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How to make a scrub for blackheads at home. What is the best scrub for blackheads?

Unlike the first ones, it is very easy to get rid of related acne that appears on the skin. A scrub for blackheads provides effective assistance in the fight for cleanliness of the skin. They are correctly called comedones. If whiteheads, which include whiteheads, form under the skin and cause inflammation, then open (blackheads) only close the mouths of the hair follicles and in the vast majority of cases do not cause any serious pathologies, if you do not take into account their unattractive appearance. When looking at a person with, one gets the impression of his untidiness, but they can also indicate health problems.

Causes of open comedones

Blackheads can also form due to poor skin care, but no less often the reasons for their appearance are related to:

  • with excessive attention to the condition of the skin (excessive use cosmetics and oils);
  • hereditary factors;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by both objective reasons (for example, during puberty) and taking medications that contribute to hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • with stress, which may result in disruption of the body’s secretory function (the sebaceous glands work more actively);
  • with the environment or working conditions (contributing to skin contamination).

People with oily skin are prone to the appearance of both types of comedones.

Since blackheads are blackheads, removing them is easy.

Another thing is that their regular appearance should alert the “owner”, and the best solution for him would be to contact an endocrinologist who will accurately determine the source of the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment. The blackheads themselves will have to be removed mechanically from the face.

Action of scrubs

It must be said that squeezing out dots even after preparing the skin for the procedure (taking steam baths) is traumatic skin. As a result, they may remain scarred. It is better to resort to another method of mechanical cleaning - facial peeling using scrubs.

These procedures can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Regular facial scrubs will get rid of blackheads and promote healthy and rejuvenated skin. Scrubs have not only an abrasive effect, although this is often enough:

  • for cleansing the skin;
  • massaging it;
  • improving subcutaneous blood circulation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the glands, etc.

The effect of using scrubs is significantly enhanced when they contain various additives. natural origin that have a healing effect or saturate the skin with the vitamins it needs. In addition, the supplements will help cleanse by dissolving sebaceous plugs at the mouths of the follicles.

It must be said that it is not necessary to fight with the help of products produced by well-known manufacturers. No less effective in the fight against comedones are products that can easily be prepared at home. You just need to know whether a particular substance will cause an allergic reaction.

And the abrasive must be prepared in such a way that it does not injure the skin. On the other hand, it should not be too fine, because in this case the scrub will be of no use due to the lack of the abrasive element itself.

Rules for using scrubs

In order for the blackhead scrub to have the most effective effect, you must follow some rules for the procedure.

  1. Before it, you need to take a steam bath, then the pores on the skin will open better, and the impurities will soften and become more pliable for subsequent removal. You can add healing herbs like calendula or chamomile to boiling water.
  2. You should treat your face with a scrub in a gentle manner. There is no need to try to rub it into the skin. In this case, the composition will turn into sandpaper, which simply injures the skin. The scrub should be applied with your fingertips and then rubbed onto the skin with light massaging movements.
  3. The procedure time should not exceed 2 minutes. The cleanser may contain active ingredients that have an irritating effect.
  4. After the procedure, scrubs should be thoroughly rinsed under running water without soap or similar products.
  5. After washing off the scrub, apply on your face nutritious cream.
  6. Too much frequent procedures using a scrub is undesirable. For people with high oily skin, it is enough to carry them out 2 times a week. People with problem skin should follow the same regimen. For owners normal skin the frequency of procedures should not exceed 1 time every 7 days. And people with dry skin in the vast majority of cases are not in danger of developing blackheads, but they can use scrubs to cleanse their face once a decade (coffee grounds can be used as a daily scrub for blackheads, since it only gently cleanses the skin without having any its composition of active components).
  7. Using a blender to prepare an abrasive mass is not advisable: particles that are too small will not clean the skin properly. It is better to use a manual coffee grinder, in which you can adjust the fineness of the grind.

Homemade scrubs

You can prepare a remedy to combat blackheads at home. There are many recipes for cleansers.

  1. The simplest scrub is made from laundry soap and fine table salt, which is found in every home. A cotton swab moistened with warm water is rubbed with soap. After this he is dipped in salt. The scrub is applied to face light massaging movements. This product cleanses pores and disinfects the skin.
  2. No less accessible remedy To cleanse the skin, it is made from soda and toothpaste. It is applied only to problem areas and left there for 8-10 minutes until dry. Removed with warm water. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer.
  3. A simple remedy is made from salt and baking soda. These components must be mixed, beating until smooth, with liquid soap. Sea salt is more effective, but if you don’t have it, table salt will do. The composition based on soda and salt also acts as an effective acne scrub.
  4. Salt not only acts as an abrasive, but is also an antiseptic, so it is used in a product that also includes nutritious yogurt, healing honey, and lemon juice that dissolves sebaceous plugs. Lemon juice should be used with caution (or avoided altogether) by people with sensitive skin.
  5. A homemade peeling product can be prepared from fine salt, coffee grounds, beans and oatmeal. After grinding in a coffee grinder, the components are added to the sour cream.

However, salt is an active skin irritant, so milder scrubs are made from other products. The already mentioned ones have good cleaning ability. cereals.

  1. An effective composition for combating blackheads is made from them, orange and cosmetic clay. To prepare the scrub, you need to grind the flakes and dried orange peel, add them to the clay and dilute with a small amount of boiled water.
  2. Another way to use oatmeal is to mix it with brown sugar and aloe juice. The latter is assigned healing functions.

Sugar is also used in mixture with olive oil. Both products are added to the mixture in equal proportions. The product not only removes blackheads, but also makes the skin softer. This composition is recommended to be used to remove makeup from the face.

Green tea is known as an effective antioxidant. A scrub made from it renews the skin at the cellular level. The cleanser is quite simple to prepare. For the procedures, tea is used, taken from a bag torn after brewing.

There are remedies to combat blackheads made from medicinal herbs. They are used both for steaming the skin and for its subsequent cleaning. Steam bath prepared from calendula, chamomile and celandine. After this, the grass is wrung out. Sea or table salt is added to the mixture. This mixture is used to massage areas affected by blackheads.

The duration of steaming the skin should not exceed 3 minutes, since belongings with salt can injure it.

  • Features of the composition
  • Review of scrubs for blackheads
  • How to use it correctly

Why do blackheads appear?

Those with oily, acne-prone skin with enlarged pores are familiar with blackheads (comedones). A black dot is like a black mark: it warns that a pimple is ready to form in this place. In conditions of an unenviable environmental situation and constant stress, the predisposition to the appearance of comedones increases significantly.

What happens: sebum stagnates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, instead of coming to the surface, and oxidizes very quickly (this is a property of fats in general), especially in contact with pollution. Sebum contains the pigment melanin, which, when oxidized in air, appears - hence the dark color.

Benefits of blackhead scrub

Whatever the underlying reasons for the formation of comedones, one of the obstacles to uniform sebum secretion is clogged pores. These microplugs are formed from dirt and dust deposited on the skin, cosmetic residues, sebum and dead skin particles. A scrub helps to mechanically clean it all out, leaving a feeling of cleanliness.

The scrub should be selected according to your skin type. © iStock

Features of the composition

Scrub formulas are not as simple as they might seem. Their composition, as a rule, includes a number of substances of different categories.

Exfoliating particles

In products for thick, oily skin, they can be relatively large (for example, crushed fruit seeds). But in Lately Manufacturers often give preference to smaller and softer particles of natural origin (for example, powder from the same ground seeds) or polymer granules, which are the least traumatic for the epidermis.

In products for thick, oily skin, exfoliating particles can be relatively large (for example, ground fruit seeds). © iStock


They attract impurities like a magnet and help clean not only the surface of the skin, but also the pores themselves.


Ingredients for gentle homemade chemical peeling weaken intercellular connections to make it easier to remove particles of the stratum corneum and stubborn dirt. Acids and plant extracts often play this role.

Substances with antibacterial action

One of the reasons for the development of acne is a microbial infection. Plant extracts, salicylic acid, and some probiotics have activity against bacteria.

In scrubs for problem skin Zinc is often used, which helps tighten pores.

Caring and emollient agents

Since scrubbing is a relatively aggressive procedure, during which the protective lipid layer is partially removed, the skin must be soothed and provided with moisture and nutrients.

Unlike conventional cleansers, it is important not only to apply a scrub to the skin, but also to massage it to get an exfoliating effect. © iStock

It is deep cleansing that ideally prepares the skin to receive enhanced nutrition and hydration. Using masks and serums after a scrub gives a more pronounced effect.

Review of scrubs for blackheads

Exfoliating scrub with charcoal “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

For problematic skin. Activated charcoal absorbs impurities from the pores and also cleanses the surface of the skin. Salicylic acid exfoliates and reduces shine.

“Clean Skin Active” 3-in-1 with charcoal, Garnier

For men's skin. Combined product: gel + scrub + mask - does daily care easier. Exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, tightens them, leaving the skin smooth and clean. Contains activated charcoal, salicylic acid & antioxidant-rich blueberry extract.

Gel + scrub + mask 3-in-1 “Clean Skin”, Garnier

For combination and oily skin. The universal product acts more gently than the charcoal series, but is just as effective. Salicylic acid is combined with healing eucalyptus extract and pore-tightening zinc.

Normaderm 3-in-1 cleanser, Vichy

For oily problem skin. The exfoliating effect of the combined product (cream-gel + scrub + mask) is achieved using gently scrubbing microparticles and gentle chemical peeling elements (glycolic acid). In addition, white clay and salicylic acid provide the effect.

Soft scrub, La Roche-Posay

For sensitive skin. Surprisingly combines softness with high efficiency. Helps get rid of blackheads and leaves skin feeling well-groomed and soft. Hypoallergenic.

Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion, Kiehl’s

For any skin type. The product literally renews the texture of the skin. In addition to the obvious advantages of deep cleansing, it makes pores less noticeable. Combines mechanical exfoliation with natural ingredients with moisturizing and nourishing care (shea butter).

Exfoliance Clarte, Lancôme

For any skin type. Feature of the product: the scrub has a gel texture and is gentle, so it is suitable for everyone. In addition to microgranules, pineapple and papaya extracts provide an exfoliating and refreshing effect.

How to use it correctly

Unlike conventional cleansers, a scrub is not enough to simply apply to the skin. To obtain an exfoliating effect, the use of this product should be accompanied by a light massage. The more comedones, the more intense the massage can be. But be careful not to overdo it.

Intensity indicator: The exfoliating massage should be comfortable.


The scrub is spread over damp skin in a circular motion By massage lines, going down from the forehead to the chin, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips.

Frequency of application

    For normal skin, scrubs are used once a week.

    For dry skin - no more than once a week, only delicate formulas.

    For oily and problematic skin - 2-3 times a week.

Choose a scrub according to your skin type. Too soft, for example, anti-aging will not work on dense and oily skin. Too aggressive, suitable for teenagers, may be too caustic and drying for more sensitive skin.

Mode of application

Scrub is part of a deep cleansing ritual at home. Let us recall its stages.

Before use, read the instructions, since many modern combination products combine a scrub, mask, and cleanser.

Faces face many of us. They appear as a result of improper skin care, poor nutrition, or some hormonal imbalance. In any case, they do not add beauty to anyone, and it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible. Today there is a huge number different means, and professional cleaning in a salon is considered the most effective. However, a scrub for blackheads helps just as well, and the procedures can be done at home. What products are commercially available, and is it possible to prepare something similar yourself?

We all know that there are a huge number of pores on the skin of the face, which are associated with the environment. The oil that is secreted should soften and moisturize the skin, but if there is too much of it, it remains in the pores and oxidizes, becoming dark in color. If the skin of the face is not sufficiently cleansed of cosmetics and dirt, then the formation of blackheads and pimples is inevitable. To clean pores, you can use anti-comedon scrubs: they open them, pull out the sebaceous plug and prevent the appearance of blackheads. Numerous reviews suggest that not all products against comedones and acne are quite effective, but we will focus on the most effective scrubs.

Don't forget that it's only possible with the help of integrated approach, so you need to normalize your diet and personal hygiene.

Store-bought scrubs

On the shelves of cosmetic stores and pharmacies today there is a huge number of different cleansing scrubs from different manufacturers, among which the most popular and effective, according to reviews, are products from Propeller, Garnier, Clean&Clear.

Propeller is an effective gel scrub that actively cleanses blackheads and pimples. The product has a fairly soft structure and includes two types of abrasive particles: large blue ones and almost colorless small ones. The gel acts very gently, but at the same time helps cleanse pores and normalize complexion. The propeller can be used every day, but numerous reviews advise applying it at least every other day.

Gel scrub Propeller not only cleanses pores, but also makes the skin softer and smoother, eliminates inflammation, and prevents the appearance of other inflammations. If you use the gel regularly, as well as apply other products in this series to your facial skin, you will soon notice positive results. Another advantage of this gel scrub is its extremely affordable price.


Clean&Clear anti-blackhead product can be used every day. It's formulated with exfoliating microbeads that unclog clogged pores to remove oil without irritating the skin. In addition, the scrub also contains a special active ingredient that penetrates deep into the pores and prevents the formation of pimples and comedones. The product also includes soothing substances, so the scrub can be used every day, and the skin of the face will become soft and acquire a healthy tone. Numerous reviews indicate that visible results can be achieved already in the first days after the start of use.


This is one of the most effective scrubs from blackheads, which has a complex effect. It contains not only microgranules that help cleanse pores, but also salicylic acid with zinc, which can further regulate the secretion of subcutaneous sebum and disinfect the skin.

Result of application similar means– not only clean pores, but also a healthy complexion, reduction in the number of inflammations and acne.

Homemade scrubs

Each of us can independently prepare a scrub for blackheads at home, and it will have the same beneficial properties, as store-bought formulations, but at the same time cost much less, and most of the components for it can be found in any kitchen.

When preparing a homemade scrub, remember a few simple rules:

  • the product must include abrasive particles;
  • Before applying the scrub, the skin must be steamed;
  • You only need to treat those areas where there are blackheads, and for no more than 2 minutes, so as not to injure the skin;
  • finger movements should be made along the massage lines of the face, pressing slightly, but not rubbing the product into the skin;
  • after similar procedure You can apply a mask and cream.

Here are some recipes for the most effective and simple homemade scrubs:

  1. You can add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a small amount of any washing gel. This product is great for oily and combination skin;
  2. you can mix honey and cinnamon in a ratio of 3:1, mix well until smooth, and apply to problem areas;
  3. even yogurt can if you mix 4 tablespoons with lemon juice, salt and honey (you will need 1 teaspoon of each of these ingredients). Numerous reviews confirm the high effectiveness of this recipe;
  4. crushed oatmeal, aloe juice and sugar are mixed in equal parts. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  5. oatmeal can also be used as part of another scrub: 30 gr. crushed, add dried and crushed orange peel (about 50 g), and 50 g. clay, the color of which is selected according to skin type.

When using scrubs, remember that to achieve the best results, you need to normalize your diet and thoroughly cleanse your skin.

Hello dear readers. Surely everyone has been bothered by skin problems at least once in their life. Whether it's just a small rash or a large pimple that, as always, pops up on your face at the most inopportune time. Surely every girl is familiar with this situation. Moreover, this unfortunate guest will definitely come out on the nose or forehead. What is important here is not the type of problem, but the method of solving it. Today we will talk about how to prepare a facial scrub for blackheads at home. Black dots - here it is horrible dream every young girl and unpleasant thing for men, which haunts them. Of course, it’s not very pleasant to look at your face in the reflection and see a black round thing in every pore. From a distance they may not be visible, but if you look closer, they immediately become noticeable. This can cause self-doubt.

What are blackheads and how are they formed?

They also have another name: “comedones” - these are pores that for some reason become clogged with dead cells, sebum and, in addition, all this is covered with dust, due to which the problem becomes obvious.

But simply washing off this entire set will not work so easily, since each point is located deep. Of course, you can squeeze it out, but you won’t like what you see as a result.

Besides the fact that it will not look aesthetically pleasing, such an “operation” is also dangerous. There is a high probability of getting some kind of infection while squeezing them out yourself.

Do you want to understand why blackheads appear? Know that the reason lies not in external influences on the body, but in internal violations of its functions.

It should be noted that it is the excessive consumption of fatty foods that leads not only to weight gain, but also to clogged pores.

So, there are three main reasons for the appearance of comedones:

  1. It may simply be a hormonal imbalance, due to which, in fact, the pores become clogged with fat. It is this system that is responsible for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. A failure can happen for absolutely any reason. By getting your hormones in order, you will get rid of not only skin problems, but also other signs of problems in the body.
  1. Poor lifestyle is the most common reason. If the same rashes appear due to malfunctions digestive system, and this comes from poor nutrition. Blackheads are the result of a diet that is not sufficiently saturated with vitamins necessary for the skin. Or it could be due to overindulging in high-fat foods.
  1. Incorrect or insufficient care of the skin surface. Comedones can appear even if you haven't washed off your makeup thoroughly enough, and even worse if you went to bed with makeup on your face. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of such dark specks on your face, you should take care of your skin.

How to deal with blackheads?

Well, naturally, only a cosmetologist will help you with such a problem, who will prescribe you a large list of expensive procedures for cleaning pores.

This will bring good results, but we are looking for a budget option, right?

Is it possible to cope with this on your own, and how?

You can “extract” blackheads with the same quality as a cosmetologist at home, and you will see a noticeable difference in price. Why pay for a result that you can achieve on your own?

Of all budget funds, which can be used to combat the problem, a homemade scrub for blackheads turned out to be the most effective. There are plenty of options to choose yours. Next we will talk in more detail about its benefits and disadvantages.

Why is the scrub so useful and how does it work in the fight against blackheads?

This home invention is quite popular for the reason that it is completely natural, which means it will only bring benefits.

During its preparation, you can independently monitor the naturalness of each ingredient.

And the preparation itself is a very simple process, so everyone can do it themselves. It is important to stick to the recipe and then everything will work out.

Scrub is a product whose work is aimed at exfoliating dead skin, as well as deep cleaning of pores.

It is carried out using coarsely ground products. For example, it could be a scrub based on sugar, clay or crushed coffee beans.

It is the coarse particles that help cleanse the pores and remove all the dirt that has formed.

A classic scrub should ideally cleanse “clogged” pores flawlessly, but not everyone is able to do this. And all because these so-called skin “plugs” are quite elastic in structure.

These recipes were chosen for a reason, but thanks to numerous reviews from those people who have already tested its effect on themselves and were satisfied with the result.

When properly prepared and used, this remedy can:

  1. Open the elastic membrane of comedones.
  1. Remove plugs from each pore without damage and without the chance of missing at least one plug.
  1. Dissolve the dirt that came out along with the comedones and which remained in the pore itself.
  1. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, partly due to which pores become clogged.
  1. Replenish the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
  1. Improve appearance skin and give it a natural shine. Besides pale color acquires a glow and the skin looks healthier.

Who is the use of such a remedy contraindicated for?

Despite the high efficiency and complete naturalness of the product, not everyone can use this scrub.

To avoid health problems, you should follow the basic rules.

Rules for using the scrub:

  • If you have sensitive skin, then it’s better not to use a scrub.
  • This procedure is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases.
  • Since the skin around the eyes itself is very thin, it is better not to apply the product in these areas; otherwise the skin will be damaged.
  • It is not recommended to use it more than once a week. This is due to the fact that useful elements can be removed from the pores along with blackheads.
  • Before starting the procedure, you need to check your skin for allergic reactions.

To do this, just apply a little product to the skin of your hand and wait about ten minutes. If no deviations are detected, then you can safely apply it to your face.

How and from what is a scrub for blackheads prepared at home?

Several proven recipes, the effectiveness of which you can not even doubt:

1. Salt and soda

Yes, from such simple ingredients. Despite its simplicity, this particular scrub takes first place in the ranking of the best drugs for blackheads.

Use only finely ground salt. It is prepared quite simply. The basis of any scrub is most often a regular washing gel.

Therefore, the same spoon is added to the gel spoon sea ​​salt and soda. Apply evenly to the skin of the face and remain there for no more than fifteen minutes.

Then the whole thing needs to be washed off with warm water. The result is clear pores and soft skin.

2. Scrub based on honey and cinnamon

Honey, of which there should be five spoons, must be melted in a water bath, then add cinnamon and stir. This mask will also give your skin elasticity.

3. Lemon-honey

Take three tablespoons of yogurt and add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. At the end, this whole mixture is supplemented with one teaspoon of salt.

4. Made from clay, oats and orange peel

We take 50 g of clay, the same amount of dry orange peel and about 30 g of chopped oats. After mixing, add some water to form a paste.

5. Oats, aloe and sugar

You will need two tablespoons of oatmeal, three tablespoons of granulated sugar and two of aloe juice.

6. Charcoal gelatin

Crushed activated carbon is diluted with gelatin. Charcoal itself is able to cleanse pores, and gelatin only helps draw out black plugs.

You may see results immediately after the first procedure, but this does not mean that the scrub course of treatment is over. To completely cleanse the pores, you should complete the entire course.

How to properly apply a scrub to your face?

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. Before applying the prepared mixture to the skin, you should remove all decorative cosmetics. Otherwise, after the procedure, only cosmetics will be removed, and you will never get rid of blackheads.
  1. Afterwards, you need to rinse your skin with cleansing water.
  1. To maximize the expansion of pores, your face should be steamed. Take a simple towel, dip it in hot water, and then apply it to your face for no more than 20 minutes.
  1. Well, then we apply the scrub directly to the skin. But only on those areas where there are black dots. The mixture must be rubbed in for a good result. After time, the mask is washed off with hot and then cool water, so that the already clean pores are eventually narrowed.
  1. After all the work done, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizer to prevent it from drying out.

Cosmetologists themselves strongly advise applying such a scrub no more than once every seven days.

And it’s better to carry out the procedure itself in the evening so that you don’t have to go anywhere after it. It's so easy to get skin inflammation.

And, of course, before doing anything to combat blackheads, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

He will even advise which type of scrub is suitable specifically for your skin type.

By the way, blackheads can form not only on the face, but also in the chest area. Therefore, it can be applied to this area too.

So, if you are definitely determined to deal with such black plugs, and expensive procedures are not for you, then it is better to choose one of the recipes and see what happens.

In terms of price, all recipes will cost you very little. You can try each scrub, as a result, you can determine which one is best for you.

After the third time, you will see the result and be able to regain your self-confidence. In a mirror image, your gaze will no longer be drawn to the black specks on your face. But rather, your clean skin will attract the glances of passers-by.

Read my interesting and useful articles:

Enjoy the recipes and be healthy!

I have long wanted to write a post about a scrub for blackheads, a simple and effective remedy, helping in the fight against enlarged pores and their pollution.

Agree, the topic is important ☺ and very useful for both men and women.

After all, everyone can suffer from blackheads...

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of a blackhead scrub, how to prepare it correctly and use it effectively.

From this article you will learn:

Scrub for blackheads - secrets of preparation and rules of use

What are blackheads?

Blackheads or comedones are clogged openings of the hair follicle. Enlarged pores become clogged with dead cells, sebum, and dust.

When pressed, these “clogs” come out freely, it looks untidy, so it is correct to remove this defect.

There are 3 reasons why comedones form:

  1. 1 reason is a failure of the hormonal system, since hormones are responsible for the functioning of all sebaceous glands.
  2. The second reason is an unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet.
  3. Reason 3 - poor care behind the skin of the face or its complete absence. Even if you don’t wash your face or don’t wash off your makeup well, this will cause comedones to appear.
  • How to remove these blackheads?

Of course, a cosmetologist or dermatologist can help by prescribing special procedures for facial care and cleansing.

  • How to do this at home?

You can clean your skin more economically and no less effectively using homemade scrub.

Let's talk in more detail below about how to use a facial scrub for blackheads and who should not use this product...

What are the benefits of a scrub for blackheads?

Eliminate comedones without side effects A scrub for blackheads will help - a product that has a good effect and is quite easy to prepare with your own hands.

A scrub is an exfoliant using abrasives (sugar, salt, chopped nuts, coffee, clay) designed to deeply cleanse the skin.

The main purpose of classic scrubs is to clean pores that are clogged with dirt and dead cells. But not all of them will help to open blackheads, which are usually very elastic.

I want to tell you about several recipes on how you can make a highly effective scrub for comedones, which is the most powerful remedy.

Their positive effect is confirmed by many positive reviews.

When used systematically, these funds:

  1. Helps open comedones.
  2. Pull out the plugs from the pores onto the surface of the skin.
  3. Dissolves remaining dirt that has not come out.
  4. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which contribute to the formation of black plugs.
  5. Saturate the skin with minerals and vitamins.
  6. Do better color faces.

Who should not use the scrub against blackheads?

Since all such scrubs have a powerful effect on the skin, you need to be extremely careful with them and follow safety tips:

  • Do not use on sensitive delicate skin
  • Prohibited for rosacea
  • Not for chronic and infectious skin diseases
  • Do not use on the skin around the eyes
  • Do not use the scrub more than once a week
  • Check for possible allergic reactions before use

How to make a homemade scrub for blackheads?

So, the following home remedies for the face have worked well:

  1. . The most effective remedy for comedones is a scrub based on good, very fine salt and soda. The preparation is quite simple. A spoonful of traditional cleansing gel must be mixed with a spoonful of sea salt and a spoonful of soda. Apply the composition with massaging movements on the face and, after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. A scrub with baking soda perfectly cleanses pores.
  2. Honey scrub with cinnamon. To prepare, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of beekeeping product, preheated in a water bath, with 1 tbsp. fresh ground cinnamon.
  3. Honey-lemon scrub with yogurt and salt. To prepare, combine 3 tablespoons of yogurt (natural only), 1 tsp. fine salt. You need to add it to the composition lemon juice, in the amount of 1 spoon and add a spoonful of liquid honey.
  4. Orange-oat with cosmetic clay. You need to combine 50 g. cosmetic clay (color selected according to skin type), 50 g. dried orange zest, 30 gr. ground oats. The mixture should be diluted with water until a paste forms.
  5. Oatmeal-aloe mixture with sugar. To prepare, you need to combine 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal flakes, 3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably brown) and 2 tablespoons.
  6. Gelatin with charcoal. Activated carbon combined with diluted gelatin will also perfectly cleanse pores. Read more in this

Any recipe will give the expected result if the scrub is prepared correctly and applied systematically.

One-time procedures without regularity may not eliminate all contaminants, which will not justify the hopes placed on the product.

How to properly apply a scrub for blackheads on the face?

In order for the effect of a homemade scrub to be successful and pleasing, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before the procedure, you should remove absolutely all decorative cosmetics from the skin of your face.
  2. Then you need to wipe the skin with facial cleansers.
  3. Next, your face should be steamed. To do this, you can use a clean towel, which must first be soaked in hot water. It must be applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, or the procedure can be carried out over steam, like an inhalation process.
  4. The next step is to directly apply the scrub with cleansed hands, but only to those places where there are blackheads. The product must be rubbed in using massaging movements. After this, the mass remains on the face for a couple of minutes and is washed off with warm water, and then rinsed with cold water to tighten the pores.
  5. At the final stage, apply a nourishing cream with a moisturizing effect.

One way or another, before performing cleansing with home remedies, you should consult a cosmetologist.

What scrubs for blackheads do you know? I will be glad to see your recipes and reviews.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Cover photo @ kasiazdanowska