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Master class “Pedagogical support of children's initiative and independence in visual arts. Supporting initiative in preschoolers in visual arts

1. Eastern administrative district, GBOU gymnasium No. 1476.

Topics of speeches:

  1. "Development and support of children's initiative in different types activities, interaction of a preschool organization with the family” - presentation of senior teacher Kharitonova N.V.
  2. “Development of children's initiative and independence of children in different cultural practices”:

- “Cartoon for kids” – teacher A.A. Molchanova;

- “Types of minerals (stones)” – teacher Gorokhova E.A.;

- “Magic chest” – teacher Rozanova A.A.

3. “Joint partnership activities between an adult and a child. Project "Water Sorceress" - presentation by teacher Pluzhnikova O.B.

2. Eastern administrative district, GBOU secondary school No. 1852.

Topics of speeches:

  1. Presentation by senior teacher Spesivtseva N.N. “Development of children's initiative through expansion of developmental space for children's free activity.”
  2. Presentation of the work experience of a teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1852, preschool department, Kotelevets L.V. "Supporting children's initiative in verbal communication through the use of TRIZ technology."
  3. Presentation of the work experience of a teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1852, preschool department, N.V. Tonkonogovoy. “Creating a subject-developing environment as a condition for supporting children’s initiative.”

The event materials can be found at

3. Eastern administrative district, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School with in-depth study” in English No. 1352"

Topics of speeches:

  1. “Educational activities with children 3–4 years old “How we helped Mishka” - teacher Svetlana Dmitrievna Ugolnikova.

2. “Educational activities with children 4–5 years old “Letter from the scientist Filin” - teacher Galina Vasilievna Krisanova.

3. “Educational activities with children 5–6 years old “Travel to Tsifrograd” - teacher Tatyana Petrovna Kutlovskaya.

4. “Educational activities with children 6–7 years old “Miracles from a casket” - teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Belyaeva.

5. Federal State Educational Standards DO. Development of children's initiative in different types of activities. Presentation by methodologist Tatyana Vladimirovna Krivoruchko.

The event materials can be found at

4. Eastern Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1512.

Topics of speeches:

  1. “Development of children's initiative in various types of activities” - presentation by senior teacher A.A. Lykova.
  2. “Techniques and ways to support children’s initiative” – educational psychologist E.V. Kovalchuk.
  3. “Staging based on the Russian folk tale “The Cat and the Fox” - teacher L.N. Pavlukhina, music director G.V. Nesterova.
  4. “Forms of support for children’s initiatives in regime moments and independent activities of children." Practical experience of teachers: music director O.V. Kolyabina, speech therapist V.A. Muravyova, teacher T.V. Tolstykh.

The event materials can be found at

5. Western Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1596.

Topics of speeches:

  1. "Open event (within project activities) on life safety “Letter from Prostokvashino” – teachers of the senior group Ershova Elena Vladimirovna, Fedorova Victoria Andreevna.
  2. “Dominant lesson on children’s creativity “Playing a fairy tale” (based on the musical cycle by S.M. Maikapar “Spillkins”)” - music director of the highest category Shamidanova Lidiya Veniaminovna, teacher preparatory group Mikheeva Lyubov Nikolaevna.
  3. Presentation “Federal State Educational Standard. Development of children's initiative. Working with older children preschool age on creating a fairy tale” - senior teacher of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596, SPDO No. 1755 Svetlana Alekseevna Kotova, preparatory group teacher Valentina Nikolaevna Poluektova.
  4. Presentation “Federal State Educational Standards. Development of creativity as the highest form of development of initiative” - senior teacher of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596, SPDO No. 1755 Svetlana Alekseevna Kotova, music director Lidiya Veniaminovna Shamidanova.

The event materials can be found at

6. Western Administrative District, GBOU School No. 37.

Topics of speeches:

  1. “The development of initiative and independence in a preschooler in the process educational activities: teaching the beginnings of literacy through the organization of a children’s theater” - teacher Onoprienko Ekaterina Elitovna.
  2. “Subject-spatial environment as a means of developing children’s initiative and independence in children with disabilities” - educational psychologist at GBOU School No. 1329 Svetlana Yuryevna Kovaleva, teacher-speech therapist at GBOU School No. 1329 Nazari Galina Rafailovna.
  3. “Development of children's initiative and independence in various types activities" - teachers Marina Anatolyevna Cherminskaya, Ekaterina Olegovna Tihanskaya.
  4. “Modern forms of interaction with the family for the development of children’s initiative” - teacher-psychologist GBOU secondary school No. 13 07 Lunina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna.
  5. "Development creative initiative in various cultural practices” – educators Elena Viktorovna Degtyareva, Irina Aleksandrovna Zavarzina.

The event materials can be found at

7. Zelenograd administrative district, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1528.

Topics of speeches:

  1. "Federal State Educational Standard preschool education. Development of children's initiative in various types of activities" - senior methodologist Balaeva Nina Mikhailovna, senior teacher Avetisyan Kristina Grachikovna, educational psychologist Galina Guryevna Golubkova. Text and presentation.

8. Northern Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Central District No. 1296.

Topics of speeches:

  1. "Development of children's initiative in play activity with children of the second group early age“A colorful fairy tale” - teachers of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1). Medvedeva Tatyana Nikolaevna, Syatkina Galina Anatolyevna.
  2. “Development of children's initiative in visual arts: using the capabilities of graphic materials in fine arts” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Gizhitskaya Irina Alimovna.
  3. “Development of children's initiative in communicative activities: “Travel across continents” (combined preparatory school group)” – teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Central Education No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Elena Eduardovna Golovina.
  4. “Development of children's initiative in cognitive and research activities “Miracles about four wheels” ( senior group)" – teacher of GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Fadiuri Larisa Vladimirovna, methodologist of GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Serebryakova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher Romanova Olga Yuryevna.
  5. “Development of children's initiative in communicative activities: development of children's speech using speech exercises (combined senior group)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Tatyana Mikhailovna Blinova.
  6. “Development of children's initiative in motor activity: “Such different balls” (preparatory group for school)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Elena Valentinovna Kudinova.
  7. “Development of children's initiative in constructive activities: “Little Builders” ( junior group)" – teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 3) Bakotina Tatyana Sergeevna.
  8. “Children’s initiative in visual arts: development of children’s initiative in teaching children arts and crafts” - teacher at GBOU School No. 183 (preschool No. 4) Olga Anatolyevna Khrenova.

Event materials can be found at this link

Development of initiative in young children in visual arts.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, which came into force on January 1, 2014, one of the principles of preschool education is the principle of supporting children's initiative in various types of activities, as well as the conditions necessary for creating social situation development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, assumesupporting children's individuality and initiative through:--creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants joint activities; - creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts; -non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various activities(game, visual, research, educational). Slide No. 2

Children's developmentinitiative is one of the hot topics today. Despite the fact that our children are of an early age, small, they still can’t do a lot of things and they love to draw, with interest and great desire they often ask for such an opportunity in free activity. Slide No. 3

We try to encourage this initiative, help organize workplace : paint and use gouache. 1 One of the conditions for children to develop independent activities is to equip the group with the necessary equipment. All tools and materials for art activities are in an easily accessible place. Slide No. 4 The fine motor skills of children’s hands are not yet fully developed, we train them, of course, so it’s easier and easier to create something familiar and close with paints. Especially when we use traditional drawing methods. Slide No. 5; -unconventional methods of drawing: with fingers, palms, pokes, stamps, cotton swabs and others. Slide No. 6;

In free activity we consolidate previously acquired knowledge and skills during GCD. For childrenNot only the end result is important, but also the painting process itself; they are interested in how gouache dissolves in water, how paint is applied to a brush, how a brush leaves its mark on paper, etc. 1111 The initial shoots of creativity appear in children during continuous educational activities) , if created for this purpose the necessary conditions. It is very important to trust your child with tasks that he is capable of and that he willingly performs at an early age.

The development of children's initiative and independence occurs especially effectively when solving problems educational field "artistically - aesthetic development» . In our work we use the partial author’s program of I. A. Lykova"Colored palms", the purpose of which is to develop in children of early and preschool age an aesthetic attitude and artistic and creative abilities in visual activities through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. Slide No. 7; Program objectives"Colored palms"create conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials and tools, as well as the cultivation of artistic taste and a sense of harmony. We also use traditional methods of depicting T.S. Komarova.

Using only traditional forms it is impossible to fully solve the problem of a creative personality, therefore it is advisable to organize work with children using non-traditional methods.

Non-traditional technology does not allow copying a sample, which gives even greater impetus todevelopment of imagination, creativity, independence, initiatives , manifestation of individuality. The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, convey images of his imagination, translating them into real forms using a variety of materials. And the main thing is that non-traditional technology plays an important role in the overall psychologicalchild development.

In order to attract a child, it is necessary to use gaming techniques, fairy tale images, effect of surprise, desire to help. All this helps to interest the child, set him up for creativity. activity .

The child needs help to learn in various ways visual activities and, give an idea about different techniques Images . Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous,develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Kids perceiveperformance, like new, an unusual and interesting experience.

At first, a small child is not very interested in the result; he is interested in the process itself. However, even such a toddler is already able to appreciate beauty in his own way and is ready to create his own work of art.

With younger children age we started our work with finger painting and palms. Slide number 8. This is very exciting activity. Children with pleasure begin to explore a new material for themselves - gouache - with their fingers, and create colorful works. Startsdevelop imagination children

So for young children fits finger painting.

The therapeutic effect of finger painting is observed not only at the moment of creation, but also subsequently, being a powerful positive dominant. As psychologists assure, in a child this process is stimulateddevelopment of freedom of thought, imagination. During operation it is activated development mental processes, motor skills are improved (small movements of the fingers, hands, hand-eye coordination are differentiated, the creative potential of children is revealed). Some of our first finger painting works were"Flowers in Summer", « Colorful autumn» , "It is snowing".

Palm drawingevokes no less vivid emotions in children, so the following works were created with the help of magic palms"Elephant in Summer" , “The bird is swimming.” Slide number 9. Regular"printed" Palms, by adding some small details, turn into animals, birds and more. We introduced you to the simplest technique: drawing with cotton swabs, printing with potato stamps. In this way, whole pictures are created. Unconventional techniques provide sufficient opportunity in simple ways get a beautiful, unusual result, a huge opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, it gives more chances for self-expression and develops fine motor skills, imagination, memory, these are ways of creating something new, original .

A necessary condition for the development of proactive behavior is its upbringing in conditions of developmental, non-authoritarian communication. Pedagogical communication, based on the principles of love, understanding, tolerance and orderliness of activities, will become a condition for the full development of positive freedom and independence of the child.

An enterprising child must be able to realize his or her activities creatively and demonstrate cognitive activity. The novelty of the product of children's activity is subjective, but extremely important for the development of the child's personality. The development of creativity depends on the level of development of the cognitive sphere, the level of development of creative initiative, arbitrariness of activity and behavior, freedom of activity provided to the child, as well as the breadth of his orientation in the world around him and his awareness.

There are several drawing techniques using the finger painting technique: finger painting is possible on sand, semolina, some of our first worksfinger painting on semolina"The sun is smiling" Slide number 10.

With surprise and delight, children perceive such technology asemerging drawing.

Disclose fine artthe possibilities of certain materials, their diversity and combination options should be gradually, but in such a way that the child, if possible, has the feeling of meeting a miracle. This increases the children's interest in the processvisual activity and its results. One of these works“Rain” Slide number 10.

This is a mixed media painting various materials. The main goal is to become familiar with the properties and characteristics of materials.

In free activities, children most often use mixed drawing techniques. Slide number 11.

Drawing with cotton swabs Slide number 12.

Forming children's skills By working independently, creating, thinking, and fantasizing, we help the child’s life become more interesting, meaningful, and rich. I really want our children to look and see the world through the eyes of the creator and creator.

An unconventional way of drawing: printing with potato stamps, children are very curious and interested in creating carrots new picture Slide number 13.

Thus, supporting children’s initiative in visual arts contributes to the formation of socially normative age characteristics in various types of activities, which is presented as a target guideline in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Slide number 14.

And properly organized subject environment and its content, a number of effective methods and receptions, close interaction with parents, organization of joint practical activities of adults and children are important conditions for maintaining and developing children's initiatives. Slide number 15.

Smirnova Evgenia Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18 "Zvezdochka"
Locality: Vorkuta, Komi Republic
Name of material: Essay
Subject:“Development of initiative and creative potential in preschool children based on cooperation with adults and peers in visual activities through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques”
Publication date: 19.03.2019
Chapter: preschool education

“Development of initiative and creative potential in preschool children based on

collaboration with adults and peers in visual arts through

using non-traditional drawing techniques"

Smirnova Evgenia Alexandrovna,

teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" in Vorkuta

The country that will teach its children art

will surpass all others

Preschool age is a bright and unique page in the life of every person. Exactly at

At this age, the child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise

discovering such an unfamiliar but amazing world around us. Exactly at this



is installed

nature, the objective world, which means that there is an introduction to culture, to universal human

values. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational














abilities, creative and cognitive potential of children.

According to












the potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, and adults.

In this regard, the key role of the teacher is to create conditions for the formation of harmonious,

spiritually rich, aesthetically developed personality, possessing an aesthetic creation, inclinations

culture, creative abilities for individual self-expression.




is happening



aesthetic activity. Great potential for revealing children's creativity lies in

visual activities of preschool children. Of all its types, drawing is perhaps

the most interesting view activities for preschoolers.


psychological and pedagogical




drawing is an important means aesthetic education: it allows children to express

your idea of ​​the world around you, develops fantasy, imagination, gives you the opportunity




is being improved






Creative skills, skill available means create something beautiful on your own.

Based on the objectives, the focus of teachers should be on the orientation of educational

process on the DEVELOPMENT of the child, taking into account his personal characteristics, his individual logic







Development of the child’s position as an active participant in creative activities;

Focus on age and individual characteristics, i.e. for a specific situation

child development;

Taking into account children's interests and preferences;

development of initiative and independence, i.e. personal qualities of the child, which will allow

achieve the targets outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

This task can be most fully accomplished in the process of productive activity.

It is only important to encourage children to act, to make them believe that they are very simple

can become little artists and create miracles on paper. Such an incentive rightfully

may be drawing using non-standard techniques. Non-traditional techniques –

this is an impetus for the development of imagination, creativity, independence, initiative,

expressions of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one

drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide independently which technique to use,

it worked out



techniques allow, moving away from the subject image, to express feelings and emotions in the drawing,

give the child freedom and instill confidence in their abilities. Proficient in various techniques and







choice, and what

The more diverse the art materials, the more interesting it is to work with them.

Therefore, introducing preschoolers to non-traditional drawing techniques allows them to avoid

simply increase children's interest in visual arts, but also promotes the development

creative imagination.

In his work in accordance with age characteristics I actively use the most

various non-traditional drawing techniques:

Junior preschool age:

Drawing with hands, palms, fingers, edge of the palm, fist

Imprint with stamps made of potatoes, carrots, polystyrene foam

Drawing with cotton swabs

Middle preschool age:

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Printing with foam rubber, corks

Wax crayons and watercolors

Candle and watercolor

Leaf signets

Drawings with cotton swabs and crumpled paper

Subject monotype

Senior preschool age:


Landscape monotype

Drawing with salt, sand, semolina, soap bubbles, crumpled paper



We can confidently say that a variety of techniques contributes to expressiveness

images in children's works. Mastering image techniques brings true joy to children,

they happily cover one sheet of paper after another with spots, strokes,





snowflakes. Children boldly take on art materials; they are not afraid of diversity and

the prospect of independent choice. They are ready to repeat this or that action many times.

And the better the movement turns out, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if

demonstrating their success, and rejoice, attracting the attention of an adult to their achievements.

In this interaction, I thought through the stages and directions of working with children:






intellectual experience is the basis for creativity.

2. Stage of imitation and imitation. The standards of creative activity are being mastered,

its methods, technologies and means. The main thing at this stage is to activate existing experience

child in an aesthetic educational space.

3. Transformation stage. Application of mastered standards and their transformation into new ones

conditions in accordance with individual characteristics and the capabilities of preschool children.






independent expression of artistic images.




is happening

the following


from drawing individual objects to drawing plot episodes and then to plot


from using the most simple types non-traditional image techniques to more






you need to make it yourself;

from using the imitation method to independently implementing the plan;









unconventional drawing techniques.


artistic and creative


is being considered


"Artistic and aesthetic


carried out

main forms:

Direct educational activities;

Independent activity of children;

And, of course, joint activities between adults and children, as well as between children and peers.

In my work I use such forms of organizing and conducting classes as: conversations,

travel through fairy tales, observations, targeted walks, excursions, photo exhibitions, exhibitions

drawings, competitions, entertainment.

It is possible to encourage a child to be active using such methods and techniques as:

play, which is the main activity of children;

a surprise moment - your favorite fairy tale or cartoon character comes to visit, and

invites the child to go on a trip;

will refuse

feel significant;

musical accompaniment, artistic expression.










more diverse



more interesting


drawing, preschoolers learn to highlight features, qualities, external properties of objects,

main and secondary parts, correctly install and correlate one part of an object with






in kind, with the works of peers. In the process of drawing, children learn to reason and draw conclusions.

Their vocabulary is enriched. In this regard, special attention should be paid

to such a concept as “perception”. The child perceives artistic images in his own way,

enriches them with his own imagination, correlates them with his personal experience.

One of the main tasks in this direction is the development of emotional responsiveness. Through

empathy, complicity, “entering the image”, the formation of the foundations of artistic

aesthetic culture of the personality of a preschooler.


artistic and creative




systemic activity












requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.






fine art

activities will be facilitated by the use of modern developing technologies:

personality-oriented (problematic issues and situations);

communicative (conversation and dialogue, expansion and activation of vocabulary);

project activities. Thus, we implemented the project “Vegetables and fruits are healthy




came up with ways to use it, recording all this in a diary and depicting it

in different ways and techniques.



we pay


artistic and aesthetic activities with a variety of games. Therefore it is provided

creating images of objects for games: " Beautiful napkins to the doll's corner", "Treat

for toys”, “Gifts for toys”, “Crafts for dolls”, etc.





developing confidence in the child’s abilities; respectful attitude of adults towards

children's results artistic activity. Therefore, when organizing educational

I pay attention to such forms of work as exhibitions of children's and joint works

on topics: “Gifts of Autumn”, “Autumn Colors”, “Father Frost’s Workshop”, “Easter Miracle”. IN

As a result, children develop confidence in their abilities; children actively use

means of expression for the imagery of the drawing; embody in artistic form their




fine art

experiment with different art materials; develop creative imagination.

The children's works serve as decoration for the group and reception area. The group constantly hosts an exhibition,

Gifts are being prepared for the holidays, which has a positive effect on interest in creativity.

Often our favorite characters come to visit us - Smeshariki, Fixiki, etc., who need

help (they don’t know something, make inaccuracies, etc.), thereby creating a motive

activity that helps organize it.







activity is facilitated by a situation of success. In my work I encourage not only creativity

children's activities and independence, but also any efforts aimed at acquiring

new knowledge.

One of the techniques joint creativity children and adults, I consider the technique of co-creation,

when all participants contribute equally to the production of the product, the so-called





composition, and children complement it with appropriate details. So, we made







Defender of the Fatherland, etc. Each child chose what he wants to do, with what material,

what kind of technology?

One of the most important components of work in this direction is providing conditions

for the development of creative abilities - the creation of a developing subject-spatial







artistic and aesthetic





productive activities and for the purpose of developing artistic and creative abilities in the group





coloring books,


printed drawings or part thereof), children's magazines with creative tasks; posted on

sheets in a visible place different shapes and colors for drawing, blanks with printed figures,

art material for individual and collective work.






the use of synthesis of arts and integration of different types of activities.

For viewing and

playing out items of folk crafts, interesting photographs, elements

paintings (albums, sheets), illustrations.







imaginations in the group I developed:






research activities, analytical skills, mastering sensory standards;

Board and printed games for developing the ability to distinguish, compare patterns, elements,

Games and exercises aimed at developing creative and aesthetic abilities:

“Unfinished pictures”, “Let’s turn objects into fairy tale heroes”, “What it looks like”;

Exercises and games to enrich sensory experience;

Presentations and virtual tours.

Attract children's attention and ignite a spark of creative activity, develop the ability

on one's own







non-traditional techniques in artistic creativity are called upon by the “IZO-laboratory”, an organization

which in an accessible form allows children to conduct experiments on mixing colors,

experiments with textured prints, drawing with juice of vegetables (beets, carrots) and berries (currants,

Work in a research laboratory includes such forms of work as:

1. Study of the color wheel.

2. Finding new colors and shades by mixing paints with each other and with

water. Figure 1. Working with the palette

3. Study of “cold” and “warm” colors. Experience “Fire and Ice” (How one color can be

make it both cold and warm by adding yellow or blue paint). Figure 2. Drawing

houses in warm colors

Figure 3. Drawing with cool tones






pencil of different softness, etc.).

5. Drawing with semolina porridge, pre-colored with food coloring.

Figure 5. Drawing semolina porridge






7. Laboratory work while walking. Introduction to basic knowledge of air and

subject perspective (In the distance the forest is blue, and the objects are smaller).

9. Study of the pressing force of a pencil to convey any material (soft

pressing: clouds, smoke, wool, hair. Strong pressure: stone, buildings).

10. Research on natural food dyes.

11. Painting various objects. Let's explore ease of application. Figure 7. Painting

easter eggs

12. Coloring semolina and flour using colored crayons.

13. Painting salt dough blanks. Figure 9. Salt dough figures

The inclusion of parents in the process of developing children’s creative abilities was implemented in

in the following forms: I have developed memos and booklets, in the form of creative workshops

master classes were held, a series of visual information was designed - “We draw with our fingers”, “Don’t

be afraid to experiment”, “Unconventional drawing techniques in collaboration with an adult












participants in events such as joint holidays, promotions, exhibitions of creative works.







participated with pleasure and pride in the design of their children’s portfolios, and children not only

performed creative work, but also made suggestions for their placement in the album.

After analyzing the results of your pedagogical activity, I came to the conclusion that






preschoolers in the process of visual arts and the use of non-traditional techniques






dynamics are noted according to all criteria:



artistic and figurative


emotional and sensory attitude to objects and phenomena of reality; technical

skills and abilities;







Level of artistic skills;







independence, the ability to cooperate with others, the need to defend one’s point of view,

coordinate it with others, etc.);

Creative skills.






Winners and laureates creative competitions various levels in which

show creativity, imagination, realize their plans, and independently find means for

incarnations. Their masterpieces live, breathe, and most importantly, each drawing can rightfully be called






real artists. Creative process- this is a real miracle! I love watching how






drawing. Our task as teachers is to help them and support their creative initiative, and most importantly,

the desire to imagine and create.

Not every child comes into this world to become an artist. But it is also true that







man, and this potential must be revealed. Under these conditions, the most gifted are more likely to find their

path, and everyone else will gain valuable experience in the creative embodiment of their own ideas.




we will move from beautiful images to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts to beautiful life and from

a beautiful life - to absolute Beauty.” Thank you for your attention!

“The importance of visual activities for the comprehensive development of a preschooler”

Visual activities are invaluable for the comprehensive education and development of a child. It allows children to convey what they see in life around them; what excited them caused a positive and sometimes negative attitude (for example, fear; by drawing any phenomena, the child seems to overcome the fear caused by them). Many great philosophers and teachers of the past highly valued the importance of drawing in raising children. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle attached great importance to subjects of the aesthetic cycle (music, drawing) in the development of a child. He emphasized that drawing is studied because it develops the eye in determining physical beauty. (1).

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creatively active personality; in this regard, preschool institutions face the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation. The creative imagination of children represents enormous potential for the realization of reserves integrated approach in training and education. Has great opportunities for the development of creative imagination visual activity preschoolers. Visual activity is a unique form of knowledge of reality, the surrounding world, comprehension of artistic art and correction of children's development. Visual activity is closely related to knowledge of the surrounding life and nature. At the beginning, this is a direct acquaintance with the properties of materials (paper, pencils, paints, clay, etc.), knowledge of the connection between actions and the result obtained. In the future, the child continues to acquire knowledge about surrounding objects, materials and equipment.

Fine arts classes, in addition to completing educational tasks, are an important means of all-round development of children. Learning to draw, sculpt, appliqué, and design contributes to the mental, moral, and aesthetic education of preschool children. The development of visual and figurative thinking occurs during the learning process. Research by the famous teacher N.P. Sakulina showed that successful mastery of image techniques and creation expressive image require not only clear ideas about individual subjects, but also the establishment of connections appearance an object with its purpose in a series of objects or phenomena. Therefore, before starting the image, children solve mental problems based on the concepts they have formed, and then look for ways to implement this task.

Also, visual activity is closely related to problem solving moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children’s work, which reinforces a certain attitude towards the surrounding reality, and through the development in children of observation, perseverance, activity, initiative, the ability to listen and carry out a task, and bring the work started to completion. The life around them gives children rich impressions, which are then reflected in their drawings, etc. In the process of depiction, the attitude towards the depicted is consolidated, since the child again experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon. Therefore, the content of the work has a great influence on the formation of the child’s personality. Sometimes the work of preschoolers is organized as a collective performance of work, during which they develop the ability to work together, coordinatedly, and come to the aid of each other. (2).

Visual activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity. Modern children are actively mastering the virtual world. At the same time, they experience a decrease in interest in their surroundings; in children’s minds, the lines between good and evil, beautiful and ugly are blurred. Undoubtedly, the foundations of a developing personality are laid in childhood and there is a danger that society in the future may receive a soulless generation, indifferent to painting, not understanding music and poetry. Therefore, today aesthetic development comes to the fore; there is a need to revise its ideas, search for new approaches that allow building the process of aesthetic development in accordance with the interests of the child, his needs, abilities, and motives for activity.

Experience of working with children allows us to note that it is non-traditional drawing techniques that create an atmosphere of ease, openness, and relaxedness in the classroom, develop initiative, independence, and create an emotionally positive attitude towards the activity.(4).

It is important to cultivate in children an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, the ability to see and feel beauty, and develop artistic taste and creative abilities. The ability to admire the beauty and diversity of natural forms, to notice the significant in the inconspicuous, the expressive in the unsightly, to admire the corners of native and exotic nature;

The ability to feel the nature and variability of natural phenomena, to express one’s attitude towards them in landscapes - moods (morning, day, evening, night, autumn, winter, spring, summer);

Willingness to emotionally experience the figurative form of works of fine art, etc. (3).

All types of visual arts activities proper organization have a positive impact on physical development child. They help to raise overall vitality and create a cheerful, cheerful mood. Vision is of great importance for drawing and sculpting. The image of an object requires a clear idea of ​​its color, shape, design, which the drawer can obtain as a result of preliminary targeted observations. The role of the visual apparatus is especially important in this work.

The first children's drawings, of course, are not yet something masterpiece and conceptual. At first these are just horizontal lines, then the child learns to draw vertical ones, then circles, and only then - to connect all this into one plot. Even if you don’t yet understand what the baby is drawing, he is still the BEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD! Remember, no praise in this matter will be superfluous.

Drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design activities contribute to the development of the child’s hand, especially the muscles of the hand and fingers, which is so important for further learning to write at school.

Thus, fine arts classes are an important means of all-round development of children.


1. Komarova T. S. Visual activities in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. - 192 pp.: color. on

2. Theory and methodology of visual activities in kindergarten. Textbook A manual for pedagogical students. Intov with a degree in Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology. M., “Enlightenment”, 1977. 253 pp., 8 ill. author, V.B. Kosminskaya, E.I. Vasilyeva, N.B. Khalezova and others.

3. Koptseva T.A. Nature and the artist. Artistic environmental program for fine arts for preschool educational institutions and educational complexes. M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 208 p. (Development Program).

4. Tskvitaria T.A. Unconventional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 128 p. (Educator's Library). (8)

5. Baranova E.V., Savelyeva A.M. From skills to creativity. Teaching children 2-7 years old drawing techniques, - Educational and methodological manual. M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2009. - 64 p.

The article was prepared by:

teacher additional education according to fine arts

Irina Zhizhina
Development of initiative in young children in visual arts

"Development of initiative in young children in visual arts"

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which came into force on January 1, 2014, one of the principles of preschool education is the principle of supporting children initiatives in various activities, as well as the conditions necessary to create a social situation child development, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, involve support for individuality and children's initiatives through: --creating conditions for free choice by children activities, participants of the joint activities; - creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts; -non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiatives and independence in different forms activities(game, fine art, research, educational). Slide No. 2

Development of children's initiative one of the hot topics today. Even though we have children early age, small, they still can’t do a lot of things and they love to draw, with interest and great desire, often in free activities are asking for this opportunity. Slide No. 3

We try to encourage this initiative, we help organize work place: paint and use gouache. 1One of the conditions deployment children independent activities- equipping the group with the necessary equipment. All tools and materials for isoactivity are in an easily accessible place. Slide No. 4 Fine motor skills of the hand children are not yet fully developed, we train, of course, so it’s easier and easier to use paints to create something familiar and close. Especially when we use traditional drawing methods. Slide No. 5; -unconventional methods drawing: with fingers, palms, pokes, stamps, cotton swabs, etc. Slide No. 6;

In free activities We consolidate previously acquired knowledge and skills during GCD. For children not only the final result is important, but also the process of drawing itself; they are interested in how gouache dissolves in water, how paint is applied to a brush, how a brush leaves its mark on paper, etc. 1111The initial shoots of creativity appear in children on GCD(continuous educational activities, if the necessary conditions are created for this. It is very important to trust the child with those tasks that he is capable of and that he is capable of. performs willingly at an early age.

Development of children's initiative and independence occurs especially effectively when solving problems in the educational field "artistic - aesthetic development» . In our work we use the partial author’s program of I. A. Lykova "Colored palms", the purpose of which is to form children of early and preschool age aesthetic attitude and artistic and creative abilities in visual arts through the use of unconventional drawing techniques. Slide No. 7; Program objectives "Colored palms" create conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials and tools, as well as the cultivation of artistic taste and a sense of harmony. We also use traditional methods images by Komarova T. WITH.

Using only traditional forms it is impossible to fully solve the problem of a creative personality, therefore it is advisable to organize work with children using non-traditional methods.

Non-traditional technology does not allow copying a sample, which gives even greater impetus to development of imagination, creativity, independence, initiatives, manifestation of individuality. The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, convey images of his imagination, translating them into real forms using a variety of materials. And the main thing is that non-traditional technology plays an important role in the overall psychological child development.

In order to lure a child, it is necessary to use play techniques, fairy-tale images, the effect of surprise, and the desire to help. All this helps to interest the child, set him up for creativity. activity.

The child needs to be helped to learn different ways visual activities and, give an idea of ​​different techniques Images. Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Kids perceive artistic activity, as a new, unusual and interesting experience.

At first, a small child is not very interested in the result; he is interested in the process itself. However, even such a toddler is already able to appreciate beauty in his own way and is ready to create his own work of art.

With younger children age We started our work by drawing with our fingers and palms. Slide number 8. This is a very exciting activity. Children with pleasure begin to explore a new material for themselves - gouache - with their fingers, and create colorful works. Starts develop children's imagination.

So for young children finger painting is suitable.

The therapeutic effect of finger painting is observed not only at the moment of creation, but also subsequently, being a powerful positive dominant. As psychologists assure, in a child this process is stimulated development of freedom of thought, imagination. During operation it is activated development mental processes, motor skills are improved (small movements of fingers, hands, hand-eye coordination are differentiated, creative potential is revealed children). Some of our first finger painting works were "Flowers in Summer", "Colorful Autumn", "It is snowing".

Drawing with your palm evokes no less vivid emotions in children, so with the help of magic palms the following works were created "Elephant in Summer", "The bird is swimming". Slide number 9. Regular "printed" Palms, by adding some small details, turn into animals, birds and more. Introduced to the simplest technology: drawing with cotton swabs, printing with potato stamps. In this way, whole pictures are created. Non-traditional techniques provide the opportunity to obtain a beautiful, unusual result in fairly simple ways, a huge opportunity for children think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, gives more chances for self-expression, and develop fine motor skills, imagination, memory, these are ways of creating something new, original.

A necessary condition development of initiative behavior is to educate it in conditions developing, non-authoritarian communication. Pedagogical communication based on the principles of love, understanding, tolerance and orderliness activities, will become a condition for full development positive freedom and independence of the child.

Initiative the child must be able to realize his activity creatively, show cognitive activity. New product for children activity has a subjective, but extremely important for child's personality development. Development creativity depends on the level development of the cognitive sphere, level development of creative initiative, arbitrariness activities and behavior, freedom activities provided to the child, as well as the breadth of his orientation in the world around him and his awareness.

There are several techniques for drawing using the finger technique painting: finger painting is possible on sand, semolina, one of our first works is finger painting on semolina "The sun is smiling" Slide number 10.

With surprise and delight, children perceive this technique as a emerging drawing.

Disclose fine art the possibilities of certain materials, their diversity and combination options should be gradually, but in such a way that the child, if possible, has the feeling of meeting a miracle. This increases the children's interest in the process visual activity and its results. One of these works "Rain" Slide number 10.

This is a mixed technique of drawing with various materials. The main goal is to become familiar with the properties and characteristics of materials.

In free activities Children most often use mixed drawing techniques. Slide number 11.

Drawing with cotton swabs Slide No. 12.

Forming children skill By working independently, creating, thinking, and fantasizing, we help the child’s life become more interesting, meaningful, and rich. I really want our children to look and see the world through the eyes of the creator and creator.

Unconventional way drawing: printing with stamps of potatoes, carrots, children are very curious and interested in creating a new picture Slide No. 13.

Thus, supporting children's initiatives in visual arts contributes to the formation of social normative age characteristics in different types activities, which is presented as a target in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Slide number 14.

A properly organized subject environment and its content, a number of effective methods and techniques, close interaction with parents, organization of joint practical activities of adults and children are important conditions for maintaining and development of children's initiatives. Slide number 15.

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