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When is the jam day? Entertainment scenario “Day of tasty and healthy jam”

Galina Fedoruk
Entertainment scenario “Day of Tasty and Healthy Jam”

Entertainment« Day of delicious and healthy jam» . Senior group

Target: Bring children joy and pleasure from the holiday.

Tasks: continue development friendly relations between children;

develop a sense of self-confidence, determination and communication skills when communicating with peers; cultivate friendliness and joy for friends; promote active communication between parents.

Move entertainment: (children stand on the carpet)


Who will answer why?

Everything around is so beautiful

And where you won't look

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other

Guys, please tell me what every person needs for his health? (answers children: temper yourself, maintain personal hygiene, play sports, eat healthy, etc. d.)

What sports do you know? (children's answers)

Let's sing and have fun

Play noisy games

In the meantime, I suggest everyone

To welcome guests at the holiday.

(Moms enter)

Moms: Hello guys!

1 Mom:

We came to visit you, but not empty-handed. But guess what we brought, guess for yourself.

Grandmother cooks from berries

Something delicious food for the year.

Oh, what gluttony -

Fragrant. (jam)


Well done! Now, guess what kind of berries they cook from? jam.

Collect sweet berries

For save some jam,

For colds, for sore throats

Will tea help us? - WITH. (Raspberries)

On a hot sunny day

A light appeared in the garden!

Don't be afraid, look

What kind of berry? (Strawberry)

Ripe, sweet,

Red, fragrant:

Strawberries grow in the garden,

What's in the forest? (Strawberry)

Fruit on the branches here and there


On we have enough jam

Harvest this. (Plum)

Tender berry

Blue-black sweet,

Eat and know -

Don't get your hands dirty! (Blueberry)

small tree: in spring -

He puts on a veil and stands in white,

And summer will come - with beads

Will be dressed, who is it? (Cherry)


Well done boys! You guessed everything correctly.


What berries is it brewed from? jam, you already know, but now I invite you to sit on chairs and listen to our mothers. Moms will tell you how to cook it correctly (stories from mothers)


Song: « Jam» from the cartoon Masha and the Bear (girl's performance accompanied by a soundtrack).


Guys, please tell me jam is good for health? What is it healthy? Do you know which berry is the largest? What else can you cook with? jam? Which cartoon character did you like? boiling more than anything else?

Today our girls have prepared a surprise. They will show you what outfits can look like using berries.

Fashion show "Clothes with berries"


Let's give our girls a round of applause. It's time play:

Ball game “Name the berries and fruits)”


Guys! And I have some kind of riddle that got lost and remains unsolved, listen Please:

Stands on four legs

There is an alluring smell on it. (table)

And it's time for us to taste our treat.

Publications on the topic:

Summer is over, gloomy days ahead autumn days! To recharge your summer energy, drink tea with aromatic apple jam! Apples for.

Scenario for the holiday “Jam Day!” Presenter: Who will answer why everything around is so beautiful And where we don’t look - On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend! It's a lot of fun today, the songs are loud.

Healing raspberry, fragrant currant, emerald gooseberry. ...What does mulberry or eggplant jam look like? Find out the answer to.

Another summer holiday"Jam Day" Misha and Masha came to us for the holiday. We sang, danced, did exercises. And also decorated for.

(about the benefits of the berry and a master class on making raspberry jam) I pick juicy, sweet raspberries from the branches and put them in a basket.

The summer season is slowly coming to an end and it’s time to harvest part of the harvest. This year, a lot of pears ripened at my dacha. Exists.

The autumn family festival “Jam Day” was held at the ethnographic complex “Chochur Muran”.Yakut residents were looking forward to the berry festival. This is the fourth year now Citizens, entrepreneurs and non-profit public organizations take part in a charity fair where delicious homemade jams are exhibited. Read more about the holiday in our photo report.

“Jam Day” has always been famous for its rich and interesting program. The townspeople took part in the brewing and tasting of the largest Assorted jam, played in competitions, and listened to a concert. At the charity exhibition-fair we purchased delicious homemade jams and attended a culinary master class by the famous chef Semyon Tarbakhov. The organizers treated all the guests of the holiday to a sweet pie from the Chochur Muran restaurant and warm tea, and at the master class, venison with lingonberry sauce.

Famous performer Dmitry Potapov opened the “Varenya Day” festival. Yakutians love his songs and the mood that he gives to his listeners.
The main treat of the holiday is Assorted jam. Strawberries, lingonberries, currants and other flavors were combined in the main festival recipe.
Chef Semyon Tarbakhov conducts a culinary master class. He tells how to cook venison in lingonberry sauce.

If we recall the history of the festival, the first event took place in 2015. Initially, the holiday was conceived as the birthday of the Chochur Muran ethnographic complex and the Kharyskhal charitable foundation. Over time, the festival has become an annual brand, and every year the organizers collect more and more applications. Students from city schools, non-profit public organizations, creative studios, entrepreneurs and citizens took part in the fair. The festival is dedicated to charity, and 50,000 rubles were collected through joint efforts.

The charity fair presented 44 types of homemade jam. Participants presented not only classic tastes, but also exotic recipes from pumpkin, kiwi, hawthorn and even pine cones.
The inclusive ensemble of drummers from the RS(K)SH-I “Tiginet” delighted the Yakut residents with their performance. Everyone is familiar with a talented children's group whose rhythms reflect the sounds of our traditions.

Inna Prokopyeva, organizer of the Jam Day festival:

Jam Day is a good day autumn holiday, which conveys ancient traditions and provides a cozy area for family recreation. It's nice to hear positive feedback about the festival. After all, this is precisely why we hold the holiday, so that the townspeople can relax and have a good time.

Misha Kotelnikov, festival participant:

Alesya Kondratyeva, motherDaniila -festival winnerin the category “Unexpected taste - fantasy”:

Daniil looks forward to “Jam Day” every year. He began preparing for his favorite festival a week in advance and excitedly helped me with the preparations. During the week we sewed a costume for the competition, made jam, selected beautiful jars and drew labels. This year we presented jam with pumpkin and almonds. Many were surprised by the unusual combination and sweet taste. We love this autumn holiday. It charges with positive energy and was invented for charitable purposes. All funds raised through the joint efforts of participants will be used to help children with disabilities and children with limited health capabilities. It's nice that we can not only serve delicious jam, but also help children.

The holiday gave all participants and guests a lot of laughter and bright emotions.
The most beautiful berry of the festival.

The little guests of the festival were entertained by animator Anzhelika Dzhualova. The children danced together to the rhythms of modern music and laughed merrily with Lika.
The festival also presented musical performances. The girls performed their first cover. Listeners noted the beautiful voice of the soloist and the gentle rhythm of the melody.

"Jam Day" is special holiday. Delicious jams, old recipes, lots of fun, live music, and everything is made with love.
We will be glad to see you next year on Jam Day :)

Text and photo Victoria Koryakina

Raspberry jam is not only healthy, but also very tasty. All over the world, thousands of fans annually make jam from miniature raspberries and hold tastings in mid-August. After all, how can we keep our immunity normal when in the fall and winter nature presents us with not very pleasant surprises in the form of piercingly cold rains, snow and blizzards, which negatively affect our well-being. Raspberry jam acts as an anti-cold remedy; it is added to culinary masterpieces and eaten simply for pleasure.


The holiday itself, Raspberry Jam Day, appeared only in 2015 under the leadership of the online culinary community. When choosing a day to celebrate such a wonderful holiday, enthusiasts relied on historical data. After all, since the last century, such a holiday as Malinnik came to us. In Rus', it was traditionally celebrated annually on August 16th. The holiday was dedicated to the berry, which fed our ancestors along with other gifts of the forest. After all, even then, in the distant past, our ancestors had heard a lot about the benefits of raspberry jam, its healing properties. Therefore, after waiting for the berries to become completely ripe, they processed them and sealed the jam. This period fell exactly in mid-August, hence the date of the celebration of Malinnik.

Raspberry Jam Day is truly a Slavic holiday, because only our lands are famous for their fertility, and the climate is most suitable for the growth of raspberry bushes, which are enough to treat every family with a jar of ready-made jam.


According to tradition, on this day there is a tasting of only brewed raspberry jam. Neighbors, friends and family gather around the same table for tea, sharing their own recipes for the best jam. For the holiday they make jam from:

  1. Homemade baked goods (pies, pies).
  2. Dessert.
  3. Served in pure form for tea.
  4. Add to sweet dishes (porridge).

In big cities, many cafes and restaurants offer you to try their own culinary masterpieces based on raspberry jam. There are fairs and competitive programs in the central squares of cities.

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"They carry jam on saucers
With one spoon for everyone."

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Making jam is not just preparing vitamin-rich sweets. This is a special ritual, kitchen magic. Once upon a time, not a single tea party in Rus' was complete without jam.

Who and when was the first to make jam is unknown. It seems that it has been brewed in Rus' for centuries. Historians are inclined to believe that making jam is a Russian national tradition. There is another guess that the Eastern Slavs adopted the tradition of making jam from the Finno-Ugric tribes. One way or another, jam has existed for hundreds of years.

It was customary to start making each jam on certain days. For example, July 24 (to folk calendar day of Ofimya the Komarnitsa or Efimya Stozharnitsa) the cooking of raspberry jam began. Since there was no sugar in Rus', and sugar imported from abroad was very expensive, honey was used when making jam.
And in the old days, jam was made without honey at all, boiling the berries until thick, for 5-6 hours until the original volume was reduced by 6-10 times. They did this without open fire, heating a Russian stove, which is capable of holding high temperature during few hours.

In the 19th century in Russia, the skill of making jam was put on par with the ability to sing, draw, and play the piano.
Girls from decent families were taught the art of making jam in boarding schools and institutes for noble maidens. Catherine II was a big fan of gooseberry jam. A.S. also loved him. Pushkin. But Ivan the Terrible loved cucumber jam...

Nowadays, there are diligent housewives who make jam according to ancient recipes, but not in the oven, but in the oven.
You need to cook it in several stages. First the berries are boiled
in an enamel pan on the stove, over low heat, until the volume
will not decrease by two or three times. Then the jam is placed in the oven
and boiled until it decreases by 6-8 times, depending on the sugar content of a particular berry.

Centuries have passed, but housewives still cook this ancient Russian delicacy. And still the aroma spreading throughout the apartment
freshly made jam fills the house with comfort.

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