Pregnancy Diets Health

Cosmetics for babies from birth which is better. What means to care for baby's skin and how to choose them? Bath foam

In addition to cosmetics for every day, there is a category of products whose task is to protect against impacts. The baby's skin is quite thin, so those factors that adults do not pay attention to can have a detrimental effect on children's skin.

Such funds include:

  1. Sun protection.
  2. Winter.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and healing.

Sun protection

In summer, the skin of the baby needs special care. Exposure to sunlight can cause burns.

To prevent this, use products with protection level SPF from 15 to 50.

The components of these products should contain only natural moisturizing components, preferably the absence of fragrances. It must be applied 20 minutes before going outside.


In winter, as well as in autumn with strong winds, skin irritation and redness are possible.

Special attention   need to be given to cheeks, lips and hands.

For winter care greasy cream. It creates a protective film on the skin. It is a barrier to prevent chapping and frostbite of the skin.

When buying, carefully study the composition. Buy creams without dyes and parabens.

Anti-inflammatory and healing

When the child becomes mobile, then you can not do without abrasions and bruises. Inexhaustible energy and the absence of "brakes" is doing its job.

For speedy healing   You can use anti-inflammatory and healing cream. The components included in its composition kill bacteria on the surface and accelerate cell regeneration.

Such creams cope with rashes and diaper rash on the skinwhich are especially common in newborns.

What requirements should meet children's cosmetics

The requirements for all children's products, including cosmetics, are similar. These include:

When choosing cosmetics, look not only at brand awareness, but also study the composition carefully.

A product that is ideally suited to one child, another can be the cause of severe allergies.

What to look for when choosing

Now there is no shortage of goods, therefore, to successfully sell manufacturers go to many tricks and tricks.

This list, first of all, includes bright packaging and the promise of a completely natural product, written in capital letters.

Where to buy?

Often, parents, due to the complete lack of free time, make purchases on the fly, and completely ignoring the store. It is not right.

Choose proven points. AND it is better to buy in specialized stores and pharmacies. This will protect you from negligent sellers who sometimes overwrite the expiration date in order to only sell the goods.


Carefully study the composition. It is advisable to be absent there   fragrances, dyes, mineral oils, as well as petroleum refined products, which are hidden under the simple name paraffin oils (petroleum jelly, ceresin, paraffin).

Shelf life

When choosing a product, you need not only to see if shelf life   to its end, but also to its duration. The larger it is, the wider the list of preservatives in the composition.

Smell and color

These factors should not hint at their chemical origin. Let it be better white or transparent color and a slight unobtrusive smell.

Child age

When choosing a cosmetic product pay attention to ageindicated on the package. If you see the characters "0+", then feel free to take it for any age.

This means that the product can be used for newborns. Its composition is the mildest and safest.

Popular manufacturers

Among domestic manufacturers, the most popular are:

It is impossible to build a certain hierarchy, since the popularity among different means of the manufacturer's line is not the same.

Perhaps, eared Nannies has the largest selection of products: from cleaners and detergents to personal care products.

The price of domestic goods is mostly affordable   and is targeted at a wide range of consumers. In terms of quality, many products are not inferior to Western products.

Most of the funds of Western manufacturers cannot be classified as budgetary.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive remedy, study the composition. Perhaps a worthy tool can be found at a domestic manufacturer at an affordable price.

But there are times when it is better to overpay and buy a good product with a safe composition.

Popular western manufacturers:

Every mom wants to give her baby the very best. No one doubts that. Be more attentive to the choice of children's cosmetics.

Pay attention to the composition. If in doubt, then give up this product. Check makeup on a small area of \u200b\u200bskin.

If there is the slightest suspicion of a negative reactionFeel free to discard the product in the bin. The baby’s health is the key to his bright future!

From the first day of his birth, the baby needs proper and competent care. There are many tools that will help your baby grow up healthy and strong. These include children's cosmetics, in particular, baby cream.

A few years ago, only one type of baby cream was known, which was used in all situations. Now for small helpless peanuts produce special cosmetic lines consisting of hygiene items and baby cosmetics. The close attention of parents, pediatricians and manufacturers is riveted by a natural baby cream.

The thin, delicate skin of a newborn baby is very weak and defenseless against environmental influences. The skin of the baby is a fragile thin layer of the epidermis, in which the protective layer is almost not developed. The thinnest fatty film is destroyed under the influence of light, heat, wind, frost.

Being in close and prolonged contact with diapers, diapers, the baby's skin undergoes a daily special endurance exam. Bathing in water with a small addition of shampoo or shower gel dries the skin of the baby almost instantly: it begins to peel off, red spots appear.

A cream for newborn babies is able to help with dry skin, protect against adverse external influences. There is a wide variety of baby creams, each of which performs its own specific tasks of protecting the skin of babies.

Cream Requirements

When choosing a baby cream, you must be guided by the safety principle: a cosmetic product should not harm the baby. The cream should protect the delicate skin of the baby, take care of it, for this it should have the following properties:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing components.
  • Possess a natural, safe composition.
  • The cream should not be too oily.
  • During application, gas exchange of cells should be maintained.
  • Neutral pH.
  • Possess high protective qualities that can protect against adverse external influences, as well as diaper rash and scuffs.

Useful components in the composition

When buying children's cosmetics, you need to carefully study the composition of this product. Each component that has a specific effect on the skin tissue must be natural.

  • Zinc oxide is a major component of anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieves inflammation, heals wounds, has an antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to use with diaper, as well as atopic dermatitis.
  • Herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula, string, St. John's wort) have anti-inflammatory, soothing and nourishing properties.
  • Vegetable oils (coconut, olive, sea buckthorn, peach, and shea butter) normalize the lipid balance, nourish the skin.
  • Vitamins A, B, C, E protect the epidermis and care for it.
  • Glycerin replenishes the necessary moisture level.
  • Panthenol is used in the treatment of diaper rash. Creates a protective film on the baby’s body that prevents moisture loss.
  • Natural fats, such as mink fat.

What is useful for one child in another can cause an allergic reaction. Each new cosmetic product is pre-applied to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the baby. Wait a few minutes, carefully observing the application site. If the skin turns red, a small rash appears, discard this product.

Varieties of baby creams

This is not to say which baby cream is best for newborns: each performs its own functions.

Consider the main types:

  • Moisturizing baby cream is one of the most popular in the process of caring for children. The work of the glands in infants is not yet fully formed. Washing, bathing - all water procedures wash off a thin lipid film. The skin dries up, peeling is observed. After applying a moisturizer after bathing, mom restores the protective barrier of the epidermis.
  • Anti-inflammatory cream relieves irritation, inflammation, calming effect on the skin of the child. The zinc oxide and panthenol contained in the composition contribute to the restoration of damaged skin and have an antimicrobial effect. Herbal extracts of herbs such as chamomile, calendula, soothe and heal small cracks and scuffs. This type of cosmetics should have a special label, confirming its anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • A protective cream is necessary to protect the epidermis from adverse weather conditions. In the hot summer months it is recommended to use sunscreens that contain UV - filters that will help neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Winter creams create a special film that protects from strong winds and cold. They are applied before going outside, give time so that the oily cream is well absorbed, and the excess is carefully cleaned with a napkin. The remains of the product on the face in severe frost can lead to hypothermia.
  • Universal cream is suitable in all cases, especially when the problem is poorly expressed. It can be used for mild redness or slight dry skin. It also has protective and nutritional properties. These properties are less pronounced than in special, narrowly targeted means, but this type is convenient precisely because of its versatility.
  • Under the diapers. Such products are produced by large cosmetic companies. These products contain special substances that prevent diaper rash and rash.

How to buy

Knowing the necessary components will not help to buy a quality product if parents do not follow certain rules for the purchase of children's cosmetics.

  • Children's cosmetics should be bought in pharmacies, specialized departments, where the storage conditions for cosmetic products are observed. Violation of storage conditions can lead to spoilage of the product, which will cause new problems with the skin of the baby.
  • Shelf life - no more than 1 year. The shorter the shelf life, the less preservatives are in the cream.
  • Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. It must not be broken, tight. The nose of the tube is sealed or tightly sealed. Due to the short shelf life, cosmetic baby products must be used immediately after opening the package.
  • The age category is indicated. The “for children” series differs in composition from the “for newborns” products.
  • Pay attention to the naturalness of the composition. If the products indicate the presence of paraffin, mineral oils, as well as parabens, which are based on refined products, refuse to purchase.
  • In the baby cream should not be dyes, aromatic fragrances. A pungent smell immediately gives out the presence of flavorings. The smell in the means for children should be unobtrusive, the consistency of the cream is homogeneous, without lumps.
  • All children's products, especially cosmetic ones, should bear a quality mark. The seller must, upon request, present a certificate confirming the quality of the goods.

Application rules

  • After discharge from the hospital, try not to abuse children's cosmetics, but you don’t need to completely abandon it.
  • Check the cosmetic product for allergens: apply a small amount to the bend of the elbow, observe the reaction of the skin. In case of allergies, discard this makeup.
  • Wash hands with soap before applying cream to the skin of a child. The cleanliness of the hands of adults is the key to the health of babies.
  • Apply with soft, gentle movements, do not rub into the skin. Check all the folds of the baby, gently smear the cream in the folds, carefully remove the excess with a soft cloth.
  • After applying the cosmetic product, have an air bath for the baby.
  • Observe storage periods.
  • To avoid addiction, baby cosmetics should be changed every 2 months.

Nappy cream

Among the huge number of presented baby creams for newborns, choosing which is better is not easy. Any product, except for positive reviews, also has negative ones. This is due, first of all, to the individual characteristics of each child. Therefore, listening to the advice of friends, focus on the health status of the baby.

Many types of cosmetics are available for diapers. Preference should be given to large firms that have been tested for many years in the market of children's products.

To avoid diaper rash and prickling, you must choose diapers that take into account the anatomical features of the newborn girl or boy.

Which parent does not wait with trepidation and excitement for the birth of his child? And this event happened. In addition to joy and happiness, mom and dad have a lot of questions regarding which cosmetics for a newborn baby should be used and which one to choose. Everyone knows that the baby’s skin is very sensitive, therefore, when choosing cosmetics, their composition must be taken into account. There should be only natural ingredients and no flavors or fragrances.

How to choose high-quality and safe cosmetics for your child

The choice of cosmetics for a newborn baby should be very careful. Since the assortment of the presented products is wide enough, the selection criteria for each product are different.

The video tells how to choose cosmetics for newborns:

Bath foam for babies

It is necessary to choose products based on surface-active components. Thanks to them, the skin will not be overdried. You can apply bath foam no more than 1-2 times a week.

Today, on the shelves of the store you can find combined products that can be used as a cleanser, as well as for washing hair. It is better to bathe the baby before bedtime, using foam with lavender extract.


It is recommended to use this product not earlier than from 2-3 weeks of age. This is because the skin of the head is still very tender, so they can simply be injured. Apply shampoo with light movements. At the same time, try not to get into your eyes to avoid irritation. Despite the fact that the shampoo will be stunned by a neutral pH level, it is often not worth using it. It is enough to wash your hair 2 times a week.

Cream after bathing

When choosing a baby cream, you must pay attention to ensure that it has the following effect:

  • eliminate inflammation and redness;
  • eliminate peeling;
  • have a moisturizing effect;
  • provide powerful nutrition.

Very often, redness on the skin of the baby occurs due to the fact that he has been in the diaper for a long time. If you do not take into account the basic rules of hygiene, then a slight inflammation can develop into a serious disease called dermatitis.

All products of this type should contain components that will effectively fight inflammation. When choosing, consider the texture of the product. It should match the type of skin. Cream with a moisturizing effect should be applied only after the adoption of water procedures. Water leads to dryness and peeling. When treating skin with a light texture, you can effectively deal with diaper rash and redness.

Baby oil

Today, oil has become the main cosmetic product for the care of the delicate skin of a newborn. Thanks to him, he needs to saturate the skin with useful vitamins, and also softness will come to her. It can be used to massage and eliminate diaper rash.

When choosing this product, you need to pay attention not only to the fame of the manufacturer, but also to the composition. It should not contain preservatives or other unsafe components. When buying, read the expiration date. If it exceeds a year, then applying oil is not recommended.


This cosmetic product is chosen for those with oily skin. If you do not take into account this fact, then you can cause even more irritation. Apply powder before putting on the diaper so that diaper rash does not occur.

What is cosmetics, is described in detail here in the article.

When choosing, be sure to consider the composition. It should contain a minimum of chemical additives. If we talk about high-quality powder, then its composition should include such components:

  • potato (rice) starch;
  • zinc;
  • mineral talc;
  • corn flour;
  • extracts of lavender, aloe, chamomile.

If a large concentration of extraneous chemical compounds is present in the composition, this will lead to clogging of the pores and the occurrence of allergies.

Rating of manufacturers of good cosmetics

Today, the range of products presented is quite wide. So quickly and simply to choose the necessary remedy for parents, and especially inexperienced, is not so simple. To understand this issue, you must use the following rating, which contains products from trusted manufacturers.


This German manufacturer, in whose collection there is a wide range of children's cosmetics. They are based on only natural components, so when using them, the skin does not suffer at all. In the assortment you can find children's soap, foam, creams and much more. All products are certified. The only drawback of the cosmetics of this brand is the high price.

Little siberica

The production of this cosmetics is done in Siberia. Despite this, all products were able to get European certification. This indicates that it is all of high quality and natural composition. In addition, the cost of cosmetics of this brand is not so high, because the company had to save on packaging. When boring products, pay attention to the fact that they are certified. To do this, the package must be marked COSMOS-Standard organic.


This is another German brand specializing in the production of children's cosmetics. When developing products, only vegetable oils and natural ingredients are used. If you pay attention to the composition, then there you can find parabens. This is a minus of the presented products.


German companies for the production of children's cosmetics continue to amaze with their high quality. This is another company that manufactures cosmetics in Germany. When you purchase it, you get not only high quality, but also a low price with some of the best product reviews.

Bubchen company produces many lines, while not everyone can boast of high quality and safe influence. If you want to be sure that the cosmetics used do not harm the delicate skin of your baby during bathing and after it, then pay attention to funds from the series “From the First Days”.


The production of this cosmetics is carried out by Japanese specialists. But in Russia, the products of this manufacturer are also gaining popularity. The reason is that all cosmetic products position themselves as high-quality and safe products.

Despite this, the cosmetics of this brand can be found cons. The composition contains parabens and compounds with sulfates. If you want to save, you need to choose products in soft packaging.

Eared Nannies

This manufacturer contains in its assortment not only cosmetics for newborns based on allantoin, but also products intended for washing and washing dishes. This brand is very popular with parents, as all products are characterized by safe influence and economical accessibility. The only disadvantage of this product is that the powder contains phosphates, which are prohibited by European standards.

What is the best massage oil for body in a pharmacy to help understand the contents of this

Which best hand cream is currently the most popular?

Which is the best, detailed in the contents of this article.

Once upon a time, the phrase “baby cream” meant a very specific tube of universal cream with the same name. This cream was unrivaled, used in different situations and for different parts of the body. However, the industry for the production of children's goods and cosmetics is constantly issuing new funds. Now a newborn baby can have more creams than mothers, and each of them will be baby. All of these care products are designed for different purposes. Let's see what types of baby creams exist, for which situations each of them is suitable.

What is a baby cream

  1. Moisturizing baby cream. Contrary to popular belief that there should be a minimum of different chemistry in caring for a baby, a moisturizer is a necessary thing. In newborn babies, the skin is very thin and delicate, the work of the glands is not yet regulated. During bathing, the lipid film that protects the skin from the effects of the external environment is washed off, as a result, the skin dries up and begins to peel off. After bathing, a moisturizer restores this protective barrier. The composition of this cream includes vegetable oils, glycerin and vitamins.
  2. Anti-inflammatory baby cream, or irritation cream . This cream has a calming effect on the baby's skin, relieves irritation, and is effective even for wound healing. However, the main problem of babies is, so this cream is often used under a diaper. Many anti-inflammatory creams are labeled accordingly. The soothing and healing effect of such a cream is due to the plant extracts of chamomile, string, and calendula included in the composition. In addition, the composition contains panthenol, which contributes to better skin recovery, and zinc oxide, which has an antimicrobial effect.
  3. Protective baby cream. It is necessary to protect the baby's skin from environmental influences, whether it is frost and wind or the scorching sun. In the hot season, when most of the body is exposed to the sun, use a sunscreen containing UV filters. For winter, there are special creams, they create protection against frost and wind on the skin in the form of a greasy film. It is necessary to apply the “winter” cream in advance so that the cream can be completely absorbed, otherwise its effect will be the opposite: the non-absorbed cream will freeze on the surface of the skin and lead to hypothermia.
  4. Universal baby cream. Due to its rich composition, this tool copes with almost any task: it moisturizes, nourishes, protects, and relieves irritation. Creams with a narrow spectrum of action are, of course, more effective, but if the problem is poorly expressed, a universal cream is suitable. Such a tool is also necessary, especially since it is impossible for mom to predict what problems she will encounter, and a universal cream is suitable in any situation.

Choose the “right” baby cream

Given the variety of types of creams and manufacturers, it is important to learn how to choose safe and high-quality products for the baby. Knowing some rules for choosing a baby cream will help you not to get confused in front of a shelf in a store and choose the best one for your little one.

  • Buying a baby cream, like any goods for children, is in specialized departments or pharmacies, that is, in those places that inspire confidence and can vouch for observing all the rules for storing goods. Baby cream has an expiration date and must be stored under certain conditions, non-observance of this rule leads to the fact that the effectiveness of some components is reduced, and in some cases, such a cream can cause skin problems.
  • Speaking of shelf life. The longer the shelf life of the cream, the more it contains preservatives and various “chemistry”. Choose baby cream with the shortest shelf life.
  • The composition of baby cream, of course, should be natural. The presence of parabens, mineral or paraffin oils in the composition of baby cream is unacceptable. All these substances are oil products and are very harmful to the baby’s delicate skin (for adults, by the way, too).
  • When studying the composition of the cream, look at the location of the components in the list. The further the substance is in the list of ingredients, the lower its mass fraction in the cream. Often on the package it is stated that the cream contains some expensive and effective component, but in the end it turns out that its content in the cream is so negligible that it will not have any effect.
  • Pay attention to how baby cream looks and smells. The presence of dyes or harsh fragrances is very undesirable: these are quite aggressive chemicals that can cause irritation or an allergic reaction in the crumbs.
  • Do not ignore age-related labeling. What is suitable for children 2-3 years old is far from always appropriate for a newborn baby.

Baby cream: safety precautions

Using a baby cream is worth without fanaticism. It is unlikely to completely abandon such funds, but you should not abuse creams. Do not once again smear your favorite ass with cream, if this is not an objective necessity.

Be sure to observe the shelf life of the open tube. It is better if the tube is initially small: bacteria are easily propagated in long-stored open tubes of cream.

Mom's note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I write here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...