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Kanzashi for beginners: learning the basics and simple master classes. Kanzashi for beginners: learning the basics and simple master classes All types of kanzashi flowers

Kanzashi flowers have become very popular as hair decorations, and many craftswomen now have this as their favorite type of needlework. It is more correct to call them kanzashi - these are Japanese traditional women's hair ornaments. Kanzashi is worn with a kimono. And here they are used as bows for girls, and decorate dresses, bags, cards, hairbands and much more. These products are made from satin ribbons and decorated with beads, sparkles and rhinestones. Even ribbon embroidery can be done using the kanzashi technique. Our editors have put together simple and understandable lessons for you so that you can understand everything step by step. Watch our MK, and perhaps crafts using the kanzashi technique will become your favorite hobby.

Kanzashi is a technique for creating flower jewelry made from materials such as silk, organza, and satin. The first acquaintance with kanzashi, for those beginning to understand this type of needlework, may seem quite difficult. In fact, this technique is incredibly simple. Once you understand its basics, it will be impossible to stop.

Kanzashi is a technique for creating decorations from flowers made from materials such as silk, organza, satin

Studying any type of needlework begins with the basics, since only they help to master it to perfection. One of the most common types of kanzashi, tsumami, is based on only two types of petals: round and sharp, and everything else depends on the imagination and skill of the needlewoman.

DIY basic petals

To make petals you will need the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • ruler or centimeter;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • colorless glue (for example, Moment Crystal) or glue gun;
  • candle, lighter or matches (it is most convenient to work with a candle).

Learning any kind of needlework starts with the basics.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start creating the petal:

  1. Measure 5 cm from the tape and cut.
  2. Fold the resulting square diagonally to form a triangle.
  3. Next, fold both side ends alternately to the middle one so that you get a rhombus.
  4. Then fold the diamond in half along the back side, again creating a triangle.
  5. Now you need tweezers. They need to pinch the side of the petal that is crumbling.
  6. Trim the edge and singe it.
  7. That's all, the round petal is ready. After making a few more petals, you can collect them into a flower.

The sharp petal is made a little differently:

  1. To begin, cut out a square, measuring 5 cm from the tape.
  2. Next, it is folded in half diagonally, turning into a triangle, which also needs to be folded in half.
  3. You will end up with a smaller triangle that needs to be folded in half again.
  4. One corner of the resulting figure will have crumbling edges. It needs to be clamped with tweezers and scorched over the flame of a candle or lighter. The sharp petal is ready.

Having studied the basics of the technique and learned how to make basic petals, you can begin to make a wide variety of flowers: both simple and complex. At the very beginning, it is best to rely on master classes that describe in detail the entire process of making blanks and assembling.

Gallery: kanzashi (25 photos)

Triangular petal in a fold (video)

How to make the simplest kanzashi flower?

After making several basic petals, you can make one, albeit simple, but very beautiful flower.

The manufacturing process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Collection of petals is carried out using both glue and thread with a needle. Moreover, the second option is preferable, since it provides the most reliable adhesion between them.
  2. Decorating the back side of the flower involves gluing a base to it, suitable for further use. It can be felt or regular cardboard, covered with fabric that matches the color.
  3. Front side design. After collecting a flower, it is left with an open middle, which does not always look beautiful. You can hide it using various beads or other small details. They can be glued using either hot glue or Moment.

After making several basic petals, you can make one, albeit simple, but very beautiful flower.

After these stages, the flower is completely ready. It can be used as a decoration for a hair tie, headband, comb or brooch.

How to make a dahlia using kanzashi with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

A wide variety of flowers, including dahlias, are collected from satin ribbons. Moreover, the petals for them are folded in a slightly different way. Find out exactly how below.

For work, prepare the following materials:

  • satin ribbon 2.5 and 1.2 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue (Moment crystal or hot);
  • ruler;
  • candle;
  • a piece of felt.

A wide variety of flowers, including dahlias, are collected from satin ribbons

Step-by-step instructions for making a flower include:

  1. Preparation. At this step, blanks for the petals are made from tape. Rectangles 7 cm long are cut from a strip 2.5 cm wide, and rectangles 5 cm wide are cut from another strip. From 27 to 30 pieces are required for one flower. large rectangles and 16-20 pcs. little ones.
  2. Making petals. Take one of the rectangles with the wrong side facing you, and mentally divide it into three equal parts. Next, bend the left edge inward at an angle of 90º, with the apex of the corner being at the third point. Then you need to connect the top and bottom vertices by bending the left edge of the tape again. In this case, you should pay attention to its ends, they should converge. Next, on the front side of the resulting figure, fold the sides inward. Moreover, we bend the upper part slightly, but the lower part a little more (the side edges should meet in the center). Fix the edge of the petal with tweezers, and use a candle to scorch its ends. Do the rest of the flower petals in a similar way.
  3. Assembly. Take a piece of felt and cut out a circle with a diameter of 4 cm. The petals will be collected on it. And this is done like this: take one large petal, coat its lower corner from the wrong side, attach it to the felt base and press lightly. This is how the first circle is glued. The remaining petals are used for the second circle, and it is advisable to place their tops between the first petals. If after gluing the second circle you still have petals left, glue them to the wrong side of the base. This will make the first row of the flower more magnificent. Now all that remains is to attach the small petals. Their first row is glued to the central large petals, that is, they seem to be nested one inside the other. The remaining ones are evenly distributed inside the central circle of the felt base.
  4. Decoration. After all the petals of a flower are collected, its middle remains open. It can be covered with a bead, a nail or some other small decoration.

That's all, the dahlia flower using the kanzashi technique is completely ready.

Master class on the topic: how to make a kanzashi rose

Roses made in the Kanzashi style are almost as beautiful as real ones. Moreover, for their manufacture there are many different ways. In this master class you will learn one of them.

So, to work you will need:

  • two colors of satin ribbon 5 cm wide (green for the leaves and red, pink or any other for the rose itself);
  • glue gun;
  • thread with needle;
  • scissors;
  • lighter.

Today we will continue the theme of kanzashi and conduct another master class for beginners, with detailed step-by-step photos.

About the kanzashi technique for beginners

Today, various hand-made jewelry has become very fashionable. And they are made in such different techniques, that you are simply amazed, and your eyes run wide when choosing. One of the most popular is the kanzashi technique.

Let's not delve into the history of ancient Japanese art. This is not the main thing today. Once upon a time I, like many now, was in the forefront among beginners. I liked the art of weaving flowers from satin ribbons so much that the desire to master the technique became all-consuming. But where to start? How to create such beauty with your own hands?

Kanzashi for beginners - step by step

I wanted everything at once. But over time, I realized that there is no need to take on complex work from the very beginning. It's better to move forward in small steps. And then Kanzashi will submit. Petals of all types - this is what you need to learn how to do first. Then choose a simple flower and make a decoration for yourself.

I am sure that the first work will be the most beloved and memorable, because it was made with great diligence and pleasure.

Having completed several simple works, the level of complexity must be increased, not stand still, and develop. And after a while you will replenish your arsenal of jewelry and will even be able to make wonderful gift to my friend.

If you are a beginner kanzashi craftswoman and are just starting to master the technique of folding basic petals, then this master class on making a “Butterfly” hair decoration is just for you.

Materials for working with the kanzashi technique:

  1. glue gun;
  2. satin tape lilac color 5 cm wide;
  3. satin tape of blue color 5 cm wide;
  4. lilac satin ribbon with a pattern 4 cm wide;
  5. candle, lighter;
  6. tweezers or clothespin;
  7. pebble for decorating the middle;
  8. decorative stamens;
  9. scissors;
  10. crocodile clip (5 cm).

Step-by-step photo using the kanzashi technique, for beginners:

  1. Cut six squares of lilac ribbon 5cm wide and four squares of blue ribbon. Cut two squares from a 4 cm wide ribbon. Burn the edges of the ribbons so that they do not unravel while working.

  1. Next, from blue squares we form round petals. To do this, fold the blanks diagonally.

  1. Then we turn the upper and lower corners to the right angle.

  1. We open the workpiece. Secure the junction of the corners with a clothespin so that the petal does not fall apart. Set it aside.

  1. Take a square of lilac ribbon and fold it in half diagonally.

  1. Now fold again, connecting the top and bottom corners.

  1. We fold the workpiece a third time, placing a round petal inside.

  1. Trim the corners of the two petals together.

  1. Melt the fabric at the cut point. Press down on the joint with your fingers to secure it securely.

  1. Trim the bottom of the petal.

  1. Burn the edges of the cut so that the fabric does not fray during the process and in the future. You need to make 2 pieces of this type of petals.

  1. Now let's make a snail leaf. To do this, you need to fold two squares of different colors diagonally.

  1. Place them together and make one triangle.

  1. Roll one edge into a tube, fold it into a triangle and secure it in this position with glue.

  1. Place the resulting petal in an additional triangle.

  1. Make a double spicy kanzashi petal. Make another petal like this.

  1. From 4x4 cm patterned squares, make one round and one sharp petal. As a result, you should have six blanks in total: 2 snail leaves, 2 double petals, 1 sharp petal and a smaller round petal.

  1. We begin to collect the butterfly. First glue the small round piece together on the sides of the two double petals.

  1. The body of the butterfly will be a small sharp petal. Let's glue it.

  1. We also glue two snail leaf blanks on the sides.

  1. The junction of all the petals can be decorated with stone or rhinestone. Glue the stamens to the top round petal, which will serve as antennae.

  1. On the back of the butterfly, glue a hairpin.

The “Butterfly” hair decoration made using the kanzashi technique is ready!

That's our step-by-step master class in the kanzashi technique for beginners is ready. Isn't it simple? The main thing, as the famous cartoon character said: “Calmness! Just calm!” And also, patience and desire! And you will definitely succeed. Good luck with your creativity!

Japanese handicrafts always amaze with their originality and minimal costs. To create delightful masterpieces in style, the main tool is fabric and an incredible amount of painstaking work and perseverance.
IN Lately The flower has become a very popular accessory among all fashionistas. Most often it is made by hand using one of the handicraft techniques. Today I will tell you how to make a kanzashi rose at home with your own hands.

  • Two types of satin ribbons, 5 cm wide.
  • scissors
  • candle or lighter
  • tweezers
  • sewing pins
  • thread with needle.
The first step is to cut the ribbons into equal pieces. The width of each piece should be 5 cm and the length 10 cm.

In order to be able to work with the ribbons without loss, you need to melt their edges over a fire. Try to bring the edge to the lower level of the fire, so the material does not melt too much and does not become smoky. By the way, you need to bring the fabric to the fire with the wrong side down, so as not to leave streaks or traces of soot on the front.

To make my rose, I needed 18 pieces of fuchsia ribbon for the petals and 4 pieces of green ribbon for the leaves.
Let's start making petals. Place the ribbon vertically, wrong side up. Now, bend the upper right corner to the middle of the lower part.

We do the same with the left side.

We repeat the procedure with the left corner and secure the resulting “house” with a pin.

To create a flower you will need 22 petals: 18 pink and 4 green.

Now, let's collect everything in one tape. To do this, you will need a thread to match the outer petals (mine is green) and a long needle (preferably beaded). We sew the right half of the petal,

and on the left we put the right part of the second petal and sew them together.

Using this method, we collect all the prepared petals on a string.

Now we begin to twist the bud,

Gradually sewing them together with thread at the base.

When almost the entire flower is twisted,

you need to sew the entire base with an overcast stitch to secure the result.

We begin to gradually give our bud the correct shape; to do this, we bend the petals down one by one.

The result is a flower like this.

If we want to use it as a brooch, we need to attach a clasp to it. The ideal solution would be to simply use the base from an old unnecessary icon,

But you can design something similar yourself. To make it you will need 2 pieces of cardboard or plastic, scissors, glue and a regular pin. We make small cuts in the cardboard and carefully insert a pin into them so that the stationary part remains at the bottom.

Then we glue a second layer of cardboard for thickness.

Choosing a needlework technique that will be interesting and suitable for a particular craftswoman can only be done through trial and error. From this point of view, the oriental kanzashi technique, like no other, deserves to try your hand at it at least once.

History of Kanzashi

In Japan, where it came to us from this art, the term “kanzashi” (according to a more accurate transcription - “kanzashi”) refers to floral hair decorations. Hairpins, combs, headbands, and elastic bands decorated with flowers made from ribbons were usually worn with a kimono.

Japanese kanzashi often use precious and semi-precious materials, natural bone, and turtle shell. This was natural, since Japanese women did not wear any jewelry on their bodies. The more they wanted to decorate their hair.

Types of kanzashi

  • In Russia, Khana Kanzashi has become the most popular among needlewomen - these are kanzashi hair decorations created on the basis of hairpins, barrettes, headbands, combs and sticks. The base is decorated with flowers made from folded squares of various fabrics (satin, silk, organza). The second name for this type of kanzashi is Tsumami, from the Japanese word “to fold.” One piece of fabric is used for one petal. On the basis, each petal joins its comrade to eventually get a whole flower or flower arrangement. The sizes of flowers may vary, as well as color, shape, and material.
  • Tsumami subspecies - Shidare. These are decorations from which flowers hang on long threads or chains.

    Sometimes the flowers form a round kanzashi - it is called Kusudama.

The following varieties of kanzashi are less popular in our country as a type of needlework, but are found on sale, and the following varieties are also produced in large quantities in Japan:

    Combs - Kushi. Round scallops used to be made from turtle shell or bone; today, the base is increasingly made of plastic. Flowers are either attached to the wide part of the comb or a floral design is applied.

    Hairpin - Kanoko Dome. It practically belongs to precious jewelry, since the base is made of precious metals, jade or coral, and the ornament is made of pearls and semi-precious stones. In fact, this is a forked hairpin, which is good for pinning hair collected in a bun. The decoration is usually in the shape of a butterfly or flower.

    Wooden kanzashi - Hira Uchi. It can be a comb, a forked pin, or a thin long “needle”.

    Tama - round kanzashi. They do not consist of flowers, but of a solid circle made of plastic, metal, stone.

    Bira - differ from other types in that long chains are attached to the base, hanging from a hairpin or hairpin in a cascade. Looks very nice on your hair.

In Japan, only specially trained people undertake the production of such jewelry, who need to know exactly what, how and from what material can be made and what cannot be made. Kanzashi is considered the national pride and treasure of the country.

In Russia, kanzashi simply refers to interesting techniques creating jewelry and decor. Therefore, we have not only hair decorations, but also kanzashi boxes, kanzashi headbands, a kanzashi egg and even curtain garters made using this technique.

Kanzashi technique

Squares of fabric (it’s easiest to use satin or other ribbon cut into square pieces, since squares are not sold separately in stores) are folded in half using tweezers to form a triangle. It is folded twice more. To get a sharp kanzashi petal, the resulting triangle is cut from the bottom. It is more difficult to obtain a round kanzashi petal - to do this, the same square of fabric is folded in half, and the corners of the resulting triangle are raised up. This is how a rhombus is formed. It is bent in half, then bent in the middle, turning all the edges inward. After this, a circle is formed.

It is best to watch a master class on the kanzashi technique to see with your own eyes how to do it correctly.

Kanzashi petals master class video

Materials and tools for kanzashi

First of all, these are pieces of fabric: satin, satin, silk, organza. Accessories for kanzashi also include:

Tweezers. Without it, few people succeed in folding a tiny square, and more than once. You don't have to buy any special tweezers. You can use any one that is convenient for you to work with.

Sharp scissors for working with fabrics. It is better to have two types of scissors on hand - some large tailor's scissors to easily cut the ribbon into squares evenly, others with thin, short blades to trim the fabric and correct flaws.

Matches. A lighter is also suitable - they are needed to set the edge of the tape on fire in time and prevent it from turning into a fluffy fringe.

Fabric glue. Some people prefer to use a heat gun, which holds the petals together. It's a matter of taste and convenience.

Kanzashi templates. Without them, you will only be able to create the most simple decorations. Anything more complex requires the use of a template. True, very experienced craftsmen with a rich imagination claim that they can do without them.

Centers for kanzashi. These are various accessories that will act as the central part of your flower. For example, stones, brooches, figurines, etc.

Needle and thread. It is not always convenient to fasten a product with glue. Sometimes it's better to use a good old needle.

Other accessories. Nobody says that decoration should consist only of flowers. All sorts of interesting decorative gizmos, which are presented in abundance in sewing shops (and are probably lying around in any needlework box experienced craftswoman) will give patterned dyeing a touch of uniqueness and charm.

Basics for kanzashi. You will attach the flower petals somewhere. Here, you need base blanks in the form of the base of hairpins, hairpins, headbands, etc.

Selection of ribbons for kanzashi

Satin ribbons, presented in a wide variety on the shelves of specialized stores, differ not only in color, but also in width. The most popular among craftswomen are kanzashi made from 2.5 cm and 5 cm ribbon. Although you can also make kanzashi from grosgrain ribbon.

To decide exactly what length of tape you will need, you need to carefully listen to the craftswoman from the video master class - she usually says how much and what is needed. Or read the job description.

The main advice for beginners is not to take on complex elements. Start with flowers with a small number of petals. This will help you to be guaranteed success and not lose interest in kanzashi (which often happens when the first pancake comes out lumpy).

It is better to make round petals not from satin, but from silk or crepe-satin. These materials are much easier to bend.

Don't start with tapes either. light colors. The edges of the tape may darken as a result of cauterization, so until you master all the subtleties of the craft, opt for blue, purple, and dark green colors.

If you decide to work with organza, keep in mind that this material crumbles very quickly after cutting.

Flowers from kanzashi ribbons

As mentioned above, flower kanzashi are the most popular in Russia. Let's take a step-by-step look at several options for creating different, most impressive-looking flowers.

This volumetric flower looks very nice. To create it you will need:

    Ribbon 3-5 cm wide and at least 3 meters long (with a margin), ribbon color - white or yellow;

    Scissors, glue in a metal tube with a long spout, lighter, rubber band 15 cm long;

    The base fabric is quite dense, with non-fraying edges. For example, felt.

    Fishing line, beads.

Step-by-step description of creating a chrysanthemum using the kanzashi technique:

      We cut the tape into pieces 7 cm long. You need to make 50 such pieces (in general, you need a little less, but let there be a reserve).

      We bend the ribbons along the front side out.

      We cut one end of the bent petal at an angle and singe it with a lighter.

      We simply fasten the opposite corners together, overlapping and butting them. We also singe the edge of the tape.

      We turn all the ribbons into petals in the same way.

      We take our base with a diameter of 3 cm. We make two cuts and thread an elastic band through them. It should look like this:

Actually, we need an elastic band to subsequently secure the chrysanthemum in the hair. But after forming the finished flower, you can glue or sew to the felt a regular, undecorated hair tie to match the flower.

      Cut two pieces of 6 cm long from the fishing line. We glue three beads onto each one, as shown in the picture above.

      Glue the petals to the base. On rows 1-3 we glue 8 petals, on rows 4-5 6, on row 6 we glue 4 petals.

      We glue each subsequent row into the gap between the petals of the previous row.

      After the fifth row, we glue a fishing line with beads into the middle.

      In the middle of the sixth and final row we insert a beautiful brooch or large bead.

Tip: you can use petals different colors to get the original flower.

Lily Kanzashi

Rose Kanzashi master class

Required tools and materials:

    Satin ribbon 5 cm wide and 1 m long,

    Lighter, scissors, ruler,

  • Glue, toothpick.

Step 1. We cut the tape into 7 square pieces with a length and width of the square equal to 5 cm. Burn the edges.

Step 2. We bend each square diagonally and secure it at the top with a lighter.

Step 3. For the core of the future flower, fold one prepared petal with the corners down.

Step 4. We do the same with the other petals, only we bring the ends together not end to end, but leaving a small gap. We cut off the sharp corners at the bottom with scissors and burn them with matches or a lighter.

Step 5. Apply glue to the first, core petal. You can do this with a toothpick - the size of the petal is so small that you can ruin the product if you apply glue directly from the tube.

Step 6. We fold the petal as shown in the figure.

Step 7 We wrap the second petal firmly around the first petal, with glue also applied to it.

Step 8 After all the petals are glued on, the rose looks like a rose.

But you can add as many more petals as you like. To get a truly lush flower, you should add about 10 more petals.

Kanzashi - tulips

Perhaps the simplest flower that can be made using this technique.

So, we will need:

    Tape 2.5 cm wide.


Cut 4 squares from the ribbon. We form each into a classic sharp kanzashi petal.

Glue the petals together with a heat gun or glue.

We form a tube and secure the petals with glue so that they do not fall apart. The tulip is ready.

How a tulip can be used in decoration.

Easter kanzashi

Although the Japanese would hardly approve of it, in Russia they began to make far more than just hair jewelry using the kanzashi technique. Using basic fabric petals as building material, craftswomen receive a wide variety of products. For example, Easter eggs.

Kanzashi Easter egg

This cute Easter egg can be made using the kanzashi technique.

What you will need for this:

    Blue satin ribbon 3 cm wide. This egg will take about 300 petals. In total, we need 9 meters of tape.

    The base is an oval object covered with felt. For example, a wooden egg.

    The petals are formed as for a regular flower kanzashi. You need to glue them to the base from bottom to top. The order of arrangement is visible in the figure.

You can also make an Easter egg using this technique:

Other kanzashi for Easter

You can make a cute chicken. More precisely, chicken-themed refrigerator magnets.

You will need: yellow satin ribbon, scissors, matches, a small piece of red ribbon, pieces of black fabric, yellow fabric that does not fringe along the cut line. Well, the base is in the form of a round magnet. Thick cardboard is glued onto it, and felt onto the cardboard. The petals are already glued to the felt. You can also take a convex semi-oval as a base, for example, from the same thick cardboard. Then the chicken will be voluminous.

You can also make an entire Easter composition using the kanzashi technique. For example, this one:

Kanzashi by May 9

You can decorate clothes or hair for the Victory Day in the kanzashi style - simple, impressive, unusual.

Brooch in kanzashi style for May 9

The simplest thing you can do for this holiday is a beautiful brooch that can be attached to your clothes. St. George's ribbon.

Most easy option for beginners, in its final form it will look like this:

What you will need:

    Red or orange satin ribbon 5 cm wide,

    A small piece of black felt

    Scissors, matches,

    Base for a brooch (a piece of metal with a needle-clasp at the bottom - you can disassemble an old brooch or look for a base-blank in stores),

    St. George Ribbon.

The procedure will be as follows:

        Cut the ribbon into 7 squares.

        Fold each square diagonally.

        We raise the corners of the resulting triangle to the top.

        Cut off the corners formed to the right and left of the petal. We burn the edge with matches. You will get petals like this:

        Cut out a small circle from felt. Glue the petals onto it.

        We sew or glue the core into the center.

You can make a slightly more complex, but much more impressive-looking version of the brooch. Like this:

You will need ribbons of three colors.

Step 1. Forming petals.

Step 2. Glue the required number of petals (count how many there are in the photo of the brooch you liked) to the base - a piece of thick fabric (you can take felt, as in the first case), round or oval.

Step 3. Decorate the brooch with rhinestones and a festive white bow (optional).

This is the kind of beauty you can get in the kanzashi style if you make it from St. George’s ribbon. So, the required tools and materials:

    St. George Ribbon,

    Scissors, tweezers, glue,

    Ruler, lighter.

    Metal clasp for a brooch.

The order of work is as follows:

          We cut the St. George ribbon into square pieces.

          We fold each piece several times, as shown in the pictures:

A) at an angle

B) From right to left

IN) Half again

G) We cut off the excess and burn it with matches.

          The finished petal blanks should look like this:

          Now we take a St. George ribbon 20 cm long. We cut the edges of the ribbon inward at an acute angle to get beautiful forked sections. To prevent the cut from becoming fringed, we burn its edges.

On the wrong side of the ribbon we attach a clasp for the brooch to it.

          We collect the petals into a flower, gluing them to the brooch. The core can be decorated with a bead or pebble.

          You have a ribbon with a brooch, as in the picture above.

After you have mastered simple kanzashi, you can begin to implement more complex, interesting ideas.

Beautiful curtains - a beautiful pick-up. How do you like this option:

To bring this idea to life you will need:

    Satin ribbons of any shades (to match the curtains or contrasting ones - your choice). The width of the tapes should be 5 cm.

    White or cream ribbon 1 cm wide.

    Old, unnecessary, but intact CDs.

    Scissors, tweezers, ruler.

    Fishing line and beads.


1. Cut out the middle of the disks, leaving 1.5 cm at the edges.

2. Prepare the petals. We will need sharp petals of different colors.

3. From some of the petals we form buds, gluing together three petals in each. Make 5 of these buds.

4. Form a flower from five petals and several stamens.

5. For the stamens we need fishing line and beads. We string two beads on each small piece of fishing line (one at both ends). Bend the stamens in half.

6. Wrap a rim of larger diameter cut from a disk with a thin light satin ribbon. 20 petals of two different colors are glued onto it in pairs, as indicated in the figure.

Please note that these petals are folded differently - simply in half, from triangular blanks.

7. Glue flowers between the leaves. On the sides there are satin buds. We decorate the top of the disc with a braid woven from satin ribbons.

Kanzashi headband master class

Not only flowers, but also berries can be made from satin ribbons. So, to create a blackberry (or raspberry) you will need:

    Round pieces of tape with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm,


    Scissors, needle and thread to match the ribbon.

    Green satin ribbon 5 cm wide.

    A piece of felt.


  1. Using a needle and thread, we form small ball-bags from the circles. Like these ones:

    There should be 7 such circles in total.

    We collect them together like beads using the same thread and needle.

    As a result, we get this berry

  1. We cut the green ribbon into squares and form them into round kanzashi petals. 7-10 petals are enough.

    We cut out a round base from felt, attach green petals to it, and glue our blackberry to the center.

Tips: if you take a red ribbon, you will get a juicy raspberry, which can be made using the same pattern. And if you are planning to decorate something other than a rubber band with a berry, then you don’t need felt - the leaves with blackberries can be sewn or glued directly to the finished product.

Satin ribbons are one of the most affordable and effective materials, loved and used by many needlewomen. And this is not surprising, because the atlas proper care can be very durable, which means that products made from it will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

In addition, its consumption during operation is quite small, and the process of manufacturing all kinds of original accessories, exclusive interior decorations, decorative elements or unusual gifts‒ simple and accessible even for beginners.

If you haven't worked with ribbons yet, give it a try and see how easy and beautiful it can be. Moreover, there are many master classes instructing in detail how to make it yourself various crafts from ribbons.

“Ribbon creativity,” in addition to its originality and beauty, also attracts with its diversity, because satin ribbons can be used both to make simple trinkets and to create real masterpieces or objects of art.

For example, here are the most simple options ribbon crafts that even your child can make:

  • bows or flowers - these can be hair clips, decoration for a hoop, brooches, etc.;
  • baubles and bracelets;
  • various decorations for decorating gifts or home interiors - flowers, figurines, animals.

Crafts made from ribbons can also be complex, made using various well-known techniques (“kanzashi”, “artichoke” and others):

  • satin ribbons they embroider entire panels and paintings and make aromatic sachets out of them;
  • they are used to decorate Easter eggs and wedding paraphernalia - making bouquets, decorating wine glasses, gift bottles champagne, ring cushions, etc.;
  • Using ribbons and soap with your own hands, you can create entire baskets with flowers that will decorate any interior or make an excellent gift.

And these are not all possible crafts made from this material. For inspiration, you can use existing ideas in master classes or come up with something special of your own.

Satin ribbon rose

Of course, you can start with the simplest thing. To easily make unusual and complex things, you need to understand the basic techniques for creating products from satin ribbons. And the best way to see this is step by step in the master class.

Step by step description

  1. Although tulips, dandelions, hyacinths, primroses, and many other flowers are rolled from ribbons, the most popular flower among craftswomen is the rose. Roses are most often made using the kanzashi technique. For the flower, choose a ribbon of the desired color five centimeters wide. Cut the edge of the tape evenly and melt it with a lighter so that it does not fray. After this, place the ribbon so that its wrong side is facing up.
  2. Fold the upper left corner down (in the pictures of the master class there are arrows and the fold lines are indicated by dotted lines), and fold the lower left corner to the right twice.
  3. Take a needle and thread of the same color as your ribbon. Secure the resulting fold (the thread should be long, because you will then have to stitch the entire tape).
  4. Connect the two layers of ribbon by stitching from the fixed place to the right (there should be about one or two millimeters from the edge) and stop at the edge of the top ribbon.
  5. Fold the long edge of the ribbon to the left (in the direction of the arrow), and then the entire ribbon up to the right at an angle.
  6. Make sure that the right sides match and you have three layers. Sew them together, working upwards from the bottom corner. Then stop, but do not cut the thread, but tuck the ribbon down, as shown by the dotted line in the photo master class.
  7. Then turn it at an angle to the left and stitch again, only to the left along the top edge. Having connected the three layers, turn the ribbon in the direction of the arrow to the right, then at an angle downwards, and continue stitching.
  8. When there are already enough pleats (this will take approximately fifty centimeters of tape), sew stitches along the edge of the last of them, capturing two layers. Trim off the excess material and melt it with fire, but leave the thread.
  9. Tighten the thread and you will get a whole row of petals. Start forming a bud. The first petal must be made from the very beginning of the ribbon, pulling the thread where you secured the two folds. Twist it around these folds and you will have the center of the flower.
  10. Take another needle and thread and pull the bottom edges of the petals together. Then form a second petal, twist it onto the bud and hem it at the bottom in the same way.
  11. Continue on the same principle, adjusting the petals using thread tension. If you get a larger gathering on the bud, then your rose will be larger, looking like a blossom beautiful flower. Or you can do a little tension, and then a delicate bud will come out.
  12. Then twist the thread to the end and hem each petal from below. Carefully secure and trim the thread. Spread your flower.

Depending on how you want to use the rose, its bottom can be sealed with a piece of felt or ribbon, sewn to leaves, attached to a safety pin (for a brooch), a hairpin or hoop, etc. So delicate and beautiful product will be a great decoration or gift for spring holidays like March 8th.

Little roses - simple

Ribbon poppy

In the master classes there are other ways to create various flowers with your own hands. For example, you can separately cut many parts from satin ribbon, shaped like leaves and petals. Then burn them, form a flower and glue the elements together, decorating them with beads or sequins.

Ribbon lily - photo MK

Bride's bouquet of ribbons

The made flowers can then be sewn onto fabric or embroidered with satin ribbons directly on the canvas, making various paintings and panels. Using the same technique, it's easy to make many roses for wedding bouquet brides All that remains is to make the base on which the flowers will be attached.

Easter eggs with ribbon decor

Wanting to decorate Easter eggs, you can either simply cover the workpiece with fabric and then decorate it with flowers or ribbon bows, or use the “artichoke” technique - fold ribbons of different colors in the manner fish scales and glue them to the surface of the egg.

You can paste over balls in a similar way, and then you will get original ones. Christmas decorations or just interior decorations.

Ribbon basket for a bouquet

To make an unusual basket, take a piece of oval soap and attach it in a circle safety pins above and below (their number should be the same, and they should be placed on the soap at a distance of approximately six to eight millimeters from each other - just stick them into a piece of soap).

Then take a ribbon (not very wide - about one to two centimeters), secure one edge with a pin and braid the walls of the basket as follows: hook the ribbon to the top pin, then lower it down, hook it to the bottom one and lift it up, continuing further until all walls will not be braided.

You will have a long end left at the bottom - you will need it to braid the bottom edge and form the side. Then you will need to move it up to decorate the top edge. Use the remaining ends of the ribbon to create a bow. Use wire to make a basket and a handle and braid it with a ribbon of the same color or make an assembly out of it.

Attach the ends of the handle to the soap and decorate the basket. You can put primroses in it and give it to a friend or mother on March 8, or decorate it in any other way.

Making such beautiful and unusual crafts– a great way to show your imagination and creativity and make nice gifts for yourself or loved ones.

Video master classes