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Comprehensive thematic planning for May preparatory group. Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the Federal State Educational Standards in the preparatory group for May

Project "Difficult Sounds"

Project name:Difficult sounds.

Project Manager:Timoshenkova Nadezhda Georgievna

Project type:creative.

Project participants:speech therapist teacher, students primary classes, parents.


Sounds - main construction material human speech, and only with their clear, accurate transmission can speech be understood correctly, and therefore serve as a means of communication.

Correct pronunciation is necessary for a child for confident communication, successful learning, competent reading and writing, and harmonious development. According to scientific research, approximately 40% of children in our country, whose speech should be formed, pronounce sounds incorrectly native language, and the number of such children is not decreasing.

Impaired sound pronunciation is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious obstacle to a child’s mastery of written language. It negatively affects emotional condition the baby, his self-esteem, the formation of personality traits, communication with peers.


Violations of sound pronunciation in children lead to the phenomena of dyslexia and dysgraphia when studying at school.


correction of children's sound pronunciation through entertaining visual and didactic material.


    Arouse children's interest in correctional activities.

    To develop the sound culture of speech in the interrelation of different speech tasks: the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work and coherent speech.

    To form and improve the sound culture of speech in children (to develop articulatory motor skills, diction, intonation expressiveness, phonemic perception).

    To promote the formation of a sound culture of speech in children with special needs in all types of activities: in classes, in games, in routine moments.

    Develop children's communication skills, develop self-confidence.

    To form emotional contact between parents and children, to enrich child-parent relationships through joint creative activities.

Project stages


    study the experience of famous teachers working on this topic and the experience of colleagues;

    create a developmental environment in the group (speech corner) and classrooms;

    prepare training and game material for individual and group work with children;

    Conduct diagnostics of children and questionnaires with parents.

Main stage:

    develop sound culture of speech in all classes and lessons

    realize speech development at school and at home using entertaining material

    involve parents in the process of automating assigned sounds (homework, “For you, parents” corner, consultations, conversations, open classes)

    designing individual folders with tasks for sound automation

The final stage:

    diagnostics of children.

    Parent meeting.

    parent survey.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the goals (methods, forms, means of implementation).

To implement the project in correctional classes, we use the following methods and techniques:

    verbal: (pure sayings, proverbs, riddles, sayings, poems, stories);

    visual (demonstration material);

    practical: (desktop, didactic games and exercises, crosswords, puzzles).

The use of riddles, stories, crosswords, and puzzles makes the lesson more emotional and interesting. The use of learning tools such as a computer will help make the process of implementing assigned tasks more interesting. Every speech therapist has computer games and programs for developing sound pronunciation.

Without the participation of parents, I think it is impossible to achieve this goal. That’s why I hold parent meetings where we tell them what successes we have achieved. We also conduct workshops and consultations, where we teach parents how to study at home. The school has a corner “For you, parents,” where recommendations are given both on the development of speech sound culture and on other sections of the program. Questionnaires are conducted periodically.

Calendar plan project implementation.

Estimated date of the event

Event name




Parent meeting“Diagnostic results and planned correctional and speech therapy work for the year”


Master classes for parents on sound automation. Design of the stand “For you, parents”


Design of individual folders with tasks, crossword puzzles, and pictures to automate sounds


Consultations for parents and teachers


Open classes for parents


Participation of children in a festive concert for mothers


Correct Speech Week


Final classes

Expected result:

    children's interest in learning activities will increase;

    the quality of sound pronunciation will improve;

    the level of development of mental processes will increase.

This project can be used by speech therapists in working with children with impaired sound pronunciation, not only at speech centers secondary schools, but also in correctional schools, as well as in kindergartens, as the number of children with sound pronunciation disorders is increasing.

Assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation:

A diagnostic examination revealed positive dynamics in the development of:

    sound pronunciations;

    mental processes;

    communicative functions of speech.

Further development of the project:

This project is expected to be used:

    in working with newly arriving children in 1st grade;

    introduction of innovative technologies to improve the correctional and educational process;

    exchange of experience with colleagues.


Speech therapist week at preschool educational institution

"Speech therapy palette."

Project passport

Project topic : “Speech therapy palette”

Project type: short-term

Type: correctional, informational, creative, social, pedagogical.

Project leaders:speech therapists: Komarova M.A., Averina O.G.

Project participants: children 5-7 years old attending speech therapy classes in a speech center, teachers, parents of pupils.

Objective of the project:

Correction of speech disorders in older preschoolers, in progress creative activity using health-saving technologies. Propaganda of speech therapy knowledge.

Project objectives:

  • Formation of practical skills in children of correct speech (phonetically clear, lexically developed, grammatically correct).
  • familiarize teachers and parents with the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten, in the conditions of a logopunkt;
  • use of modern technologies in speech therapy work;
  • create a special environment that encourages the child to be active in the educational process and strive for creativity;
  • encourage children to verbally communicate with peers and adults;
  • involve teachers and parents in the correctional pedagogical process;
  • use methods and means to encourage children to engage in a vibrant, emotional process of speech development;
  • Arouse the interest of preschoolers in speech therapy games and the need for them.

Relevance of the projectEvery year in kindergartens the number of children with speech disorders increases, and speech therapists working at speech centers preschool institutions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to organize effective correctional work. PTherefore, along with traditional speech therapy classes, new forms of work using health-saving technologies are used. One of the forms of such work is “Speech Therapy Week,” during which speech therapy knowledge is also promoted among teachers and parents.

The number of children with speech difficulties is growing steadily. Standardized methods correctional work do not always give the expected result. To increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in educational process project activities are used. The project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is independent, research, educational, playful, creative, productive activity children, in the process of which the child gets to know himself and the world around him, embodies his knowledge into real products. In the educational process Design preschool educational institution The activity is collaborative in nature. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The relevance is due to the need to resolve issues aimed at increasing the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with older children preschool age in the conditions of a logopunkt.

Develop higher mental functions; phonemic awareness; general and fine motor skills of the fingers; creativity, coordination of speech with movement.

Educational product:

Presentation of the events held,

Exhibition of creative works of students and wall newspaper

Booklets for parents

Speech at GMO speech therapists

Project implementation stages:

Preliminary. Studying methodological

literature. Selection of materials for the “methodological piggy bank” and development

plans for the “Speech Therapy Palette” week.

Organizational. Pedagogical planner. Consulting for teachers. Development of plans. Project announcement.

Basic. Conducting correctional classes and master classes according to plan, creating presentations.

Interaction with parents (group exhibitions, consultations, master class, day open doors).

Final. Presentation at the preschool educational institution. Analysis of project results.

Expected result:

Children will become more interested in speech therapy classes, the relationship with parents and teachers will improve, and the effectiveness of correctional work will increase.

. Speech therapist week at preschool educational institution

"Speech palette"

"If a strong tongue

And nimble fingers

They will speak clearly

Girls and boys"

Days of the week





Opening of the week

  • Exhibition “My Favorite Letter”
  • Wall newspaper “Speech therapist through the eyes of children”
  • Subgroup lesson

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

(preparatory group)




Teachers-speech therapists


Speech therapist teachers



  • Master class for educators

“We play with our fingers, we develop our speech”

  • Sub-group activity

"Game library finger games»

(senior group)

Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers


  • Open day for

Parents and educators

  • Individual sessions

"Visiting the Whistling Family"

(preparatory group)

Speech therapist teachers



Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers


  • Training for parents

“Game exercises for the development of articulation and breathing”

  • Booklets for parents
  • Small group classes

"Magic Sand"

(senior group)

Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers


Closing the week

GMO "Correction of articulatory and fine motor skills, as part of health-saving technologies":

  • Speech entertainment

"Surprises from Smeshariki"

  • Message “Correction of articulatory and fine motor skills,

as part of health-saving technologies"

  • Master Class

« «Bionergoplasty» Develop movements

We need to make friends with our hands and tongue."

Speech therapist teachers

Speech therapist teachers


Speech therapist teachers

  1. Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. - M.: TC Sfera, 2010.

  2. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in DOU.M., 2008.

3. N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa manual " Project activities preschoolers", Mosaic Synthesis, Moscow 2010.