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How to wash a membrane jacket in the washing machine. How to wash a jacket with a membrane at home (in the washing machine and by hand)? And we will be happy in our beautiful and clean home

The cost of membrane items is quite high, and basic washing mistakes can irrevocably damage the item. How to wash a membrane jacket so that it stays like new for a long time?

There is an opinion that such clothes should not be washed at all. Washing a membrane jacket is necessary, and this must be done regularly.

The membrane differs from other materials in its porous structure, and therefore the pores should be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt. If this is not done, the jacket will stop breathing and lose its valuable qualities.

But to wash membrane clothing correctly, you should follow a number of rules:

  • First of all, you should know how to wash a membrane jacket. Regular washing powders are not suitable for such clothes. The fact is that powder crystals clog pores, and as a result, clothes lose their air exchange qualities. An ordinary powder can ruin an expensive jacket after the first wash.
  • In no case should you use rinse aids, bleaches and conditioners for a membrane jacket, as they have a detrimental effect on this material, destroying its water-repellent qualities.
  • Water temperature is also very important. It is advisable to set the temperature no higher than +40. If the water is too hot, the pores will simply seal and the clothes will become unusable. Please also keep in mind that after washing in hot water the jacket may turn blackish-brown in color.
  • Under no circumstances should such items be dried near heat sources. Ironing these clothes is also prohibited. The washed item is dried only naturally.
    It is important, before washing your jacket, to make sure that the detergent does not contain chlorine. After exposure to chlorine, such a thing will begin to get wet.

Under no circumstances should membrane items be wrung out or twisted, as stretch marks and tears may appear on the fabric.

Machine washable

How to wash such a thing in washing machine and is it possible to do this? You must first read the label and make sure that machine wash is allowed. Wash such items in a washing machine only on a delicate cycle, using special liquid detergents. Too dirty areas are washed by hand before putting the item into the machine.

It is important not to completely fill the washing machine tank - there should be enough space in it so that things do not rub too much. It is better to choose the mode without spin.

Wash by hand

Such items can be washed by hand in the bathtub or in a large basin. The water temperature should be no more than +40. Make a household solution. soap, if there is no special product, and soak the product. You can leave the item soaked in the solution for a short time if you think it is too dirty. Too greasy areas can be treated with dish gel, but just don’t rub too hard.
Rinse the jacket in plenty of cool water, and it is best to do this in the bathroom. You need to rinse the soap very carefully, changing the water several times.


If everything is clear with the question of how to wash a jacket with a membrane - by hand or in a machine, then how to properly dry the item? This process also has its own characteristics.

The product is lightly wrung out by hand, but not twisted. Then the item is wrapped in a large towel or sheet to absorb moisture.

Then the item is laid out on the table and thoroughly leveled so that there are no creases or folds. It’s great if you can then dry the product on a hanger above the bathtub.

Treatment after drying

But washing and drying is not all. Such things also need to be treated with special compounds. And moreover, the older the product, the more it needs such processing.
Typically, such products are sold in the form of sprays that are simply sprayed onto the material.
And finally, how to store such clothes. The material should not be twisted or folded too much. The best option- This is a hanger in the closet.

Membrane jackets 20 years ago were exclusively an attribute of professional skiers; you won’t sweat or get wet in them. IN modern world such clothes are available to everyone. But when purchasing it, you should understand how and with what to wash the membrane jacket so that it serves for a long time, because the thing is quite expensive.

You need to wash your membrane jacket often because, due to its porous structure, it quickly absorbs dirt. But few people decide to clean it because they are afraid of ruining the thing.

Operating principle and properties of the membrane

To fully understand why ordinary washing is completely unsuitable, you need to clarify the special characteristics of this fabric. It is represented by a thin mesh with pores, which are responsible for retaining heat and preventing moisture from passing through. TO unique properties relate:

  • Water-repellent effect - the canvas does not allow water to pass through and will not let you get wet even in heavy rain.
  • The fabric does not allow wind to pass through, so you will not get wind in such clothes, they are comfortable and warm in any weather.
  • Breathable effect - the fabric breathes, so evaporation does not linger on the body, but immediately exits through the porous material. This property makes the membrane the best fabric For sportswear.
  • Heat retention - despite its light weight, the membrane retains heat well. If in winter you meet a person wearing a light jacket who does not freeze, you can assume that it is made of a membrane.

The question of how to wash a membrane jacket is very relevant, because if it is not properly cared for, all of the above properties will stop working correctly. This does not mean that things cannot be cleaned, it just needs to be done in accordance with special rules.

Cleaning instructions

Due to its porous structure, the membrane gets very dirty when worn, so it is necessary to clean the pores of the material - this will restore its breathability. When playing sports, people sweat a lot, which negatively affects the membrane, polluting and destroying it.

When washing, you must follow the rules established specifically for this fabric. So, during the washing process forbidden:

  1. Use ordinary powder, since its crystals will clog the porous structure, clothing will lose the possibility of effective air exchange, but this is its main advantage. You can ruin a thing like this after the first time.
  2. Use conditioners and rinses - they negatively affect the membrane and spoil its water-repellent characteristics.
  3. Wash in too hot water - the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. If this rule is not followed, the pores of the membrane stick together and the item becomes unwearable. When cleaning in boiling water, the color of the jacket almost always changes, becoming dark brown.
  4. Dry things on the radiator, iron, because the pores of water high temperature melt.
  5. Use household chemicals containing chlorine. Chlorine damages fabric; under the influence of this substance, the membrane stops repelling water and gets wet.
  6. Squeeze the jacket out of the membrane. Twisting also destroys pores, forming tears and stretch marks.

What to wash

Membrane items need to be washed even more often than usual so that the pores do not become dirty.

In addition to clarifying the rules on how to wash a membrane jacket, you should choose the right cleaning products. It is forbidden to use ordinary powder; you should wash it with special liquid products that will not cause deformation.

Washing process in a washing machine

To wash a membrane jacket in a washing machine, it is forbidden to use products with chlorine, it damages the fabric, it will begin to leak water and lose all the properties for which it is so valued. It is better to spend money, but buy a specialized product for membrane fabric.

The jacket does not need to be soaked before washing, because the membrane will get too wet and deteriorate. You don't need a spin either; the item is wrapped in a towel, which will absorb all the moisture.

Here is an algorithm for washing a membrane jacket in a washing machine:

  • Wash separately from other items.
  • You need to set a gentle washing mode - as a rule, it is “Wool” or “Hand Wash”.
  • The spin must first be turned off, otherwise the product will lose its properties.
  • Set the temperature to no more than 30 degrees.

Yes, machine cleaning is allowed, but hand washing is preferable for membrane fabric. This way, the risk of ruining expensive clothes is minimal.

Drying and care process

Drying a membrane jacket is no less important than washing it. Pay special attention to the following points:

  • After finishing washing, you need to take the jacket and lightly press it with your hands to remove most of the moisture.
  • Then the thing turns into terry towel, which will absorb all excess moisture.
  • Drying requires a flat surface - for example, a table, ironing board, drying rack.
  • The item should not be exposed to sunlight.
  • The room should be ventilated.
  • Dry the jacket only until it is completely dry; do not iron it.
  • If necessary, the membrane should be treated with a special impregnation.
  • Clothes should be stored in special bags on hangers.

How often can you cleanse?

After clarifying all the nuances of the process of cleaning membrane fabric, most owners of such things prefer not to wash them at all. This is also wrong, since when the pores of the fabric become dirty, it loses its properties. The mesh becomes clogged with particles of dust and dirt. It is recommended to wash 2-3 times per season.

If there are stains on the jacket, there is no need to re-wash it in the machine. Simply moisten a clothes brush with soap and warm water and wipe the dirty areas. The remaining dirt will be removed well in this way.

Now, after receiving information about washing and caring for membrane fabric, you don’t have to worry that the jacket will no longer protect you from cold and wind.

Nowadays, new technologies and materials are emerging. One of these the latest materials is the membrane. Membrane clothing is an integral part of our lives, especially often used by athletes. It has also begun to gain popularity among young parents, who are increasingly buying membrane clothing for their children.

What are the advantages of this “miracle material”? Why is it gaining popularity every day? And how to care for membrane clothing? We will answer all these questions in order, because in order to know how to choose the right detergent for washing membrane clothes, you must first understand the operating principle of this unique fabric.

Membrane operating principle

To understand why you can’t wash membrane clothes the same way as other types of laundry, let’s figure out what their differences are.

The membrane itself is a mesh with very, very small pores that do not even allow water to pass through.

Membrane fabric has very wonderful properties that can be damaged if washed incorrectly. Let's consider all these properties in order:

  • The membrane has a water-repellent effect - that is, it does not allow water to pass through, so it practically does not get wet, which makes it possible not to get wet in the rain.
  • At the same time, it “breathes” - unlike other waterproof fabric, membrane fabric “breathes” and allows fumes from the inside to escape to the outside. You won't sweat in these clothes.
  • The membrane is not blown through - clothes made from such fabric are not blown by the wind, i.e. You will be comfortable in it even in windy weather.
  • Membrane clothing is very light and warm - this type of fabric allows you not to use down-type insulation, since your body heats itself, and the membrane does not allow cold air to penetrate inside.

Now that we have found out all the miraculous properties of membrane clothing, we should ask ourselves the question: “Won’t we lose them after washing?”

Membrane clothing is quite an expensive luxury today, and therefore it would be very unpleasant and expensive to ruin its excellent properties by washing. And if you wash such clothes incorrectly, then it is quite possible to ruin them.

How to wash membrane clothes

Before you start directly “washing”, you need to decide on a detergent for washing membrane clothes. Some housewives respond to such a proposal with the phrase: “For membrane clothes, I use regular powder and put it on the normal washing machine.”

Unfortunately, if you use ordinary powders that are not intended for washing membrane clothes, such clothes lose their distinctive abilities. The membrane simply becomes clogged with small particles of powder, stops allowing air to pass through and ceases to be any different from ordinary rubberized clothing. That is why membrane clothing should be washed only with the help of special means and in gentle modes.

Here are some of the products that can be used to wash membrane fabrics:

  • DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion is a balm for washing any sportswear, for example, made of polyester, and in our case it is also suitable. The balm allows you to preserve it after many washes. beneficial features membranes and not lose their qualities.
  • Nikwax Tech Wash is an excellent product that removes dirt well, it also impregnates the membrane and helps maintain water-repellent and breathable properties. If you washed membrane clothing using regular powder, then this product will help you eliminate the consequences of such washing and will wash all particles of this very powder from the pores of the membrane fabric.
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation – inexpensive gel for washing clothes using membrane technology, which washes quite well, but, unfortunately, does not have a water-repellent impregnation for the membrane, which extends its life.
  • Perwoll for sportswear Sport & Active is one of the popular liquids that is designed for washing various sportswear, including membrane ones. The consistency of the product resembles shower gel. The product can also be used to wash shoes in a washing machine.
  • Laundry soap - yes, yes, no matter how it surprises you, this product is excellent for washing membrane clothes by hand.

Washing membrane clothes

How to properly wash membrane clothes. There are two options for washing such items:


You need to wet the membrane item, then take any of the above detergents and rub the membrane clothing with it, then rinse it under running warm water. If necessary, the operation can be repeated.

  • Place membrane clothing in the washing machine; large items should be washed separately, rather than trying to cram everything into one wash.
  • Select the most gentle washing program (hand wash, wool) or, if available, a special program for washing membrane sportswear.
  • Be sure to turn off the spin cycle in the washing machine and set the temperature to 30°.
  • Run the program

The water temperature should not be more than 30-40°. There is also no need to wring clothes out of the membrane in an automatic machine. You should also not soak the membrane fabric.

After washing
After you have washed the item by hand or in an automatic washing machine, you should wring it out with your hands; to do this, very carefully, without twisting, squeeze it in different places. Or wrap it in a cotton towel to absorb moisture.

After this, you need to place the washed membrane jacket or other type of clothing on a horizontal surface and straighten it out. Wait for it to dry completely, while the clothes should not be exposed to sunlight, and the room in which the item is being dried should be ventilated.

Never dry membrane clothing on radiators or other heating elements.

How to care for membrane clothing

After every wash, and generally regularly, membrane clothing must be treated with special substances, which preserve the water-repellent and breathable properties of the fabric.

Such means are various aerosols that are designed specifically to cover fabric with a protective film. If you don’t want to bother with such aerosols, then just use laundry detergents that contain such components.

Such clothes should be stored flattened in a horizontal position, and they should be clean and dry. Preferably use special bags for clothes to protect the membrane from dust.

Membrane clothing is one of the latest achievements in the textile industry. Its special fabric consists of synthetic fibers covered with a thin layer of polymer film with microscopic pores. Unique membranes allow sweat to easily and quickly evaporate from the surface of the body, and moisture from the environment practically does not penetrate inside. This simultaneously protects the body from overheating and hypothermia. The only disadvantage of such clothes is that they require delicate cleaning. How to wash membrane clothes without them losing their appearance and properties?

Three washing rules

  1. Long soaking. In most cases, membrane clothing can be easily washed by hand without pre-soaking.
  2. Spin. After the wash is completed, you can spin the product. But it is very important not to twist the fabric. To avoid damaging the membranes, use an absorbent cotton fabric. It copes well with excess moisture.
  3. Machine washable. Unfortunately, even the presence of special modes for delicate fabrics does not allow the use of modern washing machines for cleaning membrane clothing. You have two options: learn how to properly hand wash your items or take them to the dry cleaner regularly.

Outerwear constantly gets dirty even when worn very carefully, so sometimes it needs to be washed several times a season. Not only is professional cleaning expensive, but it also wears out fabrics. If the items are not seriously soiled, you can easily handle the washing yourself.


It is best to wash membrane fabric by hand. Since the polymer layer is very thin, even gentle machine washing can damage it. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to use regular powder. Its particles are too large and coarse. They easily get clogged into the pores of clothing, thereby preventing it from “breathing” and reducing its protective properties. Fabric softeners and bleaches produce the same effect.

Can be cooked home remedy for washing, grate and dilute with water ordinary laundry soap.

When choosing powder for clothes with a membrane, pay attention to its composition. Products containing chlorine and its derivatives make microscopic holes in the fabric more permeable. As a result, the clothes begin to get wet.

Most experts believe that membrane clothing should be washed with plain or liquid laundry soap. The main thing is that they do not contain chlorine. They gently clean the fabric and do not damage the membranes, but do not solve the problem of their clogging with dirt. In this case they will help you special means. But keep in mind that you cannot do such deep cleaning too often. Try to wear your clothes carefully and not let them get into this state.

So, how do you wash items made from membrane fabric?

  1. Take a close look at your clothing. Note the most contaminated areas and remove everything from your pockets.
  2. Unfasten the fur. If the fur does not come off (for example, the jacket has pompoms), place it in a plastic bag and tie it tightly.
  3. Close all zippers. If necessary, protect the fittings from possible damage with several layers of tape.
  4. Fill a basin or bathtub with cool water (30-40 °C) and dilute it detergent. Calculate the required amount of powder according to the instructions on the package. If you are using laundry soap, prepare a soap solution.
  5. Dip your clothes into the water and start washing immediately. Do everything quickly, but carefully. Do not expose clothing to mechanical stress.
  6. If you notice that some dirt does not come off, use a soft brush and soap foam.
  7. Rinse the product under running water cold water and let it drain freely. Now you can use absorbent wipes or gently wring it out.

Try to wash only one item at a time. Too much contact with water will not benefit the membranes.


After washing your membrane clothes, be sure to dry them.

Membrane clothing is dried flat out and in a horizontal position. Try to do this in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sun rays and proximity to batteries. They can lead to burnout of a thin layer of membranes.

Additional care and storage

To avoid damaging the special structure of the fabric, do not iron it. This not only damages the membranes, but can also melt the synthetic layer of the jacket. If you cannot do without ironing, use a steam generator or take the item to the dry cleaner.

In order to improve the water-repellent properties of membranes and protect them from contamination, treat clothing with a special fluoride spray. Fluoride coats the fabric with a film that protects it but does not interfere with normal air circulation. Regular use of sprays also helps things survive the negative effects of sunlight.

Membrane clothing is stored flattened and in a vertical position. To prevent the membrane from becoming clogged with dust, it should be covered with a protective film of fabric or polyethylene. After the end of the season, clothes made of membrane fabric must be washed, and only then put away in the closet. This simple rule allows you to keep your item looking great. You can take it out and immediately start wearing it if necessary.

Master these simple rules, and washing membrane fabric will no longer cause you any difficulties, and your clothes will last for many years.

By purchasing an expensive outerwear, we hope that its service life will fully justify the money spent. However, there are a number of objective circumstances that make adjustments to these plans. For example, various types of pollution. And if a jacket or overalls are made of membrane fabric, then it seems like it’s time to throw the thing away - after all, many people believe that membrane clothes cannot be washed. It's time to dispel the myths.

Understanding the terms

Membrane fabric is a combination of a base material (usually synthetic fiber, such as 100% polyester) and the membrane itself. The latter is a thin film, the thickness of which is tenths or hundredths of a millimeter.

The main function of membrane fabric is to keep moisture out

The peculiarity of the membrane is that it has microscopic pores that allow moisture to pass through on one side and retain it to almost zero permeability on the other.

This is interesting. One of the manufacturers of membrane fabric, the American company Gore-TeX, creates a high-strength material from Teflon, with 1.5 billion pores per square centimeter.

The film is pressed to the base, that is, “welded.” Due to its structure, the resulting fabric wicks sweat out, which means it allows the skin to breathe. Due to the design features, the high performance membrane fabric is light in weight and very durable. Based on this criterion, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • two-layer (the membrane is fixed from the inside of the base);
  • three-layer (outer fabric, membrane, mesh inside);
  • 2.5-layer (membrane from the inside, but a protective coating is also sprayed on it).

The structure of the membrane may also differ, so fabrics can be

  • non-porous (the structure of the material resembles a sponge - micro-holes have a tortuous shape in which moisture condenses);
  • pore (moisture molecules seep from the inside, but drops do not fit);
  • combined (the most expensive and high-tech, since a film with pores is placed inside, and without pores on the outside).

Membrane fabric is a high-tech material that can withstand any adverse weather conditions

Purpose of membrane clothing

The complex production technology of the material is explained by the purpose of the clothing. Similar things are recommended for activities that involve high physical activity:

  • tourism;
  • mountaineering;
  • travel, etc.

Membrane items are comfortable for both adults and children

However, fabrics with welded film have a number of disadvantages:

  • clothing for membrane items should be made of fleece or Polartek (for example, thermal underwear);
  • membrane fabrics are relatively short-lived;
  • such a wardrobe needs special care;
  • high price.

What to consider when cleaning

Until recently, it was believed that membrane fabrics could not be washed. However, modern production technologies refute this statement. Moreover, such things simply need to be cleaned. But at the same time take into account some restrictions.

  1. Ordinary washing powder with its crystals it clogs the pores of the membrane, which is why it loses its main quality - air exchange.
  2. Chlorine-containing detergents spoil the membrane, it stops rejecting water and becomes wet.
  3. Rinse aids and conditioners reduce the water-repellent properties of fabric.
  4. Water temperatures above 40 degrees will glue the pores together and also give the fabric a gray-brown tint, as the film will simply cook. For the same reason, things cannot be ironed or dried on a radiator.
  5. Spinning causes irreparable damage to the fabric fibers; they stretch and tear.
  6. Items made of membrane fabric should not be dried in the sun or wind. Ultraviolet radiation will leave whitish spots on the fabric, making restoration of the material impossible.

What to wash

The right detergent will not only remove dirt from your items, but will also not have a negative effect on the fabric.

Table. Detergents for washing membrane fabric

Special cleaning gels Features of application Conventional means Features of application
Nikwax Tech Wash Cleans, gives water-repellent functions, allows the fabric to breathe. Recommended for Gore-Tex, Sympatex, Entrant, eVENT and Ultrex fabrics Perwoll Sport & Active Adds aroma and prevents unpleasant odors
DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion Retains all the protective properties of the fabric Concentrated product from Amway It washes perfectly, especially children's clothes with characteristic stains from food and drinks.
DM Fresh Sensation Recommended for Goretex, Sympatex, budgetary means, but without water-repellent impregnation Laundry soap, grated Well suited for hand washing, removes grass stains, but leaves a very unpleasant odor.
Woly Sport Textile Wash Universal membrane cleaner, suitable for any fabric Baby soap (either in liquid form or grated) Alternative laundry soap, copes with stains a little worse, but leaves no odor.
Shower gels, shampoos Mild detergents for hand washing (as excessive foam is harmful to washing machine) and not for the purpose of removing stains.
Liquid detergent "Laska" Removes dirt well, but not effective for removing grass stains, suitable for children's clothes
Antipyatnin soap An effective remedy against greasy stains, after use it is recommended to wash the item completely.
Fairy dishwashing gel Excellent for removing oil stains and can also be used as a mild laundry detergent.

This is interesting. Regardless of the chosen product, after 20 hand or machine washes, membrane fabrics lose up to 20% of their thickness.

As a rule, membrane fabric manufacturers produce care products, including those for washing clothes.

How to properly wash membrane clothes

To avoid damaging the fragile membrane, you must follow a number of recommendations.

  1. Before cleaning, turn things inside out.
  2. We take out the contents of the pockets.
  3. We fasten all the zippers and buttons.


When choosing this type of cleaning of membrane clothing, remember that even stubborn stains should not be rubbed too hard - the film may be damaged.


In the washing machine

Membrane items love space, that is, you should not load several wardrobe items into the drum at once. If the item is large (for example, overalls), then you need to wash it separately from others.


How to dry

Whether clothes can continue to perform their function 100% depends on proper drying. So the final drying stage is very important.


What if you don't wash it?

Fresh, non-greasy stains can be removed without washing. To do this, the dirt is removed with a brush or cloth. At the same time, the dirt is shaken off and not rubbed in. You can also slightly moisten the stain and wash it. These cleaning methods are especially relevant for children's clothes. But oil stains cannot be removed without washing. In this case, pre-treatment of the greasy mark is necessary. To do this, you can use the following tools:

Features of care

The service life of any item depends on how properly it is stored. This rule also applies to clothes made of membrane fabric.

  1. Pores absorb odors very quickly and firmly, so clothes should be stored away from the kitchen.
  2. The closet should not be humid, otherwise the membrane will become saturated with dust, the pores will become clogged, and the item will cease to perform its functions.
  3. Wardrobe items made from fabric with film should be washed at least once a year.
  4. After washing, we use impregnations to enhance the property of repelling water and to stimulate resistance to stains. These fluoride-based products are available in the form of a liquid, which is diluted with water according to the instructions on the package (Nikwax TX. Direct Wash-in, Toko Eco Wash-In Proof) or a spray (for example, Revivex, Nikwax TX. Direct Spray-On). Liquid products add during rinsing, repeating the procedure after 1-2 washes, since more frequent use will clog the membrane. Impregnation in the form of a spray can be applied once every 3-4 weeks of active use of the item.

Video. How to care for membrane clothing: from the personal experience of a fisherman

What you need to know about membrane repair

Impregnations are not only the final stage of cleaning, but also do a good job of restoring the membrane. They must be used in accordance with the recommendations of the fabric manufacturers. True, if the film begins to blow out, then it can no longer be restored.

Video. Why and how to use membrane impregnations

Caring for membrane items: washing, impregnation, proper storage is quite a troublesome task. But following all the recommendations of manufacturers of high-tech material makes it possible to fully experience the benefits of using this type of fabric, which fully repay the investment of time and effort.

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