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Which hand is it put on? When are rings changed to the other hand? Left or right

A marriage proposal is a very exciting moment for any man, and the question often arises: on which finger do they put the ring on when proposing to a girl? It would seem such a simple nuance, but, as it turns out, young people often do not know what and how to do at this moment. Let's figure out where this tradition comes from and how it is done today.

1000 and one opinion on which hand the engagement ring is worn on

Of course, there are two options - the ring finger of the left or right hand. But there are many opinions. Let's dispel the myths about which hand to wear the engagement ring on.

Myth 1. Married ladies put a ring on their right hand, and free ladies put a ring on their left hand.

In fact, you are free to wear your rings wherever you want. True, Russia has its own traditions, wedding ring from right to left hand suffered by widows or divorced women.

Myth 2. Photos of celebrities showing off their proposals show an engagement ring on their left hand. Who, if not they, knows exactly where to wear the rings.

A good argument if we are talking about domestic, our own stars. Compare a hundred pieces different photos celebrities, and you will understand - there is no monotony.

Myth 3. We read a beautiful legend on the Internet that the “artery of love” passes straight through the left hand to the heart, so the ring is put on the left hand.

Beautiful, but somewhere in Europe. Of course, if your beloved girl is Catholic, then definitely go to the left.

Dear men rehearsing beautiful confession in love and living in our country!
Remember, the ring is put on the finger of the right hand!

It so happened in Rus' that the right hand is from God. The right side is truth, grace, everything important is done through the right hand. They make the sign of the cross with their right hand. A ring on your right hand means that your marriage is under the protection of higher powers.

The left hand is from the evil one, the devil. According to Orthodox Christians, this can lead to the collapse of a marriage.

An engagement is not a wedding, but why is it so important for girls?

Everyone who is getting married will have to learn which hand the engagement ring is worn on, because this is important for your chosen one, and you yourself are unlikely to want to overshadow the engagement moment with a hesitation in this matter.

The word “engagement” used to mean that rumors (news) about the upcoming wedding had been started, so the guy and the girl could publicly show each other signs of attention. To put it nicely, a marriage proposal has been made. Simply - the girl agreed to marry a specific young man married

The results of a survey conducted on women's forums are interesting: the engagement with the presentation of the ring is valued higher among ladies than the wedding itself. Surprised?

The women's magazine invited readers to tell about an amazing and happy day in their lives. Men, think about it - 76% of the stories sent were about marriage proposals! This is happiness, but you don’t want to know which finger they put the ring on when they propose.

Why does the ring finger have no name?

Everyone knows where they wear a wedding ring - on ring finger right hand.

There is a belief that each finger on the hand symbolizes a specific person.

The middle one is you, in the middle of the family. The thumb, and it is strong, the main one is our parents. The index finger, poking into everything – our sisters and brothers. Little finger, small, inept - our children.

And who does the nameless person represent? Your soulmate, we don’t have a name in advance, we don’t know yet who we will accept into our family.

Remember: The ring finger for the ring is a symbol of a strong family.

Do you have any doubts? Place your palms together and press your fingertips together. Which of them cannot be separated from each other? Nameless ones, of course! May you have the same indivisible union!

Wedding and engagement rings- one of the most important symbols in a person’s life. Both of them mark the beginning of a new stage in the relationship between lovers. An engagement ring indicates the seriousness of intentions, and a wedding ring confirms these intentions and makes them come true.

Getting engaged means you can now officially be called the bride and groom. You have taken the first and main step towards marriage. As proof of love future husband gives his beloved one engagement ring. Which finger should I wear it on?

The groom puts the ring on the ring finger of the bride's right hand on the day of the engagement. This ring is considered a symbol of eternal love, the way it originated in hearts and was at the very beginning of a relationship: ardent, hot and passionate. The bride wears this jewelry until the wedding day or registration at the registry office.

An engagement ring is usually put away in a box and not worn, and sometimes it is simply worn as a decoration on any finger, but this is after the wedding.

The place where the wedding ring is worn largely depends on the circumstances and religion. Generally in Russian Federation husband and wife wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand, that is, in the same place as the engagement ring.

Sometimes brides do not want to part with their engagement ring and wear it along with their wedding ring, that is, two rings on one finger. But in this case, you should make sure in advance that the rings fit well with each other, are made of the same metal, or, if they are gold, of the same color of gold. Rings that are similar in style will harmonize well on one finger.

In Russia, a wedding ring can also be worn on the left hand, but only widows and widowers do this. Divorced people, of course, don't wear wedding rings at all. Many European countries profess Catholicism, with their own rituals, traditions and patterns. It so happened that Catholics wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand, and Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on the same finger of their right hand.

Traditions of wearing wedding rings among different peoples of the world

The ring finger of the right hand seems to us the most suitable place for wedding and engagement rings. But we are simply accustomed to this, while for many other nations things are completely different. European women wear an engagement ring on their left hand, believing that she is closer to the heart. On the day of the marriage ceremony, it “moves” to the right hand, and after the wedding, both rings are often worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

Jewish ladies generally ignore the importance of the ring finger, preferring the index finger to it, and gypsies do not want to wear jewelry on their hands at all, but hang it on a chain and put it on their neck.

Oddly enough, Catholics very often violate their own traditions of wearing wedding rings. For example, in Austria, Spain and Norway, where the majority of residents are Catholics, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand no matter what.

The custom of wearing a wedding ring is one of the most ancient. There is no clear answer to the question of which hand you should wear your wedding ring on. To a large extent, everything depends on religious beliefs, traditions and the desires of the young people themselves. Since ancient times, this decoration has been considered a symbol of the happiness and well-being of the young, an attribute of fidelity and family hearth. What determines the hand for the wedding ring is adherence to a particular denomination.

In Russia, of all faiths, Orthodoxy predominates. It is customary for Orthodox Christians to wear a wedding ring on their right hand. Since ancient times, the right hand has been considered more powerful, stronger, representing “truth,” and people rely on it. They make the sign of the cross with their right hand.

Wedding rings are a necessary attribute of a church wedding. Since ancient times, betrothal and wedding rites have been completely different sacraments. The newlyweds purchased special rings for these ceremonies. As a rule, the metal used to make such rings was different: the bride had to make a silver wedding ring, the groom had to make a gold one. Today, the boundaries between rituals are blurred, and newlyweds buy one pair of rings for wedding and registration. They can be made of various metals and have different designs.

It is believed that the ring as a symbol of fidelity should be smooth, without reliefs and precious stones. There is an old proverb: “no matter how smooth the ring is, the life of the young will be just as smooth.” Today this proverb is no longer so relevant and many consider it a superstition. Newlyweds engrave their rings and use inclusions precious metals. The main thing is that you like the ring and that it is pleasant to wear.

However, the answer to the question about which hand a wedding ring is placed on in Russia is not limited to the above. It is customary for widows and widowers to change the wedding ring to the other hand or to put two rings together on the right hand. But there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that widowers and widows refuse to wear a ring at all.

The situation with the wedding ring is different for Catholics. There, the left side is considered closer to the heart, closer to feelings. Therefore, the wedding ring in Catholic countries is worn on the left hand. The connection of the left side with the heart is decisive when choosing the hand on which to wear the symbol of fidelity among Catholics. They also believe in the protective function of the ring as a family amulet, passed down from generation to generation.

There are branches of religions that do not recognize wedding rings, considering it a fetish. These include, for example, Baptists.

In addition to religious affiliation, the choice of hand for wearing a ring can also be territorial affiliation. For example, wearing a ring on the right or left hand depends on the territory of residence of some peoples.

Muslims do not attach as much importance to rings as other faiths. But wearing rings is not forbidden. Gold is worn mainly by women. Men wear more jewelry made of silver and copper.

Armenians, for example, in most cases professing the Christian faith, also wear rings. But to wear the symbol of fidelity, they choose the left hand, since they inherited this tradition from Egypt. In addition, they cross themselves from left to right, which can also be the reason for wearing a ring on the left hand.

There are other, rarer options for wearing wedding rings. For example, Jewish women wear rings on their index fingers, while Gypsies wear them on a chain around their necks. In any case, no matter how you wear your wedding ring, the main thing is what you put into this tradition. The main thing in this custom is to preserve the well-being of the family and home, and what finger and hand to put the wedding ring on is no longer so important.

IN different countries There are traditions for wedding jewelry. They originate in ancient times. Jewelry in the form of a ring carries a deep, hidden meaning - a symbol of eternal love will preserve the relationship for a long time.

How to wear wedding jewelry

In Russia, spouses wear wedding rings on their right hand. Orthodox people rarely think about why this happened. We have such a built mentality that it is the right side that is associated with something reliable and unchanging. The Slavs made the sign of the cross with their right hand.

IN Catholic tradition the decoration is worn on the left hand. This is how it is in Western European countries. Wearing a ring on the left hand dates back to the times of the Roman Empire. In addition, Catholics baptize on the left side in accordance with papal decree.

Muslims also agree with Catholics that the symbol of marital fidelity must be worn on the left hand. But such rings are worn exclusively by women, because it is considered bad luck for men to purchase or receive gold jewelry as a gift. Another thing is common among gypsies: they hang the symbol of eternal fidelity on a gold chain instead of a pendant.

What are wedding jewelry made from?

Rings are usually made of gold. Previously, noble metals were considered a sign of material well-being. It all depended on what metal was used to create the wedding decoration.

The future husband presented the ring as a gift to the bride's parents and thereby proved that he was rich and had the means to provide for his wife. So the groom wanted to win the favor of relatives who might not give their consent to the wedding.

Iron and copper wedding rings were chosen by poor people. However, this does not mean that the decoration lost its purpose. On the contrary, it continued to be a symbol of infinity. It was not for nothing that the newlyweds took a vow of unbreakable and pure love.

Why is the ring worn on the ring finger?

After archaeological excavations, scientists discovered that the first wedding rings appeared in Ancient Egypt. In the land of the sun, many experiments were carried out to study the structure of the human body. Egyptian healers found out that there is a special nerve running from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Europeans took advantage of ancient knowledge and chose this particular method of wearing.

The ring represented the marital union. There is a belief that jewelry on the ring finger cures any ailments and gives spiritual strength and fortitude. If a person put a ring on forefinger, which means he is still looking for his soulmate.

In fact, it doesn’t really matter which hand you wear the treasured jewelry on. It is much more important that the home always remains the center of harmony and well-being. In order for a friendly atmosphere to always reign in the house, and for the spouses to live happily ever after, it is necessary to observe the tradition of wearing a wedding ring. Try not to lose the treasured decoration and do not forget to press the buttons and

30.07.2015 09:30

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The wedding ring has been the most important attribute of marriage since ancient times. It is not necessary to have a lavish wedding, buy an expensive dress and a veil, but at the moment when lovers exchange rings, they perform the most sacred ritual. Why and where did this tradition come from and on which hand is the wedding ring worn?

In ancient times, this item was considered a talisman; initially it was made from hemp fibers and reeds, and a little later they began to make it from metal as a guarantee of the inviolability of family ties. Wedding rings are a symbol of purity and chastity also because they are traditionally made of a noble metal: gold. On which hand do spouses wear a wedding ring in Russia and does it depend on religion?

Time does not stand still, the world around us and the objects around us change. The changes also affected wedding rings. These are no longer simple gold stripes. The design of modern marriage symbols is improving, becoming more diverse and interesting. Today they can tell a lot about their owner and his social status. But lovers are still concerned about the question: on which hand they put the wedding ring.

In ancient times, the decision on how to wear this jewelry was made by the ruler. In some countries they used to ring them thumb. As a result, each country has formed its own tradition.


Where the population professes Christianity, the ring finger is decorated with a wedding ring. According to church canons, this item should be worn on the right hand, regardless of gender. The right hand in Orthodoxy has at all times been associated with sincerity and honesty; it is with this hand that we eat food, sign important papers, and greet each other when we meet. Christians also cross from right to left. This is how significant rings are worn in Russia and Belarus, Greece and Ukraine.


There is no tradition in Islam of exchanging rings during marriage. This ritual was adopted from Europeans. Religion does not allow men to wear gold at all; they are allowed to wear silver and copper jewelry, including those made of base metals and alloys. And women put a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand, just like the Orthodox.

Newlyweds can exchange rings, but only as wedding gift. Couples who strictly adhere to Sharia law choose silver products ad hoc. Muslims wear a wedding ring mainly as decoration.


It is also customary for Catholics to indicate their marital status with a visual attribute. They suggest that this is a legacy of the ancient Egyptians, who discovered the vein of love running from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart. And wearing a wedding ring on this finger forever connected the hearts of a couple in love through this vein. This myth has not been scientifically confirmed, but people continue to believe in it.

The right hand of Catholicism, like that of the Orthodox, is the right hand, only Catholics apply the cross from left to right. And this also partly explains wearing the ring on the left hand.

Where to wear a wedding ring

In European countries, the attribute of marriage is worn on the left hand, although women in these countries prefer to wear it on the index finger rather than the ring finger. In addition, not all Catholics prefer the left hand. Spaniards, Norwegians and Austrians wear this item on the right.

In Russia, according to established Russian traditions, the ring finger of the right hand is ringed.

On which hand do you wear an engagement ring?

In our country there are no special rules in this regard. It can be worn on any hand. Girls wear this accessory before the wedding on the same finger as the engagement finger, until the latter replaces it. It is customary not to remove the ring from engagement until marriage and take care of it.

In the West after wedding ceremony it becomes a family heirloom, carefully stored and passed on from parents to children.

Married women

On which hand do women wear their wedding ring? It depends on the traditions of the country where the lovers live and on their religion.

A gold ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand does not necessarily indicate marriage. For Orthodox Christians this means widowhood. IN modern Russia A divorced woman can be identified by the ring on her left hand. Some wear it as a pendant on a chain.

On which hand do married people wear a ring? Most often this is the ring finger. And this is not only because he is the personification of love, but also from a practical point of view it is completely justified. It is less involved in work than other fingers and decoration on it will not interfere with the owner.

Married men

Sometimes it can be difficult to get a man to wear Jewelry. The wedding ring is more likely to be an exception, but they allow themselves to take it off at least occasionally. Rather, this happens due to inconvenience, and not from a desire to hide the status of a married person.

The little finger was used by ardent opponents of marriage to wear a ring. Those who considered themselves not ready for a serious relationship chose the middle finger. The lovers wore a ring on their ring finger until it was replaced by a wedding ring. It depends only on local traditions on which hand men will put the ring on.


Sometimes it happens that for one reason or another, spouses separate. Should I continue to wear my wedding ring after a divorce? After all, the symbol of fidelity has lost its value. In the case when you decide to cross out the past and start living again, it’s not worth it. And if you don’t want to part with the memories of happy days lived together, wear it. Most often, divorced people wear rings on the opposite hand.

Widows and widowers

The loss of a loved one, regardless of age, is always an irreparable loss. It's not easy to survive this. The role of the wedding ring in this tragic situation is twofold. On the one hand, it helps to cope with loss, and on the other, it is a source of memories that invariably cause pain. Widowed spouses place the ring on the opposite hand.

On which finger do widows' rings wear? Women who do not want to part with memories associated with a loved one wear both rings on the opposite hand at the same time: their own and their spouse’s. If the spouse's ring is too large in size, it is worn on a chain or on the thumb.