Health Pregnancy beauty

How to get rid of warts while pregnant. Are warts dangerous during pregnancy and is it possible to get rid of them?

Worried about the baby's health, future mom begins to closely monitor any changes in the body. For some women, pregnancy can provoke the appearance of small skin growths on the body, which are popularly called warts.

The true cause of skin tumors is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is activated under conditions of increased stress. Contained by immune cells, the virus can remain dormant for a long time. But some factors that weaken natural defenses can lead to its external manifestation - the growth of warts. In pregnant women, this is associated with natural suppression of the immune system and functional restructuring of organs.

Types and characteristics of warts

Whether it is possible to remove warts during pregnancy depends primarily on their type.

Dermatologists distinguish:

  • Plantar warts. Formation of a dense structure with an outer stratum corneum. They are absolutely safe, but can cause significant discomfort to a pregnant woman when walking.
  • Filiform warts. Soft papillomas are flesh-colored, often having a thin bridge (pedicle). They are located mainly under the armpits, in the neck, chest, and on the eyelids. They can rub and be damaged by mechanical contact: in contact with linen and tight clothing, during massage and other procedures.

It is recommended to remove such formations during pregnancy if they are constantly injured, which is fraught with the appearance of a long-term non-healing, bleeding wound. An infection can penetrate into it, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman.

  • Genital warts. They are multiple soft pink papillomas with a keratinized surface. They have the usual elongated shape, and over time they can merge into papillary growths similar in shape to cauliflower.

Condylomas appear exclusively on the mucous membranes of the body. Favorite places for their localization:

  • labia,
  • vagina,
  • Cervix,
  • area around the anus,
  • urethra,
  • less often - the oral cavity.

The growth of genital warts is often accompanied by severe itching. They need to be removed as planned, and during pregnancy you should get rid of condylomas immediately. Such formations in the genital area are a constant source of HPV and are unsafe for the child, since there is a risk of infection during childbirth.

Why do warts appear during pregnancy?

Doctors consider the following to be the leading causes of papillomatosis in expectant mothers:

  • Toxicoses that weaken the vitality and resistance of the body.
  • Hormonal changes. Elevated levels of progesterone cause changes in the epithelium.
  • Chronic pathologies. It has been noted that warts occur during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Damage skin, disruption of tissue trophism caused by increased body weight.
  • Wearing uncomfortable tight clothing.

When should warts be removed during pregnancy?

Papillomas are benign formations. They do not pose a direct threat to the health of the mother and fetus. A wart that has begun to grow rapidly should be taken more seriously. In such a situation, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will advise on how to safely remove papilloma. If condylomas appear, see a gynecologist immediately.

Thus, during pregnancy, wart removal is resorted to in the following cases:

  • rapid growth of the tumor, change in its color;
  • the appearance of condylomas on the genitals;
  • painful or constantly injured papilloma.

Most vulgar warts are suggested to be removed after childbirth, especially if the formations do not cause physical discomfort to the woman. Removal of genital warts and rapidly growing ones skin formations shown after 28 weeks. In order to effectively remove papillomas, modern medicine offers the expectant mother several safe methods. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How can pregnant women remove warts?

When choosing a method for removing papillomas, you should rely on the opinion of an independent specialist. There is currently no unambiguous judgment as to which technique is most suitable for the pregnancy period. Much depends on the size, condition, and location of the wart on the body. Most doctors prefer modern technologies: radio wave and laser surgery.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of possible methods for removing papillomas used during pregnancy.

  1. Radio destruction removes skin tumors using radio waves. The manipulation is painless, there is no bleeding or possibility of infection. Damage to healthy tissue is minimized.
  2. Laser therapy operates with a medical laser. Just like radio waves, the technique does not have a systemic effect on the body and eliminates the formation of scars and scars. The laser beam acts by locally cauterizing the wart. The only negative is the inability to use local anesthesia, which is prohibited during pregnancy. Removal without anesthesia causes the woman some discomfort.

  1. Cryodestruction removes warts by freezing with liquid nitrogen cooled to -400°C. Papilloma cells are instantly destroyed, but for large tumors a repeat procedure may be necessary. No anesthesia is required. Negative aspects include prolonged healing (up to a month). Condylomas during pregnancy are allowed to be removed only if they are located on the vulva. When they are localized on the internal genital organs, this technique is not used.
  2. Surgical excision. A rather traumatic method is used extremely rarely during pregnancy:
  • in the presence of voluminous papillomatous growth;
  • if necessary, histological examination.

The surgeon makes an incision into healthy tissue and removes the wart. Finally, neat stitches are applied. The art of the doctor is to perform the excision without leaving a scar.

Features of treatment of condylomas

Before deciding how to remove genital warts during pregnancy, the doctor takes the following steps:

  • Conducts an examination in mirrors to exclude the presence of internal condylomas.
  • Takes a smear for STDs to identify concomitant sexually transmitted infections.
  • Orders a PCR test to classify the virus.

HPVs are divided into two types: with low and increased oncogenic risk. Highly oncogenic strains tend to form flat warts in the cervical area. In such cases, a biopsy of the tumor is performed before removal. Genital warts on the vulva indirectly indicate a low risk of degeneration.

Regardless of the type and location, genital warts must be removed before birth to eliminate the possibility of infection of the newborn with the virus. If the formation is located on the internal genital organs and is associated with a high oncogenic risk, it is recommended C-section. Operative delivery will reduce the burden on the affected cervix.

Drug treatment of HPV infection using antiviral drugs recommended after the 33rd week.

After childbirth, specific immunotherapy can be performed to prevent HPV relapses.


When removing papillomas during pregnancy, pay attention to some dangerous points:

  • According to some medical sources, cryotherapy for condylomas provokes premature birth. The justification of this method still causes scientific debate among doctors.
  • Surgical removal is highly stressful for both the woman and the baby. If you cannot do without it, contact highly qualified specialists.
  • Antiviral drugs and agents traditional medicine can cause allergies during pregnancy, even if no side effects were observed before. Do not forget that during this period the immune system becomes hypersensitive.
  • It is allowed to remove warts without the use of anesthesia.

Traditional methods during pregnancy: pros and cons

If removal of a non-aggressive wart, for example, a plantar wart, is indicated, it can only be removed with non-toxic natural means. Such well-known compounds as celandine juice, the drug “Super celandine”, acetic acid, iodine are prohibited for pregnant women. They have a toxic effect on the body. In addition, removing warts with such substances can lead to the formation of long-lasting ulcers and scars. It is also not recommended to tie the stem of a wart with a silk thread, as this may cause it to grow.

After consulting a dermatologist, you can try to remove a small wart with non-aggressive natural means. These include chalk, egg white, onion, garlic.

How to remove warts with chalk

Thickly smear the papilloma with a piece of chalk, repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day until it completely disappears. You can sprinkle the formation with crushed chalk and apply a bandage. It takes about two weeks to remove a wart this way.

Garlic for papillomas

There are quite a few traditional methods for reducing warts using garlic. For pregnant women, the most gentle option is suitable: rub the wart with a freshly cut garlic clove 2-3 times a day. Apply a sterile bandage on top. Treatment time is 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, traditional medicine does not guarantee getting rid of warts. When using such recipes, be sure to monitor the condition of your skin. If skin itching, irritation or peeling is observed, stop the procedure immediately. The body reacts unpredictably during pregnancy, so it is most reasonable to entrust the removal of warts to doctors of the appropriate profile.

Don't forget about prevention

To prevent the growth of warts, doctors advise paying more attention to generally accepted hygiene rules during pregnancy. Personal hygiene products for a pregnant woman should be strictly individual. Particular attention should be paid to excluding sexual transmission of HPV. Both partners need to undergo treatment for papillomavirus to prevent re-infection.

Warts can be removed during pregnancy only as directed by a dermatologist or gynecologist. After the baby is born, the hormonal levels stabilize, which contributes to the spontaneous disappearance of some papillomas.

Warts during pregnancy can cause the expectant mother not only aesthetic discomfort, but also a lot of health problems. It all depends on their location. If they are on the surface of the epidermis, there is no need to be too afraid - they will not harm the woman, and after the birth of the baby she will be able to remove them without fear or serious consequences.

But what if the benign tumor is on the lining of the cervix? What consequences can papillomatosis have for the expectant mother and her baby? And can pregnant women have warts removed? For safety reasons, the answers to these questions should be known to every woman planning a pregnancy or already in an “interesting position.”

Causes and types of warts in pregnant women

There are many reasons why warts may appear on a pregnant woman's body.

Warts are benign epidermal neoplasms, the occurrence of which is associated with the entry into the body of the expectant mother of the human papillomavirus, or HPV for short. Favorable conditions for its penetration into the blood of any person are:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • immune suppression;
  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • vitamin deficiency, etc.

For expectant mothers, the appearance of papillomas is more common due to weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency and hormonal changes.

What types of warts can occur in pregnant women?

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of varieties of such growths, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • papillomas localized on the surface of the epidermis of various parts of the body (pins, vulgar, juvenile, flat, filiform warts, etc.);
  • warts located on the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals (genital warts).

On a note. Genital warts are especially dangerous for the expectant mother, but you cannot fight them on your own. If you take certain steps without consulting a dermatologist or gynecologist, the consequences can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.

In order to understand what risks the expectant mother is exposed to, in whose genital area a benign growth is located, it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Why are warts dangerous during pregnancy?

Condylomas can be dangerous for the unborn child.

The appearance of warts during pregnancy does not pose any threat to the health of the mother. Unless, of course, tumors appear on the arms, legs, soles, neck, back and other parts of the body, except the genitals.

Why are condylomas so dangerous? If they are located on the pubis or on the inside of the thighs, then nothing, but provided they are localized on the mucous membranes of the vagina, external or internal labia, cervix, then in this case the alarm will be not unfounded.

The fact is that genital warts, during the movement of the child through the mother’s birth canal, can rupture, thereby causing the release of blood. Thus, the fetus becomes infected with HPV through the hematogenous route.

Important! In rare cases, when the growth of the virus in the genitals is extensive, the patient is prescribed a cesarean section, and only after delivery is the infection treated.

The entry of the papilloma virus into the baby’s body can also occur during its intrauterine development. That is, through amniotic fluid. In this case, there is a “vertical” or placental method of transmission of the causative agent of papillomatosis.

The danger of warts during pregnancy also lies in the fact that there are many types of HPV, and some of them can lead to the development of a carcinogenic process. And since pregnant women’s protective functions are significantly weakened, they should first of all be wary of the dangerous consequences of papillomatosis.

In a complex case of the disease, the doctor may decide on a caesarean section.

Are warts treated during pregnancy?

If papillomatosis can pose a serious threat to the health of a woman and her unborn baby, is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy? Provided that the pathology is really fraught with serious consequences, this cannot be done, but must be done. However, during this period, the medicinal method of removing skin growths is strictly prohibited, since they can harm the baby.

To get rid of an unpleasant problem, the patient must definitely see a doctor. If papillomas are localized on open areas of the body, you should visit a dermatologist. If their location is intravaginal or genital, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Only after making a diagnosis and determining the degree of danger of neoplasms will the doctor be able to recommend safe methods, with the help of which warts will be removed from the expectant mother.

The decision to remove warts from a pregnant woman can only be made by a doctor.


So, the diagnosis has been made, and the doctor insists on immediate removal of the growths from the expectant mother. Since drug therapy in such conditions is contraindicated for obvious reasons, there are only a few options for instrumental excision of tumors.

However, it should be borne in mind that not only the location where the wart is located plays a role, but also the duration of pregnancy. Doctors refrain from conducting active therapy in the first 3 months of fetal development so as not to harm it. If the growths must be removed before the due date, then one or another manipulation is performed starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Note. The only medication approved for use to remove warts in pregnant women is oxolinic ointment. It contains exclusively natural ingredients that cannot in any way affect the health of the fetus. But it can also be used only in the second and third trimesters.

Removal methods

There are 3 ways to remove pathological growths during pregnancy:

  • laser coagulation;
  • cryodestruction method;
  • surgical excision.

To understand what awaits her, the expectant mother must know the specifics of each of these manipulations.

Scalpel excision

They resort to this method of combating papillomatosis extremely rarely. After the operation, the patient may be left with scars or scars, since it requires subsequent stitches.

The indication for surgical intervention is the need to select material for histological examination. As a rule, it is carried out for genital genital warts and skin growths that threaten the onset of malignancy.

Remember!If the wart turns black, begins to bleed, itch, or grow in size - all this should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor! Such signs may indicate the transition of a growth from a benign to a malignant form.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine methods have also proven themselves to be effective in the fight against benign tumors on the skin. Of course, not all of them are approved for use in pregnant women, and therefore it is necessary to consider only those that are the safest and most effective.

Potato pulp compress

Grated potato gruel will help in the fight against warts.

Peel 1-2 medium-sized potatoes, wash and grate on a fine grater without removing the skin. Apply the prepared mixture to papillomas 3-5 times a day. The duration of therapy is a purely individual matter, so you should not expect immediate results.

Potato juice contains a lot of useful microelements that have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, treatment of papillomas during pregnancy is not only safe, but also quite effective. Even if the wart does not disappear immediately, such a compress will prevent its inflammation and bleeding.

aloe leaves

Before applying aloe, the new growth needs to be steamed a little. If it has become rough (especially if there are plantar warts), you can glue a callus plaster on it for 2-3 days - it will soften the skin.

Place an aloe leaf, cut in half, with the flesh side down, on the new growth. Bandage or secure it with a bandage. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning remove the bandages, replace the aloe leaf with a fresh one, and repeat the procedure again.

The manipulation must be performed for 10 days. If during this time you do not notice progress, this method of traditional therapy should be abandoned.

Fresh celandine juice

This product has a powerful bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. However, it contains toxic substances that burn the wart.

When using fresh celandine juice, you must first consult with a dermatologist, since it can enter the blood through the skin pores and spread throughout the body. Only a doctor can judge the degree of risk of its penetration through the placenta to the fetus.

The method of using this substance is simple, and it consists of lubricating the neoplasm with celandine juice 2-3 times a day. The manipulation must be performed until the papillomas completely disappear.

Here are the most effective methods traditional medicine for warts, which can be used during pregnancy. Despite their relative safety, you should not use them without first consulting a doctor.

How to prevent the appearance of papillomas in pregnant women?

Prevention of papillomatosis in expectant mothers involves fulfilling the simplest requirements. They are to:

  • wear comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the entire body;
  • avoid stressful situations, which in themselves are dangerous during pregnancy;
  • use only personal towels, scarves, bed linen;
  • treat wounds and cuts in a timely manner;
  • eat foods enriched with large amounts of vitamins and microelements;
  • ensure that the immune system is fully functioning.

By following these simple recommendations, the expectant mother will be able to protect herself from such an unpleasant disease as papillomatosis. Even if the papilloma virus already lives in a woman’s body, it will not be able to become active provided that she is responsible for her health before and during pregnancy.

If the virus manifests itself, and warts nevertheless appear on the body of a pregnant woman, then the decision on the need to remove them is made by a doctor (gynecologist or dermatologist, or both doctors together). If the growth is located in open areas of the body and does not pose a serious danger to the health of the mother and fetus, then the pregnant woman is usually recommended to postpone removal and treatment until the long-awaited baby is born.

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the female body - not only the woman’s appearance changes, but also her hormonal levels, which sometimes cause exacerbation or the emergence of new health problems.

Some of them seem harmless at first glance, such as warts. But if left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences. So why are warts dangerous during pregnancy and what can you do about them?

General information

A wart is a benign formation that can appear both on the human skin and on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, genitals, etc. Their appearance is provoked by the papilloma virus, which affects more than half of the population of our planet. Usually it begins to manifest itself during a period of active growth of bacteria in the body, but the papilloma virus can also become active under the influence of hormonal levels.

It is very easy to become infected with it. It is enough to communicate with an infected person or use his personal belongings (for example, wipe your hands on his towel or put on his slippers).

As soon as the virus enters the body, it instantly adapts to it, without manifesting itself in any way. But as soon as the body’s defenses weaken, the virus immediately activates and makes itself felt in all its glory.

Due to the fact that after the birth of the embryo, the body begins to work for two, this often leads to a decrease in immunity, which becomes an excellent soil for the activation of the virus. A hormonal changes only strengthen this soil, aggravating the situation as a whole. This provokes the appearance of numerous warts on the body of pregnant women, which may have various sizes- from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

Depending on the location, these growths may not bother women at all, or cause them severe discomfort. Most often they appear on the hands and feet, less often on the chest, back and face.

Varieties and danger

Doctors identify several types of warts, which most often appear in women during pregnancy. This:

  1. Papillomas. They are growths Brown, which rise slightly above the skin. They are dense and rarely grow to large sizes.
  2. Genital warts. These formations occur on the woman’s genitals and are formed as a result of the proliferation of epithelium.

Common warts during pregnancy do not cause significant discomfort to a woman. However, if you often touch them with your hands or make attempts to get rid of them yourself, this can cause injury to the growths and intensify their growth. This in turn leads to pain and severe discomfort.

In general, papillomas are harmless both for the woman’s health and for the health of her unborn child. But this does not mean that they do not need to be treated. The question here is, is it worth doing this during pregnancy? But more on that later.

Unlike papillomas, condylomas pose a serious threat to the health of the mother and child, since they appear on the mucous membranes of the vagina and have the ability to multiply quickly.

When there are a lot of condylomas, they begin to group into large compactions, and their integrity is damaged during opening labor activity can lead to infection of the child during its passage through the birth canal. It is for this reason that doctors strongly advise against delaying the treatment of genital warts during pregnancy. But it must be carried out very carefully, following all the doctor’s recommendations.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons why warts appear on a woman’s body during pregnancy. Among them, the most common are:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • taking certain medications that suppress the immune system;
  • microtrauma of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes (this causes the appearance of plantar warts, which are distinguished by their yellowish color and pain).

Most often, activation of the papilloma virus in the female body occurs under the influence of hormonal levels and decreased immunity. However, if the cause of this was uncomfortable shoes or taking any medications, then slowing down the growth of warts and reducing the risk of their reproduction will not be difficult - you just need to eliminate the root cause, that is, change your shoes or stop taking medicines.

Should I delete it?

What to do with warts during pregnancy, whether to remove them or not, should be decided only by a doctor. If these formations are small in size and do not cause the woman any discomfort other than aesthetic, it is recommended to postpone their removal. Indeed, regardless of the type of wart and its size, removal is carried out using anesthesia, which can negatively affect emotional state future mother and child.

The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon. They may disappear on their own after breastfeeding when the body’s hormonal levels are completely restored. That is why most doctors are in no hurry to remove them.

However, when warts grow to large sizes during pregnancy and cause discomfort to the woman, they are removed, but this is done only in the second trimester, when the formation stage internal organs fruit is completed.

And if it has been decided that the warts should be removed, the woman should understand that:

  • removing only 1 growth does not guarantee a 100% cure for the virus;
  • the procedure must be performed only in a specialized clinic under the strict supervision of a gynecologist and surgeon;
  • The risk of transmitting the virus to the fetus, even after removing all warts, will still persist throughout pregnancy.

And the most important thing that a woman needs to realize is that any intervention, even minimally invasive, can lead to serious consequences.

Indications for removal

There are cases when warts actually pose a serious threat to the life of the mother and unborn child. They are:

  • rapid growth of formations;
  • a sharp increase in the level of papilloma virus in the blood;
  • degeneration of a wart into a malignant tumor;
  • pain that occurs when you touch a wart.

Removal of papillomas should only occur in specialized clinics. Any independent attempts to get rid of these formations can not only provoke their active growth, but also the premature opening of labor!

If the warts are not numerous and less than 1 cm in diameter, then it is still worth holding off on removing them. Moreover, the likelihood that they will disappear on their own after childbirth is quite high.

What is strictly forbidden to do

The appearance of warts on the body always entails aesthetic discomfort. But if the doctor insists on postponing the operation to remove them for some period of time, then during this period it is strictly prohibited:

  • self-medicate by using various medications without a doctor’s prescription, as they can provoke the development of defects in the fetus;
  • resort to the help of alternative medicine;
  • burn warts or try to remove them with scissors, because this will lead to their active growth.

Warts are relatively harmless formations and therefore do not require prompt treatment. And you should not insist on their removal without a good reason, as this can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

Pregnancy often forces a woman to learn a lot of new things about herself.

Today it has become very popular to say that it is unacceptable to consider this period a disease and treat the woman accordingly.

But anyway pay attention to your health and well-being most representatives of the fair sex have to do it much more often than usual.

Appearance of a wart in normal times, few people can be happy, but for a pregnant woman this often becomes another reason for anxiety and concern.

So is it worth worrying too much if an unwanted bump suddenly appears on your body?

What is a wart and what can it be?

A wart is a benign neoplasm, which can appear on almost any part of the body in a person whose blood contains the human papillomavirus.

Today there are three main types of warts:

  1. Condyloma acuminata. Its location is the genitals or the area next to them.
  2. Filiform papilloma can reach 3 cm. Often this neoplasm has an elongated shape, it is attached to the skin with a stalk of 1 mm.
  3. Common wart has a flat shape and its size does not exceed 3 mm in length.


In order to detect the presence of HPV in the body, it is enough to just take an analysis to determine it. Usually, similar procedure the expectant mother undergoes during the observation period.

A referral for analysis is issued by a doctor who is seeing a pregnant woman at the antenatal clinic.

If one or more bumps of unknown origin are found on any area of ​​the skin, you should see a doctor immediately.

Determining the nature of a neoplasm on your own is quite dangerous, since the result may not always be correct.

Warts - “Live Healthy!” program

How dangerous (and are they dangerous?) are warts during pregnancy?

It’s worth starting with the fact that warts are for mom pose virtually no danger.

At the same time, their presence is not always easy to cope with, because in some areas of the body they cause a lot of discomfort, and in some cases they are also depressing, if we talk about the aesthetic side of the issue.

Thus, the presence of papilloma on the face can greatly spoil the mood throughout pregnancy, and the appearance of tumors between the fingers and toes greatly interferes with to live an active lifestyle.

For the baby, all types of warts that appear on the mother’s body are safe, except those located on the birth canal. Most often in this case we are talking about genital warts.

Let's consider the options, When is wart removal necessary?:

  • in case the baby may become infected during childbirth;
  • if the size of the tumor and its location can negatively affect the birth process;
  • if the number of papillomas increases rapidly and causes the mother a lot of worry and anxiety.

Some medications, the use of which can be dangerous for a child in the first trimester, will not harm him during treatment in the third or pregnancy. An example in this case would be oxolinic ointment.

Today, the following procedures help achieve good results in the treatment of warts:

  • cryotherapy;
  • laser removal;
  • surgical removal.

Cryotherapy involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze skin growths.

Is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy using this method? After all, doctors have not yet formed a consensus on the use of this procedure during pregnancy.

For this reason, pregnant women should agree to cryotherapy with great caution; it is better to find a safe alternative.

Laser removal of warts- This effective way, but for the complete disappearance of unwanted bumps, you may have to undergo several procedures.

Surgical removal Papillomas are usually performed using a scalpel. The disadvantages of this method include the presence of unpleasant sensations and the possibility of unpleasant consequences in the form of uneven skin in the areas where the tubercles are localized.

Warts - program “About the Most Important Thing”

What else can be done to remove a wart? Some women try to resort to traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of papillomas on the body during pregnancy. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor first.

You cannot use recipes that contain toxic substances. of any origin, because it can harm the baby!

Disease prevention

It is known that HPV is transmitted from person to person. For this reason, in order to prevent infection, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

In addition to your own washcloth, toothbrush and other obvious little things, It’s worth paying attention to what kind of shoes you use and whether you let someone use your slippers or clothes. It is better, of course, to avoid such “gestures of goodwill.”

During pregnancy, the body undergoes complete hormonal changes. In order to support immunity, doctors often prescribe

Often, the anxious anticipation of the baby, due to the development of numerous complications, turns into a serious test. One of the unpleasant moments is the appearance of warts on the body (both on the mucous membrane and on the skin). What is the reason for their appearance and what does it threaten? Should I remove it immediately or wait until the baby is born? Expectant mothers who are faced with an unpleasant problem often look for answers to these questions.

Why do warts appear?

A wart is a skin growth that is benign in nature.

Their appearance is provoked by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is carried by more than 75% of people around the world. The virus can be transmitted from one person to another directly through direct contact or through household objects.

In most cases, HPV does not manifest itself in any way, but some of its strains can cause the appearance of warts (simple and genital).

Before pregnancy, a girl may not suspect that she is already a carrier of the papilloma virus, but while carrying a baby, her body undergoes changes. Hormonal changes in the body and temporary weakening of the immune system cause the formation of warts on the body during the gestational period.


Warts, like skin growths, are benign and are divided into several types. During pregnancy, the following types of warts are more likely to form:

  • Common warts (papillomas). These are dense, convex nodules with an uneven surface at the top. Villi appear at the tip, and the general appearance of the warts resembles that of cauliflower.

    Such formations healthy person appear on the hands and feet, but during pregnancy the body can behave unpredictably and warts will appear in the most unexpected places: on the neck, face, groin area, chest, in the armpit area.

  • Genital warts or genital warts. These elongated nodules have pink color and form papillary merging growths.

    They appear in the genital area or in the anus.

The cause of warts is the proliferation of epithelium.

Neoplasms have different effects on the course and outcome of pregnancy. The papilloma virus is not dangerous for the mother and her baby, the disease is rarely accompanied by pain.

Among the main disadvantages is unaesthetic appearance, the possibility of growth and reproduction of warts. However, the neoplasm does not always appear in a single copy. Several warts may appear in one location. They form a group and it grows over time, merging into plaques.

A distinctive feature of condylomas is a high degree of infection. When warts appear on the genital mucosa, they can completely close the birth canal and complicate the upcoming birth.

What to do?

If a wart is found on the body, the main thing is not to pick it, tear it off or pick it out. Such actions will only contribute to the spread of the virus to other areas and the appearance of new growths.

Removing warts on your own will not bring the desired result due to the futility of such methods: papillomas are very specific in their structure, their roots go deep under the skin. A qualified dermatologist can help solve this problem.

During the examination, he will assess the degree of infection and determine the most correct effective treatment, considering physiological characteristics women and the course of pregnancy.

Why are warts dangerous for pregnant women?

The wart itself, which appears during pregnancy, cannot cause any harm to the unborn baby. Much more dangerous is the use of untested methods and folk remedies in self-treatment.

Many doctors believe that if papillomas that appear during pregnancy do not cause pain, do not grow and do not have signs of infection, there is no need to touch them before the baby is born. Condylomas with a pointed apex that appear in the genital area require treatment during the gestational period. They are dangerous both for the girl and for her unborn baby.

Sometimes warts formed in the birth canal can continue to grow to a size that prevents the normal birth of a child. When the birth canal and cervix open during the birth process, large papillomas will burst and thereby provoke heavy bleeding. When warts are opened, the baby may contract the papilloma virus while passing through the birth canal.

HPV can appear within a few days after birth or in the first months of life. It is especially dangerous that in newborns, in case of infection with the virus, warts form in the larynx and complicate the breathing process. Therefore, during pregnancy, girls who are diagnosed with genital papillomas are prescribed a cesarean section.

Removing warts during pregnancy

Often, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman provoke the formation of papillomas. There is also a process that is the opposite of this. Immediately after birth, most tumors disappear within a short period of time.

Many qualified doctors recommend not carrying out the removal procedure while pregnant, especially in the first and third trimester. The reason is the unpredictable individual reaction of the girl’s body to the procedure (sometimes even provoking premature birth). Another reason is the impossibility of surgical intervention in conjunction with immunostimulating agents.

The reason for removing warts during pregnancy can be only a few factors:

  1. Changes in the color and (or) shape of warts;
  2. Threat of a serious increase in the number and size of papillomas;
  3. Painful sensations.

Removal of common warts

  • Laser method. Laser beams intensively destroy the papilloma and form a depression at the site of its localization, which disappears over time. The advantage of this method of removing warts is that the laser leaves almost no marks on the body and eliminates the appearance of bleeding during the procedure.
  • Cryodestruction. Warts are removed under the influence of low temperature (liquid nitrogen). This is how the pathological tissue of the epithelial layer is destroyed. This procedure gives good results and is performed without anesthesia. But if large tumors appear, it will need to be repeated.
  • Removal with a scalpel. During the surgical operation, an incision is made into healthy epithelial tissue, the papilloma is removed and cosmetic sutures are applied. This method is rarely used, but it is the most relevant in cases where there is a need to examine pathological tissues.

Treatment of condylomas

Warts formed in the groin area during pregnancy are a serious threat to the child. The danger increases if they are localized in the vaginal area.

A doctor can prescribe the removal of genital warts only in special cases, when the need for the procedure is higher than the possible risks.

The surgical intervention itself occurs under the strict supervision of a qualified specialist.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of warts

There are many folk recipes fight against warts, which are time-tested and proven to be effective. The most popular include the following:

  • Potato compress(the root vegetable is rubbed together with the peel, a compress is prepared). The course of treatment is 6 days.
  • Celandine juice. Warts are smeared with the juice of this plant until they completely disappear from the skin.
  • Aloe leaves. The wart needs to be steamed, the pulp of a plant leaf applied to it, a bandage applied on top and left until the morning. Course - 10 days.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution. The affected areas of the epithelium should be lubricated with the solution for a week.

Before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor to rule out various contraindications and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

If warts are treated under the supervision of a doctor, the risks of relapses of the disease and all sorts of side effects are minimized.

Prevention plays an important role in preventing the disease from returning. You should avoid tight-fitting clothing made of synthetic materials, observe basic hygiene rules and use condoms during sexual intercourse.

An annual examination by a qualified specialist is also advisable.