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How to choose a toy for a child - tips for parents. Methodological recommendations for parents “How to choose the right toy for a preschool child” Recommendations for parents on how to choose a toy

Nowadays, the range of toys is huge. When you stop near the toy department, fascinated by the abundance of all kinds of bright dolls, bears and cars, your hand reaches for your wallet, but there is no need to rush. Think about what you will bring to your baby - a good thing or a product of dubious quality? Buying a safe toy is a responsible matter!

Each toy or its packaging, or insert leaflet must be accompanied by clear, clearly visible, indelible markings.

Information for the consumer must be in Russian and must contain: name of the toy (article number if available); name of the enterprise or manufacturer or its representative, or importer and its legal address.

Each toy must be provided with clear warning information about possible side effects (hazards) that arise during its use and ways to possibly avoid (reduce) the dangers. For example: “not recommended for children under 3 years old.”

A toy whose use involves assembly must be provided with detailed instructions.

Information about the certification and service life of the toy is required.

Let me remind you that upon the first request of the buyer, he must be provided with information about the certification of the product.

When buying a toy, you should pay attention to its appearance.

In accordance with general requirements, toys and the materials from which they are made must be externally clean.

You should make sure that the toy really corresponds to the child’s age, that is, it is suitable for him in terms of mental, physical and emotional stress in the situation of use. You should not buy toys for younger children that are intended for older children.

The purchased toy should be carefully inspected - it should not have sharp corners or roughness, accessible edges of metal parts, edges of plastic and wooden toys should be free of burrs and cracks.

The toy should not emit too strong a smell (this indicates low-quality dyes, which are clearly unhealthy).

When choosing toys, you should check the durability of the material and coloring. You should beware of toys that are too bright, because colors that hurt the eyes negatively affect the child’s vision and development of the neuropsychic sphere.

In soft toys, migration of fibers is not allowed, the seams must be strong, and the fabric and filling material must not emit strong odors.

You should not buy complex toys (especially those with prefabricated parts) for small children that they cannot assemble on their own. You should also avoid purchasing high-tech toys that make sounds that are too harsh and loud, as this can damage the child’s hearing development. It is better to buy toys with a volume control and/or a switch.

Be sure to check how the toy parts and batteries are secured.


Soft toy

The seams of the product must be strong - the threads and filling of the toy should not fall out. Rub it in your hands to see if the lint falls out or if paint remains on your palms.


Must be cast, without removable parts, without painting on top, Weight - no more than 100 g. Resistant to saliva and wet processing.


Choose a car with wheels that rotate easily and do not come off (so that the child does not put them in his mouth or nose). When falling, its body should not break.

Plastic toy

For children under six months, the size should be no larger than the child’s head so that he can see it all (the same applies to soft toys). There should be no protruding sharp corners - so that the baby does not get hurt; long laces - so that the child does not wrap his own neck with them while playing.


The facial expression is kind. It is better that the doll does not speak - then the child himself will come up with words for it, thereby developing his imagination. It is desirable that her clothes can be taken off and changed.

Important! Before giving your child a new toy, be sure to wash it in warm water and soap. Carry out this sanitary treatment at least once a week. Wash soft toys periodically; dust and pathogenic bacteria accumulate in them. Children under one year old should not play with them at all.

My three year old son keeps asking me to play my mobile phone. When, due to circumstances, I am forced to refuse him, he raises a cry. How to deal with this?

It's hard for a kid to understand
, why is it sometimes allowed to play with some toy, sometimes prohibited. Inconsistent behavior by parents does not lead to anything good. No need to allow similar situations. Never let your child play with something that you can later refuse. In this situation, be persistent. An option is to replace your phone with an old device.

My mother reproaches me for spoiling my children with toys too often. She believes that they should only be given on holidays. What is the opinion of experts on this matter?

Your mother is not entirely right. If you have such an opportunity, you need to give your child joy not only New Year and birthday, but also simply because you need to please your baby. Of course, to a reasonable extent. And most importantly, do not manipulate the child’s behavior by purchasing a toy. There is no need to set a condition for the child: “If you do..., then I will...” It is better to reward the child unexpectedly for him, with the words: “I love you so much! You were so great today! Hold it!”

My son doesn't go to bed without a teddy bear. She flatly refuses to ride in the car without him. Should we indulge his whims? I also had favorite toys as a child, but for me to behave like him...

The situation should not make you nervous. It's even good that your child has a toy with which he feels safe. Psychologists believe that having a toy “favorite” helps a child overcome the fear of loneliness and fall asleep. He can trust him with his innermost thoughts. Experts even advise getting such a toy, especially if the child has increased anxiety and impressionability. By the way, such “girlfriends” most often come in the form soft bears, bunnies, dogs - reflections of animate beings. Animated, but unable to speak like a person. So most often these are not dolls. And, of course, it is rare when they become transforming robots and the like.

Do not forget that aggressive games cannot be left to chance; you need to monitor their content and safety for children. Direct children's aggression against “world evil.”

How to get by better
with old, broken toys and with those from which the child has already “grown out”?

When getting rid of unnecessary toys, you need to follow two rules. Firstly, never force the child to throw away toys, even if they are broken. The baby has positive emotions and experiences associated with each of them. These toys were his friends, play partners. This approach can traumatize the child. If there is still a need to throw them away together, it is better to cheat, tell them that you will collect them, first take them to a craftsman who will repair them, and then give them to children who have no toys at all. This way they will be given a “second life” - everyone will be happy. Secondly, do not throw away toys at your own discretion. You may accidentally deprive your child of his favorite toy. You might not even have guessed that it is exactly like this - it may look plain and even broken.

A child only draws “war games”, plays only with militarized toys - it is better to contact a child psychotherapist. He will help you understand the reason for this behavior and cope with it.

My girlfriend
scolded me for buying my daughter (4 years old) a purple elephant. But what's wrong with that? After all, children love everything bright?

To prevent your child’s perception of the world from being distorted, try not to buy your child crimson mice and green bears, much less “strange” characters; Think about how clear this toy will be for your baby. Children prefer those that reflect the reality they know. And no matter how much your imagination is shaken by the “Fashionista Doll” set, which includes copies of show business accessories, your four-year-old daughter will be more willing to play with a baby doll with a bathtub. Thanks to our tips for parents on choosing toys for children, you will be able to understand and learn a lot.

I am categorically against military toys, that is, military toys. And my husband willingly buys them for his son. Our views are not just radically different. We took irreconcilable positions. A little more and it will come to divorce. Who is right?

Each of you has the right to your own point of view regarding paramilitary and aggressive toys. Personally, you should think about the fact that often a militarized toy has a positive effect on the child’s psyche - it makes it possible to react in a “legal” form to the natural aggression present in any child. Every day your child faces a lot of prohibitions: you can’t offend a cat at home, even though it scratches, and in kindergarten you can’t offend a girl who, by the way, bites, on the street... Where should you throw out all these grievances? Shooting games are a great way out of this situation.

And above all, feeling like a “winner” will have a positive impact on self-esteem.

But aggressive and paramilitary games should be immediately directed in a socially acceptable direction. The goal of his “tra-ta-ta-ta-ta” should be to protect loved ones, save a wonderful princess, and protect animals from poachers. In this case, “aggressive” games, in your opinion, will only have a positive impact. The baby will learn that he needs to be a protector and, when he grows up, he will actually be able to protect loved ones and the weak. Unlike the one who was completely deprived of such games as a child.

Every time my child puts on a “concert” in the toy store. He asks so much that he rarely manages to leave without buying something. It’s simply unrealistic to refuse, but on the other hand, I’m afraid of spoiling him.

Your concerns
are true. Parents are primarily to blame for the tantrums that some children throw in stores. Not all children are able to control their desires and emotions as much as adults, especially very young ones. And this ability is not worth testing. Buying a toy every time, you will not only spoil your child, but also reinforce the wrong behavior pattern in him. And if you leave the store without a toy every time, then you can also traumatize the psyche. The best way- try not to take your child to places where there are so many temptations. Only when you are ready to buy your child a gift, take him to the store and give him a holiday.

My two-year-old daughter categorically refuses to share her toys with other children. How to teach her this?

At two years old
The time to share has not yet come. Children's egocentrism under three years of age is quite common. The child has the right not to give away his toy until he has played enough. This, by the way, will help to understand why other children do not give him their toys. The baby perceives his things as part of himself. For a child, he and his toys are one whole. A grown-up child will simply know that the things he owns will not cease to be his if someone takes them into his hands. But after three years, the child begins to develop such personal qualities as kindness, the desire to please a person, and your task is to encourage this in him. At the age of 3-4, children begin to have a desire not only to share, but also to give gifts. And it makes sense to talk with your child about which toys can be given and which cannot. After all, you are unlikely to be happy if your daughter gives her scooter to a friend on the playground.

Nowadays there are a large number of similar toys in stores, but their prices vary greatly. It probably depends on how high quality the product is? Please list the main safety criteria for toys.

- This is the first thing parents should pay attention to when buying a toy. That is, first you evaluate the toy from the point of view of its safety and only then think about other issues.

Buy only certified products.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. It’s good if you’ve already met the manufacturer of this toy in different stores, and for more than one year. It makes sense to get acquainted with the names of the leading toy brands.

Remember about age characteristics(for example, children under three years old should not buy toys containing small parts).

Pay attention to what the soft toy is stuffed with. Perfect option— padding polyester (foam rubber may begin to release harmful substances after six months). If the toy has small balls, evaluate the strength of the material from which the toy is made. Pay attention to how tightly the eyes and nose are sewn on.

Smell plastic and rubber toys (don’t be afraid to make others laugh), you can even try them on your teeth (if you are allowed, of course). The smell and taste alarm you - it is better to refuse to purchase them, they may be toxic.

All toys that have been certified in Russia bear the Rostest badge and are accompanied by instructions in Russian. Make it a habit to read labels!

My daughter does not want to play educational games (for example, with construction sets, puzzles, lacing). He plays with soft toys all day long—either setting up a kindergarten or feeding them. How to get her to play useful games?

Your daughter should not be forced to play healthy games. This can completely discourage interest in them. Take a break. And also remember that a child’s playroom should not resemble a school office. And although the period up to 5 years is very favorable for the development of intelligence, memory, and perception, this does not mean that now only special “educational toys” are needed. In reality, children gain most of their experience through play and free exploration of the world around them. This is how the love of learning is instilled. Every seemingly “idle” game has a deep educational meaning.

For developmental aids, you can use any book with pictures.

My six-year-old daughter is begging me to buy her a dog. There are no medical contraindications. But I have a strong suspicion that she will treat it like a toy. Please advise how to avoid this?

Your fears are partly true, but this does not mean that you do not need to buy an animal. Talk to your daughter about the needs of a living being - at six years old she is quite capable of understanding this. Assign your daughter simple duties to care for the animal, such as making sure there is water in the bowl. And everyone will be happy.

My 4 year old son loves to play with girly toys. The husband is in a panic. I don’t see anything wrong with this. Who is right?

Reassure your husband. At 4 years old there is no reason to worry. Children tend to be interested in a variety of toys, including those traditionally played with by children of the opposite sex. You should not shame your child or forbid him to play “girly” games. Most likely, the baby will satisfy his interest and start playing with real “macho” toys again. In the future, it will matter how much time he devotes to games “with dolls” and whether he plays with boys.

Psychologists advise not to surround your baby with a large number of toys. This distracts attention, and as a result the baby does not play with any of them.

Our friends' children's room is simply littered with toys. But their daughter doesn't play with them. And they all buy new ones. How many toys should surround the baby?

It is difficult to give a short and monosyllabic answer here. The number of toys depends on the age of the child and their functional purpose. And you can advise your friends to monitor the assortment of toys in the nursery and change it periodically. “Change” doesn’t just mean updating. Experienced parents remove toys that the baby has not touched for several days. Removed from the mezzanine after a couple of months, they arouse new interest in the child.

How not to make a mistake
in choosing a toy for your baby, because the range is so wide? It is difficult to imagine what criteria should be followed first.

Think about what this toy will contribute to the development of: sensory perception, horizons, thinking, emotional development, communication skills, creative component, personal qualities, self-control skills... Having managed to answer this question, remember what toys are already in the baby’s arsenal?

Perhaps the baby already has enough toys to develop this or that quality, and this time it is better to purchase a toy with a different purpose.

Remember what kind of toy your child dreamed of, what kind of toy he drew your attention to in the store, what he wrote to Grandfather Frost about.

Remember what toys he remembers from the children of your friends and acquaintances.

Be sure to ask yourself, would you like to receive such a toy at the appropriate age? If the child is still too young, think about what exactly he might like about her.

​ ⓅChoosing a toy for a child that will be practical, high-quality, safe and interesting for a long time is not so easy. Children's stores, both located in regular shopping centers and online sites, are filled to capacity with a variety of models of toys that evoke a sea of ​​​​emotions of joy and mischievous laughter in children. However, not all products that the manufacturer positions as the best and safest are actually so. A toy should be safe, of high quality, interesting, and not just for fun, but an assistant in the development and knowledge of the world around us.

How to choose toys?

Parents know that it is quite difficult to choose a toy that will perfectly satisfy all the needs of the child. It would seem that the child’s initial acquaintance with a teddy bear, a railway or a functional robot, or a construction set went with a bang, however, then the child does not touch the toy and stops noticing it. The rapid change of interest is due to the fact that parents were unable to meet all the criteria and find harmony between appearance, functionality and safety of the product.

When choosing a toy, pay attention to its quality, suitability for the child’s age, interests, and gender.

The quality of toys that you can find on the shelves of children's stores, unfortunately, is rapidly falling. Toys should not become a threat to the child, so every parent, even if he is confident in the manufacturer, should inquire about the availability of a guarantee and medical certificates. We also recommend that you pay attention to the assortment of the “children’s toys” section on the Tatet portal from different stores.

There are many cases where harmful substances that cause poisoning and allergies enter a child’s body through contact with a low-quality toy. After you check the product quality certificate, it would be a good idea to inspect the toy yourself. Hold the toy in your hands, try to see if the filling inside is rolling off (if we are talking about soft toys), whether the seams and details are well processed (for dolls and baby dolls), whether there are traces of paint, knocked down parts (for construction sets, puzzles, educational products) , whether the fur, handrails, ties are securely attached (on gurneys, rocking chairs). The manufacturer must provide in the instructions selected information about the composition of the toy and its care.

The toy should correspond to the age and hobbies of the baby. Of course, all children develop differently, however, pediatricians highlight some characteristics and habits that the vast majority of children have at a certain age. You can usually see the recommended gender and age on the product packaging. Remember that than smaller child, the larger the toy he will need. Huge bears or bulky rocking chairs are also not suitable for a child who has just reached the threshold of 2-3 years: it will be difficult for him to rearrange, roll and lift the thing, which will lead to the fact that it will cease to be interesting. Preschoolers strive to learn absolutely everything, so toys for them should first of all have intellectual value, and only then be beautiful.

  • For newborns, buy ringing rattles, medium in size. Stuffed Toys, dental rings;
  • Babies from six months to one year will love plastic baby dolls, balls, cars, kitchen utensils;
  • A child from one to two years old will enjoy rocking chairs, gurneys, carts, and large balls;
  • Children from two to three years it is worth buying toys in the form of clothes, accessories, vehicles, as well as puzzles;
  • Children from four to five years old will be delighted with the drawing set and construction set;
  • From the age of five, it is recommended to purchase educational and interactive games.

In online stores on the Tatet.UA portal you can choose and buy a variety of toys for children at a low price. Delivery of goods is carried out throughout Ukraine: Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Zhitomir and other cities of the country.

*Comment: the editors are not responsible for the content and opinions expressed in articles markedⓅ.

Elena Chuvilina
Consultation for parents “What toys to buy for children”

Nowadays there is a very large selection of different toys. Parents often find it difficult to choose suitable games. Therefore, without hesitation, they take everything the child asked for. But every toy plays its role at a certain age. Parents should know about this. Here are the simple rules.

-When choosing an expensive gift, be prepared for it to be accidentally ruined. While exploring the world, small children test objects for strength and even taste. Sometimes your child breaks things on purpose to get your attention.

-Do not limit the choice of entertainment if they do not pose a danger to him. Forget about parental stereotypes - buy cars, not only for boys, but also for girls, if they are also interested in it.

-Let your daughter or son manage their things.

At two or three years old, children are reluctant to share, perceiving toys as part of themselves. Teach unobtrusively. There is no need to say: “Give it to the baby, he’s crying” or “You and your brother have everything in common.” Then the child will feel deprived, and a painful sense of ownership may develop.

Children often prefer shovels and scoops to talking robots and dolls.

The reason is simple: gifts should be age appropriate and help with development.

Features of age and your choice of toys.

1. Age 1.5-3 years.

Subject play comes to the fore. Teddy bear, cat, dog, bunny, with which children fall asleep, are associated with safety and become best friends. The baby treats them as animate beings and does not tolerate separation from them well. Therefore, you should not throw away or give things away without permission.

Toys: toddler doll, doll furniture, cars, musical instruments, cut-out pictures, lotto, coloring pages.

2. Age 3-5 years.

A plot-shaped game appears. This is a period of wild imagination, objects can become anything: a chair can become an airplane, a table can become a cave. Don't be judgmental if your kindergartener makes a mess while building a pillow castle. Flights of fancy promote mental development, train memory and creative thinking.

Toys: constructors, dolls for finger theater, magnetic boards with a set of numbers and letters. bicycle, skis and skates.

3. Age 5-7 years.

In role-playing games, children try to play social roles - sellers, doctors, cooks, etc. What is needed is not so much toys as a company of peers.

Toys: dolls like Barbie and Ken, puzzles, table hockey and football, prefabricated transport models, robots, radio-controlled toys, educational kits (for a young doctor, a chemist).

4. Age 7 years and older.

What children need most is friends. A lonely child will spend time on the Internet, this is the easiest way to relieve boredom. Gadgets are not bad, but only when you have other interests.

Toys. Board games (they promote socialization, sets for experiments, creativity, handicrafts, checkers and chess.

Publications on the topic:

Organization of a developmental environment in a kindergarten ORGANIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL ENVIRONMENT IN KINDERGARTEN CONDITIONS. The subject-development environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity that is functional.

Consultation for parents “How to buy toys for a child?” The topic of our discussion was not chosen by chance, but precisely because parents ask many questions regarding this topic. I would like to start with this.

Consultation for parents “What toys do children need?” The development of a child’s emotional world is unthinkable without the existence of toys in it. They serve as the medium that allows expression.

“What toys do children need?” Consultation for parents All parents know that children love to play; they buy them bright, colorful toys. They watch their independent play with affection. But not.

Consultation for parents “What toys to buy for a 3-4 year old child” Consultation for parents “What toys to buy for a 3-4 year old child” It is no coincidence that toys are called childhood companions; they appear in the family.

Teacher - psychologist




A toy is a specially designed item for children's games; it helps the child realize his plan and brings the game closer to reality. To imagine yourself as a mother, you need to have a doll daughter in your hands that you can lay down, feed, dress, etc. The toy should be such that the child can actively act with it and expressively play out his role. It also happens that the most beautiful toy does not help to realize the intent of the game. Choosing the right toys is a serious matter.

Exist different types toys for children preschool age.

Monster toys can teach a child cruelty and indifference to suffering. In Russian fairy tales there are both dragons and monsters, but they always act on the side of evil, while positive heroes are never monsters. Such fairy tales and games based on them teach children to distinguish good from evil, drawing a clear boundary between them.

Various characters now offered to children as toys in the form of transformers, skeletons, etc. participate in the game both on the side of good and evil forces, so it is sometimes difficult, even sometimes impossible, for a child to differentiate good and evil, to separate “bad” heroes from “ good ones." At the same time, games based on the content of warlike cartoons with monster toys form aggression in children, an attitude towards violence as the norm, and children little by little apply this model of behavior in practice.

The fact that a child is attracted to negative characters, according to psychologists, is associated with emotions of aggressiveness. It happens that the tendency to over-armament is due to a heightened need for protection from a complex and not very friendly outside world. A child who owns such toys gets a chance to feel powerful in the game. Alas, in real life it could be the other way around. The desire to have monsters is a kind of test for a certain psychological state child: the more attached he is to such toys, the more time he spends in their company, the more vulnerable, insecure and anxious he feels in the real world.

For excitable children, playing with monsters is a way to burn off excess energy. But in many cases, the toy rather than calms, irritates the child even more and forms a certain mental dependence. Playing with monsters cannot be banned, just as children’s fears and anxiety cannot be banned. You can only help the child create a different playing field in which the children’s needs to feel strong and fearless will be realized.

That's why, dear parents, do not try to buy toys for children that terrify them and contribute to the development of aggression. Believe me, there are many options for directing children's games the right direction. For example, it is known that children love to dress up. But for this they do not need intricate costumes at all - they are often content with some separate element, a sign denoting the character. For example, a scarf on her head and homemade glasses turn a girl into a grandmother, and they use a piece of old tulle as a veil. Give the children a few pieces of material and they will invent their own costumes. Create a calm, comfortable place for your child to play. It's good if he has space to play. as well as all the necessary attributes. You can place the toys on a rug or on a hanging shelf. Take care of a permanent play corner where you can place the necessary furniture and toys. It is important that the child has the opportunity to save the game started and interrupted. If he knows that his car or building will remain inviolable, then he will go to lunch without a word. Look through his corner with your child from time to time, teach him to wipe off the dust, clean and wash toys together, select damaged ones, and “treat” them in the hospital. Communication with parents and their serious attitude towards games and toys is necessary for a child. He will feel his parents’ involvement in his problems, experience emotional comfort, and positive emotions.

Undoubtedly, a child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, and horizons, allowing him to play out real and fairy-tale situations and imitate adults.

Toys from real life.

A doll family (maybe a family of animals), Dollhouse, furniture, dishes, cars, boat, cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, washing machines, stoves, televisions, chalks and boards, abacus, musical instruments, railways, telephone, etc.

Toys that help “throw out” aggression.

Toy soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable bags, pillows, rubber toys, jump ropes, skittles, as well as throwing darts, etc.

Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression. Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids, construction sets, alphabet books, board games, cut-out pictures or postcards, plasticine paints, mosaics, needlework kits, threads, pieces of fabric, paper for appliques, glue, etc.

When buying toys, use simple rule: Toys should be selected, not collected!

Toys, as adults imagine them, are no good from a child’s point of view. Excellent automatic and semi-automatic fully assembled toys cannot satisfy the child's creative and emotional needs. A child needs toys on which he can practice and polish the basic necessary character traits. Automatic toys are completely unsuitable for this.

Toys for little ones First of all, the sense organs must be developed: eyes, ears, hands. And while his main need is to feel warmth, the first toys of babies should be soft and warm, then they will fully correspond to the baby’s desire to learn everything through touch. The most best toys for little ones, these are the ones that can be bitten. They should be made of soft materials - plastic, rubber, wash well, be lightweight, and not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child cannot choke. The coloring of toys should be bright. It's good if they sound.

For a one year old baby plastic pyramids of 3-4 component rings will be interesting and useful different color, bowls different sizes, nesting into each other, multi-colored cubes. Manipulating these toys not only develops the child’s intelligence, but also brings pleasure and joy when the child succeeds in something just like an adult. Tumbler toys are very useful.

For 2 year olds Very good are a large multi-colored ball that does not roll under the furniture, 7-8-component pyramids, soft, fluffy toys that children no longer put in their mouths, but fall asleep very well with them. A large plastic car or box from this age will teach the child to be neat and independent, because... After playing, cubes, balls, rubber and soft toys should be stored in them. It’s good if at this age the baby has his own play area in the apartment, and the toys also have their own house.

By three years the range of toys is expanding. To the bright, multi-colored, clear-shaped toys are added the simplest construction sets, which children assemble together with adults, always at the same time experiencing pleasure and delight in the fact that strange pieces can turn into a wonderful figure-toy, understandable to a child. At this age stage, the child begins to actively engage in the world of real life situations, learns that people are busy with work in life and have different professions, face problems and find a way out of conflicts. Therefore, most often the child chooses plots for role-playing games from the life that surrounds him. Children play “mother and daughter”, “father and mother”, “shop”, “doctor”, “kindergarten”, etc. Toys at this age increase in size (large doll, large bear, etc.). It would be correct to purchase hairdressing sets, tea and table sets, Dr. Aibolit’s accessories, furniture and other items that reflect various aspects of reality. The child’s desire to live a common life with adults indicates a new stage in the development of emotions and social adaptation. The main requirement is " household toys"should be similar to the original and be strong enough.

By the age of four role-playing game becomes the child's main activity. The content of the game becomes more complicated, many toys become unnecessary, because... Children's imagination is capable of turning concrete objects into imaginary ones. So, a pencil can become with a magic wand, green leaves - money, drawn ornaments on paper - carpets in a doll's apartment. That is why at this age, the greatest benefit to a child will come not from expensive and useless toys, but from functional ones, even if they are made by hand.

By age five large toys gradually cease to occupy the child and move from the play area to chairs, beds, and cabinets. But sets of little animals, soldiers, and doll families capture the child’s interest and emotions. Greater opportunity to play different options with the same toys; Children develop fantasy and imagination, thinking ceases to be concrete, and the emotional world is enriched.

For a six year old child Non-static and concrete toys are more useful and interesting - he will be happy with an unusual construction set, models of ships and planes, beautiful markers and an entertaining board game, a collapsible transforming robot, a sewing and knitting kit. Children really like toys they make with their own hands, especially if they become useful to others. Children at this age love to make toys-gifts (pot holders, napkins, decorations). Joy and pride are aroused in a child by the fact that he knows how to do good to those around him and his loved ones. Therefore, any desire of a child to make, sew, glue and give something to someone should be welcomed by parents if they want to develop in the child hard work, perseverance and the desire to give something to others in life. Toy stores are fading into the background, and counters with stationery, building materials, threads and buttons. The child prepares himself for a change in activity and schooling.

In the future, the child himself will take an “inventory” of his toys. Never force your child to throw away broken or outdated toys! For him, these are symbols of his development, each is associated with positive emotions and experiences. These are his childhood memories, these are his friends. It is much more psychologically environmentally friendly to repair them and give them to other children, donate kindergarten, a child who is unlucky and his parents do not buy him toys.

IN school age children learn to play without toys. They are increasingly beginning to enjoy outdoor games with their peers using balls, jump ropes, shards, knives, etc. In games, a child learns to win and lose, obey rules, recognize another child's win, communicate and work together with adults and peers.

Remember that everything except your favorite toy must be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that your baby does not pick up a toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while, its appearance will arouse new emotional or cognitive interest in the child.

And one more piece of advice. Don't take your child too often to a toy store with lots of tempting but very expensive toys. How many tears and sufferings of the kids saw the newfangled dolls, cars and animals sitting on the counters! These experiences, when a child cannot get what he really wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give your child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.