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French charm: sophisticated makeup for ladies. Beauty secrets of French women and tricks for creating perfect makeup How to do makeup French corner

  • 1.
    Beaute, or beauty
  • 2.
    Don't get enough, but enjoy
  • 3.
    No tan
  • 4.
    How to do beautiful French makeup
  • 5.
    French makeup step by step
    • 5.1.
      Makeup without makeup
    • 5.2.
      Particular attention to detail
    • 5.3.
      Emphasis on color
    • 5.4.
      Red lipstick and wardrobe
    • 5.5.
      Perfect arrows
    • 5.6.
      Fashion trends
    • 5.7.
      How to draw
    • 5.8.
      How to draw
    • 5.9.
      Lifehack 1
    • 5.10.
      Lifehack 2
    • 5.11.
      Lifehack 3

She is sexy, mysterious, surprisingly attractive, even if she is not very beautiful in the textbook sense of the word. A special flair emanates from her - this is a light, barely perceptible aroma, and an almost tangible energy that makes you turn around after her. Catherine Deneuve, Marion Cotillard, Sophie Marceau, Patricia Kaas... - they are so different, but always breathtakingly beautiful in their dim, multi-layered outfits, with hair carelessly flowing or tied in a bun, with virtually no makeup... French women. How do they do it?

In this article we will tell you about the beauty secrets of Parisian women, as well as how to do exquisite French makeup yourself.

Beaute, or beauty

The famous cherchez la femme (cherchez la femme) - “look for a woman” - in relation to the French women themselves has another, more philosophical meaning: to find femininity in yourself, to love your essence, to cherish it, to bring it to perfection - this is what is really worth learning from representatives of this nation. If you analyze the style and ideas about the beauty of French women, it is impossible not to notice that the secrets of their charm are simple, but they involve working on oneself, and not external retouching or embellishment. So, the basic rules that French women adhere to.

Don't get enough, but enjoy

The food system in France has become almost a cult. A French woman will never rush into dinner, even if she is very hungry. She will prefer a gourmet dish to a large, high-calorie portion, especially if it is a tiny work of art on a large plate. And believe me, she will be able to enjoy food. As a result, the mood is high, and the figure will be grateful. Perhaps we should adopt the French women’s diet.

Attracting the eye does not mean looking flashy. Gray scarf on gray sweater, classic jeans, classic ballet shoes, black knitted dress... French women prefer restraint, bordering on plainness. Why? They don’t want their outfit to distract attention from their face, hands, or eyes. Sexy in French is not a tight dress with a cutout and stilettos, it is a T-shirt bought two sizes too large, accidentally slipping off the shoulder and seductively exposing the collarbones.

No tan

French women really don’t like to sunbathe very much and often even look pale. But they are convinced: aristocratic pallor is much more elegant than “seductive ruddy pie" Cheekbones shiny from bronzer and highlighter are not their style. In addition, tanning is harmful to the skin. Beautiful, smooth, healthy skin, glowing from hydration and not from highlighter - this is the French version.

Respecting yourself means taking care of yourself. According to statistics, French women spend 10 (!) times more on skincare products than, for example, British women. And it's not about the level of income. Self-care, spa treatments, a cosmetologist - things that a French woman will always find time for. They begin using moisturizers at the age of 14, gradually increasing their arsenal of care. Moisturizing masks and facial massage are Madame and Mademoiselle’s favorite treatments.

French women are usually very active. They love walking, dancing, and light sports games.

Long hours of training in the gym is to a lesser extent their format, but not because they are lazy, it’s just that the habit of enjoying life extends to sports: spending time should be pleasant! Fit and not overly muscular, graceful, but not too thin - femininity in their performance always looks natural first and foremost.

The scent of France is the scent of a woman. Many French women can afford an individual, exclusive scent. They are unlikely to choose the most popular option from Chanel, even out of respect for their legendary compatriot.

The highlight is to have a special aroma. A French woman will never smell of perfume overtly: a sophisticated, sexy trail is what they strive for. The goal is not for the room to be filled with scent when you enter, but for a particular person to want to get closer to you in order to experience the attractive aroma more clearly. Sexuality - as it is.

How to do beautiful French makeup

Many people admire the ability of French women to look beautiful even in their mature years - Parisian women never lose their femininity. The secret is not only in a special view of the world, but also in makeup. French makeup is a true art, a way of life and a certain style that you should imbibe.

Anyone can put on makeup according to all the French rules, but look like a French woman - no. Therefore, first of all, start enjoying happy moments every day, accept everything with ease, smile more and give charming smiles to others.

Now let's talk about the intricacies of French makeup.

French makeup step by step

Makeup without makeup

Beautiful makeup should not be noticeable: this is the axiom of every Parisian woman. It was the French women who introduced makeup into fashion in nude style. In the end, they can afford a “naked face”, because thanks to careful care it looks flawless without a layer of foundation or sculpting products. The must-haves are mascara, a lip tint in a natural shade, and the maximum is on the cheeks. Let's add messy bun or styling with sexy (but not unkempt) strands that fly out - and voila! - the French look is ready!

Of course, French women do more thorough makeup when going out. Here are a few secrets to flawless French-style makeup.

To make your skin glow with health and look sleek, be sure to apply a moisturizer or serum to your cleansed face.

Owners oily skin, don’t be afraid, your face won’t become shiny ahead of time, but the foundation will apply much more naturally and softly. The main thing is not to overdo it with the product and do not apply it too close to the eyes. Carefully distribute the cream and patiently tap it in with your fingertips: for this mini massage, the skin will thank you with elasticity.

What about concealer?

You can and should do French makeup with it too: apply concealer to the lower eyelid (under the eyes) and blend it with a brush in the cheekbone area. Don't overdo it: Concealer works not so much due to the density of the coverage, but due to light reflection. We want to save main feature French makeup - naturalness.

As a result, no one should guess that you are wearing makeup at all. Our goal is not “Wow, what beautiful shadows you have!”, but “You look great! So rested!”

Eye shadows - only natural, natural shades. Gently and extremely delicately shade them on the eyelids. That’s why they are “shadows”, to give a barely visible volume, to open the eyes, and not to create clear boundaries and visible transitions. And no ultra-black mascara with an incredible volume effect! Our version is dark brown, creating a light dramatic flow - this is a classic Parisian makeup.

When it comes to powder, then to set makeup, the French woman would choose a weightless crumbly texture, preferably completely colorless. A matte face does not look natural; a healthy, barely noticeable glow to the skin should still be present.

It is also important not to overdo it with blush. Parisian style involves a minimum of visible makeup, and the cheeks should have a natural blush. The makeup is hopelessly ruined if brick red or brown blush is obvious. To create a natural effect, they need to be applied with a special beveled brush. The layer should turn out translucent, barely noticeable, as if you were slightly blushing with excitement. And no mother of pearl!

By the way, if in evening makeup If you decide to focus on expressive lips, it’s better to avoid blush altogether.

The cult of eyebrows in the last two years has shifted the idea of ​​naturalness and moderation towards exaggeration. But this is hardly suitable for French makeup. All we want to achieve from the appearance of eyebrows is naturalness. A neat, clear (but not excessively, without deliberately graphic) contour, an invisible styling gel to give the desired direction to the hairs - and that’s enough. In French makeup, you can't use eyebrow pencils, instead use a brush and dark brown eyebrow shadow. Fill in the hairs with smooth movements, barely touching the eyebrow itself.

There is another beauty secret borrowed from French women. Some call it their ability to enjoy little things, others call it the art of appreciating every minute; we liked the formulation “having your own secret garden” the most. This “garden” can be anything: a favorite book or magazine, a relaxing massage, a place in the park where you like to be alone... In short, this is an activity that gives you energy, fills you with strength, time that you devote only and exclusively for yourself. A visit to the “secret garden” affects our appearance in a very specific way. Get yourself such a place - and you yourself will notice how facial wrinkles are smoothed out, posture improves, and softness of movements appears.

The carefully created look in the French retro style with arrows and red lips, which was at the peak of popularity some time ago, has lost ground. Now red lipstick can be worn both at a party and in the world - like an impressive French accent in a completely simple makeup look.

To create a very simple and at the same time luxurious look we will need Foundation, milky or beige matte shadows, voluminous mascara and, of course, lipstick. Moreover, you can apply it by simply tapping it in with your fingertips - a slight smudging will give your lips a fashionable kissed look. This method is especially good for those whose lips are small and not too plump - this way they can be given additional volume. However, we are still accustomed to another method of application.

The classic of the genre is, of course, carefully and clearly drawn lips, covered with a neat layer of lipstick, as if on an advertising poster. For this type of makeup, you should tone your face in an even layer and place accents using a highlighter, in particular, mark the so-called “Cupid's bow” - a tick above the upper lip, which will visually make the lips more voluminous. Then you should draw a contour with a red pencil and shade the entire surface of the lips with it. Then apply the lipstick in a neat, even layer using a brush, powder your lips with loose powder and blot with a napkin. Then - a second layer of lipstick. It is recommended to “touch” the corners of the mouth again with foundation.

Particular attention to detail

If you decide on red lipstick, smoky eyes, winged wings - in general, something catchy and noticeable, you will have to work on the details. For example, bright lipstick will make a mustache above the upper lip and bruises under the eyes, pimples and uneven complexion visible. Red lipsticks with warm undertones can make your teeth appear yellower. However, there is good news: the cool red tint makes teeth whiter. However, red lipstick is not a pink gloss, and it actively stains your teeth. Therefore, do not be lazy and periodically check the condition of your smile throughout the day.

In addition, if you decide to wear bright lipstick, it is important to consider the shape of your lips. Saturated shades visually make lips smaller and narrower, and also accentuate their shape. Therefore, those who have lips of medium size or rather large, swollen and beautifully symmetrical can safely use red lipstick.

Of course, any shape can be corrected with a pencil, but remember that if you go beyond the natural contours by more than 1 millimeter, this is an image for a photo shoot, but it is completely unsuitable for everyday life.

Emphasis on color

No wonder they say it’s red lipstick is coming everyone: almost every woman can choose the right shade among the variety of reds: bright or discreet, with a warm or cold undertone.

Don't be afraid to experiment. If you are uncomfortable with red, but still want to try something bright on your lips, don’t worry: there are other shades, for example, intense berries. In addition, instead of lipstick, you can try gloss - the color will be softer.

Red lipstick and wardrobe

The simpler the better. This is a universal rule if you decide to introduce bright accent. Now red lipstick is worn not only with cocktail dresses. Jeans, classic pants, gray and beige sweaters, white cotton shirts and cream silk blouses are the components of a simple and elegant French look with red lipstick.

Perfect arrows

This is perhaps the most spectacular image, but also the most difficult to execute. Let's try to understand all the subtleties and nuances of the arrows.

Fashion trends

Let's face it: fashion trends favor the young and daring. The arrows on the catwalks are entirely fantasy: wide, sharp, colors - from rich blue to lemon and hot pink shades. Admit it, few people are ready to go out in public like this, so let’s discuss how to draw classic arrows.

How to draw

The most common option is a pencil. It is easier to handle, the choice of pencils is huge: both in hardness and softness, and in color palette, and in terms of special effects (a black pencil flashing with burgundy sparkles is no longer uncommon). For beginners, fairly soft pencils with a foam rubber “doll” or a brush for shading at the end are suitable - even if the arrow is far from ideal, it can be carefully shaded: a “smoky” arrow makes the eyes expressive. The disadvantage of pencils is that to get a perfectly thin lead, they need to be sharpened frequently, which means they run out quickly.

Liquid eyeliner can be in the form of a felt-tip pen or come in a jar with a brush. This format is suitable for those who love very clear, graphic arrows and already know how to draw them masterfully.

Gel eyeliner is usually found in a small jar, and it needs to be applied thinly and with a flat, angled brush. This consistency is easy to apply, does not harden immediately, but can be corrected within a couple of minutes, lasts a long time and does not smudge.

In addition, you can safely combine products: apply shadows over liquid eyeliner, liquid eyeliner or gel over pencil contour.

How to draw

First of all, you need to decide what shape of arrows is right for you, because with their help you can correct the shape of your eyes: make round ones almond-shaped, smooth out convex upper eyelids, “open up” Mongoloid eyes.

In addition, remember about harmony in general: long arrows do not go well with short eyebrows, sharp arrows with sharp long ponytails will not decorate a delicate, plump-cheeked face.

For stability of future wings and better glide of a pencil or eyeliner, apply an eyelid base and secure it with matte milky shadows. If you want more drama, you can draw on the crease of the eyelid with matte gray-beige shadows.

Well, then - training, training and more training. Some people start drawing a line from the very first eyelash, some - from the middle of the century, and then finish drawing, some always put a dot - the end of the tail of the arrow.

If you are just starting to master this complex but very expressive technique, try, armed with a pencil, to draw an arrow with short strokes, slightly pulling the eyelid towards the outer corner of the eye.

If you decide on wide arrows, put a dot where the arrow should end. Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to this point. Then, slightly stretching the skin, draw the upper contour of the arrow from the point to the edge of the eyelid. Fill the resulting space with color.

If you want to make the arrow more contrasting, then apply a little milky shadow at its outer edge.

Lifehack 1

For ideal arrows, it is important that the space between the eyelashes is also filled with a contour - then the arrow will be clear and clearly defined, without skin areas showing through between the eyelashes. To do this you will need a fairly hard, sharpened pencil.

But all this beauty must be carefully removed cotton swab moistened with makeup remover. Neglect is fraught with conjunctivitis and blepharitis - unpleasant phenomena, which can be difficult and time-consuming to treat.

Lifehack 2

If the tail of the arrow does not turn out perfectly straight, do not be upset. Remember school and take a short ruler ( business card or a credit card - in general, something with a smooth, hard edge). Place it at an angle to the outer edge of the eye and draw a line - this is a sketch for the tail of the future arrow.

Lifehack 3

For perfect arrow It is important that your hand does not tremble. If you are not confident in your endurance (and also if a cat, dog or baby is wandering around), then it is better to draw arrows while sitting at the table. When your hand is not suspended, but confidently rests your elbow on the table, there is much less chance that you will have to remove makeup and start all over again.

The main thing is to start, and mastery will come with time.

Beauty in any language is, first of all, a dialogue with yourself, acceptance and respect for yourself, the art of being a good, caring housewife for your body and soul. “The Secret Garden” gives us the most noticeable and at the same time inexplicable beauty. This is probably what people mean when they talk about someone. "She glows from within." Be beautiful!

Section: All about makeupFashion trends 2019-2019 winter and summer

All girls want to be the most beautiful not only for themselves, but also for everyone around them. Especially for that one person, next to whom a girl’s heart skips a beat. And very often we succeed, thanks to well-executed beautiful makeup.

French style in makeup

Classic French makeup is all about naturalness. Its main feature is its inconspicuousness and at the same time brightness, because it makes not only the face more expressive, but also refreshes the entire image as a whole.

This type of makeup can be easily created at home with a minimum of cosmetics. Remember the main rule: any cosmetics must be applied to a previously cleansed face.

The French makeup technique involves applying mattifying cosmetics in soft undertones, avoiding bright contrasts, and resorting to careful shading on the face and neck. It is advisable to choose makeup tones that will suit your skin tone well. Usually these are pink, beige, light brown, fawn and smoky lilac tones for fair-skinned girls. Also, special attention should be paid to eye mascara. It is advisable that it is not black, because then French eye makeup will look too vulgar. Choose a brown or smoky gray mascara color - this will be the best option. On the one hand, she will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, and on the other hand, she will not particularly focus attention on them.

French-style makeup is good because it skillfully emphasizes the advantages that a girl possesses by nature, and all minor flaws become invisible. It is true that such makeup is not always suitable for the evening, since it is not bright enough, and with its help it will not be possible to change the shape of the face or create an image for the stage. But, in turn, it is indispensable for daily use. Because it suits girls of absolutely any type of appearance. With this makeup you will always feel young and at the same time very stylish!

French makeup is one of the popular types of cosmetics this season. France has always been famous for its beautiful, elegant and extravagant women. So, creating makeup in the style of France, you will add a special twist to your style.

The French style in makeup came into fashion quite a long time ago, but even in modern times it has not become outdated at all, but has only added new accents. The technique of applying the makeup that French women love is not as complicated as it seems and can be done independently at home.

Features of French makeup

French makeup has its own distinctive features:

  • The face always looks snow-white, pure and innocent;
  • There are no bright shades on the eyes, but only emphasize them natural beauty and expressiveness;
  • The emphasis is always on the lips; they are usually sensually red;
  • Evening makeup requires special highlighting of the eyes and can use false eyelashes.

DIY French-style makeup application scheme

In order to apply French makeup correctly, you will need at least some understanding of applying cosmetics in general. Of course, before applying cosmetics, the face must be prepared and thoroughly cleaned. It would be better if it was a three-phase cleaning technique. In this case, the skin is first cleansed using special means, then a tonic lotion is applied and finally you need to use an everyday cream, suitable for the type skin. Having completed all the cleaning phases step by step, you can begin to create makeup.


  1. You need to apply a foundation to your face that is one and a half shades lighter than your natural complexion. You should choose the shade carefully so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, you risk getting an unnatural doll-like face.
  2. Apply the foundation onto your face with confident movements using a special sponge.
  3. After this, use a brush to apply powder that matches the tone of the foundation. All products are applied step by step along the hair growth line and along the line of facial muscles.


In the technique of creating French makeup, minimal emphasis is placed on the eyes.

  1. For everyday accent on the eyes, it is better to use classic black eyeliner and mascara. Shadows are applied in pastel transparent colors.
  2. If French makeup is chosen for evening out, it is possible to use false eyelashes and shadows half a shade darker. All strokes should not be contrasting; be sure to shade the colors.


The main emphasis is created on the lips.

  1. Before applying lipstick, use lip primer. This will preserve the rich, sensual color of your lips for a longer time.
  2. After applying your foundation, use a lip liner that is a shade darker than your chosen lipstick. Create a contour as close as possible to your native one. You should not enlarge your lips with a pencil, it will look quite vulgar.
  3. Apply a layer of lipstick and let it dry a little, then blot your lips paper napkin and skim off the excess.
  4. Next, apply a second layer of lipstick. Leading stylists, when creating French-style makeup, recommend applying lipstick in two layers. This will put maximum emphasis on your lips.


Undoubtedly, eyebrows occupy an important place in the makeup of French women. They should not be too thin and very wide. Everything should be in moderation.

  1. Excess protruding hairs must be removed with tweezers, and the missing ones must be “finished.” This is where an indispensable eyebrow pencil will come to your aid. Very important: do not use a pencil designed for eye makeup on the eyebrows.
  2. Use sharp movements to highlight the missing hairs, do it very carefully, do not make any effort so as not to get a “mask effect”.
  3. A special gel for fixing eyebrows will help to consolidate the result.

Remember that French women represent something very delicate, fragile and elegant. Try to make your makeup match this description as much as possible.

Video: detailed master class on creating French makeup

Truly French style is a real legend; many people try to copy the style of French women, but not everyone succeeds. Elegance, but at the same time carelessness, beauty and thoughtfulness, along with the feeling that the combination was completely accidental, all this is about French women. French women are unlikely to dress up for work or dates for two hours: they value their time too much. Truly French makeup also differs from the usual, for example, American or Slavic, it is designed to spend a minimum amount of time, but at the same time look fresh, beautiful and, in a sense, impressive. We will tell you what original French makeup looks like, and also tell you how to do it yourself!

French style makeup: what is it like?

French style makeup is, first of all, maximum lightness. Maximum ease of application, shading, satin and matte textures, minimum body movements and maximum effect. In French makeup you will never see bulky shading, false eyelashes, glitter, too bright sparkles, highlighters whose glow can be seen from space, deliberate glamor and deliberate elaboration of details. But you can easily find red lipstick, a slight glow, beautiful eyebrows and beautifully painted eyes. Typically, French makeup involves an even tone, tinted and gelled eyebrows, mascara-painted eyelashes, as well as a little highlighter, and rarely sculpting.

French-style makeup: step-by-step instructions

  • Since French makeup eliminates a large number of layers and clutter of primers, foundations and concealers, we need the most multifunctional product. BB cream is best suited: we apply it all over the face, and we also use it to correct the area around the eyes. If there are significant imperfections, we correct them point by point using a dense corrector, but there is no need to apply another layer of foundation: French women prefer absolute lightness in everything.
  • Apply a cream highlighter to the top of your cheekbones and blend it out: French women really love this glow effect, as if from the inside. Apply it to the corners of your eyes and blend it a little - this will save a lot of time on applying concealer. Dust your face with a light veil of powder. Thus, it takes us no more than three minutes to apply the tone. You can slightly “revive” your face with a light beige blush.
  • Let's start with the eyebrows. No graphics - we'll have enough eyebrow mascara, or, in extreme cases, just a little eyebrow shadow. Lightly comb the hairs upwards.
  • Apply semi-matte red lipstick to your lips. French women simply adore red lipstick and easily wear it right in the morning: this is not a problem and not bad manners. The outline can be slightly shaded or left clear.
  • Eye makeup can be completely minimalistic and limited to black mascara. But in addition to black mascara, French women are very fond of shaded arrows, and shaded not filigree, but slightly, as if carelessly. Apply primer to the eyelids and secure it with nude matte beige shadows. We very slightly highlight the crease of the upper eyelid with light gray-brown shadows; for this purpose, you can even use a translucent sculptor: there should be only the slightest hint of color in the crease, no more. Next, draw a small arrow along the growth of the upper eyelashes, using a black or brown pencil for this. Don't forget to fill in the space between eyelashes with a pencil. Using a pencil brush, shade the arrow and fix the result. matte shadows the corresponding shade with the same pencil brush. You can also draw a shaded arrow using shadows and gel eyeliner. Using dark brown matte shadows and a beveled thin brush, draw a small arrow and immediately shade its upper edge slightly. After that, closer to the eyelash edge we paint the line with gel eyeliner. Then we paint the eyelashes with mascara.

That's it - truly French makeup is ready! It is extremely simple to perform, does not require a lot of time and a lot of cosmetics. Ideal for both an everyday trip to work and for meeting with friends. Try it - you will like it!

Makeup brushes for French women: which ones are needed?

You'll likely need a BB cream brush, a small duo-fiber highlighter brush, a natural bristle powder brush, a blush brush, an angled liner brush, and a small pencil brush. You can easily find all this in the assortment of the Wobs online makeup accessories store. We have affordable prices, really high-quality brushes that are perfect for both makeup artists and makeup lovers, a large selection and much more! With brushes from Wobs, doing makeup becomes really easy!

Beautiful French women will captivate you with their unrivaled sense of taste and style. And this is expressed not only in the selection perfect wardrobe, but also in personal care, makeup and lifestyle. Let's talk about 8 beauty secrets of French women.

Beauty secrets of French women / French women's makeup and personal care

  1. Imperfect hairstyle

Tight curls or too smooth hair– definitely not a choice for French women. Overly perfect and styled hair hides personality and character and makes the look too contrived. Don't be afraid to slightly tousle your waves or let out a couple of strands - this will give you an elegant casual look.

2. Natural makeup

French women have been advocating naturalness in everything for a very long time - both in makeup and in clothes. No overloaded skin from foundations and sculptors. Most often, French women focus either on their lips or on their eyes. But in both cases, the makeup will also not be too perfectly drawn. One of the most popular makeup looks is a light tone, natural blush, cream highlighter, the absence of any tone on the eyes and, of course, red lips. Wherein lipstick Apply with your finger and carefully shade – creating the effect of juicy, plump lips. Another popular option is a natural, healthy complexion, thickly painted upper and lower eyelashes in combination with nude lipstick.

3. Care is more important than decorative cosmetics

This point follows from the previous one. Because French women don't go crazy over fashionable techniques makeup, then the main bias in the struggle for beauty is careful skin care. French women do not neglect good moisturizing serums and creams. They regularly use masks and scrubs to give their face a healthy glow and do not neglect thermal water.

4. Pharmacy facial care products

Most Parisian women use pharmacy cosmetics for face and body skin care. And this is not surprising - France produces excellent cosmetical tools, including those sold in pharmacies. Luckily, we don't need a plane ticket to Paris to get these products. 🙂

5. Healthy eating and no fanaticism

Many people are surprised at how French ladies remain slim with such an abundance of delicious buns, baguettes and croissants. :) In fact, the French don't eat bread that often, especially in the evenings. In addition, French women try not to skip meals and eat at the same time, reducing the calorie content of meals in the evening. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day and drink plenty of water. At the same time, they are not in a hurry; for the French, eating is not a quick meal of a burger on the go, but a whole ritual, as elegant and stylish as their style of clothing.

6. Accepting your appearance

French women rarely resort to plastic surgery. It is unlikely that in Paris you will meet a model, actress, fashion blogger or an ordinary girl with inflated lips, cheekbones or a redone nose. French women accept themselves with all their features - be it freckles, wide cheekbones, a hump nose or a gap. Parisian women, on the contrary, emphasize their “peculiarities” in their appearance and make them their bright, individual style and dignity.

7. Aroma

Unlike makeup, fragrance is present in the everyday life of almost every French woman. French women never leave home without perfume. For Parisian women, perfume is a key part of their identity and the expression of individuality is part of their style.

8. Independence from trends and fashion trends

It's no secret that French women are famous for their excellent sense of style. French women will always prefer convenience to ultra-fashionable trendy things. Their wardrobe contains high-quality basic items, which they skillfully combine with modern trends. They skillfully dilute their image with details to make it unique - a scarf on a bag, thin chains and interesting pendants, wicker bags in the city. No vulgarity or vulgarity. And most importantly, they are not afraid to be different from everyone else, they are not afraid to be natural in expressing their style. What do you agree is worth learning? 🙂

French style - 10 things from a French wardrobe.