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How to remove scratches from window glass. How to remove scratches from glass

How to remove scratches from glass? Answer to this question Absolutely everyone needs it: sooner or later, damage in the form of scratches appears on the surface of windows in an apartment, a car windshield, glass transparent tables, aquarium glass, on phones, tablets, watches, sunglasses and glasses. They can be shallow or deep, however, one way or another they catch the eye, disrupting the beautiful appearance one or another glass covering. The main reason for their appearance, of course, is considered to be human carelessness and inattention, because if you accidentally drop your phone, even the protective glass of the Apple Watch will begin to show off damage, albeit minor, but still damage. In our article, we will tell you how to remove scratches from glass with your own hands, what household and store-bought products you will need to use, and what sequence of actions to follow in order to do everything correctly.

Ways to remove scratches from glass

There are several ways to remove damage from a scratched glass surface. We will share with you the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and you will subsequently choose a suitable, convenient and affordable method for eliminating scratches from glass on a window, table, favorite smartphone, watch or glasses.

  • Ammonia solution. This method can get rid of shallow scratches. Prepare a solution by dissolving 15 ml of dry ammonia in 600 ml of water. Next, soak a cotton pad or microfiber cloth in the liquid and wipe the damaged area of ​​the glass surface.
  • Toothpaste. It turns out that the mixture we regularly use to brush our teeth can also easily remove scratches from glass surfaces at home. Before starting the scratch removal procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the glass: take a cloth, wet it under running water, squeeze it thoroughly and wipe the screens of smartphones and other glass surfaces that need to remove damage. The method of using toothpaste is quite simple: apply the mixture to a cotton pad or swab and apply to the damaged area of ​​watches, phones and other glass-coated computer equipment. Start polishing the surface in a circular motion, first clockwise, and then changing direction and moving counterclockwise. Remove any remaining toothpaste from time to time and monitor its effect on scratches. If damage is still visible on the surface of the glass, continue polishing until you achieve almost 100% scratch removal. Finally, wet a microfiber cloth under running water and wipe the glass, removing any remaining product. Minor damage should not cause problems. After the work has been done, the windows in the house, the windshield of the car, the glass cover of the telephone, the lens of sunglasses, eyeglasses, and watches will be clean and free of damage. Recommendation! Use a paste for smokers with a whitening effect, since it contains abrasive substances that actually help remove scratches from glass.
  • Baking soda. With this product you can also get rid of scratches on the glass surface with your own hands. It's not difficult to do this at all. First of all, you need to clean the glass from dust and other contaminants. Wipe the surface with a damp microfiber cloth, and only then proceed directly to using soda powder. Take a small container, pour soda into it (about 1 spoon) and fill it with the same amount of warm water. Stir well so that no lumps form. As a result, you should get a thick mixture, which should be applied to the damaged area on your phone, watch or glasses. Wipe the scratched area with either a cotton pad or a microfiber cloth. The procedure lasts only half a minute. If after this time you have not achieved the desired result, you should repeat. At the end of the process, you need to wipe the glass with a damp cloth or napkin to remove any remaining product from the surface.
  • Dry mustard and vinegar. Using mustard powder and vinegar, you can remove small scratches from glass at home. It’s easy to prepare a miraculous solution, just like soda, only with other ingredients: mix dry mustard and vinegar in equal proportions until a thick paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture onto the glass coating and rub in in a circular motion using a cotton pad or swab. Continue these steps until the shallow, small scratches on a window, table, or car windshield are no longer too visible. Remove any remaining product with a slightly damp microfiber cloth.
  • Vegetable oil. Taking advantage vegetable oil, you will remove small scratches from the glass surface with your own hands. A significant disadvantage of using this product is that the effect is short-lived, literally after a few days the procedure will have to be repeated, and it is ineffective in removing deep scratches. Moisten a cotton cosmetic pad or swab with the liquid and wipe the scratched area of ​​a window, table, watch glass, smartphone, tablet in a circular motion until it shines and the greasy marks disappear along with the scratches.
  • Nail polish. At home, you can eliminate scratches on watches, glasses or smartphones. To do this, you only need a colorless fixative varnish or base and a special product (acetone) to remove the residue. So, use a brush with a transparent liquid to draw along the scratch, without particularly staining the clean, undamaged surface. Leave for one hour: this is enough time for the varnish to fill the scratch. After the specified time has passed, moisten a cotton pad with nail polish remover and remove any excess product. To make the glass shine, you can polish it with vegetable oil.
  • Paste GOI. This is a universal tool for removing scratches from both plastic and glass surfaces. There are several varieties of GOI paste: fine (No. 1 and No. 2), medium and coarse. In order to get rid of scratches on glass with your own hands, you need to use only a thin one, which is intended for polishing jewelry service products. First of all, you should heat the paste in a steam bath, and only then apply it to a cotton pad and polish the area of ​​glass damaged by scratches. As in all previous methods, you need to rub in a circle, first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. Finally, you need to remove any remaining paste with a microfiber cloth.
  • Polish for metal or furniture. Using any product that specializes in polishing, you can mask minor defects on sunscreen accessories or vision-correcting glasses, or the screen of a phone or tablet at home. Apply a small amount of polish to a cotton pad and rub the damaged area on the glass in a circular motion for 30 seconds. To finish the process, wet a microfiber cloth and wipe off any remaining product. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure, as this can lead to the formation of new scratches and microcracks.

All of the above methods are suitable for thin glass. From thicker glass, such as a window, car windshield, table, you can remove scratches by using a polishing machine or drill with a felt disc, masking tape, polish, film, spray bottle, paper towels, glass cleaner and a marker. So, you need to start by removing dust and other contaminants from window, car or table glass. For this purpose, use any glass cleaner, and then wipe dry with paper towels. If you are going to clean the windshield, rear or side window of your car, cover all the parts surrounding it with film, securing the position with masking tape. The areas around the scratches should be highlighted with a marker so that you can quickly detect them without looking closely. Next, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. The polishing agent should be applied to the area with scratches on the glass and to the felt disk of the drill. If there are several microcracks, then first you need to treat one place, and then move on to the next.
  2. Bring the polishing machine to the glass surface at a slight angle (approximately 5 degrees), turn on the device and smoothly polish without sudden movements, without applying much force or pressure. Do not allow the glass to overheat; interrupt your actions for a while and use a spray bottle of cold water to cool the surface.
  3. After polishing, you need to make sure that you are satisfied with the result and that the scratches from the window, table or car glass have disappeared. If you are dissatisfied, you can repeat the process again.
  4. Remove any residue with a damp microfiber cloth.
  5. Remove the products you use - tape, film.
  6. Wash the glass with special products and wipe paper napkins without leaving any streaks.

If you followed the instructions, you should be able to deal with scratches on a window, table, or car glass in 3-4 hours.

  • Wipe the glass with a hard cloth or rough newsprint strictly prohibited! Use microfiber cloths.
  • To wash glass, buy special detergents that are designed specifically for such surfaces. You can also use regular soap solution, washing powder, a cleaning agent, however, it is necessary to ensure that all particles are completely dissolved in the water, only liquid remains.

Ready! Now you know how to avoid scratches on a glass surface and how to deal with this kind of damage yourself if you have already encountered it. We told you how to remove scratches from the glass of phones, tablets, watches, glasses, thick glass windows, cars and tables at home.

We hope our tips were useful to you.

It is impossible to preserve the integrity of glass and products made from it, except for one single option - to exclude their use altogether. There are many reasons for their occurrence, and fortunately, there are also many options to correct the situation. Let’s look at how you can get rid of unwanted minor damage and remove scratches in detail.

Causes of chips and scratches

Common causes of scratches are:

  • Falling onto a hard surface, if it is a phone, tablet, glasses or other items of use;
  • Getting dust and small pebbles onto a surface, for example, a car windshield;
  • Friction of glass on hard surfaces;
  • Incorrect care;
  • Use of abrasive powdery substances when washing;
  • Random impacts;
  • Abrupt closing if it is window glass;
  • Errors when installing double-glazed windows;
  • Influence of weather factors and critical temperatures.

This is a list of just a few reasons. In fact, glass can lose its integrity if it is handled carelessly, due to improper care, and so on.

You can restore old glass with minor scratches on your own if you adhere to and strictly follow the recommendations given below.

How to avoid scratches

It is possible to avoid these troubles, but not for everyone. Each individual case requires its own approach and its own methods:

  1. For example, you can put a protective film on gadgets.
  2. Do not wash the glass on the windows with harsh detergents or, if possible, also stick them protective layer films.
  3. Before polishing, make sure that there is no dust or small debris on their surfaces. It is better to use polishing agents for their intended purpose (for each surface separately), and not those that are on hand.

How to remove tape from glass

The tape has a rather sticky adhesive layer on the back side, traces of which remain on all surfaces, even on skin and clothes. How to get rid of it on glass surfaces, using improvised means, and is it even possible to do this without leaving scratches? Yes, it is possible using:

  1. Special means for washing window glass. These suspensions contain components that can remove the sticky residue from tape.
  2. Acetone-containing compounds. The products have good degreasing properties and can remove tape without leaving scratches. You can also use regular nail polish, but not all types contain acetone, and not in all cases it can cope with the task.
  3. Alcohol. It belongs to the group of solvents, so it also does a good job of removing adhesive from tape.

If small scratches remain after the removal procedure for some reason, you can remove them yourself. How to do the procedure correctly is shown in the video - the glass restoration process

How to remove small scratches yourself

Restoration work on window glass should be carried out carefully. Strong pressure on their surface can aggravate the problem - the glass can fall out of the frame, a small scratch can develop into a huge crack, a chip, increasing in size, can lead to a split.

There are a lot of tips on the Internet for restoring small chips and scratches with fine sandpaper. It is unlikely that such a method can be called adequate. This manipulation can cause the appearance of a whole galaxy of microscratches and microcracks. Still, the surface of that material is considered rough and excessively rough.

Here you should use other, more gentle methods and means. You should not use various attachments on an electric drill for these purposes.

Before you begin glass restoration, you need to assess the scale of the problem. In advanced stages - too deep cracks, crevices and chips, glass replacement will most likely be required. In all other cases, you can try to correct the situation.


It is not recommended to use a gel paste, preferably a regular one with a whitening effect. The recovery procedure is as follows: a small amount of paste is applied to a cotton swab and the damaged area is treated in a circular motion - first clockwise and then counterclockwise. If after the first time it was not possible to completely mask the scratches, then the manipulation must be repeated several times.

After work, you need to completely wash the glass so that no toothpaste stains remain on it. Once dry, they are very difficult to remove.

GOI paste

This tool will cope with the task much better than the previous one. Previously, it could be easily purchased. Today, indeed good remedy much harder to find. If you want, you can buy high-quality pasta. The restoration procedure is similar to the previous one. Only here, instead of a cotton swab, you should take a piece of felt material.

Car polishes

These products have also proven themselves to be quite good for restoration purposes. They work in different ways - some are good, others are worse. To test them in practice, you can treat a small area in an inconspicuous place. If you are satisfied with the quality of the final result, then you can safely begin processing the entire surface.

On the glass of a furniture door, a scratch can be masked with stained glass film; there are a huge number of them on sale today, so there shouldn’t be any problems with this.

The main thing is to glue the material smoothly, efficiently, evenly. So that no air bubbles or bulges remain in the restored area.

How to remove deep scratches

To remove deeper flaws in the form of cracks, you need to use:

  1. Special means for glass repair. They are sold in specialized stores or in furniture cosmetics and accessories. Before purchasing, you need to know the thickness of the glass to be repaired and the color if it is opaque. After purchasing, read the instructions for use very carefully and strictly follow them.
  2. You can try to get rid of the scratch with jewelry polishing paste. Apply a little product to the fabric and “polish” the imperfection in a circular motion until it is reduced to a minimum. Remaining paste can be removed with water with the addition of ammonia (proportions 1.9 l per 60 mg, respectively).
  3. Clear nail polish for nails can also work wonders in terms of removing scratches on glass surfaces: jewelry, watches, furniture, vases, windows. The procedure for masking a scratch is very simple. To do this, you only need the varnish itself and a scraper. A layer of varnish is applied to the scratch, then a scraper is applied to the same area, thereby removing excess varnish. The composition, getting inside the flaw and drying, makes it less noticeable.
  4. Alternatively, you can try another way to get rid of scratches - rubbing walnut. The core, cleared of the brown skin, is rubbed into the scratch in a circular motion until it is no longer clearly visible.

All these methods have been tested in practice and really work; which one to choose is the privilege of each user. Try everything on unnecessary glass to choose the most effective one, in your opinion.

To avoid having to mask cracks and shallow chips, you need to know how to properly care for glass:

  1. Polishing. Do not use newspapers, as our grandmothers did in the old days; today there are a lot of special means for these purposes. Modern printing uses modern materials, so newspaper font contains coarse particles. If you polish glass with them for a long period of time, then at first small scratches will appear - almost invisible to the eye, and then they will turn into cracks, visible even from afar.
  2. The cloth for wiping and washing should be soft, attracts dust, and absorbs water. It is not recommended to use pile types of fabric. A cloth with pile should absolutely not be used after washing glass with hot water or after treating it with chemicals. This will lead to the fact that the treated surface will become more susceptible to mechanical damage, even minor ones.
  3. Glass care products. There are many of them today, and there is no need to exclude them from view. Each manufacturer that produces glass cleaning and care products selects the composition of the components very carefully. Therefore, such products are designed to protect glass and mirrors. Some types form an ultra-thin and transparent layer that prevents exposure to weather factors, dust and other negative influences.

Thematic video:

What are the causes of cracks in double glazed windows?

Systematic care and compliance with the rules for using glass surfaces will save you from the need to disguise scratches. And if they do appear, then try proven methods for removing them.

Scratches on glass, if they are not too deep, can be fixed at home. It will not be possible to make serious defects invisible, but you can try to smooth them out. You should act very carefully in order not to damage the surface even more. The choice of product and tools to solve the problem depends on the depth of the scratch and where exactly it is located: on a car window, glasses, table or phone.

Repairing damage to thin glass

Before you begin, you should clean the surface to be repaired. To do this, moisten a microfiber cloth with cool water, wring it well and wipe the glass to remove dust from it. If you don't do this, the specks may leave a few more scratches. After this, wait until the surface is completely dry, and only then proceed to removing the damage.

In order to reduce or eliminate minor defects on thin glass (glasses, smartphone screen or phone camera), you can use several available tools or special polishing compounds.

During the process, you should strictly adhere to the technology so as not to damage the surface even more.

1. Toothpaste.

The easiest way to remove scratches from glass is to use toothpaste. This method is suitable for removing minor scratches.


  • A small amount of paste is applied to the damage.
  • Leave for some time for the composition to dry.
  • Gently rub it in cloth napkin, making circular movements without pressure in one direction - clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Repeat if necessary.

The paste should be colorless or white, without dyes or abrasive particles.

2. Vinegar and mustard powder.

Using a paste of dry mustard and vinegar, you can eliminate minor defects on glass. The ingredients are combined in such proportions to form a thick mass. Use in the same way as toothpaste.

3. Vegetable oil.

Oil can make very minor scratches on the iPhone or other smartphone screen, glasses and windows invisible. This method is not suitable for deep damage. A small amount of liquid is applied to a piece of soft cloth, rubbed over the scratch and polished.

4. GOI paste.

GOI paste will help polish the glass and make scratches less noticeable. There are three types of composition: coarse, medium and fine. To work, you will need thin paste No. 1 or No. 2.

The product is slightly heated in a water bath or kneaded in your hands, applied to a piece of felt, applied to the damage and polishing begins. The movements should be circular and soft; you should not put too much pressure on the glass.

5. Soda or talc.

The powder is combined with water in such proportions to form a thick paste. Mix thoroughly to get rid of lumps. Wrapping your finger in a piece of soft cloth, pick up a little paste. Apply to the scratch and make gentle rubbing movements for 30 seconds, then wash off the remaining soda with a damp cloth.

6. Nail polish.

You can remove damage on a window or other glass surface with your own hands using clear nail polish.


  1. 1. Having removed the cap, take out a brush and remove excess varnish - you only need a little bit.
  2. 2. Gently brush the brush along the scratch so that the colorless liquid fills it entirely, but does not spread to other areas.
  3. 3. Leave for an hour to allow the varnish to harden.
  4. 4. Apply a little nail polish remover to a cotton pad.
  5. 5. Apply to the treated area and gently rub to remove excess.

After this, you can further polish the glass soft cloth with a drop of vegetable oil.

7. Polish.

Furniture polish or metal polishing compound is suitable for removing defects on glasses or a smartphone screen. Pastes containing cerium oxide do a good job.

Apply a little product onto a napkin. It is important not to overdo it; too much polish can lead to new scratches. Apply it to the damage and, using a soft cloth, gently rub it into the problem area in a circular motion for half a minute. You should not repeat the procedure - this may lead to the formation of new defects. After treatment, wipe the glass with a damp cloth to remove any remaining composition.

Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damage at home

Removing scratches on thick glass

It will take longer to get rid of damage on a car window or any other thick glass (like a table). This method is suitable for removing scratches, but not for removing cracks or chips.

Materials and tools required for work:

  • a car polishing machine (if you don’t have one, use a drill with a felt disc);
  • film;
  • polish;
  • masking tape;
  • spray bottle with cold water;
  • glass cleaner;
  • rags, paper towels;
  • marker (not permanent).


Using a window cleaner, wash the damaged glass, then wipe thoroughly with a paper towel. The parts of the car adjacent to the window are covered with a film fixed with tape.

The industrial industry has been actively developing over several centuries: new technologies, materials, inventions, household items. For the sake of economy and practicality, many manufacturers began to use glass not only in window making, but also for making mirrors or tableware. Today you can find glass souvenirs or furniture, jewelry, watches. In everyday life, we are constantly surrounded by objects with glass: windows, cars, watches, household appliances.

Over time, scratches appear on such a surface. different sizes. To save the glass surface from damage, careful care with special means. The resulting damage in the form of scratches on the glass surface can be removed using improvised means. You can deal with scratches on glass different ways, in the article we will focus on the most effective ones.

Removing scratches from glass:

Whitening toothpaste will save the damaged surface of windows in the apartment, due to the many particles that have an abrasive effect in its composition. Squeeze a little toothpaste onto a cotton pad, then rub it into the damaged area in a circle. Remove excess paste using circular movements in the opposite direction. Allow the treated surface to dry and wash the glass. The damage will be barely noticeable.

GOI paste is known for a wide range of applications, including for scratches on glass surfaces. Heat the paste in a water bath, gradually apply it to the problem area with a cotton pad, and rub. The result is a smooth polished surface. This method is suitable for both clocks and windows.

The polish is suitable for car windshields. Before starting work, test the effect of the substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface. Apply polish using a rag, gradually fill the scratch and rub well.

Transparent manicure varnish will save the surface of household appliances from scratches. Apply varnish to the damage and wait until it dries completely. If excess product is found, remove with a rubberized spatula. This method can easily give a second life to the glass surface of the hob.

Products for removing scratches from glass:

Toothpaste is available in every home; you can buy toothpaste with a whitening effect at a pharmacy or in any store in the personal care products area. GOI paste is sold on the construction goods market. Polish can be purchased at specialized auto stores. Nail polish is sold in cosmetic departments, both professional and non-professional, as well as in pharmacies. All of these products are available for purchase online. When choosing them, pay attention to the scope and method of application.

Preparation process for work:

Prepare the surface. Wash the glass, identify areas with damage visually, or run your finger along the glass, where there will be scratches and irregularities. Take care of your equipment: you will need rags, cotton pads, cleaning agent, water, a rubberized spatula. Carefully apply the necessary product to the scratch and rub. If you used toothpaste or GOI paste, then wash the surface with water at the end of the process.

Ensure there are no direct sun rays, drafts and precipitation. When buying GOI paste, beware of counterfeits. If the scratches on the window are too deep, use stained glass film. When removing scratches, do not press on the surface. To remove scratches from the watch dial, use ordinary toothpaste without whitening effect or flavorings. If the surface household appliance curved shape, then use cardboard to remove excess manicure polish.

Surely many have encountered a situation where unexpectedly on the glass. Agree, no matter what they are - barely noticeable or more impressive - they do not paint any piece of furniture. If this happened in your home, but you don’t know how to remove a scratch from glass, our article will be a useful guide for you.

However, do not forget that only careful and careful handling of your belongings will help avoid chips, cracks and scratches. Now glass is used in a wide variety of industries and fields, and accordingly, it is produced in factories with completely different parameters and characteristics. Often, scratches “accompany” the life of mobile devices - tablets and smartphones. The second most popular type of damage is a watch. And only after that mirrors and larger interior items are scratched.

How to properly care for glass?

First, it’s better to understand the basic rules for caring for this material, so that in the future you don’t have to correct your own mistakes:

  • First of all, learn how to properly wash glass. In this case, you cannot use newspaper at all. Of course, we have no doubt that your mothers or grandmothers consider rubbing mirrors and glass with compressed newspapers the best way give the surface a mirror glossy shine. But we will hasten to disappoint you. Modern printing uses rather coarse materials, the particles of which can not only fail to impart shine to the glass, but even scratch it. At first these will be small, absolutely unnoticeable small cracks. But after a couple of “newspaper” washing procedures, you will be able to clearly distinguish deep scratches that are visible to the naked eye. Also, newspapers should not be used to care for frosted glass surfaces.
  • Always use a suitable cloth to wipe glass. It should be as soft and gentle as possible, as well as absorb moisture well and attract dust. Under no circumstances should you use hard fabrics with prickly pile, and even more so, you should forget about them after treating the glass with hot water or chemical detergents. After such procedures, the glass becomes quite susceptible to mechanical stress. And if you decide to rub it with something hard, you will soon see.
  • There are now more and more cleaning products specifically designed for glass surfaces. Of course, their cost is not always comparable to the price of an ordinary rag, soap solution and paper. However, they are designed in such a way as to preserve the beauty and impeccable shine of the surface for a maximum period without streaks and scratches.
  • If you prefer to use it as detergent washing vice - always dissolve it very carefully in water. After all, sufficiently coarse particles can become a serious cause of the appearance of “grids” on a glass product.

If, for some reason, scratches still appear on an object dear to your heart and interior, you can try several proven remedies.

Getting rid of scratches on windows

From the window, be prepared to act as carefully as possible. After all, glass can fall out at any time when pressure is applied to it. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out all work slowly, measuredly and leisurely. Especially if you decide to remove the defect in the cold season - who wants to wait for a glazier for several hours when the wind is whistling outside the window or rain is pouring down.

Important: very often you can come across a recommendation to remove such defects from glass surfaces with sandpaper. It is unlikely that such advice can be considered adequate. After all, such a mechanical impact with a rough, rough object can only be provoked by the appearance of a whole “group” of scratches and cracks in the area where you have already worked with sandpaper. You should also not flatter yourself with hopes of correcting the situation with various drill attachments. In this case, you risk not only not getting rid of the defect, but also causing the scratch to develop into a real crack or even a chip!

Several proven options

Anyone who wants to remove a scratch from glass must first assess the scale of the tragedy. Only in the most advanced cases, that is, with very large and noticeable scratches, it will be practically impossible to affect the appearance of the product in any way. In all other situations, you can try the following:

  • First, make sure that what you see is actually a scratch. How? Very easy! It is enough to wash the glass thoroughly and gently wipe it with a lint-free soft cloth. No matter how strange it may seem, very often scratches are mistaken for ordinary stuck dirt! Therefore, quality washing comes first!
  • If there is still a scratch, use ordinary toothpaste. Even better - whitening. Do not use gel paste. Soak a cotton swab in it and rub circular movements into the defect, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Several of these approaches should be repeated. After this, you need to completely wash the entire glass to avoid the appearance of toothpaste stains that will not come out.

    Toothpaste is often used for these purposes.

  • GOI paste copes much better with this problem. Previously, it could be found literally at every step. Now the situation has practically not changed, with the only difference being that it is almost impossible to find real glass grout and not a fake! But if you are lucky and become the proud owner of the original paste, you need to rub it in exactly the same way as in the point described above. Instead of cotton swab, you can use a piece of felt.
  • Special polishing products from car cosmetics performed well. However, we recommend that you first treat an inconspicuous piece of the surface to make sure that the product will not harm the product. This especially applies to surfaces painted or otherwise decorated.

    You can use special polishing products

  • If a noticeable deep scratch has formed on a window or glass cabinet door, it will no longer be possible to get rid of it. But if replacing glass is not yet part of your plans, use stained glass film. It will not only hide the defect, but will also instantly help transform the interior of your home. It is very easy to glue it. It is necessary to pay special attention to air bubbles, expelling them from under the surface of the film. Another option is to glue it to a slightly damp surface.

Home methods

If above we talked about methods using special means, now it’s worth talking about the so-called “traditional medicine”:

  • Regular clear nail polish can work wonders! Thanks to it, you can visually hide scratches on small objects, for example, watches, miniature vase, jewelry and so on. All that is required is the varnish itself and a scraper made of thick cardboard. Apply a layer of varnish to the defect and scrape it - as a result, the scratch is no longer so noticeable! Clear nail polish
  • Alternatively, you can try to hide the scratch using... a walnut! You need to use the core without the brown skin. Using rubbing circular movements, press it to the surface of the object. Soon you will see how the scratch “disappears” from it!