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Integrated lesson in the senior group “Looking for a surprise” outline of a literacy lesson (senior group) on the topic. Summary of an open lesson in the senior group: “Integrated lesson in mathematics and speech development” Comprehensive lesson in school

Published November 3, 2015 - 16:01 by admin

Purpose of the lesson:

Reinforce with children the names of the organs of the human body and the functions they perform;

Introduce the influence of flowers and water on the physical and emotional condition person;

- to form in children an idea of ​​the health benefits of vegetables and fruits;

To clarify children’s ideas about items of clothing, their purpose and impact on health;

- name the colors of the rainbow, the sequence of their placement on the sky, the ability to determine the first sound in the names of colors;

- develop in preschoolers imagination and imagination, the ability to think creatively;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.


A plate with pieces of fruits and vegetables, covered with a napkin, proverbs, riddles, envelopes with cards, spring water, stripes of rainbow colors, magnets, an easel, a tape recorder, two dolls with sets of clothes, a ball, 7 “gift” paints.

Handouts: transparent glasses, colored paper for making a backing for a glass.

Previous work: riddles about colors, rainbows, fruits, various educational games using colors “Find your color”, “What is this color?”, “What colors are friends” (about shades of primary colors), conversations between a teacher and children “The benefits of water” for the human body."

Progress of the integrated lesson in the senior group:

1. Introductory part

Educator. Children, many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them. Now let's say hello to ourselves.


Children stand on a rug in a circle, say a poem together, show body parts according to the text:

Good afternoon our hands,

Good afternoon our legs,

Good afternoon our knees,

Good afternoon our ears,

Good afternoon our eyes,

Good afternoon our cheeks,

Good afternoon our nose,

Good afternoon our little mouth,

At the end they give everyone a kiss.

At the end, the teacher asks how many hands does each person have? (Legs, eyes...)

What do we need hands for? (Legs, eyes...)

Educator. I see you are all healthy and ready to travel. Ready? (Children's response)

2. Main part of the lesson

Educator. And to find out where we will travel, we need to solve the riddle.

“A colored rocker that hung across the river”

How many colors does the rainbow have? (7)

What are the colors of the rainbow? (Children's answers)

Educator. There is order in nature: the seasons come in order, the days of the week have their own order, and the colors of the rainbow each have their place in the sky. The order of the colors of the rainbow is encrypted in the rhyme “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” All colors are listed in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

The child names the color, determines the first sound in the name and places the corresponding color on the easel, securing it with a magnet.

Educator. Here we come to the rainbow. But our rainbow is not ordinary.

This is the Rainbow of Health. Each of its colors has prepared tasks for you, and will give you its own paint as a reward.

Educator. The first task is from red. He presented various products that are hidden under a napkin; you need to say what flavor it is and what it is called with your eyes closed.

Game "Guess the taste"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the taste of fruits and vegetables, their benefits for human health.

The child comes out, names and sits on a high chair.

Educator. How are these products useful? (Children's answers) You did a very good job and for this the red color gives you red paint. And the next task is from orange.

Game "Guess the riddle"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about general words “fruits”, “vegetables”, “berries”; develop phonemic hearing, attention; cultivate a love for nature.

Children guess riddles, the teacher focuses on generalizing words.

Riddles for children on the theme “fruits” and “vegetables”

Look into the autumn garden

Miracle - the balls are hanging.

Reddish, ripe side

For the kids' teeth (Apple)

What kind of brushes are hanging

And they sparkle in the sun,

Decorates every garden!

This is sweet... (Grapes)

These red berries

Kids love it very much:

They eat with pleasure

Only the bones are flying. (cherries)

Long, green,

Kind, salty,

Delicious and moist.

Who is he? (Cucumber)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy. (Watermelon)

They bake me, fry me and boil me,

They eat me and praise me very much. (Potato)

Grandma sitting in the garden

All wrapped in scarves. (Cabbage)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

He is red and his hair is green. (Beet)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion)

It happens, kids, different -

Green, yellow or red.

It can be hot, it can be sweet. (Pepper)

And I, brothers, oh angry,

I burn my tongue.

I kill all germs

My name is …. (Garlic)

Educator. Well done, you guessed everything. For your efforts you get orange paint. The third task from yellow.

Game "Make Juice"

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to form the name of juice from two names of a fruit and a berry.

Educator. You and I will turn into chefs for a moment. You will come to the table, take yourself an envelope with cards inside, look at them and name what kind of juice it will be.

Children come up to the table one by one, choose envelopes (with two cards in the middle, fruit and berry... etc.). Say the name of the juice.

Educator. You did great and earned yellow paint.

The fourth task is from green.

Exercise “Finish the proverb about health”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of proverbs.

Without health there is no happiness.

Everything is great for a healthy person.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

Neatness is the key to health.

Human health is the health of the country.

Neglecting health is a sin.

The greatest wealth is health.

A healthy family means a healthy child.

Healthy teeth are the key to health.

Cheerful laughter means health.

The longer you chew, the longer you live.

If you are healthy, you will get everything.

There is nothing more valuable than health.

Money can't buy health.

Educator. Folk wisdom will always tell you helpful advice, so don't forget these proverbs. So we got green paint. Next task from blue

Task “Charge your water”

Goal: to introduce children to the new concept of “charged” water, the properties of each color and the influence of flowers and water on the physical and emotional state of a person; teach children to drink “colored” water correctly.

Educator. Children, what does the color blue remind you of? Children's answers

Yes, children consider this color to be the color of water.

What kind of water do we use? Children's answers

When is it blue?

Children's answers.

Educator. I want to tell you about unusual, magical water, which is called “colored water”. Make yourself comfortable and listen carefully.

I will tell you the secret of “colored water”.

“Colored water” is clean, transparent water that has absorbed the power of a certain color, which is why it is called “colored.” And for the water to gain strength, we put it in a transparent glass without drawings and place it on a substrate desired color for 5 - 10 minutes. This water has a good effect on human health.

The red color gives strength to muscles and warms you up in cold weather. Orange - helps improve appetite.

Yellow lifts your spirits and is a generator of brilliant ideas.

Green - calms, relieves headaches.

Blue - cooling and refreshing.

Blue - reduces appetite, concentrates attention. Purple - conducive to communication.

Each color is also responsible for the human senses: red - for touch, orange - for taste, yellow - for smell, green - for language and emotions, blue - for vision, purple - for hearing.

How to drink such water? This water is drunk slowly in small sips. Red, yellow, orange - in the morning. Blue, violet, dark blue - after lunch, in the evening. Green - morning and afternoon.

And now I suggest you choose your own colored paper and we will make a beautiful backing for the “colored water”.

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to fold elementary basic shapes from paper using the origami technique; develop fine motor skills arm muscles, attention and eye; cultivate independence and creativity.

Material: colored origami paper.

The children sit at the tables. The teacher shows how to make a substrate, reinforces the manufacturing steps, and the children make the product themselves. The teacher, if necessary, helps children individually.

Educator. Here we have made supports for glasses, I advise you to place your glasses of water on them so that the water becomes “colored”.

Children come to the table with glasses of water and place them on their trays.

Educator. We did a good job and for this the blue color gave us its paint. Now the task is from blue.

What reminds you Blue colour? (Children's answers)

How do you feel when you look at the color blue? (Children's answers)

Educator. So, children, the color blue is cool and therefore asks you if you know how to dress in different time of the year?

Game "Dress the doll"

Goal: to consolidate the names of clothing, their purpose and impact on human health; learn to solve problem situations.

Material: two tables, two dolls, the same winter and Summer clothes on both tables.

Children are divided into two teams “winter” and “summer” and dress the doll in clothes according to the season of the team name. Each player from the team comes to the table and puts one item of clothing on the doll.

Educator. Do you think it’s possible to wear a fur coat in summer? (Children's answers.)

Is it possible to wear sandals in winter? (Children's answers.)

What about wearing a warm hat in the spring? (Children's answers.)

So, children's clothes also take care of our health. For your skills and organization, blue paint is a gift to you. The color purple advises us to draw up rules “What to do to avoid getting sick”

Game “What to do to avoid getting sick”

Goal: to reinforce with children the rules of body hygiene, eating, and hardening.

Children pass the ball around in a circle.

Children's answers.

Educator. We have drawn up health rules for you.

The teacher reads a poem

Health is the basis of everything in the world

All children want to be healthy

To do this you need to wash your face daily

Do exercises and dress warmly

Temper yourself with water and sun

And sleep sweetly with the window open

And there is everything that is served on the table

Because dishes give us growth and strength.

Educator. I liked our rules purple color and he gave us his paint. So we got paints of all the colors of the rainbow

Educator. During the time that you completed the tasks, the water “charged” and I suggest you go to your glasses and drink it in small sips and feel how it fills you with its energy. What will your mood be?

Educator. It's time for us to return home. The Rainbow of Health gives you these colors in memory of itself so that you can paint the best pictures with them. Let's thank her for the gift and say goodbye.

VI. Bottom line. Reflection

Educator. Everyone returned to the garden, no one remained on the rainbow?

Where were you today? Children's answers.

What tasks did you receive from the rainbow? Children's answers.

What new have you learned? Children's answers.

Did you like our trip? Children's answers.

Name: Summary of the integrated lesson in senior group « Autumn trip»
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves, Senior group

Position: teacher of 1st qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten 135 “Teremok”
Location: Ryazan, st. Rural Builders, 2a

Integrated lesson in the senior group “Autumn Journey”

Topic: “Autumn Journey”

Goals: to deepen and concretize children’s ideas about the living conditions of plants in the autumn

Educational area "Cognition" : systematize children’s knowledge about autumn and autumn phenomena, consolidate ideas about the three months of autumn. Improve the ability to classify objects according to various criteria. Develop children's memory, imagination, thinking.

Educational area "Communication" : involve children in a collective conversation about autumn, activate their vocabulary, and continue to develop the ability to answer questions.

Educational area « Fiction» : Develop the ability to see the poetic beauty of autumn, evoke an emotional response to the poems heard. Cultivate a love for nature.

Organization of the development environment:

Multi-colored leaves (yellow, red, orange, green).

Leaves with riddles

Pictures depicting the autumn months

Cardboard slips (white)



Preliminary work:

- activities of the teacher:

Conversation about the seasons

Learning poems by famous poets A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov

Observing seasonal changes in nature while walking, paying attention to color scheme leaves

Collecting autumn leaves

- interaction with parents:

Parents' help in decorating autumn forest

Forms of organizing activities: conversation, story, show, reasoning, game

Music director's job:

Listening to music about autumn.

Learning the song about yellow leaves

Conveying the image of a falling autumn leaf to music.

Musically didactic game.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Children stand on the carpet in a semicircle.

Playback:— Guys, look at what a beautiful autumn leaf. (looks at it). What tree do you think this leaf is from?

Maple leaf, what is it? (maple)

How did you guess that it was maple and not oak?

This is not a simple sheet, but a package, let's open it. Look, there's a letter here. Now I will read it to you.


Hello, dear guys! All the colors have disappeared in my magical forest. I heard that you are very kind and skillful!.. Please come and help me decorate the trees. Autumn.

We need help this fall. Guys, let's go on a trip to the autumn forest.

How can we get there? (children's answers) We'll go by train.

Warm up. Train Taki Taki.

So we reached the autumn forest. The path has been long, let's sit down on our carpet and imagine that we are in a clearing and we are surrounded by tall beautiful trees from which they are falling autumn leaves. Guys, what is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall from trees and swirl? (Leaf fall)

Conversation about leaves. We look at the leaves (this leaf is from what tree? From a birch. What is it? Birch. What is its shape like? What color is it? Etc.)

So we learned to distinguish leaves.

A game

Well done guys, we've been sitting too long. Let's get up and play.

Let's play a game called "Different Leaves"

Take one piece of paper each.

When music sounds, leaves fly across the clearing. The music stops - the leaves fly to their leaves: the oak leaves fly into the hoop with the oak leaves, the maple leaves towards the maple leaves, and the birch leaves towards the birch leaves. Let's see which leaves are the fastest. (the game is played 2-3 times)

Well done guys, did you like the game?

Children sit on chairs.

Playback: Guys, what time of year is it now? (autumn) Do you know that in the fall (October 3) our famous Ryazan poet Sergei Yesenin was born, he wrote many beautiful poems and Nikita Ivanov will read one of them.

Reading and discussion of the poem (what is the poem about? How do you feel after listening?)

Now guys, imagine that you are those Little Yellow Leaves. Fly, spin, play with the breeze. The breeze died down and the leaves sat down and quietly fell asleep.

Practical part

The children are seated at the tables.

Playback: Let's see how beautiful autumn is! (children are offered a presentation).

Guys, look, there are leaves on your tables. Can we call them autumn?

Why are our leaves not autumn leaves? (they are not multi-colored)

So let's turn them into autumn leaves.

But first, let's get our fingers ready for work. (finger gymnastics).

Now take plasticine, boards, stacks. And using the plasticineography method, smearing plasticine on a piece of paper.

Now bring the finished leaves to me on a tray. Let's look at it and enjoy...

Autumn is part of the group: Hello guys! (Hello, autumn)

We have prepared a gift for you, thank you for inviting us to your forest.

Autumn: And thank you guys for your help, you are so great, you decorated the leaves very beautifully. And for this I will tell you my riddles.

Goodbye guys! Goodbye Autumn!

Vosp. Guys, did you enjoy our magical journey? What did you like most? Let's summarize the lesson.

We're going to kindergarten. (We lined up like a train and went to kindergarten).

Consolidation of the material covered in the regime moments:

Organize observation during a walk autumn trees; collect autumn bouquet from the leaves and make a herbarium for the further use of these leaves in productive activities.

In the evening, offer children the didactic game “Tree with Leaves” - to improve the ability to name and distinguish the leaves of various trees.

Conducted by: Alina Narsovna Kim, teacher at GBOU School No. 2097/8

Goal: formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the older group; strengthening ordinal and quantitative counting skills (including items) within the number series of the first ten.


  • continue to study with children the properties of the natural series of numbers
  • exercise in establishing correspondence between numbers and external properties of objects
  • improve the ability to compose a number series and find the place of a number in a series
  • strengthen the ability to count within seven using various techniques
  • consolidate the ability to analyze objects and isolate the odd one from the presented series according to a characteristic feature
  • improve counting skills, the ability to independently compose and solve simple mathematical problems
  • consolidate the ability to correctly name ordinal numbers.


  • develop in didactic games the ability to compare objects, notice minor differences in their characteristics (color, shape, size, quantity)
  • develop cognitive processes (speech, attention, logical thinking, imagination, tactile perception)
  • develop children's curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills
  • promote the development of imaginative and logical thinking, the ability to make simple inferences.


  • develop an interest in mathematics
  • develop observation skills when comparing groups of objects
  • develop teamwork skills
  • foster a sense of mutual assistance through cooperation during educational activities, rejoice at the successes achieved.

Demonstration material: core and petals of seven colors, pattern with 5 colors, 3 rows of image sequences, applique "wolf, fox and fish" , legs of fly agarics with numbers.

Handouts: colored pencils, cards with numbers (for connection by points), cards with houses, fly agaric hats with dots.

Structure and course of the lesson:

  • organizational stage (3-5 minutes)– motivating start of the lesson;
  • main stage (15-19 minutes)– the teacher explains the essence of the exercises that children must cope with, monitors the progress of solving assignments and problems;
  • final stage, reflection of activity (3-5 minutes)- the teacher thanks the children for Active participation, conducts together with them an analysis and assessment of the results of the work done, reflection on activities and emotional state.

Organizational stage

Educator: Good afternoon, dear children! Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is a magical land where extraordinary flower, he can fulfill any wish. What kind of flower do you think this is?

Children: This is Flower of Seven Flowers.

Educator: Correct.

On the top of the flower
Seven magic petals
Making dreams come true.
Don’t rush to pick them -

There are many roses and daisies in the world,
Forget-me-nots, poppies, porridges,
But alone in the world
Seven-flowered flower.

Guys, what was the name of the girl who had such a flower?

Children: The girl's name was Zhenya.

Educator: Where did Zhenya get this flower?

Children: The sorceress gave it to her.

Educator: Guys, how many petals does it have? "Tsvetika-seven-tsvetika" ?

Children: The seven-flowered flower has seven petals.

Educator: Correct. One day a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals of a magical flower. The girl Zhenya has only the core left, here it is on the board. Would you like to have such a flower? (Children's answers). Let us then hit the road and collect all the petals of the magic flower. You are ready? (Children's answers) I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.
Gain some wisdom, some sense,
Find all the petals,
To make a wish.

Main stage

Educator: And first we need to arrange the numbers from 1 (one) up to 5 (five) in order, starting with the highest flower and ending with the lowest. (Exercise 1 on correlating numbers from 1 to 5 and the length of a flower; the teacher hangs the drawing on the board, the children answer from their seats).

Educator: Well done, children! You completed the task. Oh, look, here is the first petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is red. (Ask the child to attach the petal to the middle).

Educator: Guys, let's guess the riddle:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

Who are we talking about? (About the butterfly). To test our guess, let's connect the dots in order and see who comes up. (Exercise 2 on connection "from point to point" under numbers 1-10; the teacher distributes blank cards, children work individually). In front of you is a sheet of paper, and on it there are dots, each corresponding to a number. You need to connect the numbers in order. Who did you get?

Children: Butterfly.

Educator: How many circles are there on the wings of your butterflies?

Children: Six circles.

Educator: Well done! The task has been completed and for this you will be rewarded with a second petal! (Children attach an orange petal to the board)

Educator: How many petals have we already managed to find?

Children: Two petals.

Educator: That's right, how much more do you need to find?

Children: Five petals.

Educator: Let's go on a search further. On the way we came across houses. (Exercise 3 to consolidate ideas about the number series, the ability to name "neighbors" numbers: next and previous number; the teacher distributes "houses" , children fill in the missing numbers). What numbers are hidden here?

Educator: We have filled all the houses and can attach another magic petal to our flower! This time it is yellow.

Educator: (Physical minute)

The sun hid behind a cloud -
But this is only a joke!
And we will all spend it together
Sports minute:

We will clap our hands
And we'll stomp a little.
Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,
Three - bent down and took it out

Right hand shoe,
The left handle is the ceiling.
And let's sit down one more time!
Now let's sit down.

We're a little tired
Let's rest for a minute.

Guys, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another magical petal. What colour is he?

Children: Petal Green colour. (Children attach the petal to the board)

Educator: Guys! A mischievous wind shuffled the cards, and each row got one extra image, let's all find them together? (Exercise 5 – didactic game “What’s extra?” designed to explore the processes of figurative and logical thinking; The teacher shows the cards one by one, the children answer from their seats). What's missing in this series? Why? (The teacher takes turns showing the rows to the children; the children must find the extra object and explain why).

Educator: Well done, guys! Hold another petal and attach it, rather, to a magical flower.

Educator: Children, how many petals have we already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: How many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

Educator: And now, together with the wolf and the fox, we will go on a fabulous fishing trip. (Exercise 6 for the formation and development of the ability to independently compose and solve simple mathematical problems; the teacher hangs an application on the board, the children attach fish to it). Look, the wolf caught four fish, and the fox caught one less. How many fish does the fox have? (Three) Place the required number of fish in the fox’s bucket. Which of them caught less and which more? (The wolf caught 1 fish more than the fox) How many fish did the wolf and the fox catch together? (Total 7 fish for two)

Educator: And here is another petal floating to us. What colour is he?

Children: Blue petal.

Educator: Correct, just like the color of the water when a wolf and a fox are fishing. Children, how many petals are we still missing?

Children: We are missing one petal.

Educator: Guys, look, the mischievous wind has scattered fly agaric mushrooms across the clearing: the caps are separate, and the legs are separate. (Exercise 7 "Intricate fly agarics" , children must count the number of dots and find the corresponding "leg" with number; The teacher gives each child a fly agaric hat, the children independently select the right leg with a number for it). We need to revive the fly agaric, each of you pick up one red cap, count the number of dots on it and select a leg with a number corresponding to the number of dots on the cap of your fly agaric.

Educator: Well done! So we found all the petals. (Children attach the last petal to the board). Now what kind of flower has become but magical?

Children: Beautiful, bright, colorful, colorful... (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, today you told me that you would like to have such a magical flower! Let's try together to remember the magic words to make your wish come true: “Fly, fly, petal through the west to the east, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, you will lead” . (Magic music sounds, the teacher at this moment turns over the petals, on the back of which the letters are written “WELL DONE!” ) . Guys, your wish has come true, now each of you has a magic flower "Seven-flowered flower" , you will be able to make your deepest wishes, which will bring only goodness, joy and happiness to people.

Final stage, reflection of activity

Educator: (Reflection) Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers) What task were you most interested in completing? (Children's answers) What task was the most difficult for you? (Children's answers) How many colorful petals did we manage to collect? (Seven) Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, smart, helped each other, so you coped well with all the tasks that came our way. As a reward for this, I have prepared you a sweet treat and it’s time for us to refresh ourselves after our such a magical journey. I am sure that you will always try as hard as you did today. Well done!

Integrated lesson in the senior group

"An extraordinary journey."


    Introduce children to the properties various materials(sand, clay, stones, earth).

    Improve coherent speech by composing a narrative story about the heroes of your favorite fairy tales, and develop vocabulary.

    Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

    Activate children’s knowledge about geometric shapes and the ability to creatively apply them when performing independent tasks.

    To develop attention, imagination, curiosity, interest in search activities, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, express them in speech, and lead children to reasoning.

    Instill interest and love for literary works.

    Develop skills for interacting with peers, the desire to help


Containers with sand, clay, pebbles, earth. Glue, geometric figures, “carpets” made of cardboard. Illustrations of fairy tale heroes: Aldar-Kose, Greedy Bai, Little Red Riding Hood, Aibolit. Map - travel diagram, illustrations depicting a house, castle, hut, subject pictures. Basket. TV, DWD, stereo system, audio cassette, CD with the cartoon “Geese and Swans”

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, observing on a walk in winter, talking about the season - winter.

"Circle of Joy: "Good Morning"

Good morning to animals and birds

Good morning to smiling faces

And immediately everything will become kind and trusting

AND Good morning will last until evening

Imaginary situation:

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in the letter, opens it and discovers an audio cassette. He offers to listen to it.

The recording sounds:

“Guys, I am the Queen of Literature! Baba Yaga kidnapped me and is holding me captive. I'm very scared and lonely. I beg you, please save me.”

Educator: “Guys, we won’t leave our Queen of Literature in trouble, will we? Shall we save her? Then let's go on a trip now. It is very difficult and dangerous. Only the bravest, most resilient and friendly guys can come with us. You are ready? Well done! - Oh, guys, be quiet, I hear something strange...

At this time, Baba Yaga appears on the TV screen. Excerpt from the cartoon “Geese-Swans” (audio recording sounds)

Baba Yaga:

“Well, darlings! So we met! Just know that in order to free the Queen of Literature you need to complete my tests and tasks that are hidden in envelopes. And the path to them will be indicated by a map - a diagram. If you do this, you will find the key to the dungeon and free the queen. Fail to comply, then she will remain locked forever. Well, I wish you success in passing all the obstacles.”

Working with a schematic map:

The teacher offers to look at the map and determine where to go. The children say: “let’s go straight past the birch tree and the mushroom, then turn left and get to task No. 1.” (they hit the road)


    “Walk through cold, deep puddles” (walking with high knees)

    "Walk along thin ice"(walking on toes)

    “Cross the abyss” (walk along an imaginary log)

    “Walk through a dark cave” (walking with eyes closed)

Find an envelope with task No. 1

Educator: To cope with the tasks, let's say a magic spell: oynayik, oynayk, oynayk ta oylayyk.” (we will play, we will play, we will play and think)

Exercise 1:

“In front of you are three buildings: a house, a castle and a hut. Which of these buildings would you like to live in and why? Who do you think lives in each of them?

Pictures lived in the buildings. They ran away from their houses and got confused.

1 building is a house, words of one syllable live in it, building 2 is a castle, words of two syllables live in it, building 3 is a hut, words of three syllables live in it. You need to take a picture, determine how many syllables are in a given word and put the picture to the desired building.

Working with a map-scheme

Physical minute “Let’s go hiking”

Task 2:

“Do you guys like fairy tales? What kind of fairy tales are there? (children's answers)

Recently, Baba Yaga read advertisements in the newspaper and invites you to guess which of the fairy tale heroes gave these advertisements.

    “I offer a new trough and a hut in exchange for a washing machine.”

(The old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

    "I lay golden eggs." (Chicken Ryaba)

    “I’ll take the pie and a pot of butter to grandma.” (Little Red Riding Hood)

    “I will cure all the animals.” (Dr. Aibolit)

    “I’m exchanging my old, holey fur coat for a new, fox fur coat.” (Aldar-Kose)

    “I’ll wash off all the blots and ink.” (Washbasin from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”

Say a word...

I didn’t tremble before the wolf.

I ran away from the bear.

And for the fox's teeth,

Still got caught... (Kolobok)

He is kinder than everyone else in the world

He heals sick animals

He's famous, famous

This is doctor….(Aibolit)

Kazakh daredevil

plays the dombra

Protects the poor (Aldar – Kose)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden

On land and under water

I was looking for a golden key

Him, girl Malvina


We had a golden egg,

And the basket was left empty

Grandfather is crying, woman is crying

They are consoled by….(Ryaba Hen)

Baba Yaga: “Portraits of fairy-tale heroes hung in my hut. During the earthquake they fell and were broken. I order you to assemble portraits from parts and tell about each character, what fairy tale he is from, whether you like him or not, and why? (Gray Wolf, Greedy Bai, Aibolit, Little Red Riding Hood)

Working with a map-scheme


The ducks came out into the meadow: Quack-quack-quack

A cheerful beetle flew by: Zh-zh-zh

Geese arch their necks Ha-ha-ha

The beak straightens the feathers One-two, one-two

The wind shook the branches V-V-V

The ball also growled Rrrr

rustled in the water reed Sh-sh-sh

And it came again hush Shh-sh-sh

Task 3:

“In my hut, mice chewed up the carpets. Fix them immediately and sew on a patch. I sent you carpets and rags.” They are on the table different shapes, colors, size shreds - geometric shapes. Select the ones you need from the total quantity. Explain your choice and stick it on the carpet.

Working with a map-scheme

Educator: Guys, aren't you tired? How can we continue our journey? (children's statements) Suggests traveling on the clouds.


Children sit on the carpet. They close their eyes. They imagine that they are floating on clouds. The song “Clouds are white-winged horses” is played. Have you rested? Then the teacher suggests going further on foot.

Task 4:

“Guess the riddle: I dusted up the paths,

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

Look how beautiful the basket is. She gave it to me The Snow Queen. This basket is not simple; it contained “winter” words. In the summer they melted. I order you to fill the basket with “winter” words.”

You need to name any word that matches the word “Winter”. For example: snow, Santa Claus, sleigh, etc.

Working with a map-scheme

Warm-up “Starry Sky”

Educator: “The road has been long, it’s already getting dark, night is approaching. Let's look at the night sky.

    We picked up personal telescopes. Setting up the equipment (chick-chick)

    Opened the damper (Whack-Whack)

    Saw a star (oh-oh)

    Lots of stars (o-o-o-o-o-o)

    Saw a comet (ooh)

    Lots of comets (oo-oo-oo-oo-oo)

    Saw a flying saucer (ding-ding)

    An alien came out of it (blok-blok)

    Meteor shower started (applause)

Task 5: Experiment

“My favorite flower pot broke. You need to say what material it can be made from and explain why. Hurry up, think, explain clearly and clearly so that I can understand.”

On the table there are containers with sand, clay, pebbles, and earth. The teacher and children consider the proposed materials, examine, compare, draw conclusions and explain their decision.

Working with a map - diagram.

They find the key. They open the castle and free the Queen of Literature.

We made it to the castle on time.

Make way for the pines and spruces.

We defeated Baba Yaga,

We freed our friend.

Literature thanks the guys. He gives them hearts as a token of gratitude - the warmth of his heart. He asks what helped them overcome all the obstacles? (our friendship and knowledge)

They set off on their way back. They perform the song “Strong Friendship”

Program content:

To form elementary mathematical concepts in children, to improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10. The ability to name neighbors of numbers, find several identical numbers and circle.

Ability to compare numbers and use symbols for comparison; write and solve simple addition and subtraction problems.

Develop logical thinking.

Strengthen the ability to draw by dots, the names of geometric figures, days of the week, parts of the day, months of the year.

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sound 3; name words starting with sound 3.

Continue work on activating and clarifying children's vocabulary. Fix the names of wild animals and their young.

Develop the ability to achieve goals and independence.


For each child, sheets of paper with geometric shapes (drawn with dots); on the reverse side - a number; an oval is drawn on another sheet; pencils; chalk; surprise - candy.

Methodical techniques:

Surprise moment; thin word; gaming techniques; drawing by points; individual work; questions; use of music.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, let's say hello to the guests. Look at the guests - they smiled. Look at each other - smile.

Well done! Now listen to me carefully.

Today we have an unusual activity. I have prepared a surprise for you, but you can find it if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult but interesting. After completing all the tasks, you will find out what surprise I have prepared.

You are ready? Good luck then!

(show the corresponding number before each task).

1 task:

Guys, name the seasons.

What time of year is it now? (spring).

What words can describe spring? (warm, sunny, rainy, cloudy, long-awaited, beautiful, fragrant, ringing, murmuring, noisy, stormy, blooming, cheerful, desired...)

What month is it now? (May).

How many months are there in a year? (12).

Name them in order.

Name the spring months.

How many days are there in a week? (seven).

What day today?

List the days of the week in order.

What parts of the day do you know?

Name the parts of the day in order.

Task 3:

Game "Name the neighbors."

You have pieces of paper on your table with a number written on them, think and say the numbers next to them.

Ordinal counting and counting down (from 1 to 10; from 10 to 1). 1st child - counting in order, 2nd child counting backwards.

Task 4:

Turn over the leaves, tell me what is shown there?

To find out for sure, let’s connect the dots (geometric shapes). Fix the name of the geometric shapes.

What other geometric shapes do you know? (rhombus, trapezoid).

Task 5:

Now we will solve problems. Listen carefully.

1) “The seven tiny kittens that are given to them all eat, but one asks for sour cream. How many kittens?” (eight).

How did you get the number 8? (adding one to seven equals eight). (1 child works at the board - writes solutions to problems).

2) “Four sheep were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, tell me quickly:

How many sheep are there now? (two).

(four minus two equals two).

3) “Place the right sign” >; <; = (work at the board).

3 5; 6 4; 7 7.

Physical exercise.(2 times, music by E. Zhelezneva).

Small house on the Christmas tree

A house for bees, where are the bees?

You need to knock on the house 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

I'm knocking, knocking on the Christmas tree

Where, where are these bees?

Suddenly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 began to fly out.

Task 6:

Sing "The Bee's Song" again. 3-3-3-3…

Game "Say the word."

What sound does the bee's song start with?

Now name the words that begin with the sound 3 .

(hall, sunset, hare, west, dawn, fence, smell, fun, riddle, gold, splinter, law, umbrella, tooth, factory, tan, castle, grain...)

Task 7:

Game "Riddles - guesses."

1) “In the summer he wanders without a path between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.”


2) “Gray, toothy, prowls the lands. He’s looking for someone to eat.”

3) “Not a lamb or a cat, he wears a fur coat all year round.

A gray fur coat is for summer, a different color for winter.”

4) “The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

He lives in the forest and steals chickens in the village.”

(When they guess the riddle, put up the corresponding picture).

How can you call all these animals in one word?

(wild animals).

Task 8:

Game "From what fairy tale".

Now let’s remember in which fairy tales these characters are found: bear, wolf, hare, fox.

(children call fairy tales).

Task 9:

Game "Name the Cubs".

Bear - (bear cub, cubs).

Wolf - (wolf cub, wolf cubs).

Hare - (little hare, little hares).

Fox - (little fox, fox cubs).

Well done! You completed the tasks. It’s just not clear where the surprise is. I have one last task left, listen carefully.

Task 10:

You have a hint drawn on a piece of paper, listen to the riddle:

“Oh, you sweet treats, why are you hiding in pieces of paper? If it doesn't work, they'll find it! They give you away” (sweets).

What do you think this could be? What is drawn on the piece of paper, what does it look like?

Let's finish drawing the candy.

Now you know what surprise awaits you.

To find a surprise, you must take 2 steps forward, 3 steps to the right, etc. ...

(children find a surprise).

Did you enjoy looking for surprises and completing tasks? Which tasks did you like best? (children's answers).

And I liked that you tried and were very active.

This concludes the lesson.