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A story about a mother without an eye. A heartbreaking story about a mother with one eye

My mother only had one eye. I hated her. Because her condition made me feel ashamed.

In order to earn a piece of bread for the family, she worked as a cook at school.

One day when I was studying at primary school, my mother came to see me.
The floor disappeared from under my feet. How could she do this? I felt so ashamed...

I pretended that I didn't see her. I looked at her with hatred and ran away from there.
The next day, my friend, a classmate, told me: “Uh, your mother, it turns out, is one-eyed.”

I wanted to fall through the ground. I wanted my mother to disappear somewhere.
Therefore, on the day when I met her, I said to her: “Wouldn’t it be better for you to die so as not to put me in a funny position?”

Mother didn't answer me.

I didn't even think about what I was saying because I was so angry.
I didn't care about her feelings.
I didn't want her at home.
I worked very hard and went to Singapore to study.

Then I got married. I bought my own house. I had my own children and was happy with my life.
One day my mother came to see me. For so many years she did not see me and did not know her grandchildren.
When she came to the door, my children started laughing at her.
How could she come to my house and scare my children? I yelled at her “GET OUT OF HERE!”

To this my mother quietly replied: “Forgive me. It seems I came to the wrong address,” and after these words she disappeared from my sight.

One day I received a letter from school about a school alumni meeting.
I told my wife as an excuse that I was going on a business trip.
After the alumni meeting, I went to my old house just out of curiosity.

The neighbors said that my mother had died.
I wasn't sad at all.

I was given a letter that my mother left for me.
“My most beloved son, I always thought about you.
I'm really sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children.
I was very happy when I heard that you were coming to the alumni meeting.
But I didn't know if I could get out of bed to see you.
I am very sorry that you were constantly ashamed of me when you were growing up.
You know, my child, when you were little, you had an accident and you lost your eye.
I couldn't bear, like your mother, that you would grow up with one eye.
That's why I gave you my eye.
And now I am so proud of you, thinking that you see with this eye instead of me.
With all my love.
Your mother"

Lena's motto is “Life in spite of.” And it's hard to argue with that. After all, from the very beginning, doctors forbade the girl to become pregnant; they saw her eldest son Styopa without a brain, and suggested leaving her youngest son, Fedya, in the maternity hospital. Almost 3 years later we are visiting a happy family.

Lena is holding Fedya in her arms, Styopa is reading a book next to her.

Meet Styopa, and this is Fedya. Here are 2 people who, in principle, should not have existed. But here they are, and it's absolutely fantastic!

How can this be?

I have a disease that is very difficult to diagnose. But I am grateful to my fantastic doctor. Katya, hello! She found this disease in me, helped me bear children, and generally took over when everyone around me refused. She is our true angel-parent!

You intrigued me with your diagnosis...

The one in a million case is renin active hyperaldosteronism. This is when, under the influence of hormones, a large amount of adrenaline is suddenly released into the blood. Everything looks like an epileptic attack, only I am conscious, I can answer questions, but I can’t do anything with the muscles. During pregnancy, the disease worsens.

Therefore, not a single doctor hired me, neither in a paid clinic nor in a public one. They sent everyone for termination of pregnancy. I wrote receipts stating that I take full responsibility.

And when we had the first screening at 11 weeks, we were told that the child was developing without a brain, take a referral for an abortion. I waited 10 years for this child, how could I? We went to look for another doctor. And he told us that everything is fine, go home.

From that moment on, I believed so much, first in Styopka, and then in Fedya, that now, no matter what happens around me, I know for sure that we will endure everything. This is our happiness!

I know the pregnancy was very difficult.

For almost 3 months I didn’t get up at all. They poured some crazy amount of medicine into me, because with the older child, for example, contractions began already at 26 weeks, and with the youngest - at 24 weeks. Therefore, the older child knew how I needed to breathe during contractions. He stood in the sandbox, took my hands and breathed correctly. Moms on the street tried to call an ambulance for me every 2 days, because contractions were happening 2-3 times an hour. This was a constant occurrence! But I determined myself that I needed to last as long as possible.

Did you manage to make it to 34 weeks?

Yes, and he immediately went to intensive care. The forecasts were disappointing, there were few chances. But I resisted, after discharge I stuffed him into my sling and, on average, spent 6-8 hours with him in the park and for walks. Fortunately, it was spring and summer then. I needed to prolong this feeling that he was still in my tummy. I wanted to somehow “convey” him to due date. And let's just say, I succeeded. Now, at 2.9, Styopa is about 4 years advanced. And he even knows the answers to questions such as “Who has a longer trunk: a tapir or an elephant?”

And against the backdrop of all this, you decided on Fedya?

When Styopka was one year old, we found out that we were expecting a second child. We wanted the boys to have a little difference. That's how we did it. But Fedya spent even less time in the stomach and was born at 30 weeks. And a hard struggle began...

Have you been offered to give up your child in the maternity hospital?

Yes. Fedya was born 1 kg. Pack of juice. Burgundy color, tiny arms and legs. They told me: “He has a cerebral hemorrhage. There’s a 50/50 chance he’ll survive.” And then, when he was transferred from intensive care, all the necessary examinations were done and it became clear that he was at risk of cerebral palsy, the manager called me and said: “We are ready to transfer him to a psychoneurological dispensary. Decide whether you will go with him or not. But the child will most likely be a vegetable. You have healthy child. Think about it".

I understood where everything was going. But this moment when they tell you that you have a disabled child. It's very hard. It took me almost a year to accept that my child was special.

I remember sitting on the toilet while the children slept in their cribs. Tears in hail. And there is one thought in my head: “I have a child with cerebral palsy, I will carry him in my arms for the rest of my life.” Then I decided that I didn’t have many options, either I did something or I carried it.

So what did you decide to do?

To be honest, we did something that few people do. We filled the bathtub with porridge, bathed the children in pasta, rolled them on the floor in paint, covered the apartment with film and frolicked on it. I don't know which of these helped. But we don’t have cartoons at home, we don’t have tablets. We have books, crazy games with parents, games in the sandbox. For three years now we have been playing classical music every day. We realized that any child can be rehabilitated and it doesn’t always cost crazy amounts of money.

Why paints and pasta?

All rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is aimed at working with the physical body. But you need to work with your brain! I look at grown children and understand that mothers spent an enormous amount of time helping their children walk, but did nothing for their intellectual development. They didn’t read books, didn’t do anything that they do with ordinary children. Of course, there is a colossal lag behind our peers.

And is there progress?

Just 5 months ago, Fedya could only lie down; his arms and legs could not bend. Now the child eats on his own and even sits. Until October last year, his tongue was hanging, but now the child says: “Mom, dad, Fedya, baba, give me.”

Even if Fedya does not walk, he will be able to sit and work as a programmer, for example. It's not a crazy problem these days. The main thing is to keep your head working!

Many mothers of children with cerebral palsy constantly work with foundations, collecting money for treatment...

It really does take a lot of money. We do not stop rehabilitation in the centers from birth; in addition, specialists come to us. We spend from 100,000 rubles per month.

You understand that the average family cannot afford such sums.

I understand perfectly. It’s really hard, but we decided that two adults with arms and legs and a head can make money if they really want to. If you spend time not running around, searching and begging, but earn money, it will be easier. But, of course, very few mothers understand me. Basically, everyone is collecting money, looking for funds.

We also decided that it was easier to learn something ourselves than to spend money. The same speech therapy massage. A child with cerebral palsy needs it 2 times a day, at least, in order to really see the results. This is 1,500 rubles for each lesson. I paid 5 thousand rubles and learned how to make it myself. How much did I save in a year? This is another month of rehabilitation.

Who do you study with?

The specialists are helpful and understand everything perfectly. That is, I tell them that I will still buy the course, but you tell me and show me what I should do at home to make my child feel good. And I pay a certain amount of money for a consultation. That's all.

Can you show me something?

Lena twists Fedya so that our souls melt.

You see, it's simple. And people pay. And what a time saving. We need this, not doctors.

One of the mothers said that after she gave birth to a child with cerebral palsy, her world became limited to communicating with similar mothers on the forum. How are you doing with this?

I decided a very important thing for myself. My baby is healthy for me. He is no different from other children. Therefore, immediately on the playground I cut off all questions in the spirit of: “What, he doesn’t walk with you yet?” I say that every child has his own period. I communicate a lot, we travel a lot to visit other parents with healthy children. It all depends on the mother, I think.

A month ago, one girl wrote to me: “What, do you have a child with cerebral palsy? Why are you not yet a member of the chat in our area, where the same mothers communicate?” What's my interest? I have other things to do.

You know, this is the first time I’ve seen the mother of a child with cerebral palsy who looks at the current situation so positively and differently.

What else can I do? It happens that I meet mothers in rehabilitation centers. Mom is sitting, sad, dejected. I ask her: “What happened?” He answers: “I have a child with cerebral palsy.” I told her: “But your child is now in rehabilitation, you have free time. What's wrong with being sad?" And she: “But everything is so complicated and difficult.” Well, whoever wants it, perceives it that way.

Many mothers who face difficulties are left without a father. Your strong union is pleasing to the eye. Tell me the secret of how you did it.

Perhaps the whole point is that we are already adults. I am almost 35 years old, my husband is 40. We have a late marriage, a conscious choice. We understand that we are responsible for the child, no matter what he is. When Styopa was born, we visited him in the intensive care unit together, and I saw tears in my husband’s eyes. We came home and used to argue. Not because they didn’t love each other, but because this was how they released stress. And that was okay.

Lena, you look great. How do you do it?

We have a very clear routine for children. They go to bed at 19.30 pm. At 8 everyone is asleep. From now on, my work begins, I conduct consultations via Skype. I can do manicures and pedicures, and so on. I don’t spend 3 hours putting children to sleep; I think it’s better not to teach them in the first place than to have difficulty weaning them later.

And this applies to everything: nipples, diapers. It was the same with the pot. Until I was 2 years old, I didn’t touch this topic at all. And then she said: “Look at daddy’s underpants. Do you want the same ones?” How is dad? Want. We went and bought the same panties as dad’s and didn’t use diapers anymore. Before this, my husband went to the toilet with him and showed him how he peed. And that's it, the question is closed. And I know mothers who, from 2 months, sit over the sink, then on the potty, then watch over the moments. Or maybe you could paint your nails at this time instead of doing nonsense.

Initially you lived in an apartment, but now we are sitting in a house. Why did you decide to move?

When I was pregnant with my second child, I told my husband: “Look, we have the 7th floor. Imagine how I will go downstairs with two children and a stroller.” Plus, it is very important for premature babies to walk a lot in the fresh air; it is important for them to be friends with a dog. And we moved into the house. Here I can kick the older one out into the yard, and he walks there all day in the territory. And we got a dog for our youngest, a Newfoundland. This is the only breed that you can stick your fingers up its nose and it won't do anything.

How will you feel about a third child?

I would like it in a purely feminine way. But as a reasonable person, I understand that this is not our story. My health simply won't allow it.

If you have a child between 0 and 3 years old, you are in maternity leave and you have something to tell about motherhood, then we will come to you. This service is provided absolutely FOR FREE. To call a mobile phone.

“On the eve of Christmas, while going through my mother’s old letters, I remembered a story that she told me from time to time.

I was at my mother's only son. She married late, and doctors forbade her to give birth. Mom did not listen to the doctors, at her own risk she waited until 6 months and only then appeared at the antenatal clinic for the first time.

I was a welcome child: my grandparents, dad and even my stepsister doted on me, and my mother simply blew away specks of dust from her only son!

Mom started working very early and before work had to take me to kindergarten“Dubki”, located near the Timiryazev Academy. To get to work on time, my mother rode the first buses and trams, which, as a rule, were driven by the same drivers. My mother and I got off the tram, she took me to the gate of the kindergarten, handed me over to the teacher, ran to the stop and... waited for the next tram.

After several delays, she was warned about her dismissal, and since we, like everyone else, lived very modestly and could not live on my father’s salary alone, my mother reluctantly came up with a solution: to let me off alone, a three-year-old baby, at a bus stop in the hope that I I can walk from the tram to the kindergarten gate myself.

We got it right the first time, although those seconds were the longest and most terrible of her life. She rushed around the half-empty tram to see if I had entered the gate or was still crawling, wrapped in a fur coat with a scarf, felt boots and a hat.

After some time, my mother suddenly noticed that the tram began to leave the stop very slowly and pick up speed only when I was hiding behind the gate of the kindergarten. This went on for three years while I was in kindergarten. Mom could not, and did not try, to find an explanation for such a strange pattern. The main thing is that her heart was calm for me.

Everything became clear only a few years later, when I started going to school. My mother and I went to her work, and suddenly the carriage driver called out to me: “Hello, baby! You have become so grown up! Do you remember how your mother and I accompanied you to kindergarten...?”

Many years have passed, but every time I drive past the “Dubki” stop, I remember this little episode of my life, and my heart becomes a little warmer from the kindness of this woman, who every day, absolutely selflessly, did one small good deed, just delaying a whole tram, for the sake of the peace of mind of a complete stranger!”

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Get lost! And say thank you for not putting me to sleep! – the car door slammed, the car sped off into the distance. There was a dog left on the side of the highway. In the twilight he seemed large and big-boned - in fact, he was just a five-month-old Alabai puppy. The kid rushed after him, but he had too little strength to catch up with the car.

With difficulty moving his clumsy paws, the out of breath dog slowly wandered along the highway.

Where to go? Where is home? Master?

There was not a soul around, only occasionally cars flew along the deserted highway, blinding the puppy with their headlights...

It was getting dark. The short winter day was coming to an end.

The baby sat down on the side of the road, howled, sobbed...

He cried like all abandoned little children cry - about the fact that no one in the whole wide world loves him or is waiting for him.

His world collapsed...

Just a couple of days ago he lived in a warm apartment, with his family and madly loved one. The puppy was lucky - he got a kind owner, destined from above, as his mother dog said when he was very little:

The Creator sent us to Earth to protect the life and peace of man, to love unselfishly and devotedly. They say God looks at people through the eyes of dogs...

Mom, warm and affectionate, kind and beloved! It’s a pity that you can’t stay small and prolong a happy childhood for the rest of your life...

But the puppies grow up and separation is inevitable.

When his future owner appeared on the threshold, the baby immediately realized that he had come for him!

Joyfully wagging his small stump of a tail, he rushed to meet him.

Well, hello, my dog! - the man smiled, and the puppy, opening his mouth and sticking out his pink tongue, tried to smile back, happily offering his tummy for scratches.

- Wonderful baby! How I dreamed about you!

Their living together was filled with tender, sunny, warm happiness.

What are you like good boy! - said the owner, touched by the puppy’s pranks.

Time flew by, the dog grew rapidly, and by the age of four months his height at the withers was almost fifty centimeters...

In the spring we will go to the exhibition of young animals - we must show everyone how beautiful we are! - the owner was brushing his pet, - and in the summer we’ll go to the dacha!

The days dragged on in agonizing anticipation of the arrival of a loved one from work.

Puppy for a long time looked out the window, then fell asleep on the rug next to the bed, burying his nose in his master's slippers. Feeling the scent of a loved one, the baby did not feel lonely.

But one day the owner did not return. Didn't come the next day either. The puppy howled with melancholy and grief, because he knew he would never see his own face.

In the evening of the next day, people came - relatives whom the baby had met only once.

We need to decide where to put the dog,” the woman busily looked around the rooms, “we don’t need it... a funeral, a wake...

Now we’ll decide! - Fastening the leash to the puppy’s collar, her husband answered.

The baby resisted, sliding with his stomach on the floor... but he was forcibly pulled out of the house, shoved into a car, and taken to the forest.

And now, he is alone, on a deserted road, far from human habitation.

Fatigue took its toll - the puppy lay down on the side of the road. Large snowflakes fell on his skin and gradually he turned into a snowdrift. It was cozy under the snow blanket, the baby calmed down a little and dozed off.

And in a dream, as on his last walk, he dived into a snowdrift, buried his face in pure snow, and then ran towards the person, jumped on his chest, trying to kiss him. dear face, lick your palm.

Wake up, you can't sleep, you'll freeze, get up! - He suddenly heard the owner’s voice and suddenly woke up.

Staggering from hunger and fatigue, the dog walked without sleep for two days until he fell, exhausted, next to someone’s gate.

I woke up in an unfamiliar barn. There is a heavy, short chain around his neck... So, at a very tender age, against his will, he was appointed as a guard at a private village house.

The people who adopted the puppy wanted to have a vicious dog. And in order to instill aggression in him, they beat him and didn’t feed him for days.

He dreamed of games and caresses, which he had already experienced...

His teeth itched, and he was severely punished for chewing the boards of the enclosure.

But still the dog could not turn into wild beast, because he knew: in the world there is love and friendship between a person and a dog.

And he was ready to serve only his loved ones faithfully, selflessly.

Soon, the new owners got rid of it as “unsuitable”: they gave it to “service” - to guard the trading base.

Day and night he sat on a short chain, barking angrily at visitors, demonstrating his readiness to tear all the thieves and bandits to pieces.

In any weather: under the hot sun, pouring rain, hurricane winds.

On autumn nights he froze his skin to a puddle in which he had to sleep.

His collar got wet and fell apart, but no one wanted to buy a new one. They simply wrapped a heavy chain around his neck, making a noose out of it.

They often forgot to feed him, and when the base was closed for the weekend, he had to go hungry for several days.

On hot days he suffered from thirst - the bowl was rarely filled with water...

But the dog could forgive all this if at least once, one of the people whose property he was guarding caressed him. But in almost everyone passing by, he saw a person whose life goal was only money. Not people - walking calculators, with souls closed to love.

For several years, Alabai was a prisoner on a chain, guarding the entrance. Ten steps in one direction, ten in the other... The days dragged on in an endless, joyless series.

The chain gradually grew into his neck, choking him, and it did not occur to anyone to loosen it - his loud bark became more and more hoarse.

The once cheerful, enthusiastic puppy has turned into a slow and indifferent dog.

Most likely, he would have died, suffocated on a noose chain, if one day a new employee had not appeared at the base. He swept the yard and often glanced at the dog.

Good boy! – the janitor assessed him. Hearing the familiar words, the dog raised his head.

“In my homeland there was a wolfhound,” the janitor said, “he helped herd the flock. He died and there is no more flock. “Here,” he handed the dog a sandwich, “you’re a little thin...

From that day on, the Alabai began to awaken an interest in life. The worker did not appear at the base every day - sometimes he was absent for several days and then life again seemed boring and joyless to the dog.

The janitor's attention was the only light and warmth that illuminated his painful, joyless, hateful life.

One day, not far from the entrance to the base, Alabai noticed a man watching him, and immediately, instinctively, sensed danger.

If most people were indifferent to him, this one was afraid and hated...

In the morning the stranger appeared again and approached the janitor.

Give this to the dog,” he held out a bag of food. “Why?” the janitor recoiled.

If you ask questions, you won’t live long!

The janitor hesitantly approached the dog, put down a piece of sausage, and looked carefully into his eyes.

The dog sniffed and didn’t eat...

He’s full, he’ll eat later,” taking the broom in his hands, the janitor walked away.

“Okay, I’ll wait,” the man whispered and tried to approach the dog.

As soon as he took a step forward, the dog growled threateningly.

Ooh, Shaitan! - the stranger rushed away with a scream.

The janitor stayed at work late. And when it got completely dark, he approached the Alabai:

They want to poison you, someone needs your death, I can even guess why...

I’ll tell that person - he died, he buried him! Just get away from here! The janitor unhooked the carabiner and was horrified - the chain had grown into the dog’s neck.

I didn’t dare to rip it off - I just bit the chain with wire cutters.

Get out of here! Let's go! Run!

And Alabai understood...

Slowly moving his paws, the dog wandered along the highway. After several years of living on a leash, he almost forgot how to walk, got tired quickly, and often lay down.

He walked along the road again, as a few years ago, as a puppy, but now he was already a large, stately dog.

And even despite the unkempt, matted, dirty fur, the giant’s proud posture should have aroused admiration. But people shied away from him in fear.

He found food near roadside cafes in bushes and trash cans. He slept wherever he had to - wherever his immense fatigue found him.

Cars flew past. One day, a large black jeep pulled up nearby. Shots rang out. The dog yelped, fell into a ditch, and the car rushed on to the joyful cackling of the men. The bullet only slightly grazed the paw, but there was a lot of blood...

Having settled down in the bushes, the dog spent a long time licking his wound. For what?

He did not know that man is the only intelligent animal that kills for pleasure.

The wound became inflamed, the dog could hardly lean on his paw, was limping, he was shaking with chills, and really wanted to sleep.

He had been walking for many days, he didn’t know where or why, he walked aimlessly, he suffered from loneliness and more and more often he remembered his owner, his mother...

How he wanted to snuggle up to her warm body again, to warm up, as in childhood, feeling completely safe.

Was my master really the only kind person in the world? - he cried in his sleep, - no... there was also a janitor, now there is only darkness around...

The dream was interrupted by acute pain: a man leaned on him and tried to cut the dog’s throat. But the ingrown chain saved the dog’s life: the knife, sliding along the iron, stuck in the shoulder. Alabai jumped up sharply, threw the killer off of him, bared his teeth menacingly and the killer ran away.

We need to call the cops! Mad dog at a gas station! She rushed at me, a huge beast! – he flew into a roadside shop.

Bitten! - Alabai waved his bloody hands.

Call the police!

Mad? Close the doors! No one should go out! I call the outfit! - the guard ordered.

The dog, limping and leaving bloody footprints behind him, moved along the side of the highway.

Every minute he became weaker and weaker. Together with the last strength, the desire to live left and only in the eyes - a silent question: for what?

If God truly sees people through the eyes of dogs, why does this world still exist?

Somewhere in the distance a police siren blared.

And the dog decided not to resist fate.

About fifty meters from the gas station, he lay down on the side of the road:

I can’t take it anymore - finish it off!

And when a car stopped nearby, people got out, the dog, ready for the worst, closed his eyes.

The woman leaned over and... unexpectedly stroked his large, plush head.

The dog opened his eyes in surprise. How many years had he not seen human affection! A young, fragile, fearless woman stood before him.

Will you let me see what's wrong with you? Are you a good boy?

– You need to go to the clinic urgently, otherwise you will die from blood loss! Come with me, baby!

And the giant trusted immediately: he stood up on his legs trembling from weakness and went to the car. I barely had enough strength to climb into the back seat.

Well done, smart girl, you will live! – the woman said, helping him climb into the car.

The dog was carefully wrapped in a woolen blanket and he immediately fell into a calm, deep sleep - even the siren of a police car rushing past could not wake him up.

The parable is so funny that I was a little embarrassed to publish it. But... I corrected mistakes, rewrote and put it in order - we can say that I took part in the creation.

Parable of the One-Eyed Mother

My mother only had one eye. I hated her. Because her appearance made me feel ashamed of other people.

In order to earn a piece of bread for the family, she worked as a cook at school. One day when I was in elementary school, my mother came to visit me. The floor disappeared from under her feet... How could she do this?! I was so ashamed.

I pretended not to see her. Then he looked with hatred and ran away.

The next day, my friend and classmate said: “Uh, your mother, it turns out, is one-eyed.”

I wanted to fall through the ground. I wanted my mother to just disappear. Therefore, when meeting with anger, he said to her: “Wouldn’t it be better for you to die so as not to put me in a funny position!”

The mother did not answer.

Of course, I didn't even think about what I was saying. I was very angry with my mother. I didn't care about her feelings. I didn't want her to live in the same house with me.

After school I worked a lot and then went to Singapore to study. Got married. I bought a house. I had children and I was happy with life

One day my mother came to us. We had not seen each other for many years, and she did not know her grandchildren. The children saw her and began to laugh.

How could a mother come to my house and scare my children! I yelled at her: “GET OUT OF HERE!”

The mother quietly replied: “Forgive me. It seems I have the wrong address." After that she disappeared.

A few years later, I received an invitation from school to an alumni reunion. I told my wife that I was going on business and went to my hometown.

After the meeting I wanted to look at my old house. The neighbors said that my mother had died. But I was not at all saddened by this news.

I was given a letter that my mother left for me:

“My most beloved son, I always thought about you.

I'm really sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children. I was very happy when I heard that you would be at the alumni meeting. But I didn’t know if I could get out of bed to see you.

I am very sorry that you have been ashamed of me all your life.

You know, my child, when you were little, you had an accident and lost an eye.

As a mother, I couldn’t allow you to grow up one-eyed, the doctors helped us. I gave you my eye.

And now I’m so proud of you, thinking that you see with this eye instead of me!

With all my love, your mother."

Here's the story.

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