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Interesting snowflakes to print. Classic paper snowflakes

Features of cutting snowflakes from paper.

Perhaps every adult has cut out paper snowflakes at least once in their life and shared their skills with children.

In this article, let's look at the nuances of creating paper snowflakes and add new patterns and templates to your collection.

How to cut snowflakes from paper with your own hands step by step?

Paper snowflakes come not only with different designs, but also with different numbers of sides, for example:

  • five-
  • six-
  • eight-pointed

Wrapping steps paper sheet a little different for them. We will look at one option - creating a snowflake with six sides.

To do this, prepare:

  • sheet of regular weight paper
  • stationery and manicure scissors
  • pencil or pen
  • workplace at a table not covered with a soft tablecloth
  • Fold the sheet into a triangle, connecting the opposite ends. This will create an extra strip, which you can cut off with scissors.
  • roll the workpiece into a triangle again, fixing the opposite corners together
  • and for the third time bend the triangle according to the method described above
  • Place the top corner of the triangle on its longest side and fold the workpiece over. Cut off the excess strip with scissors
  • draw a drawing with a pencil/pen on one side of the folded sheet
  • cut it carefully with scissors
  • unfold the snowflake and decorate your room/window/Christmas tree with it

If you are comfortable perceiving information visually, below is for you step-by-step scheme wrapping a sheet for a snowflake.

paper folding diagram before cutting out a snowflake

Beautiful snowflakes: patterns and templates for cutting

template for cutting snowflakes from paper

Activate your imagination by browsing through various patterns and templates for cutting out paper snowflakes.

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 9

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 8

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 7

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 6

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 5

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 4

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 3

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 2

finished snowflake and pattern diagram for cutting it out, option 1

How to translate a pattern for cutting snowflakes?

There are as many patterns for paper snowflakes as human imagination allows.

If you like a specific drawing and you want to copy it, then either:

  • draw a pattern on the workpiece by eye, approximately
  • print it out and draw it using carbon paper
  • print, cut out, attach to the workpiece and trace

How to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper?

multi-colored volumetric paper snowflake

Volumetric paper snowflakes themselves are a cute decoration that can be hung on a thread from the ceiling or on a Christmas tree.

To make them, take:

  • paper
  • pencil/pen
  • ruler
  • stationery scissors
  • stapler

Manufacturing process:

  • make a triangle out of a piece of paper
  • cut off the excess strip
  • using a ruler and pencil, draw a line from the top of the triangle to its base
  • To the right and left of this line, step back 3-5 mm and draw lines parallel to the sides of the triangle so that you get a herringbone
  • place the lines at a distance of 5 mm. The wider the stripes, the less delicate the snowflake will be.
  • use scissors to cut through each line
  • turn the triangle into a square
  • roll the center of the sheet into a tube and glue it together
  • turn the future snowflake over and glue the next strip into a tube
  • turn the sheet again and perform the same steps
  • repeat the work until the end of the strips

You have made one element of the future volumetric snowflake. Repeat the pattern 5 more times.

The final stage is connecting the fragments together. Carefully fix the strips of each element with a stapler so that their fluffiest sides are located in the same plane.

step by step instructions cutting out 3D snowflakes

Volumetric paper snowflakes: diagrams and instructions

beautiful volumetric snowflakes made of white paper

Volumetric paper snowflakes are made using different techniques:

  • origami
  • quilling
  • from stripes
  • with the addition of ribbons, buttons and any other creative materials

Each snowflake has a repeating fragment. This feature is used by beginners and professionals.

Instructions for creating snowflakes from paper using the origami technique are inserted in the form of a picture below.

Scheme for creating a snowflake using the origami technique

Make a voluminous snowflake from strips according to the instructions. Take:

  • 6 strips of paper of the same width, 30 cm long
  • stapler or glue
  • paper clips

Your actions:

  • fold the strips crosswise in threes and intertwine them together to form a square in the center
  • fasten the place of weaving with paper clips or a stapler
  • Connect the extreme ends of the strips together to form petals. You will get 4 petals and stripes
  • follow similar steps with the other six strips
  • place one blank on top of the other at an angle of 45° and connect the free edges of the strips so that the snowflake looks like a three-dimensional flower

Photo instructions are attached below.

instructions for creating a three-dimensional snowflake from strips of paper

If you decide to diversify the paper snowflakes you use to decorate your home or office, pay attention to the fan technique. It is easy to implement and looks interesting when finished.


  • 3 sheets of paper
  • scissors
  • stapler or glue


  • Roll a sheet of paper like an accordion and fold it in half
  • repeat these steps twice more
  • cut out designs at the ends and in the middle of the blanks
  • fasten the accordions by the outer parts with a stapler or glue
  • decorate the center of the fastening, for example, paper snowflake small size or a bow made from a wide ribbon
  • attach a thread and hang it where you planned

Briefly, the scheme for creating a snowflake from paper using the fan technique looks like this:

Scheme for creating a paper snowflake in the form of a fan

Origami snowflakes: photo

snowflake made using origami technique

To awaken your imagination, here are a few photos of finished paper snowflakes made using the origami technique.

origami snowflake, photo 1

origami snowflake, photo2

origami snowflake, photo 3

origami snowflake, photo 4

origami snowflake, photo5

origami snowflake, photo 6

So we've looked at different techniques cutting out snowflakes from paper, as well as diagrams and photos finished products for inspiration. Save the ones you like for exciting activities with children on cold winter evenings before the New Year.

Beautiful DIY paper snowflakes: ideas, photos

Paper snowflakes look interesting and beautiful if you take not just a white sheet of paper, but a colored one. Then a specific pattern plays with new facets and harmoniously combines with the interior or a child’s drawing.

samples of beautiful hand-made paper snowflakes: photo 1

beautiful snowflakes made of paper, photo 2 beautiful snowflakes made of paper, photo 6 beautiful snowflakes made of paper, photo 10

Video: how to make beautiful paper snowflakes with your own hands?

Everyone is happy for the new year, especially children. New Year holidays they wait impatiently, and you can brighten up the wait by keeping your hands busy with something interesting and useful, for example, making decorations for windows or curtains in the form of beautiful snowflakes. But children’s little hands are not always able to cope with the intricate patterns on snowflake templates; such fingers need something simpler, and we have that something. These are diagrams of simple snowflakes, suitable for preschoolers, or first-graders. The most important thing is to intelligently bend the workpiece, understanding where the middle of the snowflake will be, and then all that remains is to trim the edge as necessary.

To begin with, it is better for the child to practice plain paper, it is more pliable. And when you learn how, you can start making light and translucent snowflakes from paper napkins. It’s not worth practicing on napkins, it’s more difficult to bend the workpiece evenly, the edges move relative to each other and the child will not be satisfied with the craft, practice is important here.

Classic snowflake:

If you also cut off the sharp corner, you will get a hole in the center of the snowflake.

Ice snowflake:

It also looks like it’s made from ice crystals, but with a hole in the center:

These are such simple and easy to make snowflakes. If it doesn't work, try again, and you will definitely succeed :)

Decorating a Christmas tree is a favorite pastime for all family members. But it’s too early to decorate the Christmas tree. At the same time, you can already start preparing New Year’s snowflakes and decorations with your children with your own hands.

So, the topic of today’s post is a creative task that causes great joy in children - how to make New Year's snowflakes– DIY window decorations. We implement ideas for a home in style New Year's decoration. Decorate the walls and windows with snowflakes. There must be several in the house New Year's toys made by the hands of a child. New Year's snowflakes made by parents together with their child will allow you to find common points of mutual understanding, and will simply bring real pleasure to both you and your child!

At the same time, children will never forget snowflakes made with their own hands. The child will carry this joint creative process with him throughout his life!

A creative look at new Year decoration will plant seeds in the child's soul creative approach, ability to think outside the box, ability to find original solutions, which over time will grow in him in the form of the distinctive qualities of a comprehensively developed and creative personality!

Fig 1.a. DIY snowflake. Snowflake for the New Year's carnival. Paper snowflake template. Design template for printing in Word

To make snowflakes you need to choose one of the pictures below. The selected image must be saved to your computer.

Fig 1.b. DIY snowflakes.-Snowflake-for-the-New Year.-Paper snowflake template. Decorate windows with snowflakes, printable template for A4 printer

Fig.2. DIY snowflake. Snowflake to New Year's ball. Paper snowflake template. A4 sheet fold template

All the necessary pictures for making New Year's snowflakes are given below.

Together with your child, you need to cut out and straighten the snowflake. Snowflakes can be given a special shine by decorating them with glitter varnish.

Snowflakes are glued onto glass using paper tape or soap.

Everything you need for creativity is in your hands - just grab a pair of scissors and do it with your child!

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, A4 template black DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, white A4 template DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -10

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -9 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -8 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -7

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -6 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -5 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -4

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -3 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -2 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -1

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -25 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -24 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -23

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -22 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -21 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -20

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -19 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -18 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -17

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -16 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -15

Paper snowflakes are the easiest and most fun way to make Christmas decorations for your home, office or store. As children we just folded white paper for a snowflake, four or eight times, and then cut out the rays of the snowflake in the way you imagine. It was always interesting when you unrolled the paper - what snowflakes would you make from paper with your own hands? They were always different. Today website wants to offer beautiful ideas how to make a paper snowflake and new printable paper snowflake templates.

How to fold paper for a snowflake

  • The easiest way to fold paper is to take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half 4 times. Then, holding the corner - the center of the fold - in your hands, cut out triangles along the diagonal sides. You can also decorate the edges - cut with curly scissors. Expand and get openwork snowflake rectangular shape.
  • To cut snowflakes from paper in the shape of a star, you first need to take paper round shape and fold it in half. Divide the semi-arc into 3 equal parts and bend each edge towards the center. Draw any of the proposed patterns on the resulting blank, cut it out and unfold it.
  • Another option is how to make a paper snowflake with your own hands using a different folding pattern. To do this, fold a square sheet of paper diagonally, mark the middle, folding the sheet. From the middle, divide the entire workpiece into approximately equal parts and make folds in this place. It turns out to be folded paper with two tails from which you can make a lot of interesting things.

Beautiful paper snowflakes - original cutting patterns

On the resulting blank using the method described above, we draw any pattern, you can even draw a snowman and cut it out, you get snowflakes with snowmen. We suggest you make more delicate New Year's crafts from paper. To do this, you need to strive to draw a very detailed pattern consisting of thin lines. For example, you can take one of the proposed cutting templates. Snowflake templates can be used not only for white, but also for colored paper to create multi-colored snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes cutting templates

The most beautiful and original snowflakes are made if you print a template or stencil and then cut it out.

We suggest you use ready-made ideas and print out templates for cutting out snowflakes from paper. Here is a paper snowflake design to print and cut out.

Such ballerina snowflakes will dance beautifully if they are hung by thin threads.

  • You can use office paper for cutting out snowflakes, colored paper for children's creativity, paper for origami.
  • It is convenient to use ordinary stationery scissors to cut out relatively large sections of the pattern, for example along the edge of a snowflake.
  • To cut out small details and complex patterns, it is better to use hairdressing or manicure scissors.


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The days of children cutting out jagged snowflakes from their notebooks to decorate their classroom windows are slowly becoming a thing of the past. And, if before the kids were proud original works and could say to each other: “This is my snowflake on the window,” then today this role is played by ready-made stencils for snowflakes.

Read also:

On the one hand, they limit children's imagination, preventing the manifestation of individuality and creativity. There was a time when the windows of every school were hung with thousands of uneven snowflakes, made by timid children's hands, but with soul and imagination.

But today, cutting out snowflakes from paper with special designs allows you to create amazing works. And, when cutting stencils become commonplace in a craft lesson, children, creating their own snowflakes on your windows, create their little “works of art” much more neatly and beautifully than those who did not study.

To begin with, to make beautiful snowflakes on New Year you will need:

- blank sheets of A4 paper;

- diagrams of snowflakes that can be downloaded on the Internet or simply bought at a craft supply store.

Here's where to start cutting beautiful jewelry for the window, reminiscent of lace and real small works of art.

What is better to choose for of different ages children

Snowflake templates for cutting out of paper can be simple or complex. The first ones are usually designed for children in grade 1 or preschool group. Such window decorations are very simple and do not have too much complex pattern and labor teachers advise reading from them. Stencils of beautiful paper snowflakes can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer. As a rule, they have a special mark “for beginners” or the age of the child is indicated. For the first time, we cut them out of thick paper together with the child. Of course, the first time it may not work out at all. Therefore, you need to download several copies to make a beautiful snowflake with your own hands again. For the first time, it is better to choose large decorations for the window by looking at the templates for cutting out snowflakes from paper. As a rule, they are simpler and less delicate than others. Well, when you get them, you can choose much more complex paper snowflake stencils. Usually they are very complex, have complex patterns and then resemble beautiful lace.

So, for a preschool group or first grade, it is better to choose snowflake patterns with a large and simple design, since hand coordination is not yet sufficiently developed in children of this age. If the baby does something very difficult, he may not only not enjoy the result, but also cut himself. Therefore you need to start with simple templates, which you can download on the Internet. You can watch on request for a certain age (for example, up to 5 years), so that the process of cutting out snowflakes will bring pleasure to the child and will not lead to disappointment.

As soon as he learns how to make beautifully ordinary New Year's snowflakes, he can begin a more complex stage, for example, cutting out piercings. Already in the second and third grades, a child’s hand motor skills become more accurate, thanks to learning to write. And, although in the first grade many children can easily cope with templates for cutting out decorations from windows, for older age group, most have difficulty doing this. Therefore, it is necessary that the baby does not cut himself by observing the following rules:

- do not buy too thick paper to make paper snowflakes with your own hands, as it will be difficult for the baby to cut them out;

- do not bend it too many times when cutting, so that it is convenient to cut and use sharp scissors, since injuries most often occur when the paper for window stencils is poorly cut and the child makes a lot of effort.

So, when you have mastered simple New Year's snowflakes from napkins, as in the photo, you can make more complex ones. Many people use not only a ready-made paper set with detailed description or photos on the Internet, but also videos. The sample can be downloaded for free on the Internet and viewed with children. And you can also make your own, looking at the photo. New Year's gift class called Christmas tree made of snowflakes. It can become a decoration for every desk.

How to make a Christmas tree from snowflakes

To make it you will need:

- white foam;

— several sticks (preferably toothpicks);

- paper napkins, preferably thick ones.

First you need to print the template. It’s good if there are snowflakes on the tree (templates for cutting out of paper that we have) of the same shape, but different sizes. You can also buy them in a creativity kit. It is advisable to choose thick paper from which decorations will be easy to cut out.

Then, using the openwork template, cut out several crafts from paper. They may be slightly different from each other. And after that, you need to stick a toothpick into the middle of the round foam. Then cut out the clamps from the rolled paper and attach them with tape. Only in this sequence - first the fixative, then the snowflake, then repeating the sequence. The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated at your discretion. However, in order for the snowflakes to stick, it is not advisable to use napkins that are too soft. Then they will look beautiful, and children and even adults will like the tree.

For the New Year, you can create gifts with your own hands in a pleasant way and we suggest knitting a New Year tree, giving it to a friend or decorating a live tree.