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How to make a homemade rocket at home. How to make a rocket with your own hands from paper, cardboard, foil, bottles, matches - diagrams and models

Useful tips

Making a rocket is always interesting, especially with children.

You can compete or just play with a toy rocket and launch it into the air.

There are many different ways, how to make a rocket with your own hands, and we will tell you about some of them.

Option 1

How to make a flying rocket

You will need:

1 sheet of paper

Adhesive tape (electrical tape)


Ballpoint pen large tube (for launching a rocket)

Glue gun (can be replaced with PVA glue, but it will take longer to dry)

1. Cut the paper into 2 halves approximately 5 cm wide.

2. Prepare ballpoint pen and take it apart to get a tube.

3. Attach a piece of duct tape to one of the paper halves. Flip this paper over and wrap it around the handle to create a rocket body.

4. Secure the curled paper with duct tape. You can use tape to completely wrap the body and then pull out the handle. You can trim some uneven ends with scissors.

5. Seal one end of the rocket body with duct tape.

6. Prepare 3 pieces of duct tape. They need to be folded so that they form tail fins for the rocket (stabilizers).

7. Take one piece of duct tape and fold it in half, but do not glue it completely. Using scissors, cut the tape at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to obtain a triangular stabilizer shape. You only need to prepare 3 of these things.

8. Attach the stabilizers to the rocket using the parts you didn't glue together. Attach them at equal distances from each other around the base of the rocket.

9. Take the other half of the paper and make a cone out of it, which can then be attached to the body.

10. Cut off the excess portion of the rocket nose and wrap the cone with tape to reinforce it. Pay special attention to the tip of the nose.

11. Fill the cone about 3/4 full with glue. Take the rocket body and insert it into the cone with the sealed part. Hold in this position for a few seconds to allow the parts to set.

To launch a rocket, simply insert a tube (disassembled handle) into its body, hold it with two fingers and blow hard! The rocket will fly even higher if you use a pump.

Option 2

How to make a rocket out of cardboard

A very good rocket can be made if you use a cardboard cylinder from cling film, foil or toilet paper.

Just prepare: a cardboard tube, colored paper and scissors.

1. Prepare colored paper and cut out a quarter circle from it.

2. Glue a cone from the blank. If necessary, trim it to size. Also make several cuts along the edge.

3. It's time to glue the cone to the tube.

4. Decorate the rocket. You can use colored paper, stickers or markers.

5. Your rocket needs wings. They need to be cut and glued. Also, do not forget about the valves for gluing, which must be left in advance.

6. Glue all the wings to the rocket.

Option 3

Origami rocket

This rocket model is very beautiful, and you simply must make it with your children. Everyone will have a lot of fun and everyone will be pleased with the end result.

Assembling such a rocket is not difficult, just do everything as shown in the video tutorial.

The assembly itself should take no more than 15 minutes. You can make it from colored paper.

Origami paper rocket

Another version of the origami rocket.

Option 4

DIY paper rocket

Such a rocket can be made for children. So that they play, dreaming of flying into space.

The most interesting thing is that such a rocket is launched if you blow.

Prepare a disposable deep plate (bowl) as a base.

Prepare a paper cylinder from foil, paper towel or toilet paper and use it to make a rocket as shown in.

Prepare thick paper and make a tube out of it.

Do in disposable plate a hole whose diameter is slightly larger than or equal to the diameter of the tube.

Insert the tube into the hole. You can secure it with tape or tape.

All that remains is to launch the rocket - just put it on the tube and blow hard and the rocket will fly.

You can download the markup of all the necessary parts.

Option 5

Paper craft. Rocket.

To make this easy paper rocket model you will need colored paper and colored cigarette.

* The body and stabilizers are made of colored paper, and the parachute for its smooth descent is made of colored tissue paper.

* Prepare a sheet of paper measuring 170x250 mm and make a cone out of it as shown in the image.

1. Preparing the cone

The paper will curl more easily into a cone if you stretch it between the table and the ruler.

Apply glue to the edge of the cone and glue it together.

Prepare a template for the base of the cone. It can be made from cardboard or thick paper. It is worth noting that the template is needed because it is used to trim the rocket body.

Now you need to put the template on the finished cone, draw a line with a pencil along which you will need to cut with scissors to get rid of the excess.

2. We are preparing stabilizers.

Prepare 3 sheets of thick colored paper measuring 8x17 mm.

Each sheet needs to be folded in half lengthwise and placed on each according to a template (N1 and N2) and traced with a simple pencil.

Cut out the stabilizers.

You need to bend the edges of the stabilizers and connect them with glue.

Our rocket has three pairs of stabilizers (large and small). They are there to give the rocket stability during flight.

On the template, mark 3 points that are equidistant from each other (it's like dividing a circle into 3 equal parts).

Using a template and three marks, mark three points on the rear of the rocket and connect these points to the nose of the rocket.

Using the marked lines, begin gluing the stabilizers.

3. To make a parachute canopy, prepare tissue paper. Its size should be 280x280 mm.

Fold the paper several times as shown in the image and cut it. You have a dome.

4. Prepare slings from threads. There should be a total of 8 slings of the same size.

For the desired size, calculate 1.5 times the length of the parachute canopy diameter and add the length of the rocket body to the resulting value.

Now you need to glue the lines to the parachute canopy. Paper patches will help you. After this, fold the parachute canopy so that the lines along with the patches are collected one to the other.


Make a fuel mixture by mixing saltpeter, coal and sulfur in the required proportions. Make a mixture for the wick by mixing saltpeter and sulfur at the rate of 9 parts saltpeter to 1 part sulfur.

Drill the metal part of the sleeve from the side where the capsule is attached. Remove the capsule fastening elements.

Drive a nail into the board. The nail should protrude 2 cm above the board. Carefully grind off the protruding end of the nail, giving it smooth conical contours. Slightly blunt the sharp end.

Carefully remove any metal filings. Place the metal part of the sleeve on the nail and pour well-mixed fuel into it to ¾ of the height.

Using a wooden round stick, compress the fuel into the cartridge case by lightly hitting it with a mallet.

Remove the tube from the stick. Delete layer newsprint, it won't be needed anymore.

Use soft wood to make a rocket fairing. It is a plug 6-7 cm long, the upper end of which tapers into a cone and ends in a curve, and the lower end, 1-1.5 cm long, is tightly inserted into the upper part of the paper tube. You have half-strengthened the rocket body and fairing.

Make stabilizers from whatman paper. There must be at least three of them. They are triangles and must have petals to connect to. Attach the stabilizers to the rocket body with glue. At the end of the fairing, which is inserted into the rocket body, fasten a metal ring or bracket with an internal diameter of 0.5 cm, made of steel wire. Close the ring. It is used to attach the parachute.

Insert the cartridge case into the bottom of the rocket. It should fit tightly and be pulled back with a demand. If the engine does not hold well, glue an additional paper ring 3 cm wide from inside the housing. Dry the housing completely. Paint it with waterproof paint bright color.

Make a parachute. The canopy diameter is 15-20 cm. For this model, use a ribbon parachute. Attach one end of the tape to a wooden stick. Attach a loop of thread 10 cm long to the ends of the stick. Tie a piece of aviation rubber 10 cm long to one end of the loop. Tie the end of the rubber thread around a wire ring placed on the fairing. Additionally, secure it with regular thread. Tie another thread 10 cm long to the fairing ring. Also tie a piece of aviation rubber to it, and another 5 cm of regular thread to it. Secure this thread to the inside of the rocket body three centimeters from the upper end of the body tube. You can pass it through the entire body by making a hole in it and pasting it with a paper ring for strength.

Pack the parachute. To do this, wind the tape into a roll, starting from the free side. Press the roll from the outside with the stick to which the parachute is attached. Carefully push the resulting roll into the rocket body. Place the tape and thread fastening to the fairing on top. Cover the structure with a fairing.

Make a starter device. Cut a piece of iron wire 120 cm long. From whatman paper on the wire, glue 2 cylinders 1 cm long and with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the wire. The rings should slide freely along the wire. Secure the resulting rings to one longitudinal line on the rocket body with strong glue. Secure one ring at the junction of the body with the stabilizer, the other - in the upper part, approximately 1 cm from the fairing. The rocket should slide freely along the wire. At a distance of 50 cm from one end of the wire, wrap a restrictive ring of any wire around it. The rocket should not descend further than this ring. This side of the wire should stick into the ground.

Make a fuse. You can take a ready-made fuse from a firecracker or firecracker, but the length may not be sufficient. Make a stopin. Take a cotton thread and fold it 6 times. You should get a piece 8 cm long. Cook the paste. Moisten the thread with starch paste. Dip it along its entire length in a composition similar to the composition of the fuel, but without coal. A layer of this composition should stick to the thread. Dry the resulting cord.

Before launch, insert the engine into the rocket. Before inserting it, insert a wad into the rocket body. The wad can be a piece of foam plastic. Bend the cord at one end and insert this end into the nozzle. The rocket is ready

Rocket modeling is an activity that captivates not only children, but also adults and accomplished people, as can be understood by the composition of teams of athletes at the World Rocket Modeling Championship, which will be held in Lvov on August 23-28. Even NASA employees will come to compete. With rockets assembled yourself. In order to make the simplest working model of a rocket with your own hands, special knowledge and skills are not needed - there are a large number on the Internet detailed instructions. Using them, you can make your own rocket, either from paper or from parts purchased at a hardware store. In this article we will take a closer look at what kind of rockets there are, what they are made of and how to make a rocket with your own hands. So, in anticipation of the Championship, you can get your own model and even take it into flight. Who knows, maybe by August you will decide to take part in the extra-class payload rocket launching competition “Save the Space Eggs” (held as part of the Championship) and compete for a prize fund of 4,000 euros.

What does a rocket consist of?

Any rocket model, regardless of class, necessarily consists of the following parts:

  1. Frame. The remaining elements are attached to it, and the engine and rescue system are installed inside.
  2. Stabilizers. They are attached to the bottom of the rocket body and give it stability in flight.
  3. Rescue system. Necessary to slow down the free fall of the rocket. It can be in the form of a parachute or a brake band.
  4. Head fairing. This is the cone-shaped head part of the rocket, which gives it an aerodynamic shape.
  5. Guide rings. They are attached to the body on one axis and are needed to secure the missile to the launcher.
  6. Engine. Responsible for the takeoff of a rocket and is even in the most simple models. They are divided into groups according to the total thrust impulse. You can buy a model engine at a craft store or assemble it yourself. But in this article we will focus on the fact that you already have a ready-made engine.

It is not part of the rocket, but the launcher is a must-have item. It can be purchased at finished form or assemble it yourself from a metal rod on which the rocket is attached and a trigger mechanism. But we will also focus on what launcher you have.

Classes of missiles and their differences

In this section we will look at the classes of rockets that you can see with your own eyes at the World Championship in Rocket Modeling in Lviv. There are nine of them, eight of them are approved by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale as official for the World Championship, and one - S2/P - is open not only to athletes, but to everyone who wants to compete.

Rockets for competitions or just for yourself can be made from different materials. Paper, plastic, wood, foam, metal. A mandatory requirement is that the materials are not explosive. Those who are seriously involved in rocket modeling use specific materials that have the best characteristics for rocket purposes, but at the same time can be quite expensive or exotic.

An S1 class rocket must demonstrate in competition best height flight. These are one of the simplest and smallest rockets that take part in competitions. S1, like other missiles, are divided into several subclasses, which are designated by letters. The closer to the beginning of the alphabet, the lower the total thrust impulse of the engine, which is used to launch the rocket.

S2 class rockets are designed to carry a payload, according to FAI requirements, a "payload" can be something compact and fragile, with a diameter of 45 millimeters and a weight of 65 grams. For example, a raw chicken egg. A rocket can have one or more parachutes, with the help of which the payload and the rocket will return to the ground safe and sound. S2 class rockets cannot have more than one stage and they must not lose a single part during flight. The athlete needs to launch the model to a height of 300 meters and land it in 60 seconds. But if the cargo is damaged, the result will not be counted at all. So it's important to strike a balance. The weight of the model with the engine should not exceed 1500 grams, and the weight of the fuel components in the engine should not exceed 200 grams.

S3 rockets may look exactly like S1 rockets to the uninitiated, but their competition goals are different. S3 are rockets for the duration of descent using a parachute. The specificity of the competition in this class is that the athlete needs to carry out three rocket launches, using only two rocket models. Accordingly, at least one of the models still needs to be found after launch, and they often land several kilometers from the launch zone.

For models of this class, parachute diameters usually reach a diameter of 90-100 centimeters. Common materials are fiberglass, balsa wood, cardboard, the nose is made of lightweight plastic. The fins are made of lightweight balsa wood and can be covered with fabric or fiberglass.

The S4 class is represented by gliders that must remain in flight for as long as possible. These are “winged” devices, whose appearance quite seriously different from what can be expected from a rocket. They rise into the sky using an engine. But it is forbidden to use anything in gliders that will give them acceleration or in any way affect soaring; the device must stay in the sky solely due to its aerodynamic characteristics. The materials for such rockets are usually balsa wood, the wings are made of fiberglass or foam, and balsa wood too, that is, everything that weighs almost nothing.

The S5 class of rockets are copy rockets, their flight goal is altitude. The competition takes into account not only the quality of the flight, but also how accurately the participant was able to replicate the body of a real rocket. These are basically two-stage models with a massive launch vehicle and a very narrow nose. They usually go towards the sky very quickly.

S6 class rockets are very similar to S3 class rockets, but they eject a drag band (streamer) during flight. In fact, it serves as a rescue system. Since rockets of this class must also stay in the air for as long as possible, the competition participant’s task is to create the lightest and at the same time strong body. Models are made from parchment or fiberglass. The bow is made of vacuum plastic, fiberglass, paper, and the stabilizers are made of lightweight balsa wood, which is coated with fiberglass for durability. Belts for such missiles are usually made of aluminized lava. The tape should flap intensively in the wind, resisting falling. Its dimensions usually range from 10x100 centimeters to 13x230 centimeters.

S7 class models require very painstaking work. Like the S5, these models are multi-stage copies of real rockets, but unlike the S5, they are evaluated in flight by how plausibly they replicate the launch and flight of a real rocket. Even the colors of the rocket must match the “original”. That is, this is the most spectacular and complex class, don't miss him at the World Model Rocket Championship! Both juniors and adults will compete in this class on August 28th. The most popular rocket prototypes are Saturn, Ariane, Zenit 3, and Soyuz. Copies of other rockets also take part in competitions, but as practice shows, they usually demonstrate worse results.

S8 are radio-controlled cruise missiles. This is one of the most diverse classes; the designs and types of materials used differ significantly. The rocket must take off and make a gliding flight within a certain time. Then it needs to be planted in the center of a circle with a diameter of 20 meters. The closer to the center the rocket lands, the more bonus points the participant will receive.

The S9 class are rotorcraft and they also compete against each other in terms of time spent in flight. These are lightweight models made of fiberglass, vacuum plastic and balsa wood. Without an engine they often weigh about 15 grams. The most intricate part of this class of rockets are the blades, which are usually made of balsa and must have the correct aerodynamic shape. These rockets do not have an escape system; this effect is achieved due to the autorotation of the blades.

At competitions, rockets of this class, as well as classes S3, S6 and S9, must have a diameter of at least 40 millimeters and a height of at least 500. The higher the subclass of the rocket, the larger its dimensions must be. In the case of the most compact S1 rockets, the body diameter should not be less than 18 millimeters, and the length should not be less than 75% of the length of the rocket. These are the most compact models. In general, each class has its own restrictions. They are set out in the FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale) code. And before flight, each model is checked to ensure it meets the requirements of its class.

Of all the rockets taking part in the current Championship, only the models of the S4, S8 and S9 classes are required to ensure that none of their parts separate during flight, even on the recovery system. For others this is acceptable.

How to make a simple and functional rocket model from scrap materials

The easiest rockets to make at home are the S1 class, and the S6 class is also considered relatively simple. But in this section we will still talk about the first. If you have children, you can make a model rocket together or let them make it themselves.

To make the model you will need:

  • two sheets of A4 paper (it is better to choose a multi-colored one so that the rocket looks brighter, the thickness of the paper is approximately 0.16-0.18 millimeters);
  • glue;
  • polystyrene foam (instead, you can use thick cardboard from which boxes are made);
  • a piece of thin polyethylene, at least 60 cm in diameter;
  • ordinary sewing threads;
  • stationery eraser (as for money);
  • a rolling pin or other object of a similar shape, the main thing is that it has a smooth surface and a diameter of about 13-14 centimeters;
  • a pencil, pen or other object of a similar shape with a diameter of 1 centimeter and another with a diameter of 0.8 centimeters;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • engine and launcher if you plan to use the rocket for its intended purpose.

In the drawings, of which there are a lot on the Internet, you can find rockets with different ratios of the length and width of the body, the “sharpness” of the head fairing and the sizes of the stabilizers. The text below shows the dimensions of the parts, but if you want, you can use other proportions, as in one of the drawings in the gallery below. The procedure still remains the same. Look at these drawings (especially the last one) if you decide to assemble the model according to the instructions.


Take one of the stored sheets of paper, use a ruler to measure 14 centimeters from the edge (if your volume is not as large as ours, just add another couple of millimeters to your figure, they will be needed to glue the sheet together). Cut it off.

Roll the resulting piece of paper around a rolling pin (or whatever you have). The paper should fit perfectly to the object. Glue the sheet directly on the rolling pin so that you get a cylinder. Let the glue dry while you begin making the rocket's head fairing and tail section.

The head and tail of the rocket

Take a second sheet of paper and a compass. Measure 14.5 centimeters with a compass and draw a circle from two diagonally located corners.

Take a ruler, place it on the edge of the sheet near the beginning of the circle and measure a point on the circle at a distance of 15 centimeters. Draw a line from the corner to this point and cut out this section. Do the same with the second circle.

Glue cones from both pieces of paper. Trim the top of one of the cones by about 3 centimeters. This will be the tail section.

To glue it to the base, make cuts on the bottom of the cone approximately every centimeter and 0.5 centimeters deep. Bend them outward and apply glue to the inside. Then glue it to the rocket body.

To attach the head fairing, you need to make a “ring”, thanks to which it will be attached to the base. Take a sheet of the same color that you used for the base and cut out a 3x14 centimeter rectangle. Roll it into a cylinder and glue it together. The diameter of the ring should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the base of the rocket so that it fits perfectly into it. Glue the ring to the rocket head the same way you glued the base (just don't cut anything off the cone this time). Insert the ring with the other side into the base of the rocket to check if you got the diameter right.

Let's go back to the tail section. The rocket needs to be stabilized and a compartment for the engine must be made. To do this, you need to again take the paper from which you made the base of the rocket, cut out a 4x10 cm rectangle, find an oblong and round object with a diameter of about 1 cm and wrap a piece of paper around it, having previously smeared glue over the entire area so that you end up with a dense multi-layer cylinder . Make 4 mm cuts on one side of the cylinder, bend them, apply glue to the inside and glue them to the tail section.

The rocket must have stabilizers at the bottom. They can be made from thin sheets of foam or, if you don’t have it, thick cardboard. You need to cut out four rectangles with sides 5x6 centimeters. From these rectangles, cut out the clamps. You can choose any shape at your discretion.

Please note that the head fairing, tail cone and engine compartment must be aligned exactly along the longitudinal axis of the body (should not be tilted away from the body).

Rescue system

In order for a rocket to return smoothly to the ground, it needs an escape system. This model is about a parachute. Ordinary thin polyethylene can act as a parachute. You can take, for example, a 120-liter bag. For our rocket, you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 60 centimeters in it and secure it to the body using slings (length approximately 1 meter). There should be 16 of them. Strong threads are suitable for the role of slings. Attach the lines to the parachute using tape at equal distances from each other.

Fold the parachute in half, then in half again, then squeeze it.

To secure the parachute, take another thread, the length of which should be twice the length of the body. Glue it to the engine compartment between the two stabilizers. Tie an elastic band to the thread in two places, so that if you pull the thread, the elastic band will stretch, and the thread will limit the stretching (recommendations: tie the elastic band to the thread at a distance of 5 centimeters from the top edge of the body).

Before stowing the parachute in the rocket, you need to place a wad. For example, a piece of cotton wool (or soft paper, napkins) can act as a wad. Make a ball out of the material you like and insert the rockets inside. If you have talcum powder, sprinkle it with talcum powder to prevent possible fire from the charge. The wad should not be inserted tightly, but the amount of cotton wool should be sufficient to push out the rescue system.

Insert it inside the rocket, then put the parachute and lines. Carefully use rings so that they don’t get tangled.

A streamer can also act as a rescue system, and if you want to make an S6 class rocket, then you can see how to lay it down and tie it down in these photographs.

Attaching to the launcher and launching

Cut out two rectangles 1.5 x 3 centimeters. Twist them into a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 0.8 centimeters so that the launcher mount fits freely through these cylinders. Glue to the base of the rocket on one axis at a distance of a few centimeters from the top and bottom of the base.

Install the engine into the engine bay. Ready to go!

To start, you need a metal rod with a length of at least a meter and a diameter of 4-5 millimeters. It must be strictly vertical to the ground. Regardless of any conditions, the end of the rod must be at a height of at least 1.5 meters from the ground to avoid injury to the eyes.

Never try to launch a rocket at home! Even such a seemingly innocent device can cause a lot of trouble indoors. The distance from the launch site to the nearest houses must be at least 500 meters.

After igniting the engine, move away from the rocket at least 3-5 meters. Spectators, if any, should be at a distance of 10-15 meters. If you plan to entrust the launch to a child under 16 years old, be sure to be close to him.


Despite the fact that making the simplest paper rocket is not at all difficult, rocket modeling is a serious and interesting view a sport that requires a lot of work and a lot of time. And also very spectacular. Against the backdrop of growing interest on the part of private companies in space exploration, popularizing this topic among the population, especially children, is extremely promising. After all, those who have been attracted to space since childhood are more likely to choose it as a field of activity in adulthood. If in Ukraine several decades ago the topic of space had not been so popular among children, then it would be unlikely that now in our country there would be people and companies like those who invest money in such a promising industry as space. An event on the level of the Model Rocketry World Championship could not take place - because there would be no strong teams and no great desire to stir up interest in the industry among future generations. We have already written about how interesting the Championship promises to be. There, by the way, it will be possible to assemble the rocket yourself from ready-made parts. Come to Lviv and see everything with your own eyes. Detailed information information about the event can be found on its

A rocket made at home is not science fiction. All you need to make a flying rocket is paper, foil, saltpeter... and a little practical knowledge, as outlined in this article.

The origins of rockets begin with the Fire Arrow, which flew on gunpowder during the Chinese Han Dynasty, with the rockets of Congreve and Gale during the American Civil War and the discovery of the formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky. In those distant times there were no powerful computers and high technology. Of course, nowadays a rocket is a product of human thought and science; it is capable of developing enormous speeds, lifting multi-ton loads and carrying them into the depths of space. But rocket technology is not shrouded in darkness and is not kept under a veil of secrecy; it is quite accessible, so anyone can make a simple rocket without much effort.

Rocket design

The rocket consists of five main parts:

1 rocket fairing- This is a conical-shaped part of a rocket designed to reduce air resistance when flying in the atmosphere.

2 fuel tank- this is the part of the rocket structure that provides it with fuel. For liquid-fuel rockets, the fuel tank is divided into a fuel tank (hydrogen, kerosene, etc.) and an oxidizer tank, which is located above the fuel tank (oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, etc.). For solid propellant rockets, the fuel tank is connected to the combustion chamber and, during the combustion of the fuel, itself performs the function of a combustion chamber.

3 the combustion chamber- serves to burn fuel and release the resulting gases. Since the combustion reaction occurs with the formation high temperatures, then the gases, when heated, expand, create high pressure according to the ideal gas law (PV=nRT, P - pressure; T - temperature; V, n, R - remain constant), which pushes the gases out of the rocket, pushing it upward.

4. rocket nozzle– serves to accelerate and set the direction of the stream of gases leaving the combustion chamber. A simple nozzle (venturi tube) consists of a section of gradually tapering cross-section to accelerate gases. Due to the fact that the inlet speed is proportional to the cross-sectional area, as the area decreases, the speed increases:

W at the outlet = W at the inlet * S cross section of the combustion chamber / S cross section of the nozzle; where W is speed; S - area.

However, as the cross-section decreases, the gas pressure in the combustion chamber increases, so the cross-section must be optimal so that the operating pressure does not rupture the chamber.

5. rocket stabilizer- this is a part of the rocket located in the tail section and serves to shift back the center of pressure of the aerodynamic forces acting on the rocket when flying in the atmosphere. In addition, the stabilizers can be equipped with elevators to control the movement of the rocket.

How to make a rocket with your own hands

The simplest rockets are solid fuel rockets, which makes the rocket less dangerous, the fuel easier to work with and easier to create. But such missiles also have a minus - this is the irreversibility of the launch process, in which it is impossible to stop the fuel combustion process and the small impulse. But we are happy with this option; we are not planning to launch Belka and Strelka into space!

The fuel is not completely contained in the rocket; there is a chute inside the fuel compartment. Its necessity is due to the fact that during the combustion process the fuel heats up, while it expands, creating a load on the walls of the rocket. Such a load can deform or even cause cracks in the body, which can have a negative impact on flight. That's why empty place, a chute, is retracted to reduce expansion in the direction of the rocket walls.

The fuel can be gunpowder (packed in the form of a checker) or paper soaked in saltpeter, but a better recommendation is an alloy of sugar or sorbitol with potassium nitrate or ammonium perchlorate in a ratio of 2:3. You can also buy a cheap one with a large selection of impulse (lifting thrust) and use it to create a rocket for flight. Such engines already have a nozzle, which simplifies the assembly task, and the used engine can subsequently be replaced with another, making the rocket reusable.

It is better to make the body and fairing of the rocket from parchment, since it is heat-resistant compared to paper or aluminum pipe. A nozzle can be made for a parchment rocket by squeezing the end of the rocket into four pieces and twisting them to narrow the hole. Later secure the nozzle with thread. For rockets with a metal body, you need to select a plug with a hole in the middle. The plug is attached to the surface by soldering with cold welding or soldering acid.

You can also make rockets without a nozzle, but the speed of the rocket will be lower. The stabilizer is made of cardboard or plywood and glued to the body with glue.

The fuel is ignited by a fuse or electric igniter.

The steam engine was surpassed by the Chinese Army's gunpowder tubes and then by liquid fuel rockets invented by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and developed by Robert Goddard. This article describes five ways to build a rocket at home, from simple to more complex; at the end you can find an additional section explaining basic principles building rockets.


Balloon rocket

    Tie one end of the fishing line or thread to the support. The support can be the back of a chair or a door handle.

    Pass the thread through a plastic drinking straw. The string and tube will serve as a navigation system with which you can control the trajectory of your balloon rocket.

    • Model rocket kits use a similar technology, where a tube of similar length is attached to the rocket body. This tube is threaded through a metal tube on the launch platform to keep the rocket upright until launch.
  1. Tie the other end of the thread to another warp. Be sure to pull the thread taut before doing this.

    Inflate the balloon. Pinch the tip of the balloon to prevent air from escaping. You can use your fingers, a paper clip, or a clothespin.

    Glue the ball to the tube with tape.

    Release the air from the balloon. Your rocket will fly along a set trajectory, from one end of the thread to the other.

    • You can make this rocket with either long or round balloons, and also experiment with the length of the straw. You can also change the angle at which the rocket's flight path takes place to see how it affects the distance your rocket will travel.
    • You can make a jet boat in a similar way: Cut a milk carton lengthwise. Cut a hole in the bottom and thread the ball through it. Inflate the balloon, then place the boat in a bath of water and release the air from the balloon.
  2. Wrap the rectangle tightly around a pencil or dowel. Start rolling the strip of paper from the end of the pencil, not from the center. Part of the strip should hang over the pencil lead or the end of the dowel.

    • Use a pencil or dowel slightly thicker than the drinking straw, but not much thicker.
  3. Tape the edge of the paper to prevent it from unraveling. Tape the paper along the entire length of the pencil.

    Fold the overhanging edge into a cone. Secure with tape.

    Remove the pencil or dowel.

    Check the rocket for holes. Gently blow into the open end of the rocket. Listen for any sound that indicates air is escaping from the sides or end of the rocket and gently feel the rocket to feel the air escaping. Seal any holes in the rocket and test the rocket again until you have repaired all the holes.

    Add tail fins to the open end of the paper rocket. Since this rocket is quite narrow, it will be easier to cut and glue two pairs of adjacent fins than three or four separate small fins.

    Place the tube in the open part of the rocket. Make sure the tube sticks out enough from the rocket so that you can pinch the end with your fingers.

    Blow sharply into the tube. Your rocket will fly high with the force of your breath.

    • Always point the tube and rocket upward and not at anyone when you fire the rocket.
    • Build several different rockets to see how different changes affect its flight. Also try launching your rockets with different strengths of your breath to see how the strength of your breath affects the distance your rocket travels.
    • The toy, which looked like a paper rocket, consisted of a plastic cone on one end and a plastic parachute on the other. The parachute was attached to a stick, which was then inserted into a cardboard tube. When they blew into the tube, the plastic cone caught the air and flew up. Having reached the maximum height, the stick fell away, after which the parachute opened.

Film can rocket

  1. Decide how long/height you want to build your rocket. The recommended length is 15 cm, but you can make it longer or shorter.

    Get a can of film. It will serve as the combustion chamber for your rocket. You can find such a jar in photo stores that still work with film.

    • Find a jar that snaps on the inside rather than the outside.
    • If you can't find a film bottle, you can use an old plastic medicine bottle with a snap-on lid. If you can't find a jar with a snap-on lid, you can find a stopper that fits tightly into the mouth of the jar.
  2. Build a rocket. The easiest way to make a rocket body is to use the same method as for a paper rocket launched through a tube: simply wrap a piece of paper around a film can. Since this jar will serve as the launcher for your rocket, you'll want to tape some paper to it to keep it from flying off.

    Decide where you want to launch your rocket. It is recommended to launch this type of rocket in an open space or on the street, as the rocket can fly quite high.

    Fill the jar 1/3 full with water. If there is no water source near your launch pad, you can fill the rocket somewhere else and carry it upside down to the pad, or bring water to the platform and fill the rocket there.

    Break an effervescent tablet in half and place one half in water.

    Close the jar and turn the rocket upside down.

    Move to a safe distance. When the tablet dissolves in water, it will release carbon dioxide. Pressure will build up inside the jar and rip the lid off, launching your rocket skyward.

Match rocket

    Cut a small triangle of aluminum foil. It should be an isosceles triangle with a base of 2.5 cm and a median of 5 cm.

    Take a match from the matchbox.

    Attach the match to a straight pin so that the sharp tip of the pin reaches the head of the match, but is not longer than it.

    Wrap the aluminum triangle around the match and pin heads, starting at the very top. Wrap the foil as tightly as possible around the match without knocking the needle out of position. When you have completed this process, the wrapper should extend approximately 6.25mm below the match head.

    Remember the foil with your nails. This will push the foil closer to the match head and better mark the channel formed by the pin under the foil.

    Carefully pull out the needle so as not to tear the foil.

    Make a launch pad out of a paper clip.

    • Bend the outer fold of the paperclip at a 60-degree angle. This will be the basis of the launch platform.
    • Fold the inside fold of the paperclip up and slightly to the side to create an open triangle. You will attach the foil-wrapped match head to it.
  1. Place the launch pad on the rocket launch site. Again, find an open area outside as this rocket can travel quite a distance. Avoid dry areas as the match rocket may start a fire.

    • Make sure there are no people or animals near your spaceport before you launch your rocket.
  2. Place the match rocket on the launch pad with the head facing up. The rocket must be positioned at a minimum of 60 degrees from the base of the launch pad and the ground. If it's a little lower, bend the paperclip further until you get the angle you want.

    Launch the rocket. Light a match and place the flame just below the wrapped match rocket head. When the phosphorus in the rocket is ignited, the rocket will take off.

    • Keep a bucket of water nearby to extinguish used matches to ensure they are completely extinguished.
    • If a rocket unexpectedly hits you, freeze, fall to the ground and roll around until you knock the fire off of you.

Water rocket

  1. Prepare one empty two-liter bottle to serve as the pressure chamber for your rocket. Because a plastic bottle is used in the construction of this rocket, it is sometimes called a bottle rocket. They should not be confused with a type of firecracker that is also known as bottle rockets because they are often launched from inside a bottle. This form of bottle rocket is banned in many places; water rocket is not prohibited.

    Make fins. Since the plastic rocket body is quite strong, especially after being reinforced with tape, you will need equally strong fins. Hard cardboard may work for this, but it will only last a few starts. It is best to use plastic similar to what plastic file folders are made from.

    • The first step is to come up with a design for your fins and create a paper stencil to cut out the plastic fins. Whatever your fins are, remember that you'll need to fold each one in half later for strength. They should also reach the point where the bottle begins to narrow.
    • Cut out the stencil and use it to cut out three or four identical fins from plastic or cardboard.
    • Bend the fins in half and attach them to the body of the rocket with strong tape.
    • Depending on the design of your rocket, you may need to make the fins longer than the bottle neck/rocket nozzle.
  2. Create the nose cone and payload bay. For this you will need a second two-liter bottle.

    • Cut out the bottom of an empty bottle.
    • Place the payload on the top of the cut bottle. The load can be anything, from a lump of plasticine to a ball of elastic bands. Place the cut bottom part inside the bottle with the bottom facing towards the neck. Secure the structure with tape, and then glue this bottle to the bottom of the bottle, which acts as a pressure chamber.
    • The nose of a rocket can be made from anything, from a cap plastic bottle to a polyvinyl tube or plastic cone. Once you've decided on the nose you want for your rocket and assembled it, attach it to the top of the rocket.
  3. Test your rocket's balance. Place the rocket on your forefinger. The balance point should be just above the pressure chamber (at the bottom of the first bottle). If the balance point is off, remove the positive weight section and change the weight of the weight.

  4. Choose a spaceport for your rocket. As with the rockets above, you should only launch the water rocket outdoors. Since this rocket is larger and stronger than other rockets, you will need a larger open space to launch. The spaceport should also be located on a flatter surface. Air has mass, and the denser that mass (especially near the Earth's surface), the more it holds back objects that try to move through the air. Rockets need to be streamlined (have an elongated, elliptical shape) to minimize the friction they must overcome as they fly through the air, so most missiles have a pointed nose cone.

    3. Balance the rocket at its center of mass. The overall weight of the rocket must be balanced around a specific point inside the rocket to ensure that it will fly straight and not tumble. This point can be called the balance point, center of mass or center of gravity.

    • The center of mass is different in every rocket. Generally, the balance point will be just above the fuel or pressure chamber.
    • While a payload helps raise the rocket's center of mass above its pressure chamber, a payload that is too heavy will make the rocket too top-heavy, leading to difficulty keeping the rocket upright before launch and guiding the rocket during it. For this reason, integrated circuits were included in spacecraft computers to reduce their weight. (This led to the use of similar integrated circuits (or chips) in calculators, electronic watches, personal computers, and Lately also on tablets and smartphones.)

    4. Stabilize the rocket using the tail fins. The fins allow the rocket to fly straight by providing air resistance against changes in direction. Some fins are made to be longer than the rocket nozzle, helping to keep the rocket upright before launch.

    • Always wear protective glasses when launching any of the free-flying missiles (except missiles from hot air balloon). For larger free-flying rockets, such as water rockets, it is also recommended to wear a crash helmet to protect your head if the rocket hits you.
    • Do not fire any of the free-flying missiles at another person.
    • The presence of adults is strongly recommended when operating any of the rockets propelled by anything other than human breathing.