Health Pregnancy the beauty

When do fetal movements begin during pregnancy and how to recognize them? 25 weeks old baby moves sluggishly.

And now the long-awaited stage, when the belly has grown significantly and a baby will soon be born. Most women during this period feel in seventh heaven, because they have toxicosis, almost no pain is felt, and the fetus is constantly moving.

Stirring fetus

At 25 weeks, the fetus begins to move so actively that you can't imagine. In addition to the morning hours, when the baby is sound asleep, almost the whole day he runs and moves in the tummy, thereby providing the mother with a lot of positive emotions.

According to gynecology, the length of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy is 29-30 cm. The body of the fetus is covered with a dark fluff, and the blood vessels of the lungs finish developing - all this differs in the 25th week of pregnancy. The movements of the fetus are chaotic, because it is impossible to accurately determine when it is active and when it is not. Only by the end of the period, the movement of the embryo begins to acquire a uniform character.

How much does the baby sleep at this time?

According to some doctors, the baby sleeps more than 20 hours a day at this time. The movements felt at the 25th week of pregnancy are moments of wakefulness that do not last long. At this time, the baby pushes with his legs or turns over from side to side.

Close and unbreakable bond with your baby

Mom is already beginning to feel more closely an inextricable connection with the baby. Constant movements at the 25th week of pregnancy prove this once again. The baby makes itself felt all the time, thereby reminding of the imminent birth.

Rich bright events in the life of a mother, 25 weeks of pregnancy. The movements of the fetus once again show how much the mother's mood affects the fetus. As soon as mom eats delicious food, thereby increasing blood sugar, the baby immediately reacts. He begins to actively move and push under the influence of adrenaline if mom is nervous or angry.

Stirring the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is a way by which the baby reminds of himself and begins his struggle for life. At this time, it is useful to start singing lullabies to the baby, trying to calm the baby. This is the time when fetal movements at the 25th week of pregnancy are active, they develop a character in the baby.

What is hidden behind the movements of the fetus at 25 weeks?

Fetal movements at week 25 can mean a lot. You can get a lot useful information, analyzing how the fetus moves at 25 weeks, because the child's movements during this period are completely dependent on the connection with the mother. Interestingly, until this stage of pregnancy, the movements were not so noticeable. Now it’s another matter. Mom begins to feel the baby brighter, his nervous system is almost completely formed. He feels everything and actively reacts to it.

At 25 weeks, a complete understanding of the fetus about comfort is palpable. The movements that occur at week 25 become more conscious. All movements are rational, since the fetus understands what needs to be done to change the conditions to more comfortable ones. Wiggling at 25 weeks involves turning away from loud noises, responding to a lack of oxygen or nutrition. Often, when the mother is resting on her back, the fetus begins to move more intensively, thereby making it clear that important blood vessels are being squeezed. He lacks oxygen, and he pushes, protesting against this situation. What should mom do? It is recommended to lie more on your side.

As you know, the first fetal movements are felt as early as 18 weeks. Some mothers feel their baby's movements much later, at 20 weeks. As for the movements at week 25, they should be fully felt. During this period, expectant mothers feel movements similar to the sharp fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish. Gradually, the movements intensify and feel brighter.

The movements of the baby at 25 weeks can be unpredictable and semi-reflexive, but every day there is a normal movement controlled by the baby. The kid actively responds to anxiety or joy. It is during this period of life that it is useful to listen to a lot of classical music, talk with the baby and even sing him a lullaby so that he calms down. This is an already formed little man who has not yet been born, but actively reacts to everything that happens to his mother. At 25 weeks, the baby's movements, as mentioned above, are more conscious.

Can moms feel pain during this time?

It so happens that the movements of the child at 25 weeks are sharp. If after changing the posture, usually turning on the side, the pain persists, then you should consult a doctor. Often, for those mothers who carry twins, the sensations from movements are more intense and sharp.

How many times a day can wiggle be felt?

It is believed that 10-15 movements per hour is normal. Then, there is a lull that lasts about three hours.

It is worth remembering that sudden and abrupt movements of the baby may indicate a lack of oxygen supply.

Carrying a baby is a responsible process that requires a lot of effort and health from the expectant mother. The 25th week of pregnancy is most of the term. Just a little more, and the long-awaited meeting with the baby will come.

Waiting for a miracle

Two red stripes on the dough are good news for many. married couples... From that moment on, a woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of the future baby. Now, when the baby is beating under the heart, everything must be done to ensure that he is born healthy and on time.

First of all, you should change your daily routine - good rest and long walks should come first. You need to pay attention to your diet: unhealthy foods, eliminate alcohol and stock up on vegetables and fruits. It is very important not to forget about taking vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the growth and development of a small life.

The mom-to-be should avoid stress and negative emotions. You should also refrain from excessive physical exertion, because in the first trimester there is a great threat of spontaneous abortion.

Second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is the 4th, 5th, 6th month or 14th to 26th week of development.

The worst is over. The threat of interruption is a very small percentage, nausea and morning toxicosis have passed. Due to the rapid growth of hormones future mom prettier before our eyes and blooms. Its forms are rounded - the chest is poured, the tummy becomes visible to others.

The baby, which was previously called the embryo, now bears the full name - the fetus. All of its organs have already been formed and continue to improve.

In the second trimester, mom experiences a wonderful phenomenon - fetal movement. In every woman, they manifest themselves in different ways and at different times. Basically, the first tremors are heard from the 16-18th week. Now you can communicate with the baby. He hears mother's voice well, he can distinguish music from noise. With his movements, the baby shows joy or displeasure.

By the end of the trimester, the future baby is growing noticeably. A baby at the 25th week of pregnancy will weigh about 600-800 grams, and its dimensions will slightly exceed the school line (32-36 cm).

On a period of 18-22 weeks, parents can already find out the gender of their child. The genitals are fully formed and are clearly visible during ultrasound examination. Now you can safely start preparing the dowry.

25 week of pregnancy

The sixth month is almost over. The kid has become big and smart enough. He controls his movements. Can show joy or displeasure with nudges. The internal organs of the crumbs continue to improve. Its osteoarticular system is strengthened.

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the crumbs can already be felt by others. Sometimes a protruding foot or cam is clearly visible. The kid can play with his limbs, and also knows how to suck fingers! The baby's skin becomes more elastic. Fat begins to accumulate under it, which gives the cheeks a round shape, and forms folds on the buttocks and legs.

The fetus at 25 weeks of gestation has become more human-like. Its weight is 700 grams, and its height is 30-32 centimeters. The reproductive system is actively developing. If it's a boy, his testicles descend into the scrotum, and if it's a girl, a vagina is formed.

The baby's lungs ripen. The child can already breathe on his own. He trains on amniotic fluid Oh. The first attempts to breathe on his own can provoke hiccups in him, which his mother can hear quite well at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Perturbations and rhythmic movements indicate that.

Changes in the mother's body

The second trimester is a favorable time in the life of the expectant mother. Morning sickness and malaise passed, the woman became less irritated. Her appearance has noticeably changed. The belly has grown well at 25 weeks of gestation. It's time to grab a couple of new items. After all, constantly gaining weight, mom no longer fits into anything. Things must necessarily be made of natural fabrics that do not cause allergies, have loose fit and do not squeeze the stomach. You should also choose a new bra that would support your breasts well.

Many inexperienced mothers are interested in the question: 25 weeks of pregnancy - how many months have passed and how many are left before childbirth? The fact is that the entire period of pregnancy lasts 40-42 weeks. This, in turn, is 9 months from conception, or 10 obstetric months, which should be counted from the first day of delay in menstruation.

The feelings of the expectant mother at 25 weeks can be very different. Sometimes shortness of breath and heartburn appear. All because of the growing tummy. Eating right and staying outdoors will solve the problem a little. No less common in pregnant women is such a phenomenon as varicose veins. You can relieve discomfort with anti-varicose stockings.

If the expectant mother works, she will soon need to take care of maternity leave... Therefore, all tasks at work must be completed on time.

The 25th week of pregnancy is already a fully formed baby, and in most cases it can survive outside the womb. However, this phenomenon should not be considered the norm. A woman should monitor her health and try to bring the baby to the expected date of birth.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

Being in an interesting position, a woman should visit her local doctor every three weeks. Before each examination, the expectant mother takes general analysis blood and urine. Also, an obligatory type of research is ultrasound. During the entire pregnancy, it can be prescribed three or more times.

Usually, the second planned ultrasound scan falls on 21-22 weeks. But sometimes, by different reasons, it could be 25 weeks of pregnancy. A photo of the future baby, taken with the help of ultrasound, can be saved as a keepsake in a family album.

At the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, women can be diagnosed with various pathologies of gestation (uterine tone, polyhydramnios). The main reason for the appearance is illness and infection of the mother. Therefore, the doctor should know about any pain, discomfort and discharge. Alarming symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Discomfort and pain when the baby moves.
  • Increased swelling of the legs, large stretch marks on the abdomen.
  • Discharge with impurities of blood or other incomprehensible color.

If a woman's condition fits the description, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the life of the baby, like his mother, is in danger. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after additional tests and diagnostics.

Complications of pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy is often characterized by the appearance of various complications. However, the timely intervention of specialists will help save the life of the baby.

  1. Placental abruption. It is accompanied by bleeding, pain. The condition of a pregnant woman is characterized by weakness, fatigue. Pains in the lower abdomen are observed.
  2. Gestosis. It appears more often after the 20th week. The placenta becomes more vulnerable. She begins to leak protein, which enters the mother's tissues and forms edema. The placenta also swells. As a result, the fetus suffers from oxygen starvation.
  3. Low water. It is accompanied by painful movements of the baby. The general condition of the mother is weak. Diagnosis can only be made with ultrasound. It is fraught with dislocations and curvature of the bones of the child.
  4. Polyhydramnios. Difficulty breathing, swelling, stretch marks, belly enlarged not in time. The woman feels weak and unwell. The disease causes premature birth.
  5. STDs. Any discharge at the 25th week of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother. Normal discharge is white and transparent. They have no smell. Any changes can be indicative of DPN infections. They belong to the TORCH group of infections and pose a threat to both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to all kinds of diseases than others. Ignoring symptoms and delaying a visit to the doctor can have irreversible consequences.

25 weeks pregnant: twins

Pregnancy is always a huge responsibility for the expectant mother. Especially if she's carrying twins. From the very beginning, the load on the woman's body will be double. Basically, the parents will find out that there will be two babies at the first ultrasound scan at 5-6 weeks, rarely at the second - at 12-14 weeks. A woman expecting twins should be more attentive to herself:

  1. More vitamins.
  2. More fresh air.
  3. Half the amount of stress and stress.

Many mothers carrying twins are interested in their development at 25 weeks of gestation, what happens at this stage with children. Together with the constantly growing mother's belly, both crumbs grow. For a period of 25 weeks, they already understand the presence of each other and are constantly trying to grab or pinch the “second self”. By the 28th week, the twins are viable outside the womb. The rate of development of multiple pregnancies significantly exceeds the development of singleton pregnancies.

Most often, pregnancy with twins ends with a cesarean section. This is because the crumbs have taken a wrong presentation.

The daily routine and nutrition of the expectant mother

25 weeks of pregnancy - how many months are already behind! Just a little bit, and the mother will be able to take her baby in her arms.

In order for the long-awaited meeting to take place and the birth to be successful, without complications, a woman needs to lead healthy image life, in particular to adhere to proper nutrition.

An improper diet for a pregnant woman often leads to the birth of very large fruit... And this is not entirely pleasant, and it is not entirely possible in a natural way.

So, the expectant mother should always have in the kitchen:

  1. Dairy products. It is a source of protein and calcium for structure and growth. skeletal system baby.
  2. Meat and fish, which contain B vitamins, as well as proteins, fats and iron.
  3. Cereals, flour products (bread) - contain fiber, carbohydrates and useful trace elements.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Foods containing cholesterol should be avoided. Proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the health of both mothers and crumbs. In addition, it is the best prevention of certain diseases.

Termination of pregnancy at 25 weeks

The course of pregnancy is individual for each woman. Some are faced with a bunch of problems and pathologies, being absolutely healthy. Others, having a list of various diseases, give birth to strong babies.

With the current ecology, many pathologies in the development of the fetus are found already in the middle of the term, when there is a 25th week of pregnancy.

Ultrasound photos adorn many family albums. Preparations for the meeting with the baby are in full swing. And then, like rain on your head, "the pregnancy must be terminated." How?! Why?!! A bunch of tears and tantrums begins at once. For future parents, such a verdict is a real shock.

  1. Fetal defects are incompatible with life.
  2. Serious threat to the health of the mother (malignant tumors, acute polyhydramnios, as a result of which rupture of the uterus can occur).
  3. Child mutilation.

Usually, all developmental defects are visible on a second ultrasound. Of course, it is better to consult several specialists and do additional analyzes. Sometimes it may simply be a medical error.

Premature birth

Threatened abortion and miscarriage are often common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Very rarely, this can happen when the pregnancy is 25 weeks old. The development of the fetus at this time is generally going well.

All organs of the crumbs are formed and improved. Closer to the 28th week, the fetus becomes viable if premature birth... With the development of current technologies, doctors are able to save babies born even at 25 weeks.

Of course, after giving birth, the baby will still be nursed. After all, he is weaker than other newborns.

Often, children born earlier are given various diagnoses and disabilities. Therefore, in any case, you must try to bring the baby to the desired date. If the expectant mother finds symptoms of premature birth, an ambulance should be called immediately. The doctor will try to delay the birth and prolong the pregnancy.

Premature birth symptoms

The main reason for the birth of a baby ahead of time are serious diseases and infections of the mother that have been ignored and not treated. Also, premature birth can be observed in women over forty; when carrying twins; with Rh-conflict; with some pathologies (polyhydramnios).

You can determine the onset of preterm labor by the following criteria:

  • The amniotic fluid is gone.
  • Nagging pains began in the back and in the lower abdomen.
  • Contractions, the interval between which is constantly decreasing.

Such symptoms are a mandatory reason for hospitalization. Sometimes, timely treatment can help extend the gestation period by several weeks.

Birth premature baby does not always affect its development. However, this applies to seven month old and eight month old children.

Prevention of premature birth

Wanting to carry a healthy baby and give birth to him right on time, the expectant mother should follow the following instructions:

  1. Before pregnancy, undergo an examination and, if serious illnesses are detected, receive treatment.
  2. Do not bring any ailment to a chronic form.
  3. To carry out the prevention of somatic diseases.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle, excluding alcohol and drug habits.
  5. If there is a threat of premature birth, observe:
  • bed rest;

Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy

Features of the course of pregnancy at 25-26 weeks

The 25th week of pregnancy has begun. In other words, the sixth month is coming to an end. The fruit is already practically formed, but has not yet grown enough and is strong enough for independent life. Its weight will continue to increase, and the organs will finish forming.

Fetal development at 25-26 weeks

At this time, the child's height is at least 33 centimeters, and the weight is just over 600 grams. Muscle mass continues to form, the bones lengthen and become stronger. All this makes the child stronger. That is why, at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy, movements become more noticeable. Also, this is facilitated by a decrease in space in the uterus. Now, according to the intensity of traffic, you can assess the condition of the fetus. So, too active mobility suggests that he is not particularly comfortable, which is most likely due to oxygen starvation. At the same time, pain caused by fetal movements is not a pathology and should be perceived as normal. In order to understand whether the child's movement is normal and whether it is time to sound the alarm, it is enough to count the tremors felt during one hour. Normally, there should be at least four of them. If we take into account the periods of the child's sleep, then a day you should feel at least 10-12 movements. The 25-26 week of pregnancy is especially important for the formation of the lungs. Right now, the alveoli of the fetal lungs and a special substance are formed that prevent them from sticking together. The readiness of the lungs to breathe can be assessed by the composition of the amniotic fluid, which should normally contain a high content of phospholipids. If you do not yet know who exactly is expected in you now, this can be easily determined using an ultrasound scan. It is at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy that the formation of the genital organs of the fetus ends. At this time, you can already talk with the baby. He hears you perfectly and even reacts to music and intonation of dialogue with others. In addition, his eyes react to light and, when in bright light, he can even cover his eyes with his hands.

Condition of a pregnant woman at 25-26 weeks

Mom also keeps up with her baby and is actively gaining weight. Now the increase in volume is noticeable not only in the hips and abdomen, but also in the chest. Therefore, it is necessary to change the laundry to larger size while giving preference to natural fabrics... At 25-26 weeks, the uterus rises 25 centimeters above the pubic bone. The weight of the fetus directly affects the condition of the mother. It is already quite difficult to breathe, and after eating heartburn torments. Constipation may occur due to bowel pressure.

If you suddenly have a stomach ache

Most often, back pain appears at 25-26 weeks of gestation. This is partly due to the fact that the weight of the fetus and your own is growing steadily. As a result, the ligaments are stretched, the muscles are in a tense state, and the spine is already beginning to "get tired" from the fact that you have to carry so much weight. These pains are normal if they occur periodically with prolonged walking or in an uncomfortable position, as well as with too intense movement of the fetus and disappear after rest. If at rest the pain does not diminish, you should see a specialist. Perhaps this is a sign of sciatica, which very often occurs in pregnant women at 25 weeks. This pathology is treated with various ointments, massage or physiotherapy methods. The increased weight also affects the condition of the legs. This is especially noticeable in patients with signs of varicose veins. In order to at least slightly reduce the discomfort, you should give your legs an elevated position several times a day, and also use compression stockings during the day.

Should I call a doctor?

Despite the fact that most often the pain is associated with load and weight, there are those that should be paid special attention to. If during pregnancy there are abdominal pains and at the same time swelling of the legs and arms increases, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as this may be a sign of late toxicosis. Parodic pain in the abdomen or lower back can be training contractions. But if they continue, intensify and, moreover, are accompanied by bloody discharge, this indicates premature birth. Hence, one must lie down and call ambulance for hospitalization in a hospital. No less indicative are the discharge at 25-26 weeks of gestation. Whites, cheesy, and itchy ones are a sign of infection. The same goes for greenish discharge. Brown and mixed with blood are a symptom of pathology. Of course, this can also occur with erosion of the cervix, but it is better to see a doctor and exclude such a pathology as placental abruption. A yellowish watery discharge indicates water leakage, which is often observed at the beginning of the 26th week. This is also a reason to visit a specialist.


In order for the pregnancy to proceed perfectly without any complications, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Weight gain;

The most anticipated, and therefore unforgettable, is the feeling of stirring under the heart of a new life. Future mothers and fathers are waiting for him with trepidation. And also gynecologists. You will definitely be asked to write down the date of the first stirring, and by it they will be guided by the date of birth. If you are expecting your first baby, then he will be born 20 weeks after the first stirring (usually childbirth occurs at the 40th week of pregnancy), and if the second or third, then 2-3 weeks later. At least there are such statistics, but not all women fall under it. Typically, the first fetal movements occur between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation.

Although in fact the fetus is already moving at the 8th week, but since it is still too small, you do not feel it. But later, when the baby grows up, his "gymnastics" will make itself felt with all its might.

How do you know that this is a wiggle?

It happens that it is both difficult and easy to understand at the same time. Doctors describe this phenomenon in very different ways, and mothers themselves cannot find the true words. You need to feel the movement yourself. And it is not a fact that, having felt, you will correctly explain the experienced state to your girlfriend "by position."

A gynecologist (a man) told me poetically about the movement: “Imagine that a butterfly has sat in your hands. You hold her, and she knocks her wings in her hands. "

Mom's explanations were more prosaic: something would gurgle.

I was looking forward to the butterfly in my belly, but I still got a “gurgle”. But he was the sweetest and most memorable of all the gurgles.

Every woman perceives in her own way. For some, this is the splashing of a fish, a fluttering of a butterfly, and for others - intestinal peristalsis. But in both cases, it is a question of confirming a new life. Many pregnant women perceive themselves as a mother after the first stirring.

It so happens that while looking forward to the first stirring, mommy is looking forward to its termination with the same impatience. Babies in the tummy are so active that their movements cause unbearable pain to a pregnant woman.

What determines the mobility of the child in the womb?

Many believe that the character of the baby is formed already in the tummy. Here's the answer: too agile toddler will make itself felt right away. This is not always the case, though. Often, the baby's movements are not evidence of his temperament, but of well-being, development and health. Therefore, the task for a pregnant woman is very important: to analyze every step of her little one, to learn to understand and feel it. Any deviation from your joint normal life must be recorded.

The rate of movement during pregnancy

There are no unambiguous “normal” indicators. Although it is generally accepted that, starting from the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby should move at least 10 times an hour.

What is the evidence of fetal movements?

Movement is life. And even in the uterine period. Have you already observed your little one with the help of an ultrasound scan? This is a little man with arms, legs, heart ... With a bad and good mood, in a comfortable, or not very, posture. So how does he tell you about all this? Naturally - in jerks.

A very common occurrence -. Experts say that it does not pose any danger to the baby and does not cause unpleasant sensations in him. But now mommy will feel it in the form of rhythmic jolts inside herself. Such episodes can occur up to several times a day.

Remember. This will also help you understand why your baby is moving. It often requires your attention as early as 21 weeks. Recognizing your voice, daddy's voice, discerning loud sounds and a gentle melody, reacting to the light, he will naturally let you know about his feelings and preferences. Undoubtedly, many already established mothers return to their "pregnant" days with nostalgia. We remember very well how the toddler calmed down in the womb, if mom was upset or angry ... And how carefully he reminded of himself when the storm of emotions subsided ... And who does not remember the "dance" nights! Barely dragging her legs to the bed, the expectant mother plunges into the long-awaited relaxation, and ... it was not so! The period of wakefulness begins in the stomach! The kid is still living according to his schedule and is not going to take into account your adjustments.

The baby can perform up to 500 different movements per day. Naturally, you will not hear everything. After all, the perceptibility of movements depends on many factors: the amount of intrauterine water, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the child and the placenta, the baby's mobility, the sensitivity of the mother.

Starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy, the position of the fetus in the uterine cavity can be determined by the movement of the baby. If he is in breech presentation, you will feel the tremors in the lower abdomen. And if the toddler "stomps" above the navel, it means the head presentation. By the end of pregnancy, the baby is also preparing for birth. His movements are already more rare, but not absent in any way.

The absence of any movement for more than 12 hours is a serious reason to see a doctor.

In addition, you will need a gynecologist's consultation if the child's movements are too infrequent, sluggish, or, conversely, violent, painful. In any case, this indicates the suffering of the fetus. Most often, this condition is caused by oxygen starvation. But experts disagree on how to distinguish this pathology. Some believe that with hypoxia, the fetus becomes too violent, while others - on the contrary. However, no matter how your baby lets you know that he is not getting enough oxygen, take his cues into account. Indeed, often hypoxia becomes the cause of fetal death. The reasons for the appearance of hypoxia are very different: diabetes, anemia, cardiovascular disease, fetal disease and more. Only a doctor can confirm or deny such a diagnosis. For this, an ultrasound examination is usually performed, heart sounds are heard, and CTG is also performed.

Cardiotocography is a very informative method for assessing the condition of the fetus. In this examination, the baby's heartbeat is recorded for 1 hour. The norm is not monotonous, but variable heart rate, which ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. With severe fetal hypoxia, the heartbeat is up to 90 beats per minute. In this case, an immediate caesarean section is performed if the pregnancy is more than 30 weeks.

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women do fetal movement tests on their own. D. Pearson's "Count to ten" test is widely used. It should be carried out from the 28th week of pregnancy. From 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the evening, the movements are counted. The time of the 10th stirring is recorded daily on a special card. If your baby is inactive, see your doctor.

Usually violent or weak movement lends itself to "persuasion" and "training". It is believed that the baby reacts sharply to the uncomfortable position of the mother. Especially when lying down. And as soon as she rolls over, the child calms down.

If, on the contrary, you need to stir up the little one, it is recommended to eat something sweet. Indeed, carbohydrates are the first and very quickly to enter the bloodstream. The kid gets a portion of dessert and it makes him cheer up.

Still, your main task is to support Have a good mood... Do not under any circumstances run a panic count of every roll and push. Enjoy communication with your angel. Pay as much attention to him as possible, take care of your health, watch your diet and daily routine. Have family gatherings. The kid will be happy to listen to a fairy tale from dad, a lullaby from mom. Let the stirring of your unborn baby bring only joy. After all, this state is fleeting and nothing can return it to you. Don't miss the most touching moment of your life!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

The second trimester of your pregnancy is ongoing. The kid is actively growing, gaining strength. There is an active formation of all its organs. It is believed that from this period of pregnancy, the risk of premature birth is significantly reduced. You probably still feel at ease, handle most of your daily activities, but do not forget that a good rest for the expectant mom is very important.

The weight of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation ranges from 600 to 800 grams, and the average height is 30-33 cm.

How many months have passed? The baby continues to grow actively - after all, six obstetric months and one week have already passed! During this period, mom is still not so tired, although her belly begins to increase weekly by leaps and bounds. Nevertheless, more and more time should be devoted to rest, because your baby needs not only nutrients to grow, but also a healthy and cheerful mother.

What's happening?

At this time, a kind of milestone passes - after all, it is this period that is considered favorable for the survival of the child if he is born ahead of time. This is very important for those mothers whose pregnancy is taking place with complications and strong worries about this. Of course, the baby will not do without powerful medical support and special equipment, but he has every chance to please the whole family in a few months by returning home from the department for premature newborn babies.

Mom is gaining weight with her baby - the mother's weight at 25 weeks of gestation should increase by 6-8 kg, and the weekly increase is about 350g. The height of the uterine fundus in this period is 23-27 cm.

Fetus at 25 weeks gestation

The fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy begins to actively gain weight due to adipose tissue - it gradually rounds out, becomes similar to a newborn. The facial features characteristic of your child are formed, the ears grow and move upward, to their proper place. This week, the inner ear is formed, which is responsible for the orientation and position of the baby's body in space.

Until the 25th week of pregnancy, the liver and spleen are responsible for the formation of red blood cells in the fetus. After this period, the child's bone marrow is fully formed, which takes over this function.

The baby's lungs are actively developing, but they are still far from maturity. If before this period in the lungs of the fetus there were practically no alveoli - sacs in which gas exchange occurs - then after this period of pregnancy their number begins to grow actively. A surfactant begins to form in the lungs - a substance that prevents the alveoli from collapsing, which is why a person's lungs are constantly straightened. It is because of the lack of surfactant in the lungs of a child born at the 25th week of pregnancy that almost all such babies require artificial ventilation - after all, without this apparatus, their lungs collapse and they cannot breathe.

The modern development of medicine has reached such a level that in special laboratories a synthetic surfactant is being developed, which is injected into the lungs of premature babies after birth - it saved the lives of thousands of babies.

The muscular system of the fetus is already practically formed, and the nervous one is in the process of maturation - the baby begins to actively move the arms and legs, roll over. His movements become more coordinated - he can already grab his nose or leg, touch his mother's hand, attached to his stomach. Due to the increased activity, the number and strength of movements increases, the child can rest his head or limbs against the hypochondrium, which causes pain in mommy.

The baby's genital area is also actively developing - the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum, and the girls' vagina is forming.

Photo of a baby with an ultrasound

Proper nutrition

In order for your baby to grow well and correctly, he needs a large amount and variety of nutrients - after all, his organs and systems continue to form and mature, and if there is a lack of any important element in this process, malfunctions may occur, which will negatively affect in the future. on the health of the baby.

The nutrition of the expectant mother should be healthy and varied - this is necessarily fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, cereals. Since the belly at 25 weeks of gestation is already clearly visible due to its size, it can squeeze the stomach and intestines, causing heartburn. In addition, intestinal compression, coupled with hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman often causes constipation. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, mom must definitely eat prunes, boiled beets and other foods that improve bowel function.

At 25 weeks of gestation, the belly grows quite quickly - relatives can notice a significant difference in the size of the belly in just a week. This is due to the rapid growth of the fetus - after all, during this period, it adds about 150 grams per week.

Mom's feelings

The belly gets bigger every week, and you start to feel clumsy and awkward, although you are still quite active. During this period, you can still actively engage in sports (swimming is best), but you should pay more attention to rest and try to avoid exercises that require good coordination. In addition, it is recommended to walk more often in the fresh air.

Often in this period, mothers begin to worry about dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes - this is due to hormonal changes. This problem is solved quite simply - buy a special preparation "artificial tear" and bury it as soon as you feel that your eyes are burning, there will be a feeling of sand in your eyes.

Quite often, women at the 25th week of pregnancy complain of the appearance of varicose veins on the legs, they are often worried about hemorrhoids. This is due to the compression of the vena cava by the pregnant uterus. To reduce the manifestations of varicose veins, change your body position more often, wear special compression underwear, and rest with your legs raised up. If you find yourself with hemorrhoids, consult a doctor, you will be prescribed treatment. It should be remembered that constipation contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids, so try to eat a variety of foods, eat more fiber, and drink enough water.

The large uterus begins to squeeze the internal organs, and this is primarily manifested by the appearance of heartburn - when the stomach is compressed, acid enters the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, nausea. In order to avoid this phenomenon, try to eat in small portions and more often. Food should be easily digestible.

Anemia is a very common problem at the 25th week of pregnancy - a large amount of mother's iron is used to build the baby's blood cells, and therefore the expectant mother may develop iron deficiency anemia. You can treat this condition proper nutrition and taking special medications for pregnant women. To avoid anemia, you should include iron-rich foods in your diet - oatmeal, red meat and liver, lentils, and raisins. In addition, your gynecologist may prescribe prenatal medications to help relieve anemia.

Another problem that can torment mothers at this time is insomnia. It can be difficult to cope with it, but it is possible - go for a walk before bed, choose a comfortable sleeping position, put your feet on a pillow. You can drink warm milk before bed.

The good news is that by 25 weeks of gestation, you will become more feminine, your hair will become thicker and shinier. Thank you for this hubbub of pregnancy. Usually, closer to this date, men begin to notice that their wife has become even more beautiful.

Malyn's movements

The movements at the 25th week of pregnancy become more active and strong - after all, the baby develops its coordination. At this time, mommy usually feels at least 3-4 shocks per hour. The child still has enough room to be active, and he uses it with might and main. The baby can give mom pain, resting his legs or head on the hypochondrium. Most often, he does this when he is uncomfortable lying - change position, and the pain will pass.

If the baby suddenly begins to behave too actively, gives you severe pain, or vice versa - became lethargic, and you almost do not feel his tremors, be sure to contact your doctor, because such manifestations may be a sign of any pathology in the fetus.

Possible pain at 25 weeks of gestation

Due to the increased activity, your baby can sometimes give you painful sensations, resting from the inside on various organs or in the hypochondrium. In addition, mothers often have pain in their legs and pelvis. During this period, periodic pains in the lower abdomen may occur with tension in the muscles of the uterus - this is how the body prepares for childbirth. Such soreness quickly disappears, especially when changing position. If the pain is very severe, accompanied by bloody or profuse watery discharge, see a doctor immediately, this may well be a sign of premature birth.

Pregnancy with twins

Of course, pregnancy with twins does not proceed as usual - after all, a double load is placed on the mother's body, which means that the threat of premature birth is quite large. Many mothers are reassured by the fact that with childbirth at the 25th week of pregnancy, babies are already quite mature and, with the support of doctors, have every chance of surviving.

Is it okay to have sex?

Sex at the 25th week of pregnancy is contraindicated only with the threat of premature birth and poor health of the mother. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no reason to deny yourself and your husband the pleasure - try only to choose such positions that will be comfortable for your mom, and not to make too sharp and intense movements.

In addition, pay special attention to the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in a partner - after all, infection with sexually transmitted infections during this period can be dangerous for the child. If you have doubts about your partner's health, use condoms.

Necessary research and analysis

During this trimester of pregnancy, you visit the antenatal clinic every month. This is a very suitable time for visiting, while you will need to pass an ultrasound scan.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation allows not only to assess the development of the fetus, but also to determine the amount of amniotic fluid, the state of the placenta. In addition, at this time it is already possible to determine the gender of your baby.

At the reception in antenatal clinic the doctor will examine you, determine the presence of edema, weigh and measure the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen.

According to the tests, it will be possible to tell whether your kidneys are functioning normally, whether there is anemia.

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Questions - answers

I have gone 25 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus according to ultrasound is normal, but it seems to me that he is not moving well. Is everything okay with him?

At this stage of pregnancy, the activity of the fetus should increase - during this period, mommy usually feels at least three shocks per hour. If the activity of your baby is much lower, consult a doctor, this may indicate some kind of pathology.

The 25th week of pregnancy is coming to an end, and frequent dizziness and fatigue began to bother me.

Dizziness during this period can accompany a woman quite often - with a change in body position, in the morning after sleep, with a sharp rise. If dizziness bothers you too often, they are intense, you fall because of them - these may be signs of severe vascular disorders, you need to go to the hospital.

25 weeks pregnant - the tailbone hurts periodically, is this normal?

Coccyx pain during pregnancy is a fairly common complaint. They can arise both due to the divergence of the pelvic bones and pushing the tailbone back, and for many other reasons: pinched nerve, old trauma, lack of minerals in the body, etc. In addition, pain in the tailbone at 25 weeks of gestation can also be a sign of starting premature birth. If up to this point the pain in the tailbone did not bother you, but now they are quite intense and prolonged, go to the hospital.

The 25th week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 169-175 days have passed since conception. The fetus at 25 weeks of gestation grows significantly and takes up more and more space in the uterus. Most babies are already correctly positioned for delivery, head down. Some are still lying incorrectly, buttocks down, but there is still time to get into the correct position.

What happens to a baby at 25 weeks of gestation

There is less space for the child, his movements are felt more clearly.

The uterus rises high enough, which makes it difficult for the mother to breathe: it becomes more and more difficult to bend down every day. The size of the fetus at this stage: length - up to 30 cm, the weight of the baby at 25 weeks of gestation is approximately 700 grams.

The brain weighs more than 100 grams, the sleep and wakefulness regime is clearly established. Mom herself can already follow this by how the baby is active. His movements do not depend on the woman's occupation, her desires or mood, the baby lives according to his personal schedule. You can feel that it has died down when you walk or drive your car on a flat road. The baby calms down: simple vibrational movements can rock him while still in the womb.

Do not worry if the baby begins to hiccup often: there is no pathology in this, but it is still desirable to tell the doctor. Hiccups occur when a baby accidentally swallows amniotic fluid. The diaphragm becomes irritated and contracted - and this is how hiccups are found.

25 weeks pregnant - the period when the alveoli ripen, the lungs prepare for breathing outside the womb. The formation of the auricle continues, according to its condition, experts will be able to determine how full-term the baby is in case of premature birth. The function of hematopoiesis is taken over by the bone marrow, previously it was performed by the liver and spleen.

Belly photo. Belly at 25 weeks of gestation

The development of the fetus is as follows: The baby already has a well-developed sense of smell. He perfectly feels the mood of the mother, is able to feel pain, like a newborn, can smile and grimace if he is dissatisfied. An ultrasound scan at 25 weeks of gestation can show how he sucks his finger or plays with the umbilical cord, grabs the leg with his hand or hides his face with his palms.

The external genitals are already well formed and can be easily inserted. In the boy, the testicles descend into the scrotum, and in the girl the vagina is formed.

What Happens to Mom at 25 Weeks of Pregnancy

The baby is actively gaining weight, the stomach begins to grow very quickly. Its size affects a woman's gait and posture. Pulling pains in the lower abdomen may appear. Most often these are sensations from stretching the uterus, but it is better to notify the doctor all the same in order to make sure that there are no signs of increased uterine tone and to exclude the risk of premature birth.

It is imperative to control weight gain at 25 weeks of gestation. It is recommended to weigh yourself once a week. The enlargement of the uterus compresses the diaphragm, so heartburn or other digestive problems may occur.

Vascular networks can appear on the skin, most often on the chest and thighs. It is not dangerous, after childbirth they will disappear. The mammary glands begin to secrete colostrum.

If you have any health problems (for example, often pregnant women develop hemorrhoids or varicose veins), you should inform your doctor. You cannot take medications on your own: many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy and can cause irreparable harm to the child. Suitable medications can only be prescribed by a specialist.

In the evening, a woman at the 25th week of pregnancy may be disturbed by convulsions, signaling a lack of calcium in the body. You should actively consume foods with its content and prevent dehydration of the body.

Because of the pain in the lower back and back, it is difficult to bend down; to make life easier, it is worth changing shoes with lacing to simpler and more comfortable ones.

Fetal movements at 25 weeks of gestation

Fetal movements at 25 weeks of gestation are approximately: 3 times in 15-20 minutes, 5 times in 30 minutes or 10 times in an hour. For each mother, the number and rate of movements at 25 weeks of gestation is a purely individual case. Within 3 hours, the baby may not move for one simple reason - the baby is asleep. If there is no fetal movement at 25 weeks of gestation for 6-8 hours, this may be an alarming signal. It is worth consulting with your doctor.

Weight gain at 25 weeks gestation

Weight gain at 25 weeks of gestation is about 6.5 - 8 kg. This figure can vary by 1-2 kg, both up and down. The rate and deviation in weight gain depends on: age, height and weight before pregnancy, physique, tendency to be overweight, body characteristics, early and late toxicosis.

Discharge at 25 weeks of gestation

The norm at 25 weeks of gestation is a clear or whitish discharge, often liquid. The presence of a smell or any other shade should alert a woman. Leakage of amniotic fluid may occur, which should be reported to the doctor immediately. Sometimes the water flows only drop by drop, and sometimes it is abundant. Strong discharge with a yellow tint can be dangerous, in which case the pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized.

Thrush is often exacerbated. Its signs are easy to distinguish on your own: the discharge becomes cheesy, with a sour odor, causing burning and itching. Inflammation must be cured before childbirth, since it is possible to infect a child who will pass through the birth canal. It is better to give up sweet and starchy foods, exclude synthetic underwear. Bloody spotting after sex can indicate cervical erosion.

The 25th week of pregnancy is the time when any changes in discharge should be alerted. Strange colors, odors, or consistencies require a visit to a gynecologist. Any spotting (except after intercourse or a doctor's examination) may be normal, if not accompanied by pain, otherwise, you must visit the hospital.

Analyzes and examinations at the 25th week of pregnancy

At the 25th week of pregnancy, an unscheduled ultrasound can be prescribed individually. Research helps determine:

  1. Development of baby's body parts.
  2. The position of the fetus, although it may still change.
  3. Heart rate. If necessary, an ECG can be additionally assigned. The thickness of the wall of the placenta, which during this period is approximately 26.21 mm.
  4. The state of the amniotic fluid and uterus, its location and size.

It is imperative to pass blood and urine tests to determine the level of hemoglobin and the presence of protein. The composition of urine will help to anticipate the condition of the urinary tract of a pregnant woman and predict the likelihood of developing preeclampsia.

Can't be neglected scheduled examinations from a doctor leading a pregnancy. You need to honestly talk about all concerns and sensations, pains and changes. Timely doctor visits can help prevent unwanted abnormalities.

Photo of ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

Pain sensations at 25 weeks of gestation

At the 25th week of pregnancy, a woman can be haunted by pain in the lower back, back, legs. Compliance with simple rules will help alleviate the condition:

  • learn how to get up and sit down correctly;
  • do not walk a lot or, conversely, do not sit for a long time in one place;
  • give up uncomfortable shoes;
  • use a prenatal bandage;
  • sit on a hard surface for a long time;
  • walk more in the fresh air.