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DIY pompom toys. How to make pompom toys

It's December, so let's not put off preparing for the New Year.

A wonderful little fluffy Christmas tree will perfectly decorate your home for the holidays. And it’s so easy and simple to make that it will be an excellent option for sharing crafts with your child. The most difficult thing in making a fluffy beauty is finding (or preparing) the main material for the craft - pompoms. Pompoms can be purchased at specialty stores and craft departments. You can also make pompoms yourself from yarn of various colors.

And first, let’s take a closer look at them, the pom-poms. Which ones you need to buy and how you can make them yourself.

So, in stores you can find different variants pom-poms. Here are some soft ones from different manufacturers:

Now let's look at how you can make pompoms yourself. There are many ways, choose the easiest and most convenient for yourself.

I myself do not use any purchased devices, cardboard circles and forks, I do something like this:

So, we stocked up, prepared, purchased pom-poms, and let’s get down to the fun part.

The master class used:
1. Shiny pom poms with a diameter of 1 inch (2.54 cm) 28 pieces, and one red.
2. 2 wooden squares for making a stand (you can replace with any suitable item).
3. Ribbon and beads (beads) for decoration.
4. Glue. This one is used here:

But you can replace it, for example, Moment Crystal glue will do.
Please do not forget to thoroughly dry each stage of your work during the manufacturing process.

Glue 3 pom poms to each other to make a circle, and another pom pom on top of them to make the top of the tree.

Using the same principle, make one ring of 5 pompoms and one ring of 7 pompoms. For the bottom tier of the tree, make a ring of 9 pompoms, and glue a ring of 3 pompoms inside it.

Let's start assembling the Christmas tree. On the bottom tier of 9 pompoms we glue a circle of 7 pompoms on top.

Then a ring of 5 pompoms

And on top of the top of the head. See how simple it is?

Now let's make a stand. We fasten two wooden squares with glue

And decorate with ribbons

Glue a Christmas tree on top and decorate with beads

Glue a red pompom to the top of the tree and decorate the tree with ribbon. The craft is ready.

I collected a lot of ideas on how to make toys from pompoms from various sources, this is a photo collection. It is very interesting to do such crafts with children. You made many of these toys yourself in childhood, you just need to remember and imagine a little. You can decorate clothes, especially children's, with pompoms, make beads, decorations, including Christmas trees.

There are many on sale today interesting books on creating toys and crafts (even rugs!) from pompoms, as well as kits that are convenient to work with.

How to make a pompom, the first method

1. To make pompoms different sizes, you need to prepare for them cardboard patterns- two dense circles for each pompom, different in diameter, with holes and a slot in the side. Don't throw away cardboard boxes containing cookies, candy, and other treats. This is the most best material for patterns for pompoms. It is necessary to make two patterns of each size, cut out internal holes in them and make slits from the outer edge to the inner hole 0.2-0.3 cm wide.

2. Prepare the required amount of yarn of the desired color. Pompoms are very unpretentious. They can be made from any yarn: new or leftover yarn, old boucle yarn, fluffy yarn, smooth yarn, etc. Pompoms always come out soft, fluffy and fun! For making colorful pompoms, yarn from balls of different colors is suitable, and for curly ones, yarn from former knitted items is suitable.

We will need pompoms of different sizes. The size of the pompom is determined by the size of the cardboard circles. The thickness of the pompom is determined by the diameter of the internal hole and the amount of yarn wound on the patterns - the more yarn there is, the thicker the pompom.

To make a round pompom oval, you can cut it to imitate the desired shape. Or instead of round patterns, cut out oval ones.

3. Connect the cardboard circles and begin to wrap them with yarn in a circle, pulling the thread through the slot (the slot should always remain free). Try to wind the threads evenly around the patterns.

4. When the middle is sufficiently filled with threads, take scissors, insert them between the circles and carefully cut the threads along the edge of the circle. Be sure to hold the middle with your other hand so that the threads do not fall out or move.

5. Insert a thread 25-30 cm long between the cardboard circles, pull the halves tightly together and tie it tightly.

The second way to make a pompom

Pompoms can be used to decorate any item. They will become an indispensable accessory in children's things - such as hats, scarves, booties, boots, as well as in toys and many other products. The size of the pompom is determined individually. To make it, cut out a square from thick cardboard. Lay a piece of thread along one side. Then wind the thread tightly.

After this, remove the cardboard and use two folds of thread to intercept the thread turns in the middle and tighten tightly.

Use scissors to trim the pompom and shape it into a ball.

The pompom can be attached to the product either by sewing it or using a cord; in this case, do not cut off the fastening thread.

Christmas tree with pompoms

Christmas tree. You can give it instead of a postcard by writing in the empty spaces good wishes. Can you hang it on christmas tree as decoration.

How to make a Christmas tree with pompoms: Transfer the pattern to green cardboard (pattern in the gallery below) and cut out the Christmas tree. Apply glue to the back of the cut out piece and glue it to the back of the second piece of green cardstock. Place the glued parts under a press to dry - you can use a stack of books for this. Once the pieces are dry, trim off the excess cardboard and cut out holes for the balls. Using a pattern (also in the photo gallery below), make three multi-colored pom-poms to decorate the Christmas tree.

On the tree, mark with dots, looking at the pattern, the places where the pom-pom balls are sewn. Thread the silver thread into the needle. Punch a hole in the marked place and pull the thread through, leaving a 7-8 cm end. Next, pass the same needle and thread under the thread holding the pompom together and pull it out. Cut the thread. Tie a tight knot or with a beautiful bow this ball. (The ball should hang freely in the round slot.)

Do the same with the rest of the decoration balls.

Sew a silver thread-loop onto the top of the tree. Glue glitter stars or other decorations onto the tree (on both sides).

Returning to the topic New Year's crafts One cannot help but remember the small Christmas trees that are used to decorate a desktop or room along with a large New Year tree. Such a small souvenir can bring the New Year's spirit to even the harshest office environment. Making a souvenir is very simple; for example, a Christmas tree made from pompoms will take a minimum of time and money, and will delight you for many days.

To make a Christmas tree from pompoms with your own hands, we need:

- green, pink, yellow and orange threads;
- cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- golden beads.

From the tool:

- scissors;
- fork;
- glue brush.

The easiest way to make pompoms is to use a regular dinner fork with long tines. The number of turns, and therefore the volume of the pompom, depends on the thickness of the thread. Here it was necessary to make 60 turns for each pompom.

Having wound a sufficient amount of thread, cut off the thread and thread it between the middle teeth and tighten the center of the pompom. It is better to tie it lightly first, and then remove the skein from the fork and tighten it tighter.

Using scissors, cut the threads on both sides. Then the pompom needs to be fluffed and the unevenness smoothed out using scissors, giving it a round shape.

For a medium-sized Christmas tree, we need about 40 pieces of green pompoms, 10 pieces of pink and yellow ones, and one orange pom-pom for the top of the tree.

We twist a funnel out of cardboard and fasten it securely so that it does not unfold during operation. This will be the base of the Christmas tree on which we will attach the pompoms. Lightly cut off the tip of the funnel.

Using a brush, completely lubricate the resulting cone with PVA glue. Leave it for 5-7 minutes so that the glue thickens a little. This will prevent the pompoms from falling off under their own weight when being placed.

Now we will attach the pompoms to the base. We lay them in rows tightly to the base. In the first row, randomly insert one pink and one yellow pom-pom between the green pompoms.

Fill the entire area of ​​the cone with pompoms. On each row, move the pink and yellow pom-poms to the side one step. Attach an orange pom-pom to the top, thickly smearing the cut of the cone with glue.

The Christmas tree is almost ready, all that remains is to give it the finishing touch. We string large golden beads onto a long thread. We wrap the resulting beads around the Christmas tree, trying to place them between the rows of pom-poms. We secure the edges of the beads by making small cuts at the bottom of the tree base.

OK it's all over Now christmas tree The pom poms are ready, you can decorate your desktop with it or give it to friends. You can do it for another friend

Everyone loves soft toys: both children and adults. Bears, bunnies, cats and other animals take pride of place on the shelves in the closet. Many handicraft mothers knit soft toys themselves. But not everyone knows that such things can be made from yarn in a completely different way. Do you want to know? Then, dear craftswomen, this article is especially for you. We will introduce you to such a direction in needlework as making toys from

Surely every knitter has small balls of leftover yarn in her bins. You can’t knit a large product from them, but it’s a shame to throw them away. These are the “riches” that will be useful for making soft crafts. So, we invite you to co-creation. Learn information about how to make toys from pompoms, admire the photographs already finished products and get inspired.

Preparation of materials and tools

To make toys, you first need to make pompoms. A description of this process will be presented later, but now we’ll tell you what you need for the work. So, you will need:

  • yarn;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Making toys from pompoms

With your own hands, first you need to make a fluffy ball of yarn. It is this detail that is the basis for this type of toy. The first thing you need to do is execute the template. Draw a circle on the cardboard using a compass. Its diameter will be equal to the size of the pompom. Inside the large circle, mark the same small figure (about 2-3 centimeters in diameter). Fold the cardboard in half and cut out two identical pieces. Make a cut on one side of each piece. The photo above shows what the template should look like.

The next stage is winding the threads. Place the circles one on top of the other and wind the yarn on them tightly and evenly over the entire surface of the pattern. It should be noted that the ball you take for work should not be big size, otherwise it will not fit through the inner hole of the template. Keep this point in mind: the thicker the layer of thread you wind, the more magnificent and beautiful the ball will turn out. To make a toy from pompoms with your own hands, these are the parts you need.

Next, carefully cut the threads with scissors in a circle along the outer edge of the product. Place a piece of yarn between the cardboard circles, tighten it and secure the knot. It should turn out so that the entire bunch of threads from which the main part of the pompom is made is tied exactly in the middle. Now remove the pattern and straighten the soft ball itself. That's all. One pompom is ready!

Other ways to make yarn balls

Craftswomen create some pom-pom toys with their own hands from small round parts. Most often, such elements serve as the paws, ears, and noses of animals. How to make a small ball? It is almost impossible to make it on a cardboard template. Needlewomen came up with another elementary method. Take a regular fork and wrap a tight ring of yarn around the tines. Then insert the scissors under the layer of thread and cut them in one place. Tie the bun in the middle in the same way as described above. Spread out the small pompom.

For those who don’t want to bother making templates every time, we recommend purchasing a special device for making pom-poms at a craft store. It consists of four plastic molds. Clamps allow you to customize the device to accommodate different diameters.

Soft toys made from pompoms. Master class on making chicken

So, you have learned how to make the main parts. How can you use them to make figurines of your favorite fairy tales or cartoon characters? Now we'll tell you! Let's look at the whole process using the example of making chicken - funny toy from pompoms.


Using yellow yarn, make two balls of different sizes. Sew these parts together. Attach two dark beads to the small pompom that serves as the head of the toy. These will be the chicken's eyes. Cut out two triangular pieces from orange or red felt and form a beak from them. On the pompom, which is larger in size (serves as the body), sew wings made of felt or feather. Now make the paws.

Cut an oval out of cardboard and cover it with orange felt (or any other fabric). Attach the chicken to this stand. This way the toy will be stable. The soft figurine can be complemented with decorative elements: a hat, bow, bow tie.

A colored caterpillar like a soft toy?

Make it from yarn different color six balls of the same size and one slightly larger than all the others. This large pompom will serve as the head of the caterpillar. Tie the parts together using the ends of the threads that were used to tie the bundles when forming the balls. If you cut them, it doesn't matter. Pompoms can be sewn together. Make eyes from buttons or beads. Next, complete the paws. To do this, weave braids from threads or crochet chains from air loops about 8-10 centimeters in size. Each ball requires two such blanks. Fold them in half and sew them to the pompoms at the bottom. You can put a bead on each paw.

The baby will definitely like this caterpillar. It will perform not only a gaming function, but also a developmental one. Why? While manipulating with such an object, the baby learns to distinguish colors, develops his hands. That’s it, dear handicraft mothers, in literally an hour you can make not just a beautiful, but also a very useful toy for your baby.

In this article we told you about how to make toys from pompoms. Using the described principle of making a chicken and a caterpillar as a basis, you can invent and create figures of other heroes. We wish you pleasant moments of creativity! And may your efforts be rewarded with an enthusiastic look and a happy smile from a child when he picks up a toy made by his beloved mother!

A wonderful holiday is approaching - New Year! What would New Year be without a Christmas tree?! If you planned to decorate the Christmas tree this year with toys that you made yourself, but have not decided how exactly you will make them, then you can consider decorating the Christmas tree with pom-pom toys.

Pompom toys are very easy to make. They can be done even with children of primary school age.

Just imagine how nice it will be to look at a Christmas tree decorated with such soft and wonderful toys, also made by yourself!

Pompom toys

What you will need:

A ball of thread you like;

Some colored cardboard;

PVA glue;

Sharp scissors;

The eyes are ready or made from cardboard.

Making pompoms:

1. You need to cut out 2 identical circles from cardboard. Cut out the middle of each of them to make a “ring”.

2. Connect 2 “rings” and carefully wrap them with thread. Continue wrapping until the hole is difficult to fit a pencil through.

2. Slide the scissors between the cardboard rings and carefully cut the thread. It is important that the loops do not move off the cardboard.

3. Thread a thread between the cardboard circles and tie tight knot so that the pompom does not fall apart.

4.Cut the cardboard circles and remove them. Trim the pompom with scissors, giving it an even round shape.

If for your Christmas decorations If you need small pompoms, you can make them using a regular fork. For this:

1. Wind the threads around the teeth of the fork.

2. When enough yarn has been wound to create the desired fluffiness, stretch the thread in the middle between the cloves and tie a tight knot.

3. Remove the resulting bow and cut the side loops.

4. Straighten the pompom, trim the edges if necessary.

Making toys:

We use pompoms to create our favorite animal and decorate it with details cut out of cardboard or felt: horns, hooves, eyes, wings, and so on.


1. Select desired color yarn and make a pompom.

2. Cut out eyes from paper and ears from felt.

3. It is better to make noses from contrasting threads.

The following toys are made in a similar way:

Christmas decorations made of two pompoms

1. You need to make two pompoms, slightly different in volume.

2. Tie them together. The one that is smaller will become the head.

3. It should be decorated depending on what you are doing.
4. Also, depending on the craft, attach the necessary elements from felt or cardboard to the body.