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How to register a marriage abroad. Scenario for on-site marriage registration

Marriage registration is one of the most important and exciting moments wedding day. IN Lately newlyweds prefer an outdoor marriage registration ceremony, despite the fact that its cost significantly exceeds classic version. A wedding in nature or in another non-standard place will definitely be remembered for many years by the newlyweds and guests, and will also be a great start life together two lovers. This is an opportunity to make your dreams come true and spend an unforgettable day.


The location for off-site registration should be chosen based on your own preferences and wedding style. Show your imagination, consult with your friends - there will definitely be something suitable in your city.

The site offers several interesting options:

  1. By the water. A popular option is to organize on-site registration on the seashore. Also perfect place- bank of a river or lake. A pier or bridge can act as a stage.

  2. In the forest. In summer, wide tree crowns will create the necessary shade and coolness. Autumn forest will enchant you with a riot of bright colors.

  3. Botanical Garden. An abundance of flowers and herbs will be a great decoration for an outdoor ceremony, but you will need a permit.
  4. Museum and historical buildings. The unique atmosphere will make your celebration intriguing and sophisticated. In order to organize on-site marriage registration in such places, you will need permission from the administration.

  5. Yacht or motor ship. A wedding on the water is beautiful and romantic. Please note that water transport is only relevant during the spring-summer period.

  6. Vacation home. If you want to have a wedding outdoors, you can rent a cottage or dacha. Here you can not only register, but also organize a banquet and accommodate out-of-town guests.
  7. Palace or estate. A chic old palace or estate is perfect for a classic wedding.

  8. Hotel. Carrying out on-site registration at the hotel will save you from such hassles as organizing a buffet table and accommodating guests. The hotel staff will help you with this.

  9. Roof of a high-rise building. Holding a wedding on the roof of a building will undoubtedly impress all guests.
  10. In the air. If you dream of exchanging rings in the air, you can use a hot air balloon for this. And guests will meet you on the ground. An extreme idea is to get married while skydiving.
  11. Places for active recreation. This could be a golf club, stadium or tennis court.

  12. In the mountains. A romantic place with breathtaking scenery is a great idea for lovers of nature and outdoor activities.

For on-site marriage registration, any creative ideas, because only you decide how your wedding will go.

Time spending

Traditionally, registration takes place during the day, but exceptions are possible. It depends on your wedding style and registry location. Organizing a wedding ceremony after sunset gives room for flights of fancy in terms of decorations. Candles, light bulbs and garlands will make your celebration magical and fabulous.

Recently, on-site marriage registration has become increasingly popular. Why? Because these are unforgettable emotions, especially for newlyweds, which they will not be able to experience within the walls of the registry office. Today, the registry office is becoming more and more a legal formality, and the children give themselves a holiday directly, on the very day of the celebration. Exit registration is a romantic fairy tale for two, in which there are cozy moments, experiencing which more than one guest will not remain indifferent, not to mention the stingy male tear that our grooms have shed more than once) Emotions in our information and computerized age are becoming more and more valuable and On such a significant day as a wedding, you want to be sincere and real, so that the guests get goosebumps from what is happening, so that you forever remember these 30 minutes as something especially valuable, because it is in these minutes that your family is born...

It is at the exit registration that you have a great opportunity to say to each other important words that are in your soul and fill your heart towards each other, which you will not do in the registry office, where everything is put on stream like on a conveyor belt... we are sure, that you don’t want to become part of this obsolete mechanism)))

What the older generation says about exit registration:

“Guys, what we just saw changed our idea of ​​the wedding! Thank you for these emotions, thank you for this holiday, we could not even imagine that it would be so touching!”

The younger generation says:

“Damn, cool! How cool! I also want such a wedding, I want the same outdoor ceremony!”

What our newlyweds say:

“These emotions and feelings that we experienced on this fabulous day will remain with us for the rest of our lives! Thank you for giving people such happiness!!! All the guests were touched to the depths of their souls, they rejoiced with us and cried!”

How will your
External marriage registration?

11 simple steps for exit registration,
for which you will receive unforgettable emotions and 2 family traditions.
"Standard package".

1. Meeting guests.

As a rule, before registration begins, a buffet is organized for guests. Next, the field registrar or wedding planner seats the guests. While guests are seated, romantic music plays to set the guests in the right mood.

2. Beginning.

When everyone is already seated, the registrar begins his beautiful speech and addresses the guests. Before meeting the newlyweds, we meet the groom’s friends to cheerful music... and of course, to “Pretty Woman,” a spectacular entrance for the bridesmaids!

3. Meeting of the bride and groom.

On the path to family life the groom appears and left hand walks next to him a beautiful woman who gave him life. Well, to the sound of bells, along a path strewn with rose petals, accompanied by loving father, guests meet a charming bride!

4. 1st family tradition*

Rose is a symbol of love, family happiness and prosperity. From now on, this flower will remind you of this day and of the words that you said to each other in front of your family and friends.

5. Wedding vows.

It's time to answer a few questions when addressing your loved one. Sometimes grooms say: I’ve been preparing a speech for a month, but now I want to say something completely different, something that tingles in my chest, makes my eyes fill with moisture... I LOVE YOU! It doesn’t matter what you say to each other, the main thing is that every word you utter will be as sincere as possible, because when your hearts speak, it is impossible to lie!

6. Painting.

We pronounce you husband and wife. The family is assigned a common surname, or not))) Ceremonial presentation of the certificate. From now on you are spouses!

7. Engagement.

The field receptionist will tell everyone how symbolic the exchange of rings is, while a little angel with wings carries them out on a pillow)

8. 2nd family tradition*

Two vessels, two destinies, two personalities... You mix sand of 2 colors, symbolizing your reunion in marriage. If at this moment you make a wish from pure heart, it will certainly come true. Therefore, do not be afraid to dream and make plans for a future together. Let's program the universe to family happiness together!

9. Congratulations from the guests.

It's time to congratulate our newlyweds and give them flowers. Shake the groom's right hand and kiss the bride on the cheek - for good luck!

10. Showering the newlyweds and releasing balloons

Having freed their hands from the flowers, the guests line up in a living corridor. We accompany the newlyweds along the path leading to family life and shower them with rose petals. Next, the guests line up in a horseshoe behind our newlyweds and each is given a balloon, and the newlyweds are given pigeons if they wish. We made wishes and one, two or three times together we released them into the sky!

11. Surprises.

A few more romantic moments that we will keep silent about so that you will be interested and competitors will not use our full on-site registration script))))

Find out more at a meeting with the organizer

* Family tradition may vary depending on the style of the wedding and detailed work with the couple. Included in organizing a turnkey wedding.

You can see
wedding registrations that we have already carried out

Price for on-site marriage registration in Moscow

The “Standard Package” registration price described above includes:

  1. Field registrar
  2. Wedding planner/assistant
  3. DJ/sound engineer
  4. Flower arch/tent
  5. Artificial floristry (Italian production)
  6. Track
  7. Table for painting
  8. Ring removal pad
  9. Certificate folder
  10. Painting pen
  11. Rose petals / baskets
  12. Ceremony script
  13. Sound equipment
  14. Musical composition for the script
  15. Author's vase (according to the script) - as a gift
  16. Decanter in the shape of a heart (according to the script) - as a gift
  17. Colored sand

Additionally included in the estimate:

Rent of chairs for registration (delivery, installation)
- rent of a site for registration
- buffet, welcome drinks
- themed arrival of the newlyweds (on a carriage, on horseback, on a bicycle, etc.)
- thematic meeting of guests (mimes, magicians, cartoonists, etc.)
- video recording of on-site registration (video 3 minutes)
- symbolic release of birds from the cage (decorative cage, 3-4 birds)
- release of pigeons (a pair of white doves)
- angels with wings (wings for rent, makeup, etc.)
- live music (saxophone, violin, harp, etc.)

Total, turnkey price for field registration: 55,000 rubles*
* excluding the cost of renting a registration area and renting chairs.

And we can offer you much more,
at the introductory meeting!
(details from our organizers)

All couples who do not want to sign at the registry office, dreaming of a beautiful away registration, need to keep in mind that the possibilities of officially holding this event are very limited.

The easiest way to make your ceremony special and different from others is to contact an agency that provides such services.

Exit painting is quite often found in the list of services of event agencies and implies that the newlyweds must officially register their marriage in any registry office of their city on any day convenient for them (non-ceremonial registration is also carried out on weekdays).

This is done because the accounting book and seal according to the law cannot be removed from the registry office building.

After you receive a marriage registration certificate and stamped passports, you must hand them over to the agency staff, and they, in turn, to the person who will carry out the registration.

In large cities, it is common practice for registry office employees to travel to other places with which they have an agreement to conduct outdoor wedding ceremonies. Again, the newlyweds will have to sign in the registration book, having previously arrived at the registry office, and hand over their passports on the eve of the ceremony. But the advantage of this option is that on your wedding day you will have the opportunity to sign the marriage certificate and an official will sign for you.

If you want everything to look as authentic as possible, simply do not reveal your secret to guests and ask to use the official text that is read on the painting by the registry office employee.


Residents of the capital are luckier: since 2006, Muscovites can officially register their marriage not only in registry offices or wedding palaces, but also on the territory of cultural and historical sites in Moscow.

Each of these sites is attached to a specific registry office, so you will have to submit an application along with other couples.

Application Procedure for official field registration of marriage is similar to the standard procedure for submitting an application to the registry office, only it is carried out according to a sliding schedule, which must be clarified on an individual basis.

And you also need to keep in mind that, unlike the registry office, where each pair of newlyweds is given 10-15 minutes (that is, on average, about 50 couples can be registered per day), at the official field registration of marriage, each couple is given an hour (thus, they can sign no more than 6 pairs per day).

For this reason, the application must be submitted in advance.

Pre-registration is available starting in January. And you will need to confirm it and submit an official application 45 days before the wedding.

About applying: important to know!

If you have been proposed to and you want to get married this year, then it is better to submit a preliminary application immediately, without delaying the matter. Especially if you intend to celebrate during the height of the wedding season - from June to September.

If you have planned a wedding for next year, you will have to wait until January and submit a preliminary application only after the New Year holidays.

The exception is when you want a wedding at the very beginning of the year, in January or the first half of February. Then you should go to the registry office, as expected, 45 days before the wedding date, that is, in November or December, and do without an appointment. Fortunately, there are not many people who want to celebrate a wedding in winter; there will be no problems with the date.

A list of places where you can conduct official on-site marriage registration in the city of Moscow can be found on the website of the Civil Registry Office

One more nuance— at each wedding venue there is a limit on the number of invited guests, usually 20 people, but there are exceptions. In addition, some outdoor areas are only open during the warm season.


Many registry offices in the regions also practice “semi-official” painting (that is, with an employee traveling to the ceremony site) only in the summer months.

But here the situation changes every year, so making any forecasts before January of the year for which you planned the wedding is pointless.

It is better for residents of the province to decide how to organize on-site registration by contacting the registry office of their city.

If you are refused at one registry office, do not despair - the management of another may be more loyal and will agree to register you outside the registry office without any problems.

Cost of an outdoor wedding ceremony

Another important note regarding on-site registration is that personal acquaintances and the opportunity to “fork out” are of great importance here.

Using the so-called “blat”, which has been solving many problems in Russia since time immemorial, you can even achieve the removal of the accounting book and seal from the registry office building and hold an official ceremony even on your own balcony. But if you are ready to go all out, then know that this is a judicial matter. So think about whether it's worth the risk.

If your wedding had an outdoor wedding ceremony, tell us how and where you organized it.

On-site registration is the most beautiful and stylish way celebrate the wedding. Instead of traditionally signing at the registry office, you can register anywhere - outdoors in the forest, in a park, on the beach or in an old mansion. In this article we will tell you about all the secrets of organizing an on-site registration: choosing a host, catering, accessories, cost.

External marriage registration differs from the usual one in the way it is carried out. If a traditional ceremony is held within the walls of the Wedding Palace, then an outdoor ceremony can take place in any romantic and beautiful place that the newlyweds have chosen in advance. To register, you can write your personal scenario, compose the words of the oath, develop your own traditions and wedding ceremonies, think over the design and musical accompaniment.

Official and theatrical outdoor marriage registration ceremony

Official exit registration of marriage– transfer of the event from the usual wedding palace to another place located on the territory of the historical and cultural sites of the city. Since 2006, according to law Russian Federation, a wedding celebration can take place not only within the walls of the wedding palace, but also on the territory of cultural and historical sites. The list of these places where it is allowed to hold a wedding ceremony in a solemn atmosphere should be clarified with the employees of the registry office, each of whom supervises a specific site. Such registration is absolutely legal, valid, has legal force and does not differ from ordinary registration in anything except the location.

Standard package of services, which complement the official outdoor ceremony:

  1. Marriage registration;
  2. photo shoot or video filming;
  3. musical accompaniment (live music);
  4. excursion;
  5. cost of official on-site registration – from 20,000 rubles.

Theatrical or informal off-site registration It is similar to an official ceremony in that it takes place outside the walls of a government institution. Such registration in itself has no legal force and is just a beautiful statement.

To organize a staged outdoor ceremony, you need to submit documents to the wedding palace in advance and officially sign in a normal setting without guests or witnesses. It is important to obtain a marriage certificate. This document will subsequently be involved in setting up on-site registration.

A wedding is an expensive event. In our article you can find what you can save on without compromising the quality of the holiday.

According to the law, every employee is entitled. How to take a vacation? Is the employer obliged to pay for it? About this and much more in our article.

Main advantage– the opportunity to choose a place to your liking, bypassing the lists of cultural and historical monuments approved by law.

It could be an abandoned church, a forest clearing, a pier above the foaming sea waves, the roof of a skyscraper, or even a hang glider where lovers will exchange rings and vows of eternal love.

Theatrical registration can be carried out by anyone - a friend, acquaintance or a hired actor.

The registration itself can be entrusted to a holiday agency, leaving pre-holiday preparations and efforts on the shoulders of specialists. Or organize the ceremony yourself:

  • determine the venue and ensure its rental for the required time;
  • find an actor who will play the role of a receptionist, a priest or any other character;
  • write the vows that the newlyweds will exchange at the ceremony;
  • organize a buffet table, musical accompaniment, think over decorations, decor and accessories.

Pros and cons of on-site registration

Advantages of on-site registration:

  • Date of. You can choose any date and time that is convenient. A wedding can be held not only on any day, but also at any time of the day, for example, in the evening or even at night by candlelight.
  • Place. If this is a theatrical registration, you can choose the place that you like best.
  • Guests. Unlimited number of guests you can invite to your wedding.
  • Flexibility. If one of the guests is late, the ceremony can be delayed a little, which cannot be said about the traditional option at the registry office.
  • Scenario. Your own and unique wedding scenario, which you can develop yourself or with the help of the organizer.
  • Music and decor. The opportunity to choose the musical accompaniment and aesthetic design of the holiday to your liking and in accordance with individual ideas about the ideal wedding.

Disadvantages of an outdoor wedding ceremony:

  • Limited selection. The opportunity to carry out official on-site registration is not available in all cities, which must be clarified in advance with the registry office staff.
  • Coordination. Even if the newlyweds are able to organize an off-site official ceremony, the musical accompaniment, design, and time will need to be coordinated with other couples.
  • Price. A significant registration price, which includes the services of actors, renting a place for registration (castle, ancient estate, yacht), a trip to another city or even country.
  • Complex organization. Significant hassle is associated with organizing on-site registration (searching for and renting the required location, developing a script and distributing responsibilities, selecting actors).

Host of an unofficial outdoor ceremony: selecting a great registrar

The host at the outdoor ceremony will “marry” the newlyweds. He will be in plain sight, and guests will carefully watch all his actions and words. That's why it's so important to find suitable candidate for the role of presenter. This could be an actor or a professional wedding celebrant who has the following qualities:

  • Communication skills. During the wedding, the host will have to communicate with the newlyweds and guests, so it is important to be able to win them over and interest them. Sullenness, stiffness, indecisiveness are traits that are unacceptable when working as a registrar or wedding officiant.
  • Literacy. The presenter must correctly express his thoughts, have good diction, an impressive vocabulary, avoid tongue-tiedness, the use of phraseological units and surzhik.
  • Ingenuity and intelligence. No matter how carefully a wedding is planned, something can go wrong. Even the most organized and thoughtful registration ceremony is not immune to unpredictable moments. To avoid excesses, the registrar must be smart, resourceful, and creative.
  • Presentable appearance. Appearance the presenter must correspond festive event. Correctly selected clothes, shoes, hairstyle, well-groomed manicure - important points, which together contribute to the overall impression of the registrar. No matter how expert the presenter is in his field, oil stains on clothes or hair somehow collected into a hairstyle will distract attention and spoil the impression.

When choosing a person who will “register” your marriage, you should ask about reviews from previous clients: have there been any difficulties, what is worth paying attention to. But even if the track record is not long, and the person has produced good impression and has satisfied the requirements above, then you can cooperate with him. Moreover, an actor, still little-known, can work with even greater dedication than a famous and well-known wedding host in the city.

Catering: we organize an outdoor banquet

In an old castle, in a garden, in a forest or on the seashore, there is no way to connect to the power grid to prepare treats on the spot. If the ceremony does not take place in the form of a picnic with a fire or camp stove, then it will be difficult to arrange a banquet for the guests. But catering or an outdoor restaurant is the best option for an outdoor ceremony.

This service is very convenient: professional chefs will prepare treats for guests, loaders will deliver as quickly as possible, and the bartender and waiters will skillfully serve to guests. An off-site restaurant allows the newlyweds themselves to forget about fussing with the kitchen and cooking, and leave all the necessary troubles to the catering agency.

Some tips on how to choose the right catering for a wedding in this video:

The most popular at an outdoor wedding ceremony is buffet(Buffet). The menu will be developed in accordance with the client’s wishes for the choice of dishes and drinks. The dishes will be prepared in the kitchen of the agency's restaurant in order to be delivered to the place of registration as soon as possible.

Advantage buffet service – an opportunity for guests to communicate while moving freely between tables with snacks and drinks.

What you need for off-site wedding registration: basic accessories

  • Alcove. The wedding ceremony will take place in the gazebo. You need to make it such a size that it can easily accommodate all the guests of the holiday. The supports can be made of wood, and the edges can be made of wire. The gazebo is draped with light fabric and decorated with flowers.
  • Arch. Young people stand under it while exchanging marriage vows. Can be decorated with fresh or artificial flowers, balloons, ribbons, draped with fabric and lace.
  • Track. It passes between the rows of chairs on which guests sit and leads to the arch. The path can be made in the form of a photo collage with images of the newlyweds and memorable moments in their lives. Or lay out the carpet in a color that will harmonize with the bride’s dress and the rest of the wedding decor.
  • Chairs for guests. This may be special furniture for special occasions or ordinary chairs, completely covered with beautiful fabric covers.

Organization of the celebration: with the help of an agency or independently

If young people are not strapped for money, they can turn to the services wedding agency. Specialists will help you write a wedding script, distribute roles, draw up vows, organize catering, and provide all the accessories necessary for the celebration.

And you can do everything with your own hands:

Making a wedding arch

And decorating the arch with flowers

Chair decoration

How much does an outdoor ceremony cost: main budget items

Official registration will have its own price, which may differ in different cities and even registry offices. Approximate cost from 20,000 rub. Up to 40,000 rub. It includes registrar services, photo and video shooting, and musical accompaniment.

Actor Ordering an actor for a staged wedding registration will cost from 5,000 rubles. – 10,000 rub.

Live music(saxophonist - from 4,000 rubles, on-site musical group - 12,000 rubles) inexpensive DJ, sound engineer with equipment - from 5,000 rubles.

Catering for a turnkey wedding it will cost from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. per person. This price already includes the cost of dishes, the work of the cook, the services of couriers, waiters, bartender, as well as necessary materials, furniture, dishes and tools.

Photo session or video shooting. Ordering a photographer or even an on-site photo studio will cost you from 5,000 rubles.

Wedding accessories(tent, arch, path, furniture covers, confetti, flowers). You can buy everything you need by paying from 10,000 rubles. up to 150,000 rub. Some things, for example, it’s easier not to buy an arch, but to make it yourself. The cheapest option is to rent everything. Thus, it is realistic to reduce the price by two to three times.

Despite the price exceeding the cost of an ordinary marriage registration, an outdoor ceremony is becoming increasingly popular. This is a good opportunity to start a family life, bypassing the dull bureaucracy of regular registration. If the bride has imagined this day as unique and inimitable since childhood, an outdoor wedding ceremony will make her dreams come true. Such an unusual, colorful wedding will be remembered for a long time by both the guests and the newlyweds themselves.

Never set foot in the registry office! How to avoid a boring marriage ceremony.
So, you, two loving hearts, decided to unite and create a new unit of society and enthusiastically went to the registry office to submit an application. And if you are “lucky” to get there by chance on Friday or Saturday (these days are wedding ceremonies in the registry office), then you will see what a solemn wedding ceremony looks like.
The registry office, as it turns out, is now feared not only by men, but also by their brides - after all, there is the Mendelssohn march, the registrar-reminiscent auntie and the terrible word “getting married.” Crowding, noise, bustle, and the next couple is threatening to step on your heels - schedule, time, quickly, quickly. You can’t park - two wedding processions before (one couple leaves, the other is preparing to enter), two after, the crowd is taking pictures on the porch, and you can’t get through, everyone is jostling - guests, brides, onlookers and beggars... And you just don’t have time to think about the “advice” yes love,” they remind you about the regulations for the wedding procedure approved by the administration, so hurry up.
And you really want a ceremony in a romantic place, under the shade of an arch of flowers and surrounded by guests in tuxedos and hats. For newlyweds who are not ready to give up the dream of a wedding “like in the movies,” there are two options: unofficial (link to article) and official on-site marriage registration.


To apply for travel registration, you need to do the following:
- Select the site you are interested in (only from those listed below; in other places, marriage registration will be symbolic);
- Call the appropriate registry office to which this site is attached (described below) and find out the date of filing the application for the day you are interested in.
- Come to the registry office on the appointed day and time to submit an application with all the necessary documents.


State registration of marriage on historical sites in Moscow

In accordance with the order of the Moscow Government dated October 9, 2006 No. 2036-RP “On the organization of activities for state registration of marriage in a solemn ceremony,” you can register your marriage not only in the registry office departments or wedding palaces, but also on the territory of cultural and historical sites of the city Moscow.

Currently, on-site marriage registration is carried out in the following institutions:

Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov
Estate "Vlahernskoye-Kuzminki" (on the territory of the Horse Yard)
Estate "Kuskovo" (White Hall of the Italian House)
State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"
Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (on Poklonnaya Hill)
Palace N.A. Durasov in the Lyublino estate (Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve)
Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"
Petrovsky Travel Palace
Hotel "Danilovskaya"


Registry offices regulate the number of guests and their behavior, and also strictly determine the day of the celebration
- price from 25,000 to 51,000
- additional expenses: for example, in the park there is an entrance fee for each guest + the purchase of permission for photo and video shooting.


Absolutely fabulously beautiful
- each couple is allocated 60 minutes (instead of the standard 20)
- in addition to the classic “Yes!”, the bride and groom can prepare vows to each other in advance.
- the cost of all ceremonies includes marriage registration, decoration, music, photos and videos, interior photography
- some venues (link to venues) offer a buffet table, a gala meeting of newlyweds, carriage rides, and planting roses in the museum courtyard.

Museum-apartment of A.S. Pushkin on Arbat

Address- st. Arbat, 53

Registration schedule- 2 times a year – in mid-February and on City Day.

Cost of basic services- 25,000 (The standard package of services includes: hall rental, marriage registration, musical accompaniment, photo and video shooting, buffet)

- Khamovnichesky Civil Registry Office

In 1831, when Pushkin decided to marry Natalya Goncharova, he rented an apartment on the second floor of a two-story house on Arbat, owned by the family of the provincial secretary Khitrov. He didn’t even think that several centuries later lavish wedding ceremonies would be held in this house in costumes from the poet’s era, and he didn’t expect that there would be many connoisseurs of his talent who would want to get married in this apartment filled with the light of Russian poetry.

Additional services:
Buffet (in the open courtyard of the museum)
Tour of the museum

Moscow State Art Gallery

People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov

Address - st. Volkhonka, 13

Registration schedule - During the year, once a month on Fridays (by agreement with the gallery)

Cost of basic services - 25,000 (The standard package of services includes: marriage registration ceremony, short excursion through the halls of the museum, photo and video filming, musical accompaniment (violin quartet))

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted- Khamovnichesky Civil Registry Office

Art Gallery- famous for its unique paintings, Empire style interiors, high grand staircases and the spirit of Moscow’s historical past. Here we are always happy to put our halls at the disposal of newlyweds who want to officially register their marriage within the walls of the gallery.
The ceremonial registration takes place on the ground floor in the main hall.
During the ceremony, the museum complex is closed, which allows you to create an atmosphere of intimacy and real home comfort in the very center of Moscow.

Additional services:
Buffet for 50 people
Buffet hall on the 4th floor for up to 70 people.

Estate "Vlahernskoe-Kuzminki"

(on the territory of the Horse Yard)

Address - Poplar Alley, 6

Registration schedule - From June to September on Fridays (by agreement with the museum)

Cost of basic services - 25.000

Ryazan Civil Registry Office department
150 years ago, contemporaries spoke enthusiastically about it as the “Russian Versailles”, paying tribute to the magnificent architecture, the unity of nature and art in the arrangement of the exquisite park, the splendor of the salons, parties and holidays held here.
Newlyweds have a unique opportunity to officially register their marriage on the territory of the estate of the princes Golitsyn.
The ceremonial registration takes place in the arena hall of the Horse Yard.
Recently, a wedding “Celebration Hall” was opened on the territory of the estate for newlyweds, the interiors and furnishings of which are made in the style of the 19th century. A well-groomed area with a fountain and a banquet with exquisite cuisine in such a palace, which has no analogues in its uniqueness, will make your wedding truly unique and memorable.
On the territory of the estate there is the possibility of holding a wedding in the Church of the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God.
Also developed unique program “Wedding in the Museum”: marriage registration, musical accompaniment of the ceremony, ceremonial meeting of the newlyweds at the estate, carriage rides in the park, planting roses in the museum courtyard, photography in the museum interiors, buffet reception.
The ceremony takes place in the White Hall of the Manege.
Time for the ceremony- 1 hour;
Registration fee- 200 rubles (state duty);
Hall rental, horse-drawn carriage rental for the bride and groom- 10,000 rubles;
Application deadlines- maximum 2 months, minimum 1 month;
Number of guests- up to 50 people;
Musical trio, photographing in museum interiors and videographer

A ceremonial meeting of the newlyweds in the estate by a lady in an ancient costume and congratulations to them in the style of the 19th century;
Entertainment program: searching for a horseshoe “for good luck”, presenting a scroll
Riding in a carriage through the park, planting a rose in the museum courtyard
Festive banquet or buffet in the museum cafe
Excursion “The Nineteenth Century about Love...”.

Estate Estate "Kuskovo"

(White Hall of the Italian House)

Address - st. Yunosti, 2

Registration schedule - Throughout the year, every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. From July to September - first three Fridays of the month

Cost of basic services - 29.000

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted is Perovsky Civil Registry Office department

The estate, built by order of the Sheremetyev counts in the 18th century, was intended for lavish receptions, hosting crowded theatrical celebrations and festivities. It has been perfectly preserved to this day. A wedding walk through the park, with its canals and statues of Russian and Italian masters, will give you an unforgettable experience and will remain in your memory and photographs for a lifetime. The unique interiors and majestic view of the palace and the splendor of the park create here ideal conditions for a romantic celebration.
Number of guests- 10-15 people (small hall);
Photographer and videographer- 10,000 rubles (mandatory option);
Time for the ceremony- up to 1 hour;
Buffet(champagne, fruit) - possible, but only on the street.
Additional services:

  • buffet
  • photoshoot
  • musical accompaniment
  • horse rides
  • launching pigeons (2500 rub.)

State Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

Address - st. Dolskaya, 1

Registration schedule - Throughout the year, weekly on Fridays and Saturdays. From June to September 4 days a week - Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, with the exception of the 4th Thursday of the month.
Applications for marriage are accepted electronically on the Portal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow.
When submitting an application at the Tsaritsyn Civil Registry Office, both applicants must have photocopies of their passports (first and third pages)

Cost of basic services - 40,000 (The standard package includes: marriage registration ceremony, musical accompaniment, accompanist, photo and video shooting)

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted is Tsaritsyn Civil Registry Office

"Tsaritsyno"- one of the most beautiful corners of Moscow, in which there is a unique opportunity to have a magnificent wedding. At the end of the 18th century, it was acquired by Empress Catherine II. By her order, a palace was to be erected here, surpassing Tsarskoye Selo in splendor, but the construction was not completed. For a long time magnificent ruins and completed buildings, as well as a beautiful park and a system of ponds, became one of the favorite places for Muscovites to walk, turning into the capital's largest museum-reserve in the 20th century. It is not surprising that now, Tsaritsyno, which is being restored, is very popular among newlyweds, because the stunning, romantic atmosphere of the estate is perfect for such a celebration as a wedding.
The ceremonial registration takes place at the Opera House. During this time, the mansion is at the complete disposal of the newlyweds and their guests. The ancient interiors of the Opera House will give your wedding additional charm and unique romance.
Couples will be able to sign in the premises of the Opera House on Fridays and weekends.
A non-standard congratulation is read out to the newlyweds here, and a short excursion into history is made, the ceremony is accompanied by a string quartet, everything takes place decorously, without fuss, in accordance with the leisurely century when the Empress’s residence was created - wedding procession spends at least an hour in the estate.
It is clear that the historical situation obliges and makes special demands. For example, limousines, a favorite among wedding parties, do not fit into the historical paths of the estate, so the wedding procession will have to leave their long-tailed transport and march to the castle on foot or use the museum's car. The celebration hall is spacious, but not oversized, designed for 30 people.
For on-site marriage registration, you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the so-called additional, but in fact, mandatory wedding services - a car from the estate gates to the opera house and back, an orchestra, the first glass of champagne, cinema and photo immortalization. In total, “per round” it will cost at least 23 thousand rubles.
During this time, the mansion is at the complete disposal of the newlyweds and their guests. The ancient interiors of the Opera House will give your wedding additional charm, unique romance and will remain with you forever, captured in photographs and video. The ceremony is accompanied by solemn music performed by professional musicians dressed in 18th-century costumes.
The standard package of services includes:
Carrying out marriage registration
Photography and videography of the event

Production of DVD product

First glass of Champagne as a gift: 5 bottles of champagne for guests of the newlyweds
Conducting a photo shoot in the interior of the Estate. In the Great Palace and the Bread House. Theatrical program for guests.

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Address- st. Brothers Fonchenko, 10

Registration schedule - Throughout the year on Fridays and Saturdays (by agreement with the museum).

Cost of basic services - 34,000 (The standard package of services includes: hall rental, hall decoration, photo and video shooting, photos in a professional studio on Poklonnaya Gora, musical accompaniment, 25 glasses of champagne)

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted- Kutuzovsky Civil Registry Office department

Once upon a time, Poklonnaya Hill was located far outside the city. From its top one could observe the panorama of the city. The newlyweds stopped here to look at Moscow and bow to it - hence the name Poklonnaya Gora. There was a custom of holding wedding celebrations at this place, which has survived to this day.
Now official marriage registration can be carried out in the museum complex on Poklonnaya Gora. The spacious registration hall can accommodate up to 200 guests. The wedding hall has two entrances for the entrance and exit of the wedding couple, which eliminates the possibility of couples crossing.
On the territory of the memorial complex there is an Orthodox church, a mosque and a synagogue. If desired, the newlyweds can undergo a wedding ceremony according to their religion.
A unique location - a wedding on Poklonnaya Hill.
Capacity up to 200 guests
Separate entrance and exit (pairs do not intersect)
On the territory of Poklonnaya Gora there is an Orthodox church, a mosque and a synagogue. If desired, the newlyweds can undergo a wedding ceremony according to their religion.

Standard package of services:
Event photography
Processing of photo and video materials up to finished product, including: installation work using computer graphics
Printing and materials production
Work of screenwriters, sound engineers and designers
Production of DVD product
Musical accompaniment of the event
Decoration of the halls

Guidance through the territory of the Federal State Institution "Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" Preparation and presentation of presentation and information materials for the event, provision of information services.
First glass of Champagne” – as a gift: 25 glasses of champagne for guests of the newlyweds

Palace N.A. Durasova in the Lyublino estate

Address - st. Letnyaya, 1, bldg. 1

Registration schedule - Throughout the year, weekly on Fridays and Saturdays

Cost of basic services - 34,300 (the standard package of services includes: a wedding ceremony, musical accompaniment during the ceremony, theatrical accompaniment, a festive buffet for 20 people, photo and video shooting during your stay in the Palace)

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted is Wedding Palace No. 3

Estate N.A. Durasova- a building lost among the greenery of Lublin Park. The interior decoration takes us back to the century before last. The central entrance to the estate house is located on the eastern side. A wide staircase leads to a gallery from where you can enter the spacious rooms. Various ornaments architecture, landscape painting - all this gives the palace a cozy, calm atmosphere, which is ideal for weddings. Moreover, above the doors to the Marble Hall there is a painting “The Wedding of Cupid” - just a symbol of a successful marriage and a happy family life! Through the large half-mirror windows you can see the landscapes of the park, the rotunda gazebo, and a serene pond. Previously, the palace was a favorite place for entertainment and relaxation of the Moscow nobility - now this place can be for your wedding celebration.
The wedding program is, first of all, a stylized wedding within the historical walls of the estate palace.
The ceremonial registration takes place in the Summer House.

The façade and halls of the Palace are decorated with ancient symbols characteristic of the temple of Apollo the Sun God, patron of sciences, Art and Love. The historical estate of Lyublino is a specially protected protected area.

Dignity- no need to stand in line to submit an application on the required date. The maximum number of people inside is 30 people. Your photographer will be allowed in only with the photographer of the organizers (registry office)

COST - from 25,000 rubles, but
Ceremony - 12,000
Theatrical performance - 18,000 (20 visitors) and 22,000 (30 visitors), if you refuse, your guests will not be allowed inside
music - 12000, horse-drawn carriage - 11000, buffet - from 18000, pigeons - 2500,
Buffet - 15,000 (for service) + 3,000 (for 10 people, 2 bottles of champagne and various snacks), cannot be refused
Photography and Video - 8,000 and 5,000; if you refuse, you will not be allowed to take photographs inside.
Total minimum 61,000
Additional services:
vocal accompaniment
ride on a horse-drawn carriage
ride on horseback (accompanied)
decorating the halls with fresh flowers
concert at musical instrument"Belo"
dance lessons
performance of dance groups
balloon fireworks

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

(Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve)

5 sites to choose from:
1. Men's half - Dining Chamber (Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)
2. Women's half (Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)
3. Theater Khoromina (Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)
4. Palace pavilion 1825
5. Open area

Address - ave. Andropova, 39

Registration schedule - According to the working hours of the Wedding Palace in Kolomenskoye

Cost of basic services

By site:
1) 34.700
2) 32.000
3) 20.000
4) 34.500
5) 51.000

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted

Registration takes place in the palace pavilion of 1825, is carried out on any day except Monday and Sunday, the number of guests is up to 20 people.
On-site marriage registration is possible in 2 places:
Official on-site marriage registration in the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - a unique example of Russian wooden architecture of the late 17th century, decorated with stained glass windows, wood carvings, patterns on the walls and ceilings and tiles.
Official exit registration of marriage in the Palace Pavilion of 1825 - the only surviving building from the palace of Emperor Alexander I of the early 19th century. The pavilion is located in the very center of Kolomenskoye, where exhibitions and concerts are held.
Additional services:
Meeting with bread and salt;
Excursion for guests, duration - 45 minutes;
Presentation of a personalized horseshoe in the stable yard - duration 30 minutes;
Bell ringing of the St. George Bell Tower;
Release of pigeons on Voznesenskaya Square;
Horse-drawn carriages - carriage or sleigh (depending on the time of year);
Russian ritual wedding in accordance with the traditions of the 17th-18th centuries;
Playing the beel - an ancient musical instrument;
Blessing of the priest in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

Petrovsky Travel Palace

(Object of cultural heritage of federal significance “Petrovsky Travel Palace, 1776-1796, architect M.F. Kazakov”)

Address - Leningradsky Prospekt, 40

Registration schedule - During the year, 2 days per month (in the summer, 4 days per month) according to a schedule agreed upon by the administration of the institution.

Cost of basic services - 35.000

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted is Tver Department of Civil Registry Office

Minimum wedding package:
Cost: 35,000 rub.
Duration: 45 minutes
Number of guests: up to 20 people
List of services: string quartet, footmen.
Wedding package standard:
Cost: 55,000 rub.
Duration: 1 hour
Number of guests: up to 25 people
List of services: palace marriage registration ceremony in European style, master of ceremonies, string quartet, footmen, wedding director.
Wedding package standard +:
Cost: 74,000 rub.
Duration: 1 hour
Number of guests: up to 35 people
List of services: palace marriage registration ceremony in European style, meeting guests at the gate on the palace grounds, master of ceremonies, string quartet, footmen, wedding director, arch with floral elements, rose petals.
Nearest wedding destinations:
Petrovsky Park
Khodynskoe field (1 km)
Dubki Park (3 km)
PKiO Sokolniki (7.5 km)
Botanical Garden (5.5 km)
Red Square, Alexander Garden, Gum (5.5 km)

Hotel "Danilovskaya"

(Territory of the Moscow Patriarchate at the St. Daniel Monastery)

Address - Bolshoi Starodanilovsky lane, 5

Registration schedule* - During the year, 3 days a week - Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays (by agreement with the administration)

Cost of basic services** - 36.000

The Moscow Civil Registry Office to which the application for marriage is submitted is Wedding Palace № 1

* Exact dates the state registration of marriage in a solemn ceremony at the selected institution must be clarified with the civil registry office to which the application for marriage is submitted.
**List of essential services may vary between institutions. As a rule, basic services include: provision of premises, musical accompaniment, photography and video filming.
An application for marriage is submitted to the civil registry office indicated in the table in the manner prescribed Family Code Russian Federation and the federal law “On acts of civil status”.
To organize a wedding ceremony in a solemn atmosphere in the premises of cultural and historical sites, persons getting married must contact the selected institution to sign a contract for the provision of paid services.