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How to properly apply lip gloss. How to properly apply red lipstick

The main focus of makeup is most often the eyes, and many girls do not know how to paint their lips correctly. Simply applying lipstick will not give the desired effect of increasing lip volume; moreover, it will be unevenly distributed over the surface and washed off quickly.

To paint your lips correctly and create a sensual makeup, you must always apply a pencil. Its role in creating a flawless make-up is difficult to overestimate: the pencil models the shape of the lips, does not allow makeup to bleed onto the skin, and is sometimes even used instead of lipstick. To properly apply lipstick with a pencil, you must first carefully prepare your skin.

Preliminary preparation

There are a few simple secrets, which will help significantly increase the durability of lipstick and pencil, ensure uniform application and will not take much time. Their essence is this:

  • Do not apply cosmetics to unprepared skin. The first layer is to apply a makeup base; it will smooth out small cracks and irregularities and make the surface even and smooth. Instead of a primer, you can use regular foundation, but its layer should be very thin, barely noticeable. The most convenient way to apply foundation is with a sponge.

  • The second step is to apply a small amount of powder. It helps keep lipstick on your face longer.
  • Before you start drawing the outline, you need to hold the pencil in your hands for a while and warm it. This way the lines will be smoother, and the pencil itself will lie softer.

Rules for choosing and applying a pencil

The contour pencil must be chosen in the same color as the lipstick or a tone darker. It is best to start drawing the contour from the upper lip, or rather from its center, smoothly moving to the corners of the mouth, then you can paint the lower one. To make the color richer and brighter, you can paint over the entire surface with a liner with a thick rod. This makes the transition between lipstick and pencil invisible, as natural as possible.

Drawing the contour a few millimeters further will help add additional volume. natural line. But you should not remove the contour by more than 1-2 mm, otherwise the makeup will turn out sloppy and unnatural.

Only those girls whose lips are too large and require visual reduction should avoid using eyeliner to create a contour. Then they should simply be painted with lipstick, not reaching the inner corners of the mouth. To correct the corners, you can use foundation.

There are other disadvantages that cause a lot of inconvenience to girls. Non-ideal lip shape can cause various kinds of complexes and self-doubt, although knowledge simple rules How to correct the outline with a pencil can quickly correct the situation.

Shape correction using a pencil

Not everyone is lucky enough to have naturally flawless lips, but any imperfections can be corrected if you apply the pencil correctly. Application options may be as follows:

  • If the corners of the mouth are very downward, it is necessary to paint the lips with thin eyeliner, not reaching the corners, leaving them unpainted. The contour of the upper lip should be painted one millimeter higher than natural.
  • Wide nose or round face will become much less noticeable if the upper lip is painted more intensely than the lower lip.
  • If the thickness of the lips varies, the narrower lip should be painted, extending 1-2 millimeters beyond the contour.
  • A face that is too long will help correct a wider lip contour.

A pencil is an indispensable tool in any girl’s makeup bag; you just have to learn how to use it correctly, and makeup of any level of complexity will become accessible. The simple use of a pencil to create an outline is known to absolutely everyone. Every girl has drawn a lip contour at least once in her life. Some did it well, some did it worse, but the principle of application is not a secret. But the secrets of using a liner with a thick rod instead of lipstick still remain a mystery to many.

Painting your lips is an art; you can transform your entire face in a few minutes with the right lipstick and carefully applied lipstick. Or spoil the impression by drawing a crooked outline, choosing not suitable color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances proper makeup lips, secrets of application and subtleties of color selection.

Lip makeup products

There are several main means:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft and moisturizing. It’s convenient to apply, the tube fits into the smallest handbag, and you can literally touch up your makeup on the go. Care products have been developed that combine the functions of a balm;
  • Pencil - used to be used to create a contour so that lipstick would stick better. But now, many people use the pencil as an independent tool - it is durable, the color is matte, the pencil lasts a long time;
  • Glitter - used to add shine. In summer, on a hot day, glitter is more comfortable than full makeup. It is possible to apply gloss over lipstick to brighten the look;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to gloss, but the color is not pale, but rich and bright. Particularly popular are liquid matte lipsticks, which dry and last 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a new product in the field of makeup. The tint is applied like a gloss, then dries and is removed with film. After removing the film, a tint imitating the natural color remains on the lips. The tint lasts for several hours and can be removed with makeup remover.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint your lips with lipstick

There are several secrets to applying lipstick to your lips. If your makeup is for daytime use and you don’t need to adjust the shape, you can do without a pencil. If the exit is planned for the evening, then you can’t go without a pencil. To paint your lips evenly, you need to draw the shape with a pencil using neat, short strokes. First, you should paint a tick on your upper lip and a stripe on your lower lip. Then fill in the corners, and then move from there towards the center. Movements are slow and careful. Having drawn the outline, you should move on to the lipstick. It is more convenient to paint your lips with a special brush, or apply lipstick from a tube, but then shade it. This way the color will be more uniform and the makeup will last longer. To improve durability, you can blot the first layer with a napkin. Next, powder and reapply lipstick.

How to paint lips with pencil

If planned gala event If you want your makeup to last a long time, you can paint your lips with a pencil instead of lipstick. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If the pencil is hard, you can injure your skin. If there is no other option, you can soften it. You need to hold the stylus over the fire for a couple of seconds, for example, matches, lighters. The pencil will become much softer. Now you can paint. You need to draw an outline, then start filling the entire area. The pressure on the pencil is minimal, the strokes are short. If you need to paint your lips to make them appear plump, you need to apply cross strokes. You need to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and then in the other. To add shine, you can apply glitter on top, but this will reduce the durability of the makeup.

How to paint lips with gloss

It's not difficult to paint your lips beautifully with gloss. Usually the tube contains a good applicator that is convenient for applying gloss. You can avoid applying pencil with this method of creating makeup. The shape of the lips is not ideal - you can use a flesh-colored pencil. After applying the gloss, you need to take it with you - the durability is low, after an hour or an hour and a half you will need to paint it again.

How to paint your lips with matte lipstick

Matte textures are the most capricious - they are difficult to paint and have less durability. Before applying lipstick, you need to make sure that your lips are perfectly smooth - every imperfection will be visible. It is better to use a scrub before applying lipstick, and use a minimal amount of balm. If this is not done, the product will lose its dullness. Matte lipstick is liquid - you should apply it more carefully; after drying it will not be possible to correct imperfections. You need to remove the persistent product vegetable oil, or micellar water.

How to paint with tint

This product is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips with it. It is important to paint with tint for the first time when there is no need to go anywhere. It’s better to practice, see what the result is, and then apply it “on the way out.” You should apply the tint carefully - if you go beyond the limits, the final result will be sloppy, as if your lips are painted crookedly, inflamed. Afterwards, you need to let the tint dry for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a gentle movement. Apply balm and gloss on top. If you don’t need to remove the tint, then after absorption, the makeup is ready.

Makeup for different lip shapes

Every girl has her own unique lip shape, but there are several main types. Each type has different features in applying lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case is to paint the lips so that they appear larger. You will need to apply a thick foundation and concealer to the area around. Next, you should paint the outline with a pencil, slightly retreating from the natural border. It is important to maintain proportions: the upper lip is usually slightly smaller than the lower lip. You should not radically change the shape - it will look unnatural. Carefully paint over the outline; there is also the option to add a drop of glitter. You can paint small lips with special lipstick to increase volume - such products burn a little, due to this the lips become fuller.

How to paint big lips

If your lips are naturally plump, then there should be no difficulty in applying makeup. If you want to reduce their volume, then you need to paint over your lips and the area around them with a concealer or a thick foundation. Use a pencil to fill in the shape, reducing the volume. You shouldn’t step too far inside - there is a possibility of overdoing it and creating an unnatural appearance. It is better not to apply glitter, leave the tone matte - this will make your lips appear thinner.

Heart lips

This shape looks very attractive and sexy. But if the incision is too small, you can visually enlarge it. You just need to pull out the corners. We apply the concealer to this area, then paint the corners with a pencil a little wider than usual. Don't stretch out the shape too much - the Joker's smile won't decorate anyone.

Elongated lips

If the incision is too large, you can reduce it slightly. You need to draw the outline with a pencil already. By the way, you can apply the tips for narrow lips - by increasing the volume, you can visually narrow them.

Color selection rules

Choosing the right lipstick color is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of skin, eyes, hair, and type of makeup.

Classic rule: one accent in makeup.

For example, if your eyes are painted brightly, you should choose a pale lipstick. If a bright color is chosen, then the eyes should be painted more modestly. But fashion trends people are often advised to break the rules. Therefore, you need to choose the color based on personal preferences.

  • For daytime makeup will fit light shades, pale pink, nude shades.
  • It is acceptable to wear lipstick in the evening bright colors- from red to the boldest berry shades.
  • For fair-skinned girls, light shades of pink, brown, and light brick shades are suitable. All cool shades are the right choice.
  • Dark-skinned people can choose brighter colors - red, a dark range of colors: brown, dark pink, berry. Warm shades are what these girls need.
  • Girls with fair hair or light eyes should choose peach and coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the hair color, the more daring the color choice can be.

How to wear red lipstick

Red lipstick is truly the queen among all other lipsticks. Having painted her lips with it, no girl will go unnoticed. The main thing is to choose the right shade - classic red will suit almost everyone, dark colors(for example, dark wine) is suitable for brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you wear red lipstick on your lips, your teeth will look brighter. Therefore, you should think twice before choosing this color - if your teeth are not perfectly white and straight, the entire effect of red lipstick will be lost.

Basic Rule- if the lipstick is red, then all makeup should be neat and thoughtful.

Uneven complexion, pimples on the skin, poor choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing red. The method of applying red lipstick is not complicated. It is important to paint a neat outline, then fill the entire surface. To make the outline look clearer, you can resort to a trick. After applying lipstick, you need to go over the border with concealer and blend it out. This makes the outline look brighter and neater.

How to paint lips on video

To reinforce all the rules for applying lipstick, you can watch the video. The expert will show you how to properly paint your lips and how to make a neat contour.

How to properly apply lipstick to your lips? If you think that this article is not worthy of your attention and time, it means that you have already learned this simple skill, or until now you did not even suspect that you were doing something wrong. Then apply your favorite color to your lips and look in the mirror. Are you satisfied with this result?

Autumn, winter, summer, spring….

Do you think this section will be about the seasons? No, now we’ll talk about color types, or more precisely about how to choose the appropriate tone decorative cosmetics. Learning how to properly apply layers of product on your lips is only half the success, and only the second. The first is a successful and profitable selection of a suitable shade of a particular product.

The fact is that some palettes can have a detrimental effect on your appearance, making imperfections more pronounced and pretentious. For example, an unsuitable gloss can significantly highlight the insufficient whiteness of teeth or emphasize expression wrinkles at the mouth. Or worse, add five to ten years to your real age.

Today there is an incredible number different scales, which greatly complicates the process of buying cosmetics. So, dear girls and women, here you should be guided by the main rule: the tone of the product should be in harmony with the color of your skin. It is better for pale-faced blondes to give preference to a cool palette from light pink to plum, while dark-skinned young ladies should prefer warm and bright examples (there is room to roam - from peach to brown). But ladies with an average type can use red or golden lipsticks.

Let's move on to the issue of the relationship with hair. For those with red or fiery hair, stylists recommend using a range of brown and terracotta, for blondes – mauve and berry mixes, for brunettes – rich and bright colors.

Don't forget about the eyes. Passionate and burning tones are applicable to brown eyes - chocolate, scarlet, wine, etc. Cherry options are good for blue eyes, and terracotta and orange - to green. Light beige is an excellent neighbor to gray.

Attention! When choosing the appropriate tone of cosmetics, you should also take into account your own age. Young girls can safely experiment with any palettes and colors. Ladies around the age of thirty have the opportunity to stand out with bright lipsticks, thereby showing off their facial skin that has not yet begun to fade. But for women Balzac age It’s worth turning to something natural and natural, devoid of excessive shine.

Pencil - instructions for use

Lovely girls simply cannot do without this “tool.” They are sold in any stores. It should be noted that there are a number of factors to consider when purchasing a product. The first and most important thing is moisture resistance. The fact is that during the day we all eat, drink various liquids, cry from tears and pain, which naturally cannot but affect the state of our makeup. Using a pencil, you can adjust the shape and size of your lips, making them visually larger or smaller. It is applied shortly before the lips are covered with lipstick, balm or gloss.

The item we are discussing also has another function. It is to maintain the durability of the main product. In order for the lipstick to last much longer than the period stated by the manufacturer, you need to outline the contours and carefully blend it towards the center. And remember: this type of cosmetics does not know how to peacefully coexist with balm or gloss. The fact is that during the process of “exploitation” the components separate from each other, as a result of which the color pigment flakes off and accumulates in folds and cracks, as well as in the corners of the mouth.

Interesting!Lip pencil is a truly multifunctional item, one might say, simply irreplaceable for many girls. With the right shade, it can replace eye shadow, blush, matte lipstick and a means for correcting the shape of the eyebrows.

There is another point worth our attention: some ladies have learned to adjust the shape and size of your lips using this item. So, such manipulations take place, but only if the contours are not very prominent, and the so-called “working area” does not have significant bulges.

“Pencil-free” techniques

So, now we will move on to discussing methods of applying lipstick without the participation of a concealer in this process. Hurry up to carefully read all the points and try them on yourself.

  • Ombre. In this case, it is appropriate to use matte options, applying with light strokes, without touching the central part of the lips. IN Lately solutions such as torn and asymmetrical application of the product are relevant. Some stylists, by the way, manage to experiment and create the most incredible solutions.

  • Piercings came into fashion last year. As you understand, this is an imitation of jewelry using gold or metallic color. To look stylish and fresh, simply draw a thin vertical stripe in the center on your painted lips.
  • Matte- an effect that conquered all the fashion catwalks of the world several years ago. The demand for it has not subsided to this day. But it should be said that if you want to achieve a rich texture, it is better to give preference to glossy products. A real hit of winter is applying crumbly shadows on top to match. At the same time, you need to avoid monotony, otherwise the result will not be the most successful. To carry out such manipulations, use a brush with soft natural bristles. If your mouth is not very receptive to the above-mentioned product, purchase fine glitter.

Interesting! Stylists often give us new ideas for creating unsurpassed makeup. So why don't you become a makeup artist and start experimenting with color and texture! Remember: your image should always be varied and original!

Fifty Shades of Red

This palette itself is considered bold and defiant, so for some reason many girls are afraid of it. But, according to experts in the field of make-up, scarlet tones are suitable for absolutely every woman, you just need to be able to choose the right color and apply cosmetics correctly. So, brief instructions:

  • To begin, lightly powder the area to be treated.
  • Using a thin, pointed brush, scoop a small amount of product from the stick.
  • Draw an outline. Movements must be bold and precise, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Such skill only comes with experience!
  • Apply mattifying agent again.
  • Paint the inside of the lip.
  • Tidy up the skin around your mouth. Use different correctors and foundations.
  • Completely cover your lips with the finishing coat.

Advice!To achieve excellent results, use silicone-based cosmetics. This substance helps to visually smooth the surface.

Scarlet color - perhaps the best remedy seduction of men. Don't be afraid to use these weapons to their full potential. And even if you already have a significant other, why not use this palette to express your sensuality and sexuality.

Dark palettes – to be or not to be?

These ranges are something unique and amazing! This kind of makeup can be considered festive and solemn, since it instantly refreshes the face and makes it brighter. But even here it is worth observing a number of points, including the following:

  • Such a range should fully correspond to your color type. In most cases, these are cold colors.
  • Strictly follow the rules of compatibility with eye color.
  • It is better if you do not highlight your eyes with black eyeliner or shadows. Smokey eyes are acceptable, but only if you choose neutral or classic shadows.
  • Many women suffer from such shortcomings as dryness, tightness of the skin, and the formation of crusts. Discussed by us cosmetical tools are able to visually hide these shortcomings.

Attention! If you doubt your choice and don’t know what to buy. Consult a store consultant. There are samples available at any retail outlet, and if you wish, you can see the results right at the display window.

Let's play with sizes

Did you know that the shape and parameters of your lips can be easily changed with the help of simple solutions and products that are in every girl’s cosmetic bag.

  • Magnification is achieved using a pencil. To do this, you need to go slightly beyond the boundaries when forming the contour. There is another option: carefully paint the corners with it, and apply a pink or coral color on top.
  • Plumpness and volume can be given by compositions with shimmering shine. It should be applied already on top of the colored coating.
  • There are often situations when you want, on the contrary, to visually reduce the outline of your mouth. For this you will need a foundation. With its help you can hide and disguise true forms. It is also necessary to draw thin lines with pointed corners.

As you can see, ordinary lipstick, pencil and foundation can radically change a woman's appearance. Knowing this, you will easily give up the long-standing idea of ​​turning to plastic surgeons, getting a tattoo, or getting miraculous injections in a beauty salon.

But at the end of the article I would like to remind you once again about key points. Firstly, always choose the right shades of products, since the visual perception of your image depends on this. Situations often arise when inharmony in makeup is more striking than, for example, perfectly selected clothes and accessories. Secondly, don't overdo it. Pretentiousness and vulgarity have never been perceived by others as a sign of unsurpassed taste and sense of style. Thirdly, constantly train and hone your skills in working with cosmetics. The more often you apply certain products to your lips, the faster your movements will become confident and clear. And when it comes to bright or too dark tones, remember that your skin and teeth must be in perfect condition. In this case, the lack of whiteness of the smile is very noticeable, and even a small pimple or irritation greatly spoils the impression of you, since it instantly turns into an unpleasant accent. Be always beautiful and happy!

Impossible to do perfect makeup without using contour pencil. With its help, it is easy to give your lips the correct shape, reduce or increase their volume, and achieve a natural and flawless look. appearance. To do this, you only need to know a few makeup secrets and apply them correctly.

Shade and benefits

Everyone is familiar with colored contour pencils, which are most often used for makeup. However, there are other varieties, using which you can achieve better results.

A white pencil is essential to give your lips volume and sexiness. First, you need to use it to outline the contour, then shade it and powder it. flesh tone helps make makeup more natural. A colorless pencil is ideal. It is not visible to prying eyes, but reliably holds gloss and lipstick within the required boundaries. There is also a silicone one that fills all cracks and creases, is waterproof, and also a lipstick pencil.

It is ideal if you have all these products in your cosmetic bag.

A cosmetic pencil contains not only coloring pigments. This product contains:

  • nourishing plant extracts;
  • wax for softness of the lead;
  • emollient oil (coconut, castor, palm);
  • vitamins C, E.

Correction of thin and plump lips

A correctly drawn pencil contour will help to visually increase the volume. Cover the entire face area foundation. Powder your lips a little. Draw their outline, slightly going beyond the natural border. Do not retreat more than 2 mm, otherwise the makeup will look unnatural. For thin lips, you need to choose a light-colored lipstick with a pearlescent sheen. Now they can be painted.

However, if you want to reduce their volume, use the following method. Apply foundation to your face and mouth area first. Fill each crease with the product until the surface is perfectly smooth. Now you can line your lips, but not along their border, but inside it. It is recommended to paint them with lipstick of dark matte colors.

By doing this makeup correctly, you will achieve the ideal shape of your lips, since their natural border will be reliably hidden by foundation, and the line drawn with a pencil will look natural. It is only important to accurately choose the color of lipstick. If you are not satisfied with the proportions of just one lip, apply these rules only to that one.

How to fix deficiencies

To prevent drooping corners of your mouth from giving your face a sad look, correct this flaw with a pencil. Use it to lift the top border, making it more rounded. All that remains is to choose lipstick Pink colour with pearlescent shine.

By correctly outlining the contour, it is easy to correct the asymmetrical shape of the mouth. First, you should draw a line in such a way as to visually remove all imbalances. Then you can paint your lips with gloss in natural shades. For this type of makeup, it is better to use a neutral pencil.

Valuable recommendations will help you professionally outline and paint your lips:

  1. To make your makeup last longer, choose a long-lasting pencil.
  2. Before use, warm it in your hands, then the tone will lie more evenly.
  3. Choose dark colors only for creating evening makeup.
  4. If you are going to wear glossy lip gloss, do not use a pencil as it will look weird.
  5. Blend the contour that is too contrasting cotton swab or a special brush.
  6. Your lips will look more natural if you lightly shade them with a pencil before applying lipstick.
  7. If you find it difficult to make a straight line, mark several closely spaced points and then connect them.

Using a contour pencil correctly, you can emphasize the beauty of your lips and, if necessary, change their shape, making your appearance individual. The secrets of makeup techniques will help hide minor flaws and highlight advantages.

Red lipstick is the choice of bright, confident women who strive to attract as much attention as possible. Red color stands out from the crowd, attracts men's gaze to the face.

But in order for these views not to be perplexing, it is necessary to know how use red lipstick correctly. How to learn to paint your lips with red lipstick evenly and beautifully?

Who does it suit?

Lipstick of this color suits all girls, you just need to learn how to choose the right shades.

By hair color

Blondes with ashen hair, blond hair a strict red color is suitable cool shades.

Brick and carrot shades will look inappropriate in this case.

With yellowish straw hair goes well deep red color, possibly with a matte texture.

Matte lipstick emphasizes all the small details of the face, including unevenness, pimples, etc. Therefore, take care of high-quality makeup.

Without pencil

To apply lipstick without using a pencil, the lip contour should be perfectly smooth. With a clear outline, it’s easy to do without a pencil. Just follow all the same steps as described above.

If you need to draw an outline, but don’t have a pencil at hand, you can try this brush or edge of hard lipstick. However, this requires some skill.

Red lipstick perfectly emphasizes self-confidence, willingness to challenge society and win in a difficult situation. Red lipstick different shades used by many celebrities in the world of music and cinema.

By choosing the right shades and combinations with the rest of your makeup, you can wear red lipstick both for everyday use and for evening outings.

You can learn how to properly apply red lipstick from the video: