sport of the Olympic Games. (ski racing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsleigh, alpine skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, Nordic combined, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle, luge, hockey).

5. Name the motto of the Olympic Games (“Faster, higher, stronger”).

6. What is the motto of the Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014 (Hot. Winter. Yours).

7. What do the five intertwined rings that appear on the Olympic flag mean? (blue, yellow, black, green and red. The five rings represent the five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania).

Every year in April, World Health Day is celebrated around the world. The Day's events are held so that people can understand how much health means in their lives. Traditionally, on this day, our school hosts a sports festival, in which not only schoolchildren, but also teachers participate. Mass participation and the personal example of teachers are an important condition for holding such events. The entire teaching staff prepares for them in advance and carefully, and therefore they are always organized and interesting.

Responsible for promoting a healthy lifestyle, I am part of the creative group for organizing and conducting all events to strengthen and preserve the health of schoolchildren. I propose a scenario for holding the sports festival “Health Day”.

Goal: to develop students’ need for healthy way life.

  • creating a positive attitude and favorable environment for teaching and educating students;
  • stimulating the desire of schoolchildren to engage in independent physical exercise.

Health Day program:

  1. Line dedicated to World Day health.
  2. Morning work-out.
  3. Activities in the gym.
  4. Issue of health certificates.
  5. Excursions along ecological trails.


In the recreation area in front of the gym there are posters on the theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”, on the walls of the gym there are posters: “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!”, “Health is the head of everything”, “Sports and movement are life! “, “To be healthy and strong, you need sports, friends, love.”

Progress of the event:

On this day, the morning begins with a line dedicated to World Health Day for all classes. Then there are sporting events. And at the end of the school day, each class issues a health certificate and goes on excursions along ecological trails.

(To the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for the opening of Health Day)

Line dedicated to World Health Day

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today, April 7, people all over the planet celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong!

Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing a person has. But what is health?

(Children - 1 student from each class take turns saying what this word means to them).

1 Student: Health is when you feel good!

2 Student: Health is when nothing hurts!

3 Student: Health is beauty!

4 Student: Health is strength!

5 Student: Health is flexibility and harmony!

6 Student: Health is endurance!

7 Student: Health is harmony!

8 Student: Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning!

9 Student: Health is when you can easily climb to the 4th floor!

10 Student: Health is when you do any work with joy!

11 Student: Health is when you enjoy life!

Presenter 2: Guys, you are all right. “Health so far exceeds all other blessings that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Presenter 1: Guys, I want to start our meeting with a parable: a man lived in the same house. His wife, his elderly mother and his daughter, already an adult girl, lived with him. One late evening, when everyone in the household had already gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold. "What is your name?" - asked the man. They answered him: “Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let us into your home.” The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “we have only one free place in our house, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my relatives, which of you we can accept in our house.” Who do you think they let into their house? The daughter offered to let Love in, the wife - Wealth. And the sick mother asked to let Health in. And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and a person begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it. “A person can live up to 100 years,” said academician I.P. Pavlov. “We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our ugly treatment of our own body, reduces this normal period to a much smaller figure.”

Presenter 2: Health must be protected and taken care of from an early age. Even second-graders know about this.

(2nd grade students recite a poem).

You guys should know
Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

Here's some good advice for you:
They contain secrets.
To maintain health -
Learn to appreciate it!

Presenter 1: Guys! Everyone has heard that to be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. After all, you need to start your morning with exercise. What is charging for?

This is not a mystery at all -
To develop strength
And don’t get tired all day!

(The physical education teacher commands: “Get up for exercise!” and, together with all the students and teachers, performs a set of morning exercises).

We go to the site
Charging begins.
One step in place - two steps forward,
And then vice versa.
Hands raised higher.
We lowered it - we breathe clearly.
Exercise two.
Hands to the side. Legs apart
It's been that way for a long time.
Make three downward bends
Get up to four!
Everyone needs flexibility in the world,
Let's bend over, children!
One to the right, two to the left.
We strengthen our body.
Squats every day
Drives away sleep and laziness.
Squat down lower
You will grow taller.
In conclusion, good morning
We'll jump now.
One two three four -
We live in friendship and peace!

Presenter 1: Well done, guys! I see that many of you do physical exercises and play sports.

We all need sports, guys.
We are strong friends with sports!
Sport is a helper!
Sport – health!
Sport is a game!
Physical education everyone - hurray!

Presenter 2:

Greetings everyone,
Who found the time
And he came to school for a health celebration!
We will be healthy, friendly with exercise,
We need sports and physical education like we need air!

Presenter 1: Now let’s continue our health day. And it doesn’t matter who the winner is today. The main thing is that we all feel the holiday atmosphere. An atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let friendship unite you!

Sports tests:

Competition participants:

Students of grades 1-10, class teachers and teachers, and other school teachers take part in sports events.

Competition management:

The general management of the health day is carried out by the school administration, direct management is assigned to physical education teachers responsible for a healthy lifestyle.

Conditions: The competition takes place in 6 stages.

  1. standing long jump;
  2. push-ups;
  3. lifting the torso (press);
  4. bending the body forward (developing flexibility);
  5. hanging on the bar (pull-ups);
  6. dumbbells (strength development).

Determination of competition winners, awarding:

The winners are determined based on the best results and are awarded medals and diplomas.

Presenter 1: Congratulations!!!

Friends! Despite the results of today's competition, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood!

Presenter 2: Our sports festival is over, today we have become even stronger, more resilient and brave. We wish you to have a “Health Day” every day: both at school and at home. Grow up strong, healthy and agile!

Presenter 1: Guys, always remember the catchphrases: “Sport and movement are life,” “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” “To be healthy and strong, you need sports, friends, love.” We wish everyone: “Be healthy!” See you again on the sports fields!

Presenter 2: Guys! Our Health Day continues: health leaflets and excursions along ecological trails await you.

(Competition participants and fans leave the hall to the sounds of a sports march)