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How to remove dirt from a white wool coat. How to remove stains from a coat without ruining the product

A coat is one of the most indispensable things in the wardrobe of both men and women. Despite the huge variety of other options outerwear– it remains a priority. A quality, tailored coat adds elegance to your look and is great for off-site business meetings.

However, despite its practicality in use, every owner of this wardrobe item is faced with the issue of cleaning it. And there are several options:

  • go to dry cleaning;
  • Clean your coat at home.

First way The good thing is that you don’t have to waste your time - you bring it, hand it over, and pick up a clean item. Its only drawback is the rather high cost of the service.

Second way- This is an excellent option for saving your budget and combating not too complex pollution.

In general, things like coats should be looked after every time before or after they are used. A dry brush will help to clean the material from small dirt, dust and small debris. This is necessary in order to maintain the neatness of the item and avoid cleaning it for as long as possible. Nevertheless “General cleaning” for coats should be done at least once a season:

Attention! It should be remembered that light coats cannot be cleaned with the same products as dark ones. Using a dark-colored detergent on a light-colored item will leave streaks, which means you can easily ruin a good item.

How to prepare a coat for cleaning

Before starting work, it is important to carefully inspect the product. Firstly, this will help determine the type of contamination, and secondly, familiarize yourself with the product label, which contains all the necessary information.

To make it more convenient to inspect the item, you need to hang it in a well-lit place on comfortable hangers. This way you won’t need to be distracted by the fact that it is moving and you can pay attention to a detailed inspection.

The main stages of preparing the product before cleaning:

  • Check the outer and inner pockets for foreign objects and remove them.
  • Use a dry brush to clean the coat from small dirt and dust. At this stage, it is important not to be lazy and even in those places where dust is not visible, clean thoroughly.
  • Study the product label and, based on this, select a method for subsequent cleaning.
  • Check the effect of the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product, so as not to spoil the material.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to check the collar of the product, the hood, if there is one, and even the belt. Because when cleaning, it is important to clean all elements of the coat so that together they look harmonious during further use.

How to clean a coat made from natural fabrics

In order to determine the material, you should (as we have already said) read the product label. The composition will be reliably indicated there, which means, taking this into account, you can begin the cleaning process itself.

The main materials used by coat manufacturers are wool, wool mixture and leather. We suggest considering each of these options separately.

Wool coats: drape, cashmere, tweed

The information on the product label will help you carefully clean your wool coat. However, you can additionally use small tricks:

  • Places where the material is a little shiny should be treated with an alcohol-vinegar solution 1:1.
  • Clean stains on dark things You can by brewing strong black tea. You need to apply it to the stain and scrub thoroughly with a soft brush.
  • Hand washing in cold water with conditioner will help to effectively remove stains. You can use a soft brush for particularly dirty areas.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that in order to avoid streaks, cleaning should be carried out in the direction from the edges to the center.

Cashmere coat Suitable for washing in a machine on a “delicate cycle” and for hand washing at a cool water temperature (how many degrees of temperature are permissible can be found in the information on the label). You cannot crush it or squeeze it out with your hands. After washing, it should be hung on thick hangers to drain the main water, and then laid horizontally until completely dry. Then use a soft brush to brush the material from top to bottom to avoid jamming the material.

Little tricks:

  • To clean light-colored cashmere, it is better to use talc. You should let it sit for 2.5-3 hours and then remove it with a brush.
  • Fresh food stains should be covered with salt for 15-30 minutes and then shaken off.

drape coat, will probably never go out of style. You can clean it at home with a carpet cleaner following the standard instructions.

A light-colored drape coat can be easily cleaned with Vanish dry powder. Apply the powder to the stain and leave it for 20 minutes, and then remove it with a soft clothes brush.

Tweed coat requires similarly careful care of the material. In order to clean it of contaminants, you can use several effective means:

  • Salt solution and ammonia . With this you can remove dirt on the sleeves and collar, as well as save these places from abrasion. You need to take table salt and ammonia, maintaining a 4:1 ratio, apply the mixture to the stain, and after a minute remove the remaining salt with a dry sponge.
  • Ammonia and liquid soap. Add 1 tablespoon to half a glass of warm water liquid soap and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Mix and apply to the stain for about 15 minutes, and then remove the residue with a wet towel.

Wool blend coat

Wool-blend products are considered to be items in which the composition of synthetic materials is more than 60%. Such things are usually cheaper than those made from natural materials. However, they should be looked after with care.

Studying the product label, which contains all the necessary information, will help you cope with any type of dirt on such a coat. Similarly, you can use the little tricks given above. The main thing is to act delicately and test cleaning products on inconspicuous areas of the product.

How to clean a leather coat

Depending on the level of pollution, different options are used. The easiest way to get dirty with dust is to wipe it with a damp cotton towel. Others, More severe stains can be cleaned using several options:

  • A mixture of ammonia, lemon and glycerin is great for dealing with greasy areas. The contaminated element should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia, then a similar procedure should be carried out with lemon juice, and then wiped with a sponge with glycerin.
  • Vinegar will help get rid of salt stains on winter coat. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in vinegar to wipe the stained areas, and then wipe these areas with a damp sponge.

ADVICE! If during the cleaning process the coat becomes a little wrinkled, you can iron it from the wrong side at the minimum temperature of the iron.

How to clean a coat made from artificial/synthetic fabrics

Compared to cleaning coats made from natural materials, cleaning coats made from artificial fabrics is a real pleasure.

A dry brush and simple shaking of the product will help you cope with light dirt such as dust. A regular stain remover will help get rid of fresh stains.

IMPORTANT! Before using any cleaning product, it is better to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

Removing grease stains is also not difficult. To begin with, you should sprinkle the stain with table salt, and after half an hour, remove the remaining salt with a sponge and shake the product.

A 10% borax solution will help deal with stubborn stains.. It should be applied for 10 minutes, then soaked with a small amount of lemon juice, and then wiped with a damp towel.

That's all the basic tricks for cleaning your coat from dirt at home.

In what cases should you contact a dry cleaner?

Despite all possible manipulations for cleaning coats from dirt at home, b There are cases when it is best to turn to professionals in their field - modern dry cleaning. When there is a possibility of permanent damage to the product, which will make it unfit for wear. And, you see, this will be very unpleasant.

So when is it better to go to the dry cleaner and not try to handle it yourself?

  • In cases where the label indicates that the product should be dry cleaned only.
  • White coat. It is better not to risk carrying out any manipulations, as they can ruin the color of the product.
  • If you can’t get rid of the stain at home.
  • And there are rare cases when a coat is accidentally stained with fuel oil or machine oil. It is better not to try to clean such stains yourself.

Of course, if you are not confident in your abilities or are simply afraid of ruining an expensive item, it is better not to take risks and entrust the product to professionals. Then you will definitely sleep peacefully.

We hope that our advice will help you extend the life of the product so that it pleases you for as long as possible.

Light industry experts have calculated that the average “life” of a coat is about 5 years. Throughout this time, clothes need care. Many people believe: " No problem. Let's wash" But the same experts claim that each wash shortens the service life of a coat by 1 year. Therefore, it is important to imagine how to clean a coat at home.

How to do without dry cleaning

The manufacturer supplies its products with labels that contain recommendations for caring for outerwear. Please read this information carefully before cleaning. In most cases, there is no need to wash or clean entire clothes.

Sometimes it is enough to remove individual stains to return it to its original appearance. Particular attention should be paid to quickly contaminated areas: collar, sleeves, pockets.

Modern coats are varied in style, color, and most importantly, in the material from which they are made.

Despite this, there are general instructions for care, cleaning and washing:

  • Things needed daily care. A regular clothes brush will help remove dust and dirt before it becomes a problem;
  • You can wash a coat if its fabric is less than 70% wool. Hand or machine washable on delicate cycle;
  • Decorative fur elements will not be damaged when washed, but they must dry on their own. Direct Sun rays and heating devices are contraindicated;
  • Any new cleaning product should be tested on a small area of ​​clothing. At the same time, the fabric should not lose its color and texture;
  • Stains should be removed to the middle from the edges so that the dirt does not spread further;
  • Before cleaning, place a cloth that absorbs moisture under the contaminated area;
  • Iron the product through gauze or a thin rag, starting from the sleeves. Then the hangers, the back, the front; collar and lapels are at the end.

A special pad will help smooth your shoulders. Fleecy fabric is ironed in the direction of the pile.

Removing stains

There are numerous recipes for removing stains of various origins.

For example, the following remedies will help remove fat:

  1. Talc. Apply baby powder or talcum powder to the stain. The fat is allowed to absorb and brushed off after 11-12 hours;
  2. Petrol. But not a car one - it can leave stains, but an aviation one or a cleaned one, the so-called “Galosh”. Cotton fabric cover the stain and wipe in a circle with a swab soaked in gasoline;
  3. Iron. A fresh stain is ironed through paper napkins, which are changed as they become dirty.

You can fight coffee and tea stains with the following mixtures:

  • a combination of ammonia and glycerin. 1 spoon of alcohol per 2 spoons of glycerin;
  • a mixture of vinegar and alcohol in equal parts.

Wine stains don't like salt. Sprinkle the contaminated area with plenty of salt and wash it off. cold water. This recipe is not suitable for bright or woolen fabrics.

You can get rid of beer stains by mixing alcohol and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.

Cleaning the collar

How to clean a coat collar at home?

One of the most frequently contaminated areas of a coat is the collar. It will help to eliminate greasy places:

The fur collar can be cleaned with an adsorbent, which you can probably find in the kitchen. These are potato starch, talc, semolina - substances that have a porous structure. They effectively remove dirt and dust. The product must be spread out and sprinkled with adsorbent. Then gently rub with your hands and brush off with a clothes brush or vacuum.

Product made from natural fabric

How to clean a wool coat?

The value of wool products is their naturalness. A feature that influences the choice of cleaning method is the possible loss of color. It is necessary to test the cleaning agent in an inconspicuous place, preferably from the inside out.

  • To remove clinging lint, hairs, and hairs, it is advisable to use a roller equipped with adhesive tape;
  • For cleaning, a wool detergent mixed with 2 teaspoons of ammonia and a small amount of water is suitable;
  • The solution is applied to the stains with a cotton swab, then the residue is removed with a clean damp cloth. A tampon dipped in tea leaves will help to refresh a dark-colored product;
  • Dry the coat by hanging it on hangers and wrapping it in cotton cloth.

Drape care

How to clean a drape coat?

Drape is a dense woolen fabric consisting of 2 layers. Clothing made from this material is steadily popular among customers because it is warm:

Before cleaning a drape coat, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations on the product label.

It says:

  1. Is it washable?
  2. method and temperature;
  3. is chemical cleaning acceptable?
  4. Ironing is possible or not.

If there are no special restrictions, you should use standard tips on how to clean a coat:

  • Cleaning is carried out 2 times a year - at the end of the season and before it. If possible, you should do without washing. If there are no stains, just hang the product on a hanger and brush it with a dry brush in the direction of the fibers. Then repeat this procedure with a damp brush. The cleaned coat is ventilated and dried;
  • Dust can be removed with black bread. Lay the item on the floor and crumble the bread crumb. Then roll the crumbs over the surface until bread balls appear. The latter are removed with a brush. The dust was gone;
  • Any stains that appear on the surface are washed off with a soapy solution using liquid detergents, recommended for woolen fabrics. Moisten contaminated areas with this liquid, leave for a while, then wipe with a damp cloth and allow to dry;
  • Washing is permissible by hand or delicate machine in warm water - not exceeding 35-40 degrees - so that the product does not shrink;
  • Dry vertically on hangers with good air circulation.

It is possible to use an iron heated to no higher than 200 degrees with a steamer.

Dear cashmere

How to clean and wash a cashmere coat at home

Cashmere is a warm and pleasant to the touch material, originally made from the down of mountain goats. Today they call it thin and soft wool fabrics special weaving.

Clothing made from them is beautiful and protects well from frost, but requires careful handling and the ability to clean a cashmere coat:

But it is still better to resort to dry cleaning. The coat is a seasonal thing. It must be put in order before storage. If you know how to clean your coat without dry cleaning, then you can take the risk.

If stored properly, clothes will not lose their shape. For the summer season, it is worth packing coats in special fabric bags that allow air to pass through and protect from dust. If you skillfully care for, clean, wash and store your outerwear, it will last for many years.

Since ancient times, a classic coat has been a necessary item in the wardrobe. This item will perfectly complement any look. The variety of colors, materials and tailoring will allow you to choose a specific style in which both women and men will look elegant. But in order for the coat to last as long as possible and have a neat appearance, the product needs to be cleaned and maintained. To avoid using dry cleaning services, you can clean your coat yourself at home using different methods.

When worn constantly, different outerwear tends to become worn and dirty. Outerwear should be cleaned every day, both before getting dressed and when coming home. The coat should be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each season if the product has not been needed for several months or if there are stains or a strange smell. In order not to spoil the product on the lining or if there is lace, beads, embroidery, especially difficult stains and dirt (for example, from machine oil), it is better to take the items to the dry cleaner.

In order not to harm your clothes when cleaning, you definitely need to know the material the coat is made of. The most popular and well-known materials: wool, cashmere, drape, leather, suede. For example, it is easier and simpler to give a neat look to a coat with a large synthetic content. But a coat made of natural fabrics requires special attention in care.

Before cleaning your coat, you should prepare it:

  1. Check your pockets and remove all contents.
  2. Shake the product well.
  3. Hang the coat on hangers and take it to a sufficiently lit room. Carefully inspect the item for stains and dirt. Pay special attention to the pockets, collar and sleeves. Stains can be on the outer surface of the coat and on the reverse side.
  4. Brush the coat with a clothes brush to remove debris, dirt, dust, and hair.

These places are most often polluted

Read the information on the label carefully. From it we will find out whether the coat can be washed, and what temperature is set, how the product should be dried and where, whether ironing the coat is allowed.

Drape coat

Drape - wool natural fabric with a two-layer weave, dense material that does not wrinkle. Thanks to this weave, the coat is cozy and warm. Drape is a finicky material that does not tolerate high temperature when washing. Therefore, it is better to use the dry cleaning method. Before you start cleaning the item, go over the coat with a brush to get rid of debris and dust. Then clean the clothes using any of the suggested methods:

  • The usual way to clean a coat from small stains is with a brush. First, use a dry brush to move in the direction of the fabric pile, then wet the bristles of the brush and make similar movements over the dirt until the stain disappears. Or use dark bread. To do this, lay the coat on oilcloth and scatter the crumb of dark bread on top. Using your palms over the fabric, roll the bread crumbs into balls. Remove the remaining balls with a brush.
  • For more heavily soiled areas, use a carpet cleaner. Dilute a small amount of the product with water. Stir until foam forms. You should try to apply only foam to the dirty surface of the coat, without getting any liquid. While the foam dries, gently brush the stain.
  • If the foam cannot overcome the dirt, try removing the stains with a soap solution. Mix some washing gel or special means for woolen items with a small amount of water to obtain a soap solution. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the dirty areas on the coat. In this case, the fabric should get wet, but do not rub it too much. After twenty minutes, rinse the solution from your coat and blot with a dry cloth or sponge.

If, due to carelessness, you put a stain on your coat, then you can not wash the whole thing, but clean only the dirty area. Clean greasy stains from the edge to the middle so as not to leave marks when cleaning, and from the back side. Before using a certain product, you need to test it on the inside of your clothing.

Sprinkle a little baby powder over the greasy stain and leave for two hours. Remove the powder with a brush. Or another way - ironing with a hot iron. Ironing should be done with a damp cloth. You should definitely look at the label icons to see if you can use the iron.

Dry cleaning can easily remove minor stains

If your coat is very dirty and dry cleaning doesn't help, try hand washing it. But before you start washing, you need to study the label, look for signs that allow hand washing and at the same time follow certain rules. Machine washing is prohibited as this may cause deformation of the material.

When hand washing a drape coat, the water should be cool, no more than 30–40 degrees Celsius. Hot water cannot be used; clothes will shrink. When starting to wash, you need to use products or powder that can be used to wash woolen items. Rub the collar and cuffs with a brush, but not too much. Do not twist the product under any circumstances! Place it in a container of clean water and rinse until the rinsing water is no longer soapy. The item is dried on hangers, preferably with good air access, for example, on a balcony.

You can iron a coat only if there is a corresponding icon on the label that allows you to use this method.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a soft, warm material made from the down of mountain goats. Cashmere clothing requires especially careful care. The coat can be washed either by hand or in a machine. But first of all, it is necessary to remove stains, if any.

  • greasy stains are removed with special purified gasoline (if dark coat) or talcum powder, if the coat light color. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and wipe the stain from the inside out until it disappears. To get rid of the smell of gasoline, take the coat out into the air. To clean a light-colored coat, sprinkle a little talcum powder on the stain. After a couple of hours, use a brush to remove any remaining baby powder.
  • Glycerin and ammonia will cope with unknown stains. In a container you need to mix 1 part glycerin and 1 part ammonia. Using a small piece of cotton wool or a swab, treat the dirty area of ​​​​the fabric with the mixture. After 10 minutes the mixture should be reapplied. Remove any remaining product after 2 minutes with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • baking soda will help remove ingrained odor from your coat. The product must be spread out, sprinkled with baking soda on top and left in this form for about 10 hours. Soda will absorb the unpleasant aroma well. Remove any remaining product with a brush.

Washing a coat

For hand and machine washing, use products that are used to wash delicates and woolen items. Before machine washing, particularly soiled areas should be washed by hand.

Fill a deep container (for example, a bathtub) with water. Water is about 30–40 degrees Celsius. Add a couple of spoons of wool detergent and stir. Place the coat in the container for 20–25 minutes. For very dirty areas, such as collars, cuffs, and fabric around pockets, lightly rub with a sponge. Rinse the coat several times to remove detergent in cool water. Do not squeeze or twist the product.

When washing in the machine, the delicate wash program is set and the water is within 30 degrees. The coat can be washed without spinning. At the end of the wash, use the rinse mode. After this, place a towel on a flat surface and place your coat on top of it. Straighten out any wrinkles or wrinkles. Carefully wrap the item in a towel to absorb excess moisture. Change the towel as it gets wet. Iron the coat wet through a couple of layers of gauze.

Video: how to wash a coat by hand

Wool coat

A woolen coat is made from various types woolen material - tweed, gabardine, cloth. The wool product is warm and pleasant to the touch. It is not recommended to wash the coat, but if there are icons on the label that allow machine washing, wash it as you would cashmere.

Getting rid of dirt, dust, stains:

  • a mixture of salt and ammonia will help get rid of dirty places or worn areas on clothes. Mix one part salt and 4 parts alcohol, apply to the contaminated surface, wait 15–25 minutes and remove the slurry with a brush;
  • so that the dark coat becomes rich color, prepare a strong brew from green tea, soak a sponge (or cotton wool) in it and treat the clothes;
  • stains of unknown origin are removed with ammonia and soap. To prepare the solution you need 100 ml of warm water and 40 grams of liquid soap. You should also add ammonia there, about 1 tablespoon. Mix the ingredients and treat the stain. After 20 minutes, use a damp cloth to remove any remaining solution from the coat.
  • dust is removed with a dry brush. A roller with adhesive tape will help to avoid stuck debris. Run the roller over the coat and debris, wool, and hair will stick to the tape. For next cleaning tear off the used tape.

Using simple products you can easily get rid of stains on your coat

How to clean a light coat

Light-colored clothes always look smart, but often get dirty. Even the smallest spot will attract attention. To avoid such troubles, there are several recommendations for removing stains. But first, test the chosen product on a small piece of the coat from the inside out, see if the color changes or if the material becomes deformed. If no changes occur, you can remove the stains.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will remove beer and cola stains. Use a swab or cotton wool soaked in peroxide to blot the stain.
  • Potato starch or baby powder will help remove grease stains. Sprinkle talcum powder or starch generously onto the stain and leave for 30 minutes. After this, you need to brush off any remaining powder from the coat with a brush.
  • the stain can also be ironed through an absorbent napkin, which should be placed on both the inside and outside;
  • Alcohol and water work well on juice and coffee stains. Combine 1 part alcohol with 1 part water. Soak a cotton pad or swab in the resulting solution and blot the stain.
  • Using soap (preferably baby soap) removes minor dirt. Take 200 ml of warm water and mix with grated soap (1 tablespoon). Wet a sponge in the resulting solution and treat the dirty areas.

A white or light coat needs constant care

Leather coat

A leather coat will have perfect look if you take good care of it. The product made of leather and suede is not washable. During this treatment, tannins are washed out of these materials.

Elbow bends, collars, sleeves, cuffs are most often subject to rubbing. To get rid of abrasions in these areas, you will need glycerin, a slice of lemon and ammonia. Soak a piece of cotton wool or a swab in alcohol and wipe the rubbed area on the skin. Sprinkle another piece of cotton wool lemon juice and wipe the same place again. Finally, soak the third tampon with a solution consisting of 1 part glycerin and 3 parts water. Wipe the affected area with a swab.

To add shine to leather material, mix 1 tablespoon each of alcohol and a solution of soap and water. Wet the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the coat. Use a dry cloth to remove any soap particles. You can also use protein. Soak a cloth in beaten egg white and wipe the skin. To add shine, rub the skin well with a dry flannel cloth. Light-colored items will shine if you wipe the skin with a solution of egg white and milk.

Ordinary vegetable oil saving ourselves from traces of oil paint. Soak a piece of cotton wool or a cloth in oil and rub the stain.

A mixture of potato flour and gasoline in equal proportions will remove grease stain. Simply rub the mixture into the stain and leave until the gasoline evaporates. Shake any remaining mixture from your skin.

escape from unpleasant odor Ground coffee will help on leather products. The product sprinkled with coffee should sit for 24 hours. Then simply shake out the coat.

By lubricating your coat with orange peel you can avoid creases.

Suede coat

Suede is a soft and pleasant-to-touch material known as tanned leather. It is better not to wet suede products; suede will swell and become hard after drying. To clean, use a special brush for suede products.

Milk and baking soda do a good job of removing shiny spots on coats. Place a teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk, soak a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and rub the shiny areas. Wait until the solution dries and use a brush to get rid of any remaining product.

A soap solution + a few drops of ammonia will save you from shiny spots on the product. Rub a little solution onto shiny areas and rinse with clean water. Blot the suede with a dry sponge.

Starch will save you from greasy stains. Sprinkle a little starch onto the stain. Wait until the starch is absorbed into the stain. Use a brush to remove any remaining product. A fresh stain can be sprinkled with teeth cleaning powder. Use a brush with soft bristles to scrub the stain.

An eraser and a crust of dark bread will help remove stains on a suede product. You just need to rub the area with the stains with an eraser and then use a small crust of rye flour bread to remove the stains by wiping.

The coat can be ironed if it becomes wrinkled after removing stains. Be sure to set the iron to a low temperature and iron only from the wrong side.

Polyester coat

Polyester is a synthetic material that holds its shape well, does not wrinkle, and dries quickly after washing. Washing can be done either by hand or in a machine. When choosing this or that wash, you need to adhere to some rules.


Before washing your coat, remove wool, hair, and dust with a brush. Then turn it inside out. Place it in water whose temperature is approximately 36 degrees. In hot water, the coat may shrink. When washing a dark coat, use liquid powder. In the case of a light-colored product, you can also take washing powder in granules. If you are going to use bleach, choose a product that does not contain chlorine. If the coat is heavily soiled, you can soak it and leave it in water for about 40 minutes. When washing the coat, you can use a clothes brush. There is no need to press or rub too hard to avoid damaging the material. Rinse the coat several times in cool water, adding a little conditioner. Gently and carefully wring out the coat so as not to deform the material. Place the coat on hangers to allow water to escape. Then take the product to a warm room and dry it by laying it on a large towel.

Machine washable

Before you wash your coat, you need to find out whether it is machine washable. Look at the icons on the label. If the machine or basin icon is not crossed out, you can wash it. First, you need to fasten the item, turn it inside out and place it in a bag intended for washing. Wash a polyester coat in the delicate cycle or, choosing the synthetic cycle, add conditioner, which will make the coat soft. Add detergent only to the powder compartment, not to the drum. Exhibit temperature regime no more than 30 degrees. It is advisable to use a function such as an additional rinse. Turn off the spin mode, as twisting causes deformation of the fabric. At the end of washing, remove the coat from the bag and dry the product by placing terry towel on a flat surface, and lay the coat on top of it, straightening the fabric. While still damp, iron the coat through gauze.

Check the label to see if it is machine washable.

Video: ironing a coat at home

If you follow the rules and follow the recommendations for caring for your coat, your product will remain in its original form for a long time. When purchasing a coat, do not forget to buy a cleaning brush and a roller with adhesive tape. If stains appear, take action immediately. Avoid heavy contamination, as it will be harder to get rid of later. Thanks to your efforts and care, your favorite coat will delight you for a long time!

A coat made from real wool is a stylish and warm wardrobe item that will never go out of style. And in order for such clothes to serve you as long as possible and not lose their visual appeal, it is important to properly care for them. Of course, the easiest way is to take a woolen product to the dry cleaner, because professionals know exactly how to handle it. But you can also tidy up your coat at home. Next we will tell you in detail how to do this.


Of course, before you start cleaning your woolen or floor wool coat, you should carefully study the information on the product label. There are clearly stated recommendations for caring for these particular clothes. For example, can the material be washed or dried? Some types of wool can only be dry cleaned to remove dirt and Under no circumstances should it be wet. Other models can be washed or wet processed without consequences. One way or another, it all depends on the specific coat.

Now let's take a closer look at the stages of cleaning a woolen product.

Thorough inspection of the product

After you have studied the information on the coat label, you should carefully examine the entire length of the product. Look not only at the outside, but also at the lining. Also special attention should be paid the space under the collar, near the pockets, and also on the cuffs. After all, it is in these areas that the most pollution occurs. Once you find the most problematic areas and spots, you will know exactly what to focus on first.

Removing surface contaminants

Before you begin cleaning and removing stains, you need to clean the wool product from pellets, excess lint, dust and threads. This is very easy to do at home using a special sticky roller. It is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive. In this regard, such a device significantly improves appearance coat without washing. By regularly processing the fabric in this way, you will be able to keep your clothes in excellent condition for as long as possible.

Be sure to take note of this simple and effective method. Small stains that cannot be removed with a roller can be removed using a dry or slightly damp brush with soft bristles.

The main thing is not to use aggressive detergents or large amounts of water.

Removing difficult stains

Difficult stains are those that could not be removed with a brush, cloth or soap solution. You can try applying a small amount of solution to the problem area, wait ten or fifteen minutes, and then work with a clean, soft brush. Just be careful not to press too hard on the material to avoid damaging it.

For more serious contamination, other methods are required. So, if there is a greasy stain on your coat, you can remove it using a small amount of starch or regular talcum powder. Pour the powder onto the stain, cover with a paper towel or thin cloth and wait several hours (about six or even ten). After this time, simply remove the remaining powder with a brush.

Greasy areas on a wool coat, such as sleeve cuffs and pocket areas, can be easily cleaned with vinegar and rubbing alcohol. To do this, you need to mix these two components in equal parts and apply the resulting solution to the problem area using cotton wool. Leave for fifteen minutes and then treat the area with a soft, clean cloth or brush. In the same way, you can quickly remove contaminants from food or drinks.

Contamination from machine oil is usually eliminated using conventional gasoline. You just need to soak a cotton pad in fuel and treat the woolen product from the inside. And traces of tea or coffee drinks can be easily removed by applying glycerin to the solution.

When you need to refresh and remove dirt from a white or light-colored product, it is best to use a solution based on ammonia and table salt. It is better to treat dark-colored clothes with warm black tea. Also very effective means in the fight for the purity and freshness of products made from natural wool, the well-known powder is Vanish. Use it according to the instructions and you will get excellent results in quite a while. a short time and effortlessly.

In addition, on the shelves of modern stores it is easy to find ready-made powders and solutions that are designed specifically for caring for natural wool. The main thing is to carefully choose the composition of the product and ensure that it does not contain alkali or chlorine. Otherwise, you can simply ruin a beautiful coat.

Washing rules

If you decide to choose wet rather than dry cleaning of a wool product, you should be very careful. It is necessary to use only gentle detergents and shampoos designed specifically for wool. The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. Otherwise, the product will become deformed and will look simply terrible. Do not twist or wring out the coat under any circumstances. This can seriously damage the fabric and ruin the appearance of the garment.

In addition, the coat should only be dried flat, in a horizontal position. If you dry it vertically, the material will stretch and lose its shape.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not always possible to clean a coat yourself without the help of professionals. This applies to those cases when you are not completely confident in your own abilities or have already tried to remove stains, but were not successful in this matter. Or if you are the owner of a boiling white or light-colored product, then it is better to take it to the dry cleaner. After all If handled incorrectly, there is a high risk of damaging the product. The same rule applies to situations with difficult to remove stains from fuel oil, machine oil and similar substances.

To learn how to clean a coat at home, watch the following video.

Despite the enormous popularity of outerwear made from bologna and other waterproof fabrics, classic coats do not lose their relevance. A variety of colors and styles allows you to “fit” this wardrobe item into almost any look. One of its disadvantages is that it is difficult to care for. Careless self-washing can lead to deformation of the product, and dry cleaning requires financial costs. Let's look at how to clean a coat at home without washing to refresh its appearance, and how to wash it correctly.

You should take care of your coat every day before or after putting it on. It is enough to walk over the fabric with a dry brush to remove dust and small debris. It makes sense to carry out “general” cleaning of the coat at the end of the season or when significant dirt (stains, shiny areas) and an unpleasant odor appear.

Basic ways to clean a coat at home:

  1. Dry. It involves treating the product with a soft bristle brush and using various products in the form of powders or aerosols, the purpose of which is to absorb dirt without the use of water.
  2. Wet. Involves the use of water and cleaning agents for separate areas, as well as wiping the entire product with a damp sponge or brush. In addition, this type of cleaning can include steaming the coat using an iron or steam generator.
  3. Wash. Can be done manually or by washing machine using powder or gel products. Only suitable for certain types of fabric.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of contamination and type of material. It is very important to read the product label. It indicates the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it: washability, water temperature, ironing mode, and so on.


Before you clean your coat, you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Check your pockets and take everything out. Shake the thing out.
  2. In a well-lit place, hang the coat on hangers or lay it out on a horizontal surface. Inspect it carefully to see the dirtiest areas. The collar, sleeves and pockets get dirty the most. In addition, you should look for any stains on the lining and front surface.
  3. Pre-dry clean with a brush to remove most of the dirt and dust.
  4. After studying the label, decide on the processing method. Test the effect of the selected drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Let's figure out how you can dry and wet clean coats made from the most popular materials - drape and wool.

Cashmere coat

When figuring out how to clean a cashmere coat at home, you should know that the genuine material is made exclusively from the hair of Kashmiri goats. This soft and warm fabric is very expensive. In mass production, cashmere substitutes are most often used, which are created from fibers of wool, lavsan, cotton, viscose, and so on. Therefore, the compositions of different “cashmere” products may differ significantly.

In many cases, a cashmere coat can be washed by hand or on a gentle cycle using a machine. liquid products at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. The product must not be crushed or wrung out. It is necessary to hang it over the bathtub so that most of the water drains off, and then lay it horizontally on a terry towel.

If there is no information on the manufacturer's label that allows washing, or the item is not very dirty, it is better to wet clean individual areas. Let's figure out how you can clean a coat yourself at home without washing if it is made of cashmere.

To remove stains, you can use one of the following recipes:

  1. . Combine vinegar (ammonia) with glycerin in equal parts. Apply to stained area for 20 minutes.
  2. . If you have a question about how to clean a light coat, the best way to apply talc is to sprinkle it on the mark and leave it for 2-3 hours, then remove it with a brush. Refined gasoline can be used on colored fabrics. Soak a cotton pad in it and rub the stain until it comes off.
  3. Fresh traces of food and drinks (coffee, ). Sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Once it absorbs the dirt, shake it off.

After using one of the described products, the residual mark is removed using a soft sponge and solution laundry soap. At the end, the area should be treated with clean water and blotted with a terry cloth. To refresh the entire coat, you should first brush it with a dry brush and then with a slightly damp one and let it dry in the fresh air in the shade or on the balcony.

Tip: When removing stains, move from the edges to the center. It is better to prop up the lining. A light cotton towel should be placed under the area to be treated so that the contamination does not “imprint” on other layers.

Read also:- Basic Rules.

Drape coat

When solving the problem of how to clean a drape coat at home without washing, it is important to consider that this fabric consists of two layers of woolen threads and is very thick. It is not recommended to wash it yourself. Cleaning must be dry or wet.

Treatment algorithm for minor contamination:

  1. Hang your coat on hangers.
  2. Brush along the entire length with a dry brush in the direction of the pile.
  3. Wet the brush and process the product again.
  4. Leave to dry in a ventilated room.

If a wardrobe item or its individual elements need serious cleaning, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Dissolve carpet cleaner in water. Foam it and apply it to the fabric, but do not let it get wet. After the foam has dried, remove it with a brush.
  2. Crumble the rye crumb onto a black coat laid out on the table. Roll the crumbs over the fabric with your hands. Use a brush to remove the resulting bread balls that have absorbed dirt.
  3. Dissolve a little fabric softener in warm water. Soak a sponge or microfiber cloth in the liquid and wipe the coat in the direction of the pile. Wash the sponge/napkin in clean water and treat the product again.

When solving the problem of how to clean a white coat, it is better to use Vanish carpet powder:

  1. Place the product on the table.
  2. Sprinkle the product on it.
  3. Rub it into the fibers with your hands (wearing gloves).
  4. After an hour, remove the powder with a dry brush and walk over the fabric with a damp sponge.

A safe alternative to Vanish is baking soda. It is applied in a similar way.

To clean stains and heavily soiled areas:

  1. Combine washing gel, powder or laundry soap shavings with water in a ratio of 1:4. Mix.
  2. Soak a sponge in the solution and treat the problem area. The fibers should become damp.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rub the fabric with a sponge or brush soaked in clean water.
  4. Remove any remaining moisture with a napkin.

Note: If after cleaning there is a need to iron the coat, you should set the iron temperature to no higher than 200 °C and place a cotton towel on top of the product. In addition, you can use a steamer.

Wool coat

When thinking about how to clean a wool coat at home, you need to remember that this fabric requires careful handling. Cleaning steps: