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Methods of feeding, toileting and putting children to bed. Hand washing algorithm for a nursery group “soap for kids” If the teacher is interrupted

(nursery group)


  • continue to teach children the process of washing;
  • develop self-service skills;
  • perform movements after the teacher;
  • achieve the desired result;
  • activate your vocabulary.

Materials: doll Masha, towels, soap, soap dish.

Educator: “Children, let’s drink tea and cookies together with the dolls.”

Children approach the toys, say hello, and invite them for tea. One doll sits in the corner with dirty hands, the teacher comes up to her and says: “Children, look, the Masha doll has dirty hands and a dirty face. How will we drink tea with her? What does she need to do?

Children:“Wash your face!”

Educator:“That’s right - wash your face! Now we will teach the doll Masha to wash her face cleanly and wipe herself dry!”

Game “Who knows how to wash clean? »

Who knows how to wash clean?

Who isn't afraid of water? (hands up)

This is us! This is us! This is us!

Who doesn't want to be dirty?

Does he wash his ears well? (hands up)

This is us! This is us! This is us!

We know how to wash ourselves

We wash our neck with a washcloth (wash our neck)

And then we’ll wash it deftly

We are over the head in the basin (washing the head)

And just like that! And just like that! And just like that!

To wash your feet clean,

We'll wash them a little. (washing my feet)

And just like that! And just like that! And just like that!

We washed ourselves like big kids

That's how clean we are.

Look! Look! Look!

Educator:“Children, let’s go to the washroom with Masha and teach her how to wash herself properly.”

The teacher tells and the children repeat with him.

We know, we know yes, yes, yes

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves!

Educator: “Oh, what is this worth to us?”

Children: Soap dishes.

Educator:“What’s in the soap dishes?”


Educator:“I’ll now show you how to make soap gloves.

First you need to open the tap so that water flows in a small stream.

Clear water flows

We know how to wash ourselves clean.

Water, water!

Wash our face

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks burn,

To make your mouth smile

And the tooth bit.

Do you like to wash your face?

Don't forget to dry yourself.

Who's hot washes with water,

He's called a good guy.

Who washes his face with cold water?

Called a brave man.

And who doesn't wash himself,

It's not called at all.

Educator:“Children, we taught the doll Masha to wash herself, and we washed her, and we washed ourselves. Now let’s take the dolls and sit down to drink tea and cookies.”

Irina Senicheva
Development of self-care skills in children nursery group

Target: reveal effective methods and conditions of formation self-care skills(dressing - undressing, eating, sanitary - hygienic procedures) at nursery group children


Routine processes (feeding, putting to sleep, getting up, getting ready for a walk and returning from it, carrying out hygiene procedures) take up a significant part of waking time. Children need patient teaching and direct assistance from an adult.


1. Study and analyze theoretical basis problems of formation self-care skills in toddlers.

2. Enrich the subject matter group development environment(didactic games, manuals).

3. Select appropriate activities to form children of the nursery group self-care skills.

Predicted result:

Mastery self-care skills for children in the nursery group;

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in education self-care skills in kindergarten children.

Stages self-education:

Stage 1 - study of scientific and educational literature

Stage 2 - formation of experience on the topic, implementation in practice

Stage 3 – presentation of experience on the topic

Long-term work plan

Regime moments Direct educational activities Cooperative activity teacher and children

Practical activities children

Working with parents

October, November, December

Food Game situation “How mom taught the bear to eat properly” Reading nursery rhymes "Okay, okay", “Carcasss, Tutushki” Did. a game “Let’s show Bunny how to hold a spoon correctly.” Consultation for parents “Formation self-care skills in children 2-3 years old»

Washing and skills neatness Examination and conversation pictures: "Children wash their hands", "Mom washes her daughter"

Did. a game "The doll is sick" Reading nursery rhymes "Water, water"

"Glug - glug - gurgle the water is gurgling" Did. control "Let's make boats"

“How we wash our palms and wring out our hands”

“Let’s dress the doll Masha for a walk”, “We’ll undress the doll after the walk” Reading a nursery rhyme "Our little Masha", "The sun is walking in the sky" Did. a game "Show me your towel" Did. exercise “The shoes quarreled and became friends”, "Put your clothes in their place"

January February March

Did. a game "Let's feed the doll Masha", "Doll Tanya is having lunch" Reading nursery rhyme "Grandma's rolls", “The cat went to Torzhok” Plot- role-playing game "Visiting Mishka", Gaming situation: "We're having lunch". Games children in a doll corner with tableware items"

Memo for parents « Age characteristics children 2-3 years old»

Washing and neatness skills"Soap Gloves"

Game situation “Let’s tell the bunny how to use a handkerchief.”

Consideration of plot pictures: "Children are swimming".

Reading nursery rhyme "Cockerel - cockerel" Did. control "Let's comb the doll"

Story-driven role-playing game: "Salon"

Dressing - undressing Did. a game “Let’s choose clothes for the dolls” "Get the doll in order"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Did. a game: "Sly little shoes"

Class: "Button and Lace".

Didactic exercise: “Let’s put doll Olya to sleep”.

April May June

Food Did. a game "Lunch at the Dolls" “We’ll help you set the table” Reading a story "Masha is having lunch"

Reading nursery rhyme: “I’ll make a kalach” Did. control “Let’s show Piggy how to eat properly”

Games children in the doll corner: “Let’s set a table for dolls”, “Doll Katya drinks tea”.

Round table “Use of rhymes and did. games in education self-care skills in children»

Washing and tidiness skills Did. a game "water, water" Game - activity “Noses - snub noses” Didactic exercise: “Let’s show the bear how to dry himself with his own towel.”.

Did. a game "Let's wash the doll"

Reading nursery rhyme "Oh, okay, okay, okay" A game "Fountain"

Did. a game: “We are bathing the doll Katya”. Looking at story pictures.

Dressing - undressing Did. games “Let’s teach Styopa how to dress for a walk”.

Did. a game “Let’s teach Bunny how to fasten buttons”

Reading nursery rhymes: “Here they are boots” Learning a verse “Masha put on a mitten”

Role-playing games "House" And "Family": – introducing a game situation “Doll Katya wants to sleep” Looking at story pictures "children on a walk" (V different times of the year).

July August September

Food Did. games “What does the doll need!” "Lunch at the Dolls" Did. control “Let’s tell Khryusha how to eat properly”

Reading S. Kaputikyan "Who will finish drinking sooner" Gaming situation:

“Bear invited a bunny and a hedgehog to visit”

Did. ex. “How can I eat carefully?” Conversations with parents:

We teach children Dress at home to go out in the correct order.

Washing and skills neatness examining pictures: "Greasy girl", "Neat girl".

Game-situation “Wash the doll’s hands”, "Washbasin" Reading poems by A. Barto "Greasy girl". re-enactment “How Moidodyr gave Vanya soap”. Didactic a game: “Why do we need this?” (with toiletries). Did. a game "Dolls visiting children»

"Grow, braid, to the waist"

Dressing - undressing Did. a game “Let’s teach Mishka to put things in a locker”

Did. a game “Every thing has its place”

Reading by I. Muraveyk "I myself"

Reading nursery rhyme: “One, two, three, four, five - let’s go for a walk” Did. a game “Olya the doll woke up” Game situation “I can dress myself”

Game situation “We’ll show you how to fold your clothes before going to bed.”

Summary of the regime moment “Washing” in the group early age

Target: developing skills to wash hands independently



  • Improve the skills of washing your hands and face yourself.
  • Teach children to correctly name toilet items.
  • Continue to develop the skill of using an individual towel and comb.
  • Continue teaching children to answer simple questions.
  • Activate words in children’s speech that denote action: wash, roll up sleeves, soap, rinse off soap, comb hair.


  • Develop memory and thinking
  • Develop independence and tactile sensations.
  • Develop vocabulary


  • Develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Enrich vocabulary:fragrant, smooth soap, towel.

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, demonstration of the teacher, actions of the teacher together with the children, questions from the teacher and answers from the children, explanation, showing toilet items, reading nursery rhymes, excerpts from poems, providing children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when reading familiar nursery rhymes and poems.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the purpose of soap, about what it is like; examining plot pictures depicting objects used for washing, using didactic games « Wonderful pouch", "Let's teach Katya to wash her face", "Misha visiting Masha", "Bathing dolls". We got acquainted with water, its properties, where it can be found. We learned new sedentary games “We woke up...”, “Wash basin” (the gray bunny is washing his face, apparently going to visit....). Learning nursery rhymes, finger game, reading excerpts from the poem by K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, A. and P. Barto “The Dirty Girl” and other works.

GCD move


Activities of the teacher

Children's activities

Methodical techniques


Guys, how beautiful, neat, neat you are. I see you today good mood».

Let's play with you a little.

Hello sun!

(hands raised up)

Hello, me! (handles to yourself)

Hello, my teacher! (handles in front of you)

Hello, grass and meadow!

(shaking hands below)

Hello, my dear friend! (extending arms to the sides)

Well done! We greeted each other.

Guys, today I didn’t come to you alone, Doctor Aibolit came with me.

(shows Aibolit’s toy)

He wants to see how we can wash our hands.

Well, should the guys show the doctor how we wash ourselves?

Children stand in a circle on the carpet

Repeat the movements after the teacher


Organizing time

Emotional mood

Surprise moment

Topic message


The teacher and the children go to the washroom.

What should we do before washing our hands?

That's right, you need to roll up your sleeves so as not to get your clothes wet.

Vanya, show me how to roll up my sleeves.

Who doesn't roll up his sleeve,

He won't get any water!

Well, we rolled up our sleeves. Now, let's show you how to wash your hands, one palm washes the other.

Finger gymnastics: “Washing hands”

“Oh water, water, water! (rhythmically rub our palms together to imitate “hand washing”)

Let's always be clean!

Splash to the right, splash to the left! (clench your fingers into a fist, then straighten your fingers with force, as if shaking off water)

Our body became wet!

With a fluffy towel (vigorous movements imitate drying each hand in turn with a towel)

Let's wipe our hands very quickly!

The teacher goes to the tap and reads a nursery rhyme:

“We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves,

Palms, palms

Use soap to wash crumbs"

First, we wet our hands with water, then we wash our hands with soap and rub one palm against the other. And after that, wash off the foam with water and don’t forget to shake your hands.

Look guys, what kind of handles are these?

It's like wearing white gloves. Well, now wash off the foam from your hands and wash your face.

Reading nursery rhyme:

Water, water,

Wash my face!

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks red,

To make your mouth laugh,

And the tooth bit.

Well done boys! Let's show our hands to Dr. Aibolit.

Game to develop sound pronunciation

How does water flow from the tap?

How does water sizzle in a kettle?

How does the rain fall?

Well done guys, Aibolit was pleased with you.

Let's say goodbye to him until we meet again

The children go to the washroom.

Roll up your sleeves

all the children roll up their sleeves.

Doing finger exercises

Children wash their hands with soap.


After washing, the children come up to the toy Aibolit and show him clean hands and face.



Processes such as: going to bed, feeding, toilet. Proper implementation of them is the basis of physical education. If all of these processes are carried out on time and correctly, the children will be healthy and cheerful, provided, of course, that their other needs are also met. On the contrary, no matter how interesting the day is filled, sleepy, chilled children who are not fed in a timely manner will not be interested in anything and will be lethargic or excited. Correct implementation of the regimen is of great importance for the development of the neuropsychic activity of children. The cyclical nature of these processes, their frequent repetition, the abundance of objects that the child comes into contact with while eating, washing, dressing, and finally, the inevitable communication between an adult and a child for young children (since the child is still helpless and cannot take care of himself without an adult) - all this has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s higher nervous activity. The constancy of the conditions under which these processes are carried out quickly forms conditioned reflexes in the child, which is easy to see, at least by the example of the development of eating behavior. If in the first month the baby’s sucking movements occur in the usual feeding position near the breast, then already in the second month the conditioned stimulus is the sight of the mother’s breast. Later, the mother’s mere approach to the baby’s bed at the usual time for feeding causes food excitement; the clinking of dishes, and even later, even such a distant signal as the nanny leaving the group at a certain time for food, is already a signal for children to start feeding.

Children who have a certain, firm routine calmly go to wash, sit down at the table, know in advance that there will be lunch or breakfast, and during lunch they do not leave the table until they are given the usual jelly or compote for lunch. All this indicates the rapid formation of complex differentiations, various conditioned reflexes of the second, third and higher orders, which are formed in the child in a natural feeding situation.

The above processes can also play a large positive role in the development of children’s speech. If the actions of adults during feeding, laying down, dressing are preceded by appropriate verbal designations, then, naturally, a connection will be established between the first and second signaling systems.

Processes such as feeding, laying down, and planting a child are based on powerful unconditional, innate reactions of the body, but nevertheless, the behavior of children during these processes is determined by upbringing. Who doesn’t know cases of a child refusing food, extremely delayed falling asleep, sensitive, intermittent sleep, etc. This is most often the case; is explained by incorrect educational techniques during these processes.

In order to ensure that children have an active and positive attitude towards eating, dressing, going to bed, etc., it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of young children, learn the rules for organizing all aspects of physical education and master the technique of carrying them out in a child care institution where more than one child needs to be served, and whole
groups of children.

Young children are very sensitive to the slightest violations of the established order: a change in food, routine, another way of putting them to bed - all this often leads to a disruption of the child’s balanced state, as it requires a restructuring of the race-developed system of conditioned reflexes, which is a difficult task for the central nervous system of children early age.

A slight delay in lunch, untimely going to bed, waking up earlier, slight overheating or cooling of the body, insufficient cleanliness of the surrounding air, a runny nose that interferes with free breathing and other irritants negatively affect the general condition of the child. Normal well-being is disrupted, appetite and sleep deteriorate, the child becomes capricious or lethargic, stops playing, which adversely affects his health. Therefore, it is necessary to provide careful care for children and ensure that the established regime is strictly followed.

The child is extremely impatient when it comes to satisfying his organic needs - he cries loudly when the mother is late for feeding in the nursery; An older child, seated at the table, becomes excited if he has to wait until food is served, etc. This behavior arises as a result of the significant strength of subcortical excitations and the relative weakness of the regulatory influence of the cortex in children.

Young children are incapable of long-term calm waiting, which is explained by the weakness of internal inhibition processes. All services provided to children should be organized in such a way that they do not have to stand or sit idle and wait. In no case should you, for example, force children to sit at the table for a long time and wait for food to be served from the kitchen. Children should be seated at the table only when food has already been brought to the children's room. It is also impossible to take 10-12 children into the dressing room, dress one, and force the rest to sit quietly on a chair while waiting, etc.

Young children do not realize their condition, are not aware of the reasons for their poor health, and even more so cannot eliminate these reasons themselves. For example, a child who did not get enough sleep at home at night feels bad in the nursery, cries a lot, but does not ask to be put to bed, because he does not understand the reason for his condition and even when asked by an adult if he wants to sleep, he answers: “No, Don't want". A child with hands blue from the cold refuses to put on mittens, assuring that he is not cold, etc. This can be explained by the insufficient development of the second signaling system, the lack of correct relationships between the first and second signaling systems. It is necessary to facilitate the establishment of these connections, and therefore you should not just dress the child when he is cold, but, while dressing him, you must tell him: “Look, your hands are cold, they are red - you are cold, you need to get dressed” or: “You are tired, little eyes.” yours are closing, I need to go to bed.”

Young children cannot yet regulate their organic needs; they ask for food at the wrong time if they have not developed the habit of eating at a certain time; having played too much, they refuse to eat, although they are undoubtedly hungry, etc. Therefore, only an adult, taking into account the needs of the child, can correctly satisfy them based on the available data from the physiology of childhood.

It is always necessary to maintain a good mood in children and develop a positive attitude towards all processes. Positive and negative emotional condition in children; as well as their positive or negative attitude towards the ongoing processes is of great importance. How a child eats, how he sleeps, how long he walks, etc. - all this is largely determined by his well-being, his attitude to this process, which he developed as a result of his upbringing.

A child’s positive attitude towards the ongoing processes is the main condition for the child to eat well, not scream while washing, not refuse to sit on the potty, etc.

What needs to be taken into account in the methodology of conducting processes in order to create a positive attitude towards them in children?

First of all, you should remember that processes such as rubbing the eyes, brushing the nose, washing the hair, cutting hair and nails naturally cause discomfort and defensive reflexes in the child. These processes must be carried out, as a rule, quickly, especially carefully, trying, if possible, not to cause any unpleasant sensations to the child. You should not prepare the supplies necessary for these processes in front of your child - everything necessary must be prepared in advance.

During processes that cause unpleasant sensations, children of the first year of life, as a rule, need to be distracted by a cheerful conversation, a song or some bright object that is interesting to the child. Older children should, if possible, be interested in the procedure being performed - show, for example, how to use scissors, etc.

In contrast to the processes that cause defensive reactions, there are also processes such as, for example, feeding, which from the very first days of a child’s life cause active positive reactions (the child grabs the nipple when he touches his lips and sucks), but the wrong approach even if there is Primary positive reactions can be caused not only by an indifferent attitude towards food, but also by defensive reactions when feeding.

In order to develop a positive attitude towards processes in a child and ensure his calm, balanced behavior, it is necessary, first of all, that the adult’s offer to eat, sleep, go to the potty, etc. coincides with the organic need of the child himself. With a correctly composed and clearly implemented regimen, without violations, the child’s need to eat and sleep arises exactly at the hours indicated by the regimen. Therefore, the child should be fed only at a certain time, when hunger occurs, that is, when there is increased excitability of the corresponding food centers.

You need to put your child to sleep when he needs it. Untimely, i.e. earlier, going to bed, as well as prolonging the period of wakefulness beyond the limit of nervous performance always leads to negative results - whims, slow falling asleep, which, if repeated frequently, can take hold and disrupt normal falling asleep for a long time or cause a negative attitude of the child towards the process of going to bed .

It is also necessary to put a child on the potty, especially during the training period, when there is confidence that he has a need for it. Only when the adult’s proposal coincides with the child’s organic need can he develop a conditioned reflex - to ask to use the potty. Forcibly putting a child on a potty can cause a negative reaction, which can become entrenched in the child in the form of his protest at the very sight of a potty, even when the child needs to be seated.

Such a coincidence of proposals with the child’s needs will only happen if the child is fed and put to bed at a strictly defined time, in accordance with his age and individual characteristics.

Carrying out feeding, walking, toileting and other child care processes always at a certain time is of great educational importance. This eliminates one of the common reasons children's "whims". Children gradually get used to order - at a certain time they develop an appetite, a desire to sleep, etc. As a result, children who are put to bed quickly fall asleep; Older children sit down at the table willingly, at the first suggestion, and 3-year-old children put away their toys and go wash their hands as soon as they see what is being set on the table. Thus, it is possible not only to achieve orderly satisfaction of the organic needs of children, but also to develop some rules of behavior for them.

The alternation and timing of all processes prescribed by the regime must be strictly observed without any violations, since time quickly becomes a conditioned signal for the child and its change entails a disruption of established connections, and frequent deviations from the regime cause long-term persistent disturbances in the nervous activity of children.

Before carrying out any process, it is necessary to create a positive attitude towards it in the child. For example, before giving food, it is necessary to cause an active desire for a food object at the mere sight of it, a reminder, etc. So, before putting a pacifier with milk into the child’s mouth, it must be shown to the child, to cause the child’s concentration and active desire for the pacifier . At an older age, the attitude should be created not only by the situation, but also by the word. It is necessary, for example, to tell the child: “Let’s put away the toys - we’ll eat soon” or: “Now let’s go to the potty, and then we need to go to bed.” All these actions and words, as a result of constant repetition, become signals of the upcoming process and create a certain attitude for the child, as if setting him up to perform the upcoming activity.

The child’s behavior during feeding, laying down and other processes largely depends on the child’s condition preceding this process. It is very important to first induce a state in the child that would be conducive to normal food arousal, rapid falling asleep, etc. So, for example, it is impossible to give the child interesting new toys immediately before feeding or before going to bed and quickly take them away, as this causes strong arousal. , which will inhibit food arousal or interfere with the onset of sleep - the spread of the inhibition process. The child’s overtiredness due to a long walk, severe agitation resulting from an injection given just before going to bed or before eating, etc. can reduce the child’s appetite or prevent him from falling asleep quickly and peacefully.

Considering that young children are very easily distracted, i.e. that they easily experience external inhibition or negative induction, it is necessary to protect children from external irritations that are not related to the corresponding process during processes. During meals, as well as while going to bed, you can talk to the child only about what is directly related to this process, thereby concentrating his attention in the appropriate direction. The arrival of a doctor and his conversation with his sister about the state of health of children during feeding can easily distract children from eating, reduce their appetite and disrupt calm, organized behavior. Of course, it is completely unacceptable to carry out older sister any manipulations that are unpleasant for children during feeding or after the children have already been put to bed.

You cannot play with a child who is sitting on the potty or put to bed.

The child’s own active participation in them, which increases with age, is of great importance for creating a positive attitude towards processes in a child. Independent eating, the active participation of the child in undressing and dressing contribute to the child’s concentration on this process, and thereby a better appetite when eating, falling asleep faster when going to bed, and also contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards the corresponding process. When feeding, putting to bed, and washing, it is necessary to ensure that the child actively performs movements and actions related to this process, taking into account the child’s capabilities at each stage of his development. As an example, we can give gradually more complex forms active participation baby during feeding.

Even when breastfeeding a baby during the first two months, it is necessary for him to look for the breast, turn his head towards it and grasp the breast with his mouth when it only touches his cheek or lips. In the third month, a child lying on his mother’s lap can already turn and even raise his head in order to grab his mother’s breast with his mouth, only visible to him, but not touching his cheek or lips.

When feeding from a bottle, do not put the pacifier in the baby's mouth, thereby leaving him passive. The baby must first grasp the pacifier with his mouth, and then, when he can already grasp visible objects with his hands (usually in the fifth month), he must also grasp the bottle with his hands and hold it during feeding. When they start giving him something to drink from a cup, the child must first hold with his hands the cup from which the adult drinks him, then the adult only supports the cup, and the child holds it himself. This is quite possible for a 9-10 month old baby.

At the age of 8-9 months, it is useful for a child to give cookies or crackers, since he can eat them completely independently, holding them in his hands without the help of an adult.
At the beginning of the second year, children should be gradually taught to eat with a spoon, first thick food (porridge, jelly), and then liquid food (soup). With the right technique, during the second half of the second year, children begin to eat on their own so well that the sister and nanny manage to feed the entire group of children at the same time. It should be emphasized once again that if a child has learned to eat on his own, he almost always has a positive attitude towards food and eats willingly.

Independent actions repeated daily by the child when washing, dressing, feeding serve in a good way development and improvement of a large number of very complex movements of the child and the acquisition of a number of stable skills. And although a child by the age of 3 is not yet completely independent in self-care, he can already undress himself, wash his hands and face almost independently, find his own towel and dry himself. The importance of a child’s independent participation in processes is especially great when raising him in nurseries and orphanages, as it contributes to better organization of processes. Busy with independent actions, for example, getting dressed, children are in an active state and therefore are not excited by waiting for their turn to be dressed by their sister and nanny.

An important condition for the correct conduct of processes is the unity and constancy of requirements for children and the correspondence of these requirements to the physiological capabilities of children. There must be a firm agreement between all persons involved in conducting the processes on the organization of each process as a whole and on individual methods for conducting them in relation to individual children. Only under this condition is it possible for children to develop strong rules of behavior. If all the personnel of the institution raising children (doctor, teacher, nurses, nannies) apply the same educational techniques and each process consists of the same links, always following in a certain sequence, then the children develop a certain stereotype of behavior, consisting from a number of persistent conditioned reflexes, facilitating adaptation to the environment and creating balanced behavior in children.

Requirements for children must be feasible for them and correspond to the characteristics of their higher nervous activity. For example, you cannot seat 3 children aged 6-7 months at the table at the same time and require them to calmly wait in line during feeding. In children of this age, food arousal is very strong and the regulatory role of the cerebral cortex is still relatively weak. Therefore, children placed in this way will certainly be excited when waiting for the next spoonful of food, which will negatively affect their appetite. Later, at the age of 9-10 months, with appropriate training, simultaneous feeding of 3 children becomes possible. But children 1-2 years old cannot be forced to sit quietly at the table and wait until the nanny goes to the kitchen to get food or until the hot food placed on the table in front of them cools down. Healthy children, while waiting for food, naturally begin to move and play pranks. The sight of food and the inability to eat it makes children very excited. Shouting and all other measures of influence used to force children to sit quietly often lead to the opposite result, since the presented task of delaying and slowing down movements for a long time turns out to be beyond the capabilities of the nervous system of children of this age.

Gradually, children aged 2-3 years can and should develop the ability to calmly wait, for example, for their portion of the second course while the sister is busy serving food to other children. The main way to regulate the behavior of children at this age should already be the speech of the teacher, her verbal instructions and suggestions: “Wait, Zina, I’ll pour soup for Kolya, then I’ll give you a cutlet.” However, taking into account the peculiarities of higher nervous activity, it is impossible to force children 2 and even 3 years old to sit quietly at the table until all the children are seated, and start eating only when food is handed out to everyone, or after finishing the meal, sit at the table and wait until everyone the children will finish eating.

Every child 2-3 years old should be given food as soon as he sits down at the table, and allowed to leave the table as soon as he has eaten everything he is supposed to.

From all that has been said, it is clear that proper feeding, washing, pottying, putting to bed, etc. is extremely important for the health, well-being and development of children.

Correct organization of these processes will allow you to solve the following problems:

1) fully and timely satisfy the organic needs of children, that is, do everything to ensure that the children are well-fed, sleep well, are dressed appropriately for the weather, have enough fresh air, etc.;

2) develop in children a positive attitude towards processes - eating, dressing, washing, water procedures etc.;

3) as children develop, teach them to eat independently, ask to go to the potty, undress, dress, etc., i.e., develop in them basic cultural and hygienic skills;

4) use frequent communication sisters with children during the above processes for the development of children's movements, speech, orientation in the environment and the development of certain rules of behavior and correct relationships with adults.

To solve these problems, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the correct educational approaches, as well as to have special equipment, arrange it correctly in order to rationalize the work of the sister, correctly organize groups of children and clearly distribute responsibilities between the sister and the nanny.

The equipment is not the same for all age groups, but general requirements may apply to it:

1) the equipment must be sufficient in quantity so that there is no delay in carrying out a particular process;

2) it should provide children with a comfortable position;

3) in cases where children themselves can wash their hands, sit at the table, go to bed - washbasins, tables and beds should be of such a height as to make them accessible independent actions children and thereby contribute to their development;

4) in cases where children cannot yet use the equipment themselves, there is no point in adapting them to the growth of the children, and it should then be entirely adapted for the convenience of the staff. For example, feeding tables should be high until children begin to walk; There is also no need to make low hangers and washbasins if children cannot yet use them themselves.

Careful consideration must be given to the placement and use of available equipment. The equipment must be arranged so that, firstly, all awake children are visible to the sister during any process; secondly, so that the sister has everything necessary for caring for children at hand. If the washbasins are located in one room and the towels hang in another, if all the linen is piled up and clean linen is brought from the linen room only at the time when it needs to be put on the children, if the sister has to go far to heat up food or food is delivered from kitchens are late, then all this takes up a lot of my sister’s time, makes her nervous, interferes with her work and sometimes causes excitement in the children. Therefore, all these shortcomings must be eliminated.

In group education, the organization of children during the processes associated with caring for them is of great importance. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that a sister cannot simultaneously serve a large number of children. You can’t feed, wash, and put everyone to bed at once. Each time you need to take as many children to carry out this or that process as a sister or nanny can serve them at the same time. In different age groups this issue is resolved in different ways. For example, infants and sliders do not yet know how to feed themselves, so in such groups no more than 2-3 children should be fed at a time. In the older group, where children eat well on their own, all children are fed at the same time, although they sit down at the table and do not start eating all at once, but as each child washes their hands. Not all children should be washed, put on the potty, or dressed for a walk at once, but only in small groups(3-4 children each), since a sister or nanny cannot provide the necessary assistance and give appropriate instructions to a large number of children at the same time.

This leads to the fact that children must be either in a passively inactive state, or in painful anticipation, often leading to excitement, especially in cases when all the children are hungry and only a part of them are fed before their eyes. In addition, with such an organization of work, a lot of time is wasted, during which children could play or sleep.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Study practice report


Student of group K 351

Minnullina Alina Airatovna

I checked

Kozina Dilya Magsumovna


2) Drawing up an outline of educational activities for the physical development of preschool children. 3)Organization and conduct regime moments(washing, dressing, eating, sleeping), aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills and promoting health.

4) Organization and conduct of physical culture and health activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games, hardening).

5) Filling out a pedagogical observation card for the child’s health.

6) Development of a didactic manual for the physical development of a child.

7) List of used literature

1. Introduction

I, Alina Airatovna Minnullina, did an internship at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

Objectives: Educational practice is to form the student's future educator and teacher in the preschool education system personal and professional readiness to carry out the main types of his professional activities. On the basis of preschool and primary education laboratories, a classroom of theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool education.

2. Drawing up a plan outline of nodes on the physical development of preschoolers.

Planning lessons.

First week;

Purpose: Training in balance, practicing jumping.

Tasks: Form a column one at a time, learn to run, practice balance, practice jumping.

Introductory part:

    Formation in a line

    Walking in a circle; on toes, on heels.

    Running in circles.

Main part:

    General developmental exercise.

    Balance exercise (walking on a plank)

    Jumping exercise (in place and with advancements)

Final part:

Low activity game with crawling elements.

Second week;

Purpose: Training in jumping exercises, throwing exercises.

Tasks: Forming in a column, learning to jump, practicing throwing.

Introductory part:

    Formation in ranks.

    Snake walking

    Running in circles

Main part:

    General developmental exercise.

    Jumping exercise (jumping over objects)

    Throwing exercise (throwing a ball into a basket)

Final part:

A medium activity game with throwing elements.

Third week;

Purpose: Training in throwing exercises, practicing balance.

Tasks: Forming in a column one at a time, learning to throw, balance exercise.

Introductory part:

    Checkerboard formation.

    Warm up.

    Walking and running in circles.

Main part:

    Developmental exercise

    Throwing exercise (throwing a ball at a target)

    Balance exercise (walking on a plank)

Final part: Low activity game with elements of balance.

Fourth week;

Purpose: Learning to climb, practice balance.

Tasks: Form a column, practice balance.

Introductory part:

    Formation in a line.

    Walking like a train

    Running in circles.

Main part:

    Developmental exercise.

    Climbing exercise (over obstacle)

Final part: High activity game with elements.

3.Organization and implementation of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills and promoting health.

Organization of washing

The organization of washing is carried out gradually, in small groups. First, children are explained (reminded) about the rules for washing:

    Roll up your sleeves before washing;

    Wet your hands with water;

    Lather your hands well (until foam forms);

    Rinse off the soap over the sink;

    Squeeze the water from your hands over the sink (do not shake the water off your hands);

    Dry your hands with a personal towel;

    Keep the washroom clean and tidy.

During the process, make sure that there are 2 - 3 children at the sink so that they do not push each other. Make comments if necessary. Children should use their own towel and hang it carefully in its place. Specify the name of the washing accessories (soap, soap dish, towel, sink), color, shape of the material (what the soap dish is made of), other properties (warm, cold water).

When planning cultural and hygienic skills in the process of washing, the teacher must be guided by the Program of his group, taking into account the developmental characteristics of children, and use a variety of techniques for guiding their activities.

Forming in children the habit of keeping their bodies clean, their clothes neat, and their hairstyles neat; Brush your teeth yourself, keep your nails clean; When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.


Children senior group together with the teacher and his assistant, they begin to master the skills of table setting, i.e. they are on duty in the dining room, put on specially made aprons and set the table, put the necessary dishes and lay out the cutlery on the right side (spoons, forks and knives). Knives are safe for children with a dull blade. Children from the older group should be able to use cutlery correctly. When all the children’s work is finished, the assistant teacher pours out the prepared food. The children sit down to eat, and at the table the teacher talks with them about what they are eating, what this dish is made from, and what is healthy in it.

Catering in kindergarten must be combined with proper nutrition child in the family. We must strive to ensure that homemade meals complement the kindergarten diet. To do this, we post menus in groups every day. Parents should give their child food in the evening (dinner) that he did not eat in kindergarten.

The quality of food preparation, its compliance with the physiological needs of children for basic nutrients, the sanitary condition of the catering unit, compliance with personal hygiene rules by workers and the organization of meals for children in groups are monitored by the head of the kindergarten. Brokerage of finished products is carried out daily by a commission specially created for this purpose with entries in the appropriate journal. There are also all technological maps for preparing dishes.

Organization of dressing

Experience has shown that in groups of different ages, the attention of teachers and junior teachers is drawn primarily to children: they are taught to undress while sitting on chairs, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. The teacher invites older children to help the kids (for educational purposes).

When getting ready for a walk, it is advisable to dress the children gradually and send them in subgroups with a junior teacher. The teacher himself trains the younger children in the skills of proper and consistent dressing, carrying out targeted work in this regard.

Thus, organizing meals, washing, dressing and undressing children in a multi-age group requires great skill of the teacher, clarity and coordination of the work of all service personnel, the creation of a calm and friendly environment, and attentive attitude of adults towards all children, especially the younger ones. All this is important because in the short time that is allocated according to the schedule for carrying out these vital processes, it is necessary not only to properly and quickly serve the children, feed them, clothe them, etc., but also, in accordance with program requirements, to ensure the formation of the necessary children of every age cultural and hygienic skills. In the process of daily activities, children should develop habits of correct behavior in a team and friendly relationships. It is important:

The teacher must clearly understand the scope of program requirements for each group;

When forming a skill, children should focus their attention on improving individual skills, primarily those that children have little or no command of;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills is a complex and lengthy process. Some skills are formed throughout preschool childhood (to use equipment correctly, etc.), while others are important to develop at a certain age, and on their basis new tasks will be solved in the future;

When developing skills, the principle of gradualness should be observed - from simple to complex, i.e. skills that develop throughout preschool age, from year to year they expand in scope and become more complicated by the teacher’s requirements for their implementation (for example, in children 3-5 years old the ability to dress and undress correctly is developing, and older children are tasked with doing this quickly).

When developing skills, use an individual approach to each child;

Depending on the specific tasks in relation to the students of your group, it is necessary to select a method of pedagogical influence (in some cases - demonstration, in others - reminder, etc.);

Create a favorable environment for developing personal hygiene skills (beautiful scented soap, calm tone of an adult, etc.);

Children are taught to be independent, using the desire of a healthy child to do everything themselves;

Seniors require control over the quality of skills: to do everything thoroughly, quickly, but carefully, without reminding adults;

Requirements for children should be constant and the same for all adults raising children (including parents).

Organization nap;

With a lack of sleep (1.5 hours a day), the endurance of nerve cells in children weakens, decreased activity, and lethargy occur. Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to neurotic disorders. Therefore, the total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are allocated to daytime sleep.

When organizing daytime sleep, the following rules are taken into account:

1. when preparing children for bed, the environment should be calm, noisy games are excluded 30 minutes before bedtime;

2. children with poor health are the first to sit down at the dinner table, so that they then go to bed first;

3. Before going to bed, the bedroom is ventilated with a decrease in the air temperature in the room by 3 - 5 degrees;

4. during children’s sleep, the presence of a teacher (or assistant teacher) in the bedroom is mandatory;

5. It is necessary to properly wake up the children, give them the opportunity to lie down for 5–10 minutes, but do not keep them in bed.