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Graduated page. All about pageboy haircut

In search of your best haircut It is important to choose a model that not only looks good, but is also practical. For example, some recklessly prefer to wear long hair, since it can always be tied up in a ponytail or bun. However, they require constant care - more frequent washing and moisturizing treatments. One of the universal ones is the “Page” haircut - it’s not only pretty haircut, but also the opportunity to look stylish, bright with almost no effort.

Let's find out everything about this haircut, which, despite its long history, has not lost its relevance even now. Let’s find out when “Page” appeared, who it is suitable for, the technique of its implementation and possible options styling

The history of the Page haircut

This hairstyle belongs to the European style, which was characteristic of the Middle Ages. Who wore the pageboy haircut most often? These were male servants who were always with rich masters. Thanks to a neat cut, the hair looked well-groomed, but did not interfere with any work.

The classic “Page” in the form that we know today came to the world of fashion thanks to the French fashion designer of the first half of the 20th century, Christian Dior. A couturier once decided to send models with identical hairstyles onto the catwalk. This was an unprecedented act, since no one had ever tried to make a “page” haircut for women before.

However, such a non-standard solution created a real sensation in the world. high fashion. And after the popular French singer Mireille Mathieu appeared on stage with a “Page” haircut, many women in Europe began asking their hairdresser to give them the same hairstyle.


Despite the simple appearance, it is believed that performing a “Page” haircut can only be done by a master with a high level of training and experience in creating complex hairstyles.

Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, you can implement different types"Page" haircuts. So, for some, it can be an excellent frame for medium-length curls. If the hair is short and sparse, then this hairstyle will allow you to play up your facial features, concentrating attention on it and highlighting your advantages.

For short hair

This type of hairstyle is the most common, since most people who decide to do it for themselves have short hair. Thanks to the rounded shapes, each strand lies softly, creating light image like a hat.

The “Page” haircut for women over 50 years old in its short version is a way to look more naive and youthful. Slightly open earlobes and emphasized cheekbones create romantic image. At the same time, the woman looks fashionable and does not lose her individuality.

An interesting solution would be a “Page” haircut for short hair with bangs. Thanks to specific cutting tactics, a competent craftsman can play with thin and rare hair, and also hide imperfect elements of the face, for example, too high a forehead or asymmetry.

For medium hair

This is a practical, interesting version of the “Page” haircut, which is suitable for hair of any structure and thickness. All contours made in this style are soft and flowing, which allows you to create a multi-level haircut without losing its length.

The “Page” haircut for medium hair with bangs looks especially elegant. It’s not for nothing that some people call it not an element of appearance, but a kind of accessory. With its help, you can create such an easy image that, as soon as you see it in the mirror, it will be difficult not to fall in love with your new hairstyle. Bangs, maybe whatever you want, but the best option There are three types of it:

  • straight;
  • oval or arched;
  • with elongated side strands.

However, if a decision is made to use a different hairstyle, there is nothing reprehensible in this. One of these options could be long haircut"Page". Good master will tell you what best suits your facial features, while experimenting with individual hairstyle elements.


Regardless of whether the “Page” haircut is for a girl or a boy, this hairstyle will help achieve two goals. Firstly, the child will look neat, and secondly, hair will not bother him under any circumstances. The main rule is not to cut bangs longer than one and a half centimeters to the eyebrow.


In terms of technique, the “Page” haircut for a boy or man differs little from the female version. Its main peculiar feature is the length and edging at the back of the head. Otherwise, “Page” men cut their hair to hide their protruding ears. And often this good decision, allowing you to eliminate a natural deficiency.

Thanks to the smooth lines, emphasizing the contrast with the strict features of the face, the hairstyle does not look feminine at all. Which is not surprising, given the history of the origin of this haircut.

Who is it suitable for?

The advantage of this haircut is its rounded shape. Properly cut hair requires virtually no styling. Basically, “Page” is suitable for people with noble facial features, a long neck and a beautiful chin.

Women's "Page" haircut suits most girls. So, owners of an oval face should do classic version without using thinning scissors. For those who have a large round face, we can recommend playing up the “Page” haircut with side bangs. For petite girls, this hairstyle is considered a standard, as it emphasizes natural, sophisticated features.

The only thing is that the “Page” haircut is taboo for overweight women, since the head in this case turns out to be too large.

Those with a triangular face should also be careful. But voluminous bangs will solve this problem.

Selection by hair type

Not every haircut will suit every hair type well. And “Page” is no exception. Yes, to the owners curly hair Before deciding on this hairstyle, it is worth considering that it only looks good when styled. Therefore, a hair straightener, hair dryer and round styling brush should become constant companions for a girl who decides to give herself such a haircut. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look unkempt. Is the Page haircut suitable for wavy hair? The answer to this question depends on the girl’s willingness to constantly take care of herself, spending a lot of time on beautiful styling.

Thick hair is considered the ideal base for this retro hairstyle. The “Page” haircut for short hair with bangs looks especially luxurious. It is worth considering that we are not talking about thick and coarse hair. Their problem is that they do not hold their shape well and are practically impossible to style.

A “Page” haircut for thin hair is a good field for experimentation, which can only be implemented by an experienced hairdresser. So, depending on the techniques used, you can achieve results that allow you to visually increase volume and density. Moreover, a professional will be able to do this hairstyle even on long hair, emphasizing most of the advantages of its owner.

Execution technique

As already mentioned, the “Page” haircut technique is not simple. The tools you will need are straight scissors, a comb and several clamps. Hair should be clean and damp.

The scheme for performing the “Page” haircut is as follows.

  1. You should start by dividing your hair into zones. To do this, you need to make a parting in the center of the head - from the nose to the lower occipital area, dividing the hair into two equal parts.
  2. Now, using a comb, you need to separate the bottom layer of hair and trim it to the desired length. This will be the control strand.
  3. The next step is to separate the strand located above the control one. It needs to be cut 3 millimeters longer than the previous one. Now she will become a control. After combing the temporal area, you should cut the hair at such an angle that it smoothly connects with the control strand.
  4. Having parted from one ear to the other through the crown, you need to comb out all the hair on your face and make bangs.
  5. Now, keeping in mind that the hairstyle should consist of smooth lines, the hair is moved back and smoothed with a control strand. This action is vaguely reminiscent of graduation. You need to do the same with your temples.

The final part of the “Page” haircut will be styling. The main thing is to constantly curl all the ends inward.

The “Page” haircut technique for medium hair differs only in that it is necessary to look not at the lower occipital zone, but at the top of the head. In terms of style, it is very reminiscent of how a “Mullet” haircut is done. The difference is the longer crown.

“Page” haircut technique

Laying options

Although this hairstyle usually does not require much intervention, sometimes it is still better to use tools and special means. However, on curly hair, styling a Page haircut is necessary in any case. However, many people choose this hairstyle precisely because of its versatility.

Layout options may be as follows.

  1. Classic look. All hair is dried downwards, while the ends are curled towards the face. The only area where the emphasis is placed on the roots is the crown. The only styling products you need are foam or mousse. This is the version of styling the “Page” haircut that is recommended for a round face.
  2. Romantic look. Horizontal strands are twisted onto any type of curling iron and fixed with varnish. This look is good for romantic date or creating a light mood.
  3. Feminine styling. Unlike the classic version, the ends are dried away from the face and fixed with varnish, giving the hairstyle lightness and volume.
  4. Passionate image. Surprisingly, even this retro hairstyle can be made sexy. Gel is used as a styling product, and all hair is combed back. Bright makeup will complement seductive image, suitable for an evening walk.

This is not all that can be done with hair on a “Page” haircut. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment with new image options.

The difference between “Page” and other haircuts

This remarkable haircut is often confused with two others - “Sassoon” and “Kare”. Let's find out what the difference between them is.

What is the difference between the Page haircut and the Sassoon haircut? Named after its creator, the British hairdresser Vidal Sassoon, this hairstyle for the common man is visually not much different from the Page. However, there is still a difference between them. First of all, a special cutting technique is used to perform the “Sassoon” haircut. It is also always done with semicircular bangs and has an extension at the back of the head. It is believed that Sassoon is suitable for those who want to get a large volume. “Page”, in turn, is a smoother and more even haircut. All her lines are straight and clear.

What is the difference between a “Page” haircut and a “Bare” haircut? Both hairstyles are timeless classics. At one time or another in history, they were common both among rich people and in simpler classes. However, “Care” in any of its forms is a straight cut in which the length of the temporal zone is equal to or even exceeds the occipital zone. And “Page” has temples that are much shorter than the back of the head.

It is unlikely that medieval servants of European masters thought that their universal hairstyle would be worn in the 21st century. Nevertheless, the “Page” haircut, having passed the long test of time, has still not lost its attractiveness. And with light hand Christian Dior, she acquired a previously unknown charm.

Haircut "Page"

Many fashion trends of our time have come out of the distant past. Clothes, styles, hairstyles - all this already existed once, but with a little modernization they come back to life and become trends. Also incredibly popular in Soviet time pageboy haircut. Today you can see its new rise, but in a slightly different form. That classic image that was then remained only as a basis. Today, the pageboy's hairstyle has changed a lot, acquired new images, received a variety of bangs and lengths.

Girls who love medium hair length and would not like to change it, and who are also very impressed with the pageboy haircut, should not be upset - today the pageboy with medium hair is one of the most popular options for this hairstyle and suits many people.

Some historical facts

The ancestor of the haircut originated in the Middle Ages. As the name suggests, it was worn mainly by pages and squires, that is, servants of knights. This hairstyle looked good and brought absolutely no inconvenience, so it caught on. From it it was even possible to determine that this young man or man was a servant, but of a respectable gentleman or knight who did not skimp on the servant’s haircut. It looked like a cap, with rounded ends.

Squires for knights in the Middle Ages

Later, such a hairstyle was worn not only by the lower class of servants, but also by the gentlemen themselves, knights and other noble classes.

As you can see, initially only men wore such a haircut, and in general, hairstyles for medium hair were then held in high esteem and widespread.

But in the 20th century (50s - 60s), the pageboy haircut became incredibly popular. Now women wear it too. Many actresses and show business stars then turned their attention to this haircut. A prominent representative who was a fan of the pageboy (and a related hairstyle - the sesson) was the French singer Mireille Mathieu. But everything does not last forever, and gradually new fashion trends and new trends, images relegate the pageboy haircut to the background and begin to be forgotten.

Page boy haircut Mireille Mathieu

Her second visit to fashion world can be considered the 90s of the last century. Only it returned not as it was before, but in an updated form, with new details and elements. Gradually, the hairstyle of bygone times is being revived in modern world. New and interesting options styling And these are no longer all the girls having their hair cut the same way and without any visible differences, but a wide variety of options and different looks.

Page haircut - what is it like?

Externally, the page resembles an acorn cap. The bangs and the rest of the hair form one unbroken line. The ends are bent inward. Previously, this hairstyle was mostly either short (up to the middle of the ear and the bangs merge with the rest of the hairstyle), or a little longer, like an average pageboy. Now there are many more options and there are many liberties that change the classic version.

very smooth, without sharp edges or transitions. Not divided into separate parts. Everything is one. The bangs flow into the side strands and back. The ends are bent inward and there is no clear boundary where the strands end.

The pageboy is not a very versatile haircut. It is not suitable for everyone. The only thing you don't have to worry about is the length. She is absolutely not important. But there are other points worth paying attention to. If you have:

  • thin and sparse hair (the hairstyle will not hold its shape well);
  • curly and curly strands (constant straightening will be required);
  • people with round and triangular face shapes
  • tall and plump women (the head will appear small).

Then this haircut is not suitable for you.

The pageboy haircut has a double that is very similar to it - this is. But still there are differences.

The main differences can be seen in the table and in the photo.

But the main similarity due to which these hairstyles are confused is the ends of the curls bent inward.

Page haircut for short hair

This is a classic and original haircut. To add some freshness to your hair, decorate it, or qualitatively change your appearance, you just need to work with your bangs. There may be several options: oblique, even, but with thinning, or torn. Here it’s up to someone to find what is closer and more suitable.

Haircut page with various options bangs

To radically change the very basis of the page, you can twist the ends of the strands not inward, but outward. In this case, theoretically, the page will cease to exist, since these are not characteristics peculiar to it.

This option is a product modern fashion and new preferences. The classic page also had to be changed. An even line from the bangs to the rest of the hair and merging the entire hairstyle into a single whole is no longer possible here, since if the bangs are made flush with the main part of the hair, it will be terribly inconvenient and ugly. Because of this, the bangs are shortened. At the same time, although some smoothness is disrupted, most of the features of the pageboy haircut still remain. A woman with such a hairstyle acquires a very sophisticated and romantic image.

Stylists and hairdressers have gone further and are already offering pageboy haircuts for long hair. There are even more differences here than in the case of medium hair, but this does not bother anyone, since the hairstyle looks very attractive, even a little mysterious and enigmatic. The option is very interesting. The ends are still curled inward, the bangs are even and nothing different. The only drawback is the fact that installation is quite labor-intensive and requires consistency.

Fashion moves forward. Something appears, something else is immediately forgotten. Here's an interesting and beautiful haircut the page was once forgotten, but today her time has come again, and again she is gaining popularity, and will again shine on the catwalks and delight millions of women with her unique beauty!


Stylish retro image of a pageboy haircut

The pageboy haircut has not gone out of fashion for hundreds of years. With its help you can create a dynamic and at the same time feminine image.

History of haircuts and celebrities

The hairstyle appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. At that time, the page was exclusively male.

One of the distributors of the pageboy haircut was Christian Dior. The baton was picked up by the French singer Mireille Mathieu. And soon almost every second woman in Europe wanted to have this haircut.

It was also worn by: Katie Holmes, Rihanna, Milla Jovovich, Sharon Stone, Agnes Deyn, Anna Faris, Paris Hilton, Natalya Varley, Tina Kandelaki, Liliya Gildeeva.

Haircut features

  • A distinctive feature is its rounded shape.
  • Hair in the forehead area is cut shorter, in the back of the head - longer.
  • Haircut technique - full, circular.
  • In the traditional version, the hairstyle has straight bangs.


  • A pageboy for short hair is well suited for those with a beautiful chin and swan neck.
  • Helps hide irregularly shaped ears.
  • Does not require complicated installation.
  • Keeps its shape well.
  • Suitable for hair of any length.
  • The pageboy haircut looks perfect on short, petite women. But if you are overweight or very tall, it is better to avoid this haircut, as it can focus attention on the disproportion of the figure.
  • Visually adds thickness to hair.

Differences from other hairstyles

Compared to bobs and bobs, the hairstyle has softer, rounded outlines. Unlike the sessun, the page haircut assumes a straight line, while the first strand is cut shorter at the back than at the sides. There are also differences in bangs: the classic version of the pageboy is done for short and medium hair and is complemented by even and straight bangs, while the sessun is semicircular. The difference can be seen in the photo:

Varieties and photos

Short. The most common haircut option. The hair slightly opens the earlobe or reaches the middle of the neck.

Average. Hair cut to shoulder length.

Long. The page for long hair is performed according to the same principle as for short and medium hair. The length of the hairstyle can reach the shoulder blades or slightly below.

With a bang. Initially, this haircut was done only with straight thick bangs, but these days some modern changes are allowed. You can combine a pageboy haircut with short, long, oblique, torn bangs.

No bangs. Although the classic pageboy requires straight bangs, you can experiment and do without them.

Children's room. This page suits both girls and boys, and is cut in the same way as an adult's. The only difference: there is no need to make oblique or elongated bangs, as they will interfere with the child. Limit the length to 1-1.5 cm not reaching the eyebrows.

Men's. Male version Page haircuts are a bit reminiscent of the hairstyles worn by members of the Beatles. Stas Piekha used to prefer this haircut.

Page technology

You will need straight scissors, clips and a fine comb to separate the strands.

  • Wash your hair, pat dry lightly with a towel. Curls should remain damp.
  • Comb and separate with a central vertical parting.
  • Separate the hair at the back of the head with a horizontal parting. Select a reference strand and cut it to the desired length. Pin unused strands with clothespins.
  • Use a fine comb to separate the next layer of hair. Trim it to your desired length. Please note that the length should be 1-3 mm longer than the previous layer.
  • Comb the hair of the temple area and cut it at the selected angle. The lower edge of the strands of the temporal zone should smoothly move into the occipital region.
  • Comb the front strands forward and create straight bangs below the brow line (they will become shorter as you style them).
  • Separate the next layer and process the entire head in this way.
  • Blow dry, gently curling the ends of your hair inward.

Correct your haircut every three weeks.

Laying page

Romantic option. Treat your hair with a fixative. Curl horizontal curls on the top of your head with a curling iron, and curl the side strands vertically. You can use wax or gel to highlight individual curls. Add accessories - a playful bobby pin with rhinestones or a satin ribbon.

Everyday styling. A small amount of fixative (gel, foam, mousse) is applied to the curls. Lift the strands at the roots with brushing, directing air from the hair dryer onto them. Pull each strand out with a comb, slightly bending its ends inward.

Elegant. Using a small amount of fixative, pull hair from roots to ends with a round comb. Raise them slightly on the roots, and bend the ends outward rather than inward. Spray with varnish.

Strict. Treat damp hair with gel and comb back. Dry them and lightly spray with varnish.

Retro option. Make a small backcomb on the top of your head, cover it with the top smooth strands. Decorate your hair with a wide satin ribbon or rim and varnish.

Styling with an iron. Apply to hair protective agent. Straighten each strand from roots to ends, bending them slightly inward. Finally, spray a little with varnish.

We tailor your haircut to suit you

By hair type

  • Curly. Small soft waves look beautiful in combination with page, but they are more difficult to give the desired shape when styling. Therefore, you need to straighten them daily. You can also make a graduated version - it is more suitable for wavy hair.
  • Thin and weak. It is not advisable to do a page on such hair, since the hairstyle should keep its shape well, and weakened hair can quickly “fall off”. If you still really want to get a haircut, you will need constant styling with a large number of fixing agents.
  • Rare. The haircut may not hold its shape well.
  • Curly. It is undesirable to make a page on curly hair. Otherwise, you will have to straighten them every day, and this can have a detrimental effect on the condition of your hair.
  • Thick. Thick hair - perfect option. They hold the desired shape well.
  • Thick and tough. They are less suitable for cutting, as they do not hold their shape very well and are harder to style.

According to face shape

Expert opinion

The haircut gives the image femininity and mystery. The page looks stylish and neat, so it is suitable for both Everyday life, and for going out. Please note: the hairstyle looks good on hair of rich shades, so it is suitable for those who like coloring.

The pageboy haircut gained enormous popularity immediately after its appearance in the 60s, when short haircuts quickly found common people, then it sparkled again on the catwalks in the 90s. And, as we all know, everything new is long-forgotten old. And not so long ago, the haircut became popular again in our time, although many women consider it an absolute novelty or confuse it with a bob hairstyle.

This is definitely a short, flowing and voluminous haircut, very similar to a beanie cut, but retains more hair at the back.

By our time, its appearance has undoubtedly changed, but its main features have remained intact. Now you have a huge selection of this hairstyle for any hair length, since just a couple of years ago the elongated pageboy appeared. Let's look at a photo of a pageboy haircut to better imagine our prospects.

Retro pageboy haircut: photo

For short hair

And now we will separately look at the types of pageboy haircuts for different hair lengths and start with the option for short hair.

It is no secret that this was the first initial type of page, and it was he who gained enormous popularity in the 60s. But even now, many women like this hairstyle, and they strive to do it for themselves. But before you run to the hairdresser, you need to know for sure whether the hairstyle will suit you.

So, here are a few criteria for the owner of a short page:

  1. This short haircut, which means that it does not cover the girl’s neck, that is, it is perfect for those with a swan neck and is unlikely to suit overweight girls;
  2. Since this is a voluminous haircut, it is suitable for face shapes such as square, oval, circle and triangle, but perhaps some individual features of your face will be in perfect harmony with this hairstyle and no other;
  3. Accessories are not suitable for it, so it is not recommended to do this hairstyle for yourself if you are a fan of decorating your hair with a beautiful hairpin or something else;
  4. A page without bangs is only suitable if you have a small forehead and you have a round or oval face; in other cases, it will most likely look careless.

So, we have looked at the main requirements for this hairstyle, and now I suggest watching master classes from the best hairdressers, so you will better understand the creation process.

Retro pageboy haircut for medium and long hair

The technique for performing this haircut for long hair differs in many ways from the original one for short hair. If you are the owner long hair, then wide horizons of various variations of pageboy haircuts open up before you, which I invite you to consider.

Long pageboy with bangs.

Volume option for medium hair.

Smooth for long hair.

And, of course, the classic model.

Note that the pageboy variety for long and medium hair appeared quite recently, already in our time, thus more women decided to give themselves a new haircut, thinking that this haircut was really new and not borrowed.

Let's consider who this haircut is suitable for.

  1. Here it is no longer necessary to have a long swan neck; even a pageboy with medium hair will hide your shortcomings.
  2. If you are going to make a voluminous page, then it will suit any face shape, it all depends on individual shortcomings. If you make a smooth page, then the criteria become stricter; the haircut is suitable for oval, round, triangular, square and rectangular shapes faces.
  3. You can safely try on various accessories for this haircut.
  4. The absence of bangs is not very welcome in this hairstyle, but if you don’t want to have bangs, then you don’t have to, but then the haircut is suitable for round, oval and triangular face shapes.

And now I propose to look at various pageboy variations for medium and long hair.

Historians say that the page haircut originates in the deep Middle Ages. It was popular among the common people due to its simplicity and practicality. For modern fashionistas, it evokes associations with hairstyles of the 60s of the last century. During this period, almost every woman wore it. This hairstyle also survived a period of oblivion, firmly taking its position among retro haircuts for several decades. However, in last years Representatives of the fair sex increasingly began to pay attention to this form of hairstyle, which helps create an unusually soft and attractive image.


Miraculous Revival

According to experts, it was the pageboy haircut that became the prototype of the modern bob and bob. Initially, the pageboy haircut was considered male hairstyle But in the twenties of the last century, it became a striking attribute of self-expression among women in the struggle for gender equality.

The brightest period of popularity of this haircut still occurred in the 60s. It was during these years that Vidal Sessun came up with a new type of pageboy haircut, which became the impetus for a stormy wave of extraordinary popularity. Rumor has it that the invention was intended for his most stellar client - a French singer Mireille Mathieu. And since then, the pageboy haircut, along with the soulful songs of the unique performer of French chanson, has literally captivated women all over the world.

Main features of the haircut

The classic pageboy haircut has three main ones: sign:

  • performed on medium length hair;
  • Its obligatory element is thick, even bangs;
  • styling is done by twisting the ends along the entire contour, as if imitating the shape of a cap.

In its modern design, the pageboy haircut can be done in various variations, on hair of different lengths.

Very often, a fresh note to the classic form is brought by bangs that are unconventional for this hairstyle. The master can make it oblique, torn or asymmetrical as in the photo.

Who is it suitable for?

The page haircut, thanks to the roundness of its shape, ideally smoothes out the angular features of the appearance. Therefore, it can be safely recommended to owners of square and rectangular face types.

Owners of round and triangular faces should avoid this haircut. Otherwise, you are only focusing on disproportionate shapes.

The pageboy haircut looks best on thick, even hair

Those with naturally curly hair, as well as those whose hair is too thin and not very thick, should turn to other forms of hairstyles.

Please note that none of the models in the photo have ears visible. This fact adds a considerable number of fans to the army of fans of this haircut. The category of women for whom a pageboy haircut is simply a godsend are ladies with unattractive ear shapes. Protruding or large ears will be securely covered thick side strands.

Execution technology

A pageboy haircut can have a length ranging from the middle of the ear to the shoulder line. The hair is cut off in it along one line. The bangs are made smooth.

The hair is divided by horizontal partings, parallel to the hairline, as shown in the diagram, and cut to match the control strand.

Please note that the strands of each next level are made slightly longer than the strands of the previous layer.

Watch how the master does it in the video.


For daily styling of this simple shape, all you need is a hairdryer and a round brush at home. If desired, you can use a small amount of styling foam.

Wash your hair, apply foam to the strands, and dry your hair, using a round comb to give additional root volume, and at the same time, slightly curling the ends inward, as in the photo.

A pageboy haircut can easily go from a soft and rounded hairstyle to a bold and bold style. To do this, you just need to slightly change the technology of daily styling, and curl the ends not inward, and out like the girl in the photo. By the way, this styling can be an excellent option for a holiday or celebration.

Tired of straight strands and smooth, strict lines? Add romance! Just twist the strands on curlers. Dry your hair, remove the curlers, and straighten your hair with your fingers without using a comb. You will get romantic curls like the model in the photo. Record the result, and now you look completely different!

Are you a serious business woman and want to reinforce your status with an appropriate hairstyle? Apply gel to hair and smooth comb them back, and now you already look like the girl in the photo.

Want even more pomp? Backcomb the top of your head, smooth your hair with a brush, and put on beautiful headband . You will get a great retro hairstyle.

And if you want to look ultra-modern, despite the fact that your head doesn’t seem to have much new haircut page, leave the ends of the strands absolutely even! It is in this way that the most stylish models a new fashionable twist on the traditional form. The effect is clearly visible in the photo.

View options modern haircut page can be seen on video.

As you can see, a simple, unpretentious pageboy haircut using in various ways styling allows you to try on the most different images. Therefore, you should not be afraid of its rich history, because stylish woman will always be able to give a traditional form a special charm and charm.