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Children's New Year's competitions for schoolchildren. New Year's games indoors for schoolchildren

is the basis of every script for children. For younger students It is already possible to offer slightly more complex competitions than for preschoolers. At the same time, they still remain children who believe in fairy tales and sincerely enjoy the festive surroundings.

Students sit at tables in the classroom. Each table is a team whose representatives participate in various competitions. The winners of the competitions are awarded with sweets, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc.
Business Card Competition
Each team table presents a name and its own motto. After this, each participant will have an emblem on their chest.
Warm-up (candies are awarded for correct answers)
1. How much is 2+2*2? (6)
2. How much will it be if fifty is divided by half? (2)
3. Name the pronouns that bother drivers on the road. (I-we)
4. Which pronouns are the purest? (you-we-you)
5. Name words that have one hundred identical letters. (sto-n, hundred-p, hundred-th, hundred-l)
6. Why is a canary called a canary? (originally from the Canary Islands)
7. Where do Siberian cats come from? (from south asia)
8. What animal is attached to one place all its life? (coral)
9. Which birds have wings covered with scales? (in penguins)
10. Who has the longest tongue? (at the anteater)
11. Why does a glass of water with sugar cool down faster than a glass without sugar? (the process of dissolving sugar requires heat)
12. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (raven-hedgehog)
13. Name a bird that can digest metal. (ostrich)
14. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (they weigh the same)

Competition "Applesauce"
(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates)
More than 200 years ago, New Year was celebrated on September 1st. Dear guests were treated to apples straight from the trees. What does half an apple look like? For the second half. So, competition - you need to make applesauce. The players are given 2 apples of the same size, each with a grater and a plate. Speed ​​and quality are taken into account. The winner is awarded a prize, the second an apple.

Competition “Get an Apple”
A bowl of water is placed in front of each participant in the competition. The condition of the competition is to reach a floating apple without using your hands.

Competition "Relay Race"
(pan, spoon, glass of water)
Each team member uses a spoon to transfer water from the pan to the glass. Who is faster and who will have more water in the glass.

Competition "Take the Prize"
(chair, prize)
A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!”. Those who tried to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition.

I'll tell you a story
Fifteen times.
I’ll just say the word “three” -
Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish -
And not just one, but TWO.

A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!

Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?

Competition "Theatrical"
(task cards)
Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- a sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- a baby who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Competition “Make a Word”
“Strange” words are written on the board. In them above" rearrange the letters so that the word ceases to be "strange".
Ople - (field)
Rwanya - (January)
Lauzi - (street)
Badus - (fate)
Clerosa - (mirror)

Soap Bubble Competition
(air balloons)
The willing boys inflate the balloons. Then they break into pairs, each of which tries to “crush” the ball with their bellies. The surviving ball is a reward.

Competition "Get the candy"
(bowl, flour, candy)
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Not representatives of teams, but everyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

Competition "Funny Pictures"
(chalk, board)
On the board you need to draw AT THE SAME TIME: a triangle with one hand and a square with the other.

Competition "Mosaic"
(envelopes with postcards)
Each table is given an envelope in which beautiful card cut into different geometric figures. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer).

Competition “One ring, two rings”
(items, rings)
At a distance of 2-3 meters from the competition participants there are objects wrapped in paper. Each person is given 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters made of thick cardboard. Contestants must throw rings on these objects. The item on which the ring has fallen becomes the property of the victim.

Competition "Funny Nonsense"
(sets of strips of paper with text)
This competition improves the mood of those present and adds joy to the holiday.
The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blindly”, pulling out a question, (reading out loud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.
Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations you will get.

Sample questions:
- Do you read other people's letters?
- do you sleep peacefully?
- Do you listen to other people's conversations?
- Do you hit dishes out of anger?
- can you screw your friend?
- do you write anonymously?
- are you spreading gossip?
- Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities?
- would you like to marry for convenience?
- Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:
- this is my favorite activity;
- occasionally, for fun;
- only on summer nights;
- when the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if this is not associated with material costs;
- especially in someone else's house;
- this is my old dream;
- no, I am a very shy person;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Jump-jump"
Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Competition "Chamomile"
(paper daisy)
A large daisy was made, which has as many petals as there are tables in the classroom. A representative from each table tears off a petal with a task. The whole team takes part in the competition.
Possible tasks:
- show product advertisements;
- depict a silent picture from a fairy tale;
- act out a scene from school life, etc.

Competition “Your hand is the ruler”
(rope, scissors, candy, gifts)
Identical “candies” hang on a string, inside of which it is indicated what the one who cuts the “candy” with a blindfold will receive as a gift.

At the end of the holiday, the host (or representatives from each table) can read the poem:

New Year has come to us again,
And wonderful days have come!
And the thirty-first will leave:
And he'll take you away goodbye
All our bad marks and sorrows.
And the wishes are clear,
And every year the same:
Peace and tranquility for the whole country,
And children of different heights
Boots, hats and pants
Change once a year - but not less often;
Eat sweets, take care of your stomach;
Play pranks, but not mischief;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to the cinema, theater and bathhouse;
With that - to fight, but with that - to be friends,
But in general - do the right thing
And go to school every day,
Without demanding a reward for that!

Magical and long-awaited holiday, which our children are so waiting for is already on the doorstep. You still have time to prepare for his meeting with the children, plan the scenario and study competitions and games for the New Year.

Games and competitions

Game "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- Is the New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

Exists another option this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

"Snow Mission"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

"Anecdote "with a beard""

The contestants take turns telling jokes. If one of those present knows the continuation, the narrator is given a “beard”, which is replaced by a piece of cotton wool. The one who ends up with fewer pieces of cotton wool wins.

"Cooking Competition"

Behind certain time(for example, 5 minutes) the participants of the game must make up New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter "N" (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost must begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "S". The one with the largest menu wins.

“I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

"Fairy tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). The participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Mystery Prize"

A small gift(notebook, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who get the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Choose a prize!"

Various gifts wrapped in little bags are attached to a long rope. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.

"The Harvesters"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).


Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other leading questions to find out what is written on their backs. The answers can only be “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.


Learn these simple tricks and... New Year's Eve in the eyes of your guests you will become an unrivaled magician.

Thread on a jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to brush it off, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you grab it by the tip and pull. To your surprise (and the surprise of other people), she continues on. You pull further and further until several meters of thread run out.

The secret of the trick: Before performing a trick, you put a small pencil in the inner pocket of your jacket, onto which several meters of thread are wound from a spool. Use a needle to push the tip of the thread through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The main thing is that there are no traces left in your pocket after the demonstration of the trick, if particularly vigilant spectators decide to inspect your pockets. That's why the thread is wound around the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Place two glass glasses on the table at some distance from one another. Place a sheet of paper on top.

Take the third glass in your hands and invite the audience to place it between the two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not bend. Of course, no one succeeds. Then you demonstrate your “magical” abilities.

The secret of the trick: Fold a sheet of paper like an accordion along the long side, then it can easily support the weight of even a glass cup.

Magic rope

You sit down at a table in front of the audience, show them a rope, put it on the table and say: “I will tie a knot in this rope without using my hands.”

After this, cross your arms over your chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand and the other with your right, you spread your arms to the sides. There really was a knot in the rope!

The secret of the trick: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the act in order to be able to grab both ends of the rope from the table.

Magic "patch"

You ask the audience for two coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rubles. Place a 1 ruble coin on a small piece of paper, draw a mark around it with a pencil and then carefully cut out a hole with a diameter equal to this 1 ruble coin. After this, invite the audience to insert a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody has any idea how to do this. Then you can easily solve the proposed problem.

The secret of the trick: Of course, a 5-ruble coin will not fit into such a small hole. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line runs through the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a gap. Stretch the paper a little - the diameter of the hole is enough for a coin to slip through it with ease.

Without getting your hands wet

Take a large flat plate, place a coin on it and pour in a small amount of water until it covers the coin. Then ask the audience to take the coin without getting their hands wet.

The secret of the trick: You light a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass burns and goes out, the water from the plate will collect under it, and the coin will end up in a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 cards and arrange them face up into three cards in seven rows. You should end up with three vertical columns of seven cards each. Invite one of the spectators to remember one card and say which column it is in. Carefully, one by one, place the cards in each column into piles, and then all the piles into one pile. In this case, a stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be placed in the middle between the other two. Then turn the stack face down, again arrange the cards in three columns of seven cards each, and again ask the spectator to indicate which column contains the chosen card. Fold the cards into columns and place the indicated column of cards in the middle again. And finally, lay out the cards for the third time and again place the column with the selected card between the other two. Count out ten cards. The eleventh card comes out.

The secret of the trick: the main thing is to always place the column with the hidden card between the other two.

Tricky trick

Take a deck of cards. Invite one of the spectators to choose and remember a card and put it on top of the deck without showing it to you. Then remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Lay out the cards face up and accurately indicate the hidden card.

The secret of the trick: To find the hidden card, we’ll use a little trick. Before demonstrating the trick, we remember the lowest card of the deck. Now, when laying out the deck, the hidden card will lie in front of the card that we spied.

Guessed card

You invite four spectators to sit at the table with you. You deal five cards to everyone. After this, the spectators must remember one card each from those in their hands. You collect the cards and lay them out on the table in five piles. Spectators choose one of the piles. You take the cards and fan them out to the audience. Then you ask which of them sees their card. Having received the answer, you accurately indicate the card that they remember.

The secret of the trick: You start collecting cards from the spectator who sits to your left and then go clockwise. Moreover, you collect all five cards at once, and not one at a time. Your cards will be the last to be collected, and they will be at the top of the deck. When you then arrange the cards into five piles, any one of them contains the cards in the order in which the spectators sit at the table. If, for example, a third spectator identifies “his” card, it will be third, counting from the top of the pile, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and queens are selected from the deck. You place them in front of the audience in two rows - separately for kings and separately for queens. You stack the cards, placing a stack of kings on top of a stack of queens. The resulting deck of eight cards can be removed by spectators any number of times. Then you hide the cards behind your back, take out two cards and show them to the audience. They see that it is the king and queen of the same suit.

The secret of the trick: Initially, you stack the cards so that the sequence of suits in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you divide the deck into two four-card decks and take the top card from each mini-deck. It will always be the king and queen of the same suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the spectators to think of a number. After this, the spectator must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divide by 2 and subtract the number he has in mind. After a significant pause, you announce that the resulting number is 4.

The secret of the trick: There is no secret, pure mathematics!

New Year's games in primary school.

New Year's party in 1st grade.

Scenario New Year's holiday in primary school.

Interesting New Year's performance for first graders.

New Year's Scenario "Winter Adventures".

Games and entertainment.

Competitions and riddles.

Meeting with heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.

Hello, kids!
Girls and boys!
The lessons are over, the work is over,
Winter has brought you joyful holidays,
And a New Year tree, and a friendly round dance.
And you are happy today, celebrating the New Year!

Our festive New Year greetings
Everyone - from six to eight years old!
Today you will find fun and jokes,
You won't be bored here for a minute!

1. There are no lights on our Christmas tree!

So that the tree lights up,

You will use the words:

“Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

There are no friendlier guys in the world!

You are ready? Three four!

2. Another game that will be interesting for children of any age , called "Different Christmas Trees".

The presenter says the words:“We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees: wide, thin, low, and tall.” If I say:

"high" – raise your hands up;

"low" – squat and lower your arms;

"wide" – make the circle wider;

"thin" – make a circle already."

The guys complete tasks, and the presenter tries to confuse them. What is this? What a mess!

3. Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” (choose “Christmas tree”). Children depict a Christmas tree; whoever is the funniest is the Christmas tree.

In the meantime, so as not to get bored,
I suggest you play!

4. Children must take part in a quick survey, saying the words “True” or “false.”


Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk of our Christmas tree is good, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Our tree looks beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
Do you all know about Santa Claus? (Yes)

5.Game "Santa Claus"

I wrote a text for you here,
Learn it first!

"Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
He brings us gifts."

Now repeat with us!

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures.
The first words that are replaced are words "we" and "us".
Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves.
With each new performance, there are fewer words and more gestures.
Instead of words "Santa Claus" everyone points to the door.
Word “walking” is replaced by walking in place.
Word "we know" - index finger touch your forehead.
Word "gifts" - a gesture depicting a large bag.
At the last execution, all words disappear, except prepositions
and the verb "will bring".

6. Conditions of the game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
- Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, ...
- Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?
- It's me, ...
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?
- It's me, ...
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you walk on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- It's me, ...

- Which one of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence?
- It's me, ...

7.Can you solve riddles?

1) Our silver dagger
I stayed at home for a while.
We wanted to raise it
And he ran to the threshold!

2) Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
They leave it running.

3) Friends have waited for winter;
They run along the river, sliding.
Ice is cut like knives
Performing turns.

8. Postman:
OH.! I brought you telegrams
Not from dad, not from mom.
Can't tell from whom,
You'll have to guess.

(Reads telegrams to Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the guys)

New Year's telegrams

We wish without interference
You'll have to chew nuts for a whole year,
Jump and play burners
Happy New Year! Your (proteins)
I don't know what the use of a Christmas tree is
This is a tree for the wolf.
What kind of tree, tell me?
Explain everything in detail.
Simply address: Neil.
Happy New Year! (Crocodile)
It is snowing. Wonderful day!
I'm flying out, your (deer).

I took a plane ticket.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
The tail is shorter than the ear,
Quick habits.
I rush as fast as I can,
For the holiday without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course, (bunny)


9. “Carry the snowball” - 2 teams

Task: carry a “lump” of snow on a spoon without dropping it.

10. "Snowballs" - all children

Music is playing and the players are dancing.

As soon as the music stops, the player picks up the snowball.

If a player does not have enough snowball, he is eliminated from the game.

eleven." Magic thread» - 1 player

Blindfolded, choose your prize!

12. "Snowman" - 2 teams

WITH eyes closed“draw” a snowman. Whoever does it better will get a prize!

    "Magic toy" - all children

To the music, players pass the toy, trying not to drop it.

The music stops - the player who has the toy in his hands is eliminated from the game.

13. Game for attention. (the prize lies in front of each student on his chair)

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Looked at what's inside

We saw small fish

And not just one, but... five!

A seasoned guy dreams When you want to memorize poems,

Become an Olympic champion They are not crammed until late at night,

Be careful at the start, don’t be cunning, And repeat them to yourself,

And wait for the command: “One, two... march!” Once, twice, or better yet... seven!

One day the train is at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize,

I give you a five!

14.Game"It's the other way around." The presenter says phrases, and the audience must answer “yes” or “no” regardless of the rhyme.

We have one secret
Will we reveal it?
- The hall is warmed with smiles,
So there will be a holiday?
(Yes.) - You guessed it without difficulty!
Autumn is coming.
- We will celebrate when
Let's say boredom together...
(No.) - Santa Claus went to the buffet.
Are we going to wait for him?
(Yes.) - When will he return?
Shall we scold Grandfather?
(No.) – Very correct answer!
Does Grandfather love us?

– Sometimes he forgets
Grandfather gifts at home?
- We are always friendly at school
Let's just tell the "twos"...
– And the “fives” are no secret,
We always say...
- To mom for a bag of sweets
Shall we say "thank you"?...
(Yes.) – Past the trash can without difficulty
Shall we throw the candy wrappers?
– We sometimes forget
"Hello" we say...
- We will be the elders in return
Tell a lie?

15. Presentation of gifts.

Encrypt the surprise under a "code name". The presentation of gifts can be organized in the form of a kind of competition.

(Cards with surprise numbers are attached to the board with magnets)

The teacher takes out a gift and announces: “The one with the longest name will receive this prize!” Naturally, the one who has already received the gift does not participate in the further competition. The options for nominations in such a game are varied, for example, who has:

    the thinnest waist;

    the longest braid;

    the rarest name;

    largest (or smallest) foot size;

    highest (or lowest) height;

    the heaviest briefcase, etc.

You can simplify the game a little. The presenter simply announces that the gift is received by the one who, for example, has a “textbook in a green cover” or a “red bow”, etc. The main thing is not to forget anyone, and if there are still students who did not get into one of the of the named categories, then individual nominations should be selected for them.

It is better to prepare in advance and come up with several “backup options” that will suit everyone.

16. Game "Snowball". Students take turns taking two folded pieces of paper out of the box (pulling it out of a bag, etc.), on which are written the names of various parts of the human body. After this, they must take turns “sticking” to each other with these parts of the body. When the whole class “sticks” to each other, it is advisable to take photographs of the children. This photo will decorate any wall newspaper or album

And today, and now
Listen to my story:
Another wonderful year has passed,
In which you worked gloriously.
And what we didn’t have time to do,
Let everything happen in the new.

May the New Year, which is on the threshold,
Will enter your home like a new friend.

Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, adversity and illness!

And may he be the best
And the most joyful for everyone!


The music is loud
He orders us to enter the round dance!
Take your friends' hands,
Let's dance with them!
May we have fun
On New Year's Birthday!

He tells everyone to dance
Will make you sing songs,
He makes everyone happy
Doesn't know how tired he is.
It has been living with us for centuries,
Friendly, noisy
Together: round dance.

Games and competitions

  1. Competition "Drumroll" (Category "Competitions Year of the Rabbit")Everyone knows that hares are excellent drummers. Instead of a drum, they use a stump, beating the shot with their front paws. Several players - "rabbits" - participate in the competition. Each person is given a “stump” - an ordinary chair or stool. Assignment: “drum with your front paws” the motive of a famous song, which the audience will have to guess. Whichever rabbit can more accurately convey the motive of the song wins the competition. If it is difficult to identify the winner or to extend

) Competition "Kangaroo".

Which team will jump faster with a ball between its legs?

Two inflated balloons.

4) Competition "Crooked path, or foggy glasses."

Draw a winding path on the floor with chalk or stretch cords. Who will walk along the line faster, looking at it through binoculars with the side that reduces the image.

Two binoculars.
Chalk or rope.

5) Competition "Best Driver".

Who can pull the machine to him faster by winding the cord around a Chinese stick (or pencil).

2 ropes, at one end Chinese chopsticks, at the other end of the machine or (we have) 2 sandals.

6) Warm-up "I bet!"

1. I bet you can’t step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor and you won't step over it!!!
How to win an argument? Place the pencil on the floor flat against the wall.

2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other.
Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does not open.

3. Bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator?
Solution: jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

7) Competition "Namesake of the Christmas tree."

Participants are invited to name the namesake of the beautiful Christmas tree. Fir-tree, spruce, spruce forest, spruce - the root "ate". Remember the names that have this root.

Elena, Elisha, Elizaveta, Savelius, Ophelia, Elizar, Ninel, Stella, Melanya, Pavel, Bella, Nelly, Pantelei, Angelina , Anzhelika, Heliy, Feliks, V elyami, Pel ageya, etc.
Parents helped.

Templates (see appendix№4 ).
Answers (see Appendix
№4b ).

8) Competition "Snow Globe Racing".

Jump at speed on a children's ball with horns.

Balls with horns.

9) Competition “Shake off the stuck snow from your friend.”

Who can quickly remove as many clothespins as possible from his friend while blindfolded?

Blindfolds (airplane goggles).

Sit on an opaque bag containing candies. Feel how many candies are under you.

Opaque package.

11) Competition "Do you know the alphabet?"

Line up for speed according to the first letter of the name, then according to the first letter of the last name.

Competition options:

 Line up by shoe size (from largest to smallest.

 Line up according to the birthday numbers (from 1st to 31st), you can also suggest lining up according to the month of birth.

 Arrange according to eye (hair) color from lightest to darkest, etc.

12) Competition "Snowballs".

Scatter paper on the floor. Each child must crumple 1 snowball from it and throw it into the basket. Which team will have more snowballs in the basket?

Option: one of the team can catch snowballs thrown to him by members of his team with a bucket.

2 buckets.

13) Competition "What's in Santa Claus's bag?"

Give the children the task of naming as many winter-themed words starting with “C” as possible. Show pictures out of the bag.

Snowflake, snow, icicles, snowfall, snowballs, snowman, snowdrift, snowmobile, snowmobile, sled, sleigh, cold, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus...

See Attachment №5

14) Competition "Unite!"

The leader gives the command: “Unite in twos.” All players must instantly find a partner and hold hands. Without allowing the players to come to their senses, the leader commands: “Unite in threes.” The leader’s commands follow one after another: “Four people, five, six…”.
“Everyone in a common circle,” the leader commands, and all players form a large round dance.

You can hold a competition with music or clapping.

15) Competition "Frosty Breath".

Two participants blow their snowflake off the table (from one end to the other). But in the end, we can say that the one who blew later won, because... he has “frosty breath,” and the snowflake is frozen to the table.

2 snowflakes from napkins

16) Competition "Clean up Morozka's hut."

Which team will be the fastest to collect matches scattered on the floor into their box?

2 boxes of matches.

17) Competition "Intellectual Mosaic".

See Attachment №6

18) Competition "Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat".

Participants in the game will have to portray scammers from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Two pairs are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. “Alice the Fox” bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with her hand, together with “Basilio the Cat”, who is blindfolded, hugging each other and covering a given distance. Which team is faster?

Eye patches (glasses).

19) Competition "Guess the object."

Wearing thick mittens and blindfolded, you need to determine by touch what kind of object you gave.

Thick mittens.
Items for guessing (spoon, fork, watch, key on a keychain, camera, stopwatch...).

20) Competition "Telegram to Santa Claus".

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, ...
- Who is not afraid of frost and flies like a bird on skates?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?
- It's me, ...
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?
- It's me, ...
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, ...
-Which of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- It's me, ...

The first one to guess the riddle will start the game:

Our silver dagger
I stayed at home for a while.
We wanted to raise it
And he ran to the threshold!

(In case both guessed right at the same time, or no one guessed right, there are more riddles)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
They leave it running.

Friends have waited for winter;
They run along the river, sliding.
Ice is cut like knives
Performing turns.

The tail is shorter than the ear,
Quick habits.
I rush as fast as I can,
For the holiday without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course, (bunny)

And now, friends, let's play
IN interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with,
I'll call the kids.
Listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If we tell you correctly,
Say “Yes” in response.
Well, what if suddenly it’s wrong,
Feel free to say “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?
- Snow made from white cotton wool?
- Satchels and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
- Are tigers real?
- Are the cones golden?
- Are the stars radiant?

5-6 grade

Suddenly the lights go out and the Fairy girl appears.
Presenter - Who are you?
Fairy: - I am a Fairy, well, not quite a fairy yet. In general, I was sent to you for internship.
Fairy Song
"Leaves are yellow"

Can't live in this world, can't live in this world
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone manifests into this, everyone manifests into this
Interest, interest.
On New Year's Eve, everyone especially wants miracles.
I will do miracles for you today
I will apply my skill and effort
So that your cherished wishes come true

Magic we studied, magic we studied
Witchcraft, witchcraft
I'll show you in this room, I'll show you in this room
Magic, magic

Presenter: - Where is the direction?
Fairy: - Here it is. And he hands over the paper.
Presenter: - A 2nd year student of the School of Miracles and Magic is sent to your holiday to undergo an internship.
Presenter: - So you can do miracles.
Fairy: - Yeah, well, if it works out.
Presenter: - What could she order? -: - Come on Snowflakes.
Fairy: - I'll try now. He casts a spell.

4 snowflakes appear on the stage (boys in disguise - breasts made of balloons)

Song of snowflakes "(Such snowfall, such snowfall:") Or other music

Such a snowflake, such a snowflake
You'll never see again
Let's dance, let's dance
Let's dance like in previous years

Invite! You invite us
Let the waltz spin here
Hug! You will hug us
We were created for you

Today the gypsies came to congratulate you and tell fortunes! Meet!!!

Song of the Gypsies “What can I say...”

Days fly, centuries fly by
A new century is on the threshold
What awaits us in the third millennium
Every person wants to know
Arriving at your place for the evening today
We will tell anyone the secret
What does the New Year's threshold hide?
And what more years to expect?

This is how people are made
want to know, want to know
want to know what will happen

We'll spread the truthful cards
We'll tell you the whole path by hand
Can't be found in any "Guarantor"
Those laws that apply here
There is a fixed fee for services
Dear, gild the handle
One hundred rubles or a few bucks
Can't you find it?

Well what can I say, what can I say
This is how people are made
They want to know, they want to know
They want to know what will happen

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I visited you a year ago,
I'm very happy to see everyone!
May this New Year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
Come on, give me the answer
Aren't you bored here, kids?
I love someone who is cheerful.
I'm Grandfather Frost!
If someone hangs his nose,
Let him raise his nose higher!

Snow Maiden:
To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Then they sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.
We were in villages, cities,
We visited schools and kindergartens.
We congratulated each other
Happy New Year to all the guys.

Father Frost:
We almost got lost
On the way we lost our way.
It's good that the telegram
They handed it right into our hands...

Snow Maiden:
Are we really not late? -
After all, you can't be late,
If they are waiting in an elegant hall
Our best friends.
Our journey ends here,
And we are together
This Glorious New Year
Let's meet with honor.

Father Frost:
In honor of this event
We are the beauty of the forest
Let's say two magic words
(Repeat them after me)!
May it be on Christmas trees all over the world
The lights will sparkle!
Let's say together, three - four:
"Shine Christmas tree!"

Snow Maiden:
The music is loud
He orders us to enter the round dance!
Take your friends' hands,
Let's dance with them!
May we have fun
On New Year's birthday

Father Frost:
You sang songs, you danced,
They even showed me a fairy tale
But the gifts are out of the bag
Not dismantled yet.
They can't wait for gifts
New Year's poem!

(Children they recite poems, and grandfather gives them candy)

Father Frost:
Now it's time to part,
But don't be upset!
Go home
Surprises await you there too!

Hold the snowflake
Inventory: Cotton wool.
Preparation: Lumps resembling a snowflake are made from cotton wool.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: at the leader’s signal, the participants begin to blow from below onto the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling.
Winner: the participant who keeps the “snowflake” in the air the longest.
There are Christmas trees
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin.
Host - Santa Claus explains the rules:
Now if I say
"high" - raise your hands up
“low” - squat and lower your arms
"wide" - make the circle wider
“thin” - make a circle narrower.
Now let's play! (Santa Claus plays, trying to confuse the children)
Telegram to Santa Claus
The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.
Telegram text:
"... Santa Claus!
All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival.
New Year is the most... holiday of the year.
We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances!
It's finally coming... New Year!
I don’t really want to talk about... studying.
We promise that we will only receive... grades.
So, quickly open your... bag and hand it to us... present .
With respect to you... boys and... girls!"
Christmas decorations
The guys and I will play an interesting game:
I will tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer,
If we tell you correctly, say “Yes” in response.
Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, boldly say “No!”
- Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?
- Snow made from white cotton wool?
- Satchels and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
- Are tigers real?
- Are the cones golden?
- Are the stars radiant?
Decorate the Christmas tree
They make several Christmas decorations made of cotton wool (apples, pears, fish) with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same hook. You need to use a fishing rod to hang all the toys on the Christmas tree, and then use the same fishing rod to remove them. The winner is the one who manages to do this in a set time, for example in two minutes. A fir branch mounted on a stand can serve as a Christmas tree.
Tangerine football
They play on the table, each “player” is the index and middle finger of one of the children, the ball is a tangerine.
Catch a snowball
The game involves two teams. One child from each team has an empty bag in his hands, which he holds wide open. Each team has several paper snowballs. At the signal, everyone begins to throw snowballs into the bag, and partners also help, trying to catch them. The team with the most snowballs in the bag wins.
In the game, the leader is chosen - the Snowman or Santa Claus. Having run away from the leader, the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: “One-two-three! One-two-three! Well, quickly catch us!” When the text ends, everyone runs away. The snowman (Santa Claus) is catching up with the children.
Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows.
In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric.
“Kom” is passed on and Santa Claus says:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five -
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you.
And read poetry for you.
You should dance a dance.
Let me tell you a riddle...
The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.
The two tallest participants or two adults stand and join hands. They hold their hands up (like a mini round dance) and say:
“We’re so tired of the mice, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Let’s set up a mousetrap and catch all the mice.”
The remaining participants - mice - run between the hands of the catchers. At the last words, hands give up, the “mousetrap” slams shut, and whoever is caught joins the catchers. The mousetrap gets bigger and the game repeats. The last mouse wins.
We answer in chorus
A game of attentiveness. We answer yes or no. It turns out pretty funny.
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He comes up with exactly that, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?
What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And this means the time has come,
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!
Collect potatoes
Inventory: Baskets according to the number of participants, cubes, marbles, balls - an odd number.
Preparation: “potato” cubes, etc. are placed on the platform.
Game: Each player is given a basket and blindfolded. The task is to blindly collect as many “potatoes” as possible and put them in a basket.
Winner: The participant who collected the most potatoes.
Dance with hoops
Inventory: Hoops according to the number of participants.
Game: Several players are given a plastic (metal) hoop. The host - Santa Claus - gives different tasks to the participants of the game.
Game options:
a) Rotation of the hoop around the waist, neck, arm...
Winner: The participant whose hoop spins the longest.
b) Participants, on command, send the hoop forward in a straight line with their hand.
Winner: The participant whose hoop rolls the furthest.
c) Rotate the hoop around its axis using the fingers of one hand (like a top).
Winner: The participant whose hoop spins the longest.
The Great Houdini
Inventory: Ropes according to the number of participants
Presenter: Santa Claus.
Game: Participants have their hands tied behind their backs with a rope. At the leader’s signal, the players try to untie the ropes on themselves.
Winner: The first participant to become free.
Robin Hood
Inventory: Ball or apple “basket” of hat, bucket, box, rings, stool, various items.
Game: presenter - Santa Claus offers several options:
a) The task is to knock down various objects standing at a distance on a stool with a ball.
b) The task is to throw a ball, an apple, etc. into the "basket" at a distance.
c) The task is to throw rings on the legs of an inverted stool.
Winner: The participant who completed the task better.
Inventory: 2 chess officers, fake swords made of rubber or foam rubber.
Preparation: Place a chess piece on the edge of the table.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: Participants stand 2 meters from the table. The task is to lunge (step forward) at the leader’s command and hit the figure with a thrust.
Winner: The first participant to hit the figure.
Option: A duel between two participants.
Crumple up the newspaper
Inventory: Newspapers by number of participants.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the presenter’s signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Winner: The participant who collects the newspaper into a ball the fastest.
Newton's law
Inventory: 2 bottles, 20 peas (can be pellets).
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: Two bottles are placed in front of two players, each is given 10 peas. The task is to, at the leader’s signal, without bending (arms at chest level), drop peas into the bottle from above.
Winner: The participant who puts the most peas into the bottle.
Crush the ball with your foot
Inventory: Balloons according to the number of players.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: In front of the players, at a distance of 4-5 steps, a balloon is placed on the floor. The task is to, at the command of the leader, blindfolded, approach the ball and crush it with your foot.
Winner: The participant who crushes the ball.
It's funny if after tying the balls are removed.
The Snow Queen
Inventory: Ice cubes.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: participants take an ice cube. The task is who can melt the ice faster at the leader's command.
Winner: the participant who completes the task first.