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The magic of money during the full moon. Full moon spells for money

Post updated: 03/29/2019 Comments: 0

The time when the Queen of the Night gains full strength (round face) is magical. This is not an exaggeration.

In these three days, anyone can discover subtle worlds. It is believed that the boundary between the physical side and the subtle side is almost erased. We are simply not accustomed to feel it.

Although there are still people who intuitively understand this.

Many women suffer from increased excitability, some are unable to make informed decisions. A huge number of things happen on a full moon.

This is the magic of the Queen of the Night!

This is a period when everything around is completely open and accessible. This refers to the other side of life.

Anyone with minimal preparation can get their hands on the keys to any problem. Nothing can be covered or hidden.

During the full moon, our souls and hearts are especially sensitive to outside influence. Would you say that we are becoming defenseless? No, that's not entirely true.

Just once a month the whole world becomes powerful and whole. Energetically we penetrate each other and open up, demonstrating true will, kindness, power.

Not the superficial one that we invented for ourselves and now call “civilization,” but the real one, given by the Lord from the beginning.

In principle, it is not at all necessary to understand this. It is important to know that the full moon is the best day to have a positive impact on your own and others' lives. Although, black also uses the magic of this moment.

Yes, you need to have a “good roof”. That is, to be connected to a more powerful source of dark ones, so that the purity of the full moon does not burn a person to the ground.

The Queen of the Night does not particularly honor the dark ones. For her, the desire for harmony is preferable to the destructuring of life.

Which moon to read conspiracies for?

Conspiracies for the full moon must be pronounced clearly, with a good idea of ​​the goal. Beginners are recommended to carry out rituals in the light of the Night Beauty.

Here it is important to create a connection (purely mental) with her full face. With practice, you can recreate it in your mind. But first, you need to cultivate this feeling in yourself.

The first step: observe and hear the inner response to it. And then this peculiar thing will come. A unique feeling of Her strength being infused into your veins.

Pictures or mental images will not help much here. You need to look at the moon to feel the flow of its life-giving power, its unearthly magical effect. Then everything that is desired will literally come true before our eyes.

If your feeling was frivolous, then soon there will be no trace of it left. And if it arose by the will of the Higher Powers, then it will be reciprocated for you.

The full moon is one of the most favorable phases moon, which has unique properties. At this time, it is best to carry out all kinds of rituals and read conspiracies, since all the lunar power accumulated over the month is invested in this ritual.
What can you achieve with full moon spells?

Love, beauty, prosperity, luck - these are the things that will multiply with the right slander on the full moon. Magic aimed at good will in no case entail any consequences, since it does not initially carry negativity. The origins of this special relationship with the full moon date back to the ancient pagan tribes, who discovered that herbs collected during the full moon had enhanced properties.

However, not all conspiracies are best used on a full moon. Because you can achieve the exact opposite effect. So, you cannot read slander related to:

  • Promotion at work and career growth;
  • Successful resolution of complex cases (especially litigation or travel-related);

Money plot - success and prosperity
The most powerful are conspiracies and rituals for increasing financial capital. There are quite a lot of such slander, but some require long, painstaking preparation. We offer you simple rituals and incantations, for which you only need money. In this case, it is better to take a 5-kopeck coin, since it is as close as possible in shape and color to an old silver coin, reminiscent of the moon itself.

Conspiracy 1.
You need to hold out a coin in your palm and say:

“The coin is round, like the moon, Send me wealth and money in full. There is this desire in my soul, Let there be wealth that cannot be counted.”

You can come up with your own words, the main thing is to think about your desire and speak sincerely. In this case, everything will definitely come true.
Conspiracy 2.
For this ritual you need a full moon without clouds and a candle made of green wax or paraffin. The word “money” must be scratched in the center of it. On the windowsill where you can see Moonlight, place a candle, placing coins around it in a circle. Light a candle and say three times:

“Candle, you burn brighter, flare up, be reflected in the light of the moon. Warm me with a burning flame, attract money to me.”

Take your time when pronouncing the words; during the ritual, the word on the candle should burn out. After this, the cinder and coins need to be put in the wallet with the rest of the money.

Love spells - quick execution
Love spells and rituals also gain twice the power if they are performed on a full moon. We recommend you some spells, wish fulfillment or a date.

Love spell No. 1.
It is necessary that there be a strong wind on the night of the full moon, because the sharper it is, the more power the texts will acquire. Open the window and say:

“Rush, O wind, through fields and forests like a fast falcon, a well-aimed arrow. Tear the heart of slave (name) to the point of wound, to pain, to blood. Let him only think about me, only look for my eyes. My words are with you, As you pierce your heart, you will bring love.”

Rite of love No. 2.

The ritual is carried out within 23-24 hours. Pour water halfway into a glass (glass, crystal). Take the glass to left hand, and with your right hand, constantly move along the edge of the glass (in a circle). Make 7 circles with thoughts of your loved one, after which say the name of your betrothed the same number of times. Place the glass before dawn on the window so that moonlight falls on it. After this, treat your sweetheart to a soft drink with the addition of this charged water. You can no longer be afraid of losing your man, because the love magic of the full moon will help you find happiness with your chosen one.

May the full moon fulfill all your wishes and dreams!

A short video with spells for money or love performed on the full moon

Even a person who does not practice magical art, but feels that his life could change for the better, should try to appeal to the forces full moon. During this period, lunar energy has maximum concentration and helps to enhance the effect of conspiracies aimed at circulating cash flow, attracting love, increasing resistance to disease and acquiring external attractiveness.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    How to perform rituals on the full moon?

    If the magician is not confident in his abilities or is preparing to perform a ritual (suitable for the waxing moon phase), the recoil power of which is incompatible with the level of his protection, it is better to transfer the reading of the plot to the full moon. Depending on the complexity of the ritual and the experience of the sorcerer, preparations are carried out, starting 5-7 days before the appointed date.

    Preparation for a full moon conspiracy should include the following points:

    • spiritual cleansing - observing a week-long fast, confessing “for a lifetime” on the eve of the ritual, reading prayers and washing with holy water throughout the week before the decisive day;
    • cleaning the energy space of the house - diagnosing the subtle field of the home for the presence of negative vibrations and removing the negative (if detected);
    • preparation of the main “working” attribute - an object that is key in the ritual; on the last day of the waxing Moon it is “charged” with the prayer “Our Father”, after which it is hidden until the moment of use.

    Any ritual, including fortune telling, performed between midnight and three o'clock in the morning on the first day of the full moon, when the luminary is in full strength, is considered effective. If the ritual script does not involve appealing to the elements of wind or rain, the sky should be clear during the ritual.

    You need to make sure that the moonlight floods the entire room or at least falls on the key attributes of witchcraft. It is even possible to move the ritual performance area from the table to a wide windowsill or to the floor next to the window if other parts of the room remain in the dark.

    The rules for reading conspiracies on the full moon are specific:

    • all texts are read in a whisper and an odd number of times (from 1 to 9 repetitions);
    • one must speak sacred words while looking towards the sunrise;
    • you need to stand up while reading the text;
    • at the end of any ritual performed at night, you need to undress naked and stand in the moonlight for several minutes, letting go of your thoughts and relaxing;
    • before starting the ritual, you should take a deep breath, hold the air and then exhale silently, and after completing all the actions, on the contrary, inhale slowly and noisily exhale all the air from your lungs;
    • all rituals require well-developed visualization of the final result.

    If in a black or gray witchcraft ritual it is required to use holy water, then it must be taken from the church unnoticed, as if stolen.

    Swampy, muddy (“rotten”) water is of great value in love spells and love spells, especially when it is necessary to recapture a man from a rival. To attract money, they take river or running water from the tap, but melted or silver water is used everywhere.

    Love magic

    Full moon conspiracies to attract love (as an abstract value or from a specific person) are chosen according to the principle “the simpler the better.” At the same time, the working capabilities of calls for reciprocal feelings or love spells are many times greater in power than those read during the waxing Moon.

    Candles used in love magic should be made of red wax, and before the ceremony it is useful to charge the entire energy of the room with this color by arranging and placing various red objects (rags, vases, artificial flowers) in the corners.

    To attract a loved one

    To attract the attention of a loved one or make a departed guy fall in love with you again, you need to light one candle at midnight and place in front of it a white saucer in which a pinch of salt and spicy cumin will be mixed. Having tuned in to the result, the saucer is covered with an unfolded paper napkin, and on top they put any little thing associated with the personality of the beloved. A prerequisite is that he had to use it or pick it up.

    The saucer is moved across the table in such a way that moonlight falls on the object lying on the surface. Then they read the plot:

    For my husband's love

    You can get your husband back and protect your relationship with your loved one from the interference of third parties with a more powerful conspiracy, which is impossible for an amateur to remove. An important condition for carrying out the ritual is confidence in your strong feelings for the object of magical influence, otherwise the act will be equated to a grave sin.

    Shortly before midnight, you need to fill a simple faceted glass with holy or stagnant water and place it on the windowsill for 1-2 hours. Then, standing in front of the window and looking at the full moon, the glass is taken in the left hand, and index finger with the right hand they move along the edge of the vessel clockwise and say quietly:

    A total of seven circles are made around the edge of the glass and seven repetitions of the spell, after which the water is left to “charge” with moonlight until the morning. In the future, it must be actively spent, adding a few drops to the lover’s food, drink, or to his filled bath.

    The enchanted liquid retains information for three days. After six months, if the first time the result was insufficient, the ritual can be repeated.

    To challenge mutual feelings

    You can attract the passionate love of a man by short term with help effective conspiracy. In addition to the fact that the ritual will push the chosen one to take decisive action, it will also stimulate his sex chakra, awakening a strong sexual attraction to his partner.

    Having filled a glass with holy water or water that has been settled and charged at home, the girl places it in front of a lit candle on the table and sits down opposite. Clasping the glass with his palms and looking at the reflection of the candle flame, the sorceress mentally reproduces the facial features of her lover and, when this succeeds, quickly reads the spell:

    The water should be drunk immediately, and the candle should be left burning until sunrise (subject to the rules fire safety). This method of gray drying begins to work gradually, and you can expect results on the 21st day after the ceremony.

    Money rituals

    The most capricious and unstable energy circulates in the channels responsible for a person’s material wealth, so no one is immune from poverty or large financial losses. The only way to control your financial well-being by contrasting it with external factors is to regularly “restart” energy cash flows.

    The magic of money is so independent that it does not require human intervention and does not allow him to decide which sources will serve to achieve the goal. This is the only danger of an incorrect approach to money magic rituals during the full moon.

    If you do not first reduce the likelihood of negative returns, it may happen that the opened channel of income for the magician will be an inheritance after death loved one or insurance for lost property.

    The color of the money aura is green, so the candle on which sacred texts are spoken must be cast from green wax.

    To wallet

    You need to buy a strong leather wallet in advance with spacious compartments for bills and small change. After midnight, with three lit candles, the compartments of the wallet are unzipped and, looking into all the pockets in turn, the spell is read three times:

    Then the burning candles are placed on the windowsill in the form of a triangle, a purse is placed in the middle of the resulting figure and left there until sunrise. In the morning, you need to activate the wallet - put at least one medium or large denomination bill in each compartment and pour coins into a separate pocket.

    On a bill

    For the ritual, you need to get a large, freshly printed bill that has not yet had time to participate in trade circulation. It cannot be purchased, it can only be exchanged for a similar one or received as payment for work.

    On the night of the full moon, by the light of one green candle, take the bill with the thumb and index finger of your right hand, turn towards the window and read the spell:

    Now the bill is folded in half, and then diagonally to form a triangle, and the same text is read a second time. Leaving the banknote in this position, they hide it in the far pocket of the wallet and pronounce the necessary words for the third time.

    The charmed money becomes a talisman against waste and a real magnet for financial luck for at least a year. Then the plot is read on another bill, and this one is used.

    Per coin

    The ritual itself is carried out on the second night under the full moon, and on the first night it is necessary to “charge” the coins, for which they are first washed with a brush and simple soap under the tap, and then dried on the windowsill. In total you will need seven white metal coins.

    At one or two in the morning you need to lay out your unzipped wallet on the windowsill, pour coins into your hand and whisper the following words over them:

    Then you need to sprinkle money on top of the wallet and leave it like that until the morning. At dawn, the money is lovingly collected one by one and invested in different compartments of the wallet, so that none is left empty. For three days you need to carry this wallet with you (without adding other money to it or taking out the charmed ones), and on the fourth, it is hidden in the house so that no one will find it. The “working” power of such a home amulet is valid for one year, after which the entire ceremony is repeated.

    Magic ritual from Vanga

    A short-term ritual for attracting wealth from Vanga will be useful to people who are entangled in debt or in dire need of urgent one-time income. The charmed money will actively work with the financial flow until the next full moon and, if the problem is not solved during this time, the ritual is repeated.

    Needed in advance last days of the waxing Moon, prepare a yellow metal coin: rinse it under the tap, polish until shiny and dry. On the first night of the full moon, you need to go out into the yard or onto the balcony, clutching the treasured money in your fist, and look at the night star for about a minute, imagining the final result: how debts are returned to creditors or expensive purchases are made. Then the conspiracy is pronounced in a whisper three times:

    After the ritual, the money is hidden in a separate pocket of the wallet and carried with you for the entire month, and before the next full moon it is spent.

    To holy water

    This white conspiracy creates a special aura of wealth and well-being in the house, but it may not work if the atmosphere of the home is polluted or one of the family members is damaged. Coins for the ritual are taken of the largest denomination and preferably freshly minted, so that they carry less foreign energy.

    IN last sunday, which falls on the waxing Moon, you need to collect holy water in the church and hide it until the full moon. On the appointed day after midnight, holy water is poured into a faceted glass and seven coins are dropped to the bottom of the vessel one by one. There is no need to burn candles; the entire ceremony is held in the light of the full moon.

    Looking at the coins through the bottom of the glass (you need to hold it in your hands and shake it slightly), read the plot:

    The charmed coins are taken out of the water and buried in a circle around the trunk of an indoor flower that has been growing in this house for more than three years. The flower itself is immediately watered with water from a glass.

    For candles

    Take the coin of the largest denomination. First, they wash it under the tap and then consecrate it in the temple. On the first night of the full moon, the treasured money is placed in the center of a circle formed by 13 burning candles, and a curse is whispered loudly:

    Immediately after the ritual, the coin is hidden in a wallet and carried with you constantly. The expected effect occurs in 10-15 days.

    "Round nickel"

    The ritual is one of the strongest stimulants of monetary energy. It is held on the first and second nights of the full moon, when the luminary has already gained power and is preparing to decline.

    Before going to bed, you need to take the largest of the current bills in your left hand, stand with it towards the window through which the lunar disk is clearly visible, and whisper:

    Immediately after reading the plot, the banknote is placed under the mattress so that it is at the chest level of the sleeping magician.

    The next night, the second stage of the action begins:

    1. 1. A circle of 5 large coins of the same denomination is laid out on the windowsill.
    2. 2. A green candle is placed on top of each coin.
    3. 3. The bill is taken out from under the mattress and placed in the center of the circle.
    4. 4. The candles are lit.
    5. 5. The plot that was heard the day before is read again.

    At the end of the ritual, you need to leave everything as it is until the morning - the candles should go out on their own (subject to fire safety rules).

    To the anthill

    The day before, you need to find a large anthill in the forest, and after sunset on the day of the full moon, come to this place, bringing with you a cube of refined sugar. Having moistened the lump sugar with your saliva, they place it on the top of the ant hill and quickly read the spell three times:

    Then you need to step back three steps backwards and only then leave the forest.

    Three-day money ritual

    A powerful ritual captures the three most powerful days that work to increase material resources: the last day of the growing moon, the full moon and the day following it.

    The ritual algorithm is as follows:

    1. 1. On the eve of the full moon, immediately after midnight, an empty, open wallet is placed on the windowsill and the spell (given below) is read on it.
    2. 2. The next day, put 2-3 bills into this wallet, add some change and repeat the ritual.
    3. 3. At the final stage, you need to collect all the cash in the house in your wallet and try to fasten it with all the locks (if that doesn’t work, tie it with a green cord). Then follows the third reading of the same plot.

    All the money in the wallet can be spent - the wallet itself is the talisman.

    Spell text:

    For morning and evening dawn

    This Full Moon spell is read twice - on the first rays of the sun at the beginning of the day and on the last glow of sunset at its end. At the same time, you must not forget to change the words of the text depending on what dawn they are being read. If the spell is pronounced at dawn, then first they talk about the morning dawn, if at sunset - about the evening.

    Conspiracy-appeal to the Moon

    Prayer-conversion helps a lot when a person finds himself in a difficult financial situation and sees no way out. To enhance the effect, it is better to climb to the roof of a house or a natural hill and call on the Moon from there. Conspiracy text:

    "Money Talisman"

    They take any small coin made of yellow alloy (an old one will do) and say the following words to it in the light of the full Moon:

    The effect of the ritual is short-term, so the money is “charged” every month.

    Spells to fulfill wishes and attract good luck

    A competently composed energy message sent by a person into the information space almost always finds a response. A wish can come true as planned or differently. But if it was made without the intention of harming anyone, then you don’t have to be afraid of a negative kickback even with a very significant effect. Conversely, an attempt to steal the luck or success of another person will lead to a serious chain reaction from which both the magician himself and his loved ones will suffer.

    The color of candles in rituals for good luck and the fulfillment of desires is orange and yellow.

    For good luck

    An old Russian conspiracy helps to bring luck to the side of the person on whom the whole family rests. Only the owner of the house should know in which place of the home the “laying” is hidden, and update it monthly.

    Take a new handkerchief white and a handful of wheat or oats. On the first night of the full moon, the magician spreads a handkerchief in the moonlight on the floor and, with a thin stream from his fist, while reading the spell, sprinkles grain onto the material.

    The prayer is said seven times, without pauses:

    At the end of the ritual, the scarf is tied into a knot and hidden in a secluded corner near the stove. At times when the family is having a hard time, the owner of the house takes out the bag and eats 2-3 grains from it. Before the next full moon, the old bundle is burned on a live fire and prepared for a new ritual.

    For a cherished wish

    Before you begin the ritual, you need to clearly formulate your desire and put it on paper, adhering to the rules:

    • do not use negative particles or introductory words;
    • do not put verbs in the future tense;
    • do not enter words such as: “I want”, “need”, “can”, “let”.

    The text should be simple, composed of short phrases and contain a firm intention to get what you want. There is no need to learn words by heart.

    Exactly at midnight on the full moon, in the light of the night luminary, the magician first reads his notes out loud, and then turns his face to the Moon and whispers a spell:

    The ritual itself is performed once, but the text from the sheet must be read as often as possible and always carried with you until the desired is fulfilled.

    "Moon Mirror"

    In order to bind good luck and happiness to yourself for a long time, and also to achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desire, you will need to purchase a small round mirror and go out into the yard with it after midnight. The magician turns his back to the full Moon and catches its reflection in the mirror, holding it at the level of his chest. Looking at the reflection, you need to say three times:

    After this, the mirror is quickly put into a pocket or wrapped in the hem of clothing, and at home it is hidden from prying eyes. You cannot look into a ritual object - it is taken out only for the next ritual, which can be performed to consolidate the result for the next full moon.

    Rituals for good health

    Full moon spells can alleviate the mental and physical condition of the patient, but most often they are used to prevent diseases or strengthen the body as a whole.

    You should know that even very strong rituals cannot replace traditional treatment, and reading them during periods when the body is weakened by physical suffering or prolonged illness is simply dangerous.

    If a person is seriously ill and needs the support of higher powers, experienced magicians advise entrusting the ritual to a close relative or specialist.

    White candles are used for disease prevention rituals, purple candles are used to help with serious physical illnesses, and blue candles are used to treat mental illnesses and phobias.

    On the moon's reflection

    During the off-season or in the midst of epidemics, it is important to protect not only your visible, but also the metaphysical shell of your body. To do this, use ordinary tap water charged with the energy of the full moon.

    Water is poured into a galvanized bucket, purchased specifically for this purpose, and placed in the yard or on the balcony so that the lunar disk is completely reflected on the surface of the water. Looking at the reflection, read the spell three times:

    The filled bucket is left in the light of the moon until the morning, and at dawn they pour charged water from the ladle over themselves. The ritual can be performed on every full moon.

    For church candles

    Strengthen the energy shell of the body and restore mental health After prolonged stress, a ritual with church candles will help. You will need 5 white church candles and a white sheet of paper.

    The candles are placed on the table in a straight line and lit (each from a separate match). They need to be allowed to burn out by a third before starting to read the plot. While they are melting, you need to be imbued with their power, visualizing your energy as a dense cocoon woven from crystal threads.

    The prayer is read five times, and after each reading it is extinguished and placed on paper sheet one candle:

    The cinders wrapped in paper are taken out of the house that same night and buried under a tree.

    Promoting the health of young children

    After a long stay in public or as a regular prevention of diseases and the evil eye, the mother can use a comprehensive measure to protect the baby, which consists of a three-step evening bathing ritual. The ceremony can be performed starting from the age of one month.

    You need to cast a spell on the water in which you will be swimming. Having filled the baby bath, the mother stirs the water with her hand and reads three spells in turn:

    What is the conspiracy used for?


    Protection from the evil eye, from troubles and from the influence of evil people

    So that the child has a good appetite and develops harmoniously

    From any illness and nervous shock

    Giving yourself beauty and attractiveness

    The moon is initially the patroness of all women and the protector of pristine beauty, so the short period of the full moon is often used by the fair half to preserve youth and enhance attractiveness.

    Since ancient times, the most effective ritual for the undying feminine beauty It was considered a night swim in a natural reservoir illuminated by the full moon. While the girl is taking her ablution, there is a dish on the shore - a jar or glass of drinking water - and it is also charged with the energy of the night luminary.

    Drinking water is prepared at home. Throw into the filled glass:

    • several salt crystals;
    • 2-3 pink petals;
    • rose quartz shard.

    In this case, you need to say the following words:

    Immediately after bathing, the girl, without drying herself or putting on clothes, takes a sip of charged water and takes the remaining liquid home. Every morning on an empty stomach you need to take a sip of healing water until it is all gone.


    After reading the following plot, the woman herself may not notice a change in her appearance, but the reaction of others will indicate that her attractiveness and sexuality have changed in better side. The fortuneteller should be mentally prepared to accept the new self, otherwise the power of the ritual will come to naught under the yoke of her own internal resistance to change.

    For the ceremony you will need:

    • white plate;
    • two church candles;
    • oval mirror.

    Candles are placed on a dish and the entire structure is placed in front of a mirror. It is required that the reflective surface catches both the moon's face and the candle flame at the same time. While the candles are burning out, the girl undresses naked and stands in front of the mirror, without obscuring the lunar disk.

    There is no need to strive to see your entire reflection.

    The text of the hex is pronounced three times:

    All magical paraphernalia is left on the table, and the sorceress herself must try to fall asleep faster. Starting from the next day, the assessment of her appearance by others will begin to increase.

    The negative consequences of conspiracies during the full moon can occur only in two cases: if the magician does not follow the algorithm of actions of the procedure and confuses the words of the conspiracies, or when he acts to the detriment of other people's interests and health. You should also not perform rituals during the full moon to remove evil spells or strive to restore justice by bringing back curses and damage. For this there is a time of waning luminary and new moon.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

It is generally accepted that the full moon accumulates energies as much as possible, especially material ones, and splashes them onto the Earth. This energy can be used for your own purposes; in particular, attracting money during the full moon is popular, namely - full moon spells for money.

Some people in full moon they feel unwell, they are restless, they cannot sleep, their heart is pounding. If you use the excess energy of the moon for creation - for example, your own well-being - then your well-being will also level out.

Read a few below full moon spells for money. Choose any one for yourself and do it. And the results will not keep you waiting!

What you will learn from the article:

Spell for money and wealth on the full moon

Look out of the window at the full moon, preferably open the window. Or even go outside or onto the balcony. While looking at the full moon, read three times:

Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Money plot using banknotes

Find the newest banknote in your home or wallet. It can be of a small denomination - and after the conspiracy it will become irredeemable. Fold the corners to the base. You will get a triangle. Next, bend it across, hold it at the level of the throat chakra or directly opposite your breath and whisper:

Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself and unites them in itself, like a wide sea collects rivers in itself, like a woman attracts a man to herself, and a man attracts a woman. How night attracts day. So this money will attract its own kind and gather together. All rivers flow into my hands. All the money flows to my wallet, magnetized by this bill. May what is said come true, for the benefit of all. Amen. Amen. Amen.

“Place” the charmed banknote in a folded wallet, let it lie next to the rest of the money, but do not take it out of there, much less spend it. It will be the battery of your well-being.

Three-day money ritual

The conspiracy for money and material wealth is read for three nights - the night before the full moon, on the full moon and the next night.

When you see that the full moon is coming tomorrow, put your EMPTY wallet on the windowsill on the side of the moon. The light from the Earth's satellite must reach your wallet. Say:

“There are so many stars in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that God’s servant (name) ((God’s servant (name)) has enough money and has enough for everything. Amen.”

On the full moon, put some money in your wallet, also make sure that the moonlight falls on it and read the same plot. On the night after the full moon, collect all the money you have in the house in this wallet, the conspiracy is the same.

Full moon ritual with a handful of coins

Take a handful of coins with both palms, preferably from your wallet. Go out to where the full moon is clearly visible, close your eyes and imagine how the pile of pennies in your handfuls grows, increases, multiplies, your hands become heavy and you are filled with a sweet feeling of joy and prosperity. Say:

Fertile Moon, saturate my house to the full.
Multiply my coins - by number and color.
Send some golden rain into my bottomless wallet!
Money comes into my life and finds shelter for itself.
Full moon, full cup, rivers of prosperity flow through my house, settling in the required amount and even more. Let it be so for the common good! Amen!

What rituals do you perform on the full moon? Share your secrets in the comments!

> Conspiracies

Find out, what spells are read on the full moon?. Learn conspiracies read on the full moon for money, wealth, love, health and luck, prayers for the full moon.

We bring to your attention strong full moon spells at home, aimed at attracting material wealth and strengthening love.

The time of the appearance of the full moon has always been considered mysterious and endowed with magical powers. Because it was at this moment that the accumulated for a long time energy can be spent.

Therefore, healers advise to go in search of medicinal herbs, and magicians perform their rituals. Knowledge passed down from generation to generation tells what can be done at this time and what cannot, as well as which conspiracies read on the Full Moon will have the greatest impact.

Full Moon conspiracies are a period for magical actions and making your deepest desires. And if you strive for something with all your heart, then don’t miss the chance:

Spells for money and wealth. With their help, they increase capital. Read words for successful sales of products, winning lottery tickets, business advancement, etc.

Love spells. The full moon can help those who have not been able to find their soulmate for a long time. Girls pray for a meeting with a lover, for mutual sympathy, or for attachment to young man good luck.

Conspiracies for health. A powerful ritual, and it doesn't matter if you have an illness or are just playing it safe.

Conspiracies for wishes. A universal conspiracy that accomplishes what you want. A special effect will come from holding it on the first full moon immediately after your birthday.

Love spell

The Full Moon prayer for love is very popular among girls. And this is not surprising, since compliance with the rules guarantees results.

The energy of the full moon increases any conspiracy and attracts a soul mate in a short time. Or it will help give determination to someone who already feels sympathy for you.

The process will require a holy water spell. If you don’t have it at hand, take it clean from a spring. Pour into a glass and at midnight, holding it in your hand, say:

“Just as grass dries up without water, a tree is burned by fire,
Just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) should not live without me.
As soon as I quench my thirst with the charmed water, a burning melancholy will come to him,
The sadness is strong, but the love is eternal.
So that he could look at me and couldn’t stop looking at me,
He listened to me and couldn’t stop listening.

Repeat three times and drink the contents. You will notice the result within 14 days. And if you wanted to get married, then the period would extend to a month.

Remember that you need to drink the water right away. Keeping it will not bring any benefit.

Plot for good luck

To ensure that your home always breathes with luck and money, you can use a special prayer to attract material well-being. But you need to read the words twice (at sunrise and at sunset):

“Just as the evening and morning dawn cannot come together,
So in my house, God’s servant (name), the money will never run out!
Now and forever, so be it!

Such strong conspiracies begin to work literally immediately in this lunar phase. Therefore, changes will come in the first month.

Conspiracy to wish

This is a universal option that requires 3 candles from the church and a sheet of paper.

Before you start, say your wish. Let it be unambiguous, clear and fit within the sentence. Write it down.

When midnight comes, light a candle and focus on what you have in mind. For example, if you want love, then imagine yourself next to a handsome man; if you want finance, then imagine what you will spend it on.

Light the leaf from the main candle placed in the center. When ashes form, open the window and throw them into the wind, saying:

"Let it be so!"

You will feel the changes within a few months. But do not lose faith, because most of the rituals are fueled by your inner steadfastness.

The Full Moon has always been considered a special time for conspiracies that can improve life. These days, water, money and objects acquire great strength. But you should approach any ritual carefully and follow the rules, because you have the opportunity to get even more than you expected.

Types of lunar calendars: