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Competitive autumn program in elementary school. “autumn leaf fall” (competitive program) Competition program autumn leaf fall elementary school

Separate division Branch of the municipal educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 1 r.p. Tatishchevo" in the village of Makedonovka

Competitive game program dedicated to Autumn Day

"Autumn leaf fall"

5-9 grades

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich, history teacher

Goals: - expand and deepen children’s knowledge about natural phenomena;- develop students' creative abilities;- to develop students’ aesthetic taste and love for nature.- develop mutual assistance, tolerance, collectivism;Equipment. On the wall there are drawings by students, a photo exhibition with the works of students, autumn ikebana, leaves, crafts, an audio recording of the composition “Autumn” from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s cycle “The Seasons”.
Presenter 1. The rowan brushes are already burning with fire, And the leaves on the birch trees turned yellow, And the singing of birds is not heard at all, And silently autumn comes to us.Hello, friends! I am glad to welcome you. Today we have gathered to admire our beauty - autumn! Do you love autumn? Of course, late autumn has quite a bit of charm: mud, slush, cloudy skies, cold gloomy rains. Finding charm in this is not given to everyone. But you can’t help but be captivated by the beauty of early autumn, fleeting like the flight of a golden bird: the air is unusually clear and fresh, thin threads - cobwebs - shine silver between the tree trunks, the sun shines even brighter than in summer, but it doesn’t warm up. And the leaves! There is a multi-colored motley blanket on the trees and ground. It is nature, before sending the trees to rest, that arranges a forest feast every year! Presenter 2. We open our festive competition - game program. The program is dedicated to AUTUMN. Today four teams will compete: team _____________, team __________________, team _____________ and team __________________. Since this is a competition, it will be judged. I represent the panel of judges. FULL NAME. jury members

Competition 1. “Greetings”. In this show jumping competition, the jury will evaluate the team's performance: each team presents candidates for the title of king and queen of the autumn ball.Competition 2. D/Z Painting Competition“Autumn in Makedonovka” (Each team presents its own picture based on a predetermined plot)
Competition 3. D/Z “Tournament of the Weak.” But it’s weak to do something together that others cannot (hold, twist, carry, etc.). Each jury member will give his rating to each pair.
Competition 4. “Poetic” Autumn evokes a variety of shades of mood. Many poems have been written about this wonderful time of year. Assignment: one of the partners pulls out a “ticket” where the lines of a poem about autumn are written and silently, with gestures, explains to the other. The other must guess and reproduce one line on the first try, preferably naming the author. A support group can help you guess.The forest is like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson.
A cheerful motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
I. BuninThe mournful wind drives
Flocks of clouds to the edge of heaven.
The broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.
N. NekrasovThe sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter.
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she was naked...
A. PushkinAutumn!..
Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.
They only show off in the distance - there, at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.
A. TolstoyThe fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Water causes fog and dampness. S. Yesenin
Competition 5. "Eye meter". Jars with the same number of matches are taken out. You need to guess or count the number of matches in a jar in 30 seconds. All couples express their opinions. The pair that determines this number most closely receives the maximum score, the rest in descending order. A support group can help.
Razvlekalovo "Gift". One partner chooses a gift for the other (a piece of paper with the name of the gift). And the other is how this gift will need to be used (leaf from another pile). There are more leaves than pairs of participants. Voiced one by one.


Presenter 1. Girls and boys!There's a performance on stage!Autumn masquerade,Or rather, for funAutumn fashion parade.Competition 6. D/Z “Clothing” autumn season» One team member is a runway model, the other is a fashion designer presenting a costume. The cheerleaders pretend to be spectators. Presenter 2. While the contestants are preparing, I offer the fans tasks - a surprise. I have leaves of different trees in my hands. The participant comes up to me and chooses a piece of paper and completes the task proposed by the presenter. 1. Tell a poem to an aspen leaf without hesitation. 2. Who has Maple Leaf, that artist can perform in the circus - hold a pen on his nose. 3. The oak leaf asks participants to remember a song about autumn. 4. Whoever has a rowan leaf, say without hesitation: “Half a cellar of turnips, half a capful of peas.”5.Whoever has a birch leaf is a mimic artist: he doesn’t say anything, he depicts everything with a gesture.
Game "Collect the balls". Balls are simultaneously poured out like a fan onto the gym floor, and 2 blindfolded participants must One minute collect as many as they can into nets held by their partners (also blindfolded). Only people from the support group can give advice. The pair that collects the most wins, further in descending order.
Competition 7. “Art Gallery” One of the partners pulls out a postcard with a reproduction of a famous painting, remembers and places the support group as figures in the reproduction. The other one is waiting at the other end of the hall and must guess what kind of picture it is in the minimum amount of time.
Competition 8. “Dance with potatoes” To the music, the couples, resting their foreheads on the potatoes, try to perform some dance movements so that the potatoes do not fall, otherwise they will go out of the circle. Whose couple will dance the longest?Presenter 1. Our holiday has come to an end and the jury will sum up the results of the competitions. The jury's word.Presenter 2. And let the wind rage outside the window, the rain rustle, we hope that, despite the sadness of parting, you all have good mood, because today you have become familiar with the beautiful, and we still have a lot ahead Happy holidays. See you again!

List of used literature and sources:

1. Extracurricular activities: 5 – 11 grades / Author. – compiled by: E.V.Savchenko, O.E.Zhirenko, S.I.Lobacheva. – M.: VAKO, 2007.
2.Holidays in elementary school. Auto. /comp.: S.V. Savinova. – Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2002.
3. Extracurricular activities: 2nd grade/. Auto. – comp.: L.N. Yarovaya, O.E. Zhirenko, L.P. Barylkina, L.N. Obukhova. – M.:VAKO, 2005 4. 30 children's matinees for elementary school. / Author - M. M. Davydov - M.: “AQUARIUM LTD”, 2001. 5. 6.

Attached to the summary are: riddles, wall newspaper, video clip, music, leaf blanks.

Beautiful music sounds and the presenters come out. A poem is read in the background of a music video.

Ksyusha enchants the whirling of autumn,

The camp of bright days rejoices,

The soul trembles with excitement

In the candles of rowan lights.

Anya In the cool of sleepy languor,

From the depths of the mysterious depths,

I hear timid prayers

The blush of flaring rowan trees.

Ksyusha Sadness fell like leaves,

Burning in the glow of fires,

Autumn paints with a brush,

On a canvas of orange bushes.

Anya The melody sounds simple

From the spring of my soul,

A gray flock of clouds into the distance

Floating in the radiance of rays.

Ksyusha The soul sings, Autumn dances,

Painting the mottled streets gray,

In the palm of the fair of lights,

Dancing the waltz in my soul...
Anya: Hello, friends! Autumn invited us here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the subtle aroma of autumn flowers, the beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a thoughtful and slightly sad autumn mood.

Ksyusha: Oh, how solemn! And (sighing) sad.
Anya: Ksyusha, don’t make people sad, because autumn is not only a time of sadness and sorrow, it is also a time of joy.

Ksyusha So what, today we won’t sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn?
Anya No, we will sing, play jokes and have fun!
Ksyusha Well, let's start our competition program?

Anya Yes, we already have three teams (points to the teams) and a jury. This:

Ksyusha(grabbing his head) Wait, wait! We completely forgot! What is this autumn holiday without the Autumn Queen?

Anya Indeed, you need to call her immediately!

Ksyusha Friends, let’s call Autumn, let’s say in unison: “We are waiting for you to visit us in the fall!”

Everyone is calling autumn, music sounds, autumn comes out
Autumn Good afternoon, my friends!

Are you all tired of waiting for me?

The summer was hot - for a long time the power did not yield,

But everything comes in time -

I arrived at the door!

Ksyusha We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to start the competition program with us.

Autumn Thank you, I will be very glad.

Anya So, the first task - within two minutes you need to come up with an autumn name for your team.

Teams introduce themselves

Ksyusha What would be more fun

we will start the game soon.

Autumn. Hey buddy look

The wind brought leaves

A gift from autumn

So that the outfit is bright

(spreads leaves)
Anya Each team has one representative (this will be a tree). The rest of the team attaches pieces of paper to it. The jury evaluates who can dress their tree faster and more elegantly.

Music is playing and teams are decorating their trees.
Autumn What beautiful trees. Well done friends, you tried your best
Anya ( Against the background of quiet music) Oh, the soul begins to sing...

Ksyusha I can not hear!?

Anya If you can’t hear, keep it quiet, listen!

Ksyusha I can not hear!

Anya It can’t be, I can hear it!

Autumn Don’t argue girls, Albina Islamova is preparing for her performance, she will sing us the song “Autumn Blues”

Ksyusha One evening in the garden

Turnips, beets, radishes, onions

We decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle.

calculated clearly right there:

One two three four five…

Hide better, hide deeper

Well, I'm going to look.

Where did the vegetables hide?

Where to look for them?

Anya And we will find out now. Each team will be asked to guess two vegetables or fruits. One person from the team goes to the center, puts on a “mask” so that it is not visible, and the “mask” asks questions to the team, but so that the answer is only yes or no. The team answers, and the “mask” must guess who it is. The fewer questions, the better.

Ksyusha Well done, and they coped with this task perfectly. What could you come up with?

Anya Let's hold a competition for the best burim. Who knows what this is? Burime is a poem, often an impromptu comic character based on predetermined and unexpected rhymes; in our case, these will be the words “autumn”, “leaves”, “knocked”, “chill”, “ice”. It should look something like this:

Autumn knocked on the windows

It blew a chill,

The puddles were covered with ice

And it brought me sadness!

Ksyusha Well, if it doesn’t work out in verse, then let it be a mini essay using these words.

Anya Cool…! It was a real brainstorm.

Ksyusha Yes... the mind is the mind, but as they say, “they see you off by your mind,” but you still meet you by your clothes. What do you think people will wear this fall season?

Anya Well... I can only guess, because fashion is so changeable. Or maybe you, Mrs. Autumn, know?

Autumn Of course, I know everything about autumn.

Here not in dreams, but in reality

I decided to help you “house of models”,

To understand an important issue,

What to wear this season.

There is music and a demonstration of models with a short performance.

Ksyusha Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes through the maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing

Let's make a fan from leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

Anya Look how many leaves there are on our tree! But they are not simple, but with riddles and proverbs, the riddle must be solved and the proverb continued. Let's have a real one autumn leaf fall! One person per team approaches the tree, tears off a piece of paper, reads the task and throws the piece of paper on the floor, the team solves the task and so on in turn, each participant must approach the tree.

Ksyusha Well, if the piece of paper is empty, then the team earns a penalty point. Well, let's start!

Autumn Look at this, guys.

Everything around has turned yellow

It's autumn that has covered everything

With your golden carpet

I scattered all the leaves,

Do you want to collect?

And as soon as you collect

I'll invite you to dance

Ksyusha two people per team are required, one is blindfolded, the other leads: straight, left, right, take, etc. The game ends as soon as all the leaves have been collected. It is estimated who collects the most leaves.

There is soft music playing in the background.

Anya Bunches of rowan and linden outfit

They only talk about beautiful things

Autumn - a wonderful time has come

The leaves were suddenly blown away by the winds

And a gentle slow waltz sounded...

Ksyusha Anya Muranova is dancing, she will spin now.

Autumn Thank you, Anechka! And now... the prize is a surprise. Whose team guesses the weight of this bunch of grapes will receive this prize.

Autumn Okay, I made sure that everything is fine with your eye

Anya And now, friends, I think it’s your turn to make a gift for Autumn.

Ksyusha You owe for enough a short time prepare some crafts and give it to our main guest

The teams prepare to the music and present their gifts.

Autumn Thanks friends.

Anya This was our last competition

Ksyusha Is it true? How time flew by unnoticed.

Anya And yet, it’s time to sum up the results, and while the jury is getting ready, we’ll play a little more.

Ksyusha When asked, you must answer “You’re right!” or “You’re wrong!”, just all together, let’s practice!

(Checking the hall, how they can scream)

Autumn If the leaf is yellow-red to you

He fell straight up to his feet,

Someone will say this is summer, (Is it summer?)

We will answer!

("You are not right")

Ksyusha What a time of year, what a miracle!

The leaves have completely fallen off

Someone will say It's autumn! (Is it true?)


"You're right"

Anya If it rains and fogs,

If you are sad and sad, (What you need to saddle)

You just need to smile!


"You're right"

Autumn You won't find such beauty

In winter, summer or spring.

Autumn is a time of bright colors (Really?)


"You're right"

Ksyusha Everyone scolds the time of year,

Maybe winter will be better right away,

Everyone doesn't like Autumn, right?

What is your answer, are you together?

We will answer!

("You are not right")

Anya Well done! And now the floor is given to our distinguished jury.

The jury sums up the results

Ksyusha We ask for silence now,

Autumn will have its say!

Autumn I am grateful to everyone that you were at my ball, for visiting the holiday. Well, now, my friends, it’s time for me to reward you. (Autumn gives everyone souvenirs.)

And as a farewell, let's sing together a song you all know. ("The leaves are yellow")

Anya So the holiday has passed,

""Autumn leaf fall" "AUTUMN LEAF FALL" ( competitive program) Goal: development of students’ aesthetic taste, nurturing a love of art, creating a favorable..."

"Autumn leaf fall"


(competitive program)

Goal: developing the aesthetic taste of students, nurturing a love of art, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, congratulating birthday people.

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs behind the mill, babbling,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter trees suffer from mad fun, And the barking of dogs awakens the sleeping oak forests.

These wonderful lines by A.S. Pushkin from the poem “Autumn” invite you and me to open our competition program “Autumn Leaf Fall”.

The name itself speaks about its content. We will talk about autumn, this amazing time of year, a little sad, but so generous with its colors and gifts.

The jury gives the floor. It summed up the homework:

1. “Autumn composition.”

2. Drawing competition.

3. Newspaper competition.

How many wonderful, unforgettable poetic lines are dedicated to this beauty - autumn! Whoever has not admired her beauty, has not sung her praises!

I. Let's remember these lines. I invite you to take part in a literary quiz. Your task is to name the author of these lines. For the correct answer, the team receives a token...

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold, in their canopies the sound of the wind and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy darkness, and the rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, and the distant threats of gray winter.

(A.S. Pushkin) In the original autumn there is a short but wondrous time - The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant...

“Autumn Leaf Fall” 27 Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell, Now everything is empty - there is space everywhere, Only a thin cobweb of hair.

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, But the first winter storms are still far away - And clean and warm azure is pouring onto the resting field...

(F.I. Tyutchev)

–  –  –

(time - 5 minutes, music sounds), epithets are not read out, the jury sums up the results (if the epithet is not written in the appropriate column, it is not taken into account), the teams receive tokens... IV. Quiz for those who read a lot and know a lot

1. When does autumn begin in Australia? (March)

2. Why are the leaves at the tops of trees the last to fall? (They are the youngest.)

3. What vegetables of the pumpkin family can be found in our garden?

(Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini; liffa, gourd, etc.) Which animal gives birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall? (Hare) 4.

The roots of which plant are called second bread? (Potatoes) 5.

Who flies away in the fall and returns in the spring? (Birds) 7.

Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog) 8.

What kind of forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel) 9.

The jury takes into account the number of correct answers. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...

V. And now new competition“Make a proverb” (on proverb cards, the beginning is on one, and the continuation is on the other). The music plays, the jury takes into account correctness and speed. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...

1. Spring is red with flowers - / and autumn - with fruits.

2. What you sow is what you reap.

“Autumn leaf fall” 29

3. The rye is ripe - / get down to business.

4. Whoever cherishes the earth, / the earth takes pity on him.

5. Autumn will give orders - / spring will say its own.

6. I missed the day - / lost the harvest.

9. They remove the bread - / they look at the sky.

10. In autumn bad weather - / there are seven weather conditions outside.

VI. "The prize is a surprise."

Whose team determines the weight of this bunch of grapes will receive this prize.

–  –  –

IX. And now it’s time to congratulate our “autumn” birthday people... (Teams congratulate them, gifts are presented, the jury takes into account the originality of congratulations, etc.) X. Tea drinking. The jury sums up the final results. The winning team is awarded prizes... Everyone else gets an apple.

So, today we rested, had fun, showed our abilities, and AUTUMN helped us with all this!

Preparation for the holiday

Homework for teams:

a) autumn composition;

b) works for a drawing competition;

V) original congratulations birthday people;

d) “autumn” newspaper: (in the form of maple, oak, aspen, birch... leaf;

d) autumn leaves maple, oak, birch, aspen...(from paper, everyone makes a stencil from one album sheet).

Autumn landscapes for board design and for competition 2.

Tokens made of colored cardboard in the form of vegetables and fruits.

“Treasury of folk wisdom” 33


(game “Finest Hour”, dedicated to folk art) Goal: introducing children to folk art, instilling a love for folk traditions, expanding their ideas about the culture of the Russian people, developing an aesthetic and moral perception of the world.

Folk art - folk wisdom, folk knowledge... Today we turn to folk art not only because it is “a storehouse of wisdom, a storehouse of folk thought and moral health,” but also because these are our origins. Life set the task of raising its successors smart, brave, kind, hardworking not only before our fathers and grandfathers, but also before the grandfathers of our grandfathers for centuries, millennia. And in Everyday life people are looking for grains of spools of folk craftsmanship. Most fairy tales, legends, songs, proverbs, and riddles contain “...lessons for good fellows.” We do not know the names of their ends, but with good reason we can say that “the author is a genius, an eternally living and eternally young poet, educator, teacher of the people.” Let’s try to study and preserve all the best in folk art, otherwise we will undermine the roots that hold us, we will deal with ourselves with our own hands and become “Ivans who do not remember kinship”... Today we gathered for the “Finest Hour” quiz competition. All questions that will be asked are related to folk art.

I present to you the players... Let's welcome them!

All participants in the game are in front of you, it’s time to get acquainted with its rules.

Rules of the game

For each correct answer the player receives 1 point.

If his partner also answers the question correctly, then they receive a star.

You are given 5 seconds to think about each question.

After each round, and there are three of them, one pair of players with the fewest points will be eliminated.

If several pairs have the same number of points, stars will be taken into account.

Two couples who have reached the final will compete in the super game.

Points will be counted...

So, we begin the first round, which consists of four separate tasks.

Round I I have no doubt that before you learned to read, you listened to fairy tales.

“What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem... A fairy tale is a lie, but in it there is a treasure trove of folk wisdom."

mek..." wrote A.S. Pushkin about folk tales. Having originated in ancient times, the fairy tale, even in our time, is passed on from mouth to mouth, reinterpreted and re-emerged.

The famous fairy tales about Tsar Saltan, the dead princess, the fisherman and the fish are based on folk fairy tales. How well do you know fairy tales?

Let's check it now! Listen carefully as the question is read only once.

1 task

–  –  –

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municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

house of children's creativity of the village of Kalininskaya

Competitive game program

"Autumn leaf fall"

Teacher: Zhanneta Melkonovna Gasparyan


Kalininskaya station

Goals :

  • development of teamwork skills,
  • creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Holding a holiday.

Teams of 5 people from each group participate.


It's a sad time! Ouch charm!...
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

With these wonderful lines from A.S. Pushkin’s poem we open our competition program “Autumn Leaf Fall”. The content itself speaks about its content. We will talk about autumn, this amazing time of year, a little sad, but so generous with its colors and gifts.


1. Restore the words and answer the question: what grows in our gardens in the fall?

Words: -b-on-, s- -va, - r-sh-, -ya-in-, b-r-ar--, ob- -p-h-, a- -i-os

Answers: apple tree, plum tree, pear tree, rowan tree, barberry, sea buckthorn, apricot

2. Guess the vegetables and fruits.

The plates contain grated vegetables and fruits. It is necessary with eyes closed guess their name. (For example: beets, radishes, carrots, apples, cabbage, onions, pears).

A game with the audience - a riddle competition.Riddles - tricks about vegetables.

All so green
Coolly entwined in heads of cabbage,
A hundred clothes - all on her -
Vitamins for people.
And he sits deftly in the garden bed,
It's called...... Cabbage .

He loves warmth and water,
He's the pride of the garden!
All covered in pimples, green,
Known to everyone for a long time,
It's very tasty salty!
That's for sure ….. Cucumber.

Like girlfriends, in order,
They are all sitting in the garden,
Warmed by the bright sun,
Everything is orange
It's like sisters are twins!
Who? Certainly… Carrots.

You can’t cook borscht without it
And you can't fry the dressing.
All crimson
And delicious in winter and summer!
Without her, the salad is empty,

Grandfather planted that vegetable
I've been waiting for the harvest for a hundred years!
Well, she has grown so much!
Golden and big
Like a queen among servants!
Did everyone find out? This…. Turnip.

The bush is big and the leaf is beautiful,
And underneath it is such a wonder!
Everyone knows this vegetable
It is long and very important,
Striped like a pussy
It's called..... Zucchini.

This vegetable is familiar to everyone,
His home is in the garden.
Round red, will sing quickly,
And in the salad - well done!
The marinade doesn't taste better!
That's for sure….. Tomato.

From it, there is no doubt,
Cinderella had a carriage
Our ancestors often ate
They made porridge from it,
By adding only salt!
Well, of course…. Pumpkin.

Our vegetable has arrows,
Is it green or white
If you undress him,
You often shed tears!
But the blood excites!
Everyone knows that... Onion.

It grows in the garden
And it kind of looks like an onion,
It is only divided into slices,
The taste is bitter!
Every daredevil knows
This is a vegetable..... Garlic.

3. Competition “Make a proverb”.

(There are proverbs on the cards: the beginning is on one, and the continuation is on the other).

  1. Spring is red with flowers - / and autumn is red with fruits.
  2. What goes around comes around.
  3. The rye is ripe - / get down to business.
  4. Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth also takes pity on him.
  5. The day was missed - / the harvest was lost.
  6. In September there is fire / both in the field and in the hut.
  7. In September, one berry - / and that bitter rowan.
  8. They take away the bread - / they look at the sky.
  9. In autumn bad weather - / there are seven weather conditions outside.

4. Competition “Black Box”.

The task is to guess what is in the black box.

  1. In the old days, this vegetable was called “love apple”, “golden apple”. And now he has two names. What vegetable is in the black box? (Tomato, tomato)
  2. Its homeland is South America. The Indians called him “Papa.” In the old days, this vegetable was called “devil’s apple.” Hint: In Russia, at first he was bred like flowers, and for his unwillingness to imprison men, they flogged him with rods and exiled him to Siberia. What vegetable are we talking about? (Potato).

5. Quiz.

  1. Why are the leaves on the tops of trees the last to fall? (They are the youngest)
  2. Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall in the fall? (Hare)
  3. The roots of which plant are called second bread? (Potato)
  4. When did it start New Year in Rus'? (September 1)
  5. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)
  6. The only mushroom with an ear. (M ear pestilence)
  7. The only plant from which meat is made. (Soy)
  8. The animal is a mushroom. (Fox)
  9. The animal is a computer manipulator. (Mouse)
  10. The animal is a stowaway. (Hare)
  11. Who is considered in the fall? (Chicks)

6. “Guess the melody.”

Melodies from songs about autumn sound. You have to guess the song.

7. Summing up.


(competitive program)

Target: developing the aesthetic taste of students, nurturing a love of art, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, congratulating birthday people.

Preparation for the holiday

Homework for teams:

a) autumn composition;

b) works for a drawing competition;

c) original congratulations to birthday people;

d) “autumn” newspaper: (in the form of maple, oak, aspen, birch... leaf;

e) autumn leaves of maple, oak, birch, aspen... (from paper, everyone makes a stencil from one album sheet).

Autumn landscapes for board design and for competition 2.

Tokens made of colored cardboard in the form of vegetables and fruits.
October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs behind the mill, babbling,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

These wonderful lines by A.S. Pushkin from the poem “Autumn” invite you and me to open our competition program “Autumn Leaf Fall”.

The name itself speaks about its content. We will talk about autumn, this amazing time of year, a little sad, but so generous with its colors and gifts.

The jury gives the floor. It summed up the homework:

1. “Autumn composition.”

2. Drawing competition.

3. Newspaper competition.

How many wonderful, unforgettable poetic lines are dedicated to this beauty - autumn! Whoever has not admired her beauty, has not sung her praises!

  1. Let's remember these lines. I invite you to take part in literary quiz.
Your task is to name the author of these lines. For the correct answer, the team receives a token. . .
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

(A.S. Pushkin)
There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant. . .

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,

Only a web of thin hair.

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away.

And pure and warm azure flows

To a resting field. . .

(F.I. Tyutchev)
The swallows have disappeared

And yesterday the dawn

All the rooks were flying

Yes, how the network flashed

Over there over that mountain.

I've been sleeping since the evening,

It's dark outside.

The dry leaf falls

At night the wind gets angry

Yes there is a knock on the window...

(From the poem “Autumn Rose” by A.A. Fet)

II. I think that when reading these poems, pictures of autumn landscapes appeared before your eyes. In the next competition, your task is to write a story about the autumn landscape(landscapes are distributed, time is 10 minutes, music sounds)... Teams read out their stories, the jury evaluates them. For participation in this competition, each team receives from 1 to 3 tokens, depending on their place...
III. And now that you have remembered all the colors of autumn, it will be easy for you to take part in the next competition. Necessary choose epithets for the word autumn.

Let me remind you, epithet– this is a vivid definition that creates a vivid idea of ​​the subject.

Write down the epithets in four columns.

Firstly, epithets conveying beauty of autumn(elegance, coloring): elegant, fiery, bright, crimson, purple, colored, gold, ...

Secondly, what is autumn like? according to the nature of the weather: cold, rainy, wet, dry, foggy, dirty, stormy, warm, windy, ...

Thirdly, from her point of view time, duration: long, early, late, late, protracted, ...

Fourthly, from the point of view psychological perception(what feelings does this time of year evoke in you): joyless, sad, melancholy, thoughtful, wonderful, sad, glorious, gloomy, beautiful, ...

(time - 5 minutes, music sounds), epithets are not read out, the jury sums up the results (if an epithet is not written in the appropriate column, it is not taken into account), teams receive tokens
IV. Quiz for those who read a lot and know a lot

1. When does autumn begin in Australia? (March)

2. Why are the leaves at the tops of trees the last to fall? (They are the youngest.)

3. What vegetables of the pumpkin family can be found in our garden?

(Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini; liffa, gourd, etc.)

4. Which animal gives birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall? (Hare)

5. The roots of which plant are called second bread? (Potato)

6. When did the New Year begin in Rus'? (1 September)

7. Who flies away in the fall and returns in the spring? (Birds)

8. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)

9. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)
The jury takes into account the number of correct answers. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...
V. And now a new competition « Make up a proverb» (there are proverbs on the cards, the beginning is on one, and the continuation is on the other). The music plays, the jury takes into account correctness and speed. For participation in this competition, teams receive tokens...
1. Spring is red with flowers - / and autumn - with fruits.

2. What you sow is what you reap.

3. The rye is ripe - / get down to business.

4. Whoever cherishes the earth, / the earth takes pity on him.

5. Autumn will give orders - / spring will say its own.

6. I missed the day - / lost the harvest.

9. They remove the bread - / they look at the sky.

10. In autumn bad weather - / there are seven weather conditions outside.

VI. "The prize is a surprise."

Whose team determines the weight of this bunch of grapes will receive this prize.

VII. Your eye is good, now let's check yours color perception. Make an applique from the prepared pieces of colored paper; not all elements can be used (time – 10 minutes, music sounds). Questions are asked about ready-made applications or a specially prepared poster.

1) scarlet color;

2) apricot color;

3) fawn color;

4) purple color;

5) cream color;

6) olive color;

7) turquoise color;

8) purple color;

9) azure color...

The jury evaluates not only the speed of execution, but also the accuracy of the application and the correctness of the answers. For participation in the competition, teams receive tokens...
VIII. Riddles competition

Each team solves the riddles in order; the jury takes into account the number of correct answers. If the correct answer is not given, then it is guessed to the next team. For participation in the competition, teams receive tokens...

Stronger than the sun

Weaker than the wind

There are no legs, but he walks,

No eyes, but crying.

Large, fractional, frequent,

The whole earth was watered.


Over the river, over the valley

A white canvas hung.

The centipede boasts:

“Am I not beautiful?!”

But just a bone,

Yes, a red blouse.


Birds demolished

Blue testicles

Hung on a tree:

The shell is soft,

Sweet protein

And the yolk is bone.

Two sisters are green in summer,

By autumn one turns red,

The other one turns black.

(Red and black currants)
The heroes stood in a row,

They serve faithfully.

Their heads are inside

Beard - outside!

Grew in the garden

Green branches,

And on them -

Red kids.

Red mouse

With a white tail

I was sitting in a hole

Under the leaf.

There was a child -

Didn't know diapers

Became an old man -

There are a hundred diapers on him.

(Head of cabbage)
He stands there thoughtfully

In a yellow crown,

Freckles darken

On a round face.

Sits on a stick

In a red shirt

The belly is full,

Full of stones.

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And in the cold it’s sweet.

What kind of berry?

All gentlemen

They took off their caftans,

He didn’t take off his caftan.

(Pine, spruce in a deciduous forest)
What is not sown

To be born?

It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Dies in the fall

Comes to life in spring.


The old man is standing

Above the water,

Shakes his beard.

One hundred and one brothers

All in one row -

Standing tied together.

There is an oak tree on the mountain,

No one will approach him:

Neither king nor queen

Neither the red maiden

And who will come?

He will take it with him.

I didn’t count the versts

I didn’t travel on the roads,

And I’ve been overseas.

Not a cancer, not a fish,

Not a beast, not a bird,

Who will kill him?

He will shed his blood.

In the fall he will climb into the crack,

And in the spring he will wake up.

First wedge

Then damn it,

Water flows -

It doesn't matter to him.


You can lift it

And through the hut

You can't transfer it.


IX. And now it's time to congratulate our « autumn» birthday people... (Teams congratulate them, gifts are presented, the jury takes into account the originality of congratulations, etc.)
X.Tea party. The jury sums up the final results. The winning team is awarded prizes... Everyone else gets an apple.

So, today we relaxed, had fun, showed our abilities, and she helped us with all this AUTUMN!