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Interesting games and competitions in nature for adults. Scenario for a birthday party in nature Happy birthday in nature

Contestants stand in a circle with their feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The leader stands in the center and tries to knock the ball out of the circle. Contestants can hold it with their hands, squatting, but in no case moving their legs from the original position. The one who moved his feet moves to the center of the circle, the circle narrows and the game continues.

Rewind and unwind

Participants are divided into pairs. Each one of them gets a roll toilet paper. At the presenter’s signal “Unwind”, one of the players runs forward, unwinding the roll. The presenter counts to 10 and gives the command “Rewind.” Another player begins to wind the roll. The pair whose members are closest to each other wins.

Water pipes

Participants in the competition are divided into teams, and each of them is lined up in a chain so that the players can reach each other. At the start, place a bucket of water and put several plastic bags of the same size, and at the finish place an empty bucket. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to pass bags filled with water to each other. The team that fills their bucket the most wins.


A circle (nest) with a diameter of about 1 meter is outlined or otherwise designated on the ground. The contestant (chick) stands in a circle, is blindfolded, turned several times around its axis and taken away from the circle several steps. At the leader's signal, the chick must return to the nest. The most accurate one wins.

The fastest fire

It would seem a simple task to light a fire faster than others. But it is not so easy to do this quickly, efficiently, and even under the influence of external factors such as wind, cold, humidity or other factors. The participant who completes the task deserves a prize.

Pedometer or something else

Each of the participants must come up with their own measure of length, following the example of the cartoon “38 Parrots” and measure a certain distance in it, for example, from one tree to another. This could be a finger measurement - a fingerometer, or a credit card, or other items that come to mind for the guests. The most inventive and interesting will receive a prize.

The pyramid is alive

Guests are divided into 2 teams with an equal number of participants. The task of each team is to build the strongest, most durable and beautiful pyramid, which will ultimately receive a prize.


Each participant in the competition receives a card with the name of the country and a photo of some landmark written on it. For example, France - the Eiffel Tower, England - Big Ben, etc. The participant’s task is from what is at hand natural material(branches, leaves, stones) build a small copy of the landmark. The one who can do it more accurately wins.

Sharks and swimmers

Players are divided into teams. Participants from the shark team are located along one line on the lawn and have no right to leave it, but can only move along it. Members of the swim team try to cross this line, getting to the other side without being caught by sharks. The shark that has caught the swimmer moves away with him, and the rest of the participants continue the game until one swimmer remains, who will become the winner.

Birthday is important, if not the most main holiday in everyone's life. There are many ways to celebrate it, but those born on the blooming spring, wild summer or quiet early autumn.

Because this is a unique holiday even in the most banal scenario. Except in cases where merging with nature means devouring barbecue with an abundance of alcohol and then “spreading” home.

So, the decision was made to walk in the open air. Previously you need to consider the following:

- location: a clearing in a park, near a river or lake, a nearby forest or a tourist camp.

– menu: ready-made snacks, grilled or campfire dishes.

– serving and equipment depend on the previous two points.

– entertainment program– without them, a birthday will not be different from an ordinary picnic.

The holiday scenario requires preparation. Therefore, as soon as the location of the birthday party has been chosen by the birthday boy, and the number of guests has been specified, you need to start organizing leisure activities. This can be implemented in various ways.

Method one. Holiday without worries

If there is no desire and time for “amateur activities” and there is a certain amount of free finance, you can entrust the organization and further holding of a birthday party in nature to the shoulders of specialists. Several options are also possible here - organizing a turnkey holiday (when the selected agency handles the feast, entertainment, and transportation of guests) or “part-time employment of specialists” (this is either a program with animators, or an off-site “restaurant”).

Method two. Holiday from scratch

The organization of leisure activities is carried out by the hero of the occasion or his assistants-friends.

Guests can be entertained with active games, sports relay races, table quizzes, music competitions and dances, fireworks and fireworks. When choosing entertainment, you should definitely take into account the age of the guests, the degree of familiarity with each other, and the games should be clear, simple and not require special equipment.

Active games for a birthday party in nature

The variety of active games is great, both between teams and several participants. Some of them:

"Gift from the Forest"
- guests disperse around the area and bring the birthday boy a souvenir, having come up with a name and story for it: for example, a staff - helping to confidently walk through life, or a bouquet of forest herbs - a symbol of health and longevity. The winner is determined by the hero of the occasion.

"Treasure"– two teams receive a pre-drawn map and look for treasure on the ground. The treasure can be a useful item for recreation, an inflatable circle or ball, a bottle of water or champagne.

"Balloon Fight"– under the menacing name lies a fun romp with a balloon tied to the leg of each participant. Moving across a limited playing field, you need to burst more of your opponent's balls by stepping on them, while keeping your own intact.

"Tourist"- each player must put on different things and collect equipment scattered across the clearing - they play against the clock. The tourists look very funny.

Sports games and relay races for outdoor celebrations

After a meal, you can warm up by playing mini-football, volleyball, or “knocked out” - these games are universal, they are played both on land and in water. Relay races will not only invigorate, but also amuse the guests:

"Three Legs"– the guests are divided into pairs, the players’ two legs are tied: the left leg of one and the right leg of the other. And so, on “three legs,” they run to the flag and return to the team.

"Forest Run"– guests are given the roles of “hares”, “boars”, “bears” and so on. On command, they start in pairs and must pretend to be animals until the finish line. Those who were both faster and more convincing win.

"Nimble Dragon"– teams depict dragons, lining up like a snake. The first player is the head, the last is the tail, and in the middle there are several “parts” of the body. During the game, all the “dragon parts” hold each other by the waist with their hands; you cannot break the chain. The task of the “head” of one dragon is to catch the “tail” of another.

Entertainment "at the table"

Verbal competitions and quizzes with questions are usually held at the table. They can be a great help when guests they need to be introduced or united, or they are tired of active games.

"Acquaintance"– the paper towel is torn into many small pieces and each of the guests takes a few pieces for themselves. After that, each guest tells as many facts about himself from his biography as there are pieces of paper he took.

Quiz: “Who knows the birthday boy better”– among the questions are facts from the life of the hero of the occasion, including those where guests are mentioned. The quiz will bring the company together, and the prize will go to the one who answers the most questions correctly.

"Telegram for the birthday boy"– guests name adjectives that fit into a pre-prepared text and are read out by the host of the competition. It is interesting when all the guests are mentioned in the telegram - each of them sometimes receives an unexpected characteristic.

Fun quizzes with questions:

"Question answer". Questions about the birthday boy and funny answers are prepared in advance - guests take turns pulling out first a trick question, and then a piece of paper with an answer - such “coincidences” are always very funny.

"Riddle Questions" with a catch, for example: How do day and night end? (Soft sign).

Song competitions and dances

A dance program is always appropriate - what would a birthday be without a disco? Endurance dance competitions and round dances can be part of the disco.

Song competitions can be held at a table or around a fire, and if there is a guitarist or accordion player in the company, such competitions will turn out to be much more interesting and brighter. And if there is no accompanist, then anyone can become one, having received as a musical instrument any item - plastic plate, foil, grill grate, glass, etc.

"Song Connoisseurs"– the theme of the competition can be songs about summer, spring or autumn, or birthdays. Whichever team sings the most songs (verses) dedicated to the chosen topic wins.

"Day Night"– the competition consists of teams performing couplets on opposing topics. For example, one part of the guests sings a verse from a song about love, another about parting, and so on. The team that gives up first loses.

Fireworks, fireworks, launching sky lanterns or balloons

It's always an amazing sight and positive emotions. Such entertainment for the birthday boy is often a pleasant surprise at the end of the holiday. But you should remember the safety rules, especially if the birthday party is held in the forest, where “fiery spectacles” may not always end positively.

In any case, a birthday spent under the clear sky in a friendly company, with competitions and games, relay races and quizzes, will give everyone a lot of joy, laughter, fun, and with such a positive charge New Year in the life of the birthday boy will definitely be successful.

For those born in the warmer months of the year, the problem of choosing a place to celebrate does not exist. Birthday in nature is perfect option have a fun holiday. However, not everyone has a developed imagination, and therefore the celebration turns into an ordinary picnic. And today we will talk about outdoors, so that it will be remembered for a long time, both by those invited and by the birthday boy himself.

At the very beginning of all preparations, take care of your forest equipment. Take with you several blankets and a small tablecloth, which will be your improvised place. Purchase disposable tableware in advance. It would be nice to get a travel kit that includes everything you need, that is, a small hatchet, a collapsible shovel, and so on. Of course, you will need a barbecue, skewers or But, we are already accustomed to taking all this with us when going on vacation outside the city.

An outdoor birthday requires additional preparation, namely, you will need prizes and props for competitions, festive decorations like balloons that can be hung around the chosen place on the trees. You can't do without musical accompaniment. And, of course, don’t forget about gifts for the hero of the occasion.

Separately, it is worth saying a few words about kebabs - this is an integral part of any outdoor recreation. But, on your birthday, it is advisable to diversify the table a little. You can add a couple more hot dishes, for example, fry lula kebab on the grill, as well as fish, which will be no less tasty. Vegetables fried on skewers can be a side dish. You can't do without cold appetizers. In this case, rely on your imagination and food preferences. Don't forget about sweets. Well, what birthday would be complete without a delicious pie or cake? And, of course, drinks that should be present in a large assortment: mineral water, juices, wine, and champagne. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol. Otherwise, a birthday party in nature will turn into an ordinary drinking party.

This is all about preparing for the holiday. Now directly about the scenario of its implementation. As soon as you find a suitable place and settle down on it, send the hero of the occasion for a walk in the forest, give him some task to distract him for a while.

While the birthday boy is away, decorate the clearing and hide his gift in the hiding place you have chosen. After this, draw a map indicating the location, and one so that the treasure will not be found immediately. To make it more complex, the map can be cut into several fragments, which are then hung on trees. Give one of them to the birthday boy, and he must collect and connect the rest himself.

Once everyone has gathered around the impromptu festive table, the celebration can begin. Any birthday begins with congratulations and presentation of gifts. Congratulate the hero of the occasion, hand him postcards and give him that very fragment of the map with the “treasure”. This will be the first competition that will make the birthday boy sweat and amuse the guests. A gift obtained with such hard work will be remembered forever.

However, it doesn’t end with nature, because it is very important to involve all those invited to participate. Now let the birthday boy watch how the guests look for gifts for him in the forest. It can be anything: a stick with a fork at the end, a bouquet of flowers, a leaf of wood with a congratulatory inscription, and so on. It is desirable that each participant be able to justify their forest gift. It will be much more fun this way. The birthday boy himself will determine the winner, choosing what he likes the most. And this is where the prizes taken in advance will be needed.

Also, at the beginning of the holiday, you can announce a competition for the title best guest, which will be chosen at the end of the celebration.

To avoid sitting still, have a balloon battle. Tie a ball to the ankle of the player’s right leg (the thread should be approximately thirty centimeters long). The goal of the game is to pierce your opponent's ball with your heel, while protecting your own from defeat. The one who lasts the longest will win.

As you can see, an outdoor birthday can be a lot of fun and memorable. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

Players are divided into teams, each of them inflates Balloons. Then the team lines up in a chain, pinching the balls between the back of the person in front and the chest of the person behind. Without touching with hands, but only in this position, the caterpillar team must carry the balls to the finish line. If the ball falls out, you are allowed to pick it up and continue on its way. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Primitive society

Nature is full of materials and objects from which you can make a tool. So, the company is transferred to a primitive society and each of the participants must come up with their own new, unique, universal weapon for hunting and self-defense. To help, stones, sticks, leaves and everything else that only the children can find in nature. Whoever gets the best and most powerful weapon will win.

Follow the map

The presenter draws up a certain number of cards in advance for each of the participants, depending on the area where the holiday will take place, marking the elements of the treasure with a cross and pictures - identification marks, such as wood, stone, and so on. Each participant must have the same distance and map difficulty. Along the way, guests collect skewer, firewood, matches, tomatoes, pieces of meat in a bag. As a result, the treasures of all participants are collected together, and all the guests grill kebabs together, and the fastest searcher is awarded a prize.

Whose tracks are these meandering?

In advance, using the Internet and a printer, you need to find pictures of animal tracks and print them. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams and in front of each team a chain of tracks (wolf, hare, fox, crow, etc.) is laid out. The team that says “stop” the fastest and can name the correct sequence of tracks is the winner.

Accurate slingshot

At a certain distance, about 5 tin cans are placed on a perch or tree branch. The cans are placed anew for each participant. Everyone takes turns shooting from a slingshot, making 5 shots. Whoever manages to knock down all the banks wins a prize.

Carpet plane

Participants are divided into two teams of equal numbers of people. Each team is given a strong and durable bedding. The male sex takes the litter and takes turns carrying one of the girls and women to a certain place, for example, to a stone or a specific tree. The team that transports one girl at a time to its destination the fastest wins.

Skis help out in winter and summer

Participants are divided into several teams. The first participants, at the command “start,” put on their skis and walk the distance on them to a set goal, for example, a tree, take off their skis and run back, pass the skis to the second participants, who put on their skis and repeat the same thing as the first participants. The team that finishes the fun ski run the fastest wins.


Participants are divided into several teams and given a task: to collect food supplies in their basket. Whoever fills their cart faster than others wins. You can pick berries, mushrooms, and fruits. If you have absolutely no luck in your search, you can get out of it with the help of your imagination, for example, picking chestnuts and saying that roasted chestnuts are very tasty, or picking a field bouquet and saying that flower nectar fills you with strength.

Stone Mountain

Participants are divided into pairs, preferably w. +m. And at the command “begin” the couples begin to collect stones and build their mountain. A certain time is given for everything, for example, 5 or 10 minutes. Whoever gets the biggest and highest mountain during this time wins. And the winning couple gets a prize.

Living ikebana

Each of the participants collects a bouquet or makes ikebana in accordance with the time of year. Whoever comes up with the most beautiful and interesting composition wins. The winner can be determined by the applause of the other guests.

You have decided to celebrate your birthday or the name day of someone close or dear in nature. Fresh air, new experiences are all wonderful, but you still need to think through a lot of little things to make your holiday a success.

How to celebrate a birthday in nature?

First, it is necessary to provide everyone with chairs, even improvised ones, for example, in the form of logs or stumps, which is not so easy.

What you need to stock up on:

In the forest or on the beach, you always need napkins and garbage bags. Stock up on them so you don't have to save money. You need to take simple clean water, five liters. It will be useful for washing your hands. Take a tray so as not to place skewers with kebabs on the ground. And of course matches, a knife and coals.

How to entertain guests:

On any occasion, it is very important to prevent guests from overeating. This will lead to fatigue and sleepy mood.

There may also be problems with starting a fire. After all, what would a holiday in nature be without a barbecue or at least sausages strung on sticks and smoked over the fire? Often it is simply prohibited to have fires in parks and forests. This is understandable. Fires in our forests happen almost every year.

If you decide to celebrate your birthday this way, don’t forget to remove all the trash after you. Especially one that cannot be processed naturally. The sight of a forest clearing dotted with plastic bottles And plastic bags. Remember - “Take care of mother nature!”? This slogan has not been canceled!

The best option for going out into nature to celebrate a birthday is going to a dacha or country house. There are also conveniences at your fingertips. After all, even the simplest dacha already has water, some furniture, and electricity. There will be no problems choosing a place for the fire. If you don’t have your own dacha yet, you can rent a house.

For those who don’t like to just eat, drink and celebrate something, I offer the following birthday party ideas in nature.

  • play paintball (airsoft or any other type of “war”). A well-organized game will make you run around and think about how to defeat your opponent.
  • visit the Norwegian rope park. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed for guests!
  • You can get a lot of impressions from participating in an original photo shoot, for example, dressing up as cowboys, Indians and other mummers
  • good entertainment is a trip to some animals, for example, to an ostrich farm.

For those who are strapped for cash and are not willing to pay for entertainment, we can recall the old good games for a birthday in nature:

  • bouncers,
  • volleyball,
  • various team competitions such as running in bags and jumping on one leg.

Celebrate your birthday outdoors in a fun and active way, and then this day will become an unforgettable holiday!

Outdoor birthday scenario

If you decide to spend your birthday outdoors, or any other holiday, a couple of tips will come in handy.

Let's start with congratulations. A gift can be given in an original way. (article on the topic -) It is necessary to wrap all the goods in a bag or paper and put them in the sand under some kind of umbrella or bench, you can hang them on the Christmas tree. In general, it would be difficult to find. After this, you need to make a cardboard map of the treasure and cut it into pieces and place it in the place of celebration. The task of the birthday boy and his guests is to make a map and use it to find gifts. A fun start like this will help lift your spirits.

Once the gifts have been presented, you can begin preparing barbecue and feasting . Get the water and tray out in advance so you don’t have to climb through the bags with dirty hands later. Identify the trash can and start relaxing yourself.

When you see that everyone has eaten, get your guests off their feet and make them do something.

For example, you can play the funniest and most active guest: Invite him to play the game “sand mountains”. Tell him that he must lie on his stomach and remember how many sandbags you put on his back. Constantly say different numbers to bring him down. When the mountain reaches an impressive size, pull off his trunks and move a pile of sand there. Usually after this he will, screaming and swimming trunks full of sand, chase after the friend who pranked him. In most cases, this greatly amuses all the guests, including the one being played.

You can sit down at the table again. Come up with some more entertainment and competitions and, when possible, give people the opportunity to move.

We wish you happy Holidays. We hope this script helps you have a fun birthday.

How not to get bored at a birthday party in nature? Ideas, competitions

If you decide to celebrate your birthday outdoors, be sure to think in advance not only about the holiday menu, but also how to diversify such an event so that it does not turn into banal gatherings. Outdoor birthday contests will help you with this.

In our opinion, priority should be given outdoor competitions . Still, the more actively a person moves while in the fresh air, the better he feels. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Especially for those who spend most of their lives sitting in an office. Give your muscles a load - the next day you will have difficulty moving. This accumulated lactic acid in the body will remind you of itself.

So, let's imagine that it's summer outside. There is no sweltering heat yet, and the air is clean, transparent and filled with the aromas of lilac. To arrange competitions in nature , you should prepare for them in advance. After all, to carry them out successfully, you may need props!

The first version of the competition is different kinds racing . To do this, you need to split into two teams and choose a leader. The latter's task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

What the presenter does:

  • He gives the command “Start!” and monitors its implementation.
  • Monitors compliance with the rules during the competition.
  • And, of course, it records the moment the participants crossed the finish line.

What outdoor birthday competitions can be held?

Organize the usual sack run . True, for such running it is worth finding bulky canvas bags, which is not very easy at the moment. Perhaps only children will be able to compete in the synthetic bags that are familiar to modern times.

Don't want to look for bags - buy balloons .

  • Participants hold the ball between their legs.
  • The goal is to jump over the intended route without releasing the ball.

For those who consider such a task simple, you can allow a collision of opponents on the way back. The likelihood of maintaining balance in this case is reduced. It is important that the participants have approximately the same weight categories.

Found a couple of jump ropes in the house? We jump the planned route via a skipping rope. Here you can come up with many options for jumping - on the right leg, on the left leg, on two legs (like a bunny), back to front.

You don’t feel like preparing for competitions at all, but you really want to take part in them? Use available materials. For example, You can hold sticks found in the nearby forest between your legs. . The task is the same as in previous competitions - to complete the planned route without dropping the stick. If you add to this fun a rule that allows you to pass the wand to another participant without using your hands, then a fountain of fun is guaranteed!

The next version of mobile competitions is throwers.

  • Well suited for gatherings in the forest, where there are a lot of cones.
  • You can split into two teams, or you can arrange individual “shooting” of cones into a tree.
  • For example, everyone gets 10 cones.
  • Whoever manages to accurately hit the target the most times is declared the winner.
  • If there are several winners, then you can continue the competition between them.

It was accidentally taken from someone on nature soccer ball? A wonderful reason to have a funny football game.

  • Participants are divided into two teams.
  • Each team forms pairs that stand sideways to each other, and then tie together so that the right leg of one is pressed against the left leg of the other.
  • Now you need to score the ball into the opponents' goal!

It's just a small part of outdoor birthday contests . They are not that difficult to organize. The main thing is that the company is fun!

Menu for a birthday in nature

After a barbecue in nature, you no longer want anything and it rarely comes to desserts. Although, if children go out into nature, it is unlikely that they will be able to save on sweets.

Drinks suitable for nature

The choice of drinks is determined depending on the time of year and the composition of the guests.

During the cold season, you want to warm up. Therefore, the degree of alcohol must be sufficient to compensate for the air temperature. And for a non-alcoholic holiday, it’s worth planning hot tea.

Naturally, in the heat there are completely different priorities. The demand for cold beer and dry wines is increasing. Chilled juices and lemonades are selling with a bang.

For children, the amount of sweet soft drinks should be twice as much as for a group of adults of the same size.


You can do without salads in nature. But there is a danger that guests will go hungry while waiting for the kebab to cook. Therefore, it’s still worth taking a couple of light salads with you.

Fresh vegetables

Nowadays fresh cucumbers and tomatoes can be found at almost any time of the year. Yes, these products taste better when they are in season. In my opinion, cucumbers even in winter period quite edible. Therefore, they should be present on the menu for an outdoor birthday, whenever it takes place.

But sometimes it’s wiser to give up tomatoes. Often, in early spring, they have no taste or aroma at all. Replace them with radishes, you won’t regret it!

And don't forget the greens! Especially about green onions. It goes very well with barbecue, and just as a snack in nature it has a special appeal.


Now many people limit themselves to eating bread. But in the fresh air, appetite increases even among those who eat very little in normal life. And if you offer your guests fresh pita bread instead of bread, they will probably not resist your offer.

Lavash happens different types. Lavash flatbread goes perfectly with shish kebab. I don't know what it's called correctly. But I think you can guess what we're talking about. The main thing is that these flatbreads are fresh. Then they have a unique aroma. And how wonderful it is to crunch the fried crust of lavash!


When planning a menu for an outdoor birthday, don’t forget to bring sauces with you. These can be various ketchups and adjikas, like homemade, and store-bought ones. Here it is important to choose something that is not too spicy, because not everyone is a fan of strong tastes.

There are those who prefer to eat kebab with mayonnaise. So, take this product with you to nature.