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How to knit a V-neck vest. How to knit a round and V-shaped neckline with knitting needles? Another option for calculating knitting a V-neck

Rib 2 by 2: in the front rows, knit 2 knits alternately. p, 2 p. p., in purl rows, knit according to the pattern.

Pearl pattern: knit according to pattern 1. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row.

“Braid”: knit according to pattern 2. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 6th row.

“Oblique diagonals”: ​​knit according to pattern 3. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 8th row.

“Rhombus”: knit according to pattern 4. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 24th row.

Description of knitting vest:


Cast on 76 loops on the knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. At a height of 6 cm from the cast-on edge, along the width of the fabric, evenly add 18 sts. Then distribute the loops as follows: 1 edge. P., pearl pattern- 12 p. according to pattern 1, “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “oblique diagonals” - 13 p. according to pattern 3, “braids” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “rhombus” - 16 p. pattern 4, “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, “oblique diagonals” - 13 p., “braid” - 6 p. according to pattern 2, pearl pattern - 12 p. according to pattern 1, 1 chrome. n. Knit straight. At a height of 40 cm from the cast-on edge, for armholes, on both sides of the part, close 1 time 6 stitches and in each 2nd row close 2 times 3 stitches. At a height of 63 cm from the cast-on edge, for the neckline, close the middle 22 loops and knit both sides separately. For rounding, from the side of the neckline, in every 2nd row, bind off 1 time 2 sts, 1 time 1 st. At a height of 66 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.


Cast on the loops on the knitting needles and knit as a back. At a height of 40 cm from the typesetting edge, divide the canvas into parts. Perform armholes as on the back. For the bevel, from the side of the cutout, in every 2nd row, cast off the 1st stitch 14 times. At a height of 66 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.


Perform shoulder and side seams. At the edges of the armholes, cast on loops on the needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. At a height of 4 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops. Along the edge of the neckline, cast on the loops on the knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. To form a V-shaped neckline at the beginning of the row after the edge. knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left, at the end of the row before the edge. knit 2 sts together with a knit stitch slanting to the right. Sew the seam of the neckline.

Processing the neckline is an important point in knitting any product. An unevenly knitted, poorly sewn and elongated neckline will ruin appearance product and will make it unfit for wear. Practical advice, the examples of neck calculations given here will help you easily and quickly learn how to knit and process different kinds neckline, and the knitted item will always look beautiful and elegant.

Knitting neck trim on knitting needles (method 1)

This is the most common technique for knitting a neckline. In order to knit the neck binding, you will need circular knitting needles. They will make it easier to pick up loops along the edge of the fabric, and the neck will not need to be sewn, as it will be solid.

Use one knitting needle to pick up stitches along the edge of the fabric. These can be edge loops, but the product will look better using loops made from loops below the edge loops, or open loops. An important point in knitting a solid neckline on knitting needles is that the neckline of the product is divided into several parts, and on each part the loops are cast on in a certain way. On smooth areas of the cutout, the knitting needle is inserted under the edge and the thread is pulled out (Fig. 1). It is recommended to skip every fourth stitch.

On the beveled areas of the neckline, use knitting needles to align the cutout (Fig. 2). To do this, each subsequent loop is knitted from the corresponding one, but one row lower. Having collected the loops, begin to knit the neckline. The first row is knitted in the knit - purl sequence (Fig. 3).

Having knitted the desired neckline height, close the loops with a needle for a more elastic edge.

Knitting neck trim on knitting needles (2nd method)

For a more prominent neckline, the first row is knitted with purl stitches, and then they begin to knit the elastic (Fig. 4).

Knitting neck tape separately

This method of knitting a neckline is quite labor-intensive, but such necklines look great on any product.

To knit such an inlay, calculate the required number of loops and knit an elastic band 1 by 1 (Fig. 1).

Having knitted an elastic band (about 2-3 cm), begin double knitting. To do this, remove the first edge loop, yarn over, knit the next loop, yarn over again, and so on. There should be twice as many stitches on the knitting needle as when cast on (Fig. 2).

Having collected the required number of loops, start knitting. Yarn overs are knitted with knit stitches, and the remaining loops are removed onto a working knitting needle, placing the working thread in front of the work (Fig. 3).

Then turn the knitting. Next, all the loops removed in the previous row are knitted with knit stitches, and the rest are removed using the working thread before knitting. This sequence is repeated in three more rows.

Having knitted three rows, the knitting is divided into two parts, dividing the loops through one different knitting needles(Figure 4).

The loops on one knitting needle are closed and this part is ironed. The loops are removed from the second knitting needle (if the loops can “run away”, they are strung on a thick thread), ironed and begin to be sewn to the front side of the product using a knit stitch from the left shoulder seam(Figure 5).

Closed loops are sewn to the wrong side of the product using an overlock stitch (Fig. 6). Figure 7 shows the neck trim from the wrong side, and Figure 8 shows the final result from the front side.

Knitting neck tape for a V-neck with overlay

When making calculations for knitting a v-shaped neckline, a pattern was noticed that is very convenient to take into account and use in knitting.

* If the depth of the neckline begins 4-5 centimeters below the chest line, then decreases along the neckline have to be made in every 4th row

* If the depth of the neckline starts 6-10 centimeters below the chest line, then the rhythm of decreases is different: 1 or 2 times in every 6th and 1 time in the 4th row

* If the neckline is deep, for example, at the waistline or slightly above it, then decreases are made in every 6th or 8th row.

Neck trims for a V-neck are knitted in several ways. In many ways, the choice of one method or another determines the style of the product and, of course, individual taste. A V-neckline with an overlay will look great on both women and men. men's jumpers(Figure 4). In addition, the neckline can be knitted with a contrasting thread, which will give the product a special decorative effect.

To knit such a neckline, one needle is inserted into the first loop from the front cape and the loops are cast on in a circle, starting from the left shoulder seam (Fig. 1).

After all the loops are on the knitting needles, knit the binding with an elastic band 1 by 1 in straight and reverse rows (you can knit all the straight rows, then the elastic will turn out unique, with wide loops. Fig. 2).

The width of the binding depends on the model and the taste of the knitter. When the binding reaches the required width, the loops on the knitting needle are closed with a needle. Next, thread the same thread into the needle and carefully sew the sides of the binding to the front (Fig. 3).

The binding can also be knitted not only with an elastic band, but also with any convex uniform pattern, for example, Fig. 5.

Knitting neck tape with a middle loop

The knitting needle is inserted into the first loop from the left shoulder seam and stitches are evenly picked up along the entire neckline (Fig. 1). Then the closed loop at the front cape is knitted either with a knit stitch or a knit stitch crossed. After this, knit in a circle according to the pattern.

The first row is knitted with an elastic band. Having tied to the middle of the cape, the central loop is removed as a front loop (Fig. 2). The next loop is knitted according to the pattern - knit or purl (Fig. 3). Then they pull it through the removed loops. So out of three loops one comes out (Fig. 4).

This sequence of decreasing to the front cape is repeated several more times until the neck trim is the desired height. After this, all loops are closed with a needle to make the edge elastic (Fig. 5).

For such a cutout (Fig. 6), the number of front loops should be odd. To form a V-shaped neckline, move the middle front loop to safety pin and finish the left side first. To do this, when making a bevel, knit the 6th and 5th loops before the middle loop together, purl 1 stitch, 3 stitches in front of the middle loop. In purl rows, all stitches are purl. Next, this decrease must be repeated every 4th row. In the front rows without decreases, knit purl loops over two purl loops. Finish the right side symmetrically (Fig. 7).

Having assembled the knitted parts of the product and completed the seams, cast on for the binding on circular knitting needles (Fig. 1), starting from the shoulder seam, loop and attach the loop with a safety pin. The number of loops must be a multiple of 2. Work 1 row with knit stitches. Then knit an elastic band: 1 p. knit... 1 p. purl, while attaching 1 knit stitch to the middle loop. In the first row of elastic, remove the middle and previous loops together, knit the next loop. and pull both removed loops through it (Fig. 8). Perform this decrease in each row (including when closing the last row).

Knitting the trim for the bob neckline

The bob neckline is knitted using the same principle as the middle stitch neckline. Starting from the left shoulder seam, pick up loops along the neckline, but in this case there will be two middle loops in the corners of the neckline (Fig. 8 of the previous paragraph). From the closed middle loop, a new loop is knitted with the front one crossed. Subsequent operations are performed in the same way as when knitting binding with a middle loop.

Any knitted product, be it a blouse or a dress, has a neckline that needs processing.

Knitting a neckline

Most beginning needlewomen have a question: “How to tie a neckline?” Knitting necks can be of various types. The most common shapes are round and V-shaped.


Neck knitting pattern

Let's take a closer look at the V-shaped neckline. This processing method is universal and, at first glance, seems very simple, but it’s worth adding braids or loops of another type, for example, if the front ones are used as the basis of the pattern, then we add purl ones, and vice versa, as a result we get an interesting, elegant model.

So, the neckline is created with knitting needles in two steps: the first is decreasing, the second is binding.

Decrease for V-neckline

It is necessary to determine the center of the back or front by dividing the total number of loops by two. If there is an odd number of them, then it is recommended to remove the middle one onto a temporary loop using an additional knitting needle. Next, from the middle of the product on both sides, we begin to decrease, forming bevels.

This is the general principle of making a neckline with knitting needles, on which all types of decreases are based.

Knitting a V-neck with a middle loop

There are types of deductions:

  • Simple. It is performed right at the edge of the bevel of the product. In every fourth row we knit two loops together with the front one: for the right half - at the end of the row, taking into account the tilt to the right; for the left - at the beginning, tilt to the left.

The set of loops for knitting the binding will be complicated, and the result will be a little disappointing; it won’t turn out quite neatly. Therefore, the following type is recommended.

  • Execution with some deviation from the edge. The result is clearer and more pleasing to the eye cutout boundaries. We perform the decrease by retreating several loops from the edge of the bevel, in every fourth row. For the right half: knit a row, leaving the last four loops, then knit two and one knit together, the edge one, taking into account the slope to the right. Left half: knit the edge, one knit, then knit two loops together tilting to the left.
  • Execution with a pattern passing through the center of the product. For example, the front loops of a diamond, running along the edge of the bevel, give a simple and at the same time interesting decrease. Or, for example, you can use braids running along the edge of the bevel as a continuation of the main pattern. Depending on the originality of the design, the neckband may not be needed when using this type of reduction.

V-neck trims

Using a decrease, we got a cutout with an angle in the center of the product, which we need for the further stage of processing the neck - knitting the edging.

V-neck trims
  • A widely used method is tying along the edge of the neckline, having previously cast on loops on additional knitting needles. We start knitting from the neck of the middle of the product. We make the binding with an elastic band of a certain width, adding one loop at the beginning and at the end of every second row. We connect the ends of the binding and sew it to the edge.
  • You can decrease the loops in the center of the front, then you will get a symmetrical binding. To do this, cast on an even number of loops, knit in a circle with an elastic band, knitting two loops together in every second row, taking into account the slope of half. With this method, the center of the trim does not look so beautiful, so the following is recommended.
  • In every second row we knit with an elastic band, leaving one in front of the middle one, then remove two as knit stitches, knit the next one according to the pattern and knit the two removed through it.
  • To obtain a two-by-two elastic band, two knit stitches must be knitted in the center of the front. In every second row, leave one loop in front of the two middle ones, then knit two together, knit the next two according to the pattern, taking into account the side of the slope.
  • If the decrease was selected relief pattern, then the edge processing should be barely noticeable; you can knit an elastic band one row wide.

Cutout Shape Finishing

The finishing of the neckline plays an important role in creating a model, because the top of the garment is usually more visible and helps complete the person's image. That is why you should seriously consider the design and shape of the neck, taking into account latest trends fashion, figure, neck shape, in order to favorably emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages. Neck knitting with V- neckline Ideal for people with short necks. Now you can tie the neck of your models using the above methods and look beautiful.

This type of neckline is for knitted products is unlikely to go out of style. It is used in knitting sports and exquisite models for men, women and children. You can wear a model with such a neckline over a blouse or simply on the body, and beautifully tie a scarf well matched to the model.

Reductions for V-neck

For a V-neck, the loops are divided in the middle and bevels are formed on both sides of the middle using decreases. If there are an odd number of loops, the middle loop should be closed or left temporarily (see the red ring in photo 3).

Simple decreases are made directly at the edge; for this, one loop is pulled through another (1 of them is edge). For the right half of the work in every 4th r. knit a row, except for the last 2 stitches, then knit these 2 stitches together (photo 1). For the left half of the work, knit the first 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left, i.e., remove the 1st stitch as a knit stitch, knit the 2nd stitch and pull it through the removed loop, then continue knitting with the main pattern (photo 1 ).

Casting on loops for binding along such edges is not so easy. Therefore, the 2nd method is recommended, in which the decreases are noticeable, since they are performed at a distance of one or several loops from the edge. For the right half of the work in every 4th r. knit a row, except for the last 4 stitches, then knit 2 stitches together, finish with 1 knit stitch and an edge loop (photo 2).

For the left half of the work, start with an edge and 1 knit stitch, then knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left, as described above, then continue knitting with the main pattern (photo 2). An inclined path is formed between the main pattern and the edge. Decrements made at a certain interval from the edge may have the loops tilted towards the bevel, in which case they are a decorative design for the cutout. In this case, knit as in the previous version, but 2 stitches knitted together with the knit stitch and 2 stitches knitted with a slant to the left are swapped (photo 3). When knitting with some patterns, such as semi-patent or patent elastic bands, the neckline is not formed with simple decreases, because they fall alternately on the front or back loop.

In this case, it is recommended to perform double decreases, which are done not every 4th, but every 8th r. In photo 4, the detail is made with semi-patent elastic. For the right half of the work, knit all the loops of the row except the last 6 stitches, then knit 3 stitches together (= 1 double decrease), finish the row with 2 stitches of semi-patent elastic and hem. For the left half, start with an edge and 2 stitches of semi-patent elastic, then perform a double decrease, i.e., remove 1 stitch as a knit stitch, knit 2 stitches together and pull the removed loop through the knitted one (photo 4). If a pattern motif is made in the middle of the knitted part, it is recommended to use it to design a V-neck.

For example, two inclined facial loops of a diamond serve as the edge of a V-neck (photo 5). The middle “braid” continues on both sides along the bevels of the neckline (photo 6). Symmetrical middle motif white pullover from page 23 at the beginning of the V-neck is divided into 2 parts, which continue on both sides of the neckline. Decrements in this model are made at a distance of 27 sts from the edge.

V-neck trims

When knitting the binding, an angle should be formed in the middle of the front. There is a very simple way to knit tape. Using circular or flexible knitting needles, cast on loops along the edge of the neckline (start and end in the middle of the front) and knit the binding with an elastic band (alternately 1 knit, 1 purl) in rows in forward and reverse directions to the desired width.

In every 2nd r. at the beginning and at the end of the binding, add 1 stitch.

Place the ends of the trim on top of each other and sew along the edge of the neckline (photo 7). If the V-neck is deeper and the trim is wider than in the photo, then decorating the neckline with such an asymmetrical trim is very impressive.

For a symmetrical binding, the stitches decrease in the middle of the front. Cast on an even number of stitches on short circular needles along the edge of the neckline and knit in the round with an elastic band (alternately 1 knit, 1 purl).

In every 2nd r. knit the last 2 stitches before the middle of the front together with a tilt to the left, knit the next 2 stitches together with the front one (photo 8). If the middle loop of the main pattern was closed or temporarily left, then it is included in the binding. For the binding shown in photo 9, in every 2nd r. knit the loops of the row with an elastic band, except for 1 st in front of the middle loop, remove the next 2 sts together, like knits. (i.e. insert the knitting needle from left to right, first into the middle one, then into the previous loop), knit the next loop in accordance with the pattern and pull the removed loops through it. If the neckline is decorated with double trim, then first on the faces. On the side of the binding, decreases are made on the middle loops, then on the wrong side. on the side of the binding there are also increases on the middle loops. Knit the binding with decreases, as described above, to the desired width and mark the fold line = row with purl loops. Then, on both sides of the middle loop, increases are made (knit 1 crossed loop from the broach) in the same rhythm as decreases, until there is an initial number of loops on the knitting needles, respectively. double-width binding is knitted (photo 10).

If the binding is made with a 2x2 elastic band (alternately 2 knits and 2 purls), then there should be 2 knit stitches in the middle of the front. In every 2nd r. knit loops, except for 1 st in front of the middle 2 sts, then knit 2 sts together, knit the next 2 sts together with a tilt to the left (photo 11).

If the main pattern is raised, especially along the edge of the cutout, then the finishing of the edges should be simple and unnoticeable. Cast on loops along the edge of the neckline, knit 1 r. with an elastic band (alternately knit 1 and purl 1) and close the loops (photo 12). The pullover from page 23 has an edge tied with st. b/n and picot, emphasizes the romantic openwork pattern.

V-shaped neckline.

V-neck with 1x1 ribbed knitting needles at the top

V-shaped double neck, knitted above.


Processing the V-neck with knitting needles

V-neck pullover

36/38 (40) 42/44

You will need

Yarn (85% cotton, 15% polyamide; 150 m/50 g) - 300 (350) 350 g greenish-gray; knitting needles No. 6; hook No. 4, 5.

Patterns and schemes

Basic pattern

The number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 stitches + 2 edges: knit according to the given pattern. It contains front and back rows. In width, start with the edge, repeat the rapport, end with loops after the repeat and edge.

Decorative reductions

From the left edge: knit the loops of the row according to the pattern until the last 4 sts, knit 2 sts together, knit 1, chrome.

From the right edge: edge, knit 1, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (= slip 1 stitch, as in knitting, knit the next loop and pull the removed loop through the knitted one).

Knitting density

20 p. x 21.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.


Completing of the work


On knitting needles No. 6, cast on 95 (101) 107 sts and 1st r. (= purl row) knit (this row is not taken into account in further calculations).

Continue work with the main pattern.

After 39 cm = 84 r. (38 cm = 82 rub.) 37 cm = 80 rub. from the cast-on row, cast on 9 sts on both sides for seamless knitted sleeves (further knit on the added loops in accordance with the pattern) = on the knitting needles 113 (119) 125 sts.

After 55 cm = 118 rub. From the cast-on row, close off the middle 43 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in the next 2nd r. 1 time 1 p.

After 57 cm = 122 r. From the cast-on row, close off the remaining 34 (37) 40 stitches of the sleeve/shoulder.

Finish the second side the same way.


Knit like a back, but with a V-neck. To do this, after 35.5 cm = 76 rubles. From the cast-on row, close off the middle 3 stitches and finish both sides separately.

To form a bevel for the neckline, decrease (see Decorative decreases) from the inner edge 21 times, 1 stitch in every 2nd row.


Sew shoulder seams/top sleeve seams.

Crochet the product along the edge of the neckline with a hook No. 4.5 1 r. Art. b/n.

Sew side seams/bottom sleeve seams. The edges of the sleeves and the bottom edge of the product are also crocheted as described above.

Photo: magazine “Verena Podium” No. 1/2018