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How to make a monkey from salt dough. New Year's souvenir “Monkey” made of salt dough and fur

With the approach of the New Year 2016, from the huge variety of crafts made from salt dough, I would like to highlight the monkey, because it is the monkey that is the symbol of this year, which means that everything connected with this flirtatious animal will have a certain value. That is why we invite you, together with our step-by-step MK, to make a monkey from salt dough. Such an unusual souvenir will be an excellent holiday decoration, and throughout the year the monkey will protect your home and attract happiness and good luck to your home.

How to make a monkey from salt dough: master class

To make a hand-made monkey you will need the following:

For the test:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil- 1 table. spoon;
  • water - about 4 tablespoons. spoons.

Preparing salt dough for crafts:

Mix flour and salt, mix well. Add vegetable oil and water. Mix everything well. The dough will be ready when it does not stick to your hands, and it should not crumble. The consistency should be similar to plasticine. If the dough crumbles, add water; if it sticks, add flour. And mix it well again.

For crafts:

  • Salty dough;
  • stack;
  • monkey pattern;
  • paints.

And now step by step with photos:

Take our dough and roll it out to the desired thickness. Our monkey is 1 cm deep.

Download the template, cut it out and attach it to the test. The paper can be slightly moistened first so that it sticks to the dough.

Let's start cutting out the monkey. To do this, arm yourself with a stack and cut the dough along the contour.

We received this blank.

Now you need to draw the necessary contours. If you do not have the skills of an artist, then you can transfer the drawing by gradually cutting off the already outlined details. As shown in the photo below.

When the work is finished, you should have a monkey like this.

Let's move on to drying the craft. At home, at room temperature, such a craft will dry for about a week, so it is better to put the product in the oven and bake until done, about 20 minutes at a temperature of 170°.

Don't forget to lightly flour the tray on which the craft will be baked.

Now that the monkey is ready, let's start decorating it.

We take paints (gouache or watercolor) and dress our naughty girl in color.

Glue a magnet or string to the back for hanging on the wall.

And we admire the result of our creativity!

Candlestick “Monkey” will be a wonderful gift or decoration festive table. Detailed master class will help you create the symbol of the year with your own hands. Craft monkey made from salt dough New Year It’s not at all difficult - even a child can do it.

With the onset of 2016, the calm Sheep will give the palm to the cheerful Monkey. We fall in love with these funny faces since childhood, perhaps because they are so similar to us. The hooligan Anfisa or the inventor Monkey from “38 Parrots”, the restless mother with five fidgets, the monkey with a human heart King Kong and the clever little shoe-assistant Dasha. Everyone finds “their” unique monkey. Let's create a cute candlestick and add some zest to the New Year's table.

Dough monkey master class

The “Monkey” craft is very easy to make. We prepare in advance salty dough. We will need:

  • Fine salt - 150 g
  • Flour - 150g
  • Water - as much as the dough will take, about half a glass.

Knead the dough well until it becomes elastic and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. During this time, you can watch cartoons about monkeys, eat a couple of bananas, or suffer while opening a coconut.

Now you can proceed directly to sculpting. Place the salted dough on a floured board. We begin to create our monkey from the head and body.

Then we add ears and “handles”. Make sure that the floating candle fits into the space on your tummy. We cross the “legs” of the monkey, as if it were sitting in the lotus position.

Add a bow for coquetry. We first draw the eyes with a toothpick.

Our baby monkey will be mischievous, add a smile and stick out her tongue. Don't forget to make a spout.

Well, now we carefully transfer the monkey to a board covered with foil. We fasten all the parts with a small brush dipped in water. Our candlestick is almost ready. All you have to do is wait until it dries and apply paint. You can dry the craft in the oven, but I prefer a longer, but proven method. I dry it in natural conditions. This candlestick will dry in 3- 4 days.

We have all long been accustomed to checking the Chinese horoscope, and everyone now knows in which year of the animal he was born and what year is coming. As you know, it is not ordinary, but fiery; it is also called red. Such a beast must be met well and appeased. Therefore, we decided to make a souvenir for the holiday as a symbol of the coming year, and since we expect only the most positive things from it, our DIY salt dough monkey turned out to be cheerful and flirty.

Dough is a very pliable and easily accessible material for crafts. Christmas decorations It produces very original products and, which is very important now, environmentally friendly. We love making these kinds of crafts with children, the creativity just flows out of them. The idea of ​​giving the dough monkey a “fiery glow” with fluff from a red woolen scarf belongs specifically to children, and the tone was the usual pink blush.


- “Extra” salt 1/3 cup,
- the same amount of flour,
- PVA glue 1 tbsp. spoon,
- water 3 tbsp. spoons,
- “Moment” type glue,
- hemp twine,
- paints,
- decor.

1. For salt dough, mix flour, salt, water and PVA glue. Knead well, the consistency should be like plasticine. If the dough turns out tight or crumbles, add a little water. If it’s the other way around, add more flour.

2. Spread cling film or cut plastic bag, the dough does not stick to them and it is more convenient to transport it to the drying place on film. Let's start sculpting a monkey from salt dough. We use a dress as the body for the animal, we sculpt a triangle. Don't forget to make holes for attaching the limbs.

Hands, or rather hands, are easier to do than they seem. We didn’t sculpt them, but carefully cut a small cake with scissors. Remember about the holes.

To keep our feet from freezing, we put on mittens. Sculpting them is very simple.

All that remains is to make a head with big ears. We marked the auricle with a toothpick.

3. We send all the parts of the salt dough monkey closer to the heating devices and let them dry. Also, salted dough can be baked in the oven at low temperature.

4. Cut the twine. Let's remember the anatomy of a monkey, Long hands, short legs. We thread the prepared ropes into the required holes and tie knots.

5. For the loop and tail, take one long piece of twine. Glue “Moment” to the back of the head and along the back. Assembly is complete.

6. The most creative part remains, we draw the face and decorate it. We usually paint with gouache, it is thick, bright and dries quickly. Some prefer acrylic paints, but here the right to make a mistake is more expensive; such paints cannot be washed off with a damp cotton pad.

As already mentioned, for creating souvenirs and Christmas decorations With your own hands, you can use blush and guns, as well as various sparkles, beads, and chains. We had fabric paints lying around in tubes, we used them on a dress, and we painted snowflakes with them. And in general, a monkey is a creature that can put on anything. The main thing here is not to lose your sense of proportion!

In general, you can make such a cute monkey from salt dough with your own hands.

Look and

Making your own monkey from salt dough is as easy as shelling pears! The main thing is to turn on the creative mood and take a look at the Internet interesting idea for sculpting. A master class from Tamara Bystrova suggests making a dough monkey hanging on a vine. You won’t be ashamed to decorate your home with such a souvenir, or give it as a gift to anyone.

How to make a monkey from dough: MK step by step with photos

To make a craft you need the following:

For the test:

  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 glass;
  • water - 4 table. spoons;
  • rast. butter - 1 table. spoon.

Craft dough recipe

Mix flour and salt, add oil and water. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble. If it sticks, add flour; if it falls apart, add a little water.

For crafts:

  • Salty dough;
  • jute twine or thick thread - 30 cm;
  • paints, brush;
  • nail scissors;
  • glue gun

So let's get started...

Take a piece of dough and roll it into a ball with a diameter of about 3 cm.

Flatten it, forming an oval. This is the body of a future monkey.

Now we roll 2 more balls - one is 2 cm in diameter, the other is a little more than a centimeter and in the same way we give it an oval shape.

We try on the blanks for the body. And we get the basis of the craft.

We form the ears.

Now let's finalize the face, giving it the shape of a heart. You also need to make a recess for the nose and shape the mouth.

We sculpt the eyes and nose.

Use a stack to draw a stripe between the nose and mouth, and also attach a hairstyle to the monkey.

Now let's take care of the fur. Take nail scissors and use them to make the fur voluminous.

Let's form an oval and a slightly convex circle - these are the elements of the tummy.

We make a butterfly from dough.

And we move on to creating the arms and legs of the monkey. To do this, we make cuts on the sides and insert threads into them.

The length is still arbitrary. Before assembling the crafts, you can always give them the required size.

To make salt dough legs. Form a triangle, then bend it slightly and...

... take an ordinary match in your hand. Using a match, press down the toes and the recess for attaching the foot to the leg

The handle is made as follows.

Forms a triangle.

and again we squeeze out the fingers with a match.

These are the interesting pieces you should get at this stage.

Don't forget to make holes in the right place on the handles.

Sprinkle the baking dish with flour and put our monkey in the oven to dry.

Baking time at 170°-180° is approximately 30 minutes. You can determine the readiness of the craft by its hardening or slight blush.

Now wait until the workpieces have cooled down and start covering with paint.

Gouache or watercolor is ideal for painting crafts made from salt dough.

When the paint has dried, pick up a glue gun and assemble the craft.

You can glue a magnet to the back of the monkey or make a twine vine like ours.

How do you like the craft? Did you like it? Then feel free to get to work!