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What a ritual to make a man think about you. How to make a man think about you from a distance

There are always ways that can make a guy think about you.

The magic secret is simple in words and difficult to implement. It goes like this: to make a man think about you, he needs to please you. Well, how do you like a secret that is not a secret? What do you want, magic wand get? You think about a man because you like him. And for a guy to think about you, he must like you too. This is not difficult to do, although it all depends on the situation. Some girls can easily achieve this result, but others will never be able to do it. And it's not just about them, but also about the guy they like.

Surely there have been guys in your life who tried to please you, but their attempts were in vain. And why? Because this is not your type, it is not attractive to you and does not coincide with the image of the ideal prince from fairy tales. The same can be true the other way around. You're just not his type and that's the end of it. But there are always ways that can make a guy think about you. Now I will share them with you.

Behavior can be attractive or unattractive for men. Girls who chase men do not look attractive to them. Accordingly, they will not think about such girls. Moderately inaccessible girls look attractive in the eyes of a man. They challenge, and men want to achieve them. It is our nature to pursue females. But being completely untouchable is a huge disadvantage. Touchy animals are forbidden to even touch themselves. No man will like this. So start adjusting your behavior and checking what works and what doesn't work for a particular individual.

Communicating and flirting with a man You will not make a man think about himself if you rarely intersect with him and communicate little. Sometimes you need to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. You need to constantly communicate with a man, so that he is interested in you. It's almost main secret achieving the goal. But girls behave differently. They see that the man doesn’t fall for them on the third try, and their lips puff up. Then they deliberately begin to ignore him in response. And that man may not even notice it.

Therefore, get rid of this reaction. You need to communicate no matter what. Then he will understand that you distinguish him from other guys, and he will feel his importance. And then, having understood this, you can proceed to the next step. You can make a guy jealous by turning your attention to another guy. Feelings of jealousy will definitely make a guy think about you. This is human psychology and you can’t argue against it either.

He will think: “How is it possible, at first she talked to me, singled me out from other guys, and then she went for another... Oh, so..”. And so on. We are all owners. Some are more, some are less. This is what you should use. The method is not clean, but it works.

It’s easy for us men to provoke such a reaction. We’ll just give gifts a few times, give compliments, pester and we’re done. By switching attention to another girl, she will certainly become jealous.

Induce jealousy So you need to do this with a man. But you need to do this in such a way that he does not think that you are doing this on purpose. If he understands this, then his self-esteem will only increase, and your attractiveness will decrease. Start flirting with another guy casually, and so that your target sees it.

In order to make a man think about himself, it is necessary to evoke negative emotions. We are used to thinking that we need to be ideal to attract the attention of the person we like: please him, take care of him, be kind and affectionate, fulfill all his whims, then the man will be yours. This is all nonsense. Girls who brought out the dark side in me made me think about them all day long.

For example, they didn’t respond to SMS, didn’t do what I needed, ignored me, made it clear that I was a complete zero. It certainly works, but don't go overboard with it. A person may be offended and mentally send you away. Therefore, use the approach-distance method. What is the essence of this method?

First, you let the man know that you like him. You communicate with him, flirt, and something like that. Then you begin to behave coldly with him: you don’t want to communicate, avoid him, pretend that something is bothering you and you have no time for him, don’t write to him, disappear for a week, and so on.

The guy will feel this, and he will begin to doubt his attractiveness. It's kind of a challenge. He will start thinking about how to achieve you, how to attract your attention. The approach-distance method is a very powerful tool that will make a man nervous and think about you.

A woman is a mystery For a man to think about a girl, she must be a mystery that he wants to solve. Don't open up completely to him. To do this, you must have your own interests, which he should know little about. You should be concerned not only with the presence of a man in your life. You must have your own goals and interests, which must stand above the man. Any man will not like the fact that his woman puts her interests above himself. This behavior of a woman looks attractive to a man. He does not come first in her life and this looks like a challenge that will undoubtedly force her not only to think about you, but also to seek your affection.

The less you think about a man, the better for you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about the man you like at all. But if only he is in your head, then the chances of success are low. It will be very difficult for you to apply the advice that I gave you above. For example, he will write you an SMS, and you will respond to it immediately instead of responding after 4-8 hours or even the next day. I remember texting one girl and she didn’t answer me. I felt uncomfortable and started to think what was wrong. The next day I wrote to her again, but she again did not answer. Later it turned out that she was roaming and could not write to me. These two days I thought about her. It was unpleasant that they stopped answering me, but then the sea positive emotions from her answer.

You should be mindful of your appearance. All men fall for a girl's appearance. If you look attractive in appearance and other men turn their heads when they see you, then you can easily make any man think about you. These will be erotic fantasies in their heads, but not the point. Visual attractiveness and sexuality plus sociability will conquer any man. You don't even have to invent anything.

You must stand out from other women. Your behavior should be very different from other women. If some women are never the first to approach a man to even just say hello to him, you can use this. Women love to blow guys' minds by saying stupid things. You don't need to do this. Don't forget to praise and admire men, we like that. This will set you apart from other women who only think about themselves.

Sex goddess And the last thing I want to advise you is to become a sex goddess. Many women (and men too) don’t know how to do anything in bed. If you become the queen of sex, then not a single man will leave you, even if you blow his mind every day. By the way, the same thing is the other way around, if a guy is a wonderful lover, then the woman will not think about another guy. Sex is the key to keeping a man. The word "hold" is not appropriate. He will start running after you if you suddenly disappear for a couple of days and do not answer his calls and texts. You need to become an irreplaceable woman for him.

Finally, I want to remind you not to overdo these techniques. Everything should be used in moderation, otherwise you can only do harm. I warn you that these rules do not work for everyone. Sometimes a girl simply cannot please a man, no matter what methods she uses. After all, to achieve what you want, you just need to like the guy for who you are. This is the main secret to make a guy run after you. And my article “How to make a man think about you?” completed. Good luck to you on the personal front.

Often a woman falls madly in love and begins to worry whether her chosen one is thinking about her, does he remember her or already attracted to someone else. In this case, a technique will come to the rescue that will make a man think about you even from a distance.

This is also useful in cases when you are far from each other or your partner is forced to leave on business. This will help preserve feelings and strengthen the connection. Our thoughts are material, this has been heard for a long time, and you can be convinced of this.

On distance

If you direct your thoughts in the right direction, a real miracle can happen. Your loved one will remember you wherever he is - on a business trip, in another country or somewhere else.

One simple technique will help with this. Approximately determine the time when your man is sleeping, and go to bed yourself, but do not fall asleep. You need to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, like during meditation. Breathe deeply and make sure that no muscle is tense, especially in the face.

Now imagine the image of your loved one in as much detail as possible. You need to remember all the little things, scars, moles - this is very important. When you have a complete image of a man in your head, imagine that you are being transported inside his body, capture his consciousness.

Imagine that you are him, imagine his sensations and feelings. When you feel that you have become one, send commands to him. They should be formulated as clearly as possible, for example: “Call your wife!” or “Miss (name).” If you do everything correctly, the person will obey these commands in reality.

Remember that this practice should not be done when you are sick. In this case, you already have little energy, but you need it in order to heal. It would be irrational to spend it on instilling the right thoughts in a man, besides, you most likely will not succeed.

During illness, it is difficult to concentrate, you will not be able to properly direct your energy. But if you are healthy and have applied this method, do not tell anyone about it. Even if you tell best friend, this can nullify all efforts, because other people’s thoughts can confuse directed energy, and it will not reach the recipient.


A man can be made to think about himself constantly with the help of mental suggestion.

This method includes psychology, magic, and telepathy at once, but it will only work if you can come into contact with a man , in thought which you plan to penetrate. You need to at least be in the same room with him.

So, once you find yourself in the same room with the object of your adoration, begin to send him a suggestion consisting of short phrase. It could be something like “You are in love with me,” “You constantly think about me,” “You want a relationship with me.”

At the moment when you send the suggestion, imagine that a ray is emanating from your forehead of blue color and connects it to the forehead of the object of adoration. This - energy channel. It can be used to transmit mental messages. Do this as confidently as possible, you can also send images, for example, your face or figure.

Another method will also help you make your lover think about yourself, but this will not work if you are in love with a person who has no idea about your existence. The target must know you.

As a last resort, you can arrange a casual acquaintance so that your image is imprinted in his memory. But this method is best affects a man with whom you are or were in a close relationship. This method was practiced in Ancient Egypt.

On a full moon, around midnight, turn off the lights and get comfortable on your bed. It is important that nothing distracts you, so it is better to put away your watch, phone, and tune in to the right mood.

You can light incense or turn on a quiet, calm music for meditation. If you feel that your clothes are bothering you and distracting you, strip naked - this will make the method even more effective.

Breathing deeply, put all but one thought out of your head. Imagine the man you love, what he looks like and what he is doing now. Perhaps he is sleeping, then you need to imagine how he lies in bed, how warm he is under the blanket, how his cheek presses on the pillow.

Now we need to visualize own energy, imagine how it comes from your solar plexus and pierces space, flying through the night city. It penetrates into the home of a loved one, wherever he is, touches his aura, and becomes intertwined with it.

She forms a channel from you to a lover, and mental messages can be transmitted through this channel. They can be as bold as you like, they should reflect all your desires regarding this person. They will be deposited in his subconscious and will constantly remind you of you, in dreams and in reality.

You can understand that the method has worked by feeling the warmth - if you feel slight burning sensation or pleasant warmth during meditation or immediately after completion, this means that everything worked out, and you received an energetic response. Soon the man may make himself known, write or call. If you perform this method regularly, you can make a man think about himself constantly.

Psychological techniques

If you break up for a while with your loved one - no matter how long, for a day or for several months, you can make him think about himself with the help of effective techniques.

To do this, you don’t need to be intrusive at all, just use some tricks. For example, you could do the following:

  • Sprinkle some of yours on his shirt collar favorite perfume. The main thing is that the aroma is not intrusive, otherwise it will begin to irritate. If it is a light cloud of smell, then the man will think about you and may not even guess about the root cause of the associations that have come.
  • Place a piece of paper in the stack of documents with affectionate confessions in love. He will be sorting through papers and stumble upon it, and it will make him touch. But be careful and make sure first that he has not prepared these documents to give to business partners.
  • During the day until favorite at work, write sweet SMS that do not require a response, for example: “thinking about you” or “I miss you.” Don't do this too often. You can also send erotic photos, for example, of you lying in a bubble bath. The main thing is that his colleagues do not accidentally see them.
  • Secretly put some sweets in his bag, something he loves. Ideally, it should be something homemade, but worst case scenario, a piece of marmalade or a candy bar will do. He will find an unexpected surprise and it will make him smile and remember you.
  • If you have mutual friends in in social networks, with whom you both communicate regularly, you can leave a post on the wall of one of them. Your loved one will go to his page, see the post and remember you.
  • On the weekend, organize romantic date or a meeting in a place that he will constantly pass when you are apart. The event will always be remembered by him when he be in this territory.
  • When seeing off your loved one on a business trip, give him a memorable item that will be associated only with you. For example, personally knitted scarf. As a last resort, something that will always be in sight will do - a watch, cufflinks, a phone case.

If it seems to you that your sweetheart doesn’t miss you at all and completely forgets about your existence immediately after the date, there’s no point in worrying. We know how to make him think about you constantly. And get bored waiting for the meeting.

Rule one: don't force yourself

Of course, the easiest way is to flood him with romantic messages, but the effect you will achieve with this will be exactly the opposite: you need to work more subtly. Therefore, forget about frequent calls, SMS and constant spending time together. Let your man feel free and don’t smother him with your love ahead of time. Don't be jealous of his friends. Every man needs to be able to escape for a day or two. Not to the left! And go fishing, to the dacha with friends, to the bathhouse, or just to your own world. Give him the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Rule two: slow down the rapid development of the novel

It's hard, we know. But this is a fail-safe method that our great-great-great-great-grandmothers used: if a man is not given what he wants, he will begin to achieve it. Well, or at least think about the object of your desire all the time. Another thing is that today, in the 21st century, it is hardly possible to marinate it for six months, not allowing anything more than an innocent kiss on the cheek. Yes, actually, this is not necessary. All you have to do is not agree to everything he wants right now. Sometimes you feel like it, no big deal.

Rule three: use technology wisely

The fact that we do not recommend that you bombard him with messages does not mean at all that you should not use modern technologies at all: on the contrary, you can use them rarely, but accurately. Instead of sending him sad kittens and hearts in messenger every 2 hours, write a message like: “I’m waiting for you on Wednesday evening on Skype: it will be hot!” Until Wednesday he will think about you and only you. Especially if today is Thursday. Another way to get him to think about you is to show, not tell. Especially if there is no opportunity to meet in the near future (for example, you or he is on vacation). They sent him selfies, but, of course, not in the spirit of “I’m smiling with all 48 teeth against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.” Let it be something with a hint. Sexy, of course.

Rule four: infiltrate the enemy's camp

In war, as in war, all means are fair! So feel free to join his inner circle and become your own person there. Make friends with his friends and try to charm them. Even better, help them with something, for example, recommend his friend the best doctor in town. Or the best bar that few people know about (the bar is definitely more effective). The goal is simple: other people should remind him of you, and remind him in a positive way: what a cool girl, don’t miss her, bro!

Rule five: don't feed his ego

There is absolutely no need to constantly stroke his fur: if everything is even and smooth, there is absolutely no need for a man to think about you. You are useful, convenient and trouble-free, like a washing machine. And who, one wonders, thinks about their washing machine, even if she is also beautiful? That's right, no one. Therefore, do not forget to give him sensitive clicks on the nose in time. In a figurative sense, of course.

Rule six: don’t try to be “different from everyone else”

Before writing this article, we studied several online manuals on the topic “How to make a man bored” and everywhere we came across the same advice: “Surprise him, be different from everyone else!” And it seems to us that this is bad, useless advice. Firstly, what does “not like everyone else” mean? All women are already different, which one should you not be? Secondly, this advice implies that you are, as it were, “like everyone else,” and therefore he is bored with you. Sounds a bit like an insult, don't you think? And thirdly, this advice means that you need to immediately change and start behaving unpredictably. Yes, of course, this is how you can make a man think about you. But what exactly to think - does it really matter? In general, we consider this advice to be unsuitable and give the exact opposite: do not try to impress him by pretending to be a mysterious “not like that.” Otherwise, he will start thinking not about you, but about that “not like that.” Do not multiply entities (including your own).

Rule seven: provoke

But it is possible and necessary to provoke him. But it’s better, of course, to play this game on a “bed” field: an unforgettable night in this case is your friend, but an unforgettable scandal is not a very smart move. Although he will certainly think about you. Obscene.

Rule eight: don't get hung up

In fact, it doesn't matter at all whether he thinks about you when you're not together. Because it will either happen by itself when he falls in love seriously, or it won’t happen at all - if this is not your option. And if you feel that he is really not your option, do not waste effort on him. Because suddenly he really gets attached - and then what will you do with him?

Every woman wants a lover in her life who belongs only to her. How to make a man think about you, how to keep and preserve love? These complex questions have answers and recommendations from experienced psychologists.

Is it really possible to make you think?

All representatives of the fair sex want to be beautiful, desired and loved. Only strict statistics claim that there are not enough men on the planet for all the ladies. All that remains is to tap into female ingenuity and become irresistible and seductive. Some girls have achieved perfection in the art of seduction. It costs them nothing to gain more and more fans, to break their hearts.

There are a lot of smart and beautiful women in the world, so you need to become inimitable and unique in order to make men run after you. To do this, you will have to become a psychologist and strategist, study astrology and esotericism.

Important! We must not forget that different men select certain types of women. When a girl is persistently ignored, she has little chance.

What will help you get a guy's attention?

The girl really liked the handsome stranger, but he doesn’t pay any attention to her. She constantly thinks about how to attract a guy’s attention, how to behave with him correctly. There are common feminine traits that have attracted male attention at all times. We will have to work hard to create ideal image, but the result can be stunning:

  1. Appearance. It's no secret that men love with their eyes. They like slim people well-groomed women, tastefully and beautifully dressed. Makeup must be natural, no toxic colors. The wardrobe is not provocative, skillfully selected. We must not forget that many men have delicate taste.
  2. Sexual attractiveness and feminine manners: a charming smile, an easy gait, an open look, a pleasant speech - such a girl will always attract attention.
  3. In addition to external beauty, internal content is important. You must try to study the range of interests of your chosen one in order to be able to maintain a conversation and interest him in your erudition. An interesting interlocutor will not leave a guy indifferent.
  4. The ability to listen is an important quality. You need to be interested in the opinion of your chosen one, ask for advice.

Little feminine tricks will help intrigue a guy, attract and keep his undivided attention. If the acquaintance took place, and it was the man who made the first step, and has already moved into the stage of a love relationship, You should continue to stir up your partner’s interest:

  • no need to be annoying and chase the guy;
  • You should not call several times during the day, sweet messages are allowed;
  • show your loved one that you have your own interesting, rich life;
  • do not rush to pick up the phone the first time you call;
  • give a little reason for jealousy.

Representatives of different zodiac signs have different characters and their own concepts about life and love. Understanding your partner’s astrological characteristics will help you find common ground and the right approach to him. It is almost impossible to leave a woman armed with such knowledge:

  1. Virgo. He has intuition and appreciates naturalness and openness in women. Can immediately recognize falsehood and the desire to manipulate. Unlike other men, Virgo notices small details and does not like sloppiness.
  2. Capricorn. For representatives of this sign, work will always come first. Doesn't like flirting or romance; he selects women thoroughly. They say about such people - a real man. The restraint and severity of Capricorn may turn out to be only a protective mask.
  3. Aries. These narcissistic natures do not tolerate being pressured or ignored. They are not romantics. You can hook such a person with an unexpected question or a request for advice in his field of activity. He will do everything to quickly win the girl he likes, especially if she is cheerful and witty.
  4. Cancer. Sensitive natures choose decent girls, they look after and look closely at the chosen one for a long time. They cannot be rushed or pushed. First of all, Cancer values ​​care, attention and affection.
  5. Scorpion. A mysterious, capricious and sexy sign. Scorpio men are prone to serious, long-term relationships and do not tolerate lies and betrayal. They choose smart, open and sexy partners with an extraordinary character. There is no need to even try to command them, start quarrels or challenge the decision made.
  6. Sagittarius. This charming sign of hot men does not like to be bored. To please him, you need to show originality, be easy-going and ready to experiment. Sagittarius loves temperamental women, cheerful and spontaneous.
  7. Calf. He loves smart women, pleasant conversationalists, and is well versed in subtle aromas. Courteous, delicate Taurus knows how to charm girls. Appreciates femininity good manners, decency.
  8. Aquarius. Loves mysterious emotional women with peculiar hobbies and original style. Common views and interests can become the basis for a long-term alliance.
  9. Fish. You can't relax with them. Romantic and dreamy, they do not tolerate dictatorial relationships and vulgar manners, and are fond of esotericism. A Pisces man may like a cute dreamer and visionary.
  10. Scales. They value beauty and grooming very much, but do not like bad habits. Due to problems with self-esteem, Libra definitely needs to show that he likes him. It is not easy to achieve the love of such a man, but he is an ideal partner.
  11. A lion. To lure him, it is permissible to play cat and mouse. But this must be done subtly so as not to hurt pride. For noble Leos, appearance and developed intelligence are important, so you need to become a queen. Passionate beautiful woman can take over his heart. Leos strive to be leaders in everything; they cannot be forced or forced to do something or criticize.
  12. Twins. They prefer independent, freedom-loving women. To please Gemini, you cannot be intrusive and show your special interest. They value intelligence and subtle humor, and love to learn new things. Only by remaining a mystery woman can you win a loving Gemini.

Valuable advice from astrologers will help you better understand your chosen one and lead to a positive result - building harmonious relationships.

Attracting attention from a psychological point of view

Representatives of the stronger sex have their own weaknesses, which are useful for women to know about. Knowing some psychological characteristics, it will be easier to please, feel more confident in relationships:

  1. Men have to deal with refusals more often, because they are supposed to take the first step when dating. This requires courage and self-confidence. Therefore, indecisive guys need to give hints about their location.
  2. It is difficult for passive and ugly men to attract the attention of girls.
  3. Society values ​​success in love relationships. In male companies, it is customary to make fun of inexperienced and timid friends.
  4. It is not customary for men to ask for help in the art of communicating with the female sex. They can only envy their naturally sociable and charming rivals.
  5. Men worse than women understand people. Developed female intuition and social skills provide a great advantage in communication.

When thinking about how to make a man run after you, you should turn to psychology. The most important thing is that a girl should not be too accessible. All males are hunters by nature and love the excitement of chasing prey. You can’t immediately let your chosen one into your space. A woman should beckon, intrigue, appear and disappear again. Then she will become a long-awaited prize that will be difficult to give up.

The other extreme is excessive shyness. Modest girls who are afraid of everything and who are even difficult to persuade to go to the cinema are not very interested in modern guys.

Ways to make a man think about himself

You can't judge all men the same way. There are different ways to attract men of different statuses.

The monotonous everyday life of a married couple has a detrimental effect on passion. But a smart woman will find an opportunity to revive and diversify the relationship. There are many ways to do this:

  • go to some event together;
  • show interest in your husband’s work;
  • change of scenery in the marital bedroom;
  • arrange a romantic evening;
  • change the image.

By changing herself, a woman will notice that she will become interesting to other representatives of the stronger sex. Light flirting will not be cheating, but it will make it clear to the husband that he has a beautiful and desirable woman in whom even younger men are interested.

There is no need to give your spouse undue attention or control. However, it is necessary to take into account his wishes on various issues and learn to “read” your man. No scandals, hysterics, accept any gifts with joy and gratitude. Delicious dinner and the “hot sex” for dessert the husband will remember with pleasure during the next day.

A married lover is normal phenomenon modern life. There are women who prefer married partners. They value life experience, caring skills, and material wealth in such men. A girl with a beautiful, well-groomed appearance can attract and retain a married partner. She is smart and cheerful, with a sense of humor, not intrusive, moderately caring, and does not forget about her self-esteem.

Long distance relationship

Important! Women's and male psychology differ considerably. If girls in love can remember the object of their passion countless times throughout the day, then the male half focuses on specific current affairs. Men are not able to do several things at the same time.

Can you subtly remind young man about yourself with secret signs:

  1. Choose for yourself a subtle sensual scent that your partner likes. Hearing this smell in another place, he will certainly remember his beloved.
  2. If your loved one is absent long time, you can write SMS with pleasant reminders about the last date or good wishes, send your sad photo.
  3. A funny or practical trinket, a souvenir mug, an original keychain, presented as a keepsake, will be a subtle link to your relationship.
  4. Having chosen a code word, pronounce it at the peak moment of intimacy. Hearing this word in a different environment, the loved one will subconsciously tune in to pleasant memories.

If a distant loved one does not call for a long time, and the girl is completely desperate, then you can use esoteric knowledge, because the power of thought works wonders. You need to fully concentrate on the full-length image of a man, think like him, imagine the expression on his face. Then mentally combine the desired image and the phone into one whole. This completely harmless practice is successfully used by many people.

Another way to make a man bored at a distance is to mentally create an energy channel before going to bed, which rushes in warm streams towards your loved one and circles around him. Think about him, whisper nice words love - the beloved will definitely feel and hear. To some, such love practices may seem crazy, but they work.

Additional Information. At the peak of the highest pleasure, a man perceives information as emotionally as possible.

How to get your ex's attention

The relationship is a thing of the past, but the heart just doesn’t want to come to terms with the separation. How to get attention ex-man, is it possible to correct the situation? In any case, after a breakup, you need to take a break. Calm down, stop being nervous, develop an action plan:

  • become different;
  • stop suffering and yearning;
  • objectively assess the reason for the separation;
  • do appearance, lose weight if necessary;
  • change your wardrobe, hairstyle, hair color, that is, create a “new effect”.

If a former regular partner or husband turned out to be a traitor, was addicted to alcohol, or committed a disgusting act, then you need to think carefully before stepping on the same rake again. This good way completely ruin your life. In this case, it is better to run as far as possible from such a partner. In any case, a girl who wants to attract her beloved again should not be the first to approach for reconciliation. If she is to blame for the breakup, she can always correct the situation by simply apologizing for her mistakes.

If a woman is wondering how to make a man miss his previous relationship and want to be close, then jealousy will come to the rescue. This method has been tested many times and rarely fails. The possessive instinct will not allow a man to give his woman to his rival and lose her forever.

Having carefully prepared, you need to begin to catch the eye of your only one, as if by accident. You can make your exit extremely effective by knowing the habits and areas of interest of your ex.

On your page on social networks, where you have mutual friends, post numerous photos of girlfriends and friends. It won't be difficult to convince your ex of your turbulent love life. Perhaps a correspondence will begin, this will be the first step towards reconciliation.

You can, from old memory, ask for some kind of service, thank you, but communicate neutrally, without clarifying the relationship. Take a closer look at your ex-partner, how much his character has changed, and whether he has stopped drinking.

There are many ways to attract the attention of your beloved guy to yourself. Perhaps these tips will help women get rid of loneliness, and they will begin to attract worthy people into their lives.
