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When is Maria's name day? All days of the angel according to the church calendar. Masha's birthday, congratulations to Maria Congratulations on the day of the angel of Maria's mother

Masha, Mashenka, Maria,
Accept congratulations
With a kind, gentle smile
Meet every new day.

Let the angel hide from troubles
Take care of you with a wing
Holy Mother of God
May he always keep your home.

Faith will give you strength
Let the light of hope shine
And all your life, Maria,
Let love not leave.

The day seems to be created today
For gifts and flowers.
Congratulate you Maria
The whole world is already ready.

I wish you now
To make your dreams come true
So that with luck and success
You always walked through life.

May love give affection
Faith, tenderness and warmth.
So that you live as if in a fairy tale
To bring good to the world.

Dear Mashenka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I would like to wish you joyful surprises and pleasant surprises in life, great mood and excellent health, self-confidence and blooming beauty, eternal love and sincere happiness.

The name of the fairy princess,
Clever beauties
Our Masha wears proudly,
Everyone in the world likes it.

Let me lead you through life
Only the right route,
And adversity and misfortune
They will go around.

Let the sun shine brightly
Over your head
And in the forecast they expect
Only smiles and love!

Masha, Manechka, Maria,
A sensitive, kind person,
You are happy with any weather:
Outside the window, even rain, even snow.

Our Masha knows for sure
That you shouldn't be discouraged.
The mood is
Impossible to lose.

We wish you, Masha,
Only loyal friends.
Be beautiful and happy.
And don't you dare to change!

Masha, I want to tell you
That you should always be happy
Make your dreams come true!
I wish you to be loved and to love!

Let there be many colorful moments
And let the joy cover your head!
I wish you new achievements
Good luck may always be with you!

Masha, Mashenka, Maria,
You are as beautiful as the element!
So decisive, brave
Even in anger she is good.
You always decide everything yourself
You do not admit weakness.
We respect your activity,
We all adore you.
Know that we miss you
If we don't meet for a long time!

Mashenka, Maria,
Congratulations affectionately
And I wish you love
Clean and large.
To make life love
So that I do not lose heart
The world to admire
Only you alone.
Sweet and kind
Affectionate, gentle,
You are generous to everyone around
You distribute the good.
Happiness to you in life
And endless warmth
To go through life
Simple and easy.

Today, dear Masha,
Seize the pleasant moments!
There is no one in the world more beautiful
Only for you all the compliments!
Let your eyes shine
A smile blooms on our lips!
May the world give colored paints
And everything that was only in dreams
Easily come true!
Let the soul sing with happiness
And the heart will beat loudly
After all, life is insanely good!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, you Maria,
As much kindness as possible in life,
And always be happy in euphoria,
It is easy to make dreams come true!

Let there be a lot of smiles
Fun, sun, joy, warmth,
I wish you only a colored mood
So that you bloom like a flower!

Maria, be always light
Be young and cheerful
Be the best on the planet
Be the kindest you always.

I wish you a lot of happiness
Good luck, money and love.
I wish you to be always beautiful
I wish you a lot of kindness.

Let them come true sooner
All your wildest dreams
May any difficulties be bold
You will simply overcome.

The meaning of the name Mary: mistress (in Orthodox sources), sad or rejected (in the meaning of biblical sources)
The origin of the name Maria: ambiguous interpretations of origin - there is the most common judgment about the origin of the name from the Hebrew Mariam or Miriam.
Close people affectionately call Masha, Mashenka, Mashunya, Manya, Mashulya, Masya, Mari.
Women with this name are economic and confident, differ in their firmness of character and sincerity in their perception of what is happening. Perfect housewives and caring mothers who are ready for anything for their children. This holiday will be decorated with your congratulations to Mary on her birthday with beautiful words that you can pick up on our website. Dozens of congratulations on Angel Day in verses personally for Mary, hundreds of thematic, more general and universal congratulations to a woman, will help you easily prepare and make the holiday "hero of the occasion" brighter and more memorable. Give the birthday girl a little more joy and happiness, make her a pleasant surprise with beautiful verses, or order Maria's birthday greetings on your phone in the form of an audio postcard that will be delivered directly to the recipient's cell phone.
Beautiful congratulations to Mary on her birthday and name day in verses are collected on our website. Touching words of honor and wishes on this holiday will make Mary even a little happier and bring a lot of joy.

Happy birthday to Maria

Mary, angel in flesh
Let me congratulate you again
May dreams come true again
You will rule the ball again.
On your birthday, you are cute
Smart, beautiful and beautiful
Let everyone remember for centuries
You are wonderful, like a fairy tale in childhood.

Dear Masha, you are not more beautiful!
The blue sky dims before you,
And the sun dims, and the ray fades ...
You, Maria, are super, you have no better!
Lips, like rubies, like diamonds - eyes,
Silk braids - you are very beautiful!
You are luck itself, you are luck itself
What does all this mean?
Masha has a birthday!

Congratulations to Maria

Dear Masha, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you health, happiness,
So that only best friends are around!

So that everything is fine in your personal life,
And the sun shone your smile every day
May there be more bright days in life
And there will be very, very few blacks!

Mashenka, Maria - the sun in her eyes.
A smile on my face, a name on my lips.
Again on my birthday I bring flowers.
Because you are the main one in this world.
Sweetheart, beloved, affectionate, gentle.
Warm, capricious, snow queen.

Congratulations in the verses of Mary

Beautiful Mary on her birthday
We wish you good luck.
We also wish you a mountain of happiness
And so as not to recognize adversity.

We wish you all success
Love, health and warmth.
Stay the same perfect
As we see you today.

We wish you to be always beautiful
Lovely as a dove at dawn
Be the most cordial and sincere,
Like a candle light shines in the night.

Happy birthday Maria - beautiful congratulations!

Mary, our magical and enchanting virgin,
We are drunk with our beauty,
Accept congratulations without embarrassment,
Today is your birthday.
We wish you many years of active life
And on the Olympus of beauty, kings are forever.
May you always have one victory
Your path will be inspired by success in life,
And it is very important, as for every queen
Let your king be always in love with you. (FROM)

Magic name Maria
It came to us from ancient times.
Underneath the domes are golden
And sweet raspberry ringing.
Maria is beautiful singing
Your name is like music.
Today is your birthday
And let the crows not circle
Over the glorious dove Masha,
Let the dove fly in love.
Please accept our congratulations,
Today the whole world is for you.

Maria's birthday - congratulations

Today is Maria's birthday.
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate her.
Gifts for Masha look forward
Friends want to present solemnly.

So let Masha on her birthday
Gifts will be flooded with flowers
And they will wish beauty Masha all that
What friends can only wish for.

I am in a hurry to congratulate Maria,
This is immensely important to me
I value relationships
And I want to develop them by all means.
I've never met such -
Like the sun in a shady valley
So Mary entered the world of the heart,
And she warmed him gently, quickly.
I wish Mary to love
And get healed in love,
I wish Mary to live like this
To be happy in every moment.

Happy birthday to Maria

We congratulate you, Masha,
With such a wonderful day in fate!
Mary - Our Lady -
We sing a hymn to you today!

We confess our love to Masha again:
You are younger, brighter;
Smarter, more fun, more beautiful
On the farthest planet!

God says: Give flowers to her-
She made it possible to live!
And we want a hundred years with Maria-
Happy and dear - to be friends!

Maria, you won't be recognized on your birthday!
Health, success, love and luck!
Let joy fill a happy life!
You keep the bird of luck by the tail!

Then the heart will overflow with warmth,
Happiness will open closed doors!
And it will certainly become easy in the soul!
Like a swallow you will fly high!

And the sky caresses on soft palms
Granting a magical sense of peace.
Warm with warmth, the kindness of the element
You are the best in the world, Maria!

Congratulations to Maria

There is no name day in life more beautiful,
Birthday is the best!
Although it happens in our life
Many different milestones.
Oh Maria, just Masha,
I hasten to congratulate you!
May our friendship grow stronger
In the charm of wonderful eyes!
Alas, there are many meetings in life,
And the temptations in it are countless,
Our meeting became the main one -
Masha is in the world!
And now everything is in your power!
Let the fire burn in blood!
And I know our happiness
In strong friendship and love!

Birthday congratulations Maria

Dear and dear girl Masha!
Happy birthday, heartily to you!
Our beautiful and clever girl,
Please accept our congratulations, loving.

Friends, we wish the closest, real,
Love big, forever true, like in the movies
We wish you brilliant success
And the warmth of the people close to you. (FROM)

Happy birthday greetings to the girl Maria

You are fun today
Dear Masha,
So smiling, kind,
That you will not find more beautiful.
Keep the mood
For centuries this.
And do not exchange for evil
Kind, dear.

Funny congratulations to Maria

Happy birthday, dear Maria!
You were definitely born for happiness,
So let the sorrow pass by
From the same holiday.
Let love and joy fill
All your roads and paths.
We wish you with all our hearts
To make your dreams come true!

Birthday greetings with the name Maria

Happy birthday Maria,
You are beautiful as always.
Let the trouble pass by
Will not come back here.
Let to Mary, like the sun,
Happiness comes to the house, peace,
And Mary will smile
Received the light of hope.
How I love a smile
On her own face!
Happiness is close, very close
I can already hear his step.

We hope you were able to choose from many options the best Mary's birthday greetings that are most suitable for your occasion. If that doesn't work, try looking at the relevant verses in similar sections. Links to such pages are given at the bottom of this page in the "Similar congratulations" section. Another great way to make a pleasant surprise for a birthday girl is to send her a beautiful musical greeting card directly to her phone with songs, poems or the voice of one of the famous people. Such a musical gift will undoubtedly become a pleasant surprise and delight the birthday girl. You can order a music audio gift quickly, easily and inexpensively. And your congratulations to Maria on her birthday will undoubtedly be the decoration of this holiday!

The name of Mary is one of the most common in our country. Its owners are incredibly lucky, because they can celebrate their name days an incredible number of times a year. In total, there are more than forty holidays associated with this name. However, given that there are certain rules according to which it is not customary to name girls in honor of the Blessed Virgin, then, excluding about a dozen dates, we get thirty-eight days associated with a variety of representatives of the Orthodox Church, who were called Mary.

Mary's birthday according to the church calendar

When is the day of the angel Mary according to the church calendar? The most popular and famous are the following dates:

What does this name mean?

Many parents give such a name to their daughter, not only because the child was born on a holy date close to the commemoration day. "Maria" is an ancient and beautiful name, and girls who wear it often have a number of attractive qualities, including thrift and wisdom.

Its origins come from the Hebrew language. In girls with this name, everything is very harmonious: moderate severity is intertwined with kindness and cordiality, their character is sometimes contradictory. Mary is emotional, even too much, but they know how to hide all their feelings. They care about others, empathize with everyone, are distinguished by exceptional trust and a desire to help at any moment.

The girls named by this name have a well-organized consciousness, they study well: they are easily given both the humanities and the exact sciences. Mary is very creative people. Even in early childhood, they show the ability to write and versification, as well as painting. It is important to contribute to the development of the child's talents, otherwise the energy that will not receive an outlet will turn into problems with the nervous system.

There are no health problems in girls, however, according to statistics, most of the owners of this beautiful name have some problems in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract. This means that they need to pay special attention to their diet and daily diet, and in rare cases, they may need a strict diet to avoid health problems and allergic reactions of the body.

The main thing for Mary is family. She loves her children and will be able to raise them to be really good people. Her house, in which they like to receive guests, is always kept in order and cleanliness. Mary is well cooked, taught and delighted to make people a little happier.

All memorable dates dedicated to this name

How wonderful Maria is
On your holiday
She is beautiful like a goddess
That a shadow never touches.

How sweet our Maria is,
How beautiful and tender
And like the ringing laugh of Mary,
Like spring rays.

Congratulations! The day is yours!
Have fun, do not know sadness
Many smiles along the way
So that they always inspire.

Happy birthday dear! Happy birthday, Maria! Well, now, we are all gathered here to show you our love and our care. Accept from us only sincere words and good wishes. Let the sun shine brighter from day to day, let the wind play with your hair, let the flowers give their scent, let the heavens always be studded with stars. Happy Holidays, dear!

How bright the sun shines
How beautiful the heavens are
And here is the girl at the window,
Like a radiant star!

Our Mary is like an angel
As if she is fabulous
So beautiful, even without wings
And it is mysterious.

A girl with a subtle soul
He inspires everyone with his care,
And with your friendly warmth
Doesn't let the thunder strike.

So congratulations on a bright holiday,
May luck always accompany you
Let the sun be clear
And the heavens are always transparent!

Maria! How loud this name sounds!
This is the name of love and legends
It is a name woven from the stars of the twilight.
Congratulations on your bright day
We wish only inspiration
And luck in your creative work!

How much I want to say
On this day of your holiday
How much I want to wish
On this day, and especially success.
Success in life, creativity and love,
Success for personal purposes,
And also love and care,
And always stay tuned!

Maria, our joy! Finally, the day has come when we can express all our wishes. We want you to never be discouraged, so that spring always blooms in your soul, so that you are always so kind, smiling, positive and beautiful as you are now! You are a real treasure for us and we love you very much!

Maria! How many tender words
We want to say to show our love.
How many wishes we want to say
To make the note of our confessions clear.

You gave us a lot
You taught us a lot
You are like that star to us
Which inspired all of us with love.
Always stay that way
Such kind and desirable
And never forget
Your relatives, for whom
You were so welcome.

My beautiful Maria! You are not more beautiful in the world. You are to me like an angel who shines with his hand for the lights. So so beautiful, as if unearthly, but so loved, as if created by God, you are so kind and so vulnerable, you are like a bird susceptible to everything. So I wish you to remain so always! Always so kind and understanding! You are the most beautiful for me, like that diamond star!

Like the birds sang better
And the roses bloomed brighter
When everyone suddenly realized
That Maria has a name day today.

The holiday is bright, the holiday is clear,
The holiday is the best among all
So accept our wishes
And from Pozdravunchik including,
For your earthly joys,
In which joy flows from the outside.

A lot of happiness, no sadness,
Lots of laughter, tirelessly,
Many sonorous bright days
Happiness, a stormy stream-stream!

Maria is beautiful, beautiful and tender, for us she was so long-awaited! Maria is playful and simple, Maria is full of happiness. We love you very much, we wish you victories and good luck. We wish only true friends, we wish the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. We wish prosperity, success and luck in everything, only green light on the way, and so that the lights never fade in your eyes.

Maria has a name day .. All with sweets and flowers, all with perfumes and cakes, all with warm words. How pleasant this day is, how good everyone has intentions! How many good words of love you will hear on this day, now you will make sure that your friends are faithful and reliable! Accept sincere congratulations from all of us, accept words of joy, words of inspiration!