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DIY children's canvas backpack. DIY backpack - patterns and step-by-step instructions on how to sew and make a backpack from various materials (110 photos)

Sewing a backpack with your own hands is a fairly easy task that even novice seamstresses can do. After reading this master class, you too will be able to cope with this task. So, how to sew a backpack yourself?

This master class will tell you about sewing a medium-sized backpack. This size is perhaps the most optimal. The sketch of the backpack is shown in the picture above, and then you can find the pattern for this product. You've probably already noticed that this is a great DIY backpack option for hiking!

Necessary material for sewing a backpack

Before you begin the sewing process, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • upholstery fabric, size 0.45x1.6 m;
  • a piece of leather;
  • a cord with a diameter of about 7 mm and a length of 1.1 m;
  • keeper tape, the size of which reaches 1.5 x 0.04 m - it will be necessary for backpack straps;
  • 2 length adjusters for belts;
  • 1 large carabiner clasp;
  • 8 blocks, with an internal diameter of 7 mm;
  • 2 buckles with a peg, the size of the buckles should be 3cm;
  • 2 half rings with a diameter of 4 cm.

If we talk about upholstery fabric, then there is no need to use new one to sew a backpack with your own hands. For this purpose, it is quite possible to cut out some old things whose material you like. Most often, old jeans are used to make valves and pockets. If you are going to sew a backpack for your child, then his favorite one is perfect for this purpose. old clothes, which has become small, but has not yet worn out at all. But when sewing, you should remember that a children's backpack should be slightly smaller in size so that your child can wear it comfortably.

But how can you sew a backpack with your own hands if you don’t have patterns? To do this, go to the next step and familiarize yourself with the backpack pattern.


This is what our backpack pattern looks like:

This pattern shows the following details:

  • valve;
  • pocket;
  • main part.

The same pattern shows all the dimensions of these parts. However, in addition to the dimensions of the parts of this product, which you plan to sew with your own hands, you need to know the allowances. The most optimal size of allowances for cuts and seams is 1 cm, with the exception of the pocket cut, which should be 2 cm, and the upper sections of the main part of the backpack, the allowance of which should be 6 cm.


Before you start cutting out the parts of the backpack, you need to know how many of them are needed. So, the main part of the product that you intend to sew with your own hands is needed, one pocket is also needed. But the backpack valve parts, like the pocket valve, need two identical pieces with a bend - this is necessary in order to ensure a pleasant appearance backpack even while you open it.

If you decide to make valves from old denim, then you should take into account the fact that denim is a rather thick material, which is why working with it will be somewhat more difficult than with others. However, the advantage of denim is that it almost never goes out of style, which will provide your backpack with versatility. In addition, you can experiment with color scheme jeans, for example, sew the valves from a material of one shade, and other decorative elements from a different shade.

You can also sew all the parts of a backpack from old jeans, but in this case the main part should be made from several thin pieces.

Now let's talk about skin. Why is it even necessary? The answer is quite simple - we will use it to edge both flaps of the backpack, and leather will also be used for edging even more small elements. The entire description of the necessary leather blanks can be found below.

So, you will need the following leather blanks:

  • a strip measuring 0.6x0.015 m, which will edge the backpack flap;
  • a strip whose dimensions reach 0.4x0.015 m for edging the pocket flap;
  • 2 belt loops with parameters 6x8x3 cm (these parameters are indicated in finished form);
  • 2 stalemates, with ready-made sizes 6x12x3 cm;
  • 2 belt loops, which will be needed for half rings, with these dimensions finished look- 8x10x4 cm;

It is worth knowing that when you cut out leather parts you should not make allowances. It's also worth noting that if you're not thrilled with the idea of ​​using leather, you can use some other material for this. For example, you can also use the same old denim for edging.

We sew a backpack

So, when all the parts of the backpack are cut out, you can start sewing them. However, here's what you need to know to do it right:

  • first you need to turn the allowance that was made for the top cut onto the front part;
  • then carefully fold it over and stitch it using sewing machine;
  • immediately after this, it is necessary to warm up the iron thoroughly and iron all the allowances of the bottom and side cuts;
  • It is worth ironing the allowances only from the inside out, while leaving the allowances untouched along the short cuts, which are located in the corners of the pocket of this product;
  • then fold the backpack pocket;
  • in this case, the fold line should be laid on well-ironed edges, after which you need to iron the lower and side folds;
  • immediately after this it is necessary to make small seams in the corners;
  • After such seams are made, you will need to iron the corner folds again.

We work with belt loops

After the above work has been completed, you will need to fold the short belt loops in half (wrong side in), and you need to tuck the allowance that you made for the top of the belt loop along the longitudinal section. After this, you need to stitch the edges of the belt loops in the right places and trim off the excess allowances.

Now we make a hole in one of the belt loops into which the buckle pin will be inserted. The hole must be made at a distance of about 2 cm from the end of the belt loop. Immediately after this, the belt loop can be inserted into the prepared buckle. Then we fold the remaining tip of the belt loop so that the belt loop ends up being 4 cm long.

After you have done everything, you need to tuck the belt loop to the pocket of our backpack. Note that the belt loop should face up.

Now we proceed to the second belt loop, in which you need to make a hole exactly in the middle, and insert the belt loop into the buckle. Now we make a seam across, which should be 1.5 cm from the bend. Then the belt loop needs to be sewn to the front side of the backpack. The belt loop should be in the middle of the stitching with which the valve is sewn, and look straight up.

Then we sew the pocket into the desired place, so that the bends of the folds are not caught. Now let's start working with the valve.

Working with the valve

First you need to sew two valve blanks together and then edge them with a leather strip. After this, the valve must be connected to the main part of the backpack and ironed to the bottom. The pocket valve must be made in the same way.

Working with the main part of the backpack

After the flap and pocket are sewn in the required places, you need to fold the main part in half and sew on the sides. In the upper part, you should carefully tuck the seam allowances inward and also carefully stitch them.

We work with stalemates

Now we begin to fasten our backpack. As you already understand, making a backpack with your own hands is quite simple, but some difficulties can cause a large number of different elements, which is why this master class turns out to be a little long.

Carefully fold the patch on the flat side and sew it on top of the backpack flap. In this case, the pata should be about 3 cm on the backpack valve. The pata is sewn onto the pocket in the same way.

However, what kind of seam needs to be made? The same as on a children's briefcase with Velcro - initially a seam is made around the perimeter, in the form of a square, and then along two diagonals. This can be seen in the image below. Then we insert 3 blocks into each patch, which are intended for the buckle pin.

We fold the belt loops for the half ring in half and carefully tuck the seam allowances. Then we sew the belt loops and cut off the excess allowances.

After this, we wrap the finished belt loop around the half ring and fold it in half. The next step is to lay the backpack out on a flat surface and place all the bottom corners between the belt loop halves. Then we sew the belt loop securely.

Working with straps

The keeper tape must be folded in the shape of the letter V. The sharp end of this letter must be sewn to the upper edge of the back of our backpack. In this case, the seam must be made strictly in the middle. We insert the ends of the keeper tape into the length adjusters for the straps. We pull one of the ends of the belt through the half ring on one of the corners of our product, and attach a carabiner clasp to the other end.

Next we tighten the upper part of the backpack. To do this, you will need to insert blocks along the upper perimeter at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, and 4 cm from the edge of the backpack. Then we insert the cord there, and tie knots at both ends so that it does not come out.

And now we have finished sewing our backpack, and the master class on sewing it has come to an end.

You don’t need large material costs to sew a backpack from jeans with your own hands. How to make a beautiful and useful denim backpack for schoolchildren, students, or kids? Of course, trade now offers various backpacks and satchels, but, firstly, you want to save money, and secondly, the quality of most of today's goods is low. A backpack made from old jeans will always come in handy, and it won’t go amiss!

We want to offer you 2 master classes on sewing a backpack from old jeans, all with patterns and not difficult to sew. First, let's look in the closet and choose jeans that you haven't worn for a long time, but you couldn't raise your hand to throw them away. It's very good that I didn't get up! Today we are sewing a backpack from old jeans.

Choose a style, buy accessories, and you are ready to sew. If you don’t have a sewing machine, it’s not a problem, but you will need to do more work. Just mark each seam on the back side with a ruler and a pencil or chalk - and your hand stitches will be straight. We all try to follow fashion: now, in addition to the backpack, a backpack-knapsack, a backpack-bag, with a drawstring or eyelets on top are also popular, we will also sew such models.

Our first master class was not chosen by chance: although the parts of the backpack are not made of denim, the sewing process itself is very clear and simple. The backpack measures 27/30 cm, that is, medium size. How to sew a backpack from old jeans with your own hands using patterns? To begin, we take our old trousers and cut them along the inseams (inside seams). Like this:

We iron it, make the patterns first on paper, and then transfer them to the places where they will fit (we choose the right places for the pattern), don’t rush. We pin the paper to the wrong side and trace the patterns. Help yourself with a ruler. Then we cut out all the details.

To work you will need:

  1. Old jeans.
  2. Zipper 55 cm.
  3. Ruler, pencil, scissors.
  4. Tailor's pins.
  5. 2 half rings, 2 frames for fixing straps (can be replaced with carabiners).
  6. Threads to match the color of jeans.
  7. Fabric for lining (optional).

On paper, draw a rectangle using a pencil and a ruler: the bottom side is 27 cm, the side is 30 cm. Cut it out. Bend the rectangle in the middle. Trim off the top sharp corners.

We received the main part of the backpack. We should have 2 of these parts. Next, we make the rest of the paper patterns, pin the patterns to the jeans, and cut them out. Don't forget to add 0.7-0.8 cm seam allowances to all details! So, the pattern of a backpack made of jeans looks like this:

Let's look at the pattern from bottom to top:

  • Shoulder straps: 85/6.5 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Bottom loops: 13/6.5 cm - 2 pcs.
  • The main parts of the walls are rounded: 30/27 cm - 2 pieces.
  • Outer pocket: - 27/15 cm. - 1 pc.
  • Backpack bottom: 27/10 cm - 1 pc.
  • Top loop: 27/7 cm - 1 pc.
  • Side part (there will be a zipper on it): 77/10 cm. - 1 pc.
  • Synthetic padding or non-woven fabric - to give shape to the straps and backpack (preferably).

If you will be making a lining from lining fabric:

  • Basic details walls: 31/28 cm. - 2 pieces.
  • Bottom: 28/11 cm - 1 pc.
  • Side part: 78/11 cm.

Take the pocket piece, bend it 0.5-0.7 cm and attach it. This is the entrance to the pocket.

Place the pocket piece on the front one like this. Find the middle of the pocket and sew the bartack exactly in the middle. We pin the sides of the pocket so that there is no distortion of the fabric when working.

Then we take the shoulder straps, the loop, the bottom loops, and process them: grinding them on the wrong side, and then turning them on the face. You can stitch it again for beauty on the finished straps.

Take a piece 77/10 cm. Fold it in half, mark the middle on the wrong side with a pencil. If you have a 55 cm zipper, then you need to step back 11.5 cm from both ends and mark the cut location for the zipper with a ruler and pencil. We draw a cutting line and draw small triangles at both ends of the line.

We cut along the intended line, ending with triangular cuts. Bend the fabric inward by 0.7 cm and iron it. We take the zipper, place the side part on top with the front facing up, and pin everything together.

Sew at a distance of 0.3-0.5 from the hem of the fabric. The zipper has been designed, then you need to sew on the bottom 27/10 cm. Place the front side to the front side and sew at 0.7-0.8 cm. Next we will sew the straps, loops, and then the main parts to the side.

On the back main part we pin first the top loop, and then the loops threaded into 2 half rings.

We find the middle at the back, attach the ends of the straps to it, and pin it together. Sew at the top and bottom, 0.5 cm from the edge.

Place the main part with the pocket on top, pin and sew. If you sew without a lining, then the seams need to be overcast. Your DIY backpack is ready.

On video: a step-by-step master class of this stylish backpack step by step:

The next backpack is a bag-shaped backpack for girls. Your imagination will come in handy in this work: there are so many finishing options that it’s simply dizzying. Here you can use everything: any pockets, fur, lace, and braided jeans.

You can use several pairs of jeans, but they must be the same thickness. It is better to make the top of such a bag using eyelets (metal rings), but you can also make a simple drawstring. The backpack-knapsack will be tightened with a cord at the top. Cords, grosgrain ribbon, eyelets, and half rings can be found in any craft store. We will do our master class, following the instructions for sewing a bag like this:

The pattern for a backpack made from jeans will be like this (don’t forget to add 1 cm for seam allowances).

Pattern for a small bag. The large lilac part is the lining, the small lilac part is the bottom, the colored rectangle is the wall of the bag, which can be decorated and sewn from pockets and stripes. It is better to make the bottom double. If you want to make a larger backpack, you can use this pattern:

Provided that x = 10 cm: 3 x = 30 cm, ½ x = 5 cm, 2 x = 20 cm, trim strip - top bar for eyelets or drawstring = 60 cm.

So, instead of colored side pieces, we have 2 denim pieces, cut and styled to your liking. Instead of the lilac bottom detail - too denim. These 3 parts are sewn together on the wrong side and ironed. For beauty, you can lay more finishing stitch by 0.2-0.3 cm (where forefinger on the picture).

We unfold the work and turn it over, bending the lining in half. The corners are obtained at the bottom. Then we need to sew the sides as shown in the photo, leaving an unstitched area on the right. Don’t forget to insert loops with half rings into the right places as you work. This should be on 2 sides near the bottom.

Turn the work onto the face and sew up the remaining unstitched area. Insert the lining inside the product. If you make a drawstring, it’s easier to stitch like this:

On video: this master class on sewing a backpack step by step.

In the previous master class we learned how to sew a cool backpack-bag. See how else you can decorate the walls of the product:

Children's backpacks are an indispensable item for schoolchildren. You can sew a backpack in the shape of a cat with your own hands from old jeans or other thick fabric. There are different backpacks: tourist, youth, city, school, children, etc. With a children's backpack you can go for a walk, to a sports section, or go to nature. Children love animal backpacks. In our case, in the form of a Cat.

Cat with fish

To work you will need:

  1. main fabric
  2. lining fabric
  3. lightning
  4. piece of lace
  5. buttons
  6. colored threads for the cat's face

Take a sheet of A4 size paper. Approximate dimensions our backpack will be: width 20 cm, length 29 cm. You can cut and bigger size. It all depends on the age of the child. We make a pattern for the backpack itself, legs and fish. The legs measure 7 by 4 cm, the fish measures 14 by 7 cm.

Lay out the pattern on the fabric. Number of details:

  1. back - 1 piece from the main fabric and 1 piece from the lining fabric
  2. front – 1 piece from the main fabric and 1 piece from the lining (cut along the zipper line)
  3. legs – 4 parts
  4. top straps – 2 parts 7 / 43 cm
  5. lower straps – 2 parts 7 / 25 cm
  6. pocket – 1 piece 17 / 13 cm
  7. fish – 1 piece

Sew the paws, make notches on them, turn them inside out, put padding polyester inside, stitch or embroider the Cat’s toes.

Sew the straps, turn them inside out, and make decorative stitches on the sides. Make fastenings along the edges of the straps.

Hem one edge of each strap to prevent the fabric from spilling out.

Making a pocket. We bend the edges of the fish and sew it onto the pocket using a zigzag stitch.

Finish the edges of the pocket with a zigzag stitch or overlock stitch.

Finish the top of the pocket. Sew lace or braid to the top. Draw the Cat's front paws on the pocket, with which he holds the fish. Embroider the paws with decorative stitching by hand.

Baste the pocket to the bottom front of the backpack. Draw the paws with chalk. We embroider the paws with a decorative stitch, not forgetting about the Cat’s fingers.

Decorate the face: embroider the Cat's mustache and eyes. Baste the zipper with the top and bottom of the front.

Attach the zipper. Baste the straps and paws to the front and stitch.

Connect the front and rear halves backpack Secure with pins.

We sew and make notches in the places of curvature.

We sew the lining as in the photo. Leave 1 cm for the pocket inside the backpack.

Turn the Cat inside out, insert the lining into it, fold the lining and pin it to the zipper from the inside.

Sew the lining to the zipper with a blind seam, by hand.

Make 3 loops on the upper straps, sew 2 buttons on the lower straps. The backpack is ready.

We will need:

  1. old jeans
  2. bias tape – 2 meters
  3. cord – elastic band – 1 meter
  4. rubber tips – 6 pieces
  5. limiter – 2 pieces
  6. Velcro tape – 7 cm
  7. grommet – 4 pieces
  8. cat applique
  9. interlining for the bottom

Cutting out the details

  • two rectangles 27 / 24 cm
  • bottom – oval 11/20 cm
  • pocket – 13 / 12 cm
  • valve – 20 / 10 cm
  • straps – 2 pieces 54 / 4 cm
  • handle – 20 / 3 cm

Don't forget 0.5 - 1 cm seam allowances.

Things made at home are often superior to those found in stores. It may be more pleasant for a child to go with a backpack for school, which is made by his mother or with his own hands. The All-by-myself channel showed how to sew a school backpack for a child.

Straps and straps. The entire backpack is made of faux leather, so you don't mind getting it dirty and going to school with it. The craftswoman placed a piece of a gymnastics mat inside the straps and in the back (you can take a tourist one). They are just right for these purposes. Lots of things for school in this Chinese store.

Pattern school backpack(click to enlarge image)

Between the leatherette and the gymnastics mat I laid calico on an adhesive basis. You can also put non-woven fabric, but in this case there was calico, it is denser. This gives the entire structure strength. I also sewed a ribbon onto the straps. The backpack has the same narrow ribbon on the front. Because the child of the author of the video is a fan of the film “ star Wars”, sewed on an emblem with the name “StarWars”. It is made from vegetable tanned leather, the letters are cut out, stamped and painted. acrylic paint and a leather finish to protect leather from dirt and moisture.

All parts are backed with calico for strength. Bardot colored thick lining synthetic fabric(the remains of a cheap curtain were used for this). The backpack has a small compartment with pockets for a cell phone and other small items. Also a carabiner with an elastic band for keys. The back and bottom are reinforced with a gymnastic mat. This is how it keeps its shape. This is what the finished backpack looks like.

It has been in use for three weeks now. On the outside there are two pockets for water and food. The handle is attached using holniten. It is also sewn on the reverse side to a piece of leather with the author's logo. Therefore the handle will not come off. The backpack has two compartments: a large one for textbooks and notebooks, a smaller one for a phone, keys and other small items. The seams are covered with a special tape to prevent them from unraveling and to prevent them from splitting.

Look, it’s like no one else’s at school.

Yesterday I sewed a backpack for my youngest daughter. Quite roomy, the straps are adjustable and have a magnetic clasp. Simpler and easy option than I previously sewed for my eldest daughter ().

To sew a backpack we will need: fabric for the outer and inner sides (I have cotton), padding polyester (or non-woven fabric, dublerin for sealing the fabric), 1.7 m sling, 4 plastic frames, elastic 30-33 cm, magnetic clasp, threads , pins, scissors, measuring tape.

From both colors of fabric we cut out the following details. This pattern size is suitable for a backpack for children 2-5 years old. The size of the backpack is approximately 27x27 cm.
For children over 5 years old, the pattern size will be 65x40 cm and 20x20 cm.

The fabric for the main side needs to be compacted. I have a lot of leftover padding polyester and I decided to use it. Cut the padding polyester a little bigger size and place the main fabric on it. Then iron them well and steam them (the synthetic winterizer will become thinner and stick a little to the fabric). Attention! In order not to spoil the surface of the iron, it is better to iron through gauze or thin fabric, since the synthetic padding melts a little.

Now you need to quilt this part (along the edges and in horizontal stripes at equal distances).

Let's start making the straps for the backpack. To do this, we use plastic frames (constrictions) and a sling, from which we cut 2 strips of 9 cm each. We insert the sling into the frame, bend the edges of the sling on both sides and secure it with a pin. The video above shows this process in more detail.

We sew them on both sides to the bottom of the main part at the specified distance (see photo).

Now we cut off 2 more strips of sling, 60-65 cm each, and take the remaining 2 plastic frames (constrictions).

On middle part We thread one of the ends of the sling through the plastic frame, bend the edge and stitch where marked with a dotted line.

We stretch the empty end of the sling into the frame-constriction (which we sewed to the main part of the backpack) and thread it through the second frame-constriction on the same strap. We check whether the length of the future strap is adjustable. The video above shows this process in more detail.

We sew the ends of the straps to the top of the main part at the distance indicated below (see photo).

Now we fold the main part in half and stitch it from the wrong side, where it is marked with dotted lines.

We turn it so that the seam is in the middle and sew the lower part of the future backpack, where it is marked with dotted lines.

Now we stitch the corners at equal distances and cut off the excess.

Let's start making a handle for the backpack. We cut off 18 cm of sling and sew its ends to the top of the backpack back seam between the straps.

This is what the back of our future backpack looks like.

Let's start with the lining (inner side).

Backpack flap. We sew both parts from the wrong side.

We cut the edges on the fillets.

Turn it right side out, iron it and stitch at a distance of 5-7 mm from the edge.

We attach one of the parts of the magnetic fastener.

We place this part on the back of the backpack with the right sides facing each other and stitch it at the edge where it is marked with dotted lines.

It turns out like this.

Now let's move on to the main part of the lining. We also bend the rectangle of fabric in half and sew it on the wrong side, where it is marked with dotted lines.

We form the lower part in the same way as described above, but leave a small hole so that we can then turn the backpack right side out.

All that remains is to sew the outer and inner sides of the backpack together. To do this, turn both parts inside out and place them with their top sides facing each other.

Using pins, we connect both parts in a circle and stitch.

Through the hole in the lining, turn the backpack right side out.

We attach the second part of the magnetic clasp in the right place and sew up the hole.

Now along the edge of the upper part of the backpack we make 2 lines at a distance of 1-2 cm (without touching the valve and straps of the backpack).

We make a small hole in the inside of the backpack between the lines and insert an elastic band.

Sew the ends of the elastic together and close the opening with a blind stitch. Looks like that. In my opinion, this version of the top of the backpack (with an elastic band instead of a lace) is more suitable for small children.

Our children's backpack is ready.

The size of this backpack is 27x27 cm. This is how it looks on my youngest daughter. Katerina is 3.5 years old, height 100 cm.