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Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics and modeling in the middle group “For mushrooms. Summary of a lesson on sculpting in the middle group “Mushrooms” Summary of a lesson on sculpting mushrooms average


Teach children to compare two groups of objects, establish ratios of more or less, equally.
Learn to count movements and sounds by ear.
Strengthen direct quantitative and ordinal counting.
Clarify children's knowledge about shape and geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval).
Clarify the meaning of the concepts: left, right, next to, under, in the middle.
Teach children to depict a fly agaric using plasticine, using previously acquired skills.
Develop fine motor skills.
Form methods of analysis and synthesis.


Didactic canvas; distribution mushrooms and Christmas trees; mushroom toys or dummies; typesetting strips; notebooks; pencils or pens; a blank for bas-relief modeling (a fly agaric cap made of red paper is glued onto a sheet of non-glossy cardboard), white and green plasticine, boards for modeling, stacks.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, what time of year is it now? By what signs do you know that autumn is coming?

"Raindrops are flying"

The raindrops are flying, flying,
You won't get out of the gate.
Along the wet path
A damp fog is creeping in.

At the sad pines
And fiery rowan trees
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!

Now let’s go mushroom hunting in the forest. Yes, not into a simple forest, but into a geometric one.

Didactic exercise “In the geometric forest”

Children work with a didactic canvas.

Take a closer look at what geometric figures remind you of trees, bush, stump and sun in a geometric forest. (The teacher asks to name not only geometric shapes, but also their color).

Didactic exercise “Mushrooms have grown”

The autumn rain passed and mushrooms grew in our geometric forest. I will tell you exactly where the mushroom grew, and you put it in that place.

A fungus has grown under a red bush.
A fungus grew in the very middle of a forest clearing.
A mushroom grew to the right of the largest tree.
A mushroom grew next to a stump.
A mushroom has grown to the left of the Christmas tree.

Didactic exercise “Count the mushrooms”

Count how many mushrooms have grown in the forest clearing.
Place the set strips in front of you and place the same number of mushrooms on them as you counted in the geometric forest. How many mushrooms did you put out? Place as many Christmas trees as mushrooms on the bottom strip. Now make sure that there are more Christmas trees than mushrooms. What did you do for this? What other way can you make sure that there are more Christmas trees than mushrooms?

Look at these mushrooms (The teacher displays toy mushrooms or dummies of various mushrooms). How many mushrooms are there in total? What is the largest mushroom? The smallest? Fly agaric? A mushroom with a leaf on its cap?

And now I will collect mushrooms, and you will count them.
The teacher collects mushrooms placed out of sight of the children, saying the word “mushroom” when each mushroom is found. Children count by ear. Then the teacher presents the collected mushrooms to the children, the children count them and find out whether they counted the words correctly.
Then the teacher simply bends down to pick up the mushrooms without saying anything. Children count the slopes. The calculation result is checked in the same way.

Dynamic pause “In the clearing there is a mighty oak”

In the clearing there is a mighty oak
The branches are drawn straight to the cloud.
(Stand on your toes, stretching – arms up)

He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously.
(Tilts left and right with arms raised)

And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms!
One is a fungus and two is a fungus,
Put them in the box.
(Bends forward, right, left)

Here the frog jumped,
Here she can see little water.
And the frog jumps cheerfully
Straight to the pond, no less.
(Jumping from a half-squat position)

Well, we'll walk a little.
Raise your leg higher!
(Walking in place)

We walked around and frolicked
And they sat down at their desks.

Didactic exercise “Compare mushrooms”

Look, mushrooms and baskets are drawn in your notebooks. Small mushrooms need to be placed in a small basket. Large mushrooms should be placed in a large basket. Take a pencil (pen) and draw a line from the small mushrooms to the small basket. Then draw a line from the large mushrooms to the large basket.
Count how many small mushrooms there are. How many big mushrooms? Which mushrooms are smaller? Which mushrooms are there more?

Didactic exercise “Circle the fungus”

In the notebook, a mushroom is drawn with a dotted line, which the children trace with a pencil or pen.

And now we will make a fly agaric mushroom. What do you know about this mushroom? But the fly agaric is poisonous and dangerous for humans, but the squirrel, among the many edible mushrooms collected for the winter, will also have a few fly agaric in stock. Probably for medicinal purposes. So, if you come across a fly agaric in the forest, look at it, but don’t touch it or trample it - you don’t need the fly agaric, but someone else might find it very useful.
But before you start sculpting. Let's stretch our fingers and get them ready for work.

Finger gymnastics “Let’s go mushroom picking”

One two three four five,
(In accordance with the text, alternately unclench your fingers clenched into a fist)

Let's go for a walk in the forest.
(Clench your fingers into a fist and unclench them)

Take a basket with you
And they put mushrooms in it.
(Palms facing you, fingers intertwined and elbows spread to the sides. The palms seem to move apart, and gaps form between the fingers. Thumbs form a handle)

This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger,
This one cut
This one ate
Well, this one was watching everything.
(Thumb bent, the rest are clenched into a fist. In accordance with the text, we straighten our fingers one by one).

Bas-relief sculpture "Amanita"

Children share plasticine white stack into two equal parts. From one part they make a sausage - a mushroom leg. Place it vertically under the mushroom cap and press it against the cardboard. In the middle of the legs, the plasticine is pressed and pulled in both directions - they make a mushroom skirt. Many small balls are made from the remaining white plasticine and pressed against the mushroom cap - fly agaric spots. Make a sausage out of green plasticine and press it horizontally to the base of the mushroom stem, then pull out “blades of grass” with your finger and apply vertical lines on them with a stack.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

« Mushrooms in the autumn forest"
Summary of GCD for modeling in middle group kindergarten

Target: learn how to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive way using two parts.



    Continue to teach techniques for rolling plasticine into a ball and flattening it; learn to connect two parts together;

    clarify and expand children’s knowledge about autumn;

    generalize children’s ideas about edible and inedible mushrooms;

    activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Mushrooms” (fly agaric, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom);

    improve children's ability to listen carefully and answer questions.

Educational: develop children's cognitive interest, attention and creativity.

Educational: To instill in preschoolers a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to help others in difficult situations.

Preliminary work: targeted walks to the forest, learning poems about autumn, reading works fiction.

Equipment: musical toy hedgehog, dummies of fly agaric, boletus, boletus and chanterelle, dry leaves and blades of grass; modeling boards, stacks, plasticine different colors by the number of children.

Children enter the studio visual arts, where everything is arranged in advance in the form autumn forest.

Guys, today I invite you to take a walk through the fabulous autumn forest. Have you ever walked in a real autumn forest? (Children's answers.)

What can you see in the forest in autumn? (Answers.)

And this is what happens in our fabulous autumn forest. Repeat all the movements after me:

The wind blows slowly ( children blow) Quiet leaves rustling ( say sound [sh]) Where the leaf stuck to the leaf ( clap) A miracle mushroom appeared ( raise their hands up) Who found his friends? ( shrug their shoulders) From behind the stump, the teacher takes out a toy hedgehog and voices it: “Well, of course, it’s me!” ( Next, the teacher speaks for the hedgehog, slightly changing the timbre of his voice).

Our hedgehog puffs: “fu-fu! I love mushrooms, friends, and I’ll put this fungus in the box.” (takes the fly agaric and puts it in the box)

Children notice that this mushroom cannot be eaten, and if they do not notice, then the teacher himself asks them what this mushroom is called, whether it can be eaten and why.

The hedgehog complains to the children that he found only a few mushrooms in the forest, but the little hedgehogs are waiting for him at home and hope that he will bring them a lot of mushrooms.

The teacher poses a problematic question to the children: how to help the hedgehog? The children themselves offer ways to help (look for mushrooms together, make them out of plasticine, etc.). All options for solving the problem must be tried in practice. To do this, the teacher asks the hedgehog to show all the mushrooms he has collected. Then everyone carefully examines them together and names whether they are edible or not. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that all the mushrooms collected by the hedgehog consist of two parts: stems and caps.

The children are looking for mushrooms and, not finding anything suitable, decide to make them themselves from plasticine. Then, together with the hedgehog, they go to the tables and, after the teacher has shown the necessary techniques for working with plasticine, they independently choose suitable color plasticine and get to work. To make the mushrooms look like they were just picked, children are encouraged to decorate them with dry leaves, pine needles and blades of grass.

Under a huge pine tree

In a clearing in the forest,

Where is the pile of leaves lying?

The hedgehog is standing with a bushel.

We'll go to the hedgehog

And we'll give you mushrooms.

The hedgehog carefully examines all the mushrooms, asks if there are any poisonous ones among them, asks each one what kind of mushroom he made, notes how different and beautiful the mushrooms everyone turned out to be. Then the children put all their crafts in the hedgehog's box, and he thanks them, says goodbye and leaves.

The teacher once again recalls with the children what new things they learned in class today, notes the positive aspects in the work of each child and thanks everyone for their efforts.

Summary of GCD in 2nd younger group on the topic: Vegetables

Target: to develop children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables through integration educational areas: cognition, artistic creativity.


Give basic ideas about vegetables; color of vegetables;

Consolidate knowledge about the place of growth;

Develop a sense of teamwork;

Strengthen children's ideas about preparing vegetables for the winter;

To develop the ability to glue ready-made forms of vegetables.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations of vegetables;

Reading the fairy tale “Puff”, poems about vegetables;

Plot - role-playing game"Vegetable shop"

Materials: painting of a vegetable garden; vegetables and fruits dummies; visual aid “vegetables”; blanks for applique (cans, cucumbers, tomatoes), glue, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher brings in a picture of a vegetable garden and invites the children to look at it. Guys, the picture shows a vegetable garden. What grows in the garden?

Children list (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes)

Educator: That's right, in a word, these are vegetables. Vegetables grow in beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, they need to be looked after, watered regularly and weeds pulled out. Let's get acquainted with vegetables? But before we continue our work, let's do a little physical education. Guys, go to the middle of the group.

Educator: Our physical education session is called “Vegetable Garden”.

Our garden is in order

We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of working with a shovel)

We weeded the garden (bend over, reach the floor with your hands)

Watered the garden (show how it was watered)

There is not a lot in small holes

We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands)

All summer she got fatter,

Grew in breadth and height (rise slowly)

And now she's cramped and poor

He says: “Move aside!” (stomp your foot at the end of the phrase)

Now let's lay out the pictures with vegetables and see what kind of garden we have (children name the vegetables in the pictures).

Guys, I suggest you guess riddles about vegetables, listen carefully and guess.

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, and whoever undresses him sheds tears.

Children (bow)

The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street.

Children (carrots)

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

Children (cabbage)

Educator: Well done guys, now let's play?

The game is called "Harvest"

Vegetables are mixed with fruits on the floor; your task is to arrange the vegetables in one vase and the fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible. (a cheerful melody sounds)

Educator: Well done guys, they laid everything out correctly! Do you want our vegetables to be preserved in winter? To do this, you need to preserve them in jars. Sit down at the tables quickly and fill the jars with vegetables. Guys, what vegetables are we going to can?

Children (tomatoes and cucumbers)

What kind of tomato? (round, juicy, red)

What cucumber? (green, long, fresh)

At the end, the children look at their work. Guys, today we met you with various vegetables and I would like to read you a poem:

To be healthy and strong.

You have to love vegetables.

All without exception

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste.

And I don’t dare decide:

Which one is tastier?

Which one is more important!

Dinara Ermukanova
Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Mushrooms”

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group

on the topic:

« Mushrooms»

Program content: strengthen children’s ability to sculpt familiar objects using previously learned techniques sculpting(rolling clay with straight and circular movements, flattening with palms, finger sculpting) to clarify the form.

Move direct educational activities:

Educator: - Guys, come to us the group received a letter. I wonder from whom? Let's read it now. This letter was sent to us by a hedgehog from the forest. He asks for help, it’s his mother’s birthday. He wants to prepare a gift for her mushrooms, because she loves them very much, but doesn’t have time. Guys, can we help? (Yes)

The teacher reads a poem by G. Lagzdyn

"Story mushroom picker»

Under the aspens, under the oaks,

Nowadays they are hiding mushrooms,

Under birches and fir trees

Under the leaves and needles,

White-legged and handsome,

They look so much alike

As if in a hurry, in a terrible hurry

Russulas fled...

The teacher asks the children to remember which they know mushrooms.

Guys, look, I have it too mushroom(takes out mushroom made of plasticine). Let's look at what parts it consists of mushroom(hat and leg).

Right. What shape does the hat look like? (damn, plate)

That's right, guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder).

Phys minute

Ah, now we will rest. We stood in a circle.

We're kicking, stomping, stomping

We clap our hands, clap

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment

We shoulders chick, chick

One there, two there

Turn around yourself.

Guys, let's go to our places. (at the tables)

2. The teacher shows the sequence of work.

-Leg: take a piece of plasticine and make a leg mushroom - roll out.

-Hat: take a piece of plasticine and make a hat - roll out the ball, flatten it and stretch it out to make a bowl. Be sure to make a recess in the middle of the cap for the stem.

- Connecting: two parts, a cap and a leg - the mushroom is ready!

Independent activity of children.

3. Guys, what a great job you did for helping my hedgehog, now he’ll be feasting on his mother all winter mushrooms. Children fold mushrooms in the basket.

We will send all gifts by mail.

Publications on the topic:

Do you like mushrooms? Personally, I love it! I really love going to the forest to pick mushrooms. I love photographing them. Tough kids! Gruzdi White.

Conversation “Children of the forest - mushrooms” Conversation “Children” of the forest (mushrooms) Purpose: To introduce the variety of mushrooms growing in the forests of the Volgograd region. Create a presentation.

Abstract of the educational activity “Mushrooms for the hedgehog” Abstract of the educational activity “Mushrooms for the hedgehog” Approximate basic general education program: FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S.

Summary of productive activities in the second junior group. Modeling from plasticine “Mouse” Objectives: -learn to convey similarities and characteristics mice; - consolidate techniques for sculpting the body (rolling a large ball, small ones.

Lesson notes. Modeling. topic: Forest mushrooms The activity of modeling from plasticine “Forest mushrooms” develops fine motor skills in children. Completed.

Autumn has arrived, which means it’s time to pick vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms. I decided to make an applique of mushrooms from cereals, the available material is developing.


  • Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects, use familiar techniques: rolling plasticine with straight and circular movements, flattening with palms.
  • Learn to sculpt with your fingers to refine the shape.
  • Lead to a figurative assessment of work.

Material: Presentation "Mushrooms" , pictures and dummies of mushrooms, plasticine, modeling board, model of an autumn forest, ball, dry and wet napkins


Educator: Guys, I suggest you guess the riddles (the teacher uses ICT with a presentation "Mushrooms" )


He grew up in a birch forest.
Wears a hat on his foot.
The leaf stuck to it on top.
Did you find out?

Children: It's a mushroom!
In the soft grass at the edge
Red ears everywhere.

Golden sisters
They are called...
Children: Chanterelles

White dots on red -
Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.
There's no point in talking here -
Don't rip...

Children: Amanita


He will be born in an aspen forest,
No matter how he hides in the grass,
We'll find it anyway:
He is wearing a red hat.

Children: Boletus

Educator: That's right, these are mushrooms. Where do mushrooms grow?

Children: In the forest.

Educator: Children, can all mushrooms be picked in the forest?

Children: No

Educator: Let's remember which mushrooms are edible and inedible

Ball game "Edible, inedible"

Educator: Well done, you remembered everything.

Educator: Well done! Guys, take one mushroom at a time, look at them carefully and tell me how they are similar?

Children: Mushrooms have a stem and a cap.

Educator: That's right, children! How are they different?

Children: There are mushrooms different sizes and different colors.

Educator: That's right, children! Today I suggest you make mushrooms from plasticine. First, I will tell you how to sculpt mushrooms. First, I will sculpt the stem of a mushroom, take a piece of plasticine and roll it between my palms with forward and backward movements. This is how the mushroom stem turned out. To make a mushroom cap, I take another piece of plasticine, put it on my palm and roll it out in a circular motion to make a ball, then this ball must be placed between the palms and flattened. Like this. Now I will connect the cap and the stem, I have such a beautiful mushroom. What is the name of this mushroom? (Boletus) Guys, do you understand everything? You can start sculpting. But first, I suggest you stretch our fingers. Watch and repeat after me.

Finger gymnastics “A crow walked across the field”

A crow walked across the field
She carried six mushrooms in her hem:
Russula, boletus,

Milk mushroom, honey mushroom, champignon,
If you haven't seen it, get out!

Independent activity of children, provide assistance if necessary.

Educator: Guys, look what beautiful mushrooms we got. Ilyusha, tell us how we used our palms to make mushrooms? (straight and circular) Roma will tell us what parts the mushroom consists of (leg and cap) And Sasha will show what mushrooms we made (Boletus, boletus). Children decorate an exhibition of creative works "Mushrooms" .

Notes on modeling in the middle group “Mushrooms”
directly – educational activities
by sculpting
in the middle group
Compiled by: teacher of group No. 9
Simonova Elena Petrovna
Tula, 2015
Topic: "Mushrooms"
Program content:
1. Educational objectives: consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects using learned techniques (rolling plasticine with straight and circular movements, flattening with palms, sculpting with fingers to refine the shape).
2. Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills, imagination, creative independence.

3. Educational tasks: to cultivate accuracy and perseverance.
Integration of educational areas:
Demonstration material - music with sounds of nature, dummies of mushrooms, plasticine, modeling board, jar of water, napkin.
Handouts - plasticine, modeling board, jar of water, napkin.
Educator: Children, guess the riddle:
"Under the pine tree by the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boots.
There is a hat, no head"
(At this time, a recording of bird voices and the noise of the forest sounds. The teacher at this time arranges mushrooms (dummies). Children: This is a mushroom!
Educator: That's right, it's a mushroom. Look, guys, where have we ended up?
Children: We ended up in the forest.
Educator: Children, who can you meet in the forest?
Children: In the forest you can meet wild animals: fox, hare, bear, wolf...
Educator: Guys, who else lives in the forest?
Children: Birds live in the forest.
Educator: What grows in the forest?
Children: Trees, grass, bushes, berries, nuts, and mushrooms grow in the forest.
Educator: And now, children, I suggest you stretch our fingers. Watch and repeat after me.
Finger game “I’ll pick mushrooms”
I take a basket into the forest, they show surprise, they deceive me
I'll pick mushrooms there. hands to the side
My friend is surprised:
“There are so many mushrooms around here! »
Boletus, oiler, alternately bend fingers
boletus, honey fungus, fingers on both hands, starting
Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - from the little finger of the right hand.
Let them not play hide and seek!
Ryzhiki, volushki
I'll find it at the edge of the forest.
I'm returning home
I take all the mushrooms with me.
But I won’t carry the fly agaric. The thumb of the left hand is behind
Let him stay in the forest!
Educator: Well done! Did you like the game? Now, children, take a bottom mushroom and examine it. Tell me, how are they similar?
Children: Mushrooms have a cap and a stem.
Educator: That's right, children! How are they different?
Children: Mushrooms of different colors and sizes.
Educator: That's right, children! I suggest you make these mushrooms from plasticine. First you need to sculpt the stem of the mushroom. To do this, I take a piece of plasticine and divide it into two parts. I put one part to the side, and roll the other between my palms forward and backward. Like this. I got a mushroom stem. Now I take another part of the dough, put it on one palm, cover it with the other and roll it into a ball in a circular motion. Like this. To make a hat, you need to place the ball between your palms and flatten it. Like this. Now you need to moisten the junction of the cap and the stem with water and connect. Like this. I got such a beautiful mushroom. Children, is everyone clear? Where do we start sculpting? (Check out the stages of production again) You can start sculpting.
Independent activity of children, provide assistance if necessary.
Bottom line
Educator: Children, look how many mushrooms have grown in our forest. All are beautiful and different from each other. Today everyone tried their best and were very attentive.
I believe that the lesson achieved its goals. The children liked the activity. They worked productively - at the end of the lesson, everyone made their own mushroom.