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Brief description of the enterprise - LLC "Bronnitsky Jeweler". Bronnitsky jewelry factory

In Soviet times, the Bronnitsky Jeweler plant was considered the largest chain manufacturer. In 2003, the ALROSA holding wanted to acquire this enterprise, but did not do so. The Sudkomgroup holding has become the new owner of the plant, the management of which seriously intends to return the jewelry plant to its former glory.

The deal of the century, or how bargains are made

It still remains a mystery why ALROSA never became the owner of a promising plant. Most likely, the past leadership knew about this, but the current one only shrugged, hearing this question. However, according to Roman Kazantsev, chairman of the board of directors, it became known that specific agreements had already been reached between the state and the leader of the diamond industry, and the intentions of the holding's leaders were very serious. But the deal, for unknown reasons, remained only within the framework of oral agreements.

Unlike ALROSA, the activities of the current owner of the plant, the Sudkomgroup holding, were completely unrelated to the production sector until the acquisition. jewelry. At that time, it was a fairly influential machine-tool association, which included the largest companies in St. Petersburg - Sverdlov, SverdlovTyazhMash, Hydrosystem. When buying a jewelry giant, the holding's leaders were driven by a cold calculation: the volume of the Russian jewelry market is estimated at $ 1 billion, and with such production capacities, Sudkomgroup has every chance to take a leading position in it.

The gold industry is a profitable investment

Nowadays, gold earrings, chains, bracelets and rings are perceived by Russians not only as a worthy decoration, but also as effective remedy protect your own money from inflation. Gold is always in price, and even global economic crises do not have a significant impact on this.

The number of Russian gold products is constantly growing and, according to the Russian State Assay Office, from 2000 to 2002 this growth is about 35% annually. During the first 6 months of 2004, the state inspections of assay supervision tested and branded about 12 million pieces of gold items, the total weight of which exceeds 31 tons. This figure is 23% more than the same period last year. According to preliminary estimates, at least 60 tons of gold jewelry will be tested for the whole of 2004.

Despite the fact that the total Russian gold market is estimated at $ 1 billion, the chain segment, in which Bronnitsky Jeweler specializes, accounts for at least $ 300 million. Experts consider this business to be the most liquid, and in view of the production capacities that plant, it can also become extremely promising for its new owners.

The history of the development of the plant "Bronnitsky Jeweler"

The plant was founded in 1924 and almost immediately proved to be the largest manufacturer of gold and silver chains on the Soviet market. In 1972, the plant introduced new technology, which allows you to make chains of automatic weaving.

Until 1990, Bronnitsky Jeweler became practically a monopoly on the chain knitting market.
But in 2003, the situation did not look so rosy, and Sudkomgroup got the plant in a very deplorable state. The activities of the former giant were affected by the unfinished privatization in 1992, which led to the fact that the controlling stake remained in the hands of the state. In practice, this situation looked depressing: the plant actually had no owner. In 2001, the holding bought an 11% stake in the plant, at that time Bronnitsky Jeweler was considered almost bankrupt. In that difficult period, the plant simply devoured all working profits, there was no talk of any income.

The new management undertook the restoration of the plant extremely hard. And the first thing they did was get a change CEO. The former chief engineer Mikhail Gritskov became the new head of the enterprise. He was given clear objectives: to cut costs as much as possible and increase productivity. Gritskov immediately got rid of a non-core and unprofitable line of business - greenhouses. The vacated part of the territory was rented out, the funds received were put into production. Then abolished some departments. All measures proved to be effective: in 2001, the plant produced about 30 kg of jewelry, now this figure has reached 300 kg.

Then the personnel issue became on the agenda. In difficult times for the plant, most of the craftsmen quit, many were already working abroad. The new management set out to attract former employees who raised Bronnitsky Jeweler from scratch. Salaries were raised significantly.

Under Gritskov, they began to do what Soviet years it never even occurred to anyone to study demand. Thanks to the data obtained, traditionally matte Russian chains began to shine like imported ones. Jewelry.

Modern plant development strategy

Intensive investment in the plant began after a private company, which is part of Sudkomgroup, bought out a controlling stake at a closed auction. Immediately after that, the managerial staff of the enterprise was strengthened: a new financial director and a talented marketing director, Elena Elkina, appeared.

In accordance with the newly developed development strategy, it was decided to strengthen the position trademark"Bronnitsky Jeweler" and create a system of effectively managed distribution on a national scale. In general, the new plant team was specifically aimed at restoring and expanding the positions lost after the collapse of the USSR.

Management spent $9 million on the first phase of this program in February 2009, of which $2 million was spent on a complete upgrade of the equipment. These colossal expenses were fully justified, because the equipment at the plant has not been updated since 1980. Part of the funds, $5.6 million, was spent on replenishing working capital, and the remaining $1.5 million was spent on creating an effective distribution system and promoting the Bronnitsky Jeweler trademark. In the near future, the company plans to invest in the development of the plant another
$10 million

Modern equipment has become the basis for increasing the scale of production (it is planned to increase the volume to 700 kg of products per year). In addition, over the past 9 months after the modernization, the production of 50 varieties of weaving chain-knitting ornaments was launched.

The introduced reforms directly affected the structure of production. Until that moment, the plant operated two workshops, where there were several specialized departments. As a result of the reorganization, six specialized industries were singled out: procurement, stamping, automatic chain knitting, manual chain knitting, molding and finishing. This scheme made it possible to optimize the stages of production, the movement precious metals and reduce downtime between operations. Together, this led to a decrease in the cost of jewelry by an average of 20%.

Prospects and volumes of the Russian gold market

Before acquiring the plant, Sudkomgroup conducted a detailed study of the Russian jewelry market, and in particular, a survey among consumers on their attitude to Soviet brands. As it turned out, the end consumer and distributors are more than loyal to Soviet brands, and 60-80% of buyers know and remember the Bronnitsky Jeweler brand, there were quite a few who generally prefer this brand to others. But it is not to be denied that in the 10 years of inactivity, most buyers have switched to products from other manufacturers. And the volumes of the former monopolist "Bronnitsky Jeweler" decreased to 1%.

In 2003, the largest participants in the Russian market were the Moscow Adamas Jewelry Factory and the Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant. From 20% and 10% of the market, respectively. But still, the main part of jewelry products on the domestic market comes in the form of smuggling from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. In percentage terms, this is 40-60%, and often these illegal goods are passed off as Russian.

"Napoleonic" plans of the plant management

On this moment the management of the plant is trying with all its might to regain the former popularity of the plant's products, positioning it as absolutely unique. There is every reason to say so, because even in Soviet times craftsmen invented an innovative golden spring lock. What is special about this castle? The bottom line is that gold, by its properties, is not suitable for making locks, and for this purpose, jewelers use other metals, such as steel, in their products. But the Bronnitsa craftsmen managed to change this and present to the end consumer jewelry made entirely of precious metal.

According to experts, this approach will help the products of the Bronnitsky Jeweler factory to compete with jewelry products from Asia and Europe. But not a single, even the most well-thought-out promotional action, works instantly, in order for the consumer to fall in love with and appreciate the products of a domestic plant again, it takes time.

Chain of Successful Achievements

The strategy for developing and restoring the image of the Bronnitsky Jeweler company is radically different from the actions of many competitors. The management decided not to make the cost an attractive criterion, the stake was placed on high quality and uniqueness. Prices for the plant's jewelry are on average 2 times higher than the cost of similar imported goods. But at the same time, Bronnitsa products are in deserved demand, bringing their owners a stable and fairly high income.

According to Marketing Director Elena Elkina, this proves that buyers are willing to pay more for a truly high-quality, original product. At the same time, Elkina indicated that the company neither now nor in the future is going to conduct PR campaigns related to price reductions or jewelry raffles. After all, this will only lead to one thing - buyers will begin to perceive the plant's products as another consumer goods that they are trying to impose on them in any way.

According to Felix Karasev, consultant of Kachalov & Partners agency, this approach of the company is quite justified and can become the key to future success. But the consultant warns that the company's management should be ready to make significant material costs for brand promotion. Only then will Bronnitsky Jeweler be able to occupy its niche in this segment with a high price point, and it will be almost impossible to force it out from there. If the investment is not enough, then such a move can only result in additional senseless costs.

Many experts in this field are generally sure that the Bronnitsky Jeweler plant will not be able to compete with companies offering customers products at a price slightly higher than the cost of raw materials. And Igor Fomichev, head of the advertising department of the Adamas company, believes that promotions and discounts in their business are not at all an indicator of the low quality of the goods, but a manifestation of respect for their customers.

The management of the Bronnitsky Jeweler plant refused to develop a retail network. It is planned to control the promotion of the brand by adjusting relations with dealers. At the moment, the company's distribution network includes 20 regional centers. This practice will be applied for the first time in the domestic market. All major participants in the Russian jewelry market do not miss the opportunity to develop retail trade, which allows them to respond very quickly to changes in consumer demand, and this brings a lot of income. For example, the Adamas retail chain has 27 stores. And, according to the sales director, large companies are simply obliged to have retail stores, because most buyers prefer to buy jewelry in the manufacturer's branded stores.

At the moment, the main competitors of Bronnitsky Jeweler are the Adamas company and the Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant. But thanks to a professional management team and unique products, the plant has every chance to become a leader in the near future.

The Bronnitsky Jeweler franchise network is represented by 82 stores. The coverage area includes Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Lipetsk, Rostov-on-Don and Bronnitsy, a small town southeast of the capital, where the history of the company began.

Masters from Bronnitsy began to master the jewelry business from 1782; The artel, which gradually grew into a huge factory, was founded in 1924. Recently, the company has been actively upgrading equipment, but the principles and standards remain the same - high quality and attention to detail. This is one of the few Russian manufacturers, passed the international certification system ISO 9001:2008.

Network range

Every year, the plant produces more than 5 thousand jewelry made of gold 375 and 585, as well as sterling silver, including:

  • bracelets;
  • charms;
  • necklace;
  • clock;
  • religious decorations.

The chains of the Bronnitsky Jeweler deserve special mention. The history of the company began with chain knitting, and these products became its calling card. The range includes chains of hand and machine weaving; each carabiner has a company logo. Popular options are presented - rhombo, bismarck, nonna, anchor, as well as models of the original design.

"Bronnitsky Jeweler" does not stop at the classics. New collections appear regularly in the salons of the network:

  • "dancing diamonds" with the original form of setting the stone in the frame;
  • "reflection" with technology that provides a bright shine of the insert ";
  • "fashion trends" and many others.

If the client cannot find a suitable product in the assortment of salons and online store, Bronnitsky Jeweler offers a service of making products to order. After developing an individual design, the decoration is created at the company's factory. It has the same one-year warranty as the products in the catalog.

Additional service

In the salons of the network "Bronnitsky Jeweler" you can use the following services:

  • buying and exchange;
  • loan processing;
  • and pendants;
  • acceptance of products for transfer to the workshop (with and without warranty).

For regular customers, there is a loyalty program: with bonuses accumulated upon purchase, you can pay up to 20% of the cost of goods. Promotions and seasonal sales up to 50% are regularly held.

In addition, on the official website of Bronnitsky Jeweler, you can buy diamonds at a profit. At the same time, the client receives full advisory support regarding the rules for assessing the stone, as well as a quality certificate.

Bronnitsky jewelry Factory - Russian enterprise of the jewelry industry in the city of Bronnitsy, Moscow Region.

« Bronnitsky Jeweler"- a company founded in the 1990s on the basis of an enterprise, which also includes a trading house and its own retail network.


The official founding date of the Bronnitsky jewelry factory is considered to be 1924, when the Emerald artel was founded. The organizers of the artel were Bazarov A. K., Nikitin I. D., Belousov A. V., Belashkin A. G. and Kovalev G. V. Initially, the artel produced brooches, pendants, bracelets and earrings, but the production volume did not exceed 100 kg gold items per year. In 1935, the production of chains of gold and silver was launched.

In the early 1990s, the company operated at 1.5% of its capacity, producing 20-30 kg of jewelry per month. The actually bankrupt enterprise was considered as an acquisition target by the Alrosa diamond mining company, but it soon abandoned its plans, and the plant was acquired by Sudkomgroup. The new shareholders invested $9 million in modernization and began to build a vertically integrated jewelry company on the basis of the plant.

Annual production [ ] is 4 tons of gold and 2 tons of silver jewelry. Products are sold through more than 2 thousand retail outlets in Russia and neighboring countries (both through branded stores and multi-brand stores). The retail network is built mainly on the terms

According to official data, the Jewelry Factory in Bronnitsy was founded in 1924 - immediately after the founding of the Emerald artel. The original activity of the artel was the manufacture of such jewelry as brooches, earrings, bracelets and pendants. True, production volumes were small - no more than a hundred kilograms in gold.

The rapid development of the future jewelry factory began with the establishment of the production of gold and silver chains. This happened in 1935. During the Great patriotic war jewelry production was discontinued and the enterprise was re-profiled for the production of mugs, bowlers, holders and covers for mines, and so on.

Since 1951, jewelry production was transferred from a home-based form to a workshop, and in 1963 the Bronnitskaya and Sinkovskaya jewelry factories merged. The decision to build a full-fledged jewelry factory in Bronnitsy was made in 1968. To begin with, industrial equipment was purchased in Italy.

In 1972, the jewelry factory in Bronnitsy “moved” to the newly built workshops and was renamed the Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory. Over the next decade, the plant became the leader in the country among the manufacturers of jewelry chains.

Specialization in the production of chains was based on the fact that in the 17th century chain mail craft successfully developed on the territory of Bronnitsy. Craftsmen known throughout the country for weaving chains for chain mail lived in the settlement. In the 18th century, with the spread of firearms, the need for chain mail disappeared, and the craftsmen changed their profile to making chains from precious metals. The technique of weaving chain mail chains was restored in 2010.

In the middle of the 19th century, the largest jewelry workshops appeared here, in which hired labor was used. These are the first industrial enterprises, which later expanded to jewelry factories.

The nineties of the last century were the most difficult for the plant. Jewelry production fell to 200-300 kg in gold annually, and just over 1% of the production capacity of the jewelry "giant" was used. Ultimately, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

In fact, the bankrupt enterprise was acquired by the Sudkomgroup holding. The investor spared no expense in modernizing production, investing $9 million in development. With the arrival of the investor, the management structure at the enterprise also changed - a clear vertical of management was built. Every year, the plant began to produce about 6 tons of gold and silver jewelry.

The approach to the development of retail has also changed. Now the industrial enterprise began to sell its products through franchise networks. And today the chains handmade of the highest class - this is a kind of visiting card of the Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory.

Bronnitsky Jeweler is one of the leaders in the Russian jewelry market.

Our factory is one of the oldest jewelry enterprises in the country. We produce more than five thousand items of jewelry made of 585° and 375° gold, as well as 925° silver. Our chains of manual and automatic weaving are especially popular. Today, they account for about 80% of the jewelry produced by Bronnitsa craftsmen. The collection of chains is complemented by rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces, pendants, charms, pendants, religious and other jewelry.

In 2007–2009, the latest equipment from well-known foreign manufacturers was installed at the Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory. It allows you to produce the most complex jewelry.

Today "Bronnitsky Jeweler" meets all the requirements of ecology and labor protection.

World-class technologies combined with unique factory know-how ensure the highest quality of Bronnitsky Jeweler's products. Our plant is the only jewelry manufacturer in Russia that has undergone voluntary certification of all its products in the ROSTEST-MOSCOW Federal Budget Institution and has received the right to mark it with the sign of compliance of the Rostest-Quality System. The Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory is one of the very few Russian jewelry companies that has successfully certified its quality management system for compliance with the requirements international standard ISO 9001:2008.

The working premises of Bronnitsky Jeweler are planned in such a way that it is convenient for both those who work here and guests who come with excursions to the enterprise. Our customers can see with their own eyes how jewelry is made. Jewelry under the brand name "Bronnitsky Jeweler" is now presented in more than two thousand salons of the country, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other neighboring countries.