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Body mask with honey. Honey masks for body skin

Before proceeding to use honey masks, we strongly recommend that you check whether you are allergic to this product. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of honey to your hand, in the area of ​​the inner elbow, and wait about half an hour. If by the end of the time no unpleasant reactions have appeared on the skin (irritation, redness, itching, etc.), you can proceed to the practical part.

Cleansing and refreshing lemon and honey mask for oilier body skin types:

Add to 4 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid honey (a thick product can simply be melted over low heat or using a water bath) 3 tbsp. l ordinary wheat flour, and enough freshly squeezed lemon juice so that when stirred you get a not very thick “dough”.
Apply the resulting composition to the entire area of ​​the body immediately after taking a bath or shower (after getting wet with a towel), and leave for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
This home procedure perfectly tones and additionally cleanses the skin, making it smoother and tighter.

Recipe for anti-cellulite mask made from cinnamon and honey:

At 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, and 3-4 drops of cinnamon essential oil. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and thoroughly rubbed into problem cellulite areas. The skin should be cleansed and slightly damp (but not wet). The mixture is applied only to those places where “orange peel” is present, and after 10-12 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
For achievement maximum results The procedure should be carried out regularly 2 times a week for 2 months. After using it, it is recommended to apply anti-cellulite cream.

Cleansing and skin renewing mask made from honey and salt:

Thoroughly rub 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey with 1 full tbsp. spoon sea ​​salt finely ground.
Next, for dry skin, add 2-3 tbsp. l. corn or olive oil. For oilier skin – 2-3 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, or a little less than half a glass of kefir, and mix everything again.
The resulting mass must be applied to cleansed and slightly damp body skin in the shower, gently massage it for about 1 minute, and then, after waiting 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Using this product at home allows you not only to deeply cleanse the skin, but also to start the processes of its renewal, give tone and smoothness.

Honey and pepper mask to reduce cellulite and subcutaneous fat:

Add to 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey 1 teaspoon of hot red pepper powder.
Apply the honey-pepper mixture to cleansed and preferably steamed skin (but only to those areas where there is cellulite and excess body fat). To improve the effect, you can wrap the top with regular cling film, i.e. it will be a kind of wrapping. After 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water and apply a moisturizer or special anti-cellulite cream.
If you do not have enough prepared mixture for all problem areas of the figure, increase the proportions of the components by 2-3 times.

Recipe for a very tonic mask of apple and honey for all body skin types:

Take 3 large apples, peel them, cut them in half and remove the core. Then grate the already peeled apple halves on the finest grater. The resulting mass can be further crushed to release the juice.
For dry skin, it is better to take a sweet variety of apples; for oily skin, on the contrary, more sour apples.
Now add about 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Mix everything, spread the mixture all over your body (without touching your face, and remembering to take a bath or shower before) and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Like everyone else natural remedies, this mixture is washed off simply with warm water. Afterwards it is advisable to apply moisturizer.
After such a honey-apple procedure, the skin literally rejuvenates, becomes even and smooth, and takes on a refreshed and healthy appearance.

Nourishing honey mask for dry body skin:

Stir well 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of fat vegetable oil. Flax oil, cocoa oil, coconut oil or palm oil work very well. In case of solid oils Before mixing, they must be melted to a liquid state, and it is in the liquid state that the proportions must be calculated.
Take a warm shower or bath, and then, after getting wet with a towel, apply a generous layer of the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse with warm water and finally apply moisturizer.
The recipe is especially recommended for nourishing and softening dehydrated, dried out or rough skin. skin.

Naturally based ingredients contain many professional cosmetic preparations for skin health and are extremely valued by manufacturers. Use of funds homemade guarantees the quality of all ingredients.

A separate category is worth highlighting the waste products of bees, which have an incredible amount useful properties preserving human beauty. Correct Application honey cosmetics helps to independently restore the health of the epidermis at home in as soon as possible. Taking less time and financial costs, similar procedures will replace regular visits to beauty salons.

The benefits of regularly consuming components of honey-containing products are extremely popular. The composition, which includes a certain amount of enzymes that accelerate the metabolic process, organic acids, vitamins, glucose, fructose.

Honey is the only non-perishable food product. Healing properties, which can vary depending on the variety of plants used by the bees during production.

The medicinal properties of its external use are known to few. Regular use of body masks containing honey helps solve many problems:

  • Gets rid of dead parts of the epidermis;
  • Tightens pores;
  • Gives elasticity;
  • Moisturizes the skin;
  • Accelerates the healing process of the outer layers of the dermis;
  • Saturates the body with vitamins even when applied externally.

Recipes for the body

Cosmetology involves various uses of products made by bees. Home use experience highlights the most effective recipes for healthy body skin. The amount of prescription ingredients can be changed, maintaining the proportions, depending on the area of ​​application.

Making cosmetics, melt the hardened honey first. Making a water bath is simple:

Place one pan inside another, leaving space between the sides. Fill the smaller container with a small amount of water. Place the jar of honey in the water. It is necessary to reheat at the minimum heating temperature. Water temperatures above 60 degrees destroy useful elements needed to create cosmetics. A medical thermometer will help regulate the water temperature.


1. Honey scrub for a bath that helps restore the epidermis.

Manufacturing: Pour boiling water over the ground coffee. After draining the water, dilute the grounds with honey. How to use: Gently massage the skin with the resulting mixture for 15 minutes.

2. Bath scrub that nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Manufacturing: Mix the ingredients. How to use: Treat a clean body with a mask. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

3. Skin softening bath scrub.

Manufacturing: Mix the ingredients. How to use: Treat the necessary areas of the body. Wash off after 20 minutes.

4. Burns excess weight.

Manufacturing: Using water, dissolve mustard powder, vinegar and salt. Leave the mixture for 24 hours. Add honey (hardened in a water bath). How to use: The main areas for applying the mixture are: stomach, thighs, upper arms. Thoroughly rub the problem areas with the solution, then wrap them with film. Apply 1 hour.

Sweating heavily will help increase the effectiveness of the recipe. While using the mask, cardiac stress or being in a bathhouse is acceptable.

5. Honey scrub tightens the skin. Removes flabbiness.

Manufacturing: Heat the mixture to a temperature that allows the yeast to dissolve. Stir the resulting mixture. Leave for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

How to use: Apply the mask to your body and take a warm shower after 30 minutes.

Cosmetology recipes homemade extremely demanding on ingredients. It is important to choose high-quality, natural ingredients. Often, unscrupulous sellers sell unnatural honey under the guise of a quality product of natural origin. It is quite easy to distinguish them.

  • Smell. The natural product smells like the flowers from which it is made. The aroma depends on the variety. Sugar does not have a specific odor.
  • Volume. 1 kg of pure natural product without adding water takes up a 0.8 liter container.
  • Consistency. As it drips, it quickly dissolves. Adding additional impurities will change the density of the product.
  • Taste. The absence of astringency is a sign of a fake.
  • A drop rubbed between your fingers will be slightly absorbed without forming lumps. The fake will roll into a sticky ball.
  • Freshness. Assembled summer season the product is liquid. Cold seasons will only land candied. Exceptions are the following varieties: rabbet (thickens in summer), acacia (liquid in autumn).

The quality of the product at home is checked by tests:

  • Pour honey over a small piece of white bread. Softening bread means poor product quality. Interacting with the fake bread will become tough.
  • Drop a small amount onto the paper. The fake will leave wet spots.
  • Mix honey with iodine. Blue color is a sign of the presence of starch.

Experienced cosmetology professionals recommend regularly using a scrub to cleanse the skin and maintain body tone. By treating steamed skin, maximum effectiveness of bath procedures, saunas, and hot baths is achieved.

  • Sufficient preventive intensity of use is once a week. Restorative procedures equal 2-3 sessions per week.
  • Abuse of masks will lead to the development of allergic reactions of the body, redness, and itching.
  • After washing off the mask and completing the procedure, avoid thorough drying with a towel. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel. An alternative is to let the skin dry naturally.

Clear signs of the need to begin skin restoration are:

  • Skin laxity;
  • Dryness;
  • Stretch marks;
  • Overweight;
  • Avitaminosis.

The absence of application indicators is not a contraindication. Keeping the epidermis healthy is easier than restoring it. A preventive strike on skin problems is the best prevention.


There are situations when the influence of natural, restorative drugs on the body has the opposite effect, causing harm instead of treatment.

The restrictions apply to the following situations:

  • Allergy to products produced by bees;
  • The presence of inflammation on the skin;
  • High body temperature;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases of a skin and venereal nature;
  • Oncology;
  • Pregnancy.

The presence of one of the indicators means a ban on the use of animal products for cosmetic purposes without prior consultation with a dermatologist.

Alternative uses

Separately, it is worth highlighting the benefits of honey procedures used in hot temperatures (bath, sauna, steam room). Skin pores expand under the influence of hot temperatures, allowing beneficial elements to penetrate the epidermis as deeply as possible. High temperatures cause increased blood flow, accelerating the process of absorption of nutrients.

Correction of the figure is facilitated thanks to honey mixtures, which increase sweating together with the removal of harmful elements from the body.

Carrying out bath procedures, combining a broom and homemade cosmetics, will help remove the “orange peel” effect and tighten the skin. A honey-oil solution will increase the relaxing effect of a restorative massage.


Nature - best friend human body. The use of well-made preparations based on natural products will help solve problems of the skin, prevent health, and saturate the body with useful substances. The results of using honey for skin health at home are as good as salon procedures professional cosmetologists and is recommended to literally all women who want to be beautiful.

A lot of research has already been carried out and materials have been written about the benefits of a product unique in its properties - honey. However, the special value of honey is not only that it strengthens the immune system and heals colds, but also that honey is incredibly beneficial for the skin. A honey body mask restores blood circulation, evens out microwrinkles, tightens the skin and is even an effective weapon in the fight against cellulite (especially in the first two stages). There are many options for a honey body mask, and now we will look at the most effective of them.

Honey body mask

  1. Natural mask with massage
  2. Firming mask with honey
  3. Masks with honey for weight loss
  4. Honey cream for delicate skin

Natural mask with massage

We are talking about the most common way to use honey in cosmetology, a mask with massage. Honey is applied to the legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen using the palms of the hands. At the same time, it is important to accompany the application of honey with patting - the adhesion of honey to the hands and body provides a good massage effect, as a result of which blood circulation improves, muscle tissue strengthens, and cellulite manifestations decrease. This honey massage (albeit in a more gentle version) is also suitable for the face if you want to achieve silky skin and an even, healthy skin tone.

Firming mask with honey

For a rejuvenating mask you will need 150 grams of honey, one tablespoon of ground nutmeg and a spoonful of hot ground pepper. Mix the spices and honey thoroughly. If you have thin, sensitive skin, reduce the amount of red pepper. This mixture is good to use as a scrub in the shower, but not more than once or twice a week. You can apply it to the entire body, except the face and chest, and be careful not to get the mixture on the delicate skin of the intimate areas.

Masks with honey for weight loss

Another recipe to help you become slimmer suggests taking half a glass of honey, half a glass of cream and 15 grams of brewer's yeast. Heat the cream; it should be noticeably warm, but not hot. Pour warm cream over yeast, add honey. The resulting mixture must be left for 20-30 minutes so that the components “activate” and begin to interact. The mask is applied to problem areas - stomach, sides, thighs, buttocks, forearms.

Honey body mask video

You can increase the muscle tone of the buttocks using a honey-yolk mask. The recipe is simple: you need to take a few fresh raw chicken eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, and add honey to the yolks. The number of yolks should correspond to the number of tablespoons of honey. Then mix thoroughly. It is advisable to use a freshly made mask, as it will be most effective, but if you have a ready-made mixture left, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The mask should be rubbed into the skin in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and left for fifteen to twenty minutes.

You can reduce body fat by mixing half a glass of natural homemade grape juice without sugar with a tablespoon of honey. It is advisable to take not table grapes, but wine varieties - with sourness, they are healthier. Then rub the juice on all “problem” areas and rinse after ten minutes. After the procedure, you can apply a moisturizing cream to your skin.

Cleopatra herself used honey in for cosmetic purposes to keep your skin glowing. Today, honey is also used in cosmetology; it is included in many cosmetic products.

Natural honey is rich in valuable substances (about 200 components). It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing properties. It can be used not only to treat and cleanse the skin, but also to strengthen hair.

Milk and honey

Let's get back to the beauty secrets of Cleopatra (). To improve complexion, cleanse and nourish, you can use a mixture of honey and milk. To do this, mix one tablespoon of liquid honey with two tablespoons of country milk. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes (remove makeup first).

You can also apply a similar mask to your hair. But to prepare it you will need three tablespoons of honey and 6 tablespoons of milk. The mixture should be applied to damp hair for 30 minutes. If your hair is dry, then you should add a little vegetable oil (for example, jojoba) to the mixture. After this, rinse your hair with warm water.

For a bath you can use the following mixture: 2 liters of milk + 250 g of honey + 100 g of sea salt. You should take this bath for about 35 minutes.

Honey improves skin condition

Since honey contains a lot of valuable substances, it is often used in folk medicine as medicine. Healers also recommend using honey for skin care. For example, in a bathhouse it is useful to do a honey massage, which cleanses the body. If you have cosmetic defects, it is also useful to use honey in the form of masks. It gently cleanses, disinfects, eliminates inflammation, nourishes, smoothes out unevenness (small scars).

However, only high quality honey should be used without any additives. Remember that it is easily absorbed into the skin, and you don’t need any extra components.

Facial cleansing with honey

A suitable cleanser can be used to cleanse the skin. However, most of these products contain chemical additives. For natural cleansing, some experts recommend using honey and oil. This, of course, may seem strange, but nevertheless, oil and honey work wonders.

The basic principle of cleansing is as follows: vegetable oil will perfectly remove fat and impurities on the skin. To do this, you just need to use an oil that suits your skin type and apply it to cleanse your face.

Oily skin: 1/3 castor, olive 2/3;

Normal skin: ¼ castor, 3/4 olive;

Dry skin: 1/8 castor, olive 7/8.

Take half a teaspoon of oil in your palm, then apply gently to your face. Leave the composition for 10 minutes. After this, soak a soft towel in hot water (tolerant to the skin) and apply to your face for 1 minute. Repeat if necessary. This way you should remove any remaining oil from the skin. This cleansing can be done once a week.

As an alternative to oil, you can use honey; it also perfectly cleanses your facial skin. In addition, it is antibacterial and nutritious. It is much gentler than soap and keeps the skin hydrated.

To cleanse your skin with honey, moisten your face with warm water. Then take 2/3 teaspoon of honey in your hand and gently massage your face (about 5 minutes). After this, rinse off the honey with warm water. This cleansing can be done several times a week if there is no allergic reaction to honey.

Honey against wrinkles on the face

Honey is very often used to eliminate facial wrinkles, prolonging youthful skin. To do this, it is applied directly to the face to moisturize the skin and protect against free radicals, because... it has antioxidant properties.

It is worth noting that honey consists of 80% glucose and fructose (two simple sugars). In addition, it is rich in minerals and vitamins (groups B, D, A, C, K, etc.). Contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants.

Properties: antioxidant, moisturizing, soothing, cleansing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. The most expensive honey is produced in Yemen.

Thanks to antioxidants, signs of skin aging are reduced, because... they counteract free radicals. It is preferable to use dark types of honey, because... they have a more suitable composition that helps in the fight against wrinkles (for example, buckwheat).

Anti-wrinkle face masks (apply for 10 minutes): honey + milk (1: 1); honey + vegetable oil (2: 1); honey + lemon juice(5:1); clay + honey (3: 1); egg + honey (1:1); sour cream + oats + honey (1: 2: 1).

Universal beauty mask (grandmother's recipe)

The mask should be applied in the evening 2 times a week to cleansed facial skin. To do this, you will need only one teaspoon of natural honey from the apiary. Apply honey to your face and leave for fifteen minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.

For sensitive skin you can use the following mask: mix aloe gel with honey in equal proportions and apply to the skin (10 minutes), then rinse.

For dry skin, mix honey with avocado and add a little milk (2:2:1). Apply the mask to a cleansed face for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To treat acne, add a pinch of cinnamon to honey and use the mixture as a mask.

How to choose honey? It is important that honey does not contain additional ingredients. It also does not recommend using honey that has been heated. The fact is that the nutrients contained in honey are very sensitive to heat. Honey in combs has high nutritional value.

To prepare masks, it is advisable to use non-metallic utensils. Mix the composition using a wooden or plastic stick.

To soften, nourish and moisturize your lips, use liquid honey. To do this, soak a toothbrush in honey and brush it over your lips. in a circular motion.

The following honey mixture is suitable for cleansing the body: mix baking soda, lemon juice, and honey in equal quantities. Apply the mixture to your body while washing in a circular motion. This mask improves blood circulation, nourishes and cleanses.

Since honey contains a sufficient amount of zinc, it is recommended to be used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Recipe for facial rejuvenation

For rejuvenation faces will suit next mask: mix honey, turmeric and lemon juice (3: 1: 3). Apply the mask to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Ayurveda does not recommend heating honey. Even 40 degrees is unacceptable. They believe that in this way it turns into poison.

Natural honey promotes growth, strengthens the skeleton, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and promotes the retention of calcium and magnesium in the body. Its sugar content encourages the attachment of water molecules, which makes the skin soft and smooth.

Honey is a natural antibacterial and cleansing (contains hydrogen peroxide) agent. Unlike chemical substances it has a gentle effect on the skin, helps in the fight against various skin diseases (eczema, rosacea). It is suitable for all skin types because... balances sebum production (for oily skin) and moisturizes (for dry skin).

Before using honey, perform a sensitivity test. Contraindications: allergic reaction, individual intolerance.

Natural honey mask for body care. Apply honey to the steamed, clean skin, and then tap it in with jerky pats. Microelements and vitamins penetrate the epidermis and bring waste and toxins to the surface. Honey masks We apply 1 or 2 times a week for 1 or one and a half months, after 2 or 3 months the course must be repeated.

Natural softening mask for buttocks. Take 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 yolks. Apply to the buttocks for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Stimulating and rejuvenating body mask with hot red pepper. Take a mug with a capacity of 150 grams, put honey in it, then add a tablespoon of ground nutmeg and a tablespoon of hot red pepper. You can wash with this mixture instead of soap, but you must be careful not to let this mixture get on your skin. intimate parts. Apply once a week.

Natural mask after hair removal. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 50 grams of water, mix and apply for 15 minutes after hair removal, then rinse.

Natural mask for any skin of the body and face made from coconut. Take equal parts of kefir, low-fat yogurt, honey, and grated coconut. Apply to the skin for 10 or 15 minutes, rub and rinse with water.

Natural yeast belly mask. Take 4 teaspoons of liquid honey, 4 teaspoons of cream, 15 grams of dry brewer's yeast. Dissolve dry yeast in cream. When the yeast has dispersed a little, mix it with honey and let stand for 20 minutes. Then apply this mask to the skin of the abdomen. It stimulates blood circulation, provides elasticity, tightens pores and nourishes the skin.

Natural mask for weight loss. Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 5 tablespoons of grape juice and 2 teaspoons of day cream. Apply this mask to problem areas and keep this mask on the skin for 15 minutes. This composition goes well with a trip to the sauna or bathhouse. Prevents the formation of cellulite and tidies the skin.

Let's make a body scrub. Based natural products you can do it from the refrigerator cosmetic procedures. To do this, we mix honey with sugar and banana. But in order to get enough of this mass for the body, you need to add one tablespoon of sugar and honey for each banana. To get a sufficient effect, use this product in the shower, gently massage the skin for 3 to 4 minutes so that it absorbs all the nutrients. Rinse and dry the skin using patting movements for a smooth and radiant appearance.

For the body skin we use a honey-yolk mask. To do this, mix 100 grams of honey, 4 yolks and 25 grams of oatmeal. Mix everything and apply to cleansed body skin (can be on hands, neck, décolleté, chest). Leave the mask on for 15 or 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply absorbent cream to damp skin.

Useful to do potato body mask. For it, boil 300 grams of potatoes in their jackets, then cool, peel, rub through a sieve, add 100 grams of sour cream or 80 ml of warm milk. Mix everything well and apply to clean body skin. If desired, add a little lemon or cucumber juice to the mask. After 15 or 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water, then rinse under a cool shower and lubricate the damp skin of the body with a rich cream.

Potatoes with honey against calluses
Take a few raw potatoes, wash them, peel them and grate them on a fine grater. Add honey - take one teaspoon of honey for half a glass of potato pulp and mix everything. Place the resulting mixture on a folded surface in several layers. gauze pad. The thickness of the layer should be at least 1 centimeter; apply this mixture to the affected area of ​​skin and bandage it. Keep it for 2 hours or more. We change the bandage 2 or 3 times a day. We use this mask to reduce old calluses, pustular skin diseases, to treat eczema, and to treat poorly healing wounds, ulcers and burns.

Honey body masks
With the help of honey, we will make the skin of our hands softer, strengthen our curls, make our skin silky and improve our memory.

This mask is suitable for your hair: Dilute a teaspoon of honey with ¼ glass of warm water and add fruit vinegar. Apply this honey mask to wet clean hair for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair with water. After such a mask, your hair will become elastic, shiny, and will better retain its volume and shape.

To keep your lips sweet and tender like honey We massage regularly with a toothbrush and apply honey to the lips for 15 or 20 minutes. After this procedure, do not lick honey from your lips. Take a cotton pad, soak it in warm water, and then carefully remove it from your lips and lubricate your lip skin with balm or nourishing cream. At night you need to apply it under lipstick olive oil which we mix with honey. These simple procedures will provide your lips with nutrients, making them beautiful and soft.

Several simple recipes for the face. We apply the masks to a previously steamed and cleansed face. To do this, remove all makeup and hold your face over the steam for several minutes. Or you can briefly apply a towel soaked in warm water to the skin. It is recommended to keep masks on your face for no more than 20 minutes. We wash them off with warm water and apply cream.

Linden mask with honey
Take a tablespoon of linden blossom and half a teaspoon of honey. Pour ½ cup of boiling water, add a handful of linden blossom, cover the glass with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey on the tip. The mask prevents peeling, makes the skin softer and more elastic, and cleanses the skin. The broth that remains can be stored in the refrigerator until the next morning and this procedure can be repeated. The result will become noticeable in 4 or 5 days.

Almond-honey cream for peeling skin
Take 100 grams of honey, 1 gram of salicylic acid and 100 grams almond oil, mix everything well. Apply the mixture to the skin of your hands and face in a thin layer. We use this cream against acne and against flaking of the skin.

For dry skin Take a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of warm cream or milk. Apply the resulting mixture to the face with massage movements.

For oily skin Mix the juice of one lemon and 100 grams of honey, this mask will dry and whiten the skin.

Skin elasticity mask: take a tablespoon of honey, oatmeal and lemon juice, mix and apply to the face for 20 minutes.

Mask for skin redness and chapping: mix a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of vegetable oil and apply to the skin of the face.

You can always stay in good shape if you make this mask: take half a teaspoon of vegetable oil, mix 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of honey and apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes with gentle movements.

Your hands will love this honey mixture: Take a tablespoon of honey, a spoonful of oatmeal and one yolk and mix everything. Spread it on your hands, put on cotton gloves and hold for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash off the mask and apply hand cream to your hands.

Healthy honey baths for the body
Honey bath
makes the skin soft, elastic, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and calms the nervous system.

Take 200 grams of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice. Add honey to a bath filled with warm water, then add water to the required volume and add aloe juice. We take it for 15 minutes, then rinse in the shower, lubricate the skin with cream and go to bed.

Add 200 grams of honey to the bath, also add 2 or 3 drops to the honey essential oil. We take water for 15 minutes. After such a bath, the skin is simply transformed.

Refreshing bath
Brew 100 grams of horsetail in 5 liters of water and leave for 12 hours. Then heat it up and add this infusion to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Relieves melancholy and bad mood.

Bath of Cleopatra. Probably many people know it and use it with pleasure. The recipe has been tested by many girls and time and is very popular. Take a liter of warm milk and a glass of honey, mix everything and pour it into the bath. If we add aromatic oil, the resulting effect will intensify. After such a bath, the skin is simply transformed.

All these baths and masks are good for the body, and if you do them at least occasionally: take baths and apply masks, then the skin will thank you by becoming elastic and firm. If you haven't tried how these masks work, you're missing out. These recipes are easy to prepare and are considered the most effective.