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How to make a monkey out of dough. Salt dough monkey

» Olga Olefirenko has prepared for you several master classes on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands for the New Year.

Relief herringbone

Let's start with the main symbol of any New Year - the Christmas tree. It’s very easy to make such a spectacular beauty!


  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. fine salt;
  • 0.5-0.7 tbsp. water;
  • food colorings.

The coloring is added to the dry ingredients during the mixing stage. The dough is mixed with the dye immediately, rather than dyeing the finished dough separately.


  • knife;
  • rolling pin;
  • gouache paints;
  • tassels;
  • aerosol varnish.

Christmas tree sculpting

Take the dough and roll it out into a layer up to 1 cm thick. The size of the layer should correspond paper template figurines. The template can be printed, you can draw it, or you can use ready-made molds for cookies and gingerbread.

Lightly moisten the layer with water and begin to make a relief. You can use special embossed rolling pins and mats. I don’t have such devices, so I drew the main drawing with a sharp stick. And if you apply different degrees of pressure on the stack, you get an interesting effect.

To add details to the overall drawing, use available tools: caps from pens and felt-tip pens, screwdrivers, etc. The drawing should be as dense as possible.

We apply a stencil to the layer and cut it along the contour.

We remove unnecessary fragments. Make a hole at the top of the tree. Bake in the oven at 100 degrees for 3-5 hours.

Christmas tree painting

We take a dry sponge and “dirty” one part of it with a thin layer of paint.

Now we are trying to wipe the paint from the sponge onto the figure, without pressing too hard. If the sponge is dry, there is not a lot of paint, and the deep relief of the pattern only paints the protruding parts. Accordingly, the extruded pattern will not be colored.

If desired, you can glue rhinestones or sparkles, then varnish.


By this step by step instructions you will make an angel from dough, it can become a Christmas tree toy, a magnet, or a holiday wall decoration.


  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. fine salt;
  • 0.5-0.7 tbsp. water;
  • food colorings.


  • stacks or improvised tools;
  • knife;
  • rolling pin;
  • gouache paints;
  • tassels;
  • rhinestones, sparkles, other decorations;
  • aerosol varnish.

Modeling an angel

Form the pink dough into an oval, then roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.5cm.

Place the resulting layer horizontally and fold it like an accordion, while only one upper side can be narrowed and pressed. Gently straighten the folds of the dress so that they are smooth.

Using the same color dough, make 2 more small oblong ovals, then taper one side. Use a stack or a toothpick to make an indentation on the wide side. This is how the sleeves are formed. Stick the narrow side of the sleeves to the top of the dress.

Make 2 small ovals from white dough, very narrowed on one side, these will be handles. Place the narrow side of the oval into the sleeve.

Form 2 wings from light blue dough. They can be made from flattened ovals, and then sharpen the edge, or roll out the layer and cut out the shape according to a template from cardboard.

We place the wings under the “back” of the angel.

We form a head ball from white dough and stick it directly to the base of the dress.

Roll the yellow dough into a thin long sausage and flatten it as thin as possible. (

We stick the resulting yellow ribbon over the angel’s head, and also fold the edges like an accordion, imitating curls.

We make a nose from a miniature ball.

If the angel will be a Christmas tree decoration or pendant, do not forget to make 2 neat holes in the wings.

Dry in the oven at a temperature of no more than 100 degrees. Approximately 4-6 hours.

Angel coloring

We paint the edge of the dress and sleeves with red gouache. Then use a wet, clean brush to blend the edges to create a smooth transition.

Pale blue tint the wings.

Draw the eyes and mouth.

We decorate dresses with patterns or dots. Glue on rhinestones or sparkles.

We coat it with varnish and glue a magnet on the back side. This is how the salt dough angel turned out:

This is how the salt dough angel turned out:

Salt dough monkey

A very detailed master class from Alexandra on sculpting from keychain (or Christmas decorations) with a monkey will be useful both for those who are just starting to work with this material, and for those who simply need ideas for New Year's gifts.

An oven is used to dry the products, so children should perform this craft under adult supervision.

A faceted glass was used - 250 g.

Necessary materials:

  • a glass of salt (in this case, coarse salt was used),
  • a glass of flour,
  • watercolor paints,
  • tablespoon potato starch,
  • teaspoon of cinnamon,
  • gouache,
  • 100 ml. cold water,
  • foil,
  • cling film,
  • lemon flavoring
  • yellow stained glass outline,
  • modeling tools,
  • thin brush,
  • cocoa (2 tablespoons),
  • scissors,
  • hemp,
  • water (for joining parts).

Preparation of material for modeling:

1. Combine flour and salt in a saucepan.

2. Add a tablespoon of starch.

3. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to the mixture.

4. Add a little water and a few drops of flavoring.

5. Add the remaining amount of water and knead into a stiff dough.

6. Divide the dough in half, put one part in the refrigerator, covering with cling film.

7. Add cocoa to the rest.

Knead the dough, maintaining the “marbling” effect. Cover the dough with film and put it in the refrigerator.

The modeling material should be kept in the refrigerator for 3 hours to 24 hours. This will improve its elasticity.

Craft making process

Attach any part to the base using water.

1. Make the base in the form of a small circle.

2. Make a fastening for the loop. On back side secure the hemp base with a small piece of dough.

3. Make a “frame”. To do this, intertwine two ropes of light and dark dough.

4. Moisten the edges of the base with water and attach the “frame”.

5. Make a head for the “monkey”. Make a ball, cut off one third of it (the lower part) and stick it to the base. Use two colors of dough to make ears.

6. Form a ball from light dough and attach it to other parts with water. Using a sharp-pointed tool, make indentations for the “mouth.”

7. Make a “nose” from a small ball of dough. Make holes simulating “nostrils” and a groove running from the “nose” to the “mouth”. Make “eyes”.

Other variations of the monkey face craft undergo the same stages of work.

How do DIY crafts for the Year of the Monkey 2016 differ from options that can be made in another year? Of course, if possible, you should try to make the crafts related to the monkey. On the other hand, the eastern symbol of the year is far from the only symbol of the holiday. There are traditions and souvenirs that pass from year to year that you can repeat and make yourself.

We offer themed crafts that are related to Monkey 2016 or souvenir options that simply well and fully reveal the New Year's theme of everyone's favorite holiday.

Crafts on the theme of winter in new year holidays very relevant. Everyone has seen this version of the souvenir in stores, but probably didn’t even think that you can make it at home with your own hands. The creative process is quite simple and not dangerous, so you can safely involve children in it. Collaborative creativity will improve attitudes and bring relatives even closer together.

What you will need:

A small jar of any shape;
Christmas tree made of plasticine, you can also make a Monkey;
Scissors and glue;

Such crafts in the form of a Monkey can be made with absolutely any plot inside. After all, from plasticine you can make not only a Christmas tree and the future symbol of the year, but any figure that you like in shape and meaning. Fill the jar halfway with water, add glycerin so that the liquid reaches the very top. Glue the Christmas tree and the Monkey to the lid of the jar from the inside (use waterproof glue). Now add glitter and tinsel and screw on the lid. If air bubbles appear, you need to add more water to the jar. All that remains is to secure the lid with glue, turn the jar over and enjoy the beauty of winter.

Fridge magnet made from disk

Crafts for the Year of the Monkey 2016: the master class should include materials for work, of which there are many, but which are no longer needed in everyday life. Discs can be classified as such materials because they are either no longer used or are scratched and cannot be read. You can make a refrigerator magnet from an old disk, decorating it with any New Year's picture, including the cheerful Monkey.

What you will need:

Decorative glue with glitter;
Napkin with a pattern;
PVA glue and varnish;
Magnet, scissors;

The napkin must be glued to the disk. To do this, spread an even layer of glue over the surface of the disk and separate the colorful layer of the napkin, transferring it to the disk. Cover the top with glue or varnish. All that remains is to glue the magnet on the back side.

When the crafts are ready, you can start selecting

Snowman or Monkey made from puff pastry

Crafts for the Year Monkeys made from salt dough can be completely different. It is important to understand the technology of how to make them. And then you can make such figures as your imagination allows. The easiest way to describe the process is to use the example of a snowman.
What you will need:

Flour, salt and water;
Blue gouache;
Garlic crusher;
Acrylic lacquer;

Knead the dough and paint one part of it Blue colour. A toothpick is needed to make the eyes and mouth. Make a body and head from white dough. Immediately design the face, make arms and legs. A hat and scarf are made from blue dough; you can also apply a design to them using a toothpick and make buttons. Pass the blue dough through the press and make handles.

Another craft made from puff pastry

Fabric bunny made from cotton balls

Crafts for the Year of the Monkey you can make with your own hands from cotton balls different shapes And different technologies. We suggest using fabric and stuffing the toy with these same cotton balls. The advantage of this craft is that it can be done in literally a quarter of an hour.

What you will need:

Fleece and needle;
Pink and white threads;
Satin ribbon;
Beads for eyes;
Cotton balls for filler;

Fleece is a material that will be easy to work with, because its edges do not fray. Make an even square out of the fabric and sew a triangle with a basting stitch. Do not secure the ends of the thread. The triangle with its lower plane will divide the pattern in half. Pull the ends of the thread together, add cotton balls and secure the thread. You will get a head and ears. All that remains is to sew the bottom edge, make eyes and a nose, and tie a scarf around your neck.

How to make a Monkey

Of course, you need to find out how to make a Monkey with your own hands for the New Year 2016. We offer a simple and understandable method.

What you will need:

Toilet paper roll;
Corrugated brown cardboard;
Scissors and a simple pencil;
Gouache, plastic eyes and nose;

Draw a Monkey's face on cardboard and cut it out with scissors. Cut a strip of cardboard 2 cm wide and roll it into a tube, glue it, then cut it into four equal parts to make legs. Make a cut and apply a little glue across it, glue it to the cardboard roll. Paint the body with gray paint or any other color. Draw the hooves and horns on the head in black. Glue the eyes and nose to the muzzle, and then connect it to the body.

Great crafts at New Year You can make 2016 with your own hands if you choose any souvenir option from this article. And it’s better, if you have time for it, then try to make each of the given craft options. This lifts your spirits and enhances the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday.

Let's take it salty dough, prepared according to one of the options. It is mainly made from flour, salt and water. Sometimes a little vegetable oil is added for greater plasticity.

We make several balls of different diameters for the head. The largest ball is about 3-3.5 cm in diameter. The second is about 2 times smaller. And 2 small ones - for the eyes.

We connect the parts. We get a muzzle.

We make 2 more small balls for the ears and turn them into thick pancakes with finger pressure. These are the future ears of our monkey.

We attach the ears to the finished head. And add a nose to the muzzle.

We connect the parts of the cap together.

We “put” it on the monkey’s head.

Then we insulate the hostess of the year. We make felt boots and mittens for her.

To continue, we wrap the scarf around the monkey’s neck.

Let's bring all the details together.

This completes the sculpting process. Let the dough dry well. For this we set ready product overnight on the battery. Or, to speed up the process, preheat the oven to 80 degrees and place the monkey in it for about 1.5 hours.

After the dough has completely dried, we begin painting the figure. For this we will need watercolor or acrylic paints.

Our New Year's monkey made from salt dough is ready! If desired, the figurine can be coated with a layer of varnish.

Candlestick “Monkey” will be a wonderful gift or decoration festive table. Detailed master class will help you create the symbol of the year with your own hands. The salt dough monkey craft for the New Year is not at all difficult - even a child can do it.

With the onset of 2016, the calm Sheep will give the palm to the cheerful Monkey. We fall in love with these funny faces since childhood, perhaps because they are so similar to us. The hooligan Anfisa or the inventor Monkey from “38 Parrots”, the restless mother with five fidgets, the monkey with a human heart King Kong and the clever little shoe-assistant Dasha. Everyone finds “their” unique monkey. Let's create a cute candlestick and add some zest to the New Year's table.

Dough monkey master class

The “Monkey” craft is very easy to make. Prepare the salt dough in advance. We will need:

  • Fine salt - 150 g
  • Flour - 150g
  • Water - as much as the dough will take, about half a glass.

Knead the dough well until it becomes elastic and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. During this time, you can watch cartoons about monkeys, eat a couple of bananas, or suffer while opening a coconut.

Now you can proceed directly to sculpting. Place the salted dough on a floured board. We begin to create our monkey from the head and body.

Then we add ears and “handles”. Make sure that the floating candle fits into the space on your tummy. We cross the “legs” of the monkey, as if it were sitting in the lotus position.

Add a bow for coquetry. We first draw the eyes with a toothpick.

Our baby monkey will be mischievous, add a smile and stick out her tongue. Don't forget to make a spout.

Well, now we carefully transfer the monkey to a board covered with foil. We fasten all the parts with a small brush dipped in water. Our candlestick is almost ready. All you have to do is wait until it dries and apply paint. You can dry the craft in the oven, but I prefer a longer, but proven method. I dry it in natural conditions. This candlestick will dry in 3- 4 days.

With the approach of the New Year 2016, from the huge variety of crafts made from salt dough, I would like to highlight the monkey, because it is the monkey that is the symbol of this year, which means that everything connected with this flirtatious animal will have a certain value. That is why we invite you, together with our step-by-step MK, to make a monkey from salt dough. Such an unusual souvenir will be an excellent holiday decoration, and throughout the year the monkey will protect your home and attract happiness and good luck to your home.

How to make a monkey from salt dough: master class

To make a hand-made monkey you will need the following:

For the test:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil- 1 table. spoon;
  • water - about 4 tablespoons. spoons.

Preparing salt dough for crafts:

Mix flour and salt, mix well. Add vegetable oil and water. Mix everything well. The dough will be ready when it does not stick to your hands, and it should not crumble. The consistency should be similar to plasticine. If the dough crumbles, add water; if it sticks, add flour. And mix it well again.

For crafts:

  • Salty dough;
  • stack;
  • monkey pattern;
  • paints.

And now step by step with photos:

Take our dough and roll it out to the desired thickness. Our monkey is 1 cm deep.

Download the template, cut it out and attach it to the test. The paper can be slightly moistened first so that it sticks to the dough.

Let's start cutting out the monkey. To do this, arm yourself with a stack and cut the dough along the contour.

We received this blank.

Now you need to draw the necessary contours. If you do not have the skills of an artist, then you can transfer the drawing by gradually cutting off the already outlined details. As shown in the photo below.

When the work is finished, you should have a monkey like this.

Let's move on to drying the craft. At home, at room temperature, such a craft will dry for about a week, so it is better to put the product in the oven and bake until done, about 20 minutes at a temperature of 170°.

Don't forget to lightly flour the tray on which the craft will be baked.

Now that the monkey is ready, let's start decorating it.

We take paints (gouache or watercolor) and dress our naughty girl in color.

Glue a magnet or string to the back for hanging on the wall.

And we admire the result of our creativity!