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How to knit a basket from nylon tights. Basket weaving - three best MK options

Today I want to tell you how you can weave textile boxes or baskets from very simple and affordable materials. These wicker items have a lot of advantages: they are not afraid of creasing, durable, lightweight and practical, they can be washed, and they can be intertwined by changing the size and shape. Alone positive sides. You can choose the size and color to match your interior. In addition, they are very easy to weave, and you can find a lot of uses for them!

What you will need for work:

  • insulation for windows and doors (sold in hardware stores, in my case 10 meters long and 1.5 cm in cross-section);
  • piece of fabric.

Absolutely any fabric will do (just not too thick). The longer the cut, the longer the strips of fabric will be and the fewer knots there will be in finished work. The knots are practically invisible, I didn’t even have to specially remove or disguise them in any way. Fabric can be selected different colors to make a patterned basket.

In addition, the work will require a needle with a large eye (my needle has an eye size of almost 1.5 cm). It’s good if you choose a darning needle with a large eye and a blunt tip.
There are several options for creating such baskets: you can glue each layer with hot glue or sew on it with sewing threads. But if you use glue, the work will not look very neat; you still won’t be able to hide the glue between the fabric perfectly.
If you sew the layers together with sewing threads, you will again need to sew very carefully so that the threads are not visible. This work is long and painstaking. The threads may break during use of the basket.
Considering all these points, I chose the simplest, most reliable, economical and quick way weaving. We will interweave each layer with strips of the same fabric.

We cut the fabric into strips 5-6 cm and 1.5-2 cm wide. The wide strips will be used to wrap the insulation, and the narrow ones will be used to weave the insulation.

We wrap the insulation with fabric. The very tip can be secured with glue for reliability.

Please note that I wrapped part of the insulation and secured it with a pin to prevent the fabric from unwinding. Thread a narrow strip of fabric through a needle. We twist the insulation with a snail, forming the bottom of the future basket.

We interweave the layers of insulation with a narrow strip of fabric: we pass the needle, grabbing two layers. You can help yourself in your work with pins, fixing the fabric.

When the strip ends, we simply tie on the next piece. All the knots will then be safely hidden.

There are already five layers of bottom. We constantly weave the last and penultimate layers with a narrow strip of fabric. I unfolded the narrow strip with the light side up to create a pattern.

When the bottom of the future basket or box is ready, we move on to weaving the walls.

Place the next layer on top and secure with needles (right). We also intertwine with fabric.

I wove ten turns of the basket. Let's start forming the handles. The top can be designed in different ways. You can weave a lid.

To make the handles the same, I used a can of chips. She laid it on top of the basket and covered it with insulation.

The insulation was secured with pins.

The basket turns out to be very durable, and at the same time lightweight. The insulation itself is a durable material, and even when woven with fabric, it is a hundred times stronger. Yes, you can easily carry weights in such a basket.

During the weaving process, I hid the knots under the fabric, so that they are almost invisible in the finished work.

I thought the handles were very thick for such a basket, so I unwoven the last two layers. Finished the basket without handles. You can leave it in this form: store balls and toys, textiles or gloves. Whatever.

Or you can weave a braided handle, turning it into a textile bucket. I would like to add that such a basket is woven very quickly and easily.

After general cleaning, there are a lot of things left that fall into the “I won’t wear it, but it’s a pity to throw it away” category.

Don't rush to get rid of these, because they can be given a second chance. After all, they can become material for various useful things.

For example, nylon tights are perfect for a handmade rug, which is easy to wash and dry quickly.
It will fit perfectly into country style, so it will serve faithfully in the bathroom or on the country veranda. You can also use it as a doormat.
You've probably come across photos or videos of such practical things on the Internet. We will tell you how to make a rug from old things with your own hands.

Well, shall we try?

To make a cute thing out of old ones nylon tights, you need not only to pay attention to the material, the technique of doing the work is also important.
The rug can be:

  • to tie;
  • sew;
  • weave

Before you start work, be sure to wash your clothes. It will be more pleasant to work with clean tights, and the finished rug will look aesthetically pleasing.

Let's look at the instructions step by step. Our tips and tricks will help you choose your technique and create your masterpiece.

How to crochet a rug

One knitted rug requires about 10 pieces of tights.
Before you start needlework, you need to make threads from nylon scrap.

You will need

  • Sharp scissors to cut the edge beautifully and neatly.
  • Thread and needle to sew the cut strips into long threads.
  • Crochet hook (choose thickness depending on the thread for knitting).

Preparing for work

  • Cut off the gusset, elastic and heel and toe part.
  • From the remaining fabric (trouser leg) we begin to cut a strip in a spiral.
  • The thickness of the thread will depend on the width of the strip.
  • Take the finished spirals with both hands and pull the sides. With this effect, the strip will curl into a tube. The cut edges will end up on the inside, so they will be masked.
  • Sew the resulting twisted tubes into a single thread, then wind them into a ball for convenience.

Let's start knitting

Round rug

  1. Using a hook, knit a chain of five air loops.
  2. We connect the chain into a circle.
  3. Crochet double crochets in the round.
  4. As you knit, add 1-2 loops.
  5. You can alternate the threads by color, so you get a colored pattern.
  6. At the end of the work, hide the working end of the thread and secure it with thread from the inside out.

This way you will get a neat round rug.

Oval rug

  1. Cast on more than five stitches and then make a chain.
  2. Add loops not only as you knit, but also at the edges of the first row.
  3. For convenience, use markers or knitting pins, they will help you not get confused in increasing the number of loops.
  4. Cut the thread and then fasten it to the wrong side.

Important! When working, do not overtighten the threads, otherwise the rugs will be too dense and hard.

Be sure to increase the loops, because without them, instead of a round flat shape, you will get a basket.

You can also shape the rug into a square, rectangular or polygonal shape. Don't be afraid to fantasize!

Advice! If you knit rugs according to patterns for openwork napkins, you will get not only a practical, but also an original thing. Just keep in mind that a thick thread will not create a pattern.

How to weave a rug on your fingers

You can make a rug even if you don't know how to knit! This can be done without a hook. In this case, your fingers will act as working tools.

Weaving from rings

You will need:

  • Well sharpened scissors.
  • Threads, needle.

Completing of the work

  1. We cut clean, washed tights into rings.
  2. If you wove rubber bands as a child, then this weaving method is the same. Take the ring and fold it twice.
  3. We twist it in a figure eight and put it on the big one and index fingers right hand.
  4. Then we make another loop in the same way.
  5. Remove the first loop from thumb, after that we transfer it to the top loop.
  6. In the same way, we transfer the lower loop from the index finger to the upper one. The result is a neat braided chain.
  7. Continue braiding on your fingers, making the braid to the required length.
  8. We lay out the required shape of the rug from the braided braid. Using thread and needle we sew the parts together.

This weaving is very fast, performed automatically and does not require close attention. Therefore, handicrafts can be combined with watching TV shows.

With this weaving method, the rug has a light and fluffy shape.

From braids

Prepare good scissors, thread and a sewing needle for the job.

Cut the tights into long strips, you can also use a spiral (as we described above, for crocheting).

Execution technique

  1. Using both hands, we stretch the ribbons so that they stretch out and curl into a tube.
  2. We take three parts and weave them into a braid (you can alternate colors and change the texture of the fabric).
  3. We secure the end of the weave with a thread and a needle.
  4. We braid another braid of three threads, and also secure the tip so that the shape does not unravel.
  5. We sew the braids together.
  6. We make a pigtail again and sew it to the other two.
  7. We repeat the steps until we run out of stockings from tights.
  8. From a long braid we lay out the desired shape in an oval, circle, square (we lay out the braid in a zigzag) and sew it by hand.

For strength and density of the product, it can be sewn onto a fabric base.

Algorithm of actions

  1. We start laying out the round shape from the middle.
  2. After laying out the center, sew it to the base.
  3. Gradually increase the radius, while not forgetting to sew the pigtail onto the fabric.
  4. At the end of the braiding, we cut the braid, fasten it and hide it on the wrong side.
  5. We cut off the remains of the base, and sew fabric trim along the edge.

How to make a mat on a hoop

It’s easy to master another way of weaving - on a hoop.

Advice! Using this method, you can weave a rug not only on a hoop, but also on a square or rectangular shape, for example, a picture frame.

Operating procedure

  1. We take the prepared threads from the tights. We fix it on the base.
  2. First we fill it with vertical lines, then horizontal ones, intertwining them in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Be sure to alternate colors so that the work acquires depth.

Making a “web”

You can intertwine the threads like a spider web.

  1. We fasten the threads on the hoop from edge to edge, through the center.
  2. We begin to weave the threads from the center. To do this, we fasten the working thread and push it up and then down in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Once you have reached the hoop, secure the weave by sewing it by hand.
  4. Remove the product from the base.

Useful tips

  • Start collecting tights early.
  • If you have some free time, immediately make threads and wind them into balls. This way you will have enough material to work with. There will also be an opportunity for color experiments.
  • You can diversify color scheme, if you pre-dye nude tights with fabric dyes.
  • Try not to tighten the fabric, this way you will maintain the lightness and airiness of the nylon in the product.

All of the above methods are perfect for fabric ribbons made from old socks, knitted T-shirts or T-shirts.

And if you alternate not only colors, but also different textures of ribbons prepared in advance, your rug can become a work of art in the hand-made style.

FIRST STEP. To complete this you need strips: 13-1m.15cm long, 26-60cm long (13 on one side and 13 on the other side), 17-1m.10cm long. Lay 13 strips 1m.15cm long side by side. We press down the edge with a weight so that it does not slip and begin to weave with colored stripes (13 pieces). Next we weave 17 strips 1m10cm long, this will be the bottom of the basket. We move the ribbons tightly towards each other and again weave the side of the basket (13 colored stripes). 13 colored stripes determine the height of the basket and the right and left sides.

STEP TWO. We make a frame from steel wire, it is determined by the bottom of the basket. In the photo, the bottom of the basket is white. Make a bend in front of the colored stripe on both sides and lift the metal frame up and begin to weave the frame into the side stripes in a checkerboard pattern.

Bending of the sides.

Frame weaving. Top of the basket.

STEP THREE. We begin to braid the front and back walls. To do this, take the first side strip on the right or left and start weaving in a checkerboard pattern as shown in the photo.

Braiding the first row.

This is how the strips of the front and back walls of the basket are woven. Next, white stripes are used to cover the wire in a checkerboard pattern. Two long strips are needed for the handles of the basket.

Photo of the basket. Only one side is braided. (The front or back of the basket - it makes no difference). When closing the wire, the strips must be pulled tightly. For convenience, place the basket on the floor. Insert the leg into the basket and tighten the strips and weave them in a checkerboard pattern. Weave in the ends so that they are not visible. The basket will be stronger.

For any holiday. Using this technique, you can make an original hair clip, boutonniere, or a small bouquet as a souvenir. In order to build such a mini-bouquet, you will need:

Multi-colored nylon;
- wire 26”;
- barbecue skewer;
- spool of thread;
- template for making flowers from nylon No. 3;
- a piece of napkin;
- tape;
- scissors.

1. First you need to make the bases for the petals. To do this, you need to wrap the wire around the template and secure it by twisting it. Cut off the excess with scissors or small special pliers. We will need 6 pieces of such blanks.

2. Next, you should wrap each workpiece in nylon, secure it with thread, wrapping it several times around the wire. For greater strength, you can make a couple of loops. It is best to use special nylon threads - they hold better, but if you don’t have any on hand, then regular ones will do. You don’t need to wind a lot, 4-5 turns are enough. Carefully cut off the remaining nylon (here it is better to use sharp nail scissors). The petal is ready.

3. To make the center of the flower, you can use a piece of any napkin or cotton wool. In this embodiment, the core is proposed to be made from a piece of damp (pre-dried) napkin. Roll a piece of the required size into a ball, wrap it in yellow nylon (or orange) in the same way as the petals, and secure with thread. It is best to repeat this manipulation 2-3 times to brighten the middle. Also trim off excess nylon.

4. Now you should connect the core of the flower with a kebab skewer. To do this, you need to place the center to the edge of the skewer and secure it with thread. To prevent the center from moving anywhere, already at this stage you can use a piece of tape, which helps to better hold the entire structure together thanks to its adhesive properties.

5. Let's start attaching the petals. They, like the core, are wound to the skewer at their base. In order for the flower to turn out lush, they need to be attached slightly overlapping, slightly overlapping each other. You should try to attach them on the same line, because otherwise the threads will be unattractively ironed out from under the petals. To make it more convenient to attach the petals, they should be stretched out a little.

6. The flower is almost ready, all that remains is to form its base. Tape tape is used again - those places where the petals were connected to the skewer need to be decorated with it. This will be the sepal from which the flower originates. Next, we continue to wrap the skewer with tape until the end, or to the required length (the rest of the skewer can be cut off).