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Get your hair cut on a full moon. Moon phase haircut

Is it possible to get a haircut on a full moon - a common question among the fair sex. The answer to it depends on the result that the woman wants to get from the haircut.

Is it possible to cut hair during the full moon period - opinions for and against

The moon has a great influence on human activities. Today, there are several theories about whether it is good or bad to visit a hairdresser on a full moon.

Positive opinion

Many cases suggest that the full moon period is the ideal time to visit a beauty salon. When the Earth's satellite is in this phase, the body is cleared of negative energy.

The most vulnerable part of the body to the effects of energy flows is the hair, and it accumulates the most negativity.

That is why on the full moon it is favorable to get rid of curls, thus clearing the energy field. A visit to the master on the 14th and 15th lunar days (full moon phase) will have a positive effect not only on the condition of the hair, but also on the well-being of a person as a whole.

Many people feel energized and energized after deciding to cut their hair on a full moon.

Negative opinion

There is also an assumption that it is better to refuse a haircut at the time of the full moon. The argument in favor of this opinion is the fact that during this period people are prone to rash decisions and actions. Physical and mental activity of a person is at the peak of its activity. It is because of this that on the full moon many have difficulty falling asleep, complain of headaches. Therefore, the adherents of this theory, when asked whether it is possible to have a haircut on a full moon, answer negatively.


There is also a third opinion on this score. His supporters are convinced that the full moon does not affect the result of visiting the hairdresser, since the moon does not have any effect on a person. Although it should be noted that there is a large amount of evidence refuting this statement. Numerous scientific studies confirm the reality of the fact that this planet has an impact on people.

When is the best time to get a haircut in 2016 (video)

Based on the foregoing, when answering the question whether it is possible to have a haircut on a full moon, first decide what goals you want to achieve by visiting a hair master.

Sign up for a beauty salon on the 14th or 15th day of the lunar month, in the event that your hair is split. By cutting off dry split ends, you will not only prevent further hair shaft delamination and improve overall hair condition. It is at the ends of the hair that the greatest amount of negative energy accumulates. Therefore, getting rid of them will also raise your physical tone and improve your mood.

A full moon haircut is recommended for those who want to radically change their appearance. Since during this period a person becomes more decisive, changes in the image occur easily and successfully. Cutting long hair in a square, getting a boy's haircut or making a perky hedgehog on the top of the head - all these changes are favored by the full moon.

A haircut during the full moon is not recommended for those who are sensitive to the length of their hair and do not welcome shocking haircuts. If you wear the same hairstyle for a long time and go to the master only to remove half a centimeter of length, refrain from going to the hairdresser.

The influence of the zodiac signs on a full moon haircut

The result of visiting a hair master is influenced not only by the phase of the moon. Of great importance is the sign of the zodiac, in which the full moon is located at the time of the haircut. To prevent unwanted consequences, when planning your hair style update, consider the recommendations below.
  • Aries - hair during this period is especially vulnerable, so it is not recommended to cut it. Experts advise these days to touch less curls, abandon aggressive grooming procedures;
  • Taurus is an auspicious period for visiting a master. The result of the haircut will delight you, and the hair will become healthier;
  • Gemini - suitable for creating complex multi-layered haircuts. Hair after cutting may begin to curl;
  • Cancer is a neutral time for hairstyles;
  • Leo is one of the most favorable periods for turning to a master. The haircut will be successful, the hair itself will become healthier. It is also believed that getting rid of hair at such a moment will help attract good luck;
  • Virgo - refers to the favorable periods for a visit to the hairdresser. The hairstyle retains its shape for a long time, and the curls become stronger;
  • Scales are a good time for a haircut, as hair grows better after it. It is believed that if you cut your hair during this period, your memory and vision will improve;
  • Scorpio - it is especially recommended at this time to cut dry and thin hair, as then they become stronger and thicker;
  • Sagittarius - Astrologers say that a haircut with the Moon in this sign of the zodiac helps attract good work and useful acquaintances. At the same time, owners of naughty curls should postpone a visit to the salon, as the hair becomes fluffier and does not fit well;
  • Capricorn - a visit to the master during this period will be of great benefit to the hair. They will become more elastic and shiny;
  • Aquarius - it is better to refrain from haircuts, as the results are unpredictable. It is useful to cut hair for those who want to make changes in their lives;
  • Pisces - during this period, it is not recommended to visit the hairdresser, otherwise the condition of the hair can be significantly worsened.
For a haircut to be successful, you need to take into account that, in addition to the moon phase, the qualifications of the master play an important role in this matter. Therefore, try to trust your hair to trusted and experienced professionals.

Gradually, from year to year, we are getting closer and closer to the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. And they considered our hair to be a conductor that connects with space. Therefore, an improperly thought-out haircut can harm, take away health, take away, negatively affect relationships.

So in our time, more and more women can be found who, before going to the master for a haircut, look at the lunar calendar. And what is very surprising, very many masters know by heart all favorable days for a haircut.

Can you cut your hair on a full moon?

According to many experts, the full moon is the ideal time to go to the hairdresser. During this period, our body is cleansed of the negative energy that has accumulated over a month, as if pushing it out. Cutting hair on a full moon means in time to neutralize the energy that has accumulated at the ends of the hair. This will have a beneficial effect on them. Your hairstyle will delight you with its healthy appearance throughout the next month. Hair will keep its shape perfectly.

But it is worth considering the fact that the days of haircuts on the calendar can have a specific feature. Since they can be unfavorable, favorable, or just neutral. Many of us have probably noticed that after the next haircut, something goes wrong. It suddenly disappears, then the state of health deteriorates, then relations with others deteriorate. And looking at the lunar calendar of haircuts, we will find that it was an unfavorable day for any manipulations with our hair.

Hair cut on the growing new moon will grow much faster than hair cut on the new moon. But it is worth noting that a haircut made for a waning moon can please you for a long time with the left length. So it's up to you to get your haircut on the full moon or on the new moon.

Human hair has great energy, which made it possible not only to protect and preserve it throughout life, but also, as superstitions say, to maintain contact with the cosmos itself! Of course, we do not notice all this. Moreover, in our times such thoughts seem absurd, although today we also listen with great interest to the signs concerning hair and, frankly, adhere to them whenever possible. Most will accept it associated with direct cutting, cutting off hair, and this is not in vain, because it is their cutting that breaks the connection, knocks the hair off a certain wave and makes it for some time to be fed with new energy, which allows you to tune in to the desired wave over time.

When to cut your hair?

In order not to attract negativity into your life and not to disrupt the normal life cycle, it is advisable to cut your hair at the right time. Wise ancestors urge us to cut our hair only on the full moon. This is the only normal time for a drastic hair style change!

It turns out that on a full moon it is not only possible to have a haircut, but even useful, especially if you choose the most favorable days for this period. The lunar calendar or an experienced hairdresser will help determine favorable days for cutting hair on a full moon. I must say that a "real" hairdresser for the sake of his profit will never recommend a client to have a haircut on a bad day!

Why the full moon?

It is the full moon that is considered the time when you need to have time to visit the hairdresser. The fact is that this period allows you to cleanse the body of the main part of the negative energy that accumulates over time! Everything that you have accumulated in a month is poured out, and the bulk of the energy comes out through the hair.

That is why it is recommended to cut hair on the full moon, helping the body to quickly discard the negative. The neutralized energy allows the hair to look more beautiful, it sparkles with health and natural beauty. In addition, hairstyles made on a full moon retain their impeccable appearance for a long time, and no problems arise with the hair itself in the future! Anyone who knows that it is best to get a haircut on a full moon almost always feels great, especially emotionally, and looks good!

What if you cut your hair on a bad day?

It so happens that the haircut is done on a bad, unfavorable day, what are the consequences? Superstitious people, of course, will immediately say no! The fact is that illness and misfortune will pursue a person only if he starts cutting his hair constantly on the wrong days! If you are in such a situation for the first time, then there is nothing to be afraid of, you only need to be less upset during this period and restrain your emotions as much as possible!

The next time you visit a hairdressing salon exactly on the full moon, you will immediately notice not only a surge of energy, but also an improvement in the general condition of the body. The mood will rise, and you will look at life with a new look!

Many believe that the success of haircuts and various cosmetic and medical procedures depends to a greater extent on the phase in which the moon is. Even scientists confirm the hypothesis about the influence of the moon on various natural phenomena and the change in well-being, the mood of people when the lunar cycle changes. The phases even predetermine the susceptibility of the human body to external influences. Our ancestors also noticed that the rate of hair growth depends on what day they were trimmed.

The influence of the moon on humans

The ancient Tibetan sages were sure that the Moon has a special influence on the fate of a person. Using its power, everyone can completely change their fate: to defeat the disease, get rid of ill-wishers, attract material wealth, find a loved one, become more successful. In Tibet, it was believed that getting a haircut is an important life event that affects the connection of the Cosmos with a person. To understand which days are favorable and which are not for cutting, you should study the lunar calendar.

When can I cut my hair in the phases of the moon

On the new moon

It is believed that during the new moon, as well as the day before, the hair is weakened, so only the ends are allowed to cut. So you will heal the curls, relieving them of parts cut or damaged by paint. However, earlier people were sure that getting a haircut during this period meant shortening a person's age, depriving him of several years of his life. And although opinions on haircuts were divided, the new moon is a good time for nourishing, moisturizing, healing hair masks.

On the growing (young) moon

This phase is suitable for those who intend to grow long hair. The growth of curls should be intensified by cutting the tips on the growing moon. And you should cut your hair every month at the same time. In order not only to grow, but also to improve the condition of the curls, it is better to get a haircut on the third or fourth lunar days. After that, styling the strands will become easier, and the hairstyle will keep its shape longer. During the new moon, it is possible to do any procedures for the health and beauty of curls - they will give an excellent result.

In the full moon

A visit to the hairdresser during the full moon is not the best solution. The only exception will be your desire to radically transform, for example, to cut long curls to a square or to dye from a brunette to a blonde. Under other circumstances, the full moon will be an unfavorable time to get a haircut. However, this moon phase is ideal for strengthening hair with beauty masks.

On the waning (old) moon

Such days are undesirable for any manipulation of hair, so it is better to refuse a haircut. If you cut your hair at the end of the lunar cycle, the curls will begin to grow even more slowly, and the styling will not last long. Coloring the strands will also become unsuccessful - the procedure will not bring the desired result. This period is only suitable for hair-related treatments.

Full moon haircut: signs

There are several different opinions about what kind of results a haircut can bring during a full moon. Some are sure that after such a procedure, the strands begin to grow faster, so the hairstyle should be done exclusively with the full moon. Others say that the full moon does not allow cutting not only hair, but even nails. Still others believe that it is impossible to get a haircut during the full moon, however, if you want to radically change your appearance, then this phase will be a good time for decisive action.

Nevertheless, astrologers and people who study human biorhythms are sure that during a full moon, a person's energy goes to the upper body, so the strands become thicker and more luxuriant. Therefore, getting a haircut on a full moon means significantly improving the condition of your hair. But, since the result of a change of image can be unexpected, it is better not to commit rash, drastic actions to change the image.

The opinion of believers about whether it is allowed to have a haircut during the full moon is neutral. The priests do not see anything sinful, forbidden, or influencing a person's life in this action. The majority of specialists in other fields who study the influence of the moon on humans think so too. They claim that the full moon is perfect for creating a new hairstyle. During this period, the body is cleansed of negative energetics that accumulate in the body in a month. Cutting hair at a full moon means timely neutralizing the energy that has accumulated at their ends.


Irina, 38 years old, Saratov: For many years I have been cutting my hair exclusively during the growing moon, and I think that you should not carry out any procedures with hair during the full moon or new moon. In addition, I try to follow the signs associated with the days of the week: to get a haircut on Monday - to gain health, to get a haircut on Tuesday - will attract money, to get a haircut on Wednesday - there will be a new thing, to have a haircut on Thursday - relations with the authorities will improve, to get a haircut on Saturday - to well-being in a relationship with the opposite gender. But on Friday and Sunday, haircuts are prohibited.

Maria, 24 years old, Moscow: My hair grows actively only when I cut my hair during the full moon. I specially tracked the effect of haircuts performed during different lunar phases. So, if you want the strands to slightly change their properties (become more shiny, thicker), it is better to go to the hairdresser on the waning moon, but after this procedure the curls will grow longer. On the growing moon, it is better to strengthen the roots and cut the split ends.

Svetlana, 29 years old, Ivanovo: I believe that if you want a quick growth of curls, you should get a haircut during the new moon. And if it is necessary for the hairstyle to retain its beautiful shape longer, it is better to cut it in the decreasing phase. However, I myself do not always adhere to a strict schedule - for me it is more important to choose a convenient time than to be guided by the moon. I can go to the salon even during the full moon and my hair is still actively growing. This is probably due to the frequent intake of special vitamins.

Zarina, 33 years old, Karaganda: My hairdresser says that on the waning moon it is better to cut your hair to strengthen it, but the strands will grow slowly. I do not strive to have a long braid, so I prefer to get a haircut during this period. The hair really became thicker and stronger. Moreover, this method is suitable even for balding men - if you stick to the schedule for six months, it is possible to stop the balding process. But for fast growth, I was advised to get a haircut during the full moon or when the moon is growing.

Can you cut your hair on a full moon?


Olesya Yashkova

you can, but look in what sign the moon, if in water it is better not to touch your hair. ...
The moon in Aries is considered unfavorable for cutting hair in general, although it does not affect the condition of the hair and hairstyle. The fact is that after such a procedure, the body's immunity weakens, the risk of getting sick increases. The position of the Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn is considered the most favorable for visiting a hairdresser. Hair grows well, is filled with strength, and splits less after a haircut.
Moon in Gemini and Libra helps to make airy hairstyles, promotes rapid hair growth, but does not affect their quality and condition.
Moon in Cancer and Pisces slows down the rate of hair growth, but saturates them with vitality.
The moon in Leo is considered an unfavorable time for a haircut if your business is going well, and auspicious when you need to change the way or rhythm of human life.
The moon in Aquarius is considered an extremely unfavorable position for a haircut.
but just do it better to cut your hair on the growing moon or on the new moon, good luck!


it is necessary to cut on the growing moon, in no case on the new moon, not on the full moon. And there are also signs on the days of the week: Monday - to health, Tuesday - to money, Wednesday - to a new thing, Thursday - to improve relations with bosses, parents, Saturday - to get out of loneliness, You can't get a haircut on Friday and Sunday. The same goes for nails. Try it! I observe this and always come true.

Astro witch doctor

it is possible, but not in an eclipse.
but it is better to listen to the ingress (position) of the Moon in the zodiac.
in Aries, you can't cut a haircut, in Taurus, they will tear off more than they should.
in twins - they can convince you of the hairstyle that you don't like.
It is best to cut short (hair grows slowly) in Virgo and in Scorpio with the opposite sex partner, if you want long hair and that it would grow faster.
Many people advise doing styling in Libra, but due to the abundance of chemicals and harmful substances that will fall on your head, I do not advise you.
perm - do it better with the Moon in Leo.

Alexander A. Khristiuk. st.

Full moon
The Full Moon has the most significant impact on all life on Earth. Bleeding of wounds increases, chronic diseases remind of themselves, mental disorders worsen. During the full moon, the maximum birth rate of children is observed. Excessive impulsiveness appears in communication, the craving for negative thinking and alcohol consumption increases. On the other hand, this is the most ideal time to collect medicinal herbs, as their healing properties are maximized at this moment.


you can, just don't get attached to the result


Horoscope for June 16, Thursday. At 22:49, 16 lunar days begin. The moon is in Capricorn. The full moon comes at 0:15.
A good day for a haircut, by renewing the ends of the hair, we contribute to a more intense capture of energy, both good and bad.
Horoscope for June 17, Friday. At 23:21, the 17 lunar days begin. The moon is in Capricorn.
On the haircut calendar is a good day for cutting hair, nails, visiting a beauty salon.
Horoscope for June 18, Saturday. At 23:45, 18 lunar days begin. The moon is in Aquarius.
A haircut will do you good, and will contribute to a healthier and more harmonious relationship with the world, if you have not planned big changes.
Horoscope for June 19, Sunday. Lasts 18 lunar days. The moon is in Aquarius.
This lunar day is suitable for experimenting with hair, but unfavorable for those who want to make a normal normal haircut; however, no influence has been noticed on the quality of the hair.
Horoscope for June 20, Monday. At 0:03, 19 lunar days begin. The moon is in Aquarius.
Unfavorable time for cutting and dyeing hair.
Horoscope for June 21, Tuesday. At 0:17, the 20 lunar day begins. The moon is in Pisces.
Not a good day for cutting hair, this day is good for epilation.
Horoscope for June 22, Wednesday. At 0:30, 21 lunar days begin. The moon is in Pisces.
An extremely unfavorable time for cutting hair.
Horoscope for June 23, Thursday. At 0:42, 22 lunar days begin. The moon is in Aries. At 15:49, the 4th quarter comes.
A very tricky clipping position. There is a risk of hair loss, baldness and loss of connection with the Cosmos.
Horoscope for June 24, Friday. At 0:55, the 23 lunar day begins. The moon is in Aries.
A haircut on this day accelerates hair growth, but with a loss of its quality, which means this day is unfavorable for a haircut.
Horoscope for June 25, Saturday. At 1:09 am, the 24 lunar day begins. The moon is in Aries.
A neutral day for hair cutting.
Horoscope for June 26, Sunday. At 1:25, the 25 lunar day begins. The moon is in Taurus.
Good time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, strengthens and improves its structure, less splitting.
Horoscope for June 27, Monday. At 1:46, the 26 lunar day begins. The moon is in Taurus.
With a haircut today, the hair will not grow quickly, but it will split and fall out less.
Horoscope for June 28, Tuesday. At 2:14, the 27 lunar day begins. The moon is in Gemini.
At this time, airy hairstyles work well. When cutting, the condition of the hair will not change.
Horoscope for June 29, Wednesday. At 2:52, the 28 lunar day begins. The moon is in Gemini.
Good time to trim and color your hair.
Horoscope for June 30, Thursday. At 3:43, the 29 lunar day begins. The moon is in Cancer.
After a haircut on this day, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes naughty, cannot be styled.

For every modern girl, not only a fashionable haircut is important, but also the beauty of her hair. For many centuries, various rituals and signs have been associated with hair. Going to a hairdresser, few people think about when to cut their hair, folk signs, lunar days. But certain days can have both positive and negative effects on the condition of the hair.

When is the best time to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar?

1 lunar day - you can't get a haircut, otherwise the haircut done now will shorten your life.

2 - not the most prosperous time - you will attract litigation, quarrels into your life.

3 - if the haircut is done, you may worsen your own health.

4 - not the most favorable day for a haircut - hair will grow slowly.

5 - the galaxy advises to visit a stylist and get a haircut, thanks to which you can attract wealth and material well-being into your life.

6 - do not cut your hair - it is fraught with colds and it will take a long time to grow your hair.

7 - if you cut your hair during this phase of the moon, you should expect quarrels, conflicts over trifles with others.

8 is one of the most favorable days for a change of image. For fast hair growth, fate advises to visit a hairdresser - you will be filled with positive energy, which will not only cheer you up, but also help improve your health.

9 - you should refrain from cutting, otherwise it will negatively affect your health. The stars do not advise to conduct any experiments with hair.

10 - if you cut your hair, the result will be disastrous - you will lose luck for a long time. But you can dye your hair, preferably using natural hair dyes, especially if it's August.

11 - now is the most favorable time for a change of image - this will not only have a positive effect on the mood, but also fill life with new bright colors.

13 and 14 - a favorable time for a haircut - the procedure will strengthen the strands, accelerate their growth, the hairstyle will turn out to be successful. If your hair growth is poor, be sure to get your hair cut these days.

15 - if the haircut was done, you will have to face a severe headache. To attract positive energy to yourself, the horoscope advises to strengthen the health of your own hair - for example, make a medical hair mask.

16-18 - not all girls know when it is better to cut their hair and the lunar calendar comes to the rescue. You should not visit the hairdresser during this period of time - along with curls, you risk losing positive energy, worsening your own health, and besides, luck will turn away.

19th is one of the happiest days for a haircut, especially if it's October. It does not matter at all whether the image is radically changed or you decide to simply trim the tip of the bangs, the sunny day will shine for a long time, and luck will turn a smiling face towards you. To achieve this, you need to make at least minimal changes to your appearance.

20 - the zodiac advises not only to cut hair, but also to dye it.

21 - if you cut your hair, you will definitely attract good luck, strong positive emotions.

22-25 - not the most favorable period for changing the image comes - the hairdresser will not make a beautiful haircut, you will not get the most attractive appearance.

26-27 - a successful lunar phase for a haircut is coming and these days will be filled with only the most pleasant moments, positive emotions. Now you can experiment with your own appearance, and all the results promise to be successful.

28 - if you have long dreamed of meeting a new fan - the best time has come for a haircut, but you should give up painting.

If you follow these simple tips, not only your hair, but your health will always be in order.

To the growing moon

Haircut for the waxing moon will ensure rapid hair growth and this is typical for the head and other parts of the body. There is one interesting folk omen - it is believed that you need to get a haircut only for the growing moon, but it is forbidden to carry out this procedure on the new moon, otherwise a person shortens his life. Particular attention should be paid to the haircut of children - a newborn child should be trimmed for the growing moon, so that he will not face the problem of baldness and will be completely healthy.

To the waning moon

The oracle does not advise to have a haircut on the waning moon, otherwise the cut hair will grow back for a long time. If you can see that the moon is beginning to wane, it is worth postponing the trip to the hairdresser for a while until a more suitable period comes, it is believed that this will negatively affect vision. Do you doubt whether you can get a haircut on a full moon? This period has a positive effect on the image and it is now recommended to slightly trim the tips.

Can I cut my hair late at night?

It is strictly forbidden to cut hair at night, because this will attract not only misfortune, but also shorten a person's life. If you believe the popular belief, then a haircut in the evening brings failure, physical strength is lost, due to which a serious illness develops. The evening is absolutely not suitable for any type of haircuts, even simple shortening of the bangs.

What day of the week is it better to do this?

The lunar haircut calendar advises you to choose a specific day of the week:

Monday is the best day for a haircut, because you will not only get a beautiful hairstyle, but also be able to get rid of the accumulated negativity and problems. Having got rid of hair at the beginning of the week, everything bad also disappears from life;

Tuesday - do not cut your hair on this day. It is best to dye the curls, because the new color will help bring good luck to life, and the paint will last a long time;

Wednesday is the perfect day for long-distance travel enthusiasts and all-new people. The influence of the stars and the new hairstyle will contribute to interesting acquaintances on this day, which promise to grow into friendship;

Thursday - a haircut on this day will bring success, longevity, well-being in a career to life, financial affairs will improve;

Friday - Friday is considered a very good day for various manipulations with hair, because it patronizes female beauty. A haircut on Friday will attract only positive changes to life, the negative period will remain in the past, success is ahead in almost all endeavors;

Saturday is just the perfect day to take care of your hair. You should not cut the curls on Saturday, this will only speed up the loss, attract the disease, and you will have to spend a lot of time on restoring the curls. Correctly conduct pleasant cosmetic procedures for hair;

Sunday - this is the end of the week and the wrong time for a haircut. If you visit a hairdresser now, luck will leave your life and there is a risk of shortening your own destiny. This advice will help you avoid many troubles and problems.

Many believe that the success of haircuts and various cosmetic and medical procedures depends to a greater extent on the phase in which the moon is. Even scientists confirm the hypothesis about the influence of the moon on various natural phenomena and the change in well-being, the mood of people when the lunar cycle changes. The phases even predetermine the susceptibility of the human body to external influences. Our ancestors also noticed that the rate of hair growth depends on what day they were trimmed.

The influence of the moon on humans

The ancient Tibetan sages were sure that the Moon has a special influence on the fate of a person. Using its power, everyone can completely change their fate: to defeat the disease, get rid of ill-wishers, attract material wealth, find a loved one, become more successful. In Tibet, it was believed that getting a haircut is an important life event that affects the connection of the Cosmos with a person. To understand which days are favorable and which are not for cutting, you should study the lunar calendar.

When can I cut my hair in the phases of the moon

On the new moon

It is believed that during the new moon, as well as the day before, the hair is weakened, so only the ends are allowed to cut. So you will heal the curls, relieving them of parts cut or damaged by paint. However, earlier people were sure that getting a haircut during this period meant shortening a person's age, depriving him of several years of his life. And although opinions on haircuts were divided, the new moon is a good time for nourishing, moisturizing, healing hair masks.

On the growing (young) moon

This phase is suitable for those who intend to grow long hair. The growth of curls should be intensified by cutting the tips on the growing moon. And you should cut your hair every month at the same time. In order not only to grow, but also to improve the condition of the curls, it is better to get a haircut on the third or fourth lunar days. After that, styling the strands will become easier, and the hairstyle will keep its shape longer. During the new moon, it is possible to do any procedures for the health and beauty of curls - they will give an excellent result.

In the full moon

A visit to the hairdresser during the full moon is not the best solution. The only exception will be your desire to radically transform, for example, to cut long curls to a square or to dye from a brunette to a blonde. Under other circumstances, the full moon will be an unfavorable time to get a haircut. However, this moon phase is ideal for strengthening hair with beauty masks.

On the waning (old) moon

Such days are undesirable for any manipulation of hair, so it is better to refuse a haircut. If you cut your hair at the end of the lunar cycle, the curls will begin to grow even more slowly, and the styling will not last long. Coloring the strands will also become unsuccessful - the procedure will not bring the desired result. This period is only suitable for hair-related treatments.

Full moon haircut: signs

There are several different opinions about what kind of results a haircut can bring during a full moon. Some are sure that after such a procedure, the strands begin to grow faster, so the hairstyle should be done exclusively with the full moon. Others say that the full moon does not allow cutting not only hair, but even nails. Still others believe that it is impossible to get a haircut during the full moon, however, if you want to radically change your appearance, then this phase will be a good time for decisive action.

Nevertheless, astrologers and people who study human biorhythms are sure that during a full moon, a person's energy goes to the upper body, so the strands become thicker and more luxuriant. Therefore, getting a haircut on a full moon means significantly improving the condition of your hair. But, since the result of a change of image can be unexpected, it is better not to commit rash, drastic actions to change the image.

The opinion of believers about whether it is allowed to have a haircut during the full moon is neutral. The priests do not see anything sinful, forbidden, or influencing a person's life in this action. The majority of specialists in other fields who study the influence of the moon on humans think so too. They claim that the full moon is perfect for creating a new hairstyle. During this period, the body is cleansed of negative energetics that accumulate in the body in a month. Cutting hair at a full moon means timely neutralizing the energy that has accumulated at their ends.


Irina, 38 years old, Saratov: For many years I have been cutting my hair exclusively during the growing moon, and I think that you should not carry out any procedures with hair during the full moon or new moon. In addition, I try to follow the signs associated with the days of the week: to get a haircut on Monday - to gain health, to get a haircut on Tuesday - will attract money, to get a haircut on Wednesday - there will be a new thing, to have a haircut on Thursday - relations with the authorities will improve, to get a haircut on Saturday - to well-being in a relationship with the opposite gender. But on Friday and Sunday, haircuts are prohibited.

Maria, 24 years old, Moscow: My hair grows actively only when I cut my hair during the full moon. I specially tracked the effect of haircuts performed during different lunar phases. So, if you want the strands to slightly change their properties (become more shiny, thicker), it is better to go to the hairdresser on the waning moon, but after this procedure the curls will grow longer. On the growing moon, it is better to strengthen the roots and cut the split ends.

Svetlana, 29 years old, Ivanovo: I believe that if you want a quick growth of curls, you should get a haircut during the new moon. And if it is necessary for the hairstyle to retain its beautiful shape longer, it is better to cut it in the decreasing phase. However, I myself do not always adhere to a strict schedule - for me it is more important to choose a convenient time than to be guided by the moon. I can go to the salon even during the full moon and my hair is still actively growing. This is probably due to the frequent intake of special vitamins.

Zarina, 33 years old, Karaganda: My hairdresser says that on the waning moon it is better to cut your hair to strengthen it, but the strands will grow slowly. I do not strive to have a long braid, so I prefer to get a haircut during this period. The hair really became thicker and stronger. Moreover, this method is suitable even for balding men - if you stick to the schedule for six months, it is possible to stop the balding process. But for fast growth, I was advised to get a haircut during the full moon or when the moon is growing.

Is it possible to get a haircut on a full moon? to make hair grow faster


Tatiana Kalinina

If you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, you need to do it with a full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not satisfied that they are tangled, naughty - you should go to a hairdresser on the waning moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to have a haircut if you want to strengthen the hair roots, delay their rapid loss.
Like plants, the speed and quality of our hair growth is subject to the position of the moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for a hairstyle, you also need to take a favorable time for hair growth, the position of the Moon in the sign of the Zodiac. The position of the moon is always indicated in lunar calendars for a year.
The moon in Aries is considered unfavorable for cutting hair in general, although it does not affect the condition of the hair and hairstyle. The fact is that after such a procedure, the body's immunity weakens, the risk of getting sick increases. The position of the Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn is considered the most favorable for visiting a hairdresser. Hair grows well, is filled with strength, and splits less after a haircut.
Moon in Gemini and Libra helps to make airy hairstyles, promotes rapid hair growth, but does not affect their quality and condition.
Moon in Cancer and Pisces slows down the rate of hair growth, but saturates them with vitality.
The moon in Leo is considered an unfavorable time for a haircut if your business is going well, and auspicious when you need to change the way or rhythm of human life.
The moon in Scorpio is very insidious and can both improve and worsen your love life and relationships with partners of the opposite sex.
The Moon in Sagittarius favors changes in careers, at work, in relationships with colleagues and business partners, and helps to achieve recognition and social success.
The moon in Aquarius is considered an extremely unfavorable position for a haircut.
Today is 15/16 lunar day, full moon. moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius

T @ nekk @

so that hair grows faster, you need to cut it with the growing moon and not at the full moon

Susanna Aplaeva

In the old days, they did just that.

Checkmark (August)

then it's better to grow

Personal Account Removed

it's best to get a haircut when the moon is growing, so wait a little

Camilla Kim

You need to sit down on the waning moon, and make masks for the growing one. Since it absorbs everything into a growing organism, on a decreasing one, on the contrary ...


it is possible, but to make it faster and better on the growing .. very effective!)) may partly self-hypnosis, but my skills grow faster)))))

Elena Zhuk

better on a new moon, on a growing moon


for growth, you can grow in the sign of Virgo

Can I get a haircut on a full moon?

Gradually, from year to year, we are getting closer and closer to the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. And they considered our hair to be a conductor that connects with space. Therefore, an incorrectly thought-out haircut can harm, take away health, take away luck, and negatively affect relationships.

So in our time, more and more women can be found who, before going to the master for a haircut, look at the lunar calendar. And what is very surprising, very many masters know by heart all favorable days for a haircut.

Can you cut your hair on a full moon?

According to many experts, the full moon is the ideal time to go to the hairdresser. During this period, our body is cleansed of the negative energy that has accumulated over a month, as if pushing it out. Cutting hair on a full moon means in time to neutralize the energy that has accumulated at the ends of the hair. This will have a beneficial effect on them. Your hairstyle will delight you with its healthy appearance throughout the next month. Hair will keep its shape perfectly.

But it is worth considering the fact that the days of haircuts according to the calendar may have a specific feature. Since they can be unfavorable, favorable, or just neutral. Many of us have probably noticed that after the next haircut, something goes wrong. Either the mood drops sharply, then the state of health worsens, then relations with others deteriorate. And looking at the lunar calendar of haircuts, we will find that it was an unfavorable day for any manipulations with our hair.

Hair cut on the growing new moon will grow much faster than hair cut on the new moon. But it is worth noting that a haircut made for a waning moon can please you for a long time with the left length. So it's up to you to get your haircut on the full moon or on the new moon.

Does it really make sense to cut your hair on a waxing or waning moon, depending on the desired cut?


fairy suburb

It sits tightly in my brain ... so my hair really does not seem so gorgeous after a haircut on a shrinking moon). I wouldn't be surprised if women's hair is slightly moon-dependent. The ebb and flow are dependent ...

Denis Ilyin

hello magicians


I did not notice the difference.

Natalia Frolova Kershbaumer

Somehow my neighbor received a prescription for an ointment from a doctor and asked .... Will she help or not? The doctor answered .... Believe it, it will help, do not believe it, it will not help. So it is in everything and everywhere.

Valentina Orlova

We are connected with space and completely dependent on those planets that are close to us. In this case, from the moon.

Yuri Kim

Everything has the MEANING THAT YOU GIVE TO IT ...


5-8-11-13-14-19-21 (sort of like) 23-27-28 this is without the consequences of illness or trial or something else

Light moon

i usually reckon with this .. noticed that hair is better and grows and looks when I cut my hair on the growing moon))) and I also need to look at the number of the lunar day .. it is not always advisable to get a haircut at all ...

Can you cut your hair today?



April 11th
On this day, it is better to refrain from cutting, as this can lead to discomfort: increased pressure, headaches, the appearance of a feeling of fear


You can cut your hair any day, anytime.)

Alexander Puzyruk

If you have money to pay for the services of a hairdresser, then feel free to go and get a haircut, no one will forbid

Nosova Svetlana

April 10 - New Moon.
April 11 - until about 7:30 am Moon in Aries, but already growing. It is good to have a haircut if you do not expect special beauty from your hairstyle, but want to gain strength and help your hair grow faster. The risk of cuts remains. Then the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. This is a very good time for haircuts and healthier hair. Taking care of your hair will make it look healthy, shiny and strong.

April 11 (Thursday) Positive time for haircuts and styling.
April 12 (Friday) 3rd from 07:05 (Growing in Taurus) Auspicious day for haircuts and hair coloring.

katya Pushkareva

speak the waning moon grow more slowly then, and for the growing month then quickly

Is it possible to cut hair on my head today?





i sympathize with you because you ask permission even for such a simple action
if you have hair on your head, then you can