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Fizminutka family preparatory group. Preschoolers about family

Olga Nersisyan


Summary of the organized educational activities on the topic: "My family»

Educational area"Socialization"

(preparatory group)

Target: to form in older preschool children an idea of family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other.


Introduce children to the concept « family» ; consolidate knowledge of the full names of members families; consolidate the ability to determine the name of family relationships between close members families;

To instill in children humane feelings towards their loved ones, a desire to take care of them;

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic of the lesson; develop creative storytelling skills and coherent speech skills.

Equipment and materials: children's drawings on topic"My Family» ,carpet, colored threads,microphone.

Preliminary work: writing stories about your family; acquaintance and learning proverbs about family; learning a poem “Who does he look like?”, learning the texts of warm-up games, talking with children about family.

Move: While the children are with the nanny, the teacher arranges chairs in a semicircle, like in a television studio, and hangs pictures of the students. Then he comes out to the children with a mysterious look.

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we were all invited to a television studio, to a children's program "My family» . Do you agree to be participants in this program? Then let's quietly enter the television studio and take our seats. Children and the teacher enter the hall, the teacher seats the children on chairs.

Educator: Participants of the program, please take your seats. Are you ready? Let's start. Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! Let's start our show "My family» and I, its presenter, Olga Anatolyevna. Today in our studio there are guests of the program and participants, the guys of the group "Chipollino" kindergarten No. 18, Nikolskoye. They came to our program to talk about themselves, about their family, about your dear and close people. At the beginning of our program, I invite the participants to introduce themselves. Children: My name is … (first and last name)

Educator: Thank you to all participants in the program. Now let's talk. Guys, do you know what this is? family? Children (answers)

Educator: Right. Each of you has family. Family is dad, mother, their children. These are people who live together and love each other very much, care about each other. Guys, let's show our viewers a warm-up about family. (Physical training is carried out in order to provide short-term active rest for children).

Fizminutka « Family»

One two three four (claps hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the sides with raised shoulders)

One two three four five (Clap your hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka the cat, two kittens,

My goldfinch, cricket and me -

That's all ours family! (bend fingers on hand one by one)

Educator: Family is the most precious thing what a person has. It is no coincidence that in the Russian language there are so many sayings and proverbs about family. Who knows proverbs and sayings about family- let's tell them to our TV viewers:

“The sun is warm, the mother is good”

"All family together, so the soul is in place"

“It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence”

"A man without families"like a tree without fruit"(and etc.)

(Children name several proverbs about family, choose one proverb from them and invite the children to explain its meaning)

Educator: Well done guys, our TV viewers and guests in the studio, I think it was interesting to hear new proverbs and sayings about family. Dad, mom and children are your little family. You also have a big one family, this includes your grandparents, aunts and uncles. Let's play a game with you

"On the Hill"

On the hill there are three huts (look at "binoculars")

What a miracle - a village (arms to the sides, shrug)

Apples ripening in the garden (stretch up on your toes)

Ducks swim in the pond (waddle around)

Cows chew grass (show "horns")

The cockerels are crowing loudly (stand on one leg, "flapping wings")

Grandfather and grandmother live there (alternately prop up your cheeks)

They are sitting and waiting for their grandchildren to visit. (call with palms towards you)

A bridge is thrown across the river (hands in front of you)

We are going to visit you (we walk)

Educator: Relatives may live in other houses, other cities and even countries, but they are still your relatives - this is your family, your great family. Relatives are a little similar to each other. Some of you look like your mother, some of you look like your dad, and some of you look like your grandmother or aunt. Now Masha will read you a poem

“Who does he look like?”.

Today we have a holiday, everyone is happy family,

We had a brother, or rather, me!

How good is he, who is he like?

Dad says: Like my mother, he has a very nice face.

Mom says: Looks like dad, the little guy looks funny.

Both grandmothers give in to each other hour:-

The grandson looks like you, don’t argue, - That you are a darling, he looks like you.

I sit alone like a mouse: Let the relatives have fun!

I know that my brother is just like me!

Educator: Thank you, Mashenka, for such an interesting poem. Many of you, together with your parents, made pictures about your family. In previous classes, some of you already told us about your family. Our TV viewers are also interested in listening to your stories. I invite Katya, she will tell us about her family, let's welcome her. (After Katya, Lyosha and Polina are invited)

Educator: Well done guys, you talked so interestingly about your family, that I wanted to tell you about mine. But since I have neither photographs nor paintings, I will show my relatives on strings. Here is the blue thread, it is the longest - this is my dad, Anatoly Firsovich. He is tall, strong and kind. This is a red thread, a little shorter. This is my mother, Valentina Yakovlevna, she is the most affectionate, caring and good. An even shorter thread, yellow, is me. And the shortest thread, the green one, is my brother Sasha. That's how friendly we are family. Guys, do any of you want to talk about your family with the help of strings(I ask 2 people)

Educator: Thank you very much to our heroes for such detailed stories about your families. It was very interesting for us. I know that the girls prepared a dance dedicated to the dearest people in our lives - our mothers. My guests and I in the studio will be happy to watch it.

Dance "Mother"

Educator: Well done girls, very beautiful dance. Now let's let's play:- “Who is our brother, who is our friend, quickly stand in the circle! Let’s take each other’s hands and start playing now.”

A game “Who are you to me?”.

(Children stand in a circle, the teacher approaches any child and asks: “I am a mother, and who are you to me?” (Daughter, son). Whoever answered becomes the leader and asks the other question: I am dad, I am brother, I am sister, I am grandmother.)

Educator: Guys, I’m very glad that each of you has native home, where they love you, wait for you, take care of you, and come to your aid. I want you to value your loved ones, never upset them, and take care of them. Our transmission time has come to an end. In conclusion, I want to give you these hearts, but I don’t want to give them just like that. I want you all to wish something for yourself now. family. I thank you all for participating in the TV show "My family» . Thank you very much for your participation, for the interesting stories, for sweet words. Until next time

Completed by the teacher of MKDOU No. 18, NIKOLSKOYE

The “Family” lesson is conducted as part of the implementation of the author’s “Funny Tongue” program. Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist Kuzina Svetlana Borisovna, music director Nikitushina Lyubov Valerievna. MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 53 “Cheburashka”, Klin, Moscow region.

This is designed for children in the pre-school group.

Progress of the logorhythmic lesson FAMILY

1. Organizational moment.

The entrance to the hall is accompanied by a game with the word “From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, Grandfather Egor is coming...”.

The teacher instructs the children to affectionately name family members: mom - mommy, dad - daddy, son - son, and so on.

2. Introducing the topic “My Family”.

The teacher asks the children to name family members.

3. Game “Do as I do.”

Children stand in a circle. They need to imitate the teacher’s (child’s) facial expression and name it (the name is given by the child who has the cube behind them): smile, gloomy face, affectionate gesture, threaten with a finger, etc.

4. Physical exercise “Family exercise”.

In autumn, spring,
Summer and winter.
We go out into the yard
Friendly family.
Let's stand in a circle and in order
Everyone does exercises.
Mom raises her hands.
Dad squats cheerfully.
Turns left and right
My brother Seva makes it.
And I'm jogging
And I shake my head.

Children perform appropriate movements.

5. Articulation-breathing and facial exercises (4-5 exercises of children’s choice).

Articulation-breathing exercise “Family of twisted ones.”

Once upon a time there lived a family of crooked people.
Dad’s mouth looked like this: (Pull the upper lip over the upper teeth - repeat 3 times.)
Mom’s mouth looked like this: (Pull the lower lip over the lower teeth - repeat 3 times.)
My daughter’s mouth was like this, (Lips into the proboscis to the left - repeat 3 times.)
For another daughter, (Lips into proboscis to the right - repeat 3 times.)
But my son had the most wonderful mouth! (Proboscis to nose - repeat 3 times.)

They went to bed, but forgot to put out the candle.
Dad says: “Wife, put out the candle!”
And she doesn’t want to get up. She says: “Daughter, put out the candle!”
And she also doesn’t want to get up, she says: “Sister, put out the candle!”
And she’s also reluctant. She says: “Brother, put out the candle!”

Dad stood up. (Blows 3 times.) Does not go out.
Mom got up. (Blows 3 times.) Does not go out.
Little sister stood up. (Blows 3 times.) Does not go out.
Another one stood up. (Blows 3 times.) Does not go out.
And my brother says: “I don’t feel like it.”

Dad: “Put it out.”
Mom: “Put it out.”
Sister: “Put it out.”
Another sister: “Put it out.”
And my brother says: “I don’t feel like it.”

Dad: “Put it out.”
Mom: “Put it out.”
Sister: “Put it out.”
Another sister: “Put it out.”
Brother: “Ugh, uh, uh, turned it off.”

Dad: “I turned it off.”
Mom: “I turned it off.”
Sister: “I turned it off.”
Another sister: “I turned it off.”
Brother: “I turned it off.”

Dad: " Good night
Mom: “Good night!”
Sister: “Good night!”
Another sister: “Good night!”
Brother: “Good night!”

Miniature game “Friendly Family” (M.A. Kositsyna, I.G. Borodina: “Corrective Rhythm”, page 96).

Goal: developing the ability to act according to ideas, reflect character traits.

Starting position: children sit on chairs. The teacher invites the children to take turns depicting the actions of family members that they often observe at home: washing dishes, washing clothes, etc. In this case, the child must show a series of sequential movements that reflect a certain action, as well as various moods and character traits of the family member whom he portrays.

The child is not allowed to talk, but only to depict actions using facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children must understand and name the image.

6. Listening to the work, music and words by E.A. Gomonova, “What is family?” (E.A. Gomonova: “Funny songs for kids all year round", page 84).

7. Finger gymnastics"My family".

This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

Children show fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb.

8. Singing “Family” (L.B. Gavrisheva, N.V. Nishcheva: “Logorhythmic chants”, page 14).

9. Game to develop auditory attention.

Children should clap their hands when they hear the teacher name a relative. The teacher lists various characters: mother, classmate, father, neighbor, uncle, janitor, sister and others.

10. Outdoor game-round dance “Tell everyone, Nadyusha” (music by I. Luchenko).

Children walk in a circle and sing. In the middle of the circle stands the presenter (Nadyusha), who shows what the children are asking for:

Tell everyone, Nadyusha
Show me quickly
How grannies dance.
That's it, that's it, that's it,
This is how grandmothers dance.

Tell everyone, Nadyusha
Show me quickly
How grandfathers dance.
That's it, that's it, that's it,
This is how grandfathers dance.

Tell everyone, Nadyusha
Show me quickly
How girlfriends dance.
That's it, that's it, that's it,
This is how girlfriends dance.

Tell everyone, Nadyusha
Show me quickly
How the guys dance.
That's it, that's it, that's it,
This is how the guys dance.

Tell everyone, Nadyusha
Show me quickly
How the little goats jump!

At the end, the presenter, pretending to be a kid, tries to gore the children with her “horns.” The children run away, the “kid” catches up.

11. Relaxation “Sleep Fairy”.

Starting position: children sit on chairs arranged in a circle at a sufficiently large distance from each other. Lullaby music is played (at the teacher's choice).

The teacher approaches the children with with a magic wand in hand - this is a “sleep fairy”. The “fairy” touches the shoulder of one of the children with a wand - he falls asleep: he tilts his head and closes his eyes. Then the “fairy” goes around the rest of the children, touching them with a magic wand. The “fairy” looks: everyone is sleeping.

Lesson notes in preparatorygroup.

Subject: "Family"

Target: Clarification and expansion of knowledge about the family, family members, and family ties.


Form a concept of family;

Systematize children’s knowledge about who family members are to each other;

Give an idea of ​​the responsibilities that family members perform.


Develop visual and auditory attention: learn to hear and listen to each other and the teacher;

Develop logical thinking, through the establishment of pairs of related relationships (mother - son, grandmother - granddaughter, brother and sister).

Explain the meaning of the proverb: “You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family”, reading the poem “Family”

Learn to hear a piece of music, perform movements to the music, accompanying singing, and convey its mood.

To form an idea of ​​family members as people who help and care for each other;

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between your actions and the mood of adult family members;

Learn to coordinate your actions in accordance with the requirements of the task;

Activate facial muscles through the transmission of emotional state;

Improve gross and fine motor skills.


Activate in children’s speech nouns denoting the names of family members (mom, dad, daughter, son, etc.); adjectives (cheerful, hardworking, caring, brave, gray-haired, etc.); verbs (washes, washes, mends, sews, knits, etc.);

Learn to understand prepositional-case constructions: who is the girl to the mother?, who is the girl to the boy?;

Learn to answer adult questions in complete sentences, build simple and common constructions;

Encourage coordination of actions with speech.


Foster a desire to help older family members and take care of each other.

Forms of organization joint activities: work on a picture, game, physical exercise, problem situation, exercise, work on a proverb, psycho-gymnastics.

Methods of organization: visual: examination of the plot picture;

verbal: conversation, explanation, coordination of speech and movements;

gaming: didactic game, low mobility game, game exercise.

Equipment: poster “family”, ball, illustrations “Age and gender of people”, box with images of family members, box with balls, basket, photographs with family members, drawn rebus “7Ya”

Preliminary work: learning the musical exercise “Mom needs to rest” and the physical exercise “Family”; explanation of the lexical meaning of the word “lad”, collection of family photographs.

Options for organizing educational activities in regime moments: looking at family albums, writing stories about the family, drawing family portraits.

Forms of interaction with parents: clarify information about the family, collect family albums.

Organizing time.

Children enter the group and stand in a circle.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our friendly circle. I'm very pleased to see what you have good mood and I want it to stay with you throughout the day! I invite you to hold hands, look tenderly into each other’s eyes and convey warmth and kindness, the joy of our meeting!

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Problematic situation.

Guys, try to guess what is encrypted here (rebus 7Y).

Subject message.

That's right, today we will talk about family.

Work on a plot picture.

What do you see in the picture? (This is a house.)

Name the people living in this house. (Grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, girl and boy)

Do you think these are relatives or strangers? (These are relatives.)

What do you call relatives who live together? (That's right, it's a family.)

A family is relatives living in the same house who love each other and take care of each other.

Name all family members. (Grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, son and daughter.)

Name the oldest family members. (Grandmother and grandfather)

Name the youngest family members. (Boy and girl)

How to call a boy and a girl in one word, who is it? (These are kids.)

How are a boy and a girl related to each other? (They are brother and sister.)

Who is the relationship between the boy (girl) and his grandparents? (A boy is a grandson for grandparents. A girl is a granddaughter for grandparents.)

What can you call mom and dad in one word, who are they for children? (They are parents)

Who is the girl's parents? (The girl is their daughter)

Who is the boy's mom and dad? (A boy for mom and dad is a son)

Game "Collect the chain"

Arrange illustrations according to age and gender:

Baby - girl - preschooler - schoolgirl - student - mother - grandmother;

Baby - boy - preschooler - schoolchild - student - dad - grandfather.

Physical exercise “Family”

Now let’s do some family exercises together:

One, two, three, four (claps hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the sides with raised shoulders)

One, two, three, four, five (Clap your hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka the cat, two kittens,

My goldfinch, cricket and me -

That's our whole family! (bend fingers on hand one by one)

Didactic game “Who is which?” (ball game)

Now I suggest you choose as many words as possible about each family member.

Children sit on the carpet, the teacher takes turns rolling a ball to each of them, and the child says the word and rolls the ball back.

Mom (which one?), dad (which one?), grandmother (which one?), grandfather (which one?).

Didactic game “Let’s distribute responsibilities”

All family members do various jobs around the house. Let's name what each one does.

The teacher (sitting on the carpet) puts in front of the children boxes with pictures of family members (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather) and a box with colored pebbles pasted on them. Children name one type of work and put one pebble in a box. At the end of the game, a summary is made of which family member performs the most responsibilities.

Mom does a lot of things during the day and often gets tired in the evening.

Low mobility game “Mom needs to rest...”

I suggest you play the game “Mom needs a rest.”

Children sing and perform movements to the music.

Mom needs to rest (the children tiptoe around in a circle)

Mom wants to sleep.

I'm walking on tiptoes

I won't wake up mom.

Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock (children stop in a circle and stomp loudly)

There is a knock of heels.

Our heels are coming. (children come up to “mom” and hug)

I'm running straight to mommy.

Psycho-gymnastics “Mom’s mood” (performed while sitting on chairs)

Guys, I know that you all love your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters very much. But despite this, sometimes you upset them. Now I will tell you the actions of children. If you think it is a good deed, smile, and if it is a bad deed, make a sad face.

My son watered the indoor flowers.

My daughter ate all the porridge.

The boy tore the book.

Guys, what should you do if you tore a book?

The children put the toys back in their place.

The girl broke the cup.

If you accidentally break dishes, what should you do? (apologize)

My son got into a fight in the yard.

How should you play? (in a friendly manner) What if you don’t like something? (you need to negotiate or ask an adult for help)

My daughter washed the dishes.

The boy wiped off the dust.

Game “Who are you to me? "(Children stand in a circle, the teacher approaches any child and asks: “I am a mother, and who are you to me?” (Daughter, son). Whoever answered becomes the leader and asks the other a question: I am a dad, I am a brother, I sister, I'm a grandmother.)

Didactic exercise “Basket of good deeds” ( Calm music plays during the game)

Guys, do you want to never upset your family?

What do you think you can do to please your moms and dads, grandparents? (good deeds)

Then a basket of good deeds will help us.

Let's stand in a circle, pass the basket to each other and name a good deed with which we can please our loved ones.

Oh, look, I found something in the basket - these are your family photos.

How beautiful and happy you are here.

The teacher places photographs on a magnetic board. At this time the song “Inseparable Friends” plays

Guys, I noticed that you were all very happy when you saw your family photos. Probably because each of you loves your loved ones very much.

It’s not for nothing that people say: You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family.

How do you understand this proverb? (There is nothing more important than good relationships between family members. It is not money and wealth that make people happy, but a friendly family.)

I have a family -

Mom, dad, brother and me.

We live the best

We sing songs loudly.

I won't allow anyone

Insult your family.

May the family always live -

Mom, dad, brother and me.

Exercise “Wishes to your family”

Now let’s each of you say a wish to your family. What would you like your family to be like?


Guys, I hope that your families will definitely be friendly, healthy, and cheerful. And you, in turn, try not to forget to please your loved ones with good deeds.



Our friendly family:
Mom, Daddy and Me!
Every day my mom is not too lazy to get up in the morning!
He'll make us pancakes,
He will pet everything and tidy it up!
Denya will get ready for kindergarten,
Kisses and hugs
He will say: “I love you! »
Still going to work
It will calm all the kids,
They will teach everyone how to count, draw and dance!
Embroider when you feel like it...
In general, we need care!


Dad complains:
- Something
I'm tired of work...
Mom too:
- I’m getting tired,
I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can!

My dad is strong and big
He is so dear to me.
Kind laughs in the eyes,
He carries me on his shoulders!
My dad and I are very interested,
He teaches to act honestly
Everywhere in everything, always, always,
So as not to be ashamed EVER!

Will answer any question.
But only without capricious tears.
Dad and I read together
We cut boards and plan them.
Dad will say: “Well, son,
Well, you helped me!"
I try my best,
So that dad would praise him again.

And if I'm afraid of something,
I run to him, I cling to him,
So that he could protect me,
But he can be very strict
If I suddenly become rude,
I'm proud of my dad and

Hello, dad, it's me,
Hello, do you recognize me?
Eh, dad, why so long ago
We haven't been to the movies together?

Eh, dad! You don't have time again
Play football with me
You know, dad, you know, let
Work will delay you again.
I'll definitely wait
I really want to be with you!


The grandson and grandfather remained at home.
Grandfather prepared lunch:
Soup, omelet, sweet compote,
After lunch, they go hide and seek
We decided to play with our grandson.
The grandson climbed under the bed.

There's a quiet snore there
And he's watching his grandfather.
The grandfather was looking for a grandson for a long time,
Slowly he opened the buffet,

I took out a box of chocolates:
- Oh, what a pity that there is no grandson!
Chocolate candies,
Decorative wrappers.

He took the candy, and at the same moment
He heard an angry cry!
- Grandfather! It's time to stop
You yourself taught to always share.
Better sit quietly in a chair,
Grandfather, I'll tell you honestly:

You are dear and loved to me,
Candy is harmful for the elderly
You don't need them at all.
Saving you
I'll eat it myself!


They run, they run through the grass,
They run towards grandma,
Reaching out my hands
Grandchildren are running towards
With leaves in hands.
And tears in my eyes
Grandma's joy:
- You are my darlings,
Collected for me
You are lilac leaves
Now my knees
They won't hurt so much
After all, with such care
Everything can be endured!
Thank you, my darlings,
Let's go eat pancakes
Let's drink tea with jam,
And in the evening, then,
Let's sit under a birch tree
And we will be again
Compose fairy tales


"Family exercise"

In autumn, spring,
Summer and winter.
We go out into the yard
Friendly family.
Let's stand in a circle and in order
Everyone does exercises.
Mom raises her hands (hands up and down).
Dad cheerfully squats (squats).
Turns left and right
My brother Seva does it (hands on the belt, turns with the whole body).
And I myself jog (jogging in place)
And I shake my head (tilt my head to the sides).

“Who lives in our apartment? »

(children come out in a circle)
Who lives in our apartment?
1 2 3 4 (clap hands)
Who lives in our apartment (we walk in place)
1, 2, 3 4 5 (jumping in place)
I can count everyone (we walk in place)
-Dad! Mother! Brother! Sister (claps hands)
My cricket, grandfather, grandmother and I are my whole family!



“Who has arrived?”

/fingers of both hands are folded with their tips together/
Who has arrived? /thumbs/
We, we, we /4 fingers, except thumbs/
Mom, mom, is that you? /thumbs/
Yes, yes, yes /index fingers/
Dad, dad, is that you? /thumbs/
Yes, yes, yes /middle fingers/
Brother, brother, is that you? /thumbs/
Yes, yes, yes /ring fingers/
Oh, little sister, is that you? /thumbs/
Yes, yes, yes /little fingers/
We are all together, yes, yes, yes! /all fingers/.
(Children go to the tables).

Mommy, mommy, (We bend the fingers of our right hand one by one,
My beloved, starting with the big one, then the same on the left hand.)
Because you know, mommy, ( Right hand clench into a fist
How I love you. Grab it tightly with your left palm.)

This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is me
That's my whole family

Once I sat down on a bench
Our friendly family:
Mom was the first to sit down,
Our strict father is nearby.
Next are brother and sister.
Well, where should I fit?



Who can guess the riddles?
He recognizes his relatives:
Some are mom, some are dad,
Who is a sister or brother,
And to know your grandfather and grandmother -
There is no need to think at all!
All the relatives with whom you live,
Even uncle or aunt
Definitely your friends,
Together you are one FAMILY!

Without anything in this world
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly... (family)

Everyone knows this word
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
What will happen? (Family)

Who is the cutest in the world?
Who do children love very much?
I’ll answer the question directly:
- Ours is the cutest of all... (mother)

She works during the day
In the evening she is the wife,
If it's a holiday, she's a lady
Who is this? - My mom)

Who washes, cooks, sews,
Tired at work
Waking up so early? -
Only caring... (mother)

The photo is worth
In a golden frame,
Whose gaze warms the sun?
The look of the beloved... (mommy)

You worked, you're tired
And I didn’t rest at all,
I'll ask for the sun
Don't shine through the windows in the morning:
- Don't get up so early
Don't wake up... (mom)

Who is your favorite person in the world?
And is he responsible for the whole family?
From paycheck to paycheck
What would we do without... (dad)

Who does the hard work
Can I do it on Saturdays? -
With axe, saw, shovel
Ours is building, working... (father)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?
Will let you steer the car
And he will tell you how to be brave,
Strong, dexterous and skillful?
You guys know everything -
This is our favorite... (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving
He bakes pies for us,
Delicious pancakes?
This is our... (grandmother)

Who worked all his life
Surrounded with care
Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Did you respect ordinary people?
Retired for many years now
Our ageless... (grandfather)

Who is the cheerful little one -
Does it crawl quickly on its belly?
Amazing boy -
This is my youngest... (brother)

Who loves both me and my brother,
But does he prefer to dress up? -
Very fashionable girl -
My eldest... (sister)

Moms elder sister -
Doesn't look old at all
With a smile he will ask: “How are you living?”
Who came to visit us? (Aunt)

Who's with mom's sister?
Does he come to us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile,
"Hello!" - tells me... (uncle)

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,
Lots of health for both of them!
We wish you happiness for two more centuries,
Happy Elderly Day to you... (person)!

He will always treat you with jam,
The table will be set with refreshments,
Lada is our darling,
Who? - Dear... (grandmother)

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved... (grandfather)



1. Children are invited to show family members using circles (the largest circle is grandfather, the smaller circle is grandmother, etc.).

2. You can show family members using a pyramid. The child is asked to string the rings of the pyramid and name a family member (the largest ring is grandfather, the smaller one is grandmother, etc.)

3. A family can be depicted using a garland. (Children write their name, the name of their mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister on strips of paper. Each strip is fastened into a ring and connected into a garland - a family tree is obtained. Each has its own, unique).

on the topic " My family"

Middle group "A"

Target: to form the concept of “family” in children, to consolidate initial ideas about family relationships in the family.

To develop in children the desire to be a full member of the family and have their own responsibilities.

Foster a sense of love, attention and care for all family members.

Equipment: photo album “My Family”, a painting depicting a family, a recording of songs about mom, dad, and grandmother.

Preliminary work: looking at family photographs of children, talking about their content, designing a photo album “My Family”, individual conversations with children about family members, memorizing the parents’ first and middle names, reading E. Permyak’s story “How Masha Got Big”.

Vocabulary work : family, family member, son, daughter, brother, sister, family album.

Methodical techniques: conversation, looking at illustrations, solving a problem situation, didactic exercise.

Follow up work: looking at family photographs and adding to the family album, talking about family traditions and relationships between adults and children, reading poems about mother and grandmother, getting to know sayings about mothers.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher draws attention to the fact that he has an album in his hands.

What is the name of this album? ("My family")

What is family?

That's right, children, their parents, grandparents, all together are one... family.

Families are different: large and small. If there is only a mother, father and child in a family, then this is a small family, but if there is also a sister, brother, and grandparents, then this is already a big family. It happens that there are grandparents, but they live separately, as their own family. Each of you has your own family.

How many people do you have in your family? Name them. (several people answer).

How are you related to your mother, grandfather, how is your sister related to him?

What does your mother call your grandmother?

Mom and dad are daughter and son to grandparents.

2. The teacher puts a picture of a family on the board.

Children, this picture shows a family. Do you think it is big or small? Why? (name all family members).

What do all family members do? (Family resting)

How should all family members treat each other?

(In the family, everyone loves each other, the elders take care of the younger ones, the younger ones should help the elders. Everyone has their own responsibilities: mom cooks, cleans up, does laundry; dad repairs, does hard work.)

What can you do around the house to help adults?

(Set the table, put away dishes after meals, wipe off dust, keep your room tidy and put away toys, dress yourself and fold clothes.)

Why do parents need help?

(Adults have a lot to do around the house and they will be pleased if children help them)

3. Reading the problem situation “Walk”

“One boy went for a walk with his dad. They had fun and they both enjoyed the walk. When they returned home, they saw that mom had a sad expression on her face.”

Why was mom sad? What should the boy and his dad have done?

4. Physical exercise “Family exercise”

In autumn, spring, summer and winter

We go out into the yard as a friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands. (Hands up and down)

Dad squats cheerfully. (Squats)

Turns left and right (Turns with the whole body)

My brother Seva makes it.

I jog myself (Running in place)

And I shake my head. (Tilt your head to the sides)

5. – Children, one girl wrote a poem about her family:

Grandmother and grandfather,

Mom and Dad,

Brother and I -

Together a friendly family.

Come up with a similar poem about your family. (several children answer).

6. Game “Name it kindly”

(mom - mommy, dad - daddy, brother - little brother, sister - little sister, etc.)

Do you call each other affectionate names in your family?

Why do people call each other affectionately?

7. - Today we talked about family. For every person, he and his family are the most precious thing in the world. In a family, everyone needs each other. There are many poems and songs about this, and now we will listen to some of them (the recording is turned on).