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How to make roses from origami paper. Paper roses using origami technique

Rose is the most tender, vulnerable and beautiful flower. The rose is called the "queen of flowers". This is the color of love, tenderness, femininity and grace. The rose is the most dramatic flower. No one can resist the magic of the beauty of these flowers. No man can resist the desire to give his beloved these flowers - roses. Making a paper rose is quite simple if you follow the simple instructions in the picture diagram.

Origami pattern: Rose from a piece of paper

(Click on the image to enlarge the picture)

1. Fold a square piece of paper in half.

2. Fold the resulting rectangle in half again.

3. Open the part indicated by the arrow and smooth it out.

4. Turn the product over.

5. Open the part indicated by the arrow and smooth it out.

6. Fold the bottom corners towards the center line.

7. Open the part indicated by the arrows and level it.

8. Fold along the dotted lines.

9. Turn the product over.

10. Now on this side do the same as in pictures 6 - 8.

11. Fold to form a crease and unfold back.

12. Fold and unfold.

13. Align as shown in the picture.

14. Turn over.

15. Can stand.

16. Open the part indicated by the arrows, then fold.

17. Insert 4 fingers into the center of the square as shown in the picture.

18. Roll three or four times.

19. Roll three or four times clockwise on your fingertips as shown in the picture.

20. Eight petals are folded.

21. The beautiful rose is ready!

I've been wanting to do this for a long time origami paper rose, but not too simple. So that you can study the pattern, iron it slowly, fold by fold, and in the end you get a magnificent color - just like the real thing.

Possibilities ancient art limitless. Turns out, beautiful rose assembled from one sheet of paper. The optimal size is 20x20 cm. The flower comes out to be small and easy to collect.

At first glance, it will seem to you that there is nothing complicated, but you will have to sit over the folds and folds before a delightful bud appears in front of you. But it's very exciting!

Origami paper rose: step-by-step instructions

Take a 20x20 cm square of red or any other color. Fold it along diagonal lines. Then fold in half so that the opposite sides meet and again. Divide the part that is closer to the center into two equal parts by making a fold. Expand the sheet. Repeat the same in the other direction.

Remember: the better you iron the folds, the easier it will be in further stages of work.

Look at the unfolded sheet. In the middle, three lines are visible, intersecting in the center. Now you need to select them so that the one in the middle becomes convex.

Lay the resulting edges in one direction one after another. Turn the joint into a square, carefully smoothing it onto the plane.

Turn the workpiece over to the other side. Start ironing the squares at the center and diagonal lines, folding every fourth part of the sheet in one direction.

Along the marked lines, roll the rose petals into a tube so that the middle of the leaf is outward.

Bend the ends of the petals inward and secure them one after another to create a strong bottom. For reliability, use glue.

All that remains is to open the petals, carefully removing them from the center of the rose. Curl the outer petals. Origami rose is ready!

I have no doubt that you turned out very beautifully. If desired, you can make a stem from floral wire and make it. Any model of modules is suitable as a vase.

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Origami rose is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami rose, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of an origami rose was taken by one of our site users. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram for assembling an origami rose from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami rose will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami rose quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami rose may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami rose video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos origami roses, which clearly show the steps to assemble a rose. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami rose.

And here is also a good video on how to make an origami rose:

This Video - good example how to do more complex origami roses:


From a symbolic point of view, the rose has many meanings. In most cultures, the rose is considered a symbol of beauty, perfection, joy, love, bliss, and pride. In some countries, the rose is considered to be a symbol of wisdom, silence, and mystery. The meaning of the symbol depends on the type of rose. For example, a blue rose is considered to be a symbol of the impossible.

  • Method I - the simplest
  • Method II
  • Method III
  • Method IV
  • Method V
  • DIY corrugated rose
  • Origami rose Kawasaki (video)
  • How to make a rose from a napkin (video)
  • Origami rose from a napkin (video)
  • How to make paper flowers

The rose is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, which is why it is very popular.

A paper rose is no less attractive than a real one, and the fact that you make a beautiful flower with your own hands, makes the rose even more meaningful to the person you give it to.

Learn making a paper rose is not difficult. There are many ways to do this, and you will learn about several from us.

You will spend very little time on the rose in this example, but will get a lot of pleasure. Such flowers can be used as decor in an apartment or as symbolic gift with your own hands.

You will need:

- thick paper

- scissors

- beautiful vase

1. From thick paper you need to cut out a square measuring 10x10 cm.

*The color of the paper depends on the color of the rose you will be making.

3. Cut out the drawn spiral.

4. Start rolling the paper spiral starting from the outer end.

5. Screw the bud tightly to the end and glue the inner end to strengthen the structure.

The rose is ready, and you need to start making leaves for it.

To make the rose look more chic, place it in a beautiful vase.

How to make a paper rose. Method II

You will need:

- thick paper

- scissors

- glue (adhesive tape)

1. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half, and then in half again.

2. Now you need to cut the sheet into 4 strips. To do this, unfold it and cut along the folds.

3. Use duct tape to hold the cut strips end-to-end together, creating one long strip.

4. The strip that you have obtained needs to be twisted so that you get a rod-trunk (see picture).

5. You now need to fold the remaining part of the paper in half, while slowly turning it around the center (see picture). Continue wrapping and gathering layers until you have a rose.

*If you wish, you can paint the rose with your favorite color if you made it from white paper.

How to make a rose. Method III

You will need:

- crepe paper (red and green)

- stick, skewer or wire

- pencil

- scissors

- floral tape or glue

1. Make a heart shaped template. The size of the template depends on the size of the flower. In this example, the height of the heart is 15 cm.

2. Cut out 5-6 hearts according to the template.

3. Making a stem. Prepare 3 wires or a stick and wrap it with floral tape.

* Floral tape can be replaced with glue.

4. Making petals. Gently stretch the paper wide. Wrap the top edge of the heart around the round handle.

Wrap the first petal around the stem and secure it with ribbon.

Do the same with the remaining petals.

5. Making leaves. Prepare 3 wires and wrap them in crepe paper. Next you need to glue the leaves to them, which must be prepared in advance.

6. Making a rose cup. Cut a strip of green crepe paper.

Attach the strip to the base of the cup using adhesive tape (you can replace it with glue).

Attach the leaves to the stem. Make one common stem and decorate it with green crepe paper.

Paper rose. Method IV

You will need:

— template for printing

- Printer

- scissors

- stick, toothpick, skewer or wire

- pencil

1. To make such a paper rose you need to download a flower template

Scheme of how to make a rose

2. After which you printed out the template, cut out the petals and leaves.

* Take a close look at the template, where all the petals and leaves are numbered.

3. Use scissors to bend the ends of the petals on both sides.

4. Three green leaves also need to be bent in half lengthwise.

5. Prepare a toothpick, thin wire, stick or skewer and twist petal number 1 around it. Use glue to secure everything.

6. Now around twisted petal number 1 you need to wrap petals number 2 and 3 and also secure with glue.

7. You need to glue petals 4, 5, 6, 7 together to make something similar to cones (see photo).

8. Collect and glue all the parts of the flower together!

You can find roses in other colors by clicking on the links below.

1. Pink color

2. Pale pink color

3. White color

4. Pale yellow color

DIY paper roses. Method V

Like the previous roses, this one can be made in any color. The example shows the color red.

1. Prepare colored cardboard. Draw a spiral on it. Try to make the line that you draw from the center to the periphery not even, but a little wavy.

2. Using scissors, make a cut along the entire drawn line. You should get something similar to the peel of a peeled apple.

3. Now you need to wrap your spiral around your pencil. Try to wrap tightly until you reach the middle. After this, you need to remove the pencil and let the flower straighten out.

* Using your fingers, you can try to slightly bend the paper petals in the central part.

DIY corrugated rose

You will need:

- corrugated paper (pink and green)

- scissors

- wire (straightened paperclip or skewer)

1. Prepare corrugated paper pink or red and fold it several times, first lengthwise and then widthwise.

2. Using scissors, cut out what looks like double petals, shaped like hearts. In this way, you can make 8 petals at once with one cutout.

* In the video, the petals are simply cut out of paper, but you can first draw them on it and then cut them out.

4. Now you need to cut a strip 3 cm wide from a roll of corrugated paper (choose the length yourself, based on the video tutorial). Apply glue along the strip.

5. You need to put a short length of wire at one end of the tape (you can replace it with a straightened paperclip or skewer) and wrap the entire strip around it. This way you will get the core of the rose. It is to this that you will further glue the petals.

6. All that remains is to apply glue to the petals and attach them to the central part.

7. At the final stage, you need to make leaves from green paper. To do this, fold the green crepe paper in half and half again, and cut the shape of the petals as shown in the video.

* In the video, a foam rubber strip is pressed against the wire, and then green paper is wrapped around the wire along with the foam rubber.

Origami rose Kawasaki (video)

This method of making a paper rose was invented by Kawasaki, after whom it is named.

How to make a rose from a napkin (video)

Origami rose from a napkin (video)

Paper origami Exquisite ROSE - a paper flower, a sign of special treatment and love! This flower is for a wonderful mood for Mom, on March 8 or another holiday! I will tell you in detail how to make a rose out of paper in this video. Don't miss the details! Check out my other #origami master classes #gamejulia: ORIGAMI FLOWERS ORIGAMI JEWELRY ❤ Let's be friends ❤ VKontakte - Subscription - https :// Instagram -

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with real flowers, much less a person with creative thinking. It’s better to make an origami rose out of paper; you’ll get a stylish and very effective gift. This product can be used to decorate a postcard or a box of chocolates, even a bridal bouquet - it’s in fashion today Wedding accessories self made.

Making a beautiful and realistic rose is not easy, but it will be so rewarding to succeed. It is important to start with easier patterns, gradually approaching the level of professional origamists.

Affordable option for beginners

The resulting flower is not as voluminous as the famous Kawasaki rose, but will look great as a small surprise decoration.

It is based on the basic pancake shape. The origami rose flower is made quickly enough and is accessible even to children. It is necessary to use double-sided paper so that the model is perceived as solid.

Work algorithm:

We will outline a longitudinal fold for the original square, folding it in half. Let's expand it and make a cross one in the same way.

Then we bend the corners of our workpiece for the third time. The layer of paper is already quite thick and to prevent the model from falling apart, it is better to iron the folds with your finger.

The bud is ready, now it needs to open its “petals”. To do this, we sequentially bend the vertices of the triangles for each layer. We twist the edges of the “petals” onto a pencil, giving them a natural look.

Let's move on to making leaves. For them you will need a square of green paper the same size as for the pink bud.

Making the basic “kite” shape. Bend the square in half diagonally and straighten it. We fold the sides to the intended central axis, first at the bottom of the figure, and then at the top.

Fold the workpiece in half along the longitudinal axis. We bend one of the sharp corners up and straighten the resulting “pocket”. We repeat a similar procedure on the other side.

All that remains is to glue the leaves to the back of the flower. It’s not difficult to make an original magnet for a refrigerator or wall panel from origami paper roses if you make them in large quantities.

Flower from a movie character

The hero of the TV drama “Prison Break,” beloved by many viewers, Michael Scofield, among other advantages, knew how to fold elegant origami figures. Among them was a rose. After watching the film, fans wanted to make one themselves. There is nothing impossible about this. We start with the basic double square shape.

Work algorithm:

Fold a sheet measuring 21x21 cm along two diagonals, and then in half lengthwise and transversely. We turn the square of one of the vertices towards ourselves. We fold the sidewalls in the form of “pockets”, connect them along the center line and smooth out the front and back of the workpiece.

We position the figure with the open edge facing us. “Close” it to the right, capturing only the top 2 layers. In this case, a “pocket” is formed on the left, which should be folded, aligning the lower corner of the protruding part with the upper corner of the base.

We turn the workpiece over to the reverse side, around the vertical axis. We fold the top layers according to the algorithm described above. We open the flower by holding the control points marked in the photo. We insert the index and thumb into the formed “cups” and scroll the bud around the axis. We crumple the inner part, rolled into a tight tube, at the top so that the workpiece does not open and holds its shape.

We “curl” the petals on a wire or toothpick - the outer ones more strongly, and the inner ones very lightly.

The origami rose from the series “Escape” is ready. If desired, you can make a stem for it from rolled green paper and leaves.

You can make a paper rose using a slightly different pattern. It will look something like this:

Toshikazu Kawasaki is a world-famous origami theorist and mathematician who has developed many innovative paper models. He became famous after the famous series of roses, built on the principle of four-sided symmetry with subsequent rotation around the central axis.

Wonderful Kawasaki flowers are considered one of the most complex varieties of origami. Assembling them requires considerable papermaking experience, patience and time, since it will not be possible to assemble such beauty in 5 minutes.

How to make an origami rose by a Kawasaki master is best learned through a video master class. The diagram may be too confusing, especially for beginners.

Magic cube

Origami is an amazing art. But some models are able to amaze doubly, not only with beauty, but also with unexpected transformation, more reminiscent of magic. The rose-cube made using the origami technique, created by the American master Joel Sampson, is one of these varieties. Simple at first glance geometric figure through simple transformations it “blooms” before our eyes.

The toy consists of modules of two colors - pink (red, orange, white) and green. They are made from squares, traditional for the Japanese art of papermaking, measuring 10x10 cm. You will need three modules of both shades.

It is advisable to use thin but durable paper, such as colored coated paper. It should easily withstand repeated bends, since the cube will close and open.

You can consider the process of creating a magical rose from paper step by step in the following diagrams:

But for beginners it will be much more convenient to follow the video instructions.

Modular rose

The “Queen of Flowers”, growing in almost any garden, has a complex structure. It is not surprising that even when made using the origami technique, it requires a lot of effort. The module rose comes first in this sense. There are several modifications of the flower, but they are all based on the same principle.

For the rose presented in next video, you will need modules from a sheet measuring 6x4 cm:

  • red – 476 pcs.;
  • green – 32 pcs.