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Men's dreadlocks types. Dreadlocks - “Everything you need to know for those brave people who have decided on dreadlocks before braiding them.”

Information about dreadlocks in our society is full of contradictions and speculations, spreading like a dead telephone. How often have I heard outright nonsense and complete nonsense, the source of which seemed to be “my friends told me.” “He who speaks does not know,” says Chinese wisdom, but if he who knows remains silent, then people’s awareness will leave much to be desired. In this article, I intend to highlight some points through the prism of direct experience of wearing dreadlocks.

0. If you have doubts about whether you should get dreadlocks

Basically, when it comes to proposals to have dreadlocks, they often cite such a deterrent as the opinion of others. Without going into details, but with a couple of examples, I would like to get straight to the point, psychological aspect. What will parents, friends say, suddenly they won’t hire you, won’t let you go to school... in essence, this is a banal fear of proving yourself, expressing your individuality, becoming “different from everyone else”, fear of being yourself, the person you are, what you want to be.

Changing your shape, your appearance, we are faced with a situation where our environment changes its attitude towards our person, using value judgments based on stereotypes and traditions established in society, dictating to us what is acceptable and unacceptable, good and bad. Having preserved our essence, personality, soul, individuality - whatever we want - we are forced to adapt to changes in attitudes towards us. In case of successful adaptation in the environment of confused people, we declare with all our appearance (external form), behavior, words, mood and in general the very fact of existence - I AM as I am, bite it and bite it; I am a free person who looks (shows his form) the way he wants, the way he thinks, the way he likes. I want to wear dreadlocks and I will wear them, other people’s opinions on this matter DO NOT IMPORTANT for me if I like it myself, because IN ESSENCE I continue to BE MYSELF, with me - my life experience, skills and everything that makes up my personality, then this is precisely what is IMPORTANT.

No matter what preconceived negative opinion the people around us hold, it is always fair folk wisdom- THEY MEET BY CLOTHES, THEY LEAVE ACCORDING TO THE MIND. If some people cannot accept you for who you are, but prefer to blindly follow false stereotypes and templates, then this is, first of all, an opportunity for a free person to prove himself as close to his inner essence as possible, to show himself without reference to form, in -secondly, this is a great opportunity to check who is really worth communicating with.

As for insects, dreadnoughts are just as susceptible to this scourge as ordinary people, that is, the risk of catching lice somewhere does not depend in any way on their hairstyle, this is a viral phenomenon caused by their lifestyle. If a person sleeps anywhere and anyhow, then dreadlocks have nothing to do with it, it’s just a matter of hygiene.

Why cut them off later? Any dreadlocks can be unbraided if desired. This requires a lot of time and patience, but it is not much more difficult than braiding them. I don’t understand at all why I should have dreadlocks and think. what will happen “later”, we must live here and now, and not tomorrow. So, in short - IT IS POSSIBLE TO REMOVE DREADLOCKS, although yes, it’s easier to cut them off, many do this. But dreadlocks are made to be worn, right?

1. Form and essence. How to make dreadlocks.

Dreadlocks are one of the shapes that a person can give to his hair, although the shape is atypical, so to speak: “hairstyle - goodbye comb.” Hair takes on the shape of dreadlocks by going through three stages of creation: marking, tangling (and/or backcombing), and working through a crochet hook.

The final shape of finished dreadlocks can differ quite dramatically in each individual case. The type depends on a number of main factors: the number and, as a consequence, the thickness of dreadlocks; density and thoroughness of crochet work; pattern and type of marking; shape of the ends of the dreadlocks. Often dreadlocks take their natural shape only a few days after their creation, when they, so to speak, settle down, fray, and “take root” on the head.


The hair is divided into separate strands and, for convenience, temporarily fastened at the roots with the help of special elastic bands, thus creating partings and a certain pattern, the arrangement of dreadlocks. The number of dreadlocks depends on several factors, the main one being the thickness of the hair; usually the optimal number of dreadlocks ranges from 40 to 60 pieces. The larger the base area of ​​the dreadlocks, the thicker and more massive they will be, and accordingly the total number is inversely proportional.

When marking, it is important to consider the following points: a grid that is too “correct” and logical may look unnatural, but the marking lines are visible, as a rule, only for some time immediately after braiding or braiding, provided that the tension at the roots is tight.

How ready-made dreadlocks can be worn depends on the markings; they are often gathered into a ponytail and secured with an elastic band, this can be taken into account. With some types of markings, the free state of dreadlocks can resemble the appearance of a palm tree. I believe that at this stage an individual approach is important and I try to make the marking optimal in all respects, I devote a lot of attention and time to this process.


The collected strands are tangled by hand and combed using a comb - this is how the base for future dreadlocks is prepared, a kind of “sausage” of hair is obtained, which is additionally rolled between the palms to compact it, and only then the crochet work takes place. I divide the entire strand into two parts, spread them apart, then layer one part on top of the other and repeat the process.

There are a great many masters of dreadlock braiding with different levels of experience, and everyone works in the way that suits them best. I personally hold the hair in my left hand between the pads of my fingers, and with the hook I make rotational and translational movements, scrolling through the dread itself. The principle is simple - the hook pierces a strand of hair and captures several individual hairs “on the way back.” Without pulling the hook out of the dreadlock, I change the direction of movement of the hook by turning the dreadlock in my left hand, another grip occurs and this movement is repeated many times, the dreadlock becomes more and more dense. The thoroughness of the elaboration determines how thin and graceful the dreadlock will be.

About the number of dreadlocks

A large number of dreadlocks look more impressive; it is immediately clear that the work to create them is more labor-intensive and requires special skill, which can emphasize a certain special status. From the point of view of the culture of wearing dreadlocks, this may sound like nonsense, since the “correct” way to do dreadlocks is to free yourself from statuses and stereotypes, emphasizing your individuality as it is, in general, it is a personal, subjective matter, as many people as there are so many opinions. From a practical point of view, you can notice that the greater the number of dreadlocks, the more time it will take to care for them (and, of course, to create them). If weaving takes place for a fee, then it is correspondingly more expensive.

Dreadlock tips

The shape of the tips may vary. It is popular to make rounded ends by tucking the hair inside the dreadlock. You can also make a uniform thinning towards the end, that is, pointed ends; this option seems to me the most aesthetic. Often the ends of dreadlocks are left untucked, which allows you to show additional imagination when creating dreadlock hairstyles. Untucked ends, or “tassels,” have a couple of advantages: they make the overall shape of dreadlocks look more “flexible,” and you can curl them with your fingers (developing fine motor skills, but more on this in the section of the article on dreadlock care). The ends can also be discolored or tinted.

2. How to properly care for dreadlocks

Look to the root - says popular wisdom. This is also true for dreadlocks: if you pay attention to where and how dreadlocks grow, then, like everything in the world, they have a _base_, which is an area of ​​the scalp in which there are hair follicles that produce white hair. light hair. I am not a biologist and I cannot boldly say that the hair itself is essentially a conditionally “dead” tissue, like nails, for example, but I can say with full confidence that the root of the dreadlock has much more life and health of the hair, so it depends on the condition of the skin First of all, you should pay attention. If the skin on the head itself is healthy, then the hair in it holds tightly, grows quickly and is strong. Caring for dreadlocks should start with taking care of your scalp and understanding how it works.

While we are alive, we constantly exchange nutrients that are distributed throughout the body through the blood. The better the metabolism, the healthier the body and any part of it. To ensure good metabolism in the head it is important:

-- Monitor normal and additional blood flow to the skin

To do this, it is best to regularly massage the skin under dreadlocks by applying the dense (padded, braided) base of the dreadlock to the skin, which is done simply and solves another problem - it tangles the newly grown hair and helps maintain the markings. One of the popular methods: fingers are placed with pads on the skin on both sides of the base of the dreadlock (you can also hold the dreadlock with pads, like taking a pencil), pinch it and perform circular movements one way and then the other. You can also twist the dreadlock until the tension is tolerable along its axis in order to stimulate the vital activity of those hair follicles in which excess tension is created. I do the following: I take each dreadlock in turn like a pencil and make movements as if I were drawing a circle around the dreadlock, circling it either clockwise or counterclockwise, then I push through the hair mess that is formed from unbraided hair with my fingertips.

-- Monitor the cleanliness of the skin, the flow of air and nutrients from the external environment

This includes one of the most common questions about dreadlocks - how to wash them. Again, there are so many people, so many opinions, and I don’t want to prove to everyone that I’m right, but I can leave a recommendation. Undoubtedly the best remedy, which can be used to care for the dreadlocks themselves and the scalp - this is TAR SOAP. Some tar shampoos can also provide a beneficial effect, but, in my personal experience, it is very inferior to the effect of tar soap. It is not advisable to use regular shampoos, as they can cause dreadlocks to fluff up.

Staying in sea water fabulously transforms dreadlocks, I recently had the opportunity to try this on myself and I simply have no words - the effect is wonderful. But for many, going to the sea is not a frequent pleasure, so the only affordable way- buy SEA SALT and dissolve it in the bath, which will give a healing effect not only to dreadlocks, but to the whole body.

Don't neglect folk remedies. Honestly, I haven’t tried it, but people recommend it and it makes sense - any pharmacy has herbal teas, buy CHAMOMILE flowers and make a TECHNIQUE. This one is inexpensive and simple, they are packaged in bags and this should have a very beneficial effect on the skin.

As for how often you should wash your hair with dreadlocks - everything is simple - if it itches, scratch it, and if it doesn’t help, it’s time to wash)))

Recently, dreadlocks have come into fashion, or they are also called dreadlocks or locks. This type of casual hairstyle features unusual thin braids of tangled strands that create the effect of a lion's mane. In the lesson you will find all the necessary information, as well as detailed description how to make dreadlocks at home.

In ancient times, people believed that this type of hairstyle had religious significance. Jamaicans believed that a head decorated in this way would help save them in the event of the end of the world. They believed that the god Jah would lift them by these pigtails and pull them up.
Today everyone has their own opinion:

  • some of you liked them because they allow you to look beautiful and rarely take care of your hair;
  • for young people it is self-expression, style and outrageousness, the opportunity to stand out from the crowd;
  • Girls and older men consider dreadlocks a philosophy of life.

This hairstyle is a Nigerian hairstyle, but white rappers or reggae singers often wear it this way. The most prominent artist preaching the Rasta ideology and the bearer of a shock of dreadlocks was Bob Marley. In Russia, Decl was a popular tree bearer.

Bob Marley

Execution Features

Different techniques pursue one goal - random tangling (matling) of hair in strands.
  1. Dreadlocks are made using several techniques to create a tangled braid. What unites them all is the process of combing. After it, the strand can be rubbed with wool, wax or paraffin, and then the master makes the weave with his hands or crochet. They also resort to curling and combing with a brush.
  2. Felt, wool or Kanekalon are added to the strand to obtain volume. Even in case rare hair a pseudo hat of tangled braids is formed.
  3. For those with thin and brittle hair It is better to prefer a safe type of dreadlocks that is not capable of causing mechanical damage to your own hair.
  4. The cost of creating a hairstyle is quite high. How many? Depends on the number of braids. The fewer there are, the easier care for hairstyle and cheaper execution.
Attention! The minimum number of locks is 30 pieces.

Most popular types

You can braid hair in different ways. The lesson covers the most commonly used techniques.

Dangerous dreadlocks

These are felted braids from your own hair (natural). They are worn for more than a year if correction is performed in a timely manner. This variety is very difficult to unravel, but it is possible. It is more difficult to untangle such styling when it was done a long time ago. Then the braids need to be cut off with scissors, leaving the regrown roots. Subsequently, the hair has to grow out for a long time.
Loki is performed thick or thin, depending on the client’s wishes. First, the hair is divided into sections, the strands are combed, felted, then worked with a simple crochet hook measuring from 0.5 to 1 mm.

The smaller the tool, the tighter the weave.

At the end they are sometimes secured with wax. The photographs show the main stages of the process.

Attention! The technique is harmful to the hair, which is why it is called dangerous.

Braiding such braids can be painful, especially painful process unweaving. Before deciding on such a hairstyle, you need to think carefully.

Industrial dreadlocks

A type of natural braids, but with a braided frame made of thin wire or string. They are worn longer than the previous type, but sleeping on them is very uncomfortable. The girl in the picture clearly demonstrates that such dreadlocks look impressive.

Safe locks made from artificial materials

They are made by weaving artificial curls - kanekalons. They may have one or two ends. The double tip gives more volume to the hair. Externally, the hairstyle looks neater than in previous techniques. When weaving correctly, craftsmen get a magnificent effect. Colored material allows you to choose fashionable shades for locks, matching your hair.

Presented are blue and chestnut colors of strands that look very stylish.

Pink, gray and red are also in fashion. Kanekalon should be woven using simple sewing threads or floss.

They wear a hairstyle made from artificial hair for no more than three months, and then unbraid it. The advantage of this technique is that undoing these braids is quite simple.

All safe dreadlocks are divided into classic, D.E and S.E dreadlocks.

Classic options

They resemble natural ones, but Kanekalon is woven into the strands using braids. At the end they are camouflaged inside. These locks are worn for no more than two or three months, after which they are unraveled, otherwise they will roll down.

Classic De-dreadlocks with and without color transition

D.E (Double Ended)

They have a double end. Kanekalon is attached to the hair in a figure eight pattern.

Everyone chooses the color of the woven strands according to their own taste.

DE lightweight, very voluminous
De lightweight, with less extreme volume
DE, crocheted with knots

S.E (Single Ended)

Single end. Translation and the essence of this type.

CE dreadlocks, lightweight, woven into the back of the head

Jah dreadlocks

Performed by specialists in factories. They are very thin, smooth and colorful. This look is often complemented with braids, which decorate the hairstyle, as well as special braids (Senegalese).

Double dreadlocks (spiral)

Such locks begin to be woven from their own strands. Next, Kanekalon is woven into them step by step, connecting them in a spiral. You will get a drawing like the one in the attached photo. This female version, because colored locks appeal to the weaker sex.


Dreadlocks are made wavy, which looks interesting and original. The difficulty is that you will need a very experienced craftsman, as well as careful care.

Nepalese dreadlocks or felt dreadlocks

They are pulled over their own strands like covers. The disadvantage is that visually they look unnatural, but they are completely harmless and can be easily removed.

Reviews from an experienced master

Reviews from Daria Kuznetsova about DE, SE and JA dreadlocks, safety locks.

Hair length for dreadlocks

There is a false myth that short hair are not suitable for this hairstyle, and they must grow to a great length. It is enough to have a haircut of 8–10 cm. These will be short mini dreadlocks. A person with such a hairstyle looks like an African.

If you don’t like the option with a short length, lengthen the strands with decorative kanekalon, which is very easy to remove. Weaving is done quite simply with a damp cloth and an electric iron. More details in the video lesson.

Materials for dreadlocks

Safe locks can be made from materials such as:

  1. Felt.
  2. Artificial material.
  3. Strands from natural hair.

When choosing between felt and Kanekalon, remember the disadvantages and advantages that they have. Felt braids make it possible not to wear a scarf or hat in winter, but they are hot in summer. They have a wide variety of shades and do not create the effect of skin irritation, that is, they do not make your head itch.

Kanekalon braids look more natural and hold better on short strands.

Dreadlocks for women and men

Men and women love to weave dreadlocks. Braids are easy to care for and easy to style into a spectacular hairstyle. As for the ladies' options, they can be of any length, and go well even with shaved temples. Ladies tend to combine hair and makeup colors as in the photo.

For women, craftsmen perform original weaving, which is similar to natural felting.

For men, the length can also be any, but there is no makeup, so they don’t have to think about combining it with their hairstyle.

Weaving methods in salons

Experienced craftsmen make afro braids using a variety of techniques:

  • Using a regular hook or string.
  • Weaving by hand, without loops.
  • Backcombing of strands, which will lead to hair matting.
  • Rub with a woolen piece of cloth, without using shampoo.
  • Natural matting that you will get by neglecting the comb.
  • Perm using chemicals to create permanent dreadlocks.
  • Rolling up strands of African texture.
  • The action of tearing followed by twisting onto the wax.
  • Formation of dreadlocks using a soft brush.
  • Using rubber bands.
  • Weaving artificial kanekalons.
  • Forming locks using felt.
  • Twisting with thin wire.
  • Fastening with rubber bands and fixing with a special cream.

How to weave at home

But not only in beauty salons you can achieve this hairstyle. There are home methods for braiding dreadlocks, with which you can even do it yourself.

The easiest way

Do it yourself - let the dreadlocks form naturally. Such locks are called ROOTS. To do this, just stop washing your hair and combing. This process for European hair takes from 6 months to several years. To speed up the formation of such tangles, rinse your hair in salted water once a week, and then form locks with your hands, tearing the matted head into strands.

Promoe Swedish rap artist, group Looptroop

The disadvantages of this method include the significant damage that is caused to the hair at the moment of breaking. Therefore, you should not dream of a normal length after unbraiding. And also the shape of the strands will be terrifying, some of them will turn out to be flat and large, while others will be too narrow.

Backcomb and hook

Tight dreadlocks long lasting. Performed at a length of 8 cm.

Advantages of the technique:

The hairstyle looks like dreadlocks from the very beginning. Easily given the desired shape and size.


It will take a lot of time and a couple of experienced friends who are ready to help.

Video tutorial about backcombing with crochet

Wool method

  1. Using any woolen product (a piece of fabric, a mitten, a scarf, a sock or even a sweater), rub your head for 15–20 minutes until the hair begins to tangle.
  2. Tear this entire mass into separate strands with your hands.
  3. Rub each curl for another 15 minutes until a dense dreadlock is formed. If necessary, go through it again.
  4. Tuck any remaining loose hair into the nearest locks.
  5. Finally, seal the effect with wax if desired.
You can apply this method yourself - and this is a plus.

Minus – the aesthetics of the locks leaves much to be desired. Predicting the size of a dreadlock is quite difficult, and the look is not attractive, nor can you unravel it if you don’t like the result. Therefore, there is only one consequence - to shave it at the root.


Let's talk about the disadvantages right away. This method is only suitable for African hair.

It consists of dividing the hair into small equal sections, secured with elastic bands. Subsequently, the strands are twisted clockwise by hand.

They often resort to using a comb, which is used to knock down the hair at the ends (for the European type). This method is called false dreadlocks. Finally, each lock is treated with wax.

By the way, you can also put elastic bands on the ends and then wear them without taking them off for the first couple of weeks.

It is surprising that this method is considered durable, although it is forbidden to wash your hair for a whole month!

Video about the twisting method

Twisting and tearing

One of the methods that can be done independently, but causes obvious damage to the hair. In order to use it, you will need a special shampoo for the formation of dreadlocks.

First wash your hair with this shampoo, turning your hands clockwise (or counterclockwise). Dry naturally. And then tear this total mass into strands.

Start working on all the curls in turn, twisting between your palms, periodically treating with a special gel.

These manipulations with each dreadlock must be performed daily until the result is satisfactory.

Attaching artificial strands

The most gentle method, called the safest one. Shows how to do this step-by-step master class from KATO_Katosha.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • an ordinary hair straightener;
  • artificial kanekalon;
  • spray bottle for spraying water;
  • comb with a thin long tail;
  • soft elastic bands;
  • scissors, threads and clips of different sizes.

Video: How to braid safe dreadlocks


Dreadlocks take the desired shape from the first minutes of work. An easy method to follow even for beginners.

  1. It starts in the standard way - by dividing the head into sectors.
  2. Then each section is twisted into a rope and with a sharp movement is torn into two parts.
  3. The division into halves continues until the tip, which is pulled into a curl with a hook.
  4. Secure the result with wax.

Video: Weaving method

The lesson itself is about how to make and attach an artificial dreadlock, so it can also be watched by those who want to weave Kanekalon. However, in the first minutes the master uses the weaving method.

How to properly care

In order for a tangled hairstyle to be beautiful and last a long time, it requires some care.

  1. Locks are washed approximately once every 10 days, not more often. The first month it is better to do this even less often. Do not use balms and softening shampoos, they spoil the structure.
  2. To wash your hair, it is better to take tar soap or the same shampoo. The usual one will not work in this case, because it contains aggressive elements harmful to dreadlocks.
  3. There is an option for washing in salt water. To do this, dissolve two packs of salt in a bath of warm water.
  4. Dreadlocks love daily attention. To do this, you need to “twist” them with your fingers in different directions in the direction from the roots to the tips.
  5. It is advisable to make corrections once a month, picking up stray hairs and braiding the area at the roots.
  6. It is better to remove artificial locks every 2-3 months and replace them with new ones.
  7. Dreadlocks that begin to “grow together” need to be carefully separated with your hands from time to time.
  8. Afro braids look attractive and impressive for a long time when strands are periodically braided using the artificial material Kanekalon.

Video: D.E dreadlocks, how to care and wash

Hairstyles with dreadlocks are one of the most popular and unusual hairstyles among young people. Dreadlocks look similar to braids, which can have different shapes and colors. Dreadlocks differ in their execution technique - depending on the client’s wishes, they can be braided from natural hair or special artificial threads can be used. Men's dreadlocks are no different from women's; this hairstyle is ideal for everyone.

Types of dreadlocks

Dreadlocks can easily become an adornment of your appearance, harmoniously complementing the created image, if they are correctly selected and made using correct technique. A general hairdresser in a beauty salon will help you solve this issue and tell you which dreadlocks are suitable for your case.

  • Jah dreadlocks are the easiest way to weave dreadlocks that are safe for your hair. Ja dreadlocks are braids made from kanekalon, an artificial material that has a mass interesting colors. These braids are easy to weave in and out of your hair. You can wear this hairstyle for 2-3 months. Dreadlocks will not affect the condition of your hair.
  • De dreadlocks - these braids are made of Kanekalon, but they are woven into the hair by hand using a spiral technique. You can use colored material, which will allow you to weave 2-3 colors at once. Dreadlocks look very creative and original. Such dreadlocks can be woven much longer than a natural hairstyle and worn for two months.
  • Dangerous dreadlocks - such dreadlocks are woven only from natural hair. Dreadlock hairstyles can be braided by twisting, combing, rubbing or crochet. To braid dreadlocks from natural hair, you must have sufficiently voluminous and long hair, because only Kanekalon dreadlocks can be braided to any length, while natural dreadlocks will be three times shorter than the original length. Such dreadlock hairstyles are almost impossible to unravel. If you decide to do this, you will have to go through this hairstyle for several years.
  • Safe dreadlocks - the price of this hairstyle is slightly higher than the previous options. Safe dreadlocks are ideal for those who are not ready to braid natural hair and do not want to carefully care for their hair. These dreadlocks are made of felt, an artificial material, and are attached to the hair with clips or hooks. Felt dreadlocks are varied in shape, color, and thickness. True, it will be possible to wear such a hairstyle until natural hair grows a few centimeters, then artificial dreadlocks need to be corrected. The advantage is that they are very easy to put on and take off. Felt dreadlocks require virtually no maintenance.

Creating beautiful dreadlocks can only be done by professionals who can make a real work of art out of your hair.

Question: What are safe dreadlocks?
Answer: These are dreadlocks (made of artificial material - kanekalon or felt), which are attached to your hair (they do not braid your hair into dreadlocks, but braid them), and wear them for an average of 3-4 months, after which they are removed without much damage hair (unbraiding losses depend on hair type). Wearing safe dreadlocks for a long time (from 4 months or more) is fraught with consequences, because... Hair that is loose at the root without long-term care (combing) begins to tangle into a natural dreadlock and then the losses during unraveling will be greater.

Question: What is the minimum hair length to braid dreadlocks from your own hair and from Kanekalon?
Answer: The minimum length for braiding dreadlocks with extension with Kanekalon is from 8-10 cm. Kanekalon can also be attached to shorter hair, but it is worth considering the fact that the structure of Kanekalon differs from natural hair, and dreadlocks made from Kanekalon are much thicker. Subsequently (if you initially do not choose the right strand of Kanekalon), “your” dreadlock begins to grow very thinly. There are solution options (thicken with Kanekalon and further), but for those who braided dreadlocks with Kanekalon in order to subsequently grow long “own” dreadlocks, this option is not suitable. The simplest solution is to rub the root of the dreadlock on your head to make it fall off thicker.
The minimum length for braiding dreadlocks from your own hair is 10-13 cm. You can braid it to a shorter length, but there is a chance that the dreadlock will begin to unravel (if it is loosely secured). In addition to Kanekalon, you can use natural hair.

Question: What determines the number of dreadlocks?
Answer: The quantity depends on the desired thickness of the dreadlock (the thinner the dreadlock, the more pieces). The thickness of the dreadlock depends on the square taken when marking. But here, of course, it is worth taking into account the structure of the hair.

Question: How much shorter will dreadlocks be than unbraided hair?
Answer: It all depends on the master and his technique. For this master and her colleagues, on average, the length is shortened by 1 cm (without weaving in the ends), and by the length of the tip if it is woven inside the dreadlock.

Question: Should I wash my hair before braiding?
Answer: Definitely. 1 day before braiding, wash your hair with soap (baby soap, for example). The soap dries the hair very well, and it easily tangles into dreadlocks.

Question: How long after braiding can I wash my hair?
Answer: After braiding, it is better not to wash your hair for 3-4 weeks (the dreadlocks should still get a little confused and become denser). In the future, the less often the better. Frequent washing heads = fluffy dreadlocks.

Question: If you first braid dreadlocks with Kanekalon, can you get rid of it later?
Answer: Absolutely. But it is necessary to take into account the technician’s technique; it also happens that Kanekalon is not so easy to comb out of your hair. But nevertheless, the more complex it is, the better and stronger it will hold.

Question: What should I do if my head starts to smell, but 2-3 weeks have not passed?
Answer: To make it easier to wait out the time of “unwashing” dreadlocks, you can wipe the scalp with a cotton swab after soaking it in chamomile or Chlorhexidine.

Question: When should I braid dreadlocks for the first time and how often should I do it?
Answer: After the first wash, it would be a good idea to braid it, because dreadlocks are very fluffy, and undergo a checkup. To braid in the future - at will, approximately once every one and a half to two months, depending on the condition and your desire.

Question: Why do the ends come out?
Answer: Some harmful ends may come out, especially if they are not tucked in individual strands, but as a whole. After correction this will all be eliminated.

Question: Won't dreadlocks stink?
Answer: Dreadlocks absorb odor very well, but walking in the fresh air eliminates the odor. Possible odor washed hair(but it’s the skin that smells, not the dreadlocks themselves, it’s not fatal, just wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab).

Question: Can lice get in dreadlocks, and what to do if this happens?
Answer: Dreadlocks, like hair, can have uninvited guests. It is difficult to remove lice from dreadlocks, much more difficult than from hair. But don’t rush to cut it right away. The pharmacy sells anti-lice products - shampoos and sprays. Apply generously (more than on hair) and rinse very thoroughly. Treat clothing and bedding. How to protect your head from lice: on trains, while walking in the forest - be sure to cover your head with a scarf/bandana or hood. There is also a chance of getting lice on the subway. Avoid close contacts with people of no fixed abode (homeless people).

Question: What to do with the images. loops on dreadlocks and why does this happen?
Answer: Loops are nothing more than unbraided hair during braiding (under the pressure of matting, the unbraided hair comes out and a dreadlock is formed.
The loops are removed by weaving them inside. The alternative is to come to terms with them :)

Question: Is it possible to unbraid dreadlocks? How difficult is it and what are the consequences? Can I do this myself?
Answer: Yes. Approximately 30-50% hair loss. But this depends on many factors, such as the duration of wear, the type of hair and its condition (whether it was dyed, etc.), the original length, how often it was braided, who had it braided and how often you washed your hair.
After unbraiding, hair restoration is necessary with the help of medicinal masks, shampoos and vitamins. Detailed information how to unravel dreadlocks

Nowadays there are so many different hairstyles that everyone has the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. One of the most simple ways To achieve a similar effect - make dreadlocks. This is a pretty specific hairstyle that needs to be worn correctly. Only then will it add attractiveness and uniqueness to your image.

Men's dreadlocks - photo

Women's dreadlocks - photo

Is it worth getting dreadlocks?

Anyone looking to experiment with a hairstyle like this might be wondering if it's worth it? Like other hairstyles and looks, dreadlocks have their positive and negative sides.

Advantages of dreadlocks, pluses:

  • This is a creative way to stand out. Dreadlocks will truly make their owner extraordinary.
  • You need to wash dreadlocked hair much less frequently than regular hair. This reason attracts many people.
  • Dreadlocks do not need to be combed or styled - this hairstyle looks good even early in the morning.
  • If the master used Kanekalon blanks during weaving, they will be able to lengthen the hair.
  • Even as they grow out, dreadlocks will look stylish.

Disadvantages of dreadlocks, cons:

  • It takes a lot more effort to wash and dry dreadlocks.
  • Unpleasant sensations may occur in the first days after creating your hairstyle. This is due to strong tension, especially in the scalp area. Skin irritation and itching may occur.
  • Braiding dreadlocks is a significant test for your hair. The hair shafts and follicles are severely damaged, so after “removing” the dreadlocks, long-term rehabilitation of the curls will be required.
  • When using Kanekolon, hair can become very coarse, and this will prevent comfortable sleep and wearing a hat.
  • Taking care of your hair will not go away - dreadlocks will require no less careful care.
  • Many people perceive dreadlocks with disgust, so there will be those who will look at you not with admiration, but with hostility.
  • Woven kanekolon significantly weighs down the hair, which puts additional stress on the hair follicles. After this, hair may begin to fall out profusely.
  • Weaving high-quality dreadlocks costs a lot of money.

How to weave dreadlocks - video instructions

It is best to get dreadlocks done in a professional salon - only then will you be confident in the quality of the procedure. There are several ways to weave dreadlocks: combing, rubbing with wool, carefully braiding by hand, braiding with a hook or string, twisting, braiding with a brush and other methods. The essence of each such method is to tangle the curls as much as possible, turning each of them into a tangle. Only then does the master give the dreadlock the required shape from the resulting tangle by felting.

Types of dreadlocks

  1. Natural dreadlocks- dreadlocks woven from your own natural hair. If corrected, this hairstyle can be worn for more than a year. If desired, dreadlocks can be unbraided, but the longer the hairstyle is worn, the more difficult it will be to achieve this. Most often, the hair will simply have to be cut off. That’s why masters call such dreadlocks dangerous.
  2. Industrial dreadlocks are natural dreadlocks that have a special frame made of wire or thin wire. This hairstyle lasts a long time and has an unusual look. But walking and sleeping with iron in your head is at least uncomfortable.
  3. CE (single ended) or safe dreadlocks are woven from artificial hair and have one end. They look neater than dreadlocks made from their own hair, and they can also be as close to the natural color as possible. Often masters suggest combining several shades.
  4. DE (double ended) dreadlocks are safe dreadlocks with two ends, which are in many ways similar to previous dreadlocks. But due to the fact that this hairstyle has two ends, it is possible to achieve more volume of hair. Such dreadlocks are woven on hair with a length of 7 cm. You can wear this and the previous variety for up to three months.
  5. Jah dreadlocks are also considered safe dreadlocks, but unlike previous types, they are made in a factory, and not by the hands of a master. These are thin and smooth dreadlocks that can be of all colors of the rainbow.
  6. Permanent dreadlocks are dreadlocks curled in a special way. This hairstyle looks incredibly beautiful, but requires careful care.
  7. Men's dreadlocks short Craftsmen create using special hooks. This hairstyle can be worn for quite a long time, and then be cut off according to the degree of its regrowth.

Cost of dreadlocks

The price of dreadlocks now varies depending on the experience of the master, the specific type of dreadlocks and the condition/length of the client's hair. In the capital of Russia (Moscow), the procedure for weaving dreadlocks will cost you from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles (approximately the same in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other big cities). In Minsk, they will charge you from 200 to 300 thousand Belarusian rubles for weaving dreadlocks. The capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, offers similar services at a cost of 800 to 1000 hryvnia.

How to make dreadlocks at home?

If you really want to get stylish hairstyle- contact an experienced specialist in the salon. But you can still braid dreadlocks at home, using one of three possible methods.

Method one

In this case, dreadlocks are woven using backcombing, which requires a lot of thin elastic bands, a fine-toothed iron comb and hair wax.

  1. Hair is washed thoroughly.
  2. Then they are dried and divided into a large number of strands of the same size (there should be at least 40 of them). Each strand should be secured with an elastic band.
  3. Start forming the first dreadlock (you don’t have to remove the elastic band) - you should comb the strand from the root to the very ends. The backcomb should be the same along the entire length.
  4. When the strand is combed, it should be actively twisted, pinching it between the palms.
  5. Then you should apply wax on your palms, and then twist the strand again, fixing it.
  6. The same procedure is carried out with other strands.

Method two

  1. You need to wash your hair, and during the washing process, try to tangle the curls as much as possible, massaging them either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  2. When the hair is dry (no need to comb it), it should be divided into strands.
  3. Each strand is actively twisted between the palms.
  4. The procedure must be repeated the next day. This will be repeated until the dreadlocks are formed. Only then are they secured with wax.

Method three

You should braid very tight braids, walk around with them for a couple of days, and then twist them between your palms, securing them with wax. But short dreadlocks cannot be created this way.

How to remove dreadlocks?

The easiest way would be to cut them off. An experienced master can do this. In any situation, remember that you will have to lose a significant part of your hair.

If you decide to unravel your dreadlocks yourself, then try doing it using a crochet hook. You should pull out the hairs one by one. The hair must first be moistened and softened with a mask or oil so that the curls glide better. Fingers can also serve as a hook.

Dreadlock Care

  • How to wash dreadlocks? It is not recommended to wash your hair in the first month. Then one wash every 7-14 days will be enough.
  • Those hairs that have come out should be woven back into the dreadlocks using a hook.
  • Growing dreadlocks need to be formed both from the roots and from the ends.
  • Hair must be thoroughly cleaned of debris.

Let your dreadlocks make you happy!